The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, March 27, 1908, Image 1

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^ ' r V The Gaffney ledger. A NEWSPAPER IN ALL THAT THE WORD IMPLIES. AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OP THE PEOPLE OP CHEROKEE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED FEB. IS, 1894. OAPPNEY. S. C* FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1908. TO tSK FOR DRIDGE AT HOWELL'S FERRY PETITION BEING CIRCULATED AND GENERALLY SIGNED. who la not afraid of manuel labor whether he likes it or not. Mr. Owens and his Intelligent family are quite an acquisition to the citizenship of lower Cherokee, but still we don’t claim we have all the fools down here. The last forty-eight hours’ rain has put the roads In miserable condition again. When a man gets too good to do right we think the angels shun him as we would the vilest leper or the most malignant type of smallpox. York County to Bear Half the Ex Yet have gome people who say pense and a Bridge Here Will Great- they can t condescend to make an | apology to a “poor white man or nig- ly Benefit Cherokee county. [ ger" for an injury done him. This is not our style; it wasn’t the style of Wilkinsville, March 24.—For occu- iThomas je ff e rsont either. Solomon pying so much space in The Ledger .says; “Pride goeth before destruct- columns lately your correspondent t on - an d a haughty spirit before a owes the editor and other correspond- fool.” Perhaps if Solomon were living , | amonst us at this day he would be ents an apology, which we hope will considered a very common man, even he granted upon our promise not to infringe upon them hereafter unless upon the most urgent occasion. if he came up to the average in point of wisdom. Mr. J. W. Mullinax, of Troy, S. C.. „ , , , , has gent his annual fees for memoer- Solomon says; ‘ A fool is known j n Qamp Jefferies U. C. veter- by the multitude of his words” and, ans. He was a member of the Fourth we take the hint. Regiment reserves during the war We had veritable winter weather! ?"<J has beat a member of CanlR Jet- , , , __ . feries for many years. He was a to set in again last Friday. What it y 0u ^ w hen he went into the service, has done for the fruit crop we are p 0 r several years he has been the unable just now to say. first to pay up his camp dues. He ex- A petition is being circulated andj^s to attend the next State re- generally signed by the tax payers of Mr ' and Mrs> N> j Blackwell gave lower Ctterokce fo r a bridge at or the young folks a singing last Satur- nea r Howell’s ferry on Broad river.: day night. They report a very en- The York county authorities propose joyable time. BIG CORN CROPS IN SOUTH NO COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS TO BE USED. - RAVENNA NEWS. Mr. W- R. Walker, of Union, Gives His Plan of Fertilizing and Work* ing to Give the Best Yield. Personal* and Local Events prom a Thriving Neighborhood. Ravenna, March 25.—Capt. J. B. and M. W. Brown attended religious services at Jonesville last Sunday. Miss Minnie Burgess, the popular teacher of the Macedonia school, has successfully finished up her school and returned to her home here. After a two weeks vacation she will open a school at Cherokee Falls. Miss Pauline Pettit, one of our po pular young ladies, has been suffering 1 very much with a “crick” in her neck, | hut at this writing is getting on ! nicely. SHORT HEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. EVENTS IN GAFFNEY AND CHER OKEE. Recent Happening* in and Around the City, and Other Events Gath* |1-60 A YEAR. BLACKSBURG BUDGET. Meeting 0 f the Maida and Matron* Club—Other New*. The Maids and Matrons Club met with Mrs. Jones on Saturday, M&rcb 25th, to celebrate Domestic Science day. After the business meeting wU over the president, Mrs. Anderson, gave a very practical paper upon "Household Economics” followed by many helpful suggestions and recipes. Mrs. Bell gave the club a most en* tertaining paper upon the “Servant Problem,” contrasting the woes of Southern women with those of their Northern sisters, giving a most amus* ing incident of a perfect Northern ered by th* Local News Editor. (W. R. Whlker, Union. S. C.. in The--^ Ross|e Foster 0( A>Mr) , „ The Goffnev circuit quarterly meet- Zn-antTni her muET'a.SoS Progressive Farmer.) , on an extended visit to Greenville. wi '.