* •vv*-^ THE LEDGER. "i uecday and Frida Ed. H. DeCamp, Editor and Publisher. CM’! oA v i BA 1 i 'EM ARY. ft r. f t r» p i t > / *. i - w/ Cl • Tbe Lfcdf' i is. L it ; espoastble ^or j tbe views oi conespotidenta. Hereafter no adver laemert* will ba accepted at this off ce after 9.30 o clock e» Mondays and Thursdays. _ Watch your label and the date. And renew before ’tls too late; If there be an error, don’t ftet mad. Report U> us—we’ll make you elad. Renai mber, ’tie our aim to please. But errors are like peskv Haas— Thev wll! creep in In spite of fate. Therefore, watch your label and the date. —Orijrina! ry of ,a DcVcL^ment^lo L; t r 6 baukA. a< now li ia e uiu. i. . Will J oiUlli'-AJUt ■ ■n -e tbs year, u modern sav*. •; deveioped, r.: u a few sporadic - of ti e kind lie louse id commons Ai ■ the s. heme t W I Fine but Rather . '.inner of Mar- ■ : ic steam laun- iu France, in France Quick S' s ‘i W*nk ES SBM B r M WKi .SB. *JS3 mi I Tiie Bl « That cract’y ■ se yon caa inr'hei ! rf one ickly \k Island Beds is ie tin hoi; •il. tile nil:her roll ie ru.ary wasl n^ ma il, rf. The clothos go rural spot, where tlie a tFit board, washes clci.r running water. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The Thaw trial was to have heen resumed yesterday. Let us hope there will be uo‘repeti tion of the disgusting details heretofore made public. * • » * The jlast legislature passed two hundred new laws. Just as if w r e didn’t have enough laws Already. What we need is a more rigid enforcement of the laws now on the statute boaks. * * • The Columbia State of Sunday contained a write-up of the men who engineered the county op tion bill. One of the most promi nent of the group is our own J. Cornelius Otts. Mr. Otts cer tainly has occupied a position of honor in the contest just closed and h£ acquitted himself nobly, thus rellecting credit upon him self and his constituents. • • • The Ledger would be particu. larly pleased to see Mr. Opie Read greeted by a large house to-morrow evening. He is a ■ewspaper man oy profession and has contributed some amus ing fiction to the world’s litera ture, chief among which is “Old Ebenezer,” “Len Gan- s&i*” Aud “Ernrqett Bonlore,’ •ach li which has for its hero a country newspaper editor No wonder we are partial to Mr. Read. * » * As can be seen from the rag ged appearance of this issue The Ledger was in all kinds of trouble yesterday. Our type* •etting machine bucked yester day morning and we were una ble to get it to work before very late in the afternoon. We re gret that it becomes necessary for us to send out such a paper as this, even once and a while, but accidents will happen and this office is not immune. We expect to be in good shape be fore the next issue is due. iyx'tits Gil ill. .>'i lUuiiu'ii tlieiv had !«’ fbariiaiilc «tnter|iiisf fore. In the liritis’i 1 by Mr. Wbitbre; . bad beeu definittiy formulated saving Instituti ins wore rapidly iucorpora.ed in vireai iliitai'i auu within a few years in other countries of Europe. The United State's was not far Ik.* hfuu in adopting Fie u tw seheme. T!ie estalilisbment of the fir t of .the in-titu- tbr. s i f the kind in this country dates back to Decern , i, IMG, '.viie i the Provident Institution For Savings oi liocton was incorporated. It opened its doors to depositors in 1S17. just ninety years ago. It proved to be a success from the start, and similar sav ings banks were soon opened every where. There are now alioiit DliOb sik-Ii hanks in tills country, taking rare of the savlnes of n- ar’y 7.. r >00.0b0 depositors. Some idea of the growth of the de posits may be gained from the state ment that in 18.10. fourteen years after the opening of the first American sav ings bank, the total of deposits was .'’'5.973,304. At the .opening of the < ivi; war it had mounted to about $150,00< .