The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, March 13, 1908, Image 1

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V **?'• V. T5iV®% c* I - m' / The Gaffney ■‘•r. •«.y ■ A NEWSPAPER IN ALL THAT THE WORD IMPLIES, AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF CHF OKEE COUNTY. -V— ESTABLISHED FEB. tf, 1894. GAFFNEY, S. FRIDAY, MARCH 13. 1908. i < YfiLL WHISKEY AGAIN BE SOLD IN CHEROKEE? ONE MAN SAYS HE THINGS IT WILL. The Fifty-third Anniversary of 4he “Windy Friday”—Pertinent para graphs by J* L. S- I Wilhinsville, March 10.—Some peo ple think that if The Ledger corres pondents, especially the ladies, don’t quit throwing bouquets at this corres pondent he will find himself a “grass widower” some of these times. Not a bit of it, friends, Mrs. J. L. S. is too sensible a lady, and thinks too much of herself to'live with a man whom nobody else could admire. If these compliments don’t produce a chronic case of “big head” or aggravate the one now on hand, there is nothing else to fear. “Ben Hope,” we are sorry we have no tangible souvenir to present to you on your birthday. However, we do the best we can and all we can, by extending to you our best wishes for the happy return of many of them. Our next lecture will be to the young married people, and especially to the girls who are about to enter the arena of married life. It’s going to “raise Cain.” But the man who doesn’t make somebody mad at some time doesn't accomplish much no matter how long he lives and how hard he tries. Of course there are only two things to be discussed and, “Sis,” you and not we are to elect the one you choose. The one represents those who marry with a view of making life successful and happy; the other those who are indifferent and are willing to make it a mere game of chance. This will be our text. Pon der over it and by the time we eome round with “our say” you will be surprised that we could tell so little about It Messrs. Gaffney and Holt launched the new flat at Howell’s ferry last Saturday and returned home. We haven’t seen it but it Is considered by those who have seen It to be a good piece of workmanship. Mr. Har rison hag christened it the battleship Cherokee. Since March came in farmers have done a good deal of plowing. Mrs. J. L. R. has been troubled with a cough lately that has been giving her a good deal of uneasiness. Rev. T. F. Boozer will preach* at Salem next Sabbath—15th inst at 11 o’clock a. m. In referring to the Coming King in last Friday’s paper the type make us say page 1301 instead of 130. You’ll get a truthful answer if you ask a woman her age and she tells you its none of your business. The smarter she Is the longer she can keep her mouth shut, and we don’t mean those who are dumb, either. Did that bottle of medicine do your wife any good? asbed the doctor,,of a husband. No. as soon as she read the wrap per on it she got tnree new diseases. It’s said the Eve is probably the only woman who never turned round to see what the other woman had on. We don’t suppose women had “dell- tSum trim mins” in Eve’s day like they have now. It’g generally admitted that the only secret a woman can keep is her age. ' Mr. Sam J. Strain was sick last week. Mr. J. L. Walker, our worthy school commissioner, has a fine field of oats. He planted them with a drill last fall and in the last few warm days they hare grown considerably. He Is a good farmer, anyway. A friend of ours who likes “the critter” says that the selling of liquor will be re-established in Cherokee county before long. We hardly think It will under legal sanction. We don’t know a greater Inisfortune to come upon our county than that. Two days of criminal court beats a whole week, or maybe longer. Mr. J. G. Kendrick is still buying cotton for the Lockhart mill. He wag paying 11.65 laat Saturday. We are glad to note the many good things said of the sermons of Rev. Frank Talmage, D. D. We don’t know a man who is doing a greater work than he is doing and has done. Though there are some reasonably intelligent and well mean ing people who claim they see no merit or anything extra-ordinary in these sermons. It’s the