r Iboosands Have Kidney RAVENNA REAOIN& ID. Bailey has tendered his resignation 'as pastor here. Mr. Bailey has been Newsy Note, and Personals of a with us for some time and we will no Troob e and Never Sospect t. Thrlvlno community. doubt miss him very much rlvaiemr of “".h” Ravenna, Nov. 12.-Mlas Sallle Mrs. Geo. Gates and Miss Beulah MostocoDle do i) t r< di e the ;ilarm- Chalk spent last Saturday and Sun- Herndon were the guests of Mrs. Lee i n sine rease a i id re r na rk; 11 'le prev.'.kn, y day in Jonesville, the guest of Mr. Good Saturday an d Sunday ® ‘ of kidney disease, and Mrs. George D- Brown and family For fear of the waste basket I will While kidney dis orders are the ^moft common Mr. H. D. Mathis, A. A- Mathis and ring off. With best wishes to Misses Bessie and Ila Mathis all spent last Friday In Gaffney. Mr. WrV- rt If The ledger Blonde. and Us readers. BEE CULTURE CONTINUED |r diseases tli.it px.- Mathis carried twelve bales of cot- vail, they are iton to store in the warehouse to await almost ti.e lasl a higher price. recognized by q. e. Brown, of Jonesville, spent Ag® °f Bees, patient and phy- ,i as t Friday in this section. It may be rather difficult to decide sic i; ns, o n- j^irs. C- E- Kitchens says somebody how long a worker bee would live, if - - — (l/l i t/uwselri s tried to en ter her home one ueght kept from wearing itself out by the villi q the cffsi'tx, m 'e the or<.j- jg^t week. She found one of her active labors of the field; six months */ti/£ «’i.v a#*, uiiihj; : - i.es the system. windows raised with a glass broken certainly, If not a year. But the aver- wtiat To T)o. 0 yt Mrs. Kitchens has made her a age life during the summer time is There is comfort in the knowledge so new pa tc»nt blind, which, she says, not over three months, and perhaps often eq>n>. d, that hr. Kilmers j wj , e & burRler a tough tussle to during the height of the clover bloom ^ Swamp-Root, Cm great kidney remedy, b . throueh not ° ver s * x or e Ight weeks. The v fulfills every in curing iheuinatism and J, re> Charles E Smith, of matter is easily determined by Intro- paiuin the Mck. kmiieys. liver, nia.mu Goucher attended our teachers meet- duclng an Italian queen to a hive of and every part oi tne urinary passage | ^ here , ast Frida evening. > black bPes ’ at Afferent periods of It corrects im: i;uy to lio.d "■‘ u ‘ H ,, Mathis spent last Sun- the year. If done in May or June we and scalding p m m pa^ '".d ll , or K ( * ’ . „ d the KUe8 t G f his shall have all Italians in the fall; and Iir.-cls follcv in-! <■! dauKhLr^jS Leila Marlt'Mathis” 1 H we note when the tut ..lack bees beer, and oveu ouivs uiat unpk.is. t ( Hrown vi«ited Pacolet hatched out. and the time when no cessity of being compelled to go often . Mias Ella Brown visited Pacolet j ^ ^ ^ ln the fime^lmin-' the ri'dit The mild mid i Miss Lena Green spent last Satur- colony we shall have a pretty accu- theextriordinarvefieci. of Svvamp-Roci day aud Sunday with her parents, a , ge of the b ac ^ P 6 ‘i st>,m x d. ’ H 'tamh- the highest ! ‘Squire and Mrs. T. C. Green. /Now. the block bees are a variety of fot i s vvoii'lciful cures of the mosi d. Mrs. Keturah Gregory and son, the ®^pio^ Mel 1 ifleo, who3e col tn^.ino easts. If vou need a medicine Felix, of Gastonia, N. C., are visiting or varies from dark brown to bl ac h- you skoul.l iiave the best. Sold b-drug- Mrs. Gregory’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. They are natives of p e ™ anj ^ '' ^ Ss' in ftftv-cent an.l one-dollar sizes. Felix Littlejohn. will live 4o da/s Aga n. under the g Youmavl i; ivea sample bottle and a' Miss Addle Brown and Mrs. J. M. mo3t fa^rabte circumstances black, book that tells all _ | Lipscomb left today to attend the or v ejy poor bees, w live Woman’s Missionary meeting at Co- ^ r0m ,. tb ® flr8 ^ , Sei, !