TH£ ▼.??!>&EH: GAFFNEY* H. C.* KBPTEMBER S. 1898. uatMi ( Is Crowned With Rejoicing and Pompous Ceremony by Loyal Subjects. HER GRACEFUL BEARING Foi^dawe Crowd the Streets mid Cheer With Great Knthuslasm—The Queen Mother Receives a Share of Ovation. Mopnifk-eiit I'ugeairt. Amsterdam, Sept. 6.—The events k of yesterdav were but the overture fc>r far more important ceremon.'es today ujhjd the auspicious occasion of the long awaited enthroning of Qneen Wilhel- miua, who came of age on Aug. 3ft The day began with a salute of 101 guns and a majestic choral performed by fcrumpot- ers from the crenellated toweas of the five tsceat- churches of Amsterdam. Crtwds .erf people assembled early k: the morning and took up positions from whi^h to view the soyal procession te the Kieukirk, an emt eere- mbhies will tyowr tkrfuwW. The men will be ■ releasea from fervtct of the government at tl^at.ym^ and be al lowed to return to their homes at their leisures. Each man will be allowed transportation and mileage, but it has not yet been learned whether they vfill be Allowed’an extra^Mspn^s’s pay or not. The depot commiAury of supplies whkJi has been loeatvA .fu Ghartmihoga for several months krtpiug transferred to Huntsville, Aki. T* suppkps on hand are Wing trausfqrcod rapidly to day and Colonel Nj»> in charge, is expected to leave vtilk his office .force tomorrow. The conmwesarv at Hunts ville will be the base oc supplies for all regiments in this scoftroL GUD FROM HOME •l -A Steadier Arrives One and a Half Millions. FIVE LUCKY ARGONAUTS Six Boxes on Hoard Containing Two Hundred and Fifty Founds Kacti. One Man Brought (jC>(),OtX>—A Hurd Wluter Fredistod. San Francisco, Sept. G.—The steamer Portland, just airtvecl fpom'St. Mich aels with about lamAh of gold dust and nuggets, brought six boxes of the precious metal belonging to the Ca nadian Bank of Commerce and three boxes for tho Alaska Commercial oom- pouy, each box weighing over 250 pounds. The lucky miners on board were as follows: Charles Anderson, John Lee, F. N. lioq, SMitiam Y-ouug and James McMalou being among the fortunate ones. Anderson is said to have cleared up over §50,000. The Portland brought news of a rich strike on the Yukon in American terri tory. The headwaters of Kayukuk have pauued out rich apd 400 men are dig- png there, u«d twice t4u»t nuirfber are waiting to sledge thfs whiter. Kayukuk is aboftt i.WXJ times froip the uoutii'of the Y'uAhai jatA is about 000 miles in length. It Is ails side of Mmock and from the latter place, from Fort Hamilton and Circle City, the prosectors will go in this winter. Two miners xeceytly were shot by Indians hi I*ake Tjigisl “ amd the other wanna have iHien .piaoed on’i James Murphy, ode of passengers, says: “It is going to be a hard winter in Dawson and sdl al<^pg Aw Pre visions will be scutce agd tifwu .tbe trouble will oonu». (viftecMMdver boats at least 20 of them will be frozen in. The majority of the boats will get no further than CirclhCity, if they got that far.” Attendance Encampment G. A. R. Is Phenomenal and Far Exceeds Expectation. DECORATIONS ELABORATE ,wa^ killed ycttiuiiu&s Jaw s on. Hand’s Ttjrough Travel Not.Interrupted. CfflOAOe, Bept. A.—The quarantine of Memfibes, Jackson, Mobile and other town! against New Orleans does not in- terfege with throngh travel from points north of the Tennessee line. None of thejUaaoih Central usuwenger or freight trainii have been ffieconMaued, bat a few local trains nmning between New Orleans and cities which have quaran tined against it have been taken off. Memphis Quarantines. Memphis, Hept. 6. — As announced Sunday night, Memphis has quaran tined against the world. That Is no potuMigers will be allowed to leave trad^nere, though tfiey may pase tbrodgb If eo ticketed in eloeed coaches. Frei^Bf moves as osnal. PLUMBCRS CONVENTION. The Subject of hmall Shops Without Capital an Issue. Cleveland, Sept. The ninth an nual convention of the United Associa tion of Jonrneytnan Plumbers, Steam Fitters, Gas Fitters and Steam Fitters’ Helpers was called to order here today with President John S. Kelly of Chi- cago in the chair. The work of the convention today was largely of a preliminary nature, consisting mostly of the reports of the officers and committees and the appoint ment of new committees. The association will remain in session three days and ft is iiMiismsl AM much important work witT ke done, chief among which wiU be the settlement of the smaH plumbeM* s^top question. As explained by Secretary Spencer this is one of the greatest evils the master plumbers bave'ta qoufcvid It is claimed that these ftnail shops, as a rule, have no money invested, carry no stock and make rninons prices. COTTON dfF 20 PTO CENT. Kxpert From New Orleans Reaches This Conclusion AfSer Inveetlgatlou. Montoombky, Jrta., %(*. A.