- 0o> ISOo it liad grown to ten times that amount It Is now consid erably in excess of three billions, being equal to more than three- times the interest bearing debt of the United Mates. The state of Massachusetts alone has deposit exceeding SGOd.OOO, 000, <>r more than was contained in the savings banks of the entire United States in 3*75 and a sum surpassing the- assessed valuation of the* city of Chicago. A single savings bank in New York city has deposits that are rapidly approaching the hundred mil lion mark. In nearly all American states the in vestments that can be made by the trustees of savings banks have been so safeguarded that these institutions are .egurded as the most stable and con servative of all banking enterprises. It is. in fart, the well known integ rity of their management which has given rise to a proposal now being made in several states to permit the savings banks to introduce depart ments of industrial insurance. In Massachusetts, a state which has al ways been a leader in matters affect ing savings Institutions, a bill is about to be introduced into the legislature which, if it becomes a law, will an tborize the 1X9 savings banks of the Bay State to undertake* industrial life . : .v.sv.w.*.**«'** ii.M.py- ih(» Mic/iervlsinn of. a state actuary. The promoters of this plan say that life insurance is simply a specialized form of savings and that the savings banks may very well es tablish departments for dealing in in dustrial insuranee in small amounts. 4cor 'ug,tP u ... j Vi l lage:' mei ft chlir have )!•» i first V* .some lauadre>over tin* c-lotiiing in il !. • • • The legislature fiuished its work Saturday night—or rather Sunday morning. The most important piece of work execu ted was the decapitation of the State dispensary. We are not prepared to say that we admire the county dispensary plan any bettor than the State dispensary. The truth is that we are “agin” any kind of dispensary. Certain it is, however, that it is more democratic to allow each county to say what it will have rather than that one county shoula say what another must have. In other words, we believe iu each couuty being allowud to govern itbelf. We believe that it would be better for the whole state to have prohibition. Weceitainly do not believe it right for the state or the county to deal in liquor. A tissue builder, reconstructor, tullds up waste force, makes strong nerves and muscle. You will realize aft?r taking Hollister’s Rock Moun tain Tea what a wonderful benefit it will be to you. 35 cents. Tea or Tab lets. Gaffney Drug Co. —One 25 cents box of Grip Tablets will olid that cold In the bead. Ho cure, no pay. Gaffney Drug Co. Next Time. “Yes," said Mrs. Malaprop. talking to a friend about her daughter Emily’s wedding, “I'm glad it's all over. If it had lasted a second longer 1 should have had nervous palliation or some thing! Why. what do you suppose? When the minister called before the wedding. I asked him whether it was necessary to have two cassocks for the bride and groom to kneel on. He smiled and said be thought that somfr thh.g thicker would be better, and Em ily laughed right out and left the room. Well, of course 1 knew I’d said something wrong, so I corrected my self. 'I didn’t mean cassocks,’ I said. I meant two Cossacks.' And what do you suppose be said?" “Asked you whether you desired a foreign military effect?’’ ventured the guest. “No; be said that, judging by the present state of affairs iu Russia, be doubted whether he’d be able to get them, and even if he could he doubted whether they would be agreeable to be knelt upon, judging by the way they were fighting oppression. Ob, I was go mad! You can bet the next time I won’t beat around the bush. I'll come right out and ask whether or not we need two pillars!’’ -Harper's Weekly. Use of Profane Language. Unless something Is done to check the evil, Americans must soon become known as the most foul mouthed i*er sous on earth. It will first 1m* neees sary to determine the cause of the n.