’ r*:# /if?;* The Gaffney ledger. A NEWSPAPER IN ALL THAT THE WORD IMPLIES, AND DEVOTED to THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED FEB. 16, 1894. GAFFNEY, S. C., TUESDAY, MARCH 31. 1908. 91-60 A YEAR. * JOHNEY TO THE ISUND OF HOPE, bo true to each other as husband and wife. The bark nioves on with the current. Earth, tree-tops, hills and mountains disappear In the distance and the horizon is marked only by the rolling billows on all sides. The sun sinks in the w«et and bathes its tranquil orb, “in old ocean’s gray and DATE FIXED FOR PRESS MEETING. SHORT NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. SCHUBERT CONCERT COMPANY. AN ESSAY ON MARRIED LIFE BY : ni * , T : t ,I V : l U)Iy waste ” I Mght comes on and | spreads its sable mantle THE COLONEL. darkness over the j voyages as well as their pathway ! Clouds of despendency abscure the The Compass of Love, the Sail of ; ’ kv :in I* T h l ck ‘ ,:,rl ^ eK5 envelops the v, h ss t l. , c oi ( j ee p yet the restless current bears Experience and Ballast of Hope them onward with i arf'il rapidity hither they know not. Their first! Essential to Happiness. ) thoughts are of home, friends and , I loved ones left behind. Not a word! \\ ilkinsville, March -1. Major j s S p 0 ken. Conscious they are that William Henry Harrison, of Pitts- the < ements of nature are against hi SOUTH CAROLINA JOURNALISTS EVENTS IN GAFFNEY AND CHER COME TO GAFFNEY IN JUNE. OKEE. A High class Attraction Booked for Gaffney. The following concerning the Schu bert Concert Company which is to ap pear here Thursday, April ICth, is from the Lindsay, Ontario, Evening ' Post: “The Schubert Symphony Club and ; Ladies’ Quartette delighted a large : and select audience at the Academy and Around of Music last evening. Their pro gram is one that can please all class- the City, and Other Eventc Gath- es of patrons, as it contains a great ' u variety of features. From the open ed by the Local New. Ed-tor. ins . Bri£rht Eyes are Beam- Newherry, March 26.—At a meet-i Mr. c. H. Robbins removed yester- Especially composed Unr the of the sub-committee of the exec-‘day to one of the Doggett houses. The Meeting Will Begin 0 n Monday/Recent Happening* June 15th, and Last Through the 18th. in OPPOSITION TO BRY4H DESPERATE, IT IS SAID THEY DISTORT UTTERANCES. HIS Bryan Gives Out Interview—Senator Tillman’s Secretary Called Home— Appropriation W'N be Light. Washington, March 27.—Senator Schubert’s) to the ‘Grand Finale,”, there was not a dull moment, and the _ iman has written his secretary, Mr. ..... mi t i me; r was not a (mil nioiiieui. axi(l tne — jr f itxi* hurg, Pa., is putting the linishing '"jr i ' irnin *’ a f eVt ri et ? ntive committee of the South Caro-^ .pj le r i V er banks at Howell’s ferry audience were insistent in their con- J- B. Knight, to come to Trenton the touch on Salem church and it is now “ r 1 v Y' 1 . . L Una Press Association, appointed to, are in bad fix for loaded wagons to stunt demand for encores, which were; last of this month. In all nrobabilitv of such a house of worship. ma > 1>e - of the dSS,:c at on ’ to he held n i The time will soon be on hand for Mrs. Whit Mitchell and two of her 1 ho . v n " w , realize tneir lielplessness G..ffney, June 15, 16, 17 and 18 was April fools to start, on their errand children are lying very low at this an , < } f°r perlmps i lii^st Dme^ in lile i| xe( j as the time for holding the of love-making. call upon God. Their doleful sur .. , ... . , . , toundingi seem to laugh at their "leeting. The sub-committee, which Th e junior class will give their a» calamity nit their faith stands stead- is composed of Pn‘sident E. H. Aull nal reception to the senior class of fast, fh ir better thoughts assert of the Newberry Herald and News, Limestone College Friday night, themselves and they recall that tem- Mr. Ed. H. DeCamp, of the Gaffney pestuous light on the sea of Gallilee. Ledger, and Mr. C. M. Galloway, of Mr. A, u. Plaxico. who has recently 1 Clyde Cooksey, Spartanbur; time with typhoid pneumonia. Mrs. Ethel Blackwell spent the day with us yesterday. Mr. V. C. Comer, who got hurt sortu* time ago, is getting about augin, on crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Y. Poole