.•Hf y • . 4“ Th e Gaffney A NEWtPAPtR IN ALL THAT TH* WORD IMPLIKt, AND DIVOTtD TO TH* BCtT INTEREtT OF THE PEOPLE OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED FEB. 16, 1894. QAFFNEY, 8. C., TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1908- $1.50 A YEAR. SPLENDID SERMON TO beauty and attractiveness of char acter. Self-culture, or, what la bet ter, ChristlEin culture, is the method iMFQTfiNF I nnr,F ^ wh,ch this ^ may be reached LIITILOI UHL LL IJULi “Frienshlp is dependent upon respect, love, confidence, esteem, sac rifice. It is strong and valuable Just HARPER’S MAONIFI- i n proportion as these elements are found. There can be no friendship unless it hag for its genesis respect. I he greater the respect, the stronger the confidence a«d the more enduring the bond. “This leads me to say that while REV. 8- B. CIENT EFFORT, He Dwelt Upon Man’s Necessity For Friends.—Beautiful Music Ren dered. __ m* niost substantial type is to be found The special K. of P. semce ^ ^ ^ ]|ye bj chr „rtian Buford Street Hethodist church Sun-, selfishness is usually behind day wa^- largely attended both by the tlle f r i en( u v re lationg of ungodly men. members of the order and others. It ls hard for ^gjjj to bear t jj e s t ra in The church was taxed to its utmost ot conflicting interests. Let me illus- oapacity to accommodate the large trate by the story in hand. David as congregation. The music was espe fl ed j rnm t he envious wrath of dally fine. The choir consisting of g au i con flded in Jonathan because he Charles W. Haines, H- K. and Joe Os- knew t0 be eV ery inch a man, home, Victor Lipscomb and R. C. possessing a singularly noble and un- Swofford all members of the order, se’flsfl character. And when it came rendered some splendid music, the to pagg tba t Jonathan was compelled singing of “Rock of Ages” being es- t0 brave W8 father’s (Saul's) pecially beautiful. Miss Nann'e Gun- displeasure for his frienls sake, ter, who came over from Spartanburg j t wag b e8ause Of David’s man with Miss Juanita Wilkins, her ac- ] y and heroic bearing. Elacb bad been companist, touched the hearts of all we jgh e d in the scales of friendship and the Knights by her beautiful rendi- ( were no t found wanting. Strange as tlon of “I bnow that my Redemer it may ^eem their love for each other liveth.” Limestone Lodge appre- vvag not prompted by any reciprocal elates to the fullest, the visit of these interests. From all that appears it of companions largely fashion your inner self. “Every friend that you’ve ever had has contributed something to make you what you are. This law will con-' tinue in force as long as human na ture acts and is acted upon. “It has been said that back of every | great life there has been a BURNTD TO DEATH. An Horrible Aged Lady Meets a Death. Mrb. Messiniah Gaffney, an aged lady who lives in the northern part of the city, had the misfortune to get severely burned Thursday evening. good SiFFNEY T 0 HAVE . 550,000 POSTOFFICE WOMAN’S CLUB MEET. Interesting programme Rendered Mrs. W. C. Hamrlek’e. . She was alone In the house at the UPON, mother. May lt not be asserted with I Ume Md „ ls „ that v, e rj equal truth that standing somewhere clotblng caught from her plpe M sh ■ near every great career and achieve- was 3nio i ;tD g Thc servant who live, I Other South Carolina ment there has been a triend. One w|th ^ heard hcr faU to thc „ 00Ti I of earths nobility when ashed torthe an(] lm , nedta , el waat to | )er rescue there are examples of friendship ei-; secret of his greatness replied ‘I had dn(1 wjlll asslstance ot Rev , N Istlng between bad men, the best and a .friend.’ stone, succeeded in eatinnuishing the The regular meeting of “The TOf mans Club” was held Thursday afte^ THE BILL HAS BEEN REPORTED noon at the home , ed to attend Mrs. Gaffney, says mat and the othe r for a $50,000 federal her injuries are serious and that he hope had we no friend to share with has llttle hope of her recovery . she 11)UiIdiDg 3t Laurens ' Both bulldln S» C. Carpenter, us life’s sunshine and shadow. | is more than eighty yearg o£ age | are to be used as postofllces at these Pnnor “ ri - e “When tke curtain is rung down, Mrs Gaffney died yesterday morn-1 flourishing places. The postal re- or e ast time I covet no higher j Qg a£ o’clock from the effects of ceipts from laurens and Union for T * ^ ™ - - - - ~ all over the State. The following wag the program tot the afternoon: Leaders in tbe army and navy of Japan, Paper. Modern sights in Old Japan, Mn. W. C. Hamrick. Reading, “Imperial family,” Mil. W. was my friend he was rav brother’ ’^ ace tllis afternoon at 3 oclock from ter e [ ear i y indicate that each town : :“ e wl r p b f‘ c , h h u : c eh,,“hV ui ^ torlal lo a religious journal: 'Aa ' ,,., ,„,„ |a , * h flrtl0n w,,hl " priceless as are all human friendship,'' 1 g they are at best imperfect. We need the help of a friendship built upon no Human Nature somewhat similar, half acquaintance. We need