THE LEDGER. Tuesday and Friday. Ed h DeCamp. Editor and PubNaher. Hereafter no adver lseme f .t* will be accepted at th's office after 9.30 o’clock cn Mondays and Thursdays. Watch vour label an.1 tbe date. And renew before 'Hs too late; If 'here be an error, don’t Ket mad. Report te us—we’ll mike you alad Pem. mber, ’tin our aim to please. But errors are like neskv fleas Thev will creep In In spite of fate. Therefore, watch your label and the date. —Original WANTED A LEADER. TV> TiOdser is now in Its fourteenth of existence. The constant a.-ii <>; its publisher has been to labor for the material, educational and so cial advancement of its constituency. Its editors- —and there have b on ' ]•- rfi, e of the ■m—have never penned a von I hat they did not firmly believe to ll io true and never advocated a ca’i? ■(*. that they did not believe was for Uj 0 be si t interests of the peonle Th ; . sent editor came to Gaffnev >inu»lv to in anage the jiaper. and not * < > 0 d i t it. But events shaped them ?< *V* in si ico a manner as to de- YOlV that 1 duty upon him lie has ’■it t<> lx* con scji nt ions, con i ova- ‘ iv.* ••d inv partial in his writing IB* Ta ; to love the work, lea n- p.i * \) affney. Ioann ,1 to 'e *•* L’hoi 11 .eo an id all her people, and hoar H ; it upon the develop onon* T ’ '•O’lll 1 r ' and the peon 1 '-. He v,a n ! - to S( •e th m go onwaid and n;i\v; leaps and bouu i-- to ne com. a fa 01 lor in 'he nif'.iz- ot the S t T * eader in s. t • r- n-d- v- fal. v 1 M-niid ,nal and so. bd. If. v<-a- lizr> 1 hat t! 10 town and county ua\.' mad ndious strides and ho is vain - nL r]j to hone that In* has con- triliv * tv. .-mall atom to the dfvel- 1 . iif < ‘ in (tpr T id nt « m l, ll(‘ ' 111 M 111* iliiii* it all the nroorre s ln.'lll< , is (1 T<) h i I'fforts of the past or tl la t \\ (■) iimunity will go to the dam t n »ii bow wows in the event he sh lonld take a notion to chai; • bis residence either bv reas- on < choir* or compulsion. We are not t- ing: 1 0 regulate the morals of ho c< tTninur lity nor to be the popti- nal 1 i( ?tator of the town or county or by cities. But In order to utallze it W'> must hep in some concerted act ion whereby we may indue? capital to come in here to utallze this power before it is too late. For the Rood of (Jaffney and tie county we call upon our business men to Ret together and form some I kind of an organization that will let the outside world know what Rreat I advantaRi s we can afford to those who have capital to invest in manu j facturies. Who will be the man of | Hie hour? \\, m I a leader, a can- j tain of industry, to marshall the fore-i es. • have the man in our midst | Will the people act, and act prompt- j ly? Card of Thanks. We thank- iho people of Gaffney j for their liberal contributions in ' ItelpinR ne Ret my house replaced which was partly destroyed by fire some w eks ago. 1 never will forRet them and may God bless them. G. W. Durham, M A. Durham. Easter! U Ettlinger Clothes’’ V' C V v W, ling. lit Me time tor Rrumb- 4 \ • \ 'm Alffi' li' - .-.r SILVER ALUMINUM JELL-O MOULDS A leaflet ' X|.! ■ inine lt..w to net them will lie found iu ei- r\ tnu-haoe of Jell-O THE DAINTY DESSERT (Approved by Pure Food < oiniiii-nioiurt-.) —\ A 10< . p.'u-kuge "£ Jcll-O makes t iioiigli dt -sort for \ 11 large family. \\ S,tld Iiv all gri - crs. Illustralt'd Rt-ripe (took Frrt*. The Genesee Pure Food Co.. Le Roy. N.Y. Visitourlioodi at .t tni' -iownKxposition. NOTICE. I't il luT tuse they appeal on sieed now. more than at any other time, concerted action of thos • who want to see this town and 1 county go forward. The con truction of ihe water •r.v. • n; Gaston Shoals and Ninety- Nine