* 4- {W r t**' ’ijfc ' rt "i THK LE#(iEK: GAFFNEY, 8. C., MAY 215, 1^‘J8. I fLHOOD’S i'. tlio Om ^1 True Itlood I’milirr,(iiivitNt’rvc ; Tonic, Stomach Kcj/nlntor. 'J >> th«»u> i Kainlti its groat merit 3S KNOWN) For Sale. vei l i‘'•n i l,tr un'icr HiIn lncnl will | tx- lns'‘»U“art r:lv •' •/ 11 loilancc •in-ureii. Addn I’. <>. r»o\ TOT, X. «’■ _ '•• •' D o ^•(M' w tali to si II jour st »ck of Roods »t a (iis'*oiini for i-ii*>liV II m>. addrrsN .1. I,. Turner. Orovor. N. C. I*. S. M.da foan .t ii wanted, F OH SALE Good meadow, home-grown hay. s. A. Stacy. F oi: SALE Good Millie, eheap; cash or (rood papers. J. •!. Gaffuoy* F id; HALE Lot IWxlMwith twohulldtnRs, l.osian Street, near Episcopal church, at a bargain. F. G.Staey. F ull S\I.E -00 husht Is gc.od planting eot- t.;ii S cd at 1- e a bushel. Apply to\V. A. Jefferies, Star Farm. i-:>-:t F ull SALE ; acres of laud - miles from GalVaey on Smitli Ford road. Apply at Kirby’s Iteef Market. 4-t’S-tl F OR HALE Hooae and tot on Frederick street near O. U. & l. depot. I..L N'tv- berry. F OR SALE Fresh, clean eat ton seed for planting, at a»e per bushel. Apply to w. O. Lipscomb & Hro. • l ~ -1 S OME rare bargains In sewing machines good as new. Also any parts ordered for old machines. R. S. Lipscomb. F oil SALE. The tH‘st Hahhttt metal ever placed on the market at lOe a pound. Ap- pIy at Thk 1.K.lniKlt. M ARRIAGE. If you contemplate joatri* age and wish the latest in neat and fash- ionahle wedding invitations you can tina them at Thk Leoukh. J EST KEG El VEl).—An elegant new face of script tyire with which to print wedding cards, visiting cards, etc.: also a neat line of visiting cards which we will sell eit her print ed or nlain at prices that are reasonable. Apply at The Ledoeh. F or SALE -Real Estate Mortgages. Titles to Heal Estate. Chattel Mortgages. Liens, Notes. Etc., for sale at The Leixie office For Rent. F OR RENT l-room house and 1V4 acres land in siihcrhs. Apply t<> I/.ule Games. ’ity. —~ F OR UF.NT. The old Llpseomh Mote!. Apply to w.s. Upscomn. .(-.ii-u F OR RENT. The storeroom formerly (M- cttpied by G. A. Wood. Apply to A. N. iVoocl. F OR KENT—A new -"IxliHi lln -firoof brick Store house: French plate glass front: ex- •ellent display windows. Apply to \Y. O. llpseomh & Hro. Wanted. ANTED To sell good milk cows; will huy cattle: a fine pasture near corporate s for sale. W. I>. Kirhy. a-v,-ll V AN'TF.Ii Salesmen to sill Luhricaiing Oils from sampleson eoniniissain: M>cr:il Tins. The Eelid Oil Company. Cleveland. 11 W limit V ANTED To exchange mare 7 years old for heavy horse suitable for dray. Cor. roc cry (*o. Announcements. pff*'Announcements will be Inserted for the uniform price of 51 each: i he cash to ac company the annoinieernent; no announce- mi ni toexeeed thirty words. For Auditor. I MEKERY iiiinounee myself a candidate 1 for the office of Audi tor of Chifokce county suhieet to the aetion of the approaching Democratic primary. \\ . I * . .\ I ^I 1.1.»>. For Clerk of Court. IEKEHY announee myself a candidate »r re-eleetlon to tlieotfleeof Clerk of ( 'inrt Cherokee County subject to the ensuelng rnocratio primary. ■ .LAIt Jell cries. IEKEHY announee myselT a candidate ,r Clerk of Court Cherokee County subject he action of the Democratic primary and oeei fully solicit the support of myfriemls. 1 \v. W. Gaffney. For Sheriff. B Y requestofrny friends I heretiy announee myself aeandidate fortheoftlce of Sheriff .f ( herokee county, subject to the action Oi he Democratic primary. „ „ „ R. I*. Scrithhs. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for re-eleeilon Hi of Sheriff of Chcro- •e County subject to the action of the Dem- ratic primary. j_ n _ r HE many friends of G- Wash. MeKown. heliering him to he a suitable man for the isltion Of Sheriff, respectfully rcecomend iin to the voters of Cherokee County. 