—Mr. B. M. Seale, representing the cotton firm of Bocheller & Co. of New Orleans, has recently suent several /lays hi this see- tiou investigotiuv the crop sitnation. He has jus^ooipplbted an hiepex-tion of the crop conditiAs <9 Meorgia, Missis sippi and Alabama and gives it as his opinion that the cotton crop is greatly overestimated and that the deterioration since July tf> has been fully 20 percent. The rains have caused the cotton to ex haust itself in growth, he eays, and even though fair weather should continue to the dose of*the season, there la not sufficient vitality in the plant to pro duce farther frait. Me is pro! ever produced. Btattoaary Ragtaeers’ Convention. PrrraauKa, Sept f.—Che seventeenth annual convention of the National As sociation of Station saf Engineers began Mt Carnegie ball at aeeci toduc- Nearly »l) delegates frorrfWl ymlt of the country are in attendance. The open ing session was devoted to addressee of welcome by Mayors Ford aad Geyer of Plttebnrg and Allegheny reepeotively, and responses by James Henry Harris of Chicago and Herbert A. Stone at Boston. Rayerd's Condition IkrWwwtged. Dedham, Mam., Sent A—TJie coodi- nnchanged this morning. ■ofs, howswsfr that oern crop obably the CgHT the south has Kiectrlc Light Designs (Outstrip Ftoest Structures of Kxposltloiis—Faradcs, Reuiiloiis and Receptions Galore. Annual Parade Tomorrow. Cincinnati, Sept. 0.—The thirty-sec ond annual encampment of the Grand Army of the 'Republic h> a sucooss so far as attendance is concerned, even for these national events which are phe- nominal for crowds. Opening day, yes terday, surpassed expectations as well as Sunday, on the arrivals, but before the 21 guns were fired at sunrise today at Camp Slferman the deitote were crowded wkh more arrivals. The postu arrived m bodies ^ today and were escorted to their quarters by local posts. The special trains arrived faster than they could be handled by the terminals m the early hours and the'ru'ffi'coritiiiuw so that later trains were stopped at Camp Sherman an(f other suburban points where street c ars and other trans portation had been provided. There is a capacity of Ip.OOO in the tents at Camp Sherman aim it is as well filled as the smaller camps, but the conmrittee on quarters has unlimited quarters yet in residences and other places. The decorations are unusually elaborate, the dectnc right detains in the pubfic squares add at street ^inter sections surpassing even the 'fiofcst t ructures of expositions, and tho enter tainment is equally lavish. This was naval day and tomorrow is army day, to be followed on Thursday by the peace jubilee. The National Naval as sociation gave a grand parade this morning. Tomorrow morning the G. A. R. men give their annual parade and on Thursday the civic and inuuStinul parade occurs. After their parade today the naval veterans were entertained on steam boats and they captured Coney Island. The features of toe day were the regi mental brigade and other reunions, at which the old comrades got closer to gether than on any other occa^ums. There were demonstrations amd the ar rival of several of the staff department commuiulers and governors and their staffs. The citizens also toudered re ceptions to Commander in Chief Uobin, Rear Admiral Kelley, Mrs. S. J. Mar tin, president of the W. R. C.; Mrs. Flora M. Davey, president of the Ladies of the G. A. R.; Mrs. Jennie Laird, president of the Nathmal Association of the Ijadies of tho NutuI Veteran*), and otners. The parade required an hour or marc to pass a given point and was every where watched by crowds of deeply in* t ere .