Island? means more than ean It. S. Lipscomb, J. N. Lipscomb. Charles Baber, H. K. Osborne, Corporators. Meh. 20-1 f sihly realized at a Star Theatre ONE NIGHT ONLY THURSDAY TV .MiRCH28 Tits Lyman Twins glane con-; ruction of these powers! tneans an expenditure in this county] of about. $1.0ft0.ftft0 to h gin with. It n< ms 'f we take advnnta"e of the | And their big crowd of 1-un Maker -’ripertunity. that w- can have manu-| in the funniest of all Musical fact’ - ing plants in thk- count** that j 'vill expend tiemedous sums of mon >■ every year for salaries and j •ho- . salaries would he snent Jk Slj(! 11 ft ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ th<* merchants Farce Comedies ru and other of the community. business The Rustlers > / Wy / -f.-K i y h m ‘car 1 (> rav and at lifty See Me Before You Buy. Low Cut Shoes 4^ - . J For Spring wear as 1 sbow tbcm are worth more tban one long look. Walk ing 1 foots ami Oxford Ties are here in pleasing prices beginning at $1.2o from thence on up to the Win nie Davis .$3.50, College Oxfords. My Shoe values are in accord with prices. Th,- construction of th Gaston Skoal.' dam and the Ninetv-Nlne Is-i ’an !-- dam ’m-an the dcv'-lottment of 1 ?.'> 0"'t electrical hors power. This 1 THE COMEDY SUCCESS Full Line Men’s Oxfords, “King Bee” $4.00 “Easy Street” $3.50; In Nobby Styles Too On Easter Sunday The best dressed men will be those who have proeured their outfit at Nelson's Furnishing Store,where the most novel .•nd exclusive styles are now to be had Mv si.nn ,r good- have been most artistically and careful selected, and will pleji-e the most fastidious taste. vast amount of power, if w e could I’rettv (urls, I hi. lit Music, beautiful •/o it all in this county . would j Setting, I baborate Costumes up a - that we would operate twelve | Artisti c* C.roiu ing and mill. r as large as that. f»f the Gaffnev [ Man ufacturing company, or four or i A 15i<; l^uu C'i'Ovv JS y\ li One entire block on Dejiot and Logan stree s, with two 6 room cottages and a 7-room house on same See me quick if you want a bargain in the block. This property must l»e sold. One city farm, containing 13 acres wi h good house- on same. One lot just off Depot street, t- 0x120, very de sirable location. One lot on Fredrick and Logan streets, 180x200, a beauty. One farm 8J» 1111 es out with be t im provements, containing 200 acres. One farm, containing 140 acres, miles out. Sumter Littlejohn house, six rooms, corner Sumter . ud Johnson streets. : FOR RENT —Two city farms. SAM L. FORT, Real Estate and Insurance. &*> %*> Zfb ^ -■>> i^’ 7 1 "'mk li ' \ : ^ ■ ' * i > t? W C i o o cl X 5 / bit tnd move by move as the years roll by, High Art Clothes gain favor with our llt-omers. Such Clothes always make new customers. Our line is complete and the .,ii rns for this season are just the thing you are looking for. Easter comes next Sun- ' ;jy a f ’d one of Strouse &. Bros. Suits will add to your comfort more than anything else. r,o » o^ices are RIGHT. Come. . . * . Our Dress Goods Department Is complete in every detail. If you will only investigate before buying and get our prices .ibong with quality, you will become our customer. ... . . . Embroidery at the Same Low Price Copyright 1907 by SI ROUSE 4r BROS Baltimore We are strictly headquarters for EMBROIDERIES. The Selby Oxfords for Ladies. Once you buy them you will always wear them. Every pair guaranteed. . . .......... A New Shirt in Town made by Samuel Sternberger & Co. “ECLIPSE.” About fifty different patterns to se lect from. Ask to see the plain white in Batise. Easily laundered and hard to wear out. THE “FLORSHEIM” OXFORDS MADE FOR THE MAN WHO CARES. ASK TO SEE THEM. ye ye ys