3 E. ( AMI’ hereby announces himself as a 3. candidate for the office of Sh riff of herokee County subject to the Democratic rimary. „ „ ,, H. F. ( AMP. I HEREBY announce myself a candidate -for Sheriff of Cherokee County, subject to the aetion of the approaching Democratic Primary election. W. W. Thomas. For the House. I HEREBY announce myself a candidate to represent the County of Cherokee In the lower house of the General Assembly of Hnuth Carolina, subject to the approval of the Democratic primary. Respect full v. W. C. Hambick. For County Supervisor. HERIIBY announce myself a candidate .r the office of County Huiwrvisor subject the action of the Democratic primary. A. A. Sabkatt. HEREBY announce myself a candidate or re-election to the office of County Hu- rvlsor of Cherokee County subjewt to the tton of the approaching Democratic pri- ,rv. N. Lipscomb. •HE many friends of R. M. Jolly, believing him to In: a suitable man for (’outity Su rvivor would respectfully recommend him the voters of Cherokee county. CONGLOMERATED CHEROKEE PERSONAL I’AR A GRAPHS. For Sup’t. of Education. A H a Democrat I submit my name to the Democratic voters of Cherokee County for re-election as Superintendent of Education. W. F. McAhthi k. I HEREBY announce myself a candidate for the office of Superintendent of Educa tion of Cherokee Ceunly. subject to the ac tton of the Democratic primary. Jae. L. Htbain. For the Senate. I HEREBY announce myself a candidate for State Senator from Cherokee County subject to the action of the approaching Democratic Primary election. T. B. BftTi.rn. T HE friends of Hon. J. G. Black hereby an nounce him a candidate for Senator for Cherokee co inty, believing he will make an able. conscU itlous and upright represenia live of the people. TEACHERS’ H The exAiiilnation of teachers for Cherokee County will Iw held Friday and Saturday, June 17th and inth. By ord< r of W. D. MayfteUI, Slate Superin tendent of Education. W. V. McAhthi h. May M-4t Hupt. of Ed. Cherokee Co. ITEMS OF INTEREST TERSELY TOLD. The News from Town and Country Boiled Down for the Special Benefit of Busy Led ger Readers. The Prohibitionists are called to meet in tin* llourt House in this city on June (Uh. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McDonald, of this city, died Monday and was buried Tuesday. Judging from his extreme fondness of cups, we presume we hud quite a thirsty visitor in our midst last Sun day. The examination of teachers for Cherokee county will take place on Friday and Saturday, June 17th and 18th. The Ledger is indebted to Mr. W. A. Mooney, of Bowlinsville. fora nice lot of May cherries which he brought in Saturday. In another column of this issue can be found the call of Chairman T. M. Littlejohn to the Prouibitionists of Cherokee county. Martin, Edwards & Hines, manu facturers of lumber, have been awar ded the contract to furnish the lum ber to be used in the construction of the carpet mill. Mr. and Mrs. John Lipscomb are expecting to get moved into their handsome new homo on Victoria avenue this week. They will have a modern and comfortable home Prof. Davis and bis Flint Hill choir will entertain the people at the Second Baptist church Saturday night with some excellent music. There will be no charge for admission. The annual picnic of the Presbyte rian Sunday school took place last Wednesday at Draytonville Moun tain. There was a good attendance and all report having had a glorious time. A camp of the Woodmen of the World was organized in this city Tuesday night. The camp starts out under the most favorable auspices and bids fair to be one of the most flourishing camps in the statu. W. 0. Lipscomb A Bros., are shelv ing and otherwise lilting up their new store room on (irenard street and will open up a handsome millinery and dress goods store which will equal, if it does not eclipe, tuiythir.g of the kind in Piedmont Carolina. The old reliable gardener, John Geddes, brought some line specimens of snap beans to this oflice Tuesday of his own raising. John is a good gardener and is always on time with his vegetables. He said he had a mess for dinner that day. The commencement exercises of the Gallney Male and Female .Semi nary will take place at the seminary next Tuesday night. A cordial invi tation is extended