^^ nb rf nil k!L lumbia. These are Goucher’s dele- foart h of next Ju^- The I ta, * an bee gates to this meeting. wi “ h0 1 ? ut 0 “ acb ,onger uDder the hamton, N. Y. When Homeof Bwam^itoot. Mr R D Kitchens, of Pacolet, sa 5) e circumstanceu, writing mention this paper and don’t spent a few hours in this section last If f make any mistake, but remember the ' September, we shall find black bees name, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and | M j sg Minnie Burgess, after success- ! n 11 the i b ve ^ nt tb ° P oatb a ° f the address, Binghamton, N. Y. , fully finishing her school at Cherokee I?] 10 ™ 1 ”.?’ T ? Cy h d Jome Don’t make anj mmiake, but ra \ Falls, has returned to her bomd here , ater depe ' ndi n u y on the time they member the name^ Swamp-Root, Di (much to the delight of her many n tQ ^ ^ brood largely The Kilmer’s Swarap-Root, and the af friends. _the ft s will Hva conslderablv loneer if dress, Bintrhampton, N. Y., on ever M. W. Brown, our prosperous w»er- iiottle chant, was a business visitor to Gaff- _ — ^ey last Wednesday. strong queenless colonies. It is pretty , We notice one of The Ledger s cor-1 well | gtabllshed that black bees wll i Catarrh Invites Consumption It weakens the delicate lung tissues, deranges the digestive organs, and breaks down the general health. | It often causes headache and dizzi ness, impairs the taste, smell and hearing, and affects lift? voice. Being a constitutional disease it re quires a constitutional remedy. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Radically and permanently cures. In usual liquid form or in chocolat'd tablet# known as Sarsatabs. iw doses si Arrival ©f Mall Trains. The following Is a correct schedule of the arrival of all mall trains In Gaffney: NORTH BOUND. No. 36 due a t 8:05 A. M. No. 12 due at 4:20 P. M. No. 38 due at 7:08 P. M. SOUTH BOUND. No. 39 due at .. .. .. .. 9:45 A. M. No. 37 due at 12:43 P. M. No. 43 due at 10:43 night » Malls for above trains close thirty | minutes before train is due, except No 43 which closes nine o'clocb at I night i about it, both sent f rce by mail. Address Dr Kilmer & Co., Ring <.#■-- rn j I I I i . |' ^' National Arsoci-thn cf J - ■"•'ers Takes F-c*. respondents saying f something about ; ^ longer in spring than Itallang; C. , of H' ^ probably because the latter are more S-’’ « should ba je been S.. of j^cjjne/ to pngh out into the fields Clfton, as C. does not report from ^ when j t Js too c00 i f or them to do so :; ement rhi"s, , Clifton ■ :i ; ? riMr^ ilIiuUit‘s. if fit* iiton. . with safety. They seldom Mr. and Mre. Charley Smith, of bowever un i eS g a large i do this, amount of _ , ... o# j ! iiuwtrvei, UAIICOB a a.ixic/uuw v/j. . h,. v( P oaCbe L '' isi t e - •r delegates to :he aathmal retail Jew- forth. ^ „ ^ •lers’conven lea ; ’ (’hlrarro. Mr - Thomas, of Pacolet, visited | dreds 0 j t bese heavily laden, ragged The propo-pi •' nt the meeting in- this place last Sunday. winged veterans making their wiA' to two factious bitterly opposed to Miss Ella Brown is earnestly sohe- into tbe hive 5 i ow i y and painfully, •ach other, but a count of noses show- pjf* a ® ub !, c a r < !^J n *? r n tb ® compared with the nimble and perfect ed that Mr Hull’s ‘umoortars areatlv . of Pacolet, who are very w i n g ed y0 ung bees. If we examine M mat Mi. Uuhs -upp utei greativ mucb j n need of be ip. Miss Ella is thp ro . mH a ^) Und the aniarv at night- outnumbered the other faction, says meeting with much success, and her Sn.