-e of profane language before any real cure can be applied. One cause is uu doubtedly the lack of a sufficient vo cabulary to express one’s thoughts or what he conceives to be his thoughts. It is this faulty vocabulary that in duel's females to describe as “awful" things entirely dissoeiJb*d from an; feeling of awe and as "funny" that which is merely odd The male, wit’* his greater freedom of speech, uses an oath to express the same idea, which is not an idea, b'd merely a futile at tempt to express that which is not con eeived and which consequently cannot he adequately expressed.- New Orleans Times-Democrat. pounding it a great >.eal with a wooden ■ paddle and using plenty of good white I soap. The clothes are next rinsed and iu a 'dampened condition returned to the ■ home (e a second time : washed with soap. I nit never twisted ' or stretched, in clerr cold running wa ter. Nothing remains after this but | to dry the linen upon bushes, grass or a clean gravel brook bed, to be finally : gent home white, fresh and sweet I smelling and turned over to another to Iron. In the cities modern progress has in terfered to some extent with these methods, in the shops there are to be found large galvanized iron tubs which I do not drain from the middle. Into these are piled the clothes which have been first cleansed with soap, and on top of them are placed thr* ashes, j Finally cold water is added, and a 1 tire fs figlifeaTtirt,• Il have pre pared a dessert which uiil s .r. . .-e and dt Mit a.l who taste it. When ft In - become cold it will jellify ami be re 1., o < t. y a more elaborate dessert try the !■ •ilov.\*jg: Banana Crcirnt, Peel five large banana , reb smooth with five tea-poonfclti of sugar. Add one cup sweet cream iieuten to a stiff froth, then one package of Lemon Jell-0 dissoh vd m one and ,uc-half •ar——= < opt< of boiling water. iv:\\ -cv\ 1>our 1,1 mold or iwwI OwL.VrVJ» \ and when :o'd garnish • w/.h candied cherries. \\ Serve with whipped A\ cream. Jo .nitifnlly illustra- ’ted recipe book free. Address The Genesee Pure Food Co.. Le Roy, N. V. Expectorant ( 2 THE SURE 1 I r ‘ U ^ > I l £ COUCH CURE NOTICE. Or) each Tuesday and Saturday of n ach week we will grind your corn or wheat on short notice. Sastiyfact- ! ion guaranteed. Your patronage so licited. ' Yours for business, W. J. Daniel & J. S. Spencer. FOR SALE. I will offer for sale to the highest bidder on the first Mon day (salesday) in March immediate- , ly after the legal sales, before the I court house door, the oropretv known as the Gooding house' on Logan : street. This is a five-room cottage,' city water. Sale subject to mortgage of J. Q. Little. Mrs. Minnie Cox. Feb. 19, 23, 2(5, Mar. 1 Ramsey & Coyle Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators Gaffney, S. C. We have just received the largest and: most complete line of samples of Wall paper, Sin-O-Wall andSanitas ever shown in Gaffney. We also paint. Esti mates and references cheerfully fur “isked. Feb. 5-imo. RAMSEY & COYLE There are hundreds of satisfied users of Dr. Wolford's Expsctorant F or Coughs and Colds here in Gaffey. : ; If it does not do better than we claim, your 25c is here for you. We have sold it here for the past six or sev- " en years under this strong guarantee, and have had only one bot tle returned. : ; : Solve the diflicult problem of combiatcq> in one and the same bird, utility witn the fancy qualities. I have had the Red* eight years, and have tiled all other kind* •ind find the Reds the he^t all-purpose fowl of all others. I have spent hundreds of dollars to find out w hich was: tne best ami to get the finest in the country, aod tiie Reds fid the bill, ami I have as fine | stock as can be found in the United States, not only the Reds, also Buckeye Reds, M. 15. i urkeys and Toulouse Gee*e. To all who can do so, come and see mm , birds. ^ CHEROKEE POULTRY YARDS, E. R, CASH, Prop. - Feb5-12-19 26-Tues. Fire, Life, .Eating House. When in town give us a call. We will do all that is in our power to please you. Fresh Oysters served in all styles. Parkei’s Eating House Opposite Postofiice. tf | Accident, f Health Insur-a CHEROKEE DRUG COMPANY. once Fresh Garden