The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, May 26, 1898, Image 8

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H W W / i-r' ■ 8 ■z*r- i , V ^ ■ ■ — ater*! Socla^vvatei' l! Why is our Soda better than others? Because avo have the nicest Fountain In town and use only I*iire I^ruit Juices Jn making our syrups. Our Soda is Our greatest advertisement. Give it a trial. Corner' G-rocery Co. N. B.— [ee delivered to any part of the city. Phone No. 7. Any Hoi Will Grunt whether it he contented or not, but everything that grunts is not a hog by any means. This is a simple little grunt to remind you that we still have a good many more bar gains for vou in that sample line we advertised and are expecting another big line this week. Ail of These Goods Will Be Sold at Exact Cost and you would do well to come and lay in a supply of the things you need while they are so cheap. Come quick it vou want a good selection, as they are going fast. I hey ean onlv be found at & CO.’S Cheap Store. pHElKEE BAKERY and RESTAURANT U will supply your wants. I ********************************** * Bread, Cakes, Pies and Candies % * Made From Finest Materials. . . ^ ijc * :{'**tt.|t.K****.X«********* ************* Also meals at all hours. Lunches 10 and Mo cents with coffee. Square meals 2o cents. Yours for business, J. C dnolcoii. THE NEWEST -• - and * • LATEST STYLES In Ladies’ Shoes 4- MADE HY THE JONES’ SHOE'** 35 ^ . COMPANY V* * r r Try a pair of those Celebrated shoes You’ll like them — (g) — CARROLL & CARPENTER, SOLE AGENTS FOR GAFFNEY. A STICK OF DELICIOUS SODA MINT GUM GIVEN FREE~* With every Cold Drink —AT— DuPRE DRUG CO.’S SODA FOUNTAIN. COLD WINDS OF ICELAND Are not one bk colder than the delicious drinks wo arc Serving at our fountain daily. Our ice cream cannot he excelled and our line of fancy Groceries and confectioneries is the most complete one In the city. Ring us up when you want anything in our lipe. Telephone 55. BROWN & CLARKSON, PROP’S. PALACE CONFECTIONERY. B.—Tandem for rent at 30c an hour. «.ii! THIS LEDGER: GAFFNEY, 8. C., MAY 2(5 IM>8 Memorfcl D«y Exercises. Memorial day was observed in Gaff ney last Saturday under the auspices of tiie Ladies’ Memorial Association. Quite a number of citizens, a strong squad of veterans, a small army of little girls and boys and a deiachment of the Gaffney Light. Infantry, under Capt. J. A. Bell, the whole command ed by Col. J. O. Wnrdluw. composed the line. The procession was formed at the Gaffney Male and Female .Seminary and moved to the ceme tery, where a stand for the occasion had been erected. Arriving at the cemetery the Gaffney Light Infantry opened ranks and presented arms and the veterans passed through with heads uncovered. The veterans were followed by the children and they by the ladies of the Memorial Association, Arriving at the stand a patriotic song was rendered by a choir selected for the occasion. r i his was followed by a prayer by the Rev. C. E. Robertson, chaplain of the Gaffney Light Infantry, after which an address was delivered by Prof. \V. S. Hall. This was followed by an address by Capt. H. 1'. Griffith. Rev. T. M. Dent then ottered prayer. The crowd then dispersed to scatter flowers on the graves of the departed loved ones. On reassembling Rev. B. P. Robertson read a tribute of re- spect prepared by Miss LilaC. Budd for the Ladies Memorial Association in memory of Mrs. W. F. MArthur. Mrs. J. J. Brown and Mrs. It. (>. Sams, members of the Memorial As sociation. Ibis ended tlie exercises and tin* participants repaired to tfnir respective homes, all feeling better for the part each took in the occasion. — . -«•>- ► Fun for the Crowd. A fisticuff lie tween Jim Gaffney and another gentleman of color l ues- day afternoon created a good deal of amusement for the on-lookers. The match was pretty near even, but when the crowd began to gather and attrapt the attention of the police Jim’s opponent l^oke and ran. Al derman R. M. Wilkins and u number of others gave chase. The alderman proved that he could run in a foot race as fast as he could in a city election, and soon overtook the flee ing son of Hum. Jim put up .fo for his appearance before Mayor Littie- jotm yesterday morning while his op ponent was conducted to the city hotel by officer Hamrick. When arraigned before his honor, Major Littlejohn, yesterday morning Jim was fined -fo for his fun, while Charley Ballinger, ttis opponent, was fined ijq for the part he took in the affair. Cooper-Limestone Commencement. The following is the programme for the annual commencement < f Cooper-Limestone Institute which takes place in J une : Hunday. June 5th, 11 a. m.—Bac calaureate sermon, Rev. E. E. Bomar, Aiken, S. C. Monday, June Cth, from 10 a. m. to (5 p. m.