| ,)e with Sardis church t which the family obiected since VT J We can always tell when Miss Rossie ™ April 4th and oth instead of March | ;J e oT the banio waR m Messrs. Editors; I rarely write to j s absent bv the sad countenance on ~8th and 29th as was previously an-;, llQ , ” papers, but after reading in your pa per several waeks ago the letters from a number of farmers about their crops of corn, all ending with so much by the sad countenance on her fellow's face. nounced. Mr. J. C. Brown lost a fine mule ,. . . ^ „ t, f Dr- Adams, president of the Presby- idst Sunday. Xi i*an into a wiro ^ 0 ^ m rin hrpni/ino- ite noyb Wa cvmi.athi'/u 1 1 ^ an College at (Jinton, will fill the the kitchen evenings, the paper con cluded with a clever y dialect story of the old time plantation negro servant The club was then invited to the S kl ”f '‘ r 8 “«*• nnipit o Llmcs.onc Prcshy.erto ^nlug-room where the," were serveS fertilizer used, e,c. elc. I. eeemeU; ^”^7/^ ^ to me that an attempt should be, day school rendered some beautiful made to get them to raise big crops Sunday, but Miss Ella ’pj, P attention of our readers is call ... .. ... ... Brr . , Mr. Boyce Whisonant has been sup- to bear half the expense of the same ^ plying customers with cabbage and when the needs of this people ( plants. Those who have bought and are fully known we feel sure that set them out say they are growing Cherokee county will do its part. We; finely. can say this much for the people we 1 Mrs. J. L. S. had us to bed her represent, that they have never made sweet potatoes last week. She don’t any extravagant demands of the allow those about her to be idle and county and they are entitled to all the can always find something to do her conveniences that a bridge acrasa self, she never sits down on a week Broad river at this point would af- day or night without work in her ford them, and we trust that when the hands. She says she don’t see how time comes for the county board to, some people can content themselves act the gentlemen composing it will to be always idle. Her birthday is put themselves in our position and April 25th and we refer our readers act accordingly. The people of West ern York want the bridge too. They do a great deal of trading in Chero kee county and a bridge will enable them to do more, and, besides we have a guarantee that the right of way to and from the bridge (in case It. is put above the ferry) will cost the counties nothing which, otherwise, would be quite an item in the way of expense to the counties. Your correspondent has been rath er unwell for a few days with cold and hopes the readers will excuse any short-comings in this letter. Howell’s ferry has been a popular crossing place for nearly, if not fully a century. The first flat there was launched by Mr. Williamson Howell, grandfather of Mr. W- S. Wilkerson, and after whom- it took its name. to the “Woman’s Chapter,” Proverbs 21:25 verse. Mrs. F. A. Goforth, whose Illness hag been frequently reported in this correspondence, we are glad to say is much better. She has had another severe attack. Mrs. Goforth is one of our county’s best ladies (and we have lot of them too) and we sym pathize with her and her family in her affliction. Mr. White Mitchell’s family are sorely afflicted. Mts. Mitchell is very low so are two of her children. They had measles and it has turned into typhoid pneumonia, so we under stand. Rev. C. M. Teal will preach at Ab- ington Creek on the first Sabbath in April (D. V.) Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Strain were But the progressive spirit of the age much excited yesterday over their taby, Louise, eating a match. It turned out all right but we don’t re commend them as a wholesome diet for children. j. l. S. with natural aids and without this great expense of commercial fertili zer. For instance, a near neighbor of mine planted three acres in corn on the so-called WHliamson plan. The commercial fertilizer used cost him 28c per bushel of corn made be sides the everlasting amount of work he had to do. He plowed it one side one time, then down the other side next time, and so on and so on. There programme and was one of the most