7 \ y ^ m THK LEDGER s GAFFNEY, 8. C., MARCH 31, 1898. 11 V THE PALACE CONFECTIONERY You can get the choicest candies, fruits, ice cold drinks, etc., etc., to be found in this city. We have just received a full line of Tenney’s and Lowney’s chocolate bon bons. Our fountain will soon be in full blast and we will serve all the newest and best drinks. We will have the most cozy and up- to-date ice cream parlor in the county. When you want anything in the fancy grocery or confec tionery line be sure to call on us and you’ll get the freshest and best. A cake of soap as good as octagon and a box of 200 matches for 5c. Call on us. TELEPHONE 55. I3ROWM Civ. , JProps. Big Line Ladies’ Shirt Waist Sets, Novelties in Silverware Suitable for Easter Gifts, And all the Latest Styles in CONGLOMERATED CHEROKEE ITEMS OF INTEREST TERSELY TOLD. The News from Town and Conntry Botied Down for the Special Benefit of Busy Led ger Readers. cordially invited to | PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. iff' ■ ” 1 Satisfaction , (iuuranteed ill „ r; •■® r ” ij iU Money Ueitinded. at Thos. i. Westrope, The Jmier of Gaffney. N..B.—Alway- rrmembor tm when you want frne repairing done. For Sale. fYVAc'lvoriisemente under this head will be Inserted for one eent :i word each inser tion. Ko ad Inserted (m less tlian ten cents F Olit-M.E Three ie«>ni eottinre near Epls- eoDti.l tdiurcli. F. <■ Vtniey. F t h; s.\u: liuiidin;.' nts in different part a of the l ily. ,1. .1. <»> MV. •t-al-tf F OIL-SAI.K llous dioid furniture, couslst- injcof oneoak China uloset. one walnut sldeiiiKird. one set oak dining ehairs. leiltiier sents. e'llld’s erlb. wardrobe, fllnlii'' table.* rook liW.ve, &r. Apply Mrs. W. \N Gallo- w« F OB rPALE Two sccood-hand csrHafrea. one hark. three busies, six set barmsss; also now harness. FUr mules and several liorsiss. Wo go tdieap. App*.y to .1.0. Spemcer :i-iu-:u. F ob SALK The eel.4n.ated .(aekson'* Af rica/, Limbless eottn* teed. Come and see them. Apply to Fan I V. tialTney, ollire next door totBrhbres & Benson. It-tit-tt F OB SALK Fresh, ekiui 1 . cotton seed for planting, at UDc {s-r l.uslitd. ApjiSjr to W. <). Lipseomb & Itro. F OB HALE. One aulentl d saddle horne. one mule and one law.irx horse; ternjslo suit purtdiliner. F. (J. Stai;.y. 1-27 S OME rare burxains In -sew In a ntaebines giKXf as new. Also auy parts ordered for •old machines. B. S. Llpscotnb. F OB SALT. Beal I'- CC' Mortirasres. Titles to Beal Estate. Chattel Mortjfaires. lactis, Notes. Etc., for sale at Tin-: Lkimik oftie- For Rent. *OB BENT. The old l.ipscomh Hotel. Apply to W.S. Lipscomb. 3-31-tf “OB BENT The Dr. Littlejohn dwell lew' house a ul livery stable. A. N. Wood. *(»B BENT < me 4-room dwellinirone block trom postoflfe.e. A. N. Wmid. 3-17-tt F OB BENT A new 22x1(10 iire-proof brick store house; French plate ahiss front; ex cellent display windows. Apply to W. O. Notice. F INDING It unprotltahle we havediscon- timted sending out our wa^on, hut we will tie w'lad to t II all orders I v telephone or otherwise, free of chac:e. i.impseomli A Flurketi. Phone St. ll-lil-tf Wanted. S ALESMAN waaled to >-II the trade Hard ware. Tinware and \\o den ware. Ad dress. lixitcw\i»r. I.VJ) N. Carol I mt St.. Baltimore, Sid. 3-3-St Special Cut Rate for the Next jo £)ays. Card photorrapliH fLOOto IM per do*. Cabinet phuto^raptis .’.‘s'to l.mtp»-r do/.. See our small iiholos ai .'."i0 per PM 0. Oy ff ncvv. K. A'. J :i-io-tt Money to Lend on Improved . ins . i V i. k county or • 'll 11 . !