The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, November 15, 1907, Image 4

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/ *1 . Jf . XV i. £4. THE LKDQEfl. Tuesday and Friday, H. DeCamp. Editor ard PubHohar. Wat:h your label ana Ue dale. And reuew befog^ ’tla too late; [I ttere be an error, don’t net mad Report to ub—we’ll make you *lad. Rem mber, 'tla our aim to pieuae. But errors are like peak/ fl&s— They will creep in in spite of fate. Therefore, watcb your label and tbe date. —Original CITY DIRECTORY. Official a. S. Q Little H. L. Spears W. H. Rosa City Clert R. A. Jones • ,3^?^ A. L. Hallman H tSS. T. H. Lockhart CM** Polled J. B. BelV Cltr Attorney Board ?uMle Works. A. N Wood Chairman J. N. Lipscomb Treaeurer W. H. Roe Secretary Board ef Trado C. Hamrick Proaldent J. C. Otts Beeretaiy pay debts when due, by forfeiting the and that all who take the paper will respect and confidence of tbpse who get more than the worth of their furnish supplies on credit, It will not money. Beginning Tuesday, December only lose In credit and confidence, but forfeit the respect of the world at 'large, and alienate Itself from the ^ sympathy and co-operation that would 1 be shown to It otherwise, and subject 1 Itself to public ostracism. 1 We trust that the said resolution was adopted Without due consider ation, and that the Farmers’ Union had no thought of lowering the nigu character which the farmers of this county have established for meeting every honest, legal and moral obliga tion when due. We also trust that no apology Is due the public at large for a resolution that does not and cannot reflect the sentiment of the majority of Cherokee county farm ers. 26th, The Ledger will appear as a daily up to and including Sunday. This Is In order to report the proceedings of the Methodist Conference which con venes in this city November 27th. We will send The Ledger dally during this week to any address in the United States for 25c. Already a number of subscriptions have been iccelved. Those wishing the paper for that week may send the money direct or hand it to their minister. First Baptist Church Notes. Dr. Simms expects to preach an ex pository sermon at 11 a. m. on the opening chapter of Judges. At night he will use “Gideon” as his topic. Sunday school at 9:43. Everybody is invited to the services. \ “AFTER DUE PROCESS W LAW.” At the meeting of the Farmers' Union in Gaffney last Saturday, cer tain resolutions are reported to have been unanimously adopted by that body, the third paragraph of which deserves notice. It is this: “Resolv ed, third, that we have no desire to work a hardship on the firms or per sons whom we owe, but that it is our purpose to keep the cotton off the market except at the minimum price, and if it be sold at less than the minimum it must be sold by the sheriff after due process of law.” U the language above quoted is figurative and means only to empha size the determination on the part of the members of the union to obtain at least the minimum price for their cotton, it is unfortunate that language of so questionable meaning should have been chosen when the English language offers such an extensile vocabulary from which apt and ap propriate words may be selected to accurately expres® our meaning. f Out of charity to all concerned we would prefer to believe that the lan guage is hyperbolical and not to 1>e taken in its literal sense, and we of fer this explanation to the public In the hope that the shock may be soft ened. Tabing the language to mean what the words in their usual sense im port. no other conclusion can be reached than that those Who have adopted the resolution, have of their own volition resolved net to sell cot ton at a less price than that fixed by the National Union at Little Rock, even though it may result In a hard ship to the firms and persons whom they owe. It means that if, when their obligations become due, the market value of cotton is below the minimum price, and if the sale of cotton is necessary to enable them to meet their obligations, they will refuse to sell cotton, refuse to pay their debts, refuse to meet their ob ligations. refuse to carry out the con tract made with those who have ex tended to them credit for the purpose of making their crops, feeding and clothing their families. It means that they will break their faith with those who in the hour of need agreed to supply them with the necessaries of life and to furnish the means where by their crops might be cultivated and harvested, all of which was done in the confidence that these obliga tions would be paid when the crop should be gathered. It must have been forgotten at the moment that those who extend credit must themselves ask credit, and that they contract obligations to be paid when the farmer pays his debts. It must have been forgotten that the failure to pay debts when they become due may be the direct cause of a failure on the part of the credjfc or to meet his obligations, and in volve him