-ted spectators. The dramatic ef fect of the ur-fangemeat of the division was the occasion fnf nigeh -comment. First in honor came the veterans of the civil—the men who manned the vessels in our unique navy and the thinner ranks of the ex-pmoners of that war. The spectators could sot fail lo be impressed with a sad feeling {hat they were looking upon a body of men whose days of inarching mast soon end. Tottering limbs were bearing sturdy hearts fuller than ever with love for the flag whose glory hod been mag nified by their deeds, but it was pain- fully apparent that their ranks were thinning and that their deeds were soon to be only memories. The contest for commander-in-ebief has become much more complicated by the arrival of a large delegation from New York, headed by Corporal Tanner in support of Colonel John C. Shotts of Yonkers. This not only divides the vote of the department of New York against Colonel A. D. Shaw of Watertown, N. Y., but it also divides the vote of other •astern departments that were espectdfi to be solid for Shaw. A letter was received today from President McKinley stating that public business would prevent him and Mrs. McKinley from attending the encamp ment this week. The weather has been very peasant t&dav, after the rains'of last night, and still cooler weather is in the predictions for this locality tomor- sow, when the big parade takes place. FIVE DEATHS AT MONTAUK. Health of Camp Wlkoff Apparently Somewhat Improved, New York, Sept. 0.—Five deaths oc curred at Oamp Wikoff, Moutauk Point, lost night and this morning. There are only 891 men in the gen eral hospital today, whioh^is a low fig ure. There have been many furloughs and convalescents having gone home. There are four convalescent wards with out patients. One hundred and fifty men in the hospital are down with ty phoid fever. One hnndred men left camp on the morning train on furloughs. Tho Eighth Ohio volunteers were scheduled to leave Oamp Wikoff this morning, bat owing to a conflict in er- ders the regiment is detained base. To Elevate Cttlr.Mishlp. Montgomery, Ala., 8ept. 0 —Dr. W. F. Eastman, D. D., of Nashville, dimo tor of the Children's Home Society at the United States, is in Huntsville for the purpose of establishing a county branch of the state chapter at the ap- whieh he prepoaee to organise in The society is a reoent be nevolent organisation that has enjoyed tremendous growth. Its theory is that it is the duty of all loyal Americans to unite in elevating American ci tineas hip, and as criminals, tramps and pan pen are known to be recruited every year from those who bare prowu op in ig norance and neglect, it is beheved that the movement for finding herpes fur negleotad children holds the hevuoce to tbe vexed pvoMem of improved Asm* POWa.L tftfcWES HIS ESCAPE* And tbe Hailin'* Guarding Him Are Flaccd Under Arrest. Oordele, Ga., Sept. 0.—The biggeet 1 sensation connected wi.h the recent ! shooting affray between Powell and J. K. Krtjy developed yesterday, when it was discovered t'bat Mr. Powell had mysteriously escaped from the bailiff wh® was lyvujdiyg Vum. Saturday after- nwift k v^JHHaoioad that Pow'oti was tufferwig tSHJS^rotu hie wounds aad fti&t Was growing rtipulty worse, ye^his hiorniug he was gone. It will be remembered that Powell, while drunk, assaulted Keily, shot him and was badl£ shot. Keily afterwards died and too ill jo-l Baiftk's on guar but y* of thte b‘d „ explanation of haf escape. 1 II ICi (LUES Arctic Whaling 'Fteet Sufltow Disaster and All Vessels May Be Lost. pell was.arrested. He was iqvkil from his home, so !u Lindsay wereplafced l ' pending his recovery; lugs goue and neither ikT give a kitisfactory The evil of 9 , sn.’s pose of the «o notye* There ba.ih.ffts by Pqm Parker cuqrt sfich many a DEA' showed that a brother sd a,team from Bow- r for the oston^hle pur- a »«p to his The team has id to the stable, evidence that the ^offered a consideration Guo escape. Bailfff over to - th£ superior runs high, as no i . occurrad hero in ENORMOUS ONE CAPTAIN GOES CRAZY Tho L;w$!li#ur Rai&s From Disease'^ry Heavy. tv* 1 - * ' « HIGH AUTfiXHIITY QUOTED r Sir William XlrfeleyNiick Says Fugilsli Troop* Have tirtlVred Far Less on the West. Coart^ttf Africa Than Our M»n tn New MqsMKjfont. 0.