—Art exhibit. Monday evening, June 0th. 8:00— Reading and scenes from Dav d Copperfield—Elocution cliiss. Tuesday evening, June 7th, 8:30 — Graduating exercises—Address by President F. W. Boatwright, Rich mond College, Va. The public is cordially invited to attend these exercises. Attention Citizent! \ Tomorrow night a meeting will be held in the city hall in the interest of a Fourth of July celebration. Every man in Gaffney is invited to he present and take part in the deliber ations. So far every man spoken to on the subject lias express* d himself as willing and ready to push the cel ebration forward. With a little self- denial and a little patriotic work on tin part of all we can have a credita ble celebration at little expense. So let everybody interested in the pro gress of Gaffney and the profitable ad vertising of the town come to the front and put his shoulder to tiie wheel and shove the eld chariot of ente- prise forward. Remember Our Offer. Don’t forget that we are going to giveaway ten dollars to persons an swering advertisements of merchants in this paper. Would you not like to win one of these prizes? Of course you would, then why not go to work and try for it? It is no trouble for you to tell a merchant that you saw his advertisement and put your name on his register, and when you con sider that a merchant appreciates your reading his ad you will readily see that he will take pains to show you that what he said in that ad was true, and in doing so will give you better bargains than you would get if you had not told him you saw it. The Site Changed. The site for the carpet mill has been changed on account of the water supply, and the mill will be erected on the lot embracing Col. Samuel Jefferies’ fish pond and contains thirty and one-half acres. Lumber and material has been placed on the new site and building operations will be begun at once. A Pleasant Evening. A few of Miss Forts friends, were entertained in a most delightful man ner on Monday evening last. Only too soon was it over, and the guests departed, with appreciative thoughts of their ebarmiug hostess. In lima. s Gala Day. II represented at Mecklenbur Gaffney was .„ K .„ the Mecklenburg/Declaration of In dependence celebration on ti c 20th of May. The suecess of the celebra tion was nil thatTcould be desired J. Q. Little came near being the victim of the board of pettj’ thieves and pick-pockfets that infested the Queen City on /that occasion. While in a crowd on Yr.von ntrcct looking at the procession, a thief attempted to steal a valuable diamond from his shirt front, but J. Q whs too alert for the wily thief and caught him in the act. The culprit was promptly handed over to the police. The next morning he was bound over to the Criminal court in tin* sum of $200. He promptly put up the money and left the city on 4he next train. Unclaimed Letters. List of letters remaining in office uncalled for to date : Mr. T. A. Alexander. Mr. James Ewing. Mr. John F. Gramling. Mr. M. O. Hawkins. Mr. W. F. Haskey. M : hs Hester Mucelew. Mr. \Y. R. Surrat. col. J. LI. Strickland. Esq. Mr. Reason Vaughn. Miss Hide Wneiehell. N. B.—1’ersons calling for these letters wid please saj’ advertised in Tut' Lkdgkk. T. II. Littlejohn, P. M. May 23. 1808. - — It Failed for Lack of Support. The Ledoek is very sorry t hat tl.e merchants of this place are not wil ling to unite on the curly closing movement. A list for signers to this movement was circulated last we* k and at one time it began to look as if there would be no trouble to get everv merchant in the city to sign, hut finally the solicitors came across one merchant who disagreed and then another and it was not a great while before enough had refused to comped those who were inclined to enter tiie early closing movement to withdraw, hence the effort was a failure. Sup pose you try it again, boys. You may have better success next time. The Funeral of Mr. Spencer. The funeral of the late J. O. Spen cer took place last Thursday at Cor inth church in the presence of a large concourse of friends and rela tives. The service was conducted by Rev. B. P. Robertson, of this city. ' After the service by Mr Robertson the Masonic Order took charge of the remains and buried their lamented brother with Masonic honors. TI e funeral cortege was perhaps the longest that ever went out from GatT ney. It seemed that everybody in the place and surrounding’ country who could possibly do so was present to attest their love and friendship for the deceased. — » • ■» An Acknowledgement. Through Mr. Eison, we liHve re ceived a most welcome box of goods, calico, percale, sheeting, blenched goods, etc.’, made up by Mr. E. .). Barnette and the weavers of tiie Gaffney cotton miil. It is with grateful joy that this evidence of love for our orphans is acknowledged. TnOKNWI LI. Ottl’IIANACE, Clinton, S. C. - . The Laundry Begins Operations. The Pearl Steam Laundry began operations last week. The proprie tors, Messrs. James and Isom ardson, have used good judgment in the selection of their machinery. The work so far turned out is equal to the best and we predict for them n successful career in the laundry bu - iners. — - — Cure a Cold in One Bay. Take I.a\:itivc 15r<>r;i<>Ouii)iiR*T,-tl,;' tlru^/ists n fund luom y p it I'aiU to cure. The yeimii.e Las I., H.Q. on each taLh i. llul’i-e Drug Co. •No-To-ltac for I ifty Onu. Caaranteed tohauco habit cure, ina, 'vea’’ men suromr, pure. 50c.