are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine boy baby at their home. Our sick people are all getting bet ter. Mr. W. P. Goforth is putting up a new dwelling house on his farm. Mrs. F. A. Goforth is reported bet ter. We promised our readers that our next essay would be on marled life- »P from the eastern horizon ana •“« fln . condition is very much improved its hopes and successes—its failures s " " ’Imbi yht o/b o, diy ma.xes his . ' ' (i ■ " f , A ''' 1 n 1 h . d ‘‘‘a v-, f t..r- : ' ;1nce undor 8oing a serious operation, and disappointments. In order to do a lipearance. shedding his brilliant • g ’ ' ' wiAa- h,. i' n so we must Skin over i few n-iKes we ‘ ,s ove »’ ,hc> boundhtss ocean. The tm> meeting, the plan being that tne Quite a number of people assem- liave in m ; present is by no means serious, he doling, was artistically given. The , „ , , ’ crntralto, l/mie Zendt Purcell, pos- ^ very slowly, and senses a voice of exceptional depth his physicians deem the rest not only r.nd raige. and 1: r singing will h rg advisable, but imperative. His at>- .. . Ji r Emerabered The violin playing sence from the upper house, where ’ee;iug i? to tile darkness, impene- the Columbia State, met in Newberry; ^oved into the Wilkinsvilie section r ] 11 . i;cell was a tieat espe- |,j s , JPrsona ]j ty and i nflU p n „p . Aro co t ruble as it is, they catch a whisper en Wednesday night. It was a mat- from Union county, paid The Ledger . r „ a,lv ’ hls '•I'yBig of Sara sates st . , imnrinted win i i i if from ‘be winds- “It is I be not ter of regret that, on account of an a pleasant call Saturday. /.egoenerweisen (Gypsy Fantaslc) l ong, > ‘“'Printed, will be keenly which was a marvel of technique, re *t, even for the space of a coupie ■ bile the Buzzini Concerto was a se- of months. It is as if from *he winds afraid.” They kneel in prayer and important engagement in Columbia, I thank God for His presence and help Mr. Galloway could not be present to say to them along these same ,, . . »» i 11 ,» , ... ,, * lines. Marriage is a mutual agree- ( ‘ n th f curr i ^“ t of ^ tlde - No ™ ^ oaday ," ,ght ’ J “ ne \ 5 ’ at ment between one man and one wo- • siHnal of distres s has l)een sent up which time the addresses of welcome T he pastor and deacons of Frovl- man only that they will faithfully T' 0 ™ t,1< ‘ voyagers to announce their and tne response will he made Tues ,i e nce church request all members protect ;md defend the interest feel- k * ed 01 Of all maritime law day, June 16, Wednesday, June 1?, to attend the next regular conference irgs and affections of each ' other :,nd ™ sto “i th(1 y arft totally ignorant and Thursday, June 18. will he taken which will be held at the church next Therefore it is essentially necessary and aT '" completely at the mercy of up with business meetings and the Sa that both the man and the woman (ate. They see the rescuing vessel entertainment to be provided by the j n . should lie oV such"an age* of" discretion toward them but don’t know people of ^^“ey present as as to be capable of acting for them- f . s n ? 88,on • u . ina y h, ‘ (for ought Mr R H. Edmonds, editor of the portance tr selves. With this understanding of !' (l y a Pi'; atp crew con ~ a the marital relationship between the ^^r earthjy belonging Saturday, April 4th. at 1] o’clock a. All members are urged to be there is business of im- to be transacted. coming to Manufacturers’ Record, has indicated rccu me - — -- fr’om 'hat he will be present at the meet- Among those who went to Green- two, it is no very difficult matter to thelTI and consign their bodies to ing of the associations and will make villt* to take in the D. O. K. K. cere- 'endant, who did not answer for the dr th asserted by the no member of influence in through than Till- tricbless, indefatig- worker. And all th<* strings being beautiful in the Carolina is very popular in^Washme- t xtrenie. In The Concertmaster’ ton, an d since his sicktess hundreds March by Stauffer. Mr. Purcell Q f telephone and personal calls of in- seemed to j.lay all over the mandolin qmr v concerning the state of his !'i,V ni .., h r ! a, .L..L° a : ,< L l A„ aro " ! !!L d i aealth have been liiad c at ms office March 27.