—A dispatch to The Woriimmi Jc>mlcn says: Sir Wil- nthn v'iiAiJjBHMffdisidunt of the Rc^’il College of Surgeons oi England, sur geon to the Prinoo ot Wales and one of the most distinguished members of his profession in Europe, who acted as sur geon to the Anglo-American Ambulance assooiatipi^-in the Franco-German war, wai^kskjrtlnjj^iminjvn conocrning the causes dFtLeTiHSAiortolity from illness among tbe United States troops. He said: “I have only very vague information on the subject utal it is one which no American man could have an opinion of an, pilot of the slightest val^hexcept iunj QX upon precise very “Tkift tnuudely pared to ekpitittr' “But ot compares all other terrible morcah Madagas- “1 tta? kJ **!n on' of Africa‘onr been trifling.” “Is nwke; “Of heaifhfr, .v is high is un#or- dally when com- .illuuss aitiong onr xfl couutHes. Dee in that respect . kavorubly with that of couut/ies. BVance suffered from illness in the I fancy, in battle, t^ocs. losses from _ /ssniu*‘ !H8 toftffb West Coast from illness have t of Afrioa more W” •is maph .more un- ,. “There is no reason that 1 cafl'Siee^hy, with proper precautiotn. uaJitality from illness among thfcyniead , 'NtiateB in Cuba should hftVc mortality from such a cause ( ’has* ol Africa. “Tberf.v^Jifc, ^>u will notice that the force opeiafwg Imder the Sirdar in the Soudan enjoyed a remarkable im munity from illness.” SURLINDEN MINISTER WAR. Newspapers Kenard Revision of the Dreyfus Case Assured. Paris, Sept. 0.—The Figaro eays this morning that General Saussier refused to accept the war portfolio liecause he had been connected, as military gover nor, with the Dreyfus case, and he therefore considered that he should leave to another Hm settlement of this nittttor. Tbe newflijujiers confirm the report that tb« of the office by General'mMMMu,'military governor of Paris, was djpJ-o President Faure’s ifisat^e^^dBrcrf the papers praise his a<‘wf)taune rfW^the “oftloe under the existing difficulties of the situation by the attack M. Cavaignac, the late min ister for nfla AMaring that his action m illogical. The ilMQ^Pwegard the revision of the Dreyfus ananas being assured, say ing that the jHvyKyr’s counsel will now lie rema!^^^ The Matin softs that Colonel Picquart vwsterdaj Jiaawd a demand for the pvo- visKmaSlfSQfcbn.o'~ Crew* Believed to IkM-e Bee«,Saved, but Large Numt>er of Vessels Vulned at Huudreds of Th A^uuds of Dollars Are Probably Lost- San Fkancisoo, Sept. A special to The Examiner from Seerflle says the newa of disaster to the Arctic Whaling fleet came in tho following letter from Captain J. C. Downing of the Wolcott to Austin Claiborne, the loeid agent of the Pacific Steam Winding company “JUKHTiw, Aug. 29. “I arrived from the westward this evening. The latent Isom ttoe arctic is that all tho vefisek^ire caught in the ice. Minton (uuptam of the Jeannie) is cra«v. I obtained The above fUforraa tioirirom^Capcaiu Ned UWeo the gunboat Wheeling. J. C. Downing. ” This letter cama-viq steamship Alki, which arftved from Jmiauu this afternoon. Mr. Claiborne believes that only the whaling vessels originally caught iu Poiut Barrow were destroyed. This in cludes the Jessie H. Freeman, Wan derer, Belvidere, Orca, Rosario, New port, Fearless and Jeaunujr The Rev. Sheldon Jackson, who re turned on the' Roanoke, reported that the Belvidere got out %Md reached Pore C.larojiee, where she coalea Aug. 4 from the bark J. D. Pilfers. Sire Wien re turned to Point Barrow. The Belvi- dere's officers also told Mr. Jackson that the Rosario had been crushed in the ice and that the Wanderer had extricated ‘ herself and moved iu the vicinity of Huruchel island. As fho Osca and Jessie H. Freemen were destroyed last fall, the natives havmg*eet*firo to.arnd homed tjie latter, itVould appear* that tl!?**otily vessuln remaining at the mercy of the ii'e floes and jams were the Jeannie, Newport and Fearless. But besides the eight vessels named, there were the Bea’lei^, Relona, Nar- whale and Mary D. Hume remaining in that part of tbe Arctic. Captaan Edwin Goodall qf h>aii Fran- crsco, who came down dh the AM, said': “Captain Downing Kid tue that rtio fleet wan destroyed fp the ice breakup. Ho got his information froRi' Pilot Led- nen of the United States gunboat Wheel ing. Ixmuen was told of the disaster at Kotzebue sound. Downing heard of no lives being lost and 1 suppose no deaths oecun-ed. “Cajyajn'Downiag fm EGtr sfeatod thrt when tho Tra’rfher lo* TTn-alaska Aug. 10, Captain Snow, mows-r (If tlfo vessel, was sick and that there were many fish ermen at Cbignik waixtug for the retorn of the bark J.-D. I Vova, tojfo* out of the country. 