The Gaffney A NEWSPAPER IN ALL THAT THE WORD IMPLIZE, AND DEVOTED to THE BEECT INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OP CHEROKEE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED FEB. 16, 1894. GAFFNEY, S. C., FRIDAY. JUNE 12. 1908. $1.50 A YEAR. GAFFNEY A GOOD PRODUCE MARKET. NOT ONLY A MARKET FOR COT TON BUT ALL FAR PRODUCE. N c Farm^. Needs to Keep His Pro duce at pl<- imagine. It gives employment to a great many hands. A rumor is circulated that a first class mechanic is to put up a shop at Wilkinsville. Such an undertaking would no doubt prove successful. Most mecTiftnlcs, like all other pro fessions, have gone to the towns where they are crowding each other, I somewhat. | We hope the time is not far distant, when we will have a railway to con* | nect this section with our capital city THE PRIDMORE- TUfiNER-NUPTILS DROWNING AT MULDROW'S MILL. -/ of PRETTY HOME WED|j|NG HOME OF -MR- J. H. Tiirt NER. chaser. Two of Gaffney* Most Popular Young People United in Marriage On Wed nesday Evening. One of the prettiest home weddings rtiat ever took plafe in Gaffney was solemnized at the residence of Mr. Gaffney Young Lady Play* Part Her 0 in Sad Accident. Florence. June 8.—The accident at Muldrow's mill yesterday afternoon, i in which Miss Kate Knoblock was AT j drowned, has cast a gloom over the whole city. The accident occurred about 5:30 or C o’clock, and the news was at once brought to the city. The body was brought to the city about 9 o'clock last night and prepared for j burial. The body will be taken to Macon. Ga.. this evening, the home of tlie deceased. Miss Knoblock is sur- I vived by one sister in Anderson. S. IC.. one sister in Hattiesburg, Miss., and one brother who is in the United States navy. An inquest was held this morning BMLLUNT WEBOING 1ST BiPTIST CHURCH MISS FORTE AND MR. SULLIVAN PLIGHT THEIR TROTH. Home for want 0 f a Pur- ari( j the outside world, generally. An electric line would meet the needs of . the country if the other isn’t built. Wilkinsville, June 9.—The episode Mr. Sam Strain went over on the ’ (if we might call it that; which took York side last Saturday and got some place in our correspondence to The hogs. ledger, created a far more wide-1 The colored people had their Child- an( ] ^ rS< j_ h. Turner, on Johnson spread notoriety than we could pos- ren s Day at Walker’s church the fifth street Wednesday v ve m n g at 8:30 sibly have affected. We don't know Sabbath in May. There was an im- ; 0 . c i 0ck w h en Mr. Arthur C. Pridmore , jlir ;„ f0n [ ld a ver ] rtlcf that th ® how to express our thankfulness to i mense crowd present—perhaps 1,000 iind Miss Marie Turner were united our friends for the universal sym- ; or 1,500. and they had good order, so ; n wedlock. The cereuiony was pro- path* shown in what seemed to be we are told. We believe our commu- j nounced by Dr. A. M. Simms, of the ^ the most calamitous mishap that could nity of colored people, (as a whole) | pjrgt Baptist church. The remarks possibly befall us. It is too serious are made up of the best element of of p) r . Simms just before the cere- • for a joke. All classes and conditions the race. Frugal and industrious , ||, onv proper were exceedingly appro- of people joined universally in their they are frying ty build themselves expression of sympathy and we feel up in matters of civilization. They assured that every one was deeply read and inform themselves and so sincere. ^ Jr as we know are getting along It Show, what kind of people we j with their white neighbors. There differences 110 dis P ostt i°n on their part to settled in i 1 ' ee P U P troul > lf ;. These are much live amongst. Whatever may separate us in life are death. Pope beautifully expresses •thought: \ V "Teach me to feel another's woe- To hide the faults 1 see; That mercy I to others show— That mercy show to me.” priate, as well as interesting and in structive. The handsome residence was taste fully decorated and the company which filled it to ‘overflowing was most congenial, consisting, as it did, of the relatives of the contracting deceased came to her death by ac cidental drowning. The facts gathered at the inquest are that a party consisting of Miss Knoblock, Miss Ethelyn Wilkins, of Gaffney, Mr. W. Lyle Black and Mr. Teicher went out to the mill yester day afternoon for a little outing. Mr. Black and Miss Knoblock secured a canoe and started out for a ride, leav ing Miss Wilkins and Mr. Teicher on shore. In a few minutes' fhe latter heard screams and rushed back just t)*e happier than those of their race who:p ar ties apd their most intimate i in t,n l e t0 see M*ss Knoblock go down are crowding the cities and towns and, trends./promptly at 8:30 Dr. Simms who have no other desire seemingly^} the way intp the parlor. He was than to eke out the miserable exist- : followed by D. C.’ Ross as far as the (■nee of a shiftless life. j door where he faltered and fell by the J he abolition of the liquor traffic wayside. » The bride entered on tne by the Southern white man has done j arni of the groom' and the ceremony Miss wilkins to assist him in - ettin S more for the colored man in its way; that made them husband and wife out Mr - Teic her then used every of | than the famous Emancipation Proc-1 wag performed. fort to recover the body of Miss i lamatlon of President Lincoln. It I aW the ceremonv congratulations lock - ,livin » f01 ' jt lintil ht * beca One of Gaffney’s Most Prominent Young Ladies Married on Last Wed nesday Evening. For the past fortnight the social world of Gaffney has enjoyed a series of functions the most brilliant wit- m s-( ;i in some time. Wednesday saw tht- culmination in the Sullivan-Forte vedding. Tin occasion was doubly interesting since the bride, Miss Edith Elettnoj. Forte, daughter of Dr. and M: s. W. A. Forte, is a young lady pos sessing the rarest gifts that* nature can bestow, anj in her own gracious manner has won for herself a place in Gaffney that any one may envy. The groom. Mr. Clarence Prevost Sul/ livan, oldest son of Mrs. Lula Sulli van. of Anderson, S. C., is a young Im in ■-.• man oj Anderson. His stand ing in business and social circles is has made manv friends Mr. Teicher went to the rescue, but wag too late to save the young lady. Mr. Black could not swim and Mr* Teicher gave him a shove which car ried him near enough to the shore for seat being h obliged to stand, high, and h in Gaffney. Tiie wedding took'place in tne First Baptist church of this city, the Rev. S. B. Harper pronouncing the words joining the happy couple in the holy bonds of wedlock. Long before the appointed hour, 8 ' o'clock, the spacious building was . „ tlc Knob- thronged, not a vacant It’s a very bad something tnere is i laIuatlon of president Lincoln. It I After the ceremony congratulations ! lock - divin g f0 >' jt « ntil he became so availal) ie, manv bein no good at all in. It shows that Mrs. free(1 h j m from a grf . ater curse than; wer e extended and later reTreshraents i exhausU ' d that he to ( ' 01ue to t,1P which was a 'flattering testimony to J. L. 3- is loved better and ar her s]avery ever was if he wiU only ac . were sen . ed in the m room The ! shore. He went back again and the popularity of “the bride in her than she is known. Alls well that j ^ ^ francllise> waitresses were Misses Lucy Wo 0 dJ* Xearched the bottom o1 ' the pond home city. ends well. ; \v e haven’t had any mathematics Annie Snead and Cora Wilkins. I wb ore the boat capsized, but was un-, At 8 o'clock the soft strains of the Mr. W* L. Goudelock reports some-, before opr readerK lately and we will; Misses Ola Little and Mamie Stacy I able t0 locate th e body. It was about violin, accompanied by the organ, thing new under the sun—we never give them a problem to solve: A received the guests. * ’ i an hour and a half before the body floated out upon the evening and still- heard of the like before, at least gentleman bought 100 head of hogs, The bride was attired in a becom- ' sai ’ fl na fly recovered. undercurrent of conversation two swarms of bees each entering old sheep and geese, for $100. The hogs , jng tailor-made traveling gown of Tni 8 is indeed one of the most de- an( j mj\ Von Hasseln, of Anderson, gums and going to work and are both cost $10, she<-p $3, anj geese 50 cents brown material with hat to match, and l dorab l e accidents in the history of with skilful bow, held the assemblage doing well. To Mr. Goudelock this is each, respectively. How many head was ch arming and graceful. She is Flor ence. Miss Knoblock was ex- breathless while he rendered several also something he has never seen be- of each did he buy? It can he worked ; one of Gaffney’s most popular voting ; trenKdy b°P ula r here, being admired selections from Mendelssohn and fore. He is one of the oldest and best by either algebra 0 i arithematk . i adie8 an(] ha& endeared herself to all i and loVed b > T 3,1 who knevv ber - She Signer. After which Mrs. J. Frank known citizens of lower Cherokee, In company with Mrs. "J. L. S.,” we with whom she has come in contact canie here about a year a ^° and bas Laney. in he,* usual charming man- and what he says may be relied upon attended preaching at Abingdon Creek 1 by he r womanly ways and genial fKs- b f D sten °g ra Pher for the Carolina ner> 8;ing .. AI] FOr You » a nd "Shall as an actual fact. 