enjoyable .. , * , „ meetings the club has ever held. own the organist, always supplies ed to the advertisment of J. N. Cudd Thursday, April 2nd, the club hold* 1 ™ ,. w i! 1 ,11U ? C ‘ in another column of a sale of valu-|its regular meeting with Mrs. Mont- F. K. Goforth, of Trough, spent last able city lots which will take place! gomery. Sunday in this section. on the first Monday in April. Rev. Dr. Talmage s sermon in last Friday's Ledger was simply grand. Rev. E. G. Ross and family left yes- It was the best thing we read in The terday for Greer where they will Ledger. make their future home. This excel- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reinhardt went to Gaffney to do some shopping one day this week. Miss Mamie Gaston, who has been aoi^th Jto buy spring millinery, is at man University, Greenville, arrived Gaffney who sincerely regret their de yesterday to spend a few days with parture. his parents, Mr. Mrs. B. G. L. Pettit. I „ J — — --- J. L. Spake and C. D. Burgess Dr. B. B. Steedly and Dr. c. a. Jef-: L -> stopped over here with her moth- caught a large musls rat Monday and feries performed an operation for I ® r ’ Mr 8 - D- D- Gaston, on her way Charles E. Pettit, a student of Fur- lent family have many friends in „ i - - - - --’ ” J" — • - - — - - - - J home for a few days from where she will go to Pendleton to begin work Mrs. Easterday, of Forest City, N. Is no telling what hl. com dld oo.t! carry' ll over .o laporotomy upon Mrs. W. H. Poole! Rom BalUmor.., him. h made enough to do him how ever, and is so happy that he will try the same plan again. B9nne r Crops Without Commercial Fertilizers. Now it seems to be that very few of the writers of those com articles touched the heart of the matter. The object to be obtained should be to raise big c rop« of corn without any commercial fertilizer. Anybody can i uesuay mey naa io carry u over 10 j * wu.v,, --- - —— show it to their best girls. We know Sunday afternnon. The operation John Maxwell, of Rock Hill, how boys are when they want an ex- was entirely successful and the pa- n ° w a student of Davidson College, cuse to see their girls. tient is doing splendidly. wa s in town the last of the week. Mr and Mrs A G Hiehtowe- of Miss Bessie McGill, of Hickory Gaffney, are visiting' thefr relatives _Rnd"‘mr’ w ^ pS®’ haS ^ Vi8,t,ng MrS ’ J ’ M * here Mr Hiehtower F<* a mill ^ a8 guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ^ Peek. man and he says since he has been !? the city several days thi8| Mr. Frank and Miss Jessie Sum- out (about five weeks! he has irained week< He returnp d to the Tarheel; mer, of Laurens, are visiting friend* eight d pounds 6 IS Hightower is a S .^ te > e « terday where will take a po- 1 in town for a few days. * ernnd Simdn« sehnni umrifo- enn Ha* 8 tion with a grocery establishment.! Mrs. Kimsey and daughter are visit- Mr. C. M. Huskey, who lives about' MT8 ‘ S ‘ B ‘ LuCa8, good Sunday school worker and has many friends in Cherokee county who AVir ^ ini H usKey, wno lives aooui wvg Kennedv nnd m*i* „ tt^_. are always glad to see him. fl ve mii es from town while chonoine ^ en ” ed y an d httle son, Hey« raise corn by using a big lot of com- Mrs. John H- Lipscomb, of Goucher, wood Tuesday morning at his home 1 ^. d ’ ^? 1ri haVe b ^ n in I Gaffney, are mercial fertilizer, nitrates and what gave a big birthday dinner last Mon- had the misfortune to cut off two of f^rwiS on rRmuJ ® 7 th * Mr8, S ' A ’ day and the following were the at- his toes. He was brought to Dr. Nes-j t t I p ^ tendants; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown, hut’s office to have the wounds dress- J 0a , fl,ley ’ was ln not But what we want Is the man who can raise the big crops without this great expense. The banner crop of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Goforth and e d. Misses Adie Brown and Mary Loti' corn for 1906 that I saw reported wasj Chalk. All speak in praise of the Rev. S. B. Harper left the city yes- raised by a Philadelphia lawyer on fine dinner. terday ro accompary his mother *o his farm near that city. His crop Mr. “Brooks” porter, the Cherokee he r home in Anderson. Mr. Harper averaged 130 bushels per acre on 90, News correspondent, of Asbury, was will return, however, in time to fill