in financial difficulty, and injure his credit. It must have been forgotten that when a man fails or refuses to pay his debts when due, he loses credit, and forfeits the confidence not only of those who have entrusted him with credit, but of all honorable men. THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS. The dally papers of the Sta«e on Tuesday contained the announcement that State Superintendent of Educa tion O. B. Martin, had announced his candidacy for the position of United States senator to succeed the Hon. Asbury Latimer We would like very much to see the Hon. Asbury succeeded by some one preferably a statesman; but be tween these two we believe we pre fer the Hon. Asbury. It has always been our motto where there is a choice of two evils to choose the less er, and we honestly think that it would be better to return Latimer to the senate than to send Martin. It has only been a short time since Mr. Martin made himself ridiculous iu his letter to Gov. Ansel, and If he knows no better than to make hlm- spif ridiculous at home among his own people, he would probably do much worse In Washington. It Is about <;s hard to understand why Mr. Martin was elected State superintend ent of education as it is to understand why the Hon. Asbery was elected to the United States senate. Mr. Martin states in his announce ment that it would not be necessary if he 'was elected to the senate, for people of other States to ask the question, “Who is the other senator from South Carolina.” Mr. Martin is right, by the time he acted as fool ishly in Washington as be has at home he would have all the notoriety he could ask. PREPARE MIXTURE AS ADVERm RECIPE EASILY MIXED, AND MANY SWEAR BY IT- Rapid changes of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. The conductor *passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform—the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind—know the difficulty of avoiding cold. Scoff's Emulsion strengthens the body so that it can better withstand the oQi danger of cold from changes of temperature. It will help you to avoid taking cold. $ ^ ALL 'DRUGGISTSt 50c. AND $1.00. ; GIVENS f AWAY J i Absolutely} I Free! ! * NOTES AND COMMENTS- It ig frequently the case that the man who comes to judge, Is forced to stand trial for his own shortcomings. • • • The Columbia State is preparing to get out a Christmas edition which promises to be the best paper which that enterprising concern has ever issued. The State can be depended upon always to keep abreast of the times. Many of Our Citizens Speak Weil of the Home prescription Which Help- Helped Them to Health. Mix the folowing by shaking well in a bottle, and take in teaspoonful doses after meals and at bedtime: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. A local druggist is the au thority that these simple, harmless ingredients can be obtained at nomi nal cost from our home druggists. The mixture is said to cleanse anu strengthen the clogged and Inactive Kidneys, overcoming Backache, Blad der weakness and Urinary trouble of all kinds, if taken before the stage of Bright’s disease. Those who have tried this say it positively overcomes pain in the bacls, clears the urine of sediment and regu-j lateg urination, especially at night, curing even the worst forms of blad der weakness. Every man or woman here who feels that the kidneys are not strong or acting In a helathy manner should mix this prescription at home and give It a trial, as It Is said to do won ders for many persons. The Scranton (Pa.) Times was first to print this remarkable prescription, in October, of 1906, since when all the leading newspapers of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other cities have made many an nouncements of it to their readers. Farmers and Hechanics B. AND L. ASSOCIATION SAVE MONEY! COMMENCE NOW! The less money you have the greater your need for savings. Youshould buy you a home. You expect to buy a home sometime. If you wait until you can pay all cash for it, you will never buy. Commence saving by tak ing stock with us to-day, and when you want to buy or build, come and gel your savings, and if you need borrow the balance from us and pay your house rent to yourself. Don’t you know that the rent you are now paying will about pay your building and loan dues and interest, and at the end of six years you will have a home instead of a bundle of rent receipts. See us. N.'H. LITTLEJOHN, President. J. L. WALKER, Vice*President. C. W. NAMES, Sec’y and Treas. J. C. OTTS, Solicitor. . Trust Co., Upstairs, National Bank Bldg. I A box of 25 of the best 6c Cigars in our store on every Saturday evening at eight o’clock, until furtber no tice. : : : : You cannot find a better oc Cigar than we carry. To convince you we make this offer. We note several of our exchanges are casting bouquets at Brother Knight, of the Bamberg Herald, be cause he has improved his always In teresting paper by discarding the co operative, or patent sheet. The Led