way they read them perhaps. The debate we spoke of in last Fri day’s paper was at the Wilklnsville school house, and not at Wilklnsville, •s Vie types made us say. No arrangements have as yet been made for regular preaching at Salem. Rev. T. F. Boozer has kindly consent ed to preach once a month until per manent arrangements can be made. Since Messrs. Gaffney and Holt have finished the new flat at Howell’s ferry there are quite a number of workmen in this community who think they could build one just like It, if not a better one. We hate to think that when th* 1 roll of countlefi Is call ai the fourth- coming Interdenominational 8. 8. As sociation at Union Cherokeo county will hfve no delegation. In iearly every other social or business func tion our county has its representa tives. The North Pacolet Interdenominat ional S. S. Convention will elect its! delegates and W!hen the roll is called at Union, When the roll is called at Union, When the roll is called at Union, “We’ll be there." Irrespective of denomlnotlon the HIS HIGE8T AMBITION. UNCLE SAM'S TRAD ING RELATION. “Ben Hope” Desires to Become An Author. > Filbert. R. F. D. 1, March 9.—These lines penned by Shelley, the great , English poet, seem so true to life people of Gaffney have done nobly that I reproduce them here: in entertaining, at different times, , , ^ ^ the several Eccllslastical courts of; before and after, our State. In this the country peo-i^nd pine for what is not; pie had nothing to do whatever but Our sincerest laughter j to attend, if they chose to do so.' With some pain is fraught ; , fn, shame if this term is Our sweetest songs are those that prereX) of not h.vtaV a ™nt?. tell of safest thought. The Poetoffloe Department and the Kahbath School Cou.eDtlou He. at Mea8lcB nc ,.. n9 a , wr|ttog X “naMer themaelvea P Jhe Jery S”" 0 '>»’<> the salt of the earth” In all good works GREER GLEAMINGS. FIGURES WHICH SHOULD TRACT ATTENTION. Civil Service commission to Help Rural Carriers. Three Persons Lose Their Life By ' Drowning. Greer, March 10.—There was quite an excitement at Appalache Mill two miles north of here Sunday after noon. There were eleven people in a boat in the pond at the mill and about 2 p. m. ‘the boat dapsized and two young men and a lady lost their lives. We tried to learn the names o fthe dead but as the air is full of wild rumors, only a faint account can be learned. J. I. Rainey and Frank Wynn, two friends of ours, witnessed the finding of the dead la dy, and They say each corpse was in a very blue state. Many from here Washington. March 11.—An inter-; v j S jj e ^ scene 0 j the accident and Miss Ida Love is ill at this writing. —_ - _ „ -4. Miss Fanny Burns spent Wednes- .^ rs ' J' Mr? Asa Blackwell Y day n,ght at Mr - ^ J - Love’s. . _ o „ W We ^e^et d t? learn that Mr. and Sid " ey Hogue, of the Beth- relations made by the United States Mr<? T,ncan Mi/e of Ravenna have S^oh section, spent Saturday night since becoming a world power, as ! sickneBS^ln theif family. hope at ^r-J- R. Hogue’s. shown in a statement issued by the r their immediate relief I last tw o ov three years department of commerce and labor '^est^daTTas the fifty-third an- 1 ^ ave received post cards letters wmi reference to the trad? between niversa-v ^of the “Windy Friday” and P a Pers from differont places in this country and its non-contiguous ; niversa.y °t ia e y\may rrmej* South Caro i lna> North Carolina, Ten- territories. ii?over?hr“‘C?aSne k Ground” east?f J? ess , ee - Mississippi, Texas and Cali-' These territories include Porto Rro-id river and between that and fornia - Many of them come from Rico, Alaska. Howaiian Islands Phil-. , ne King’s creek destroying thousands of ^ 1 a ^f^ e theTaVd? a^TuLlila' 1 "’ ISlandb ' Guam closed a very, successful revival rrteet- cord wood fencing and buildings of letters and So forth aU the moretor the trade w , th these ! ^ wlt h seventy-five conversions be- all kinds, including Hop caption that ’ There is als o some unknown territories all of which except Alas 1nian . v being .estored. Rev. A. •It was not confined to toat section n at Norc G who sends ka r w ” e S ’foreign' government 1P ° unders ’ aa evangelist preacher, but .0 The Nation In Vork mo pa^oconalonan,. Jl o, course, was W lom^StiX S " SSSSal ■ yesterday the Interment of the dead one s took place. Several of the other boat occupants had narrow es capes, and as Sunday’s scene was so horrible,' it is believed here that this will break up Sunday boat riding. We learn several accidents of this • have happened there in the last few years. The holiness people have just county, doing immense damage. nn .j _ - th t t . "'Tr —7' l,ie purse pih coiigreguuon coiiecieu, Wm. Whissonant. Sr., had nealy all w} , a ^ nromn t s v e for shel to remem- G en/ferte tern- he j g he j d in esteem by them, the fencing on his plantation burned. • ^ , . nan p rs p V erv 1ories aRRrega ^ ed 3147.000,000. or ] To gayg [ ie intends to return here Fire blew across Broad river at the then/ T sunoose^hat It is r 1n° 1 cin™^^ W '* h h ’ this fall and conduct a big tent n Kennedv nlace Mr. Whisonant 'Was "° w and tnen " I suppose that it is countries in 1830, and practically half inB the greatest sufferer south of King’s ^ghtful Tan^thJ^are^ven cram 88 n f U ? h a f 0 - u jJ[ rade wirtl an fore,gn Rev.-E. G. Ross, of Gaffney, 1 j creek. His wheat, then large enough . being r am sorrr* tn^sav it hut • CO -il nt ^L 0B Lu f bis usual appointment at the V to hide a rabbit, was exposed with- t e ' nevertheless that y neonle year r 8 C0l l ntr ; church last Sunday and Sunday n mit a fence around it. But his more 1,8 irue nevenneiess mat people , 8e nt to these non-contiguous terrl- l]Ur Ross vPr fortunate C nelKhbo« came to hia res- ™ TthXelfXS ot’hcrB Thtre X" n, rXT » ^ cue and with axes, mauls and wedges, 1 ® 88 ° f p i h ® ofd 8 ?’ and /L 0 " 1 ^ «*L sent tn r quite sick n $1-80 A YEAR. TO REST. The Funeral $ervlcea Over Remains of Mrs. Darwin. The funeral services of Mrs. J. T. Darwin were held at Buford Street Methodist chunch Tuesday morning at 11:30, Rev. S. B. Harper officiat ing, assisted by Rev. C. C. Derrick, of Blacksburg, Mrs. Darwin’s former pastor. Rev. C- C- Derrick first read in a very impressive manner the 90th Psalm, after which Rev. S. B. Harper delivered a most touching discourse on the life and character of this moat excellent lady. He spoke of her devotion to church work, of her many acts of charity and of the unobtrusive manner in which she performed her gracious acts. He also spoke of her resignation, her willingness to go whenever God called, and that al though she wished to live because of her loved ones, yet she was ready to say “Thy will be done.” ! The funeral was largely attended, | and the number of those present showed the very high esteem in which Mrs. Darwin was held. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. Dr. Darwin and his little children have the sympathy of a very large circle of friends. , .The pallbearers were: Dr. S. H. Griffith, Dr. J. N. Nesbitt, Dr. W. F. Brown, Messrs. L. G. Potter, E. L. Eison and J- D. Goudelock. The in terment was at Oakland cemetery. filled ictor Sunday and Sunday night. Mr. Ross is very young and promises preacher. Mrs. Ross quite sick now. When she gets while others built fence and in tnree f IT. UI * u ! the Victor mill, hag resigned Ms posi- I days time his farm was enclosed with ag e P t Ce sho " ]d g ° a nd woMd hP * Xported froni i h,s c ° ant J7’! tion here and accepted a simular po- a new fence except only a few pan- S ln ? s M b f W ’ 11 IJL 0 W,0W worth was from Alaska. , itio n w it h a mill In Rock Hill. Mr. nels which escaped. It’s always been £ „ „ Mills npw nns- 1>m « 8: ^16,0^,000 worth to the Ha-, t-,, ( g a ji w ui be missed here as ’io a mystery to use how this was unless ' rl ' ' ' d RpprRrPba ohnrph Tf lslan ^ 8 ’ ' VOrt fi t0 1 was a leader In all religious work, as | the coals, cinders and sparks from £> r ^ mSSme Alaska, and 325,000,OOO to Porto Rico. weI1 as be iug a fine ini’l man. Mr. the burning building were thrown so ®®> lla ® ° ?