Seed. ■ i j Surely Bonds. ■Jones J. Darby The 0 rr.ircuc Strength of China. The Ohlucso hnve the best food in the world, rice; the best drink, tea. and the best clothing, cotton, silk and fur, and possessing these staplta and their Innumerable naiive adjuncts the.v do not need to buy a cent's worth else where. while their empire is iu itself so great and they themselves so numer ous that sales tj each other make an enormous and sufficient trade aud ex port to foreign countries is unneces sary. Let those who still preach the gospel of force beur what John China man says and w!rt. iu the opinion of this writer, is goon to be realized; “Yes. it is we who do not accept it thar j>r*( j-e the ; ospcl of peace; it Is you who acecj t it that trample it un dcr foot, and -h uy of ironies—it is the nations of Christ -mlom that have come to us to teach us by sword and fire that th* rigli; iu ibis world is power less unless it is supported by might. Oh. do n t doubt that w shall learn the Ics-in! An 1 *v.;e to ^urope when we have acquired it! Y«i: are arming a nation of RKi.OOO.OUO. d nation which iiniil vou - o.i all the conditio us that enslave/ and degrade men. It will prea b a^ospel for the body as well as for tMe soul. It will not rebuke, but enco Ag®. the noble unrest that leads laboBps men to desire better wages. bcttA homes, better opportunities for intellALual de velopment, ai*l It will teaclB?uiture and wealth that increase of ^Bwer is increase of resnousibllity. I®Is the business of the church to brin»teaven down to earth, instead of « o-«o;iing salvation to the future. The CbBVan ity of t hrist tna’e* men realiJ “that the welfare of each is the conwrn of ail.”—Leslie’s Weekly. MO* fe IQTFD'Q Rocky Mountain "ea Nuggets A Busy Medicine far Busy People, Brings Gulden health Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation. Indigestion. Llvei and Kidney troubles, l imples. Eczema. Impure Ulood. Bad Hreatb. Sluggish Bowels. Headache and Backache. Its Kocky Mountain Tea in tab .et to'Tn. 35 cents a box. Genuins made by Hollisteu Oitco Company. Madison. Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALiOW PEOPLfe DR. W. K. GUNTER, DENTIST )ffice in Star Theatre Building. Phonb No. 20. Crow and bridge werk a specialty OR. J. F. GARRETT. DENTIST. Moved to now oMc# over Frederic^ Street. Front of th# Battery. ’Phone Office and Residence. WILLIAM S. HALL. JR* Attorney at Law, Office over The Battery. Gaffney, S. C. ( *roinpt attention give*- to all baslneao FOR Up-to-Date Job Print ing, call at th* LEDGER Office. Gaffney, S. C. HONEST INSURANCE Plain, sure protection to the family at premium rates fixed on the basis of the actuaries’tables of life expectation, and therefore, absolutely f air is the only kind of life insurance written by The Southeastern Life Insurance Company of Spartanburg, S. C No ‘‘deferred” dividends, no ‘‘participating” policies, no schemes for profit, no opening for speculation, no element of scandal, but striat and straight Life Insurance of the kind that takes care of a man’s family by providing an immediate cash estate on his death, the time of all times whw they will need it most keenl y. It is every man s sacred duty to carry life insurance for the benefit of those de pendant upon him, and all men know this. But no South Carolinan need go oat of his own State to get it. >; The Southeastern Life Insurance Company is a home institution, chartered by the State of Sm h Carolina and subject to the South Carolina laws governu^ Life Insurance. It is directed by men whose homes and interests are in thi* State. It h an old line, 1 gal reserve, Straight Life Company of tae sounds* kind, and should have the support of the people of the State. Southeastern Life Insurance Company, ELUOTT ESTES, Jr. General Agent, Spartanburg, S. C. Mar. IStb. 1907 4 I Did Yo 1 Ever Think what a bargain you arc getting when you get THE LEDGER one hundred and three (103) times a year for Only SI 00 a Year? Subscribe for Th« Ledger; $1 a yoar.