acres, and the land cultivated had { in town yesterday. ; bis regular appointment Sunday been in clover and was enriched with' Mr. M. W. Littlejohn has had Mr. morning and evening. barnyard manure. He did not use an 'R. E. L. Goforth doing some carpen-| , , Miss Dela Rhvne 9atnrdav nnH'qiVn’ ounce of commercial fertilizer. Afd i ter work for him. One day last week Jonah Hopper, who was chargjed day. * & uruay ana sun- we all know that Mr. Clore, of *i-| while Mr. Goforth was at his work' with selling whiskey and whose case * diana, who took over $7,500 in priislhe noticed an apple on an apple tree was continued until Tuesday by the| f non - “f n F - V^san has returned on his corn last year (one ear selffig 1 close by, and on investigation it was' ccn,m,SBioner - wa s hound over to: rrom a lrl P t0 Charleston, for $250), raised over 100 bushels per , found to be perfectly sound and very ccurt after taking the testimony ofi ^ Messrs. John Logan and Cleveland acre on clover sod, and with barn-) good. It is a mystery to us how the an additional witness for the govern-J Sheppard, of Greenville, are in town town the last of the week. Miss Mary Whitesides, who has been in Hickory Grove for some time, is at home agala. Mr. John Wilkins. Misses Lizzie Phillips and Maize Bird, of Gaffney, were in town Sunday. Mr. Grebbin. of Rock Hill, visited nient. KING’S CREEK NEWS. demanded a ipore expeditious means of crossing. The Wilkinsville oil mill has been running on full time—day and night —and will continue to do so until the grinding season is pretty well over with, in case of no accident or break- down - i Local Happening and Personal Notes “Aunt Lena” Wood, colored, is still; 0 f interest, alive but as low, apparently, as snej King’s Creek, March 23.—There well can be. No hopes of her re- was a very large snow fell last Fri- covery has been entertained for a, day. It looked strange to see snow long time. falling and peaeh trees in full bloom. The Salem Sabbath school appoint- Tlie re was also a very heavy frost ed its delegates last Sabbath for the Saturday night, but I am glad to know meeting at Abingdon convention next the fruit is not killed. Sabbath. I have lust finished reading the els per acre, weighed Ram came last Sabbath night and newsy letters in the last Friday’s pa-iag it was hauled yard manure and did not use an ounce apple ever stood the cold winter, but, of commercial fertilizer. nevertheless, it was as sound as a What Peas an d Barnyard Manure Did. dollar, and as good as any apple, so On our own farm we did not have reports Mr. Goforth, and we vouch - ™ e Saturday afternoon the clover sod, but we had something; for it. visiting relatives. Wlhile Ananias Garner was going' moffisvlIle a student Qf Davlds ,; p °f a n £ a ?2“ L r : R( ‘' is visiting his friend, Mr. Oren 1 W. John McSween, Jr., of Tim- iirev , loaded with fertilizers, he fell to the Moore. better in the pea stubble. W|e plant-] Mr. J. B. Foster, of Asbury, was ground ’ 8trik,n S hl s head on a sharp rock and cutting a gash about ten f Ross has the contract We fed one herd of 300 Angus cattle' It is reported that several mad Ia tbl wound r? i- *r 1 ^ork in S front h of 1 the 3 Thomson on the Iinland nlot and n.,t nil tho! does havo boon kiiiod Prn„n^ no™ M ‘ win K U P the wound, toox sixty-four i hp ”“ e w rK iroiu °f Ine Thomson ed 90 acres, 40 upland and 50 bottom, in town yesterday. on the upland plot and put all the dogs have been killed around here ' barnyard manure on it, leaving the| here recently. One of the dogs bit] cn 8 ‘ Uncle Rice” Allen's little bottom with nothing to help It but | one of Scott, Sllverlake & Conner gave the pea stubble. The result was, that children and he carried the child to performances Wcdnesdav nicht and -pm i * k * ty Too C *' land which eight years ago made 15 j a mad stone near Gaffney and when j last night under a tent near the „ rhlck ® ty > March 2.j.