—The inter- Wm. Jennings Bryan desperate in their , i . * . i- » i “*• attack upon the Common- a ittiiig close to cue of the most en- er. Bryan spoke in Richmond Wed- joyahle concerts given in Lindsay. | nesday and came to Washington, ar- An i iivftls ln th,s clt y to day at noon. The An interesting „ase. j p res8 reports 0 f the Rlchond speech Magistrate C. T. Bridges was en- garbled' and .distorted Mr B-van’a -ged all of Saturday in the trial of utterance on r the recent decision of n interesting case between Mattie Hie IT. g. Supreme Court The mis- Valker and W. W. Thomas. representation was so haring and palpable that Mr. Bryan gave out the W In a suit brought by K. A. Hawkins against Will Walker, for some retyson judgment- was taken against the de- on reaching Miss gory you belong. We -will deal with . ... .. . .. general principles and you must Sf::i I )e - L a r to the right rises a range meet with the association, mi ke your own analysis " r mountains whose giddy heights Mary T. Nance, presient of the South defendant, upon which the plaintiff, Wo hear that a couple came to ^ attIe W»ilker brought suit against journey through life. Line’’ is thrown out and and they grasp ever, will be finally arranged by the weld ) je easy to marry over here taken until next Friday. oard. j committee on programme, and will be ), n t thgy failed. W, s. Hall, Esq., represented y rough in their! announced by that committee. The plaintiff and Messrs, Butler & Os- expression yet they sub committee, which met in Newberry a dispatch was received from : ,i0rne ’ tbe defendant, let not marT put*a8under(MattIfld6 (the most of them at least) have high on Wednesday night had for its oh- Washington on the 25th Instant con- T ~ ~ also Mark 10:9). This is the golden 1M ;: als ,nen und women. These ject simply to fix the time for the taining the information that Thomas' Unclaimed Letter*, rivet that unites the hearts of the with others of that Island, had been meeting. j H. Hester had been appointed post- List of unclaimed letters in post- contracting parties and makes them (o^think^ that emigrants coming President ^ A nil is making arrange- master at Gaffney by President office at Gaffney, S. C., for week-end In the solemnization of every mar- and are taken on h° a riage ceremony we hear; “What Seamen are generally rough in their announced by that committee therefore God hath joined together, nK,nnerB take >“g March 20, 1908: President Aull is making arrange- master at one according to divine direction and were fugitives from justice ments to charter a special train to Roosevelt. Mr. Hester will with divine sanction. Furthermore, ng nn asylum from the avenging take the association from Gaffney via charge of the postoffice here when his Raymond Atkins, Brodus Barrett. J nothing can be said or done. But hand of an outraged law, and conse- Yarion. N. C-. to Asheville and Hen- nomination is confirmed by the B. Boyce, Miss Louie Blosen, Mrs. there is another and a debatable side Quently the rescued party of which we dersonville and Lake Toxaway. Mr. United States senate. Hattie Broun, (2), M. W. Crocker, to matrimony of which we are going :i, ’ e speaking couldnt be looked upon Aull and Mi 1 - DeCamp discussed tnis, (2), h. P. Caker, (2), Minister of Be- to speak, and to which we call the fj s „ an _ e „ x _ ceb ^® n bn „_ °? >,.^ ednPsda 'L 1 We hear that Dr. Lodge condueted thel church, Mr. Gion Duncan, Mr. Jell* wing interview Washington. ‘‘The language in the dispatches was twisted as badly as it is possible to twist it. and misrepresented me as completely as it is possible to mis represent me. it purports to give what I said at Richmond regarding the Su premo Court decisions, and attributes io me tne language of the papers supporting predatory wealth. I said that these papers regarded the decision as making property 'acre secure and rescuing vested in terests from peril, as if States were less interested than the Federal gov ernment in the protection of proper- I 'y a, Hl vested interests, the "i then proceeded to assert that the property rights are as secure under State Courts as under Federal courts. 