to the public to attend the exercises. An attractive program has been arranged for the occasion. The manager of The Ledger is in debted to bis good friend Drakeford, of the Yeoman, for courtesies ex tended while in Yorkville last week. We hope to have him over with us some time when we can better show our appreciation of the kindness shown us. Coroner McCraw was called to the cityjlast Wednesday to hold in quests over the remains of Mr. J. G. Spencer and Samuel Dunnaway, colored, but after investigating the causes that led to the death of both, decided that it was unnecessary to bold an inquest in either case. High private Zebulon Hope, U. 8. A. came to the city Sunday after noon and left Monday, accompanied by Earnest Pooler, Austin Bell and one of I). K. Cecil’s brick, masons for the front. Zeb expresses himself as being very much pleased with soldier life and says he has a big time down there. The Ledger is indebted to Mr. M. M. Tate for a relic in the shape of a Spanish coin bearing date of 1412, which was found on his plantation some time ago. While we have not the highest regard in the world for the people of Spain at this particular time still we shall keep the coin for the esteem in which we hold Mr. Tate. President J. E. Bierck, of the Gaffney Carpet Manufacturing Co., with his family, arrived in the city Sunday on the vestibule from Phila delphia. Mr. Bierck and family will occupy the handsome new resi dence of J. Q. Little on Frederick street. They will be welcome addi tions to Gaffney's social and business populotion. Mr. Wm. A. Hope, of Poe Mills, Greenville, S. C., passed through Gaffney on bis way to Fort Mills in quest of a wife last Sunday. He was married on the 24th inst., and returned to Greenville where he will make his future home. The Ledger extends to him a hearty congratula tion and with his many friends wishes him a happy life. 17 Pictures for ajc, for two weeks only, at Hall's Cottage Gallery, neat to J. K. Tolleson’s, Gaffney, 8. 0. We also make two nice cabinet else for 26cts. FROM OLD VIRGINIA. People You Know’ and People You Don’t Know. Revs. Dent and Creech. Prof. Hail, J. A. Geddes. B. F.llolmesand D. J. Holt leave today fAr Lnion. where they goto attend tile District Con ference of the M. E. Church, which convenes in that city 10-night. They will he gone until Monday. R. A. Robinson, of Spartanburg, was in the city last week assisting in the embalming of Mr. Spencer’s body. T. B. Hughey and son. William, of Mercer, were among the enter prising Cherokeeans in the city Sat urday. Col. T. B. Butler went on a business tirp to Union, Tuesday. Mrs. H. M. Gaines has gone to Blacksburg, on a visit to her parents. I&W. M. J ones, of Asbury, was in i the city yesterday. Mr. I ones is al ways a welcome visitor to Gaffney. Mr. H. A. Tate, of Webster, was in the city Tuesday. T. C. Patterson, of Cherokee Falls, was in the city Monday on business. Mr. Patterson paid The Ledger a short but appreciative visit while in the city. Mr. Jas. L. Strain and his better half, of Etta Jane, were in the city Thursday. Among the ladies who attended the 20th of May celebration in Char lotte last week were Mrs. L. U. Camp bell. Misses Rosa Johnson, Annie Brown and Effie Hopper. Capt. R. P. Roberts and wife of Cherokee Falls, were in the city Tues day. Mr. Roberts is the enterprising secretary and treasurer, of the Chero kee Falls Mfg. Co., and has many friends here who are always glad to see him. Mrs. Jas. B. Bell and children re turned from Yorkville last Wednes day where they have been visiting relatives and friends. M. C. Lipscomb, of Cowpens, was in the city Saturday on business and while here paid us a pleasant call. Miss Lucia Carroll, of Aiken, wiio has been visiting Miss Fannie Ward- law. on Frederick street for several weeks,leaves today for her home. Miss Carroll has made many friends while here and her departure will be regret ted by many of Gaffney’s gallants, all of whom were captivated by her charming manner. Esquire Richard Lee, of White Plains, was in the city yesterday on