—It seems that or 20 bushels per acre by the help of it was applied it adhered to the wound, freight depot Large crowds have at- ? y wea ,!! ier has ^one and in uay. It looked strange to see snow the usual modicum of commercial fer- seven hours. Everybody around here tended the nerformances • ami some Tifff ° f 8un8 ] 1,ne . we ai,e having falling and peaeh trees in full bloom, tilizer, last year made an average of is mad dog crazy now. ! featuresof the sh^ are zood TtaSv Sn ° w and ra,n ’ 1 was glad close to 50 bushels per acre. Six acres | Qute a little 'snow fell here last' will U g*ive^u^erforcance tonigh^and Itn™ ° n exa “ inatlon f bat the peach of the upland an d ten acres of the' Friday evening and night. Saturday 1 Tlso tomorrow nigh? a ^, crop was not hurt in this section, bottom made right around 100 bush- morning the tops of houses and other S ' I..,*! 1 ? , Rosa , W’essiriger, 0 f Gaffney, put a stop to the plowing. per. I did not receive mine until to- Mf. John Dixon has given Mrs. J.,day (Monday). It is a pleasure to L. S. a remedy for her cough. Take g e t The Ledger now as there is so what wild cherry tree bark a grown much interesting reading in it. person can crast between the index uev. G. P. Hamrick filled his regu- flnger and the thumb. Sofik it all la r appointment at Antioch Saturday — -u —u night in tepid water not too cold or, and Sunday. He preached two ex- cultivated on the plan urged by your; commence at once so as to ha bed on the scales buildings were completely covered W. S. Hall, Esq., as special referee, ' lslte d her sister. Miss Minnie Wes- from the shredder with the white flakes of snow. was engaged Thursday in taking tes-; W t IS + tea ?, ng t,ie sch0( N at to go into the crib. Not a spoonful j Fruit is safe around here at this timony ?n the case of H. P. Goforth inis P ,ace > ‘ as t Friday, of commercial fertilizer was used on writing an d this announcement will vs - Plato Camp involving an account- v j* and jy 1-8, 1- M. and Mr. and Mrs. either field. cause much rejoicing everywhere. : ing, an d contract as to lot of lumber. vail( i ~ n '. tb and Mr - E - w - Lipscomb The Massey and Burkett plan Fol-! Goucher is always ahead of any The plaintiff was represented by But- 8p £ nt a , ® UDday in Gaffney. lowed. place in children’s days, so programs lor & Osborne and J. C. Otts Esq, C. M. Teal filled his regular The land was prepared and crop Imve been ordered and practicing will represented the defendant. ' “Ppointment at Beaverdam last Sun- , , - -- — -- — riding planter, rid- 0, f'' at Ravenna next Sunday. Every- — -- , , , asked him about adding a pint of; one to hear him. ling weeders, riding cultivators, etc. body invited and you may brine some building is completed East Fred- Saturday in Gaffney, good corn whiskey in order to makQ Some of King’s Creek’s popular! For the •first time we used the two- one too. Some special music will bo er i ck 'vill have some of the hand- M r - I- M. Smith lost another fine the mixture more efficacious and pa- young people, attended services at row cultivator, with which one man rendered with a few good speeches s °mo«t business buildings in the city. f°w a few days ago. This makes flve and three ( mqies can cultivate (and It would be a good thing if our t r ai „ i v k « * ^ '“eluding the four the train killea a <1° It perftwHy) 15 to 1C acres a day. supervisor would visit this section x T A ,s ls a « reat lo8S And of course the ^ 1 corn was cut wUh and have some work done ^3 f ne f al ?, rga ? 1 ^ r Soath Carolina to Mr. Smith. And your correspond- u vester in the best here. There are holes in the high- fr temnl sr e. 1, AKricu J ture > a g I l ixJ^ ing # on 1 e °/, the . boarders at Mr. it 14 bundles in a ways between here and Asbury 7 w J, s « c,ety wR h headquarters Smiths feels the loss very much. church that the really dangeroin 7 ^ Wa8h,n ^ on - c - Mr - Alexander As he is very fond of milk and but- We are fooUnfr „ . , hopes to soon have county organiz- ter. K tl week and prs su ffi c j en t to cover the entire State Messrs. Graham and Smith have latable. he said; He would reccom- Antioch Sunday. We are glad to mend that the whiskey (if used at h !)V e them with us. Come aagin all) be corked up tightly in a bottle Mr. Rufus Randall is still teaching to itself and set away and let sever- his singing class every Saturday, i harvesters—one'ha... aly alone, or better still, poured out The scholars seem to be learning< corn throwing out 1 on the ground. John is a right good fast. Mr. Randall is an excellent! minute by the watch, doctor, but he don t want his views teacher. Not a Barren statu in sight published in the papers until they are Mr. J. L. S.. your lecture to girls ifli The corn was planted about the hope soon to be able to give Ledger ?