1 pointed out the issues which had been obscured by these papers, and r-Iso the false issue which had been mised; that the question was not whether property rjghts should he protected, but whether corporations should be given rights superior to those of the natural man. A corporation organized in New Jersey can g 0 into any other State 11a Edwards, Hattie secure from that state the right of " Gordn, Miss Susa- eminent domain, build railroads and John Hughes, (2), rely on the state courts to protect Hammett, Mrs. George] it from trespass and to protect its origin in what is generally known as lld brhle remembering the perils to the finest this Hamos, Boy Hill, Miss very Lunnie McBrayer. / Mr. Yancey Me “puppy love,’’ or love at first sight in wb ]ph they had been exposed in her Mountains. The plain is to leave gracefully. Dr. Simms and the First craw, Mr. J. H. Nicholls, J. P. Pear- which both parties-man and woman «ell trained soprano voice gave vent Gaffney immediately after the meet- church are blessed with a number of son, Mr. Turner Phillips, Mr. H- M. —boy and girl—(as the case may t0 her feelings in the I2lst psalm ing and f > go dfrec't to Marion, and good workers. Putuam. Miss Ola Rice, \V. M. Rob- boy «».. vi * \*~>s xswurc ***** j . . . be), go in “to beat, ,r and in this res- slie had so often sung in the thence to Asheville, where it is prob- erts, Mr. H. Sleman, George Sarks, pect both succeed to a wonderful ex- d home church changing the phra- able Ihat a reception will be given at Young Claude Pritchard, who was Y.\ T. Tate, Gault Walker, colored, tent. Neither the length nor value “‘ilog/ of Rouses version to suit the Blltmore, Vanderbilt s famous man- so severely injured some weeks ago, Miss Effie Wilkins, Miss Etholene of life has been considered, and this occasion. ion. From Asheville the plan is to by being thrown from a mule, and Watkins, Mrs. Lela Wilson, W. J. g„ to Hendersonville, where the as- who has been under treatment since Walker. ' f-iation will be cared for royally by by Dr. Billie Gunter, was in town Sat- fall for advertised letters Mr. S. F. Wheeler, of the \\ heeler urday and is so far improved that cent due on each. can, in no instance, per se evoke di- We to tin* hills will lift our eyes, vine guidance or blessing. They are i iotn whence doth come mine aid; as it were “vessels of wealth fitted Dnr safety eometh from the I xml for destruction.” To them life’s path- Who heaven am] earth had made; way is filled with the pitfalls of Our feet He’ll not let slide nor will trouble not only for themselves but He slumber that me keeps; those who feel an interest in them. Behold ip* that keeps Israel Satan has already got ids chain about He slumbers not nor sleeps, their neck and their ending is neither The Lord me keeps—tin- i/jrd’ ; my to be doubted nor disputed. shade; Without the compass of love, the On our light hand He’ll stay, sail of experience and tip- ballast of The moon by night us shall not smite hope they set out on life’s tempes- Nor yet the sun by day. tuous sea whose mountain billows in The Lord shall keep our souls front are tossing to and fro shaking shall their ereggod summits in the sunlight I'if serve us from all ill; of God’s love and vicing with each M'-nceforth our going out and in other for an opportunity to engulf (led keeps—forever will, the doomed aspirations of the voy- she sung it throughout while agers. Friends and relatives who hufdinrid joined in with ids well irain- gather on the shore to tel! them good ed boss voice. The sailors in aston- bye and see them off on their journey H ment. moved about, on deck with stand in painful silence as their frail mislesg tread and in wonderment hark, borne by the current of the ,dd to qach other; “Tills is not Up tide, mai.e; it;- way to n id-ocean kind of emigrants we hy« accustomed Many are the earnest prayers poured, t,, mke on shore." The happy feel- out from warm and true hearts for ings that had come over the singers the s.if< voyage of the adventurers, could not be restained -and theyagal* Soon the little craft dips Itself be- joined and sang “Rescue tin jv-rish- 7Intel, Then the party will eo to longer professional treatment is not A. R. N. Folger, P. M. kike loxaway and spend Sunday, re- necessary. Dr. Gunter will later put* MRS- HARRIETT WELLS ALLEN, operatives from violence. After us ing the state