/ the $7 , 8 ’ 0 5 0 ’i° O w ^L. th of . rae . r . chan ‘ Stegall was at Gaffney for some time tofrh in the air as to be carried over hls regular appointments at Beershe- dise received from those territories before coming hero th?fence bv the fierce winds ba ° n the two preaching days by $n,0,>0,600 worth was from Aloska,' MrB w^lliron is ouite sick at this Scores of neoole who lived in the I understand that he is suf- $12,000,000 worth from the Phllli- vnl}£g P QU fCk at thlS w?ro S3? houae-with rheumatism. pines, 323.000.000 — WTltlng ‘ Coaling Ground” were left house- 1C ‘‘“B w.,n 1 ucu^.d.u. p m es, ^zs.uuu.uou irom t-ono Rico >lr B , Patrick has returfled from less and homeless. The men engak- Tw.enn, haTVaS from H a»all „ hnstoess trip to Alabama in the coaling business were author, and to this end I have .ead The principal articles forming this 0 n ladies f vlctor organiz- * The women and Md stodled tor years. To one day be „47.d(K>,000 worth, ot metohandlse ,d a Y oung l! Wom?n» P Mls a ton sSet? ed Sre'nT seXl Instances' carried nhte to = e something worth while pass,, between ihe United Stptos ^h'ave'StaVtod^ ntoSr“ their household belongings out into Js ™y d«drest wish. But as there is an d these territories are. a s regards, B' arrnfirn arp hl1KV nn „. ha Farmers are busy now hauling out the United States from Ruan0i and f rom re p 0 rts lots of it the fleM for small natch around the no royal road to learning, so there is shipments into house! to escape the P fire which often no royal road to literary fame. It Is the territories, sugar, chiefly from “" pd ; would Mow to and set them on fire. a height to which but few ever HawaK sugar tobacco ami fruits ^ Saturday evening the huge Your correspondent was just large clunh, except they pander to the dis- from P0N0 Rico; hemp from the engJne pullin ^ No . 37 gave out about enough to begin to plow and was “ + c—iip nn ’ Inlands, and fish, furs and a m ji e below here. The delay caused • “Mowing in” oats that day. A slight Then fame and fortune will smile up- copper ore from Alaska, and in ad-iNo 11 to remain on the sidetrack for sprinkle of rain had fallen that morn- on the author-perhaps. I am (I ition to these about $12,000,000 ^rlv an Sr sidetrack tor ing but about 9 o’clock the wind ***■ L®*fJ* ed h°w i came worth of sold mined in Alaska and Thl y s , 8 a h n fi : om here thi8 time so arose and scattered the clouds. High- £ hewri ing for the press One day sent to the United States non-cont -, watch fo me next W e ek from Ra- er and higher the wind rose until It in the summer of 1899, Mr. E. M. g „ 0 us territories was of a miscel- venna> c reached the velocity of a tornado. BMles (now deceased), who was then laneous character, though manufact- About 10 o’clock- a m. columns of sMllng books, came to our houke. He t)rt . E formed a very large proportion smoke began to kboot up in different al8 ° correspondent for the old cf it. directions and in less than half the Yorkville Yeoman at that time, and 0 f the 332.000.00 worth of merchan- time it takes us to tell it the whole in coversation with me on the sub- dipe received from- the Hawaiin Is- heavens were black with smoke and J f ct he offered to introduce me 10 ipnds, over 330,000,000 was raw su- men were going in every direction the editor of that paper if I would gar. Of the $23,000,000 “to fight the fire.” It put a jdop to asree to become one of its cor res- manufactures coming from Porto THE STATE S- 8- ASSOCIATION. Information About the Meeting to be Held April 1 to-«. . Wilklnsville, March 7.—For the W °n ^+ or benefit of those who expect to attend ficht the fire” it put a stop w to become one of its corres- manufactures coming from x-orw stata Snnrinv Q/.