*r S,UI1C1 «; 11 m cover ine enure state Messrs, uranam and Smith have . t ® Bted ^ ” e _ doe ! n ^ d . oubt , bu . t , that !! fine. ^flrst of June and seemed never to readers some more interesting locals h > usua ,y gets 4 °“ tbe ri * h } f ,d ? of ? rde ^ d a '?\ of fine Berkshire hogs stop growing a single bit. The grow- than we are now getting up. 1 ,ind we w sb blrn ^t° od hick. for the Thickety stock farm. This ing crop wa>( visited by farmers from Friends, let me have vour news and cckioidi c unoov - /nT? 1 7.! x A be b f 8 * ® er ^ sb Ires five counties; all pronounced it far I’ 1 ! place it in the county’s best pa- SENSIBLE HOBBY. . that can be had. Me wish them much and away the best they ever saw. per—The Ledger. „. .. .. n i « o S uccess in their new field, one party declaring it was tbe only Alice Brown, colored, died last W * . Kow “ 1 7 e ° p . l l * ( , Devote Spare Mr. j. L. s. gave the young ladies a field of corn he ever saw with not i. . Tuesday and was burled at Griffin n-n T f t0 u P bulldin 9 Health. -ood lecture which was enjoyed by barren stalk in sight. Hill Church Wednesday afternoon TherP ,s , no ® 5 f cas ® tc i day ^ any ? thers than the falr sex - « had a After filling a 200-ton silo with corn Heavy rain 8 have faflen her? for L’ff 80 ",’. n’i? 8 0$ witl ? ?? Inc "7 ^ niore u J ’ L s -' le ^ure to the and sorghum, the rest was shredded Gio hist few days and all farm work m!’ <H Ha ase, remaining sickly, with girls w e boy s would have to quit some and the stover fed to the cattle this is now stormed n i the great advance in medical dis- of our meaness, for the girls winter. Seed Corn was Bred on the Farm We used the best seed corn to had. It was one of the prolific va nis directions are followed strictly it Mrs. E. R. McSwain is visiting her will cure the majority of cases of or- daughter. Mrs. VV- W. Hardin at Gaff dinary cough arising from colds and rcy. Mrs. Hardin is very sick. We grippe. He Is also of the opinion that hope she will soon be up again the costly patent medicine cures, The recent rain has stopped farm- many of which we see published in ers from work. almanecs an d other books and papers, Mr. John Zlnamon and family have are not vouched for by the dead they moved to Mr. E. B. McSwaln’s place perhpps had something to do with in and are going to farm, helping off. Mr. Dixon is an old sol- Mr. L. M. McSwain has just put up dier. He wag a member of the Jas- a tenant house on his place per Light Infantry. Palmetto Sharp- Measles is around. Mr. Tom Bell shooters, and is also a member of and family have all had the disease Camp Jefferies U. C. veterans. and are not well yet. Whooping Mr. J. N. Strain has been mending cough is also raging In this com f-, * ***~'*»~*** vr*. iiiv7aiJc:on, iwj* LI10 girls would coveries and the growing popularity soon catch on that the best youn men of physical culture. do not drink, smoke cigarettes and Mr. J. N. Strain has been mending cough is also raging In this com- rieties, but had been bred on our several ferocious dogs which have al tr ® at " lent bas been fo *md In rough boy, so we are going to be just buggy harness this w<wk. He is a munity. i don’t think I ever heard as farm for five years and bred to grow Ino8t killed a cofiple of cows belong- ?? 0 * na ’ ^J 8 . roll ^ d u P on as a ® er ' what you want us to be. I like the ki " d ° f , u,) al-( ain and don t care to much coughing as I did Sunday at close in the drill (16 inches) in rows big to Mr. Rufus Nance and Sam Ldiv n u JpsMnn P 'in!f ^ml W n‘ V J * ts J ,ks to u3 - If 1 knew take all sneh work to a nrnfesslonal Atitir^r, if x n s..- > . . . vr . . r of d.gestlon and assimilation, and where tn find nLm i «,.n ..