£1. All urimmsts Unde Sam Says: BiW This is America's Greatest Medicine. It will Sharpen Your Appetite, Purify and ^ Vda :z2 Your Blood. Overcome That i ired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaoarilla and begin to take it TODAY, and realize the great good it is sure to do you. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists. ! ‘ " CLINE BROS. & CO., Livery Feed and Sale Stobles. Opposite National Bank. First--lass turnouts; prompt u'.tsntloa; and courteous utii-ndunts. Jf7"'\Ve .solleit your patronage. Social Qayeties. To he entertaining when on? ought to be asleep. To at sweets { and salads when the 1 stomach craves the simplest food cr cone at all. To laugh when one wants to cry. All this and 1 much more society de mands of her followers. What a strain on the nerves of deli cate wo men I Is it any 1 \vonder that they break down? The dreadful headaches. The crushing pains in the back and loins. The blues. All such symptoms in dicate serious de rangements of the delicate female or ganism, and must be overcome at once. Remove the cause. Strengthen exhausted nature. Brcdfield’s Female Regulator Is the standard remedy for the weaknesses and irregularities peculiar to women. Bradfield’s Regulator is not a mysterious mixture of mythical orL.n, but a stand ard remedy compounded in accordance with scientific principles from approved vegetable medical materials. Bradfield’s Regulator is endorsed by physicians who have examined it, and has been in sue ccssful use over a quarter of a century. It is sold by druggists at one dollar a bottle. “Perfect Health for Women” mailed free upon application. THE BRAOFIELD RESULAJ03 CO., Atlanta, Ca. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND Httin'Ki/kfi THERE IS NO KINO OP PAIN OR < ACNE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN-KILLER WILL NOT RE- LISTER LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE 1 BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS A SON. Dissolution Notice. The Arm heretofore existing under the Arm name of Llpsconih & Pliicken hits been dis solved by mutual consent. All parties hold ing claims against the Arm will please pre sent same to me for collection and all parties indebt**! to said firm will please come for ward and settle at once. J. F. Pjnckkn. 0-l!*-:tt (.Successor to Lipscomb & Pliicken.) Jury List. The following are the Pettit Jurors for the May term of court. 1MM. P. Kay, M. \V. tirown, W. W. Hoard, J.T. Kobhs, D. Scruggs. John W. Krldgcs. John P. Moore, J. L. Slack wood. M. L. Bridges, J. V. L. McOaw, K. A. Ware, • U. II. Scruggs, J. W. Brown, J. I). Dixon. J. G. Moore, W. II. Weblter, It. H.Oook. . W. A. Martin. D. It. II. Patrick, G. M. ('line. Junius Sparks, J. M. Swafford, J. P. Shuford, P. y. Poole, J. A. Northy. V. W. Tate, J.T. Bullies. I.G. Phillips. L. It. Galuen. M. J, Moon-head. Charley Bridges. M. A. Littlejohn, J. W. Duff. J. L. Smith. W. A. Jackins, Charley Littlejohn. Under the new law of IMM this Jury wr» drawn In puhlle at the court house by the Jury commissioners from the Jury box us prepared hv the hoard of county eommls- •touers at tuolr first meeting In Jiyiuary. Clean Out Streams. Orrin: or SrvKavisoK. It- accordance \vi!h the law governing such flatters all land owners shall remove fiom the running streams of water upon their I and all i ra sfi. trees, ra Ms and 11 in lie r during I he inunt Its of May and August iu eurii year. Land ov, net s in • iierokec count v w ill govern the nisei vc accord i ngly. X. Lies* imii. < 'minty .■supervisor. May I it h, Is'.k. JACKSON *t M’LLIVAX, CoNTRAfTOKS AND Bl 11.DKRS. Plans and spccitif.ilions fundslit (I fret* if we do tin w> it I.. \\ e do a 11 ki.’i Is of work and guarantee s;- rsfact ion. R, st references fur nished. For t In* pr'-seiit wv are located at Clifton, s. c.. and any eommin.i -atfon ad dressed to u, there will receive prmniit at tention. . .>-j-lino T. E. McGEHEE, Contractor and Duildor, GAFFNEY, S. C. Plans and speeillealIons furnished on ap- piieation. (food building material furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. l-T--»m Mam. mocks! Hammocks! Hammocks! The Lest line in town, from $1 up. SMITH HARDWARE CO. Daniels The Jeweler, •if Does the best repair work of any one in the city And at prices to suit the tiine.Jr Satisfaction to all customers Or money back. Cherokee If you cannot get it there, It’s not in town._^^ Everything in the way of Garden and Field Seed; such as Clover, Millet, Millomaize, Cane Seeds, Lawn Grass, Seed Beans, fine varieties of Field Corn, etc. The neatest, cleanest, best selected stock of Drugs and Drug Sundries in the county. Your patronage solicited. Buy Your Corn, Hay, Oats, Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal “ T. DAVENPORT’S Cheap Store. 20 llb P’k’gs. Roasted Coffee for $1. MrMP