business. He reports that his section lias been visited by a heavy rain, ac companied by hail, which did con siderable damage to the growing crops. T. E. McGehee represented Gaffney Lodge I. OM). F. at the meeting of the Grand Lodge in Charleston week before last. He reports Odd Fellow ship in this state as on the increase. Major J. F. Jones, Blacksburg’s most progressive and enterprising citizen, was in the city Saturday for a few hours. John Flynn, of Spartanburg, spent Sunday in the city. P. C. Wood, wife and daughter, of Henrietta, were in the city Monday on a shopping expedition. John G. Spencer came ever from Cowpens last week to attend the fu neral of his brother. Monroe Mize, of Ravenna, was in the city Saturday. J. R. Blanton, of Ravenna, was in town Sunday. W. Alien Jefferies, of Star Farm, was in the city yesterday on busi ness. Mr. Jefferies added his name to The Ledger s growing list while here. E. A. Tr*'Scot. of Blacksburg, was in the city yesterday. Escaped From Blacksburg's Calaboose. (Correspondence of The Ledger.) Bi.AfLsnrRG, May 21.—Joe Ross, col., was tried by a jury in Magis trate Bridges court at this place Sat urday, for disturbing religious wor ship at the Robinson Zion church, col. His sentence was $25.00 or thirty days on the county chain gang. Failing to pay his fine he was placed in the calaboose to await being taken to Gaffney. The next morning the chief of police found the door of the calaboose open and Joe gone. An investigation showed that some party or parties had prized one of the hasps out and broke the other off. An old pick was found near by, and marks on the door and facing, indi cated that a pick had been used to do the work. It is said that the place was brosen open by friends of Ross' just as the midnight south bound train passed. • The calaboose is a very old one ane was simply being used, pending the completion of the new town hail. e. a. t. Gaftney’s Cotton Exchange. Mr. McDuffie, who has been con ducting a cotton and produce ex change at Blacksburg, has elosed out in that city and opened an exchange in this place. He opened up for business in the store room formerly occupied by Messrs. Bridges & Beason on Monday. Besides giving the latest market quotations Mr. Mc Duffie will give out all the latest war news permissible. Look! A Stitch in Time SttvcH nine. HuxIicm’ Tonic (new Improved, tasc pleMHiint). taken In early Spring and Fall prevents CIiIIIh, Dengue and MhIui-IhI Fever*. Acts on the liver, tones up the sys tem. Better than quinine. Guaranteed. Try It. At Druggists. Me and ll.U) bottles. Everybody leys So. Caacsrets Csndy Cathartic, the most won- derful medical discovery of Uio age, pleas ant and rcfreahintf to Um taste, set gently and itosilively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure lieadaobe, fever, habitual constipation ami biliousness. Please buy tud try a box of C. C. C. to-day; It), 25. Ml cents. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. “Uncle Jimmie” Writes About the Late and Present War. Manchester, Vu., May 20.—Al though my communication may not interest some of your young readers vet there are many old solders now liv ing who will recollect the scenes that transpired in and around Richmond in the sixties. These scenes are now being enacted for another war and, whilst some may think it will be of short duration, it may be extended to an indefinite time. I visited Camp Lee a few days ago and it re minded me very forcibly of the time when I was a soldier, camping at the same place. I saw the soldier boys witli their little tin cups and the at tendants were passing around the coffee poured out of a large eouldron. They seemed to have enough to sat isfy the inner man. I thought how it was with me thirty-seven years ago, we hud plenty then but before the war closed we were glad to pluck a few grains of corn from the field to sustain life. I hope these boys will never have to pass through what we hud to undergo then, but the fortunes of war arc unknown. My old friend, Col. J. L. Strain, might perhaps, tell your