1 also feauK'd 'that tbe Whaler John and W?Htkkxy. le stop his csir and ge for- ! ward and observe tne tracks before crossing. The engineer sayk he did not see (ho tar until lie was upon'it. IN CONVENTION Ignatius Bwmelly Denounces Fusion In Radieal Speech. WAITE ATTACKS BUTLER to eecuM a pub- . of Drey foe. MaH Clerks. The twenty-third session of the railway mail clerks’ con vention was opened in the Kimball at 11 o’clock this morning. President John M. Butler of Nebraska presided. After reading minute* aud examining credentials addresses of welcome were listened to from Governor Atkinson for the state and Mayor Collier for the city. arrivals was Mrs. Madge J. iwn as the daughter and is very popular She is a daughter of ;-pf tne New York poet- contributor to Tbe official organ ol Ike Among with the office aai Bail! ciety whlc Alabama prwbatwyOTPltd re vexed pro to oitiaMNMa. %lvltBlg Steel Plant- Aht., Sept. • < —Tho ot Colbert county has is sued a oommiasioo to Messrs. John E. Brown and James T. Burns to opsn books of subscription to the capital ■took of tbe Anglo American Steel com- K y of Sbefltekl to the amount of |1,> 000, tbe articles of incorporation filed. Tbe iron in- h'ave been greatly tie and tbe ormuusatioa vtiou, wbicnib said amount of Bnglieb baa added a fresh Mb having te Bests of awaken* of^wl | •oArfV •ptla) < pefn*. WHY MEN WERE^ NOT PAID. Money Withliekl Fruiu Cubaa Volun teer* at the Requeet of Ofllcer*. WAPUtxaTON, Sept. 0.—OiKisiderable complaint has reached the war depart ment from various parts of the country because the volunteer troops in Cuba did not receive their pay. In most in stance* the pay of the volunteers v.a* thrae months in arreon> arid the govern- ment has been critiowed far not paying the men promptly. Now that the troops have returned te the United States it develops that the r i were not paid becauep the colonels 15 regiments requoeloq^-tho paymas ter general to withhold the money due the troops nntil they should return to the United States. Fay master General Stanton says that the gvwftemneat had so efficient corps of papmoiters and plenty ef money m CaHk aod-could have paid tbe men promptly, bat for the ra- qnests made by the dttoeM command ing tbe regiments. Clash With Canadian Official. San Francisco, Sept. &—A special from Seattle eays: Colonel McCook, United States oonsuU at Dawson, has had a slight diffieulty witbfla'domiuien official already, yet he has been at Daw- eon but a few Weeks. As a result he was compelled to remove the United States flag from the store of the Alaska Commercial company at Dawson and allow a dominion customs officer, Davis, to hoist the British ensigu. The Amer ican coat of arms was removed from the door aud Colonel McCook sought an other office. President Returns te Wash lag too. Washington, Sept 6.—The train bearing the president and Mrs. McKin ley and their party reashed the Peaa- eylvania railroad station promptly at 7:90 a. m. today. Tbe carriage horn the White House met them and the president and Mbs. McKinley were driven directly there. Tbs is held in check by a system of gold barter, while enterprise languishes, industry suffers aud the cemeteries are populous with the bodies of bankrupts and suicides. WbiA we demand that if either gold or silver is to be mod, ns mcocy both shall be used; we insist that the best currency this country ever used was tbe full l&gal tender greenback of tbe civil war. Tried to Scuttle the Ship. San Francisco, Sept. 6.—A letter It The Call dated Behring Strait, June 27, states that tbe bark Northern Light, Captain Whitesides, from Sou Fran cisco for Kofzeu, has arrived safely in port, her crew and 162 passenger*, after a voyage duxmg which it wrfl discov ered that four large auger holes had teen found iu her bow. ft was found that the vessel was. leaking badly and and .but for the timely otsoovery df the cause she would have gone to the bot tom. There is apparently no clue to the men who tried to siuk the ship. DAILY MARKET REPORTS oorroN raratt**. Nsiv Yon*. Bepfc I OP Ut.A«* 4#iiaiirr *'2* “* 2*2 Jr«braAf7 “••* v*ll Match 4-iub*r. ... |.| ro«a—Ovuiber ... I.J Feaa—De-^mher *.ts ... f.1 eon Jn uiirv ... * 1 Lamu—HepiwnW* ... 4.4 Laho-Oc.Jb^r * *8R ... 4 J Laud—U«eembt-r i.. 4.1 iyk Hllr-JulJliarV L.c ■■■MftMiplMsv-. l.c UtM-UMolte... t-M A. t.i klNU—DeeemnSr 1. |.( Bis* - January • evee* **•*»###•• eo# 4*1