■ .j, 4/3.. The Gaffney ledger. A NEWtPAPBIt IN ALL THAT THB WORD IMPLIKfc AND DBVOTKD TO THE BEBT INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED FEB. 16. 1W4. GAFFNEY, 8- C., TUESDAY, JUNE 30. 1908. 91.50 A YEAR. .SOME GOOD ADVICE TO OCR YOUNG MEN COL. STRAIN GIVES THE BOYS A GOOD LECTURE. Marrfages by Young People often Prove a Failure, and is a Subject For Muchc Consideration. WSlkinsvIIle, Juue to make you think she is extra smart in business affairs you had better let her alone if you value the happiness of your future life. She won t do. When she peeps out and sees you coming and then takes a running-go, grabs her best dress and puts It on while she In on the run, it’s a prettey good sign she wants to appear to be some thing she Is not. If she don’t go as neat and tidy all the time as her means will admit of and the work she is engaged in will justify, then SHORT NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. SPARTANBURG VS. GAFFNEY. CHEROKEE FALLS. It the election, “I had nobody else to vote for.” There are other men we could name suitable for this or any other position but we will say no more now and hope to hear from others along this line. It's not the man who can control of base ball Thursday afternoon. Er- visite d by a heavy rain last night, the men so much as the one who can deal EVENTS IN GAFFNEY AND CHER-1 rorg , jy the i oca i s a t a critical time | heaviest thi s season, i notice in the Took Ten Innings to Decide the An interesting News Letter e Game. New Correspondent Gaffney and Spartanburg met in what promised to he a fine exhibition Cherokee Falls, June 23.—We were with measures, that we need in office OKEE. —the first is all right but the latter is absolutely indispensable. Politi cians are not always statesmen. It’s Recent Happenings In and Around very seldom the two are combined In the c , ty> and other Event8 Qath . the same person—the first works for self anj selfish purposes while the ered by th# Local Nsw* Editor. allowed Spartanburg to overcome the lead they had already acquired and It took an extra inning to decide the contest. These errors were caused by the fact that it was the fifth conse- bottom corn that it is washed consid erably. it also too^ the bridge and foot-log from across the creek. Guest the farmers will get rest awhile. Mr. Andy Leagon had the misfor cutive game for the local boys and fane of getting his hand torn up thib they were almost played out. The e vening while working around some you may know sae is a fraud—a pre-! latter looks to and works for the gen- Wash Lipscomb, colored, brought feature of the game was the sensa- machinery in the mill. We hope he tender. Work is no disgrace—it’s an ! eral good. The Ledger yesterday a cotton bloom tional pitching of Hopper who pitched "soon be able to resume his work, honor to any one, either rich or poor.; Wh'*n a man comes out for office which is the first one from his sec- the first three innings. He was fore- ^ Irs - E - Hampton spent last week Don’t always let her know when you we hear people say he is (or is not) tion. Wash farms on lands of R. E. ed to leave the box in the fourth on in Blacksburg with her mother, M^rs. are coming—go at odd and unexpect- a good electioneerer (as the case may Linder. account of an injury to his arm. Out Hardin. ed times and like Capt. John W.; be) and that with them decides his a guard from the State pentiten- of the first ten men to face him he Mr. M. L. Plonk visited relatives Mitchell did—go in at the back door i success or failure. This should never Gary cahie up Sunday and carried the struck out eight. His arm began to here Saturday night and Sunday, or into the kitchen where she is at he the case but it often is so. Thieves MeJuukin woman to Columbia yester- hurt him in the fourth and he was re- Mr. Carl Whitesides visited his work. He did that when he was and robbers don't dread barking dogs day. She was sentenced to two years liowd by Snead. Hopper will be all ) ,aren ts near Smyrna Saturday night courting, he says, and he always found like they do biting ones. in the pentitentiary for grand larceny, right in a few days and then Gaffney an d Sunday. “Aunt Jamima” dressed neat and The sad occurrence at Sanday clean and often with her sleeves roll- Springs church (Greenville county) Hydrick was engaged l hurs- <*d Up to her elbows and her hands last Sabbath In which Mr. and Mrs. ,i! 