readers more than I can about tlie last war, for I was somewhat fortunate. After being in active ser vice for a short time I was discharged being unable to perform active duty and, being a school-mate of the sec retary of war, James A. Seddon, I was made commissary of Danville, which position I filled until the war closed, consequently I did not have as hard a time ns some of the soldiers of that campaign did, but I hud a brother who walked bare footed to Gettysburg, and he could have been tracked by the blood from his feet on that march, and his subsistunce was the com from the fields. Young boys that are npw in camp have no idea what they will have to go through. 1 see that the next call for troops will be from the colored population. That's right, they are now American citizens and have us much right to fight when culled upon us anybody else. A great deal of blood was spilled by southern men in their behalf, and now let them have a little taste of war, and they will know how to appreciate its benefits. It is said that we have about a million surplus population. If this be so, those who volunteer in the present war will not be missed to a great extent. As far as I am indi vidually concerned, I do not believe that we had any especial business en gaging in the present war. If the blowing up of the Maine itud been made the cause it might have been all right’to have resented that, but tc free Cuba, (whilst our sympathies are with the poor creatures who have been greatly oppressed) it was not worth the expense and loss of life that may occur, to engage in it. But it is too lale now to talk about it as war lias been declared, and our people will have to fight it out. Some say it is a small matter, we can soon whip the Spaniards. Not so, the Spaniards are a fighting nation, they are educated to fight, and they are up to all kinds of trickery and will take every advantage. Besides we know nothing of the powers behind the throne Your correspondent is enjoying life the best lie cun under the cir cumstances. always hoping for better times, but I um afraid lie will never see them during the few short years that he will remain upon this earth. If at any time I can tell your read ers anything new from this section of the country I would be glad to do so. “Uncle Jimmie." — . A Runaway Accident. While hitching up his horse to his buggy Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Will Johnson, of the Corner Grocery Co., was the victim of an accident that caxe near proving serious. The horse became frightened and began to run. Mr. Johnson, in attempting stop the horse, held on to the shaft and was dragged some dis tance and severely bruised. It is not believed, however that hia in juries are serious, although he is con fined to his iiome as a result of the accident. Educate Your Ilowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c.25c. If C. C. C. fail, druKRistg refund money. Prohibitionists Called. The Prohibitionist* Party of Cherokee County are eitlled to meet at the court bouke In Gaffney. June tith. at It a. m.. to orminize for the campaiya and other purpose*. T. M. Litti.kjoiin, County Chr’m. Dissolution Notice. The partnerkhip of R. 8. Wither* & Co., druirttiMts. coinpo*ed of R. M. Wither* and J. T. Darwin, i* this day. tty mutual consent, dissolved. The business will continue under the Mrm name of R. 8. Withers ft Co., eom- posod of R. H. Withers and J. K. Whlsonaut. AH persons Indebted to the old firm of R. 8. Withers ft Co. are requested to make im mediate payment to K. 8. Withers that the Arm’s books may be closed. I am now putting on the market Beautiful Red Brick 1 ! * j like the justly famous Philadel- 1 phia Pressed Brick. They will add much to the beauty of every building in which they are used. I have some that are splendid for paving purposes. B. W. BAKER. N. B.