courts as far as it wish es, they can drag their litigants into the United State's courts and ask the Federal courts to suspend state laws, even before these laws nave been declared unconstitutional. “I considered, (he position taken by tin- Democrats of the House as stated I by Mr. Williams, that they would op- une| pose unanimous consent until the House gives time for consideration of II' fix the Clayton or some similar bill to . . mi — —- ■*j**m***,^i |/uo j ^ (1 ts w fvojn tlio circuit dnd dis* luimiig home on Monday. artificial teeth in place of those which MRS- HARRIETT WELLS ALLEN, 'Met courts of the United State* the . Th, « i* wi, j be B(ipn - "IB ta^ tlu, young man lost. 'power to suspend State laws tnw fUini !! U -nT and 4 re 9‘ dent An ' 1 Of Gaffney, Write* Letter Which May leaving the corporations to prosecute il mks will be as enjoyable an out- Messrs. Deve r and Stanyarne Lit- Be of Great interest to Skin Suf- oases, in the State courts with ♦the * ( ' 0,1<1 • r "’' an ” f ‘ d wlth :ls ,l ’' 'lee have been making a tour of the ferers of This City. right, to appeal to the United States various cotton mills in the State oh- | know D- D. D. to be a sure cure. C0l,r L tie expense. io'he (me* l.r'lhe" "r' - 11 ,’? , t, '7 r workin . KS with a v,evv I have tried iTand proved It. Anyone "l ani gl a fl. to make fids correction ' 1, introducing such improvements as who has eczema and doesn’t try your because j am afraid that the dls- « three “D’s," patches sent out last night would go _ greatly grati- a, l ov< 'he country as an expression . _ testimonial, for I my views, while, as a matter of ' conntv 1 nmt- hour to entertain .. 'V , V ’ "ir, ,CC1 s o ind(J bted to you I cannot say fact 1' ^ a misrepresentation of tnjf Mr. DeCamp .-aid in Newberrv - on I nanagement PUrp08e by the enoush ,u your beha,f ‘ 1 ara a . P° or Vk ‘ W8 ' Wednesday night that all the people of Gaffney wanted was that every . u ‘ ' rn J( 0S ., ' Il ,'i. 1 , 11 l! f introducing such improvements as who has eczema and doe ine entire history of the association, they may discover, into the Gaffney wonderful medicine the I ,e people or that progressive city Manufacturing Company. Both these ought to suffer I am t ar. preparing to entertain the editors young m-m are very bright in their fled to give viu a tfStif hand to write and compose, but I _ . , want the world to know that D. D. D. , Washington, March 27.~Tlie mem- - ditor in the State should be present. otheTdly D *- W ---*- gentl - e,nan th ? ,s a certaln cure ’ the Committee on Public CHANCE TO HEAR GOOD OPERA. “Fra Diavolo in speaking of a very wealthy man. lie remarked, “He has dollar? where j have cents, but thanks Here be to God I have sense where he only ought to do for you. This wonderful i“ L 's with the view of framing on Thursday Night has dollars.’ Rather a terse way of remedy is now recognized by the hill for this session. Congressma r eek. p .Bing it, but when one reflects that foremost physicians and scientist: a; -L'S. T. Johnson is a member o7 tli Mrs. Harriett Wells Allen, Buildings and Grounds, one of the big Gaffney, Cherokee Co., S. C. ‘ Pei’k'’ committees of the House, are What D. D. D. did in this case it } : ept busy nowadays attending meet- a of This week. p .ning u, oui wnon one renects mat foremost physicians and scientist : a i T- Johnson is a member of this The lovers of music and the •pen h* m these gentlemen were striving the quickest and surest cure for committee. „ .. . have for years been wishing to have ' or ,,,e same thing—the accumulation Eczema and skin disease of any na- Chairman Bartholdt, of this com- lnnd Hie angry billows of lile’s peri- ing’’ while those on shore caught the an opportunity to hear the beautiful n ' r “oney and one had been so much ture. This remedy is as safe and mittee, inclines to the opinion that lous H'U that shut out from vi'-w the sound of the music and rushed to tin* and tuneful “Fra Diavolo’’ sung by a ' l,orf - successful than the other, we and pleasant to use as pure water, the appropriation this session will be happy hone He- voyagers have just water’s edge to greet the sirens. good company, and have been disap- not but take issue with the a n( i j s applied directly to the