'y att< rnoon and Friday in hearing iu the dough or throwing the cook Wilton Leuduinon. a young married " ’ niorn,ng lor ,n '‘ purpoSP about as poor an opinion of a girl who while attending a Sabbath school con- tak5n S U P i ,lr >' casf,s in ,h ‘‘ court is ashamed to be found at work as vention, calls to mind an Incident n< ' ,imion plpas - we have of a man who won’t work— almost identically the same, in which jr Turner has purchased to us - But back to the game, things best. The parents have our no use for either. two “rustic lovers”—John Hewet and through Z. A. Robinson the A. A. Sar- feature was a piece of high- sym Pathy in their jour of distress. Then, boys, having used your best ^arah Drew were killed by lightning home place on Limestone street. ua >’ robbery That took place during Mr. Nealy Hardin and brother judgment to find out about the work- ’L 1718. This is a most valuable piece of t ' , “ game. Johnson, left fielder for n* last Sunday with Mr. W. T. In- ing qualities of the girls of your ,n n ' F cp'tcph Pope says of them: property. Mr. Turner purposes to ! -Spartans, was the thief and the ~ alJ ‘ lt; ihis place, neighborhood, next find out some- - Think not by rigorous judgment make some modern improvements at lo!, hery took place between left and fans will have the pleasure of seeing Miss Oracle Hardin, of Blacksburg, him again do some fancy box stunts. is spending a few days with her sU* Wood and Hopper constitute as strong teri M rs - E. Hampton, at this place, a pitching staff as can be found in Odell Beaty, the little daugher of this . ection. On right hander and Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Beaty was taken '>ne j inth-paw and both artists on the awa y from this world last Tuesday slab, will make the best of them go "tebt by the One who knows all us. Mi«s Lillie Plonk and cousin. Jettie center fields at the Gaffney ball park. p,()n l'’ both of Kings Mountain, are Bobbin.' M., wag the victim of this v ' s iting Mr. and Mrs. J. C- Plonk. The Blacksburg baseball team came daring piece of work. The clrcum- Rov - B. Hoke will start his protract- to Gaffney yesterday afternoon with stances; Robbins M.. drove one far H( 1 ’ llee ^i n g at this place Sunday night, the determination to win the deciding into rite out field fhar looked sure for We hope to se e one and all who are game, each of tlu* teams having won three bags and maybe more, but. that ILmg in reach of this church take three games. After playing one inning was reckoning without Johnson who an interest in this meeting. Let ua the game was called on account of made a beautiful one-hand stab of the have • 1 meeting to be remembered by rain. s o the contest is still undecided, drive, saving the game for the time a11 - Parents, don’t say “children, you being for his team mates. Gaffney mi2: ht to gc to church tonight,’’ but fo r many mile around it. Its dominant; section. The land near Blacksburg Cherokee county ’ adjourned Friday secure ■« r. a rr nav ln t h e tenth Little start- ls alwa ys doing a kind deed for some on this side Wednesday delivering not ver y many more goes to Antioch ,nost tractive young ladies. The by Gaffney, can holders. Most of the housewives iSunda, school than there are in l’"'™ 1 ’"- couple have the heat ed the inning with a clean slnsle have nought an ootat tor putting up Us clnas. He goes to Sunday school °f “ores of Gaffney people. ‘ -*“' T1 fruit—i e for holding the jar and put- Cherokee Avenue Baptist Gaffney is ajive with anticipa ting the top on it while it is hot. It’s 1 church at Gaffney. That speaks well ^on on account of the meeting of the a good trick for Mrs. J. L S. bought Cherokee Avenue church, as Association on Monday. Mr. one and now she will have no more te ere are about sixty regular scholars, DeCamp, of The Ledger, has left his When he attempted a steal Lynch There was a boy arrested here to- threw over Floyd’s head at second and da J’ by Magistrate Plaxico, for buy- the game wa s ours, 7 to 6. , ^g goods under false pretense and taken to Gaffney for trial. This boy PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS- is between nineteen and twenty-one— — ! just in the bloom of youth. As I burnt band fron. doing that bind of “ , 1)e , “ Bcho1 ; i olBce and ia devoting bin whole time, c p SaIiae!1i ^ of t]le Spartan . looked at this boy be had a aad .mil. work. We expect Miss Janie Bell, of bave two tbree hundred in their Blackstock, to visit us in next month 1 Sunday schooL and spend a few days days In