ger is also gratified to note the change and takes occasion to say that noth ing too good can be said of Editor Knight. When the Press Association meets here next year those of our citizens who will be so fortonate as to form his acquaintance we feel will surely agree with us- , • • • It is a matter worthy of mention that there was not a single bill for homicide handedJc the grand jury by the solicitor at me last term of court. The billings which have occurred at the power dams since the work start ed cannot properly by charged to Cherokee county for the reason that the Jarge number of negroes who are employed on these works belong to some other county and indeed large numbera of them belong to other States^ The homicides which may be properly charged to our county nave been few dlnce the voting out of the dispensary. Of course we have had too many kilings, but it is a matter for encouragement that homicides are not near so frequent within the bor ders of onr county as formerly. • • • The Ledger desires to make public acknowledgment of the courtesy extended to it by the press of the State in publishing the fact that it It must have been forgotten that intends to publish a daily edition FOR SAL*?.. FOR SALE—One pair fine young mules. Victor Cotton Oil Co. Nov. 15 tf. FOR SALE—A milk cow with young calf. Apply to T. C- Petty. Wot, is tf. FOR SALE—One yoke of oxen five years old, well broken, weigh 2200 pounds. Apply to J- C. Spears, Jonee- ville, S. C- Nov. 12 4t np. FOR 8ALE—A $5 stove for $2; a $20 double-barrel gun for $7; muzzle loader, one-horse wagon, a few bush els of corn. Apply to W. R- Lip scomb. Nov. 5-tf. Subscribe for The Lodoer $1.00 a «ear. I CHEROKEG l DRUG COMPANY ** ^ ;v«sfn ire jams ♦ jo FOR BALE—Bnlldlna lots for gale. Mrs. A. V. Montgomery. Aug. 27th tf. FOR BALE—Ten building lots, at so two bonnes *ad lota. J. j. Gaff- Bey. Ang. St tt FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Ten-room building corner Depot etreet and Oaklnd ave nue, formerly occupied by Mr. Oscar Shanks. City water; electric lights; good bam and garden. Applv to J. L SarratL Sept IS tt l 1 L i) r TO RENT—Office rooms over Th» Lelgtr. Apply to Ed. H. DeCamp. Nov. 2-tf. M Cowjbmalioiy the whole foundation of our material prosperity is laid on the confidence that exists between creditor and debtor. It must have been forgotten that only by Just and honorable means can the Farmers’ Union secure the co-op*-ration of just and honorable men in carrying out their purpose to tecur* the best poealble price for their commodities. It most hare been forgotten that snd honorable man will lend hi* aid to assist one In accomplishing a purpose, the ends of which he at tempts to reach by means that are not honorable. It mrst have been forgotten that If the Farmers* Union hopes to get a Wrb price for ootton by refusing to during the session of the Methodist conference. It is no small undertak ing for a semi-weebly paper* to get out a daily, but we feel confident thgt we “are adequate to the capability*' WANTED. WANTED—Green hides wax. L. W- McGuinn. Nov. 12 tf. and bees WANTED—-To buy or rent a second hand visible typewriter, universal keyboard, will Corry, at Court House. Nov. 12-2t-pd. WANTED—500 cords of wood; highest market price paid. Gaffney Mannfactnring Co. Nov. B-tf. WANTED—Chickens, efl country produce, green m Highest cash price paid. Kirby/ NOTICE. NOTICE—Hata of all Hilda planned and blocked. Ladles' and gentlemen's clothing denned and prenssl Phone No. 279. Shop over R. A. Jonas’ store. N. B- Brown, TlfeOld Hatter.” Oct ig la. $ioo Reward, $xoo. ^Ire 'Insurance! Tfafc .-eadors ofthls paper will be pleased to tearn that there Is at least one dreaded dis- that science has been able tc -'ure In all sonstltutlonal disease, requires a eonstftu tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, actina directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of the disease, and fclTlur the patient strenffth by bnlldlna up the constitution and aaslstlng nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative imwers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any •ase that tt falls to enro. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. Chsmbt A Go., Toledo, U •old byitnunrists, 7Sc Hal I’lTamllr Pills are tbe beet ^ We represent some o' the largest and mostsubstantlal companies and would like to write your bualm-s. f-J*-tf. Smith A Llpssomb, Agents. MONEY TO LOA I am prepared to negotiate loans on first mortgage on improved farms fora term of years, in amounts from $500 np. Call on J. O. JEFFERIES, Attorns ' Sep 37-6m OaRney, S. O. / 81ob« J ELASTIC" DttKCASE/ Appeals to you as strongly on account of its beauty as it does because of its utility. You can sta^t with a few sections and get more as they are needed. If You Need A Stove, Range, Bedroom Suit, Odd Dresser, Iron Bed, Springs, Mattresses, Comforts, Rugs, Window Shades, Fortiers, Lace Curtains, or any thing in your house SHUFORD & LeMASTER Has It.