'as babbalh. Rev. C. M. Teal chose position, anj we know of no higher ^ ' ur ’ Light and Power company, j \yed Thee?’’ w r ith violin obligato by We called at The Lodger office fo r his text. Acts 18:8tb. 9th and 10th ( compliment we can pay her than to during which tim e she had made hosts Mr. Von Hasseln, with Mrs. W. H Thursday and found all the boys out verses. h , mi.rhtv industrious and of fr lends who will mount her untime- except Messrs. Darby, Hamil, Little Mis s Bessie Moorehead has been young wornL I ly ^ath. and Robbins. They each gave us a ‘ unwell for some time but is getting The groom Is one of Gaffney’s fore- 1 4 hearty hand shake and cordial wel- better. , ulost bus , neS8 men . He ls one of ihe Announcement. come. Capt. Bell was at his post as i We spent last Saturday night with! p r | nc i pa i stockholders of the Mer- 1 ... Tbe annual meeting of the Woman’s | strains 0 f Lohengrin’s wedding march chants Grocery Company, and there is no more popular man in the entire a showe r of pink and white rose petals. The reception hall was in pink; the parlor in white; the dining room in the happy blending of the two colors. In the drawing room were the pree* ents, and with them the room seem ed a veritable crystal place, and one wondered if Aladin had not touched his wonderful lamp. The guests were received by Mrs. Wofford F. Humphries, Miss Winnie Davenport directed them to the regis ter, afte r which they were introduced to Dr. and Mrs. Forte, Mrs. Sullivan, of Anderson, mother of the groom, and Mrs. J. C. Jefferies. They were then directed to the parlor where Mrs. Boyd L. Hames introduced them to the bridal party. The dining room was presided over by Mesdames Chas. Hames, O. A. Osborne, of Blacksburg, and F. E. Wilson. The guests were served by lisses Irene Wheat, Ethel Hamrick, ladys Laney, Daisy Wilkins, Eloise 'otter, Loulie Potter, Freeman Gar- Irett, Lucy Carpenter and Flo;.' Sar- ratt. Miss Blanche Corry very charm ingly served the guests to punch. Mrs. J. C- Jefferies directed the drawing-room with grace and stateli ness. At half-past nine o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan left for the Southern depot where they were tendered another reception. In this rice, etc., played a prominent part. No. 40 bore the happy couple North for an ex tended trip. The bride’s going-away gown was of Copenhagen blue Rajah silk. And Miss Forte is no more—but as a flower transplated, may the land to which she is taken, cheerish her. and in the atmosphere of congenial com- panship may the flower of her maden- hood bloom into the fulness of its promising beauty, and may the winds coming from her adopted home some* times waft the perfume of her sweet ness back to her native heath. Gooding, who posseses rare musical ability, accompanying on the organ. At 8:30 the organ obeyed the skill ed touch of Mrs. Gooding and the •ri le usual, with a smile and a good word i Mr. and Mrs. Asa Blackwell, lor us. A case of “blues” he can’t The Ledger’s voting conk cure just won’t be cured. While in «ost popular mail carrier bids fair I county, town we investigated that “chicken ' " coop” matter and found we were not mistaken in “spotting” the right man. He owned up, however. We congra tulate the good lady on having such noble boys—they take it after their mother, of course. It’s a good sign for the country to see so many farmers having corn to sell. Gaffney is not only a market for cotton hut any other kind of farm produce finds a ready sale. This is 1908. The first session will be at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning. to be a lovely one. We have the idea | Mr. and Mrs. Pridmore left on the who the successful ones will be, but Southern’s No. 35 for Western North we will say this—the ones who get j Carolina where they will spend their ‘H 1 the societies, including Woman’s these prizes must “raise the sand.” honeymoon in the Land of the Sky. | Missionary Societies, Young Woman’s Friends, vote for the man of your They will return to Gaffney in about choice, let him be who he may and a xreek and take up their abode at don’t be afraid that anybody will get, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore LeMaster’s for mad. if they do just let them get i the present and later go to house* requested to send in their names to • — ; Miss Belle Bailey, of Cowpens, S. C., Missionary Union of the Broad River; announced the bridal party, who en- Assoclation will be held at Cowpens | tered with beautiful precision and Central Baptist church on June 24-26, i grace. / First clime the ushers, Messrs. keeping. was received The presents were displayed in the Maggie Estes parlor and were both numerous, point of costly and useful, consisting of gold rnad. A ’phone message yesterday that Mrs. Black was lying at the something we have not been used to,, death at he r home at Glendale, and and silver ware! cut glassVdTina* r^ck- heretofore. her brother Jeff and sister, Miss Ola i n nie dy entitled, ^Penelope’ or the Hames and F. E. Wilson and Messrs. ttj„ , . . , Forest Hugging s Bride. Chas. Hames and Robt. Swofford. ton he can’t make something out of iu le. His toot got tangled in the Garl Sarra.t.t 1KA ’ T be admission will be 16 and 2o and if the farmer allows it to dam- «e ars an ho W "< the male and log 0( ^ ^ once good condition. I stopping it the young man would two weekg We met Col. Samuel Jefferies, who : ba * e mPt a horrible