-hnni Acenr-iaHnn our plowln! that day Many bought pondehta. I. ot course, accepted his Hlco, |lo. 750,000 worth was raw su- “ t c 1J | t 1 ’ , n e ^orf?! 2 Md 3 ? hire the day of Judgment had come and It proposal, and Mr. Balles accordingly gar, pearly $4,000,000 worth of at unl0 “’ April 1, 2 and 3 I here wrote out a note of introduction for cigars, $1,500,000 worth of unmanu- me to Mr. Drakeford, so I began work factored tobacco and about |1,000,- give clipping from the programme sent me by Mr. J. M. Way, general really looked like it. i John Glenn, colored, fell Into ^ ‘ lu ” act ; u “ ua * i ’ uu Y’* secretary, and request other papers SMX ’hfd r^orti!; a '« “ STd^s’ “w'ortri, fishing and ^ ant oll r r T ^ d P paper became obliged ^ retire from ceived from Hie- Phillipine Islands rae ’ to get out. ‘The program committee has had gef reader, to hnow It hut our little i ^ “og- bird brought same. us the news all the I then wrote for The Sunny South hemp, less than foOO.OOO worth of su- lu n u “7“ a a^Vonnd witb the occasionally. Meanwhile I have con- gar and nearly $250,000 worth cocoa n r ? gra P P fr e hundred these are tinned my reading and study. "•’* "tra®* ® program, jive nunareq or rnese are Mr. T. Jeff Hughes was round yes- When Mr E. G. Sandifer began to R^copTa use^in toe* maSctSeTf booklef^ontains dl8trllMltlon - T-Vto 'Me®, UVa aotrornl aaa aaa tv -a OOOKJet Contains Tnis terday gathering up chickens and pub ii sh The New‘Era, several years oil). Of the $11000 000 worth of 7°“? c ° nta l ns a c ° m P lete D™*?™ eggs for the Union market. s ago, j did what I could to assist* him. merchandise received from Alaska. 2ni h hA C0 !j,f nt t? 1 and ?nt Mr. Harrison, the painter, will be- But it was “n 0 go.” The New Era $8,500,000 was fish, chiefly salmon in ?J5 d ^ ^ gin painting Salem church this week was at last compelled to suspend cans, nearly $1,000,000 worth of cop- D T d m if the weather remains favorable. publication. But now that I am on per ore. and about $500,000 worth of Z “ eS a l ZZ Mr. ;;Tosh” Foster Is running hls KdeT aSd' S fUr 8kin8 ’ a, ° ng WUh the to^tfendthf' JonlentioT saw mill at Mr. John A. M. Estes ^ me fo J“ g f! r ’ wUh ea^ lette? M g0ld ' ithe name of your Sunday school, the Mrs. Maggie Black, of Glendale, ,, f publication The snoken Wscbinp-tnn ~vrl v n * name and address of your pastor, came down Saturday on a visit to her J^to tor p imication. The .poken Washington, March 11.—An ar- superintendent, secretary and every n'nrpTitfi \fr anH Mrs TAM Estefi. word, tno writtGii will Gxlst as i&n^GinGnt has just boon completed v/\m «rfii parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Estes. ^ &g ^ shall endure . Jf thig l8 between the pogtofflee department ^Jd not true, what made the Bible im- and the civil service commission nfat P i y kJ,ah pr ^ raa * ““ a* kim o vaai mortal and the works of such men whereby recognition "‘will be given 8 ® D S 8te r nea tly bound. By getting Entertainment At New School. fl baVp«nearp Milton Rnn-an and ? «„ the convention songester now you . . . . . SnaK .spear . Milton, Hun/an ana rural carriers for length of service In w iii i| avG an nnnortunitv to learn the A grand evening of entertainment Dickens Imperishable? applying for positions a s city carriers g 0 " b e for e vS^eet to the conven by local talent, which promises to be. Two young gentlemen of Hickory in the postal service. The matter !(i° g8 b J u s 1 t0 the con ' en the event of the season will take Grove, Messrs. Tom Mitchell and was presented by the postmaster .repv- ra n rna( i s v avp arantpd a rate place ; t Cherokee Avenue new school L atlmore, ran up to Buck- general to the civil service commis- of o ne In one third f^ nlus twen bunding tonight Friday March 13th. horn yesterday. Mon, and the commission has approv- g ° n e e c “ d t 8 ° tl ckets to b? sold on '™ mP V y tu LJ^toment 1 Mr. J. R. Hotrae 1, vl.ltto* In the fl the recommendation and arrnnsed g c |eSie phS Bach dllegato Trrre^L^tor^ ,cS“ - ntoU^caX/^dUto^lTredirrf '“!! Our State legislature has provided a vention, but will pay only one-third State achool library fund. Any I will report the result of my birth- Lt^to Eileen’n^.^* n‘!T^ ?* Vare plne twenty-dve cents re- school district that will show its in- 'lay letter party next week. to Increase the 'areraTto more S ter?st and appreciation by raising a In view'of so much talk of good TOO per cent in the examlnatith for part of the money, is entitled to its loads and ways and. means to get positions as city carriers, portion of this fund. This school de- them. I will, in mv next letter, offer | Fike. sires to raise their part of the money a suggestion which. If enacted Into 1 U- C- Veterans Meet. about railroad rates, and if he cannot give you full particulars write at once to Capt. J. Adger Smyth, Jr., chairman of executive committee, Pelzer, 8. C. All delegates should write at once Blacksburg Locals. Blacksburg, March 12.