the. There is a certain dog in Gaffney friendship of one whose knowledge of i that is noted for his cowardice; just us surpasses the knowledge of our- any little bench legged flee can make Paper, “Great men of Dal Nlppo," Mrs. J. L. Daniels. The guests of the dub wore Mn. MTs. H. Burbage aai Unclaimed Letters. in his official capacity ns a member letters remaining in Gaff- of the important Committee on Public nejr . P° s toffice unclaimed for week Puiltlings his State has fared well at ond ' n 6 May 18th, 1908. the hands of Congressman Johnson; ^ as Bosman, Walter Braddy, W. P. for in addition to the $100,000 secured Bai,ey ’ Obadied Cable, F. L. Cooper, for his district with the co-operation 1 au ' Blade Grate, B. F. Gor- of his polleagies from South Carolina, don, R. c. Huggln, Ed Hames, Tuner selves. We need the protection of a him tuck his tail and run. One day friend who cannot be alienated from 1 last week he met a dog in front of us by any disclosures of our past the hotel who was a little bigger cow- lives, nor yet disappointed by any ard than he was. The other dog corn- sins or failures of our future.’ Such! menced to cringe and whine as soon a friend we have In Jesus. And every as the first dog fnentisned came up, !n 1 * milt, °” t0 tll0S the sum of two hundred and sack, but had some trouble in making my being 'Pythlanlsm has no need “'umbers by a knocking on forty thoosand dollars, just a little the ball stick. you.’ Be assured of this, that if your. doo J' Upon opening the door the | over an average of $34,000 a year If W. S. Hall, an old time profession- order has an, merit, « tts princWe* TV™* *•*«»• «» al, started in to pitch for' the leans but along about the fifth inning he broke down and quit, and Gibbs Prid- and teachings have any moral value,! if/’' r . Dock K ,^° ove ^ aild 1088 d,tl011 to this he has collected thou* it is because they were learned from, . to “'. b ° tb PoIk col f lty ’®‘’! andB <* dollars 0 f old war claims for uivite uuwn anq quu, ana uidds rnu- Him wb» was the perfect example of I. people he represents, and Is at all , more took his place and only allowed that which is knightly and chivalrous. I would admonish you to remember The squire pulled himself together, times willing and alert to attend to Me opponent, about forty hits after performed the ceremony and the their business with the United Ststee he went Into the box. Both sldei young couple went on their way re- government. joicing. claim to have won the game. Col. Wa*h Smith’s Body Found. Congressman Johnson has estab- a. W. Doggett has, however, give* lishod an enviable record of service out the statement that he can whip in the matter of mails and it is very any man who has the temeriy to say Childrens’ Day at Qoucher. in the very constitution of our nature, to determine what is selfish sham and It is but the answer to the Instinctive what is true friendly loyalty, call of the heart, the vibration of that “The art of making friends is one j compact.” chord in the harp of life, which res- to be coveted. Some possess this ponds only to a friendly touch. The happy faculty in larger measure than inherent desire for friendly assoda* others. A great deal depnds upon __ av tions found in more or less degree in disposition, temperament and natural j Childrens’ Day at Goucher Sunday Thomas Martin Sunday at the Ninety- When he entered service in Congress, ment. Any genUeman of^he Teansrif every normal, natural life, is tn de- affinity. To any one who appreciates waR > as usual, a success. The little N T,n e Island just above the site of the there was scarcely a rural free de- he feels disposed, is at liberty, how- monstration of that divine quality im- friend. n 0 difficulty should seem in- fo,ks acquitted themselves in an ad- Southern Power Company’s dam. livery route in the Fourth District, ever, to contest the matter with the parted by the Master hand, it is the surmountable and no sacrifice too ' rn irable manner, showing that their The body was lodged in a tree on a and now there are about one hundre0 . «ir, extracted from the Eucalyptus — ~ ’ Wl11 Preael1 - of Au.tr.lla, It I, , pleasure toui. There be plenty of time after Sun- Hyomei, because yon do not take it day school for all to set to the col- i rt ° t . I,e stomach; you simply breathe lege. I 0 thJs germ-killing air, and relief to immediate, and complete recovery ~ —T—;—comes In a few Mays. Hyomei outfit, —See our Shirts look like $1 goods. Including an inhaler that will last a Yours for 46c, at the Haberdasher. lifetime, costs $1.00. If it does not cure your catarrh, asthma, bran card of Tharka. We wish to thank our good neigh bors and many friends of tWs com munity for the kindness shown us dusing the short steknen and death of our darling Pearley May. May the Lord bless them all. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Davis. —We appreciate your trade. Gome or 0O,d9> Th * Gaffney to see us at the Haberdasher. ^ ^ •** yoa yoaT n,on « y