The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, March 26, 1907, Image 4

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I Don’t Mind The Waves In timivs of depression or p inio you want assurance of safety. V**u can't t'‘a ns act business and carry your money with you. Put It In Our Bank t * t # STAR THEATRE. » * • * * ♦ ♦ * ♦ V p*. 1 Viet • • * * * • Thursday. Twins, in a The Hustle V’> ntcian Itaud—April 1st. March 28—T>yman isical farce comedy 1 I I Easter A MAN MAY EARN win lN(j- da Thf foliowiiu :ram is ier<* i' safe.Jf the waves h lianl a.^tiiii't vou, 1 vve will loan vou moto v ■»* if*; to tide you over. It pre* iV vents disaster. () u bank assists you an benefits us both, want vour l>ankin: , V ! plaintory : ! Hiflimond. Va.. Marcli \Si I i^i k K. H. DeOarnp. Gaffney. S. C. Account siciuicss i wo me ne Kntcrtain is will ha\’ self < x- 1907. icrs Al- it> can- I I I I * I V A 0 ® | gins to bank a little of lib earning- and ere ite a -urplus fund for the lav 1^00 a princely salary- he may command the highest wages of b nice thriving business in farming, stockraisiug or mercham j all his money he is a desperately poor man. He w ill n he may do a in ni sity and to provide for the unproductive years of advanced \V. L Kadcliffo uuence of the alx will he no enter!a be true. Are vou still 'Next week I will As a IV 1 'elec ca111 f ,V V „ \ V — V V The Twin Comedians Thursday Niqht. We !’:* National Bank of Gaffney, Gaffney, S. C. i * * ♦ . * 9 i,% i i ♦ ► « ■* * t 4 ► « ! p*4 ♦ • 4 4 ft 9 4 I ft * ; ft • Th re i if differ' ast few '<! th )m in t; i i NOW IS THH TIMM. Kvery day count count here, and it matters not how little \ f i hook and a supply of checks. We offer y vour patronage. r AHSOI.l T Ah Oil li(' ill’s \v *>ilav n i the munl- •ntity work » no ,\ man hore NERCHANTS and PLANTERS GAFFNEY.. S.C. TO till D. C. ROSS, Prest. J. A. CARROLL, Vice-Prest. MAYNARD SMYTH, Cashier. C. W. HAMES, As>s ! t. Cashier. ii a inn idlin' 1 WO I) m + + » + ♦ ♦ « ami na r- run t he $ 1 \ 2 I $ * All colors of both tablets and paper. Fr«>e from poison. Easy, sim- p le, clean. 5c package. ft M I f: TTT 1 J M.M. V V.I A Vl VO!' lik d ij THE LEDGER. Gaffney, S C. O' iThree Tilings to Oonsiiier In Buying a Stove or Range i!U y ki ait' :tor. i jin a sax iCUUMf * A l K lar. We pay h()l R r (cat. inters't on .11 dt-jK.sils comiioiindcd FOUR times a year. The Gaffney Savings Bank i Office in Tne National Bank ot Gaffney, Gaffney, S. C. O. C. ROSS, President. J. A. CARROLL, Vice-President. MAYNARD SMYTH, Cashier. * } * $ I I £ ii CHEROKEE First Baptist Curch f>jotes. imber of months. m a morn IDROC COMPANY. | ana c* Ilov. W. E. Croc r. Simms at night. I I Easter Cards. S I it there UNSURE! All d to at- d ■ron< tend and eniey tin Dr. Simms ha< c of the church for business on the first Sunday in April ai 3 p. m. Com pa ikies represented at JONES J. DARBY. Agency. I I s Change s at Graded School. The Mutual Benefit Life ’Z, Insurance Company. To l>e sure, INSURE and be sure that you INSURE m an INSURANCE that will make you sure. Such sure IN SURANCE you will surely Hud over the Merchants and Planters Rank. If you w ill apply to one of our represent- £ | On account of the resignation of I Prof. West as superintendent of the 1 Gaffney graded schools the trustees j have promoted Prof. J. p. Spears to ; the position of superintendent, and I elected Prof. U. J. Wells to the posi-1 » r* !prii u;im i l. Aetna Life Insurance Com- ; vacant by the promotion of Prof. pany. i Spi*irs. Mr Wei 1 s comes from | | Hopkins, Kichland county. He is a Accident Department of Quality, Economy, Price, l-ir-t \ Rniigc cr Stove that isn't made of the very best material will soon crack it no longer cooks well, your money wa-> wasted and \ ju are 'lissa'isfied. Second -Tin ove or Range that is built so that tin heat escapes through un- necessarv aiirrtures, consumes twice a- much fuel as the one properh i-uilt, tbec vour fuel hill i- too heavy am! you aie not satistied. Third—Don’t yield to the common fallacy that the irti le sold lor the fewest North British and Mer- . , ,. ..... . , . — i Uawrn.s county hoy and n Smith atives or at the Horne Ullice, we will gladly explain this ffi | Carolina Goiioge graduate. Miss Smith, of Colcrain, X. (’.. has been cantile Insurance Company. c ie ‘ ,p al auy pr:oc 0 I elected to take the seventh grade in | i place of .Mrs 1’ B. Clarkson, resign- l sure INSU RA N(’E to vou. especially iollars is the cheapest. If a cooking apparatus isn’t built for a long life it isn’t It’s not what you pay tor a thing that counts, it’s what you get lor your money. Fourth— Our celebrated Leader Stoves Matchless Ranges Royal Insurance Comp y* ! s t r0U jf 0n tlie-,e points—in fact all points pertaining to Stove jeriectiou—made of Called to Skull Shoals Church. the best material, don’t crack, will cut your fuel bii] in ha f. consequently the most i;;-v E G Ross preached at Skull Springfield Fire and M«- economical They are worth every lollar you pay for one. It is quality that’s con- Shoa,s last Sunday and tne emigre | .•'.** _ j sidered-not cheapness Come let us stdl you one, as the pri i they are sure to go higher as you well gallon called Mr. Ross to the pas rine Insurance Company. I torate of that church. Mr. Ross will I . _ - I nr each there the fourth Sunday of J j. ach month. Air of Mr. Ross’ time j Union Assurance Society. | is now occupied except the second I Sunday. -in; Your b N. WOOD, PreAt. C. M. SMITH, Sec’y & Treas. * W. C. McARTHUR, V.-Prest. & Cen. Mgr. B. B. STEEDLY M. D., Med. Dir. J. C. LIPSCOMB, Director. yiu^. 11 United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. Shuford & LeMaster FURNITURE, STOVES, UNDERTAKING. P Your Business Solicited Subscribe for The Ledger SI,00 a "ear. EAD TO FOOT We have the largest and most complete line of John B. Stetson Co. Hats ever brought to the city. All the very latest styles in the new shades ofj brown and grey. Prices, $3.50 to $5 00. You seldom find ease and elegance in the same Shoe. One is usually sacrificed to secure the other. In “Just Wright” Shoes you will find both--the ease of the soft, pliable leather that fits the foot at every point. You will find them here in al! the correct styles and leathers, $3.50 to $5.00. THE W. C. CARPENTER COMPANY COLUMBIA J B STFTSON CO.