Chero- Mr. E. B. McSwain went to Gaffney kee county with her relatives and; Monday. He and Rev. G. P. Hamrick friends. ! to ok dinner with his daughter, Mrs. By the time this appears In print ^ Hardin. Rev. Mr. Hamrick ars in his class, i know they must to the pr eii m i n arie B incident to tt»e reception of the guests. We sincerely burg bar, was in the city yesterday, i " 1)on his face which brought tears to , . ,, ^ ^ Major John F. Jones, of Blacksburg,' In y eyes - Boy8 > have you a mother? hope that every pencil pusher In the wag a vialtor ^ ^ dt7 yeaterday< | If so, are you going to be disgraced State will attend the meeting. R c Ib ^ the city! be, °re her eyes and sent to the coun- cn>io Duncan was given a prelimi- j visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. L.! ty chain-gang to pay fo r your miscon- nary examination yesterday by U. S. i ^ 80n ‘ | duc t? Some who read this probably the State Press Association will have cauie home with Mr. McSwain and Commissioner J. B. Bell. Sipio waa : Mrs. Gus Folger, of Easley, i» in the i ^7 ln this world, but one Is met in Gaffney (or at Limestone) and spent Monday night. He returned to' charged with selling whisl.ey, and the I cR y visiting relatives and friends. j wa Dg tnT tbelr coning in a better be enjoying themselves to the "reat 0a ff n ey iu the afternoon where he testimony of the witnesses convinced Dr> Green, of Sp&tanburg, was in v ' (,rd - Please do not deceive her. Pleasure of their entertainers Gen-' conducted the funeral of Mrs. Roxey ‘ the commissioner that Cipio had been the ^7 yesterday. Whooping cough is all the gr at tlemen^f^e pres^yoi^wiH^^nd t^e ^acy on Tuesday. ! violating the law, consequently the f W. T. Magness wa* in the city yes-, people of Gaffney (as a general rule) Miss lone Padgett, from near Spar-, defendant was committed to Jail in te ^ r ay ; , I.. ‘ ®®., Cobb Qas been rlght 8lcfc second to none on earth in their kind- ta nburg, visited her friends, Misses default of a two hundred dollar bond., w - Wofford, of Spartanburg, call-, u 18 bette, \ nesses an,] hosnitalitv toward strang- Ella Hardin, Beatrice and Berdie _. . , A ; ed- on The Ledger last Friday. Mr. J. L. S., yo4i r advice to the , rp P J * Hogue, near Antioch, last week. , Th ° SU ? mer SCno ° 1 opened yesteiv p - S- Webber, of the Wilkinsville girls ln ^day’s paper in simply fine. , . , . Mr. J. l. Roberts spent a while this d not only that but use gressive spirit of our people) don,t ! ,i. is tlllJe y 7 da nce for the first day. Miss Nance, the city yesterday. ! a little 0 f it. What would we do with- t . . Spurgeon an d Beecher McSwain ° n0 ° f the mo3t noted tea chers in the Mrs. a. W. Carson and Miss Lena out your interesting letters? r time has ^ Mr Landrum Zlmmerman ^ country i s here, and the teachers of Hoyt, of Durham, N. G, are visiting "Sunshine,” come oftener, your let- DK60 COQDlV. t!hprnUPP Pniifltv nrp fnrtunnto • • .. tmr... M Inspire you to do better work in the future, or feel that your time has been well spent iu Cherokee county, then we advise you to hunt up a phy sician and go to taking medicine at onqe. If you have any symptoms of “blues” we advise you to call on Ed. DeCamp, Jim Bell, Junius Parrott or T. Davenport and if they can’t care It has already been said of the heathfulness of Cherokee county that ^ ^ ^ _ , j. , . we have to kill somebody in order to Wfcnt to Gaffney Mo uday ^on business. | ^ r ^ edly ^ e “ be ^ start a cemetery. We are not in the candldate-mak boys have all gone to the mountains Chprokee count y are in deed fortunate thf family of Mrs. carson’s brother, i tp rs are very interesting, today to gather huckleberries. “ havin S tbe opportunity to profit by Mr. W- H. Wllkerson. Y °ur correspondent had the pleafr “School Boy,” I, for one correspon- her instr uctlons. J Miss Lucy Wood has returned to ure of attending the marriage of Mr. dent, would be glad to attend Chil- H. K. Osborne, Esq., of the law firm tbe cHz afte r a ten day’s sojourn at Pieoe McWTiiter to Miss Made Bolin drens’ Day at your church, but can, °f Butler & Osborne, has formed a tbe tele of Palms. . j 0D 17th Inst. It took place at Mr. J. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Sams are visit- p Bolin s,’ the bride’s fathers. not. Hope you all will have a nice - partnership with Stanyarne Wilson, time that will long be remembered. ; Esq., of Spartanburg and will remove Esq. Whisonant, Messrs. F. H. Dov-' to Spartanburg at an early day. Mr. er, J. R. Dickson and R. M. Roark; Osborne is a good lawyer, and Is de- Country Lover. Gowdeysville Dote. mg business or trying to run the Gow dey8ville. June 23.