-a take all such work to a professional Antioch. It seems as if most every mechanic. i body that was there had a cough. ik Mr. J. F. Estes has been right The ones that have not got the whoop- unwell for a few days but Is much ing cough are coughing, better now. He was too unwell to Country Lover. take the trip with Mr. Harrison we ' spoke of in a recent letter to The |q 0 u se To D | ei c* * .i *1 v. u bave foun d out that there Is no A United States collection box has U se to die of lung trouble as long as been placed at Mr. W. R. Walker’s; y OU can get Dr. King’s New Dlscov- Sunuyslde farm on the Wilkinsville ery,” says Mrs. J. P. White, of Rush- H F. n. 1. It will be a convenience for boro. Pa. “I would not be alive to- the transent public who have no mail day only for that wonderful medl- boxes and don’t care to trouble their cine. It loosens up a cougfl quicker friends to route their mail for them, than anything else, and cures lung Besides it will he a great convenience; diseases even after the case Is pre fer those young people who want to nounced hopeless." This most reli- send off letter “unbeknown” to the able remedy for coughs and colds, la old folks or anybody else. .grippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarse- Rev. T. B. Owens wa* out yester- ness, is sold under guarantee at day with his shovel throwing up ter- Cherokee Drug Co. 50c and $1.00. races on his land. He is one minister Trial bottle free. he A band Ba of Gvnsies iVtSfoamned .‘V tbe d,seases P r digestion and nu- use bad language. Tbe glYlsTay they /a few miles fr^m Gaffney, Th<w have ' f * r exam P ,e ' an acknowledged can enjoy themselves better with a , . 1 nave soecifif. treatment has been fnumt n rnncrh hiw or. .. o 3 feet, 8 indies wide and bred to grow 8 comb._ Nance an d Lipscomb came to king^fcMmplete cure!" 1131108 ’ and • Wher ® ^ find hlni 1 wou,d cal1 around is nearly as possible two good ears tow N| Tuesday morning endeavoring t j w , f° 8ee h,m and hea r him talk. Th»:t to the stalk, a great many stalks had j to hive warrants issued for the Gyp- pitatkln' slSessneS 1 ba^^ste^n neei^t' S "f?‘ Ve 7 40 U3 ’ we three ears and some four ears. From f‘es for allowing the dogs to run ati 1( , ’ th coated ton mm disSest if i r , U h the advantage of these were selected the corn for this la ‘ge. " t 7^^ d fw 8 . a f' 1! unmarried correspondents, you can Tf theTaWe UO ° U | t k I a 7 other of the many distressing re- the girls’to'fall out wlth^V we j . . , b ‘ 7 3 ‘ „ y0u pay out ^ or a h® 1 s "” s of a weakened stomach, should 'may want one for a wife some dav adelphia Lawyer.-' of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They! profit by the discovery of Mi-o-na Mr Nealie Llnscombi5 wJ'lte *. h " ™ ak ? k0 brt "? m the health that’, dlor.. ztomach tablet.. y Plain.. „e,t to U RSSi- USff! year’s seed plant, and to plant the main crop as far as it will go. Good seed is at least half the b “After That Philadelphia Now let us see who car a n,,,!,, . lul)ieiH biggest crops of corn without the; pret^V than Jaweia.'" Try ttem“for j 'ThrSaffneTbrue Co have use of eny commercial fertHiscr. I headache, blllouanesa, conctlpation, mnn y cures by Mi-o-na of am after that Philadelphia lawyer, and malaria. If they disappoint you ter eating, specks before the eyes, say what you please, when we have nervousness an d general debility, and to be very careful. w e don’t want It is a long cry, but I mean to at least keep In sight. Big crops of corn can he raised in the South as well as in the West, but let it be done without the great expense of commercial fer tilizer. It is now being done to some extent down here in old cotton-crazy South Carolina, and more of it will he done hereafter. the price will be cheerfully refunded at Cherokee Drug Co. A friend la a useful adjunct to your personality and shows that you ara of much Importance anyway. He who has no time to get ready Is never ready at any time. Plains, went to Gaffney yesterday seen so (Tuesday). ^ stomach There is some talk of the Soet’ - > and general run-down state of health taking off two make passenger trains (hat they are fi rm believers in the soon. Can’t sav whether the report power of this remedy to sure practi- is true o r not.’ cnliy every case, and they show this The farmers In this section are not faith by giving a guarantee with every getting In fertilizer this spring like 50-eent box of Mi-o-na to refund the common. There has been only about money unless it does all that is claim- four or five cars shipped to Thickety. ed for It. They take the whole risk, l^st year by this time there had been and Mi-o-na will not cost you a penny at least a dozen shipped here, unless It cures. j ^