^TLy see hund?eds y of these Cldcago m.er Oioan. As u result earnest appeal in the behalf of these ho pp Ing abo Jit ©n the grouna. evi- it Is believed the attmity ring will lie destitute women, is a most commend- dently recognizing their inability of ■howf in rnair designs at the nations able move. being any further use to the commun- jewoK-y exposition. | Mr. To m Hames, of Asbury, was In ity We an repeatedly pick them up, kla lo of Q-r , , , ♦ x, . . V _ . 1 . ‘Almost every mnn has an affinity,’’j this section last Friday. and place them in their entrance, but declared Mr. Hell in defense of his T. E. and C. D., Mrs. Carrie Burgess they seem bent on crawling and hop- idea. ‘Those who have none are proh- aDd daughters, Misses Eva and ping off out of tbe wa y, where they ably engaged in a continual still hunt , P 5f r L-f^ ent ast Saturda y at ch ero- can dle w ithout hindering the teem- foi ibeui. It appears to me that the Pa ^ 5 ’ r-onnio hovn * ng r I s I n S generation. ~ ... , , , ^ , Our young people have flocked Glossary. affim v is the popular fad of the day. around yoUr correspondent inquiring Abdomen of Bee.—The terminal di- I. behooves us jewelers to keep uj. agou t the wedding bells soon to be vision of the Insect, composed of a Hc Wts Convinsid. The late Dr. .Julh: v. l e once con sented to attend a meeting <>f spiritual ists near his home on College hill, Ohio, and was surprised when a shad owy form in the darkened room was referred to by the medium as his mother, who had died a short time be fore. The alleged spirit spoke of sev eral members of the family and “sent her love to her husband,” the Rev. Dr. Isaac M. Wise. “Ask some question," the medium urged, and the j'oung doc tor said, “If yon are the spirit of my mother repeat the ‘Schema.’ ” This Is the Jewish confession of faith. There was a pause, the figure disappeared, and the medium said, “She doesn’t know what you mean.” When the lights went up she asked the doctor. “Are you convinced?’’ T am,” said he. “but do not ask me what I am convinced of."—New York Tribune. What Our Reporter saw in New York. A recent visit to one of the largest paint factories in the world, discolsed machinery that was producing lO.ObO gallons of paint, and doing It better and in less time than luu gallons could be made by hand mixing. This was the celebrated L. & M. Paint. The L. & M- Zinc hardens L. & M. White Lead and makes L. & M. Paint wear like iron for 10 to 15 years. 4 gallons L- & M. mixed with 3 gal lons Linseed OH makes 7 gallons of paint at a cost of less than $1.20 per gallon. If any defect exists in L- & M. Paint, will repaint house for nothing. Donations of L. & M. made to churches. Sold by Smith Hardware Company, Gaffney, S. C. with the times, and I cannot see a Shrewder move than to get out a few taking designs for affinity rings.” ringing. Our information was ob- variable number of rings, tained from a reliable source, so Absconding, or abnormal swarm-— wait and see how near we clinch the one that, from any cause, leaves its pennant. hive and starts for parts unknown, A good rain fell Sunday morning, cither before clustering or because which kept many from here attend- neglected after clustering, ing the White Plains exercises. i After-swarms.—Those issuing after Our rural carriers are handling a the first swarm, lot of mail these days. j Alighting board.—A board in front Mr. S- S- Littlejohn, of Goucher, of the entrance to a hive, on which happened to drop In our Sunday the bees alight. Apiarian.