. . .. .*^^4 , .X:'. - J J ■■■'•, :* The Gaffney r'i A NEWSPAPER in all that the word implies, and devoted to the best interest of the people of cher6kee county. ESTABLISHED FEB. 16, 1894. GAFFNEY, 8. C-, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1908. $150 A YEAR. SHORT NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. THICKETY TOPICS. THE FIGHT ON GONZALES. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. RAVENNA READING. THE WOMAN’S CLUB. Interesting co mm unicatioin prom Our j “Pete” says He Did Not see Any M rs - B. C- Paul and little daughter, Regular Correspondent. Fight Made. Spartanburg, are visiting in tbM Thlckety, May 30.—A fine rain fell Editor Ledger:—"We can see In the guest of Mrs. Carl Sarratt ■ ; in this section yesterday afternoon reading over the many newspapers Jno. T. Noll, secretary and treasurer which was needed very badly. Crops both county and State, so much being °f Cohanfey Glass Company, of EVENTS IN GAFFNEY AND CHER- are lookiUg very we ii, although they j said about the editor of The State, Eowningtown, Pa., sepnt Sunday are a little backward. I Mr. W. E. Gonzales being defeated * n the city, the guest of E. H. Gaines. Mrs. Jessie pinson and two of her, as a delegate to the convention which M. B. Scruggs, Esq., of the Battle- little daughters, of Cfeffney, are spend- meets in Denver on July 7th. ground section, paid us a pleasant ing this week with relatives in Thicb- The thing that so amuses me is,. Friday. OKEE. Recent Happening* in and Around the City, and Other Event* Gath* et y cred by the Local Naws Editor. that these little newspaper editors J- G. Haines and daughter, of Grin- Mrs. J. R. Graham and Miss Mil- whose minds are so prejudiced against! Shoals, were in the city Satur- dred Graham and your correspondent i some of our politicians that they (la >'> shopping. Cotton brought twelve cents on lh« attended the commencement at Lime-' can’t, nor won’t write what they laiow Magistrate J. W. Alexander, of local market yesterday. Mr. Carroll stone College last Sunday. is true abput the whole business, j 1 - maiuder of "The Man of ths Hoar."