The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, November 24, 1898, Image 8

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I 8 THE LEDGER: GAFFNEY, S. C., NOVEMBER 24, 1898 Sr* i Your friends may smile But that tired feeling Means danger. It Indicates impoverished And impure blood. This condition may Lead to serious illness. It should he promptly Overcome by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Which purifies and Enriches the blood, Strengthens the nerves, Tones the stomach, Creates an appetite, And builds up, Energizes and vitalizes The whole system. Be sure to get Only Hood’s. Notice! I keep constantly in stock a full line of Dry Goods, No tions, Shoes, Hats, Groceries, and all such goods as is usually found in a general store. Everything will be sold at rock bottom prices. 1 have just received a lot of the best Keen Clipper axes on the market, made to order of the best material. (’all .and see me at the Peeler Corner, three doors from Car- roll it Carpenter. I. M. PEELER, For Rent — 4-room wttiiKV on Victoria Avenue, ii-room cottage on Gaines St (i-room cottage near corporate limits with •J-i acre lot. Watch — tlie expiration of your Insurance Policy and when it expires call on me and have it renewed. My companies are strictly first-class. For Sale — 2 food farm mules. F. G. Stacy. Unclaimed Letters. List of letters remaining in office uncalled for to date : Miss Eva Austelle. R. C. Burgess. Mrs. Xorah Campbell. Mrs. Sarah Cline. John Fry. Miss Lula Gaffney. Mrs. M. E. Grubb. Miss Nannie Harmon. J. F. Helton. Davie Hawkins. W.T Love. Alib McAbee. Macon Moore. Jim Mills. Miss Nancy Randolph. Mrs. Harry Ross. G. W, Randolph, Mrs. Margaret Self. J. H. Sellars. Mrs. Julia Tenzey. W. R. Walker. Miss Lora Wofford. Amos Wellaford, care Bicy Corry. Henry Young. N. B.—Persons calling for the above letters please state that they were advertised in The Ledger of Nov. 24th. One cent due on all let ters delivered after having been advertised. T. H. Littlejohn, P. M. Matress Factory. John Rowland Tolleson is building a sheet iron house in the rear of his store which will be used by the Gaff ney Matress Company to make matress in. ■ *— Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets. All druffists refund money if it fails to cure :.V>. Thefeiiuinc has L. it. Q. on each tablet. Cherokee Itrujr Co. Oct. O-tlm. >000<X>0' QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS, PYNY-PECTORAL The Canadian Remedy for all THROAT AND LUNG AFFECTIONS. Large Bottles. 2E> ots. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lim., Prop^s Perry Davis* Pain-Killer. FOR SALE BY All Chemists and Urnpyists. Piedmont Saving and Investment Go. Greenville, S. C. The loan plan of this company will be found far more desireablc in every way than the plans of ituildin^A Loans Associations. Our plan is a definite contract at reasonable rates. Loans made an approved property. .1. C. Jekfehies, Local Attorney. Gaffney. S. C. Resident Lots For Sale! Twenty-five beautiful resident lots on Buford and Johnson streets right in the heart of the city, within two hundred yards of the court house are offered for sale to residents and investors. The person who now has the opportunity of investing here but neglects to do so, will some day in the near future be looking back with regrets. Apply to w. n. snim The ilsJeej Citj Land end ImpmenMt Company Offers for sale llulldimr I<ots In this fhmrlBhlnsr town, Gaffney City; Also Farms near by and in reach of the Schools of Limestone Spring’s and of this place. In lots of from lx) to loo acres on liberal time rates; also Agricultural Lands to rent for Farm pur poses. For full particulars apply to XIOSICS WOOD, A^ent. N. B.-All tresspussini: on lauds of this company, cutting and removing timber, tishlriKor hunting, are forbidden under penalty of law. WRONG MAN FATALLY SHOT. Saturday. After an unusually wet week November in this section, the for sun SUSPICIOUS ACTIONS LEADS TO A TRAGEDY. Dock Jackson is Mistaken lor Tom Ryan, the Slayer of Mr. Falls, and Killed by Mr. W. Stokes Shelor. Last Saturday night policeman Williams, of Gastonia, N. C., accom- pained by Mr. W. Stores Shelor, of the same city, arrived in Gaffney on the midnight South bound train, in search of a negro named Fon Rhyne, who had fatally stabbed Mr. T. G. Falls, a prominent citizen of Pleas ant Ridge, near Gastonia. As police man Williams and Mr. Shelor alighted from the train Mr. Shelor saw a negro man start to get on the train which he took to be Rhyne. He told him to halt, when the negro started to run. Mr. Shelor again told him to stop and fired his pistol off in the ground to induce him to do so, but the negro continued to run, when Mr. Shelor fired the second time and hit thelieeing man in the back, inflecting what proved to a fatal wound. Mr. Shelor went to the wounded man and found that instead of Rhyne he hud shot Dock Jackson, who spends his time in both this city and Spar tanburg. Deputy Sheriff Ross soon arrived on the