—Orders left at J. K. Tol- leson's store receive prompt at tention. Ancient Documents. Mr. J. A. Gaffnoy has in his pos session a relic in the shape of a letter dated July 15th. LSI7. It was writ ten ity Henry or Alfred Burns to his mother. It was mailed at Altoona, Ga.. and addressed to Cooperville, (now known as Cherokee ford, Chero kee county) Union county, S. C. Mr. Gaffney also lias a deed conveying a tract of land from John Chisholm to John Amos, which was drawn by Michael Gaffney, his grandfather, the first settler of this section and for whom Gaffney City was named, which bears date of January 13th, 1SD7. Both papers are remarkably well pre served and the manuscript is plain an eligible. Mr. Gaffney justly prizes these relics very highly. Concerning Announcements. Wo have received several communi cations this week nominatingdiffereni gentlemen for various offices. These, we could not publish because they were not nrcornpaned by the necessary fee for announcing candidates. We can u..derstnd how our friends should overlook this important part of the business but we will have to be rigid and adhere to the established rule. The fee has been put down very low and we cannot do otherwise titan to insist on a strict compliance of the rule. Any announcement, accotn- panied by the f*-e. $3, will receive our prompt attentien. Otherwise we will be forced to consign them to the waste basket. • -*•*- » A Move for Graded Schools. The following circular was issued yesterday and explains itself: A mass meeting of the citizens of Gaffney and vicinity is called to meet at the court house Thursday evening at 8:30 p. m. The object of this meeting is to petition the county board of education to set apart u sep arate school district for Gaffney as a preliminary step toward securing a system of graded schools. All friends of the cause of educa tion are requested to attend. When a laboring man undertakes to support a family and a saloon at the same time, the saloon will grow rich and the family grow poor. Write for Free Scholarship. Position Guaranteed. R. R- Fare Paid. Actual liusincsK Taufrht. Open to Itoth se :es the entire year. 6a.-Ala. Bus. College, Macon, 6a, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. The State of Socth Caromna. j County ofchkkokkk. r Office of Prorate Judge. \ Whereas. Thomas Spencer and R. S. Spencer have made suit to me. to t r ri(iit them letters of administration of the estate of and effects of J. G. ("Dock”) Spencer. These an* therefore to cite and admonish all and sinirular the kindred and creditors of the said J. G. Spencer.deceased, that they be and appear before me. In the Court of Pro bate. to be held at Gaffney City. S. ('.. on Saturday June 4th next, after publication thereof, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not bejrratiled. Given under rnv hand. Ibis 2bt It day of May, Anno Domini, Istts. J. K. Wkusteh. Probate Judtre. J. Jefferies, Petitioner’s Att'y. Notice. The Itonks of McArthur ft Sams and of Mc Arthur, Tankersley ft Sams tire in the hands of J. Jefferies, Esq., who is empowered to collect accounts due. Parties owl up would do well to call and settle and save suit. W. F. McArthur, 1-20-tf R. O. Sams. DR. J. F. GARRETT, Dentist, Gaffney, - - - S. C. Office over J. R. Tolleson’s new store In office from 1st to 2Gth of each month; At Blacksburg Thursday morning each week, returning to office at 2:30 C. JEFFERIES,4- # GAFFNEY, S. C. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practice* i All the Court*. Collection* • Specialty. J. E. WEBSTER, A-ttor-iiey- Office In Court House. (Probate Judge'soffleef Gaffney City, S. C. Practices in all the courts. Collec tions a soecialtv. O. L. Schcmpert. Thos. U. Butler, Wm. McGowan. SCHUMPERT, X BUTLER * & * VcGOVAN, ATWORI* (£ VM-A.T-L.A.W, Union and Gaffney, S. C. Very careful and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to us. Pff“Practice In all the courts. Wm. Munro, Jas. Munro. J. R. Rei.l. □ ITnion. S. C. Union, S. ('. Gaffney. S.C. XIUIV 1*0 &L I3(£JUJU, A.TTOK l«e YM-AT-L. AW. GAF'l^JVGJY, C. Will practice In all the courts of the State and United States. All husluesseiitrusted to us will receive prompt attention- DR. CHAS. A. JEFFERIES, Physician and Surgeon. SPECIALTIES:—SURGERY, EYK.KAR and THROAT. 