-^The farm- county to suit ourself to the exclusion er8 of 0UT dectlon are rery well up of the rights of others, but we would wlth thelr but „ , t hag been i.ke to see a full “line up” of good rainlng( tj, w , u get WO}lgh of Gen . men for the general offices to be filled J eral 0reen flow< this year, and in this connection we ^ Jeg8je of would say that we don’t think the : hag been spendlll a few day- ^ county could find a better qualified relatives an d friend, here and wae a man in it for the legihlature than Mr. Sunday lut gtmday , Newton G. Littlejohn, ot Asburj. Le- E. F. Kelley, of Jonesville, wae in of the Qaffney bar, and the membere ■ tbe cit y yesterday on business, thereof sincerely regret that he has I Gapt. McK. Albergottl, of Blacks- The in g in the city. brlde w as dressed in white silk which Clyde Cooksey, who s very popular i was very beautiful and she held a in Gaffney, was in the city Sunday. bouquet of ferns. Miss Annie Bolin, the bride’s sister, received the guests. A large crowd witnessed the mar riage. Those present from here we'*: decided to leave Gaffney. Will Sarratt was convicted of mur- burg, and his father, Mr. P. C. Alber-! Messrs. W^m. Smith, p. S. Fayssoux, gotti, of Orangeburg, paid The Ledger and appreciated visit Saturday. gislative honor, (we are sorry to say) of late years are not eagerly sought after by those most competent to per form these duties. Mr. Littlejohn is one of the best posted men in the 1 county and while he has no desire to • become a candidate for such an offloe, he would make a representative of whom the county miglit be proud. We don’t srUh to make the impree- skm that we have any objection to either of the gentlemen now offering tor the legislature In this county hat we ere tired of bearing men say after Our Sunday school is preparing for Childrens’ Day which is expected lo be one of the best we have ever had. Mrs. T. B. Owens Is training the chil- * na d to ten year., The McFadden> * oa , tonlai r. ,te C:ll ry ^L ,U '.. b ! ^ Gaffney, the sue.L „ f Mr, j. C. Jefferies, on Grenard street. Looking Forward. (Hartsviile Messeger.) This from the Gaffney Ledger: "Ladiee and gentiemeo qt the Press Association, the pleasure will he ours.** Mr. DeCamp, don’t mention it. Wte are looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to meeting with yon. remembered that Wash Smith and Will Sarratt were cessing Buffalo creek on the trestle when Smith in some manner went through the tres tle and wa, drowned. The evidence against Sarratt was wholly circumstan tial, but he failed to eatisy the tial, but Smitfc failed to satisfy the This afternoon at 4:80 o’clock at the new park the strong Spartanburg team will play the home team. These teams are pretty evenly matched, having played two games, one going to Spartanburg and the other to Gaff- Clerh of Court T. R. Trimmer, of Spartanburg, was in the city yester day attending court. Deputy Marshall H. F. Floyd was in tbe city yesterday. Allen Hightower returned Sunday from a trip to Charlottee, N. C. Martin-Wylie. Mr. l H. Martin and Miss Bula May Wylie were united in marriage by Rev. G. p. Harick at the home of the bride on Sunday, June S8th. A ney. The last gamg being ten innings. | large number of friendk of the con- Spartanburg cornea for two games to- trading parties were present st the day and tomorrow. The fans should turn out in full force as these games will doubtless be the best of the sea son. T. L. Neal, W. D. McWhirter, J. D. Bo lin and Misses Genevia Neal, Annie Fayskoux, Mae McWhirter and Watola Roberts. After tb ■ marriage the bride and groom returned to tns groom’s home where they received many beautiful presents and soon found themselves seated around a ta* Me of everything that was nice and good. They are now preparing to go housekeeping. We wish them mssy long years of happiness. For fear I have gone to fsr al ready and to escape the dreadful waste basket, I will ring off, with many good wishes to The Ledger and its readers. Pansy. ceremony. These young people are ▼•(7 popular In their nelghhartM and have 4be best wishes of s large circle ef Mends. Exceedingly Kind, Old Man. (Edgefield Advertiser.) The newspaper men who know Editor DeCamp, the host of the Press Association next week, will go to Gaff ney or break a trace.