—An adjective of or relat ing to bees. Often incorrectly ap Having good judgment and being a fool for luck" are frequently the [story of a single flnaneltl success told by different parties. Cured Of Brlghfa Disease. Mr. Robert O. Burke, Elnora, N. Y., Writes; “Before I started to use Fo- ley’a Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night, and I was all bloated up with drops/ and my eyesight was so impaired I could scarcely see one of my family School last Sunday afternoon and we across the room. I had given up hope know he enjoyed It. efr living, when a friend recommend-, Our Sunday School will have a big plied to one who beeps bees. Apiarist «d Foley’s Kidney Cure. One 50c rally on next Sunday evening, so i B preferable. bottle worked wonders and before I every one has an invitation to come Johnnie. had taken the third bottle the drop- and worship with us. Hours of 1 had gone, aa well as all other worship, 3 to 4 p. m. | GROWING CHILDREN. iptoms of Bright’s disease.” Cher- cee Drug Co. Prof. T. G. Chalk opened up r nls school at Asbury yesterady morning. [ Advice t© Mother© of Gaffney, South Miss Bessie Mathis is suffering Carolina. You can waste a good deal of time f rom a badly swoolen Jaw, caused by „ . telling how reliable you are. having a tooth taken out last Friday. n , 1 in A is I Mis! Mary Chalk and brother, Car- P le Solved in the care of a ©nild is The New Pure Food an d Druo Law. We are pleased to announce that Foley’s Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles Is not af fected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as It contains no opi ates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend It as a safe remedy for children and adults. Cherokee Drug Co. e have secured the agency for ville, were Gaffney visitors yester-1 pr ° pe ^ ^anl^rtSlcate children do we no LaxatlT. Fruit Synip. the new day. _ _ ^ m^" ou’r *reeu .ivories! OHn 5X7 «r bTo7«“ pacolei M ’ u * xz*^**m* and regulates the digestive orgaus. flu res chronic constipation.' Ask us about it. Cherokee Drug Co. The local option fight In Delaware has become very hot. Babies and children need promt at tention- when suffering from coughs and colds. The best remedy for mothers to use Is Kennedy’s Laxa tive Cough Syrup. It tasts nearly as good as maple syrup, it contains no opiates, and It Is laxative and drives the cold out of the system by gently moving Ihe bowels. Sold by the Gaff ney Drug Co. You never say a man won’t listen to reason if he agrees with you. ta , . „ It Is very plain to be seen that rapid tn U fis P ifkA U thPv 0 did U iaKt rl ciim S 1 * 0 ** 11 takes a11 thelr strength and ^11 1Ik ® the / dld las J Sd J; their little bodies are not receiving our piece. agSin inVe ledger, and make tham with pleasure we raise our hat to all ^ want tQ say t0 t j, e p aren tg of Thirty five hundred men have been laid off In the Pittsburg district. Darrein© Proves Fatal. those who really, we believe, mean all such children In Gaffney that our ey fsaaic «o* pq«p” delicious cod liver and iron prepara- . Your correspondent feels at ease tion vlnol( wiI , build up dellcate Many men and wom'm catch cold this morning at h J^ desk - children, fill out hollow cheeks and At dances which terminate In pneu-: for The Ledger. We, ourselves, are make them Btrong robugt and rogy monla and consumption. After ex- suffering with a sty on our eye, but Vinol makes new vItalityi sound fl e3 h posure, If Foley’s Honey and Tar is our eyesight is still good. mU scle tissue and pure, rich red taken It will break up a cold and no Now, a s we nave taken up our pen- .. d children love it This is serious results need be feared. Re- cil to again report for The Ledger beca d ’ Be $, nol is a d eii c lous tasting fuse any but the genuine in a yellow we hope our friends will help us out llve preparation without oil. package. Cherokee Drug Co. all they can In reporting to us all the d /scientific, extractive and . — news they know. Your help will be „„Ha' A boy is liberally abused If he isn’t appreciated, so give us the latest L pr ,,_ Uu polite, but how many say “Thank news, you” to a boy? ger. C. You can’t be well If you have a This Is worth Remembering. As no one Is immune, every per son should