afflicted a Hpbt me, Jn view of the deficiency hidden adieu forever. In the dls- The crowd on shore was eosmopo- pointed again and again. They will of the gentleman who was doing parts, leaving no bad odor or sticky, an d general stringent conditions. Al- tapf-e land ward. Hie hrlpl couplo see man in it* make up. Every species have the opportunity on Thursday '‘ lf ’ talking. salvy substance. The first appllca- mady about one thousand bills have the mountain peaks that stand as was there from the Orang Outang to r.iglit of this week of seeing and hear- ' tion gives INSTANT RELIEF, and as been introduced and in all they call Gods sentinels over the dear old the hlghV-st specimen of the Can- in t -- this charming opera. The Beggar Mr. J. N. Lipscomb, treasurer and far as we have been able to investl- for something like $90,(Xi0.000. This homestead they have left behind, oaclan race The sailors told the Prince Opera company, which wdll general manager of the Victor Cotton gate quickly effects the most aston- W 1H be scaled down to about $1.5- Amid Hi*' fog iind in the hazy distance news that the are not ti e kind of present “Fra Diavolo,” is said by the Oil Company, informed us Saturday, ishing and permanent qures wherever 000.000 according to Chairman Bar- .. - . . — ... — - ,— „ —« ^ — - ling they can see the church spire as tr emigrants that generally land there papers where the company has heaa tkat he is arranging to install a ferti-! rightly used. If you are a sufferer thoidt’s prediction, points heavenward, and in a still ar.d that wrought the crowd up to this season to he a first-class cor small voice speaks to them, (or either the highest pitch of cureosity. The puny and it is cordially recommended mill with a capacity of from fifty to of them) saying: I' was under my (list to meet the pilgrims ns they to the public. one hundred tens per day. It is Mr. shadow 'hat you were early dedicated Hepped off the boat was an old nils- This is the first taste of opera tha4 Lipscomb’s purpose to manufacture a to God in the ordinance, of haptisin -lonary who had spent many years w< have had in quite a long while high grade of goods and to have same eithe t of your own volition or that on the island. He gave them a cor and may lie the last for this season, ready tt) put on the market in time of godly parents who had your spin- dial greeting and told them they Fi-vv opera companies were out on the for the next crop. If Mr. Lipscomb tua.1 interests deeply at heart. Here were now on the Isle of Hope and road this year because of the hard can supply the fertilizer trade of the it was you have spent your happiest this landing place was known by ail times and the money panic in the county it will mean a large amount days and 1 even took- you in my as Point Decision. north, and it was late before they saved td the farmers of the county bosom and held you in my embrace For fear of making our narrative could get together to come Soutb, etery year in the matter of freights while surrounded as you were by . loo long we will let curtain Mil and where the panic did not exist. It is alone, and It is a matter of regret friends^ ami flowers, God.^angels and take up the history and continue it hoped that there will be a large that he was not in a position to sup- lize r plant in connection with the oil j from any bind of itch or skin disease “We will put in only the vitally men witnessed your solemn vows to in our next. J. L. S. house out Thursday night ply the trade for this season. of any nature do not fail to try this necessary project’s,’’ isald Mr. Bar- remarkable remedy. Pamphlets on tholdt. “and as many of these are skin diseases and their cure, diet, ex- additions to buildings already erect- ercise, bathing, etc., free at our siore. I ‘d or are structures for sites pur- Gaffney Drug Co., Gaffney, S. C. chased in the past, the fellows with ■" " P ( ‘t new building schemes will not ITCH cured in 30 minutes by Wool fdniTd any great show. Wlhen the bill 'ord’s Sanitary Lotion Never fails haves our committee it will carry pd- likely tack- on a few million, but owing to the financial conditions of Subacrlbs f<* r Tha Ledger, |i^o « the country, we cannot agree to any year. ! very great addition.” '7