ground and found Mr. Shelor doing all lie could for the unfortunate man. Mr. She'or said he hud done the shooting and asked some one to go for a doctor. He at once put him self in the hands of Deputy Ross and told him he would not attempt to escape. Deputy Ross placed him in jail to await the result of the unfortu nate man's wounds. Mr. Shelor regreted the affair more than any one else and took his imprisonment philosolophically. He was visited Sunday by a large number of the most prominent people of Gastonia who are his devoted friends and were ready to render him any assistance possible. He is repre sented as being a most excellent young man. Dock Jackson died of his wounds Tuesday morning about 2 o’clock after being most carefully treated by Dr. S. B. Crawley from the time he was wounded until he died. Coroner McCraw was summoned early Tuesday and came to the city at once and empaneled a jury of in quest composed of nine white men and four colored men. There was little evidence brought out beyond what is stated in the first part of this article. Chief Camp who was on the ground immediately i after the shooting being one of the principle witnesses. After the evidence was in the mother of the unfortunate man went before the jury and asked them not to prosecute Mr. Shelor, saying that it was an unfortunate mistake for which she had forgiven him, and that she felt sure that her dead boy would make the same request if he could. The jury then retired and after mature deliberation returned the following verdict: “We the jury at this inquest find that Dock Jackson came to his death from a gun shot wound in the hands of one W. S. Shelor through mistake, said shooting being justifiable: A. J. McCraw, Coroner; J. R. Beason, Foreman; A. W. Lotspeich, C. T. Brice, A. J. Berry, T. B. Cole, J. T. Adkins, T. T. Green, John Smith, A. W. Chandler, Moso Goudelock. James Bhilips, Johnson Oglesby and W. H. Berry.’’ This is a very unfortunate case, andjone which our whole people regret, having sympathy alike for the dead and the living. Jackson’s body was placed in a fine coffin, and accompanied by his mother, was taken to Spartanburg for burial. . Butler and Osborne, who had been employed to represent Mr. Shelor, appeared in his behalf at the inquest. Shallots. rose beautifully Saturday morning. Every thing took on a cheerful look and such work as could be done was taken bold of with energy. City drays were unusually active, country wagons rolled into the city rapidly, loaded with country produce and the yeomamy of Cherokee. Beople came from every direction and not with downcast looks of disappointment but with the air of those who are concious of having performed their part well. The crowd was a representative one with the usual stir and hustle and “on business bent’’ appearance of our Cherokee people. Business in all depaitments was active and was pushed by our business men in the vigorous and straightforward manner for which they are famous. .«»» - Cellery. We are indebted to Rev. I. J. New berry, for a line bunch of cellery which he grew in his garden in this city. It is as fine a bunch as we generally see, and shows that cellery can be successfully grown in this section, and that of as good quality as is shipped from other States. Why not some Cherokeean try it on a large scale. —* Pension Board. The chairman of township Bension boards in Cherokee county are re quested to meet the county chairman 1. G. Sarratt on next Saturday the 20th inst., to organize the county board. The presence of the chair men is absolutely necessary to look after the interests of the worthy pen sioners. — — - Free Lecture. Brof. H. N. Snyder, of Wofford College, will deliver a free lecture in the Graded school house tomorow (Friday) evening at 7 OK)o'clock. All are cordially invited. • -*»*■ • Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup cures throat and lung trouble without fail. For grippe, influenza and a deep seated cough or cold, it is the best remedy offered to the public. The doses are small and a bottle costs only 2’tc. A \Vom!cr4uI Dlscovrry. The lart quarter of a ('.•'iitury records many wonderful discoveries in medicine, l>'it none that have accomplished more for humanity than that sterling old household remedy, Browns’ Iron Bitters. It seems to contain the very elements of good health, and neither man, woman or child can take it without deriving the greatest benefit. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. SORE LUNGS Sore lungs, pain in the chest and pain ful breathing are quickly relieved and cured by the old reliable specific, Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. This remark able remedy breaks up a cold in one night and is, without doubt, the very best medicine for all affections of the throat and lungs. It has cured thou sands and will cure you. It never dis appoints. Try it at once. Dr.BulTs Cough Syrup Will quickly heal Sore Lungs. Doses are siuall and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all druggists. Tnos. B. Bctlek. Henry K. Osborne BUTLER & OSBORNE, ATTOHI* h yk-jyt-i.a.w . Gaffney, S. C. Very rnreful and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to us. tST”Practice In all the courts. The Pearl Steam Laundry “J. L. S.” is very much mistaken when he construes what The Ledger said about his comment on its way of spelling shallots to be an “apology.” The Ledger knows how to spell the word correctly, and does so. Is operating on full time and turning out first-class work. Kemenilier us when you want work done. We will call for your package. We also have in operation A First-Class Grist Mill. Wo respectfully solicit yo«r patronage and ask the people* out of town to tiring their corn along when they come in to do their shoppiiiLf. Will make your meal while you are busy here and you will lose no time. Richardson Bros. Tortured By Rheumatism. A Purely Vegetable Blood Remedy is the Only Cure. If the people generally knew the true cause of Rheumatism, there would he no such thing as lini ments and lotions for this painful and disabling disease. The fact is, Rheumatism is a disordered state of the blood—it can be reached, therefore, only through the blood. But all blood remedies can not cure Rheumatism, for it is an obstinate disease, one which requires a real blood remedy—somet h ing more than a mere tonic. Swift’s Specific is the only real blood remedy, and it, promptly goes to the very bottom of even the most obstinate case. A few years ago I was taken with in- flnmmatory Rheumatism .which,though mild at first, became gradually sn in tense that I was for weeks unable to walk. I tried several prominent physi cians and took their treatment faith fully, but was unable to get the slightest relief. In fact, my condition seemed to grow worse, the pains spread over my entire body, and from November to March I suffered agony. I tried many patent medicines, but none relieved me. Upon the advice of a friend I decided to try S. S. S. Before allowing me to take it. however, my guardian, who was a chemist, analyzed the remedy, and pro nounced it free of potash or mercury. I felt so inuch better after taking two bottles, toat I continued the remedy ami in two months I was cured com pletely. The cure was permanent, for I have never since had a touch of Rheumatism, though many times j exposed to damp and cold weather. Eleanor M. Tippell, 3711 Bowelton Avenue, Philadelphia. Those who have had experience with Rheumatism know that it becomes more severe each vear. and like all other blood diseases, the doctors are totally unable to cure it. In fact, the only remedies which they pre scribe are potash and mercury, and though temporary £ ? joints and only in tensity the disease. S. 8. S. never disappoints, for it is made to cure these deep-rooted diseases which are bevond the reach of all other remedies. It cures permanently Rheumatism, Catarrh, Cancer,Scrofula.Eczema, and all other blood diseases. It is the only blood remedy guar anteed Purely Vegetable Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. Ii needed, nothing would be more appreciated by your wife or mother than one of “Our Leader” Cook Stoves which we are selling so cheap ; or something from our Large and Well Selected Stock ot Furniture, sold at prices lower than ever before for a Xmas present. Come and see us when in need of anything, we have it, and any money spent with us will never be regretted. Yours for business, Carroll, Carpenter & Humphries. The Bargains of the Boston Store. Men’s all wool $.">.00 overcoats at $8.00 at $5.75. Men's all wool suits $2.08 up to $8.00. Mens all wool pants (all sizes) size 30 to 40 at 98c and up to $3.75. Children’s wool suits 98c and up to$2.75. Men’s Sunday shoes 98c and up. Men’s hats and caps 25c and up to $2.00. Ladie’s shoes 75c and up. Children’s shoe’s in proportion. A full line of dressgoods. Ladie’s and Gest’s underweare.Ladie’s capes. The best goods at the cheapert prices. Come and get some of the bargains at the Boston Bargains Store, Gaffney, S. C. M. Poliakoff. THE CHEROKEE DRUG COMPANY, +T^rr -i ^ ^ * Leading Druggists in the Piedmont Section. -^4^ n Buy Your Drugs from Us because we have in our employ the only li- censed hruggest in town, and the only drug ged who can legally compound your medi cines in the city. Cherokee Drug Company. Bring Your Prescriptions to us because we have in charge of that de partment Mr. Wofford Humphries, a grad uate of the Maryland College of Pharmacy, who has specially prepared himself for that work and knows just how to mix medicines to best get their physiological effect. Cherokee Drug Company. Buy Your Patent Medicines and drugs sundries from us, because we try to carry in stock overtiring you want and if we haven’t it on hand, will spare no pains in ordering it. Cherokee Drug Company. Buy Your Paints, oils, varnishes, white lead, putty, window glass, colors for trimming, clover seeds, grass seeds and garden seeds from us, be cause you can get them all without going elsewhere. Cherokee Drug Company.