—'Mrs. Cook sey has returned from a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, of Converse. Mr. Tom Lockhart, of Gaffney, waa in town Monday. Mr. Furman Belue, formerly of thin place but now of Greenville, was in town Monday night on important business? Mrs. Thomson ,of Converse, is visiting her daiughter, Mrs. R. S. Cooksey, on Shelby and Pine streets. Mrs. Wm. Graham, of Rock Hill, passed through here Monday on her way home from F’alr Forest where she has been visiting relatives. Mr. A. P. McLure, of Lancaster, was in town the first of the week. Mrs. L. W. Smith is spending a fe w days in Lancaster w’th her sis ter, Mrs. A. P. McLure. Mrs. S. A. Darwin and daughter, Miss Leila, went to Gaffney Tuesday t 0 attend the funeral of Mrs. J. T. Darwin. Mr. Leonard Ross is at home spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ross, on Pine street. Mrs. Ada Kennedy spent Monday night with Mrs. J. M. Peek and left Tuesday morning tor • Gaffney to at tend the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. T. Darwin. £ number of young men from Gaff- -ney were over skating Tuesday night. Our little town was quite lively Monday, the “boneyard” being well represented. ' The Chinese Rice Bowl Trick- Several years ago a famous Chi nese magician named Ching Ling Foo came . to this country, and mystified even the professional magicians by his performance of the “Rice Bowl Trick..” His trick consisted of the performer showing two empey bowls, one of which he filled half full of rice. The other bowl Is then inverted and placed over the one containing the rice. When the upper bowl is re moved. the rice has more *h*n doubl ed in quantity, there being enough to fill both bowls to overflowing. Th^ rice is emptied out and the bowls again placed together. This time, re moving the upper bowl, the rice has vanished and the lower bowl is full to the brim of water. This trick will be shown at the entertainment to be given by the Dramatic Club at^ Lime stone College on next Y/edhesday night, and will be peformed exactly as done by Ching Ling Foo. “The piper’s Pay.’» “The Piper’s Pay’’ is the name of an exceedingly clever little play {a he given by the Dramatic Club flr Limestone College pext Monday. night. In addition to the play there will be monologues, songs .and a magic and slelght-of-hand act the last named to consist of some of the most mystifying Illusions known FOUND TRUE REMEDY. for the library books to which they law, I believe would give aatisfact- are Entitled. They therefore aak ory results. j wilklnsville, March 11 .-Camp Jef- to Mr G^T"h" Oetzef "chairman^of and r vSuT?s C ststMce e to thf «teS 6 Sf , J armers in thls sectlon are plow jfejjes U- C. veterans will meet at committee on entertainment, Union, the small adiXion ^ee They wUl lDg - ! Wilkinsville on Saturday 28th instant g. c ., that they will ottend the con- endeavor to reHnrocate bv riving The birds tw,tter J u8t as merri, y in at ^ o c,ock , a - m - to elect officers vention. Mr. Oetzel and the commlt- vm, a most entovabto evening Don’t the Buck-horn section as they do any, for the ensuing year also a sponser tee of which he is chairman will se- mlss it SeSretic^ts in advice where else ’ - * ? pre 2“ t the «? mp at the forth- cure homes for all who attend.” misg it. secure tickets in aava oe , Ben Hope com i ng g^te reunion. All members j very much w jgh to see this grand I : are requested to be present or pay meeting of the Sunday school work- First Baptist CHuch Notes. their annual dues of 15 cents each— ers of our State a success, and there- dartaf morelng~fne pagtor ,"poke j“iTbl tafel 1 £7 Sr®”“ the layman’s missionary movement. ere me mhe r is nrged to be ntn “tV C tor?ol° tw^Xlfe S'," liav<! more t0 " a> ’ °' tt I,,er ,D ’ Buford St. M. E- Church Notea. To a large congregation last Sun- y r - L. G. Potter is the leader for; present. Mr. Lawton, o business man Spartanburg