death. , v ot er 8 may hand their ballot* to we are glad to see,Is still active for ; Persons ought never ride miles the carrler lf ^ deBlre or ^ one of his age. He hag been a power-; and horse* with gears on without un- may hold them f0r four weekg ^ fnl man physically, but age is telling tieing the hame-string. J. L. S. then send them In, or bring them, on him. He has all his life been a ~ i just as they see lit. Vote early and fhnner and one of the few men who | A Grand Family Medicine. often. at an early day saw the wonderful; “it gives me pleasure to speak a { possibilities for Gaffney to become good word fo r Electric Bitters,”! Special Temperance Services^ one of the leading cities of the Pled- writes Mr. Frank Conlan, of No. 436 Rev - L. Harley, superintendent mont belt. That his claim has been Houston St, New York. “It’s' a 1 the Anti-Saloon League for South The proceeds of this entertainment will be used to repair the class room of the junior Baraca class. fully realized goeg without our tell- grand family medicine for dyspepsia and liver compllcationg; while for Carolina, will preach at the Buford Street Methodist church at 11:15 a. When we told one of our neighbors, lame back and weak kidneys It can-1 m - a “ d at the Cherokee Avenue Bap- the other day that the machinery In not be too highly recommended.” Tbe Ledger office was now being run Electric Bitters regulate the digestive by power generated in Broad river lie seemed to doubt It He ought to look sound and see what the world Is coming to. Mr. C. W!. Wfcisonant Is hauling off i Drug Co. his oil from the mill. This oil busi ness Is a bigger thing than most peo- functlons, purify the blood, and im part renewed vigor and vitality to tho weak and debilitated of both sexes. Sold under guarantee at Cherokee 50c. Gaffney Drug Ce. for fine ^oaps. list church at 8:15: p. m. Sunday. Rev. g B. Reed, the assistant super intendent of the league, will preach at the Limestone Btrsat Methodist church at H a. m. and at the First Baptist church at 8:15 p. m. Gaffney Drug Co. for Trusses that At. I First Baptist church Notes. Rev. Charles Manly, D. D., of Lex ington, Va., will preach at 11 a. m. Dr. Manly is a South Carolina man ’of many friends and the Gaffney people will gladly hear him. At night the sermon will be by Rev. G. B. Reed, assistant superin tendent of the Anti-Saloon League for South Carolina. Sunday school at 9:45. Visitors and strangers cordially invited to the ser^ vices. Bucklen’s Arnica galve Wins. Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1, Coch- ran, Ga., writes: “I had a bad sore come on tbe instep of my toot and could And nothing that would heal it until I applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Less than half of a 25 cent box won tbe day for me by affecting a perfect cure.” Sold under guarantee at Cherokee Drug Co. The groom with his best man, Mr. S. L. Forte, entered from the left of the altar and there awaited the bride. The bridal party left the church to the joyous strains of Mendelssohn. The bride was gowned in white satin with real lace trimmings, her veil caught with orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of bride’s roses and lilies of the valley. Her only ornament being a necklace of diamonds, a bridal gift of the groom. The maid of honor-- wore a pink crepe de chine over taffeta and car ried a bouquet of pink carnations. The gown of the dame of honor wa* of pink and white silk mulle over white taffeta. Her bouquet was white carnations. The brides-maids wore gowns of white silk net over pink taffeta and each carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The flower girls were dressed in white chiffon over pink taffeta. The bridal party were driven to the beautiful home of the bride’s parents where a reception was given. The color scheme of the evening was pink anj white, and the home waf decorat ed in such a manner as to call to mind We Kno w the Guarantee on Mi-o-n Stomach T ab|et * * Genuine Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets, the quid acting cure for indigestion, s gua an teed— To stop flatulence. To cure stomach troubles. To build up the system. To make digestion strong To cure the worst case of stomac troubles—or money back. What Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets di for Mrs. Brewer, of wlhiteland, Ind they will do for you. Read what sh writes: “I was a chomic sufferer wit stomach trouble for years and th best doctors could give me no lag ing relief. After using Ml-o-na I ca now eat anything and feel cured.” Gaffney Drug Co-, sell Ml-o-na unds an absoluet gaurantee to refund tb money unless it cures. Try a 3 cents box. —We call your attention to the 4 licious richness and cleanliness of o loe cream. We have our own eoi which furnish the cream and milk ai assure you that ice cream can not made better than ours. Gaffn Drug Co. T-OrdeiJ Piedmont water Gaffney Drag Oo. r..u