remember that Foley’s Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not [ beyond the reach of medicine. Chero kee Drug Co. 1 'hie Disciples of Christ reported their collections of last year to have been $8,260,305. Valuable Town and * * «Farm Lands Foe Sale On Monday, Dec. -WE WILL OFFER At Public Outcry riefore tin Court House d< or ;it Gaffney, S. immedint* 1 v after the sal(-> of the et ui.iy ofth-ers. valuable ton n aiul farm lands. ThC is the Jesse Pinson Lands At 'lliicktty station. Th s being known as part the of Marcellus Littn John land. The tract contain- 184} acres and will be divid ed to suit purchasers; or -oi«l as a whole. Terms of Sale: One forth cash ; balance in < no two and three years, with 8 per o* nt. interest. Purcha-er has the privilege - t paving all ca-h. We would entertai propositions for'H private sale. Address H. S Lipicomb, Tr. ugh, S. C. J. M. Lipscomb, Gaffne... s C., Ronte 4. A Is fot r beautiful builoin town of Gaffney will be off- i tune N, luts in the at the same Sth-to 29th. livers, thus combining with peptonate r^A of Iron all the’ medicinal, healing, With kindest wishes for The Led- body . bu ii d i ng elements of cod liver oil, but no olL As a body builder and strength cre- weak, unhealthy, tired out stomach. Happening, at Cherokee Falls. ator f0r old eople d eiicate children, Neither can you feel good If by some Cheroliee Falls, Nov. 5 : —Just a few we&k run.^/ persons, after sick- The Postmaster of Gasconda, Mo., Daniel A. Burgh, says of DeWltt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills, “ I am do ing so well, and improving so fast in healtb, that I cannot say too much for your Kidney & Bladder Pills. I feel like a new man.” DeWltt’s Kid ney anj Bladder PUla are sold by The Gaffney Drug Co. Let Us Put You On 1 A NEW hOOF Or Repair the C . d One mouses::- _/ _ ... We do all kinds of rcc 3 ng, slate, tin and metal shingles, r d guaran tee all to be water-proof. JVe do all kinds of tin and galvan zed iron work, galvanized cornice, gutters, skylight, ridge roll v« Jey, etc. Write or phone us. «32B3E5229E£li .•>.«-/*. ** • ~ • :::z o, q. WILSCK 3. CO. Opposite Ledger Cf?i' e. IF}ttFi’tiTj tIt'i (Ifi iif's {ifa ifyi m -- - m m m r'- m r.-M rXM r -+ ~- m m < ,f << * •'if ■ t S t ' c? r a*’ / . t jA / V v s t '■v* 4 y ’ ..... .- - w , a —— The Interstate Commerce Commis- mtle Irregularity In eating you pav ® ^ m „ _ ^ t ’ k pharee n e*s, a »d for chronic couglis, colds, gion concluded Its hearing on the uni- caused the stomach to get out of Mr. J. C. Hancock hag taken charge bronc jjj t j B and all throat and lung f orm bill of lading. order. These little stomach troub- of the boarding house here. We are x„ llhl _ s vinnl is unexcelled Try les are signs of indigestion, which glad to have him with us again and ^ t o return money If may and very often does turn Into wl, h him much auccesA p „ it falls to give satisfaction. Gaffney a very bad case of dyspepsia . Don t Messrs. E. P. McWhlrter, P. S. r„ffnov «a r> allow this to go on a single dav with- Faysoux. R. C. Cobb and Jim White r S •> y ’ _ ^ ber Mr '“ nd San.iT or money’ refunded R. !A. Chrlatenbury, Box 277, Gastonia, KODOL is the best remedy known Mrs. Dillingham. today for heartburn, belching and all i Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Cobb spent last Q’ ^ troubles arising from a disordered Thursday with Mrs. Cobb’s father 1 Nov. 12-tf. digestion. It is pleasant to take and near Blacksburg. t TTr ,„ riire. | to see you right away. n}e!eT-. Lock*'!- S ick Pin-. H ir (nil Pi Ii - 1 gl l< I is. j ' t l» ! 1 i g* -t 1!M - i nl \ou can - count \. r oc 4* s. Sil \ (•;•- ng \ o.ir »ii a.-t (I Gaffney Jewelry Co. B**st Goods and L<* *« - i’ i * •• t1 4*. ♦ 0V ' y * ^ / > # > # 4" 4* / > mm V _______