district in this move ment. He will attend the laymen’s cor.ference of the Southern Methodist church to be held in Chattanooga, Term., in April. Preparations are be ing made for one thousand delegates. The missionary collections are now being taken in the congregation and the responses are most gratifying. ft hag been most gratifying to see so many strangers and visitors at the recent services. They are always most cordially welcomed. Best Healer-in the World. Rev. F. Starblrd, of East Raymond, Maine, says: “I have used Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for several years, on my old army wound, and other obstinate sores, and find It the best healer in the world. I use it too with great success in my veterinary business.” at Cherokee Drag Co. of Greenville, will be present and will talk of the laymens movement which is now* stirring all denomina tions. a cordial invitation is extend ed the men from the country church es to come and kear his talk about the work. Gen. J. M. Jordon, Greenville, S. C. Bv order of J. L. Strain, G. Wash McKown, Adjutant. Commander. V.). With best wishes, I am. Yours, Ac., J. L Strain. ^ Card of Thanks. Death of Mr. Coyle. We take this method of thanking Mr. M. D. F. Coyle, father of the many friends of Gaffnev and sur- street overseer J. T. Coyle, died at rounding community for their many his home in the city Wednesday kindnesses shown us during the re- morning at 9 o’clock as the result of cent illness and death of our dear an operation. Mr. Coyle was an old husband and father. May heaven’s Confederate veteran and was a very No Use To Die- I have found out that there is no use ter die of lung trouble as long as i richest blessings abide with all of quiet and unobtrusive citizen and had you can get Dr. King’s New Discov ery,” say* Mrs. J. P. White, of Rush- boro, Pa. “I would not be alive to day only for that wonderful medi cine. It loosens np a cough quicker than anything else, and cures _lung diseases even after the case is pro nounced hopeless.” This most reli able remedy for coughs and coldi, la grippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarse ness, is sold under guarantee at Gaffney Drug Co. them. Mrs Mary Wood and Family. many friends in the city whom he won by his uniform kindness and courtesy to them. While he was The Lucky Quarter flagman at the Southern Railway Is the one you pay out for a box .crossing he always had a cheery of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They word for his friends. He will be bring you the health that’s more missed by many people in Gaffney, precious than jewels. Try them for j He leaves a wife and a number of headache, biliousness, constipation children to mourn their ibss. He was and malaria. If they disappoint you buried at Draytonville churchyard the price will be eheerfully refunded yesterday, Rev. Earnest G. Ross ot- by Gaffney Drag Co. ; flciatlng. The Gaffney Drua Co- Sure Mi-o-na Will Cure (ndigetlon. The incalculable amount of good that Mi-o-na stomach tablets are do ing in Gaffney, in making sick and even despairing people well, should compel the attention of every Juot- cious person who is out of health with stomach troubles. The underlying cause of nervous debility, headaches, sleeplessness and melancholy lg faulty nutrition, the re sult of a weakened stomach and in active bowels. So long as the stomach is weak the tissue cannot assimilate proper nour ishment, no matter how much fcod is eaten. Mi-o-na increases the strength and activity of the muscular walls of the stomach, regulates the Dowels and makes the blood capable of con veying nutriment to all the vital or gans. The use of Ml-o-na stomach tablets makes all the difference between a tired, nervous, sluggish condition, a weakened stomach, and a healthy, energetic bodily condition. In no other way can you so quick ly. so readily and *o positively stlnm- late the stomach to good health as by using Ml-o-na The fact that this re medy is sold by The Gaffney Drag Co. under a guarantee to refund Die money unless it cure*, shows con clusively its superb tty over ordi nary, old-fashioned digestives. . ..A# b