1^” Oflce over Bridges ft Beason's. Telephone No. 4t>. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB. Dentist, Office ever R. A. Joae* A Co ’• Sure. | Caa be found at oflee tlx days In the week. A very nice in ported fan, plenty good enough for a woman whose hus band earns !l»12 p>*r week, can now be purchased for $5'K). . - - ■' A NEW TRIUMPH. The Dreaded Consumption Can be Cured. T. A Slocum, the Great Chemist and Scientist, Will Send to Sufferers, Three Free Bottles of Hi* Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consumption and all Lung Trouble* Nothing could bu fairer, more phii- anthropic or carry more joy to tha afflicted, than I lie generous offer of the honored and distinguished chem ist, T. A. Slocum. M. C., of New York City. He has discovered a reliable and absolute cure for consumption, and ail bronchial, throat, lung and chest diseases, catarrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting away; and to make its great merits known, will send three free bottles of his newly discovered remedies to any af flicted reader of the Ledger. Already his “new scientific system of medicine" has permanently cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it not only his professional, but his religions duty—a duty which he owes to suffer ing humanity—to donate his infallible cure. He has proved the “dreaded con sumption" to be a curable disease beyond a doubt, in any climate, and has on file in his American and Euro pean laboratories thousand of“heart- felt testimonials of gratitude" from those benefitted and cured, in all parts of the world. Catarrhal and pulmonary troubles lead to consumption, and consump tion, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Don’t delay unlit it is too late. Simply write T. A. Slocum, M. (J., 9S Pine street, New York, giving express and postoffice address, anti the free medicine will be promptly sent. Please tell the Doc tor you saw his offer in The Ledger. A. K. HAWKES, The Famous Atlanta Optician. ; FAWKES; (Hroct from the home ofMct* of this Gruat Op tical House, or one of hi* practical Optician* apd will remain at the store of his agent. Dr. S. B, Crawley & Co., Druggists, THREE DAYS ONLY. Iiegiiiiiliig.luiie loth. Tills will give the citit zens of Gaffney and vicinity a rare opportu nity of having their EYE SIGHT TESTED FREE !>y one of the most renowned and successful as well as reliable Opticians in the U. 8. Mr. Hawke* has the modern appliance* mrsd- entitie adjustment ositlvely remains but three days, as he has other engagements for later days. CAUTION. I would caution the public against buying s|*-ctuclcs from ped dlers. going from house to house with a lotof spectacles, representing them to he Hawkus’ or selling the same grade of goods. Hawke** spectacles are NEVER peddled. Mauyoftbn inferior glasses that flood the market are positively injurious to the eye. THE GREAT WARRIOR AND 5TATE5MAN. Mr. A. K. Hawke* Dear Sir: When I re quire the u*e of glasses I wear your panti- seoule Crystallized Lenses In res|H*et to hrifliancy and clearness of vision, they are superior to any glasses I have ever used. Respectfully, Fitzhugh Lee. Consul Gen'l to Cuba. ONE OF OUR GREATEST STATES/IEN. Mr. A. K. Hawke*—Dear Sir: The punti- scopic glasses you furnished me some time since have given excellent satisfaction. I have tested them by use. and must say they are unsurpassed In clearne** and brilliancy by any that 1 have ever worn. Respectfully. Gen. John B. Gordon. Ex-Gov. of Ga A. K. HAWKES RECEIVED GOLD MEDAL Tmkh f a if or* Glams A HE NXVEK I'BPDLKO. Ilftat Award DIptoM af Naaar For Superior Lens Grinding and Excellency in the Manufacture of Spectacle* and Kvo Gla**M Sold in iJJMOCItie* and Tow a* in the V. 8. MuM Popular Glaaae* in the U. B. ESTABLISHED (870. CAUTION WAIT FOR HAWKES and not only get gU»»c» Nclcntiffcnlly adtoa- ted Ui your eyea. but aecure n pair of Rig Cryatulized Lcuse*. the most brilliant *pa* tacle lenses In existence. A. K. HAWKES, Inventor and Sole Prey’r of all the HawkesPMV Hi Will Pnitinli Rtmain but 3 Dtji