• 111 p e 11 i> * 111111 ,r: i | ay. i'« in easy inriii iI 1 nstail'i'cei• | or,ii ;irc: part icu.ai • apply to C. K. s PV.NCKB A 11 i n- /-at -law. 3-2t-;inso • Yokkmj.i.k. S. c CLINE BROS. & CO., Livery Feed and San? Stables. Opposite Naticr.a! Bunk. Fli-t- !us» tnrr^M.ts: f.tifnt att< ..iloa; iiii ! i* nttcnf Witr clouds rise and spread. So does tGafTney. The laundry building is nearing completion. The county board of -equalizatUm adjourned Thursday. The time for eierciae is at hand and all Cherokee is hutrtling. Turnip greens and foung onions are in evidence in Cherokee. •Dr. RuPre collected $37.17 cents, Saturday, for the starving Cubans. Illev. Mr. Mathews preached an able sermon in the Presbyterian church •Sunday. Contractor McGehee has rom- imenced work on Rev. J. A. Hell’s new house on Sfutlgodge street. The cold w«ather of the latter part'i •of last week made the lew earlj up-;! .pearing light hats look lonesome. The Saturday crowd was in Satur-- •day. Merctcame were busy and J their customers were on the move. ! Larry Snead reports ten wild ducks •on the pond of the Gaffney Manu facturing Company yesterday morn ing. Zeb Hope, of •this city, it the ■owner of a cadf, which at seven houre after birth weighed one hundred (pounds. (Juite an old man has said, “I didn’t go to the laut war, but tiurbo: as not us thick in this section now as 1 ritwas then.” Jim Anderson, the negro murder or •of Capt. J. K. Marshall, at Chester, has been convicted and sentenced‘to be hung the !£timJ Ji.hnson .1.1 eis, for hie 1 now r sidenn . \> •• !• 11 it will he community are attend. Dr. Stephen Griffith, formerly of this place but recently of Laurens, has returned to this city and will practice his profession here. Dr. Griffith has many friends in this, his old home, who are glad that ho has returned to us. The revival meeting is still going on at the Second Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Pruit is still conducting it and is doing some wonderful work. Many have connected themselves with the church, and the interest still continues. Mr, Grant, a young man em- j ployed in the cotton mill, had the | misfortune Thursday to get his hand caught in the machinery, which so badly injured it that all the fingers had to be amputated. Dr. J. Roddy MkMer performed the operation. We are glad to learn that the- young man is-doing well. A regular communication of Gra- ntrd Lodge, No. ISO. A. F. M., will be held Monday night April 4rh. when the F. C. •degree will be confer red upon four candidates and the A. E. degree upon one candidate. Visiting brethren are fraternally in cited to be present. Work will begin promptly at eight okdock. Alfred Smith, an old issue negro who has hitherto borne a good mime, forged N. H. Littlejohn’s name to a check on the National Bank Satur day. When -detected Smith le-ft hur riedly and made his escape, but was THE F. M. F. I. CO. MEET. captured later in JUacksburg and re turned to Gafloey where be was lodged in jail to await trial. Notwithstanding the low tempera ture of a few days ago spring is with us. The buds df the forreet trees are bursting, flowers are blooming and birds are singing and hunting their mates, and, what pleases the average man as much as all the above, young vegetables are growing fast and promising many guod din ners. The beautiful-summer like weather of last week came to a close last Thursday, when heavy thunder clouds arose, accompanied by wind and a fall of a much needed rain. Both were moderate in the eity, hut in some sections of the couuty were heavy, and in some instadeesdestroy- ed fences. The temperature ifell rap idly with clourde and wind coming out from the north-east making fires and heavy clothing again necessary. A NEW'TRIUMPH. The Dreaded Consumption Can be Cured. tl. A Slocum, the Great Chemist and Ccientist, Will Send to Sufferers, Three Free Bottles of His Newly Discove-ed Remedies to Cure Consumption and all Lui)g Troubles. Nothing could be fairer, more phil anthropic or carry more joy to the afflicted, titan the generous offer of tiie honored and distinguished chem ist, T. A. Slocum. M. 0., of New York City. He has discovered a reliable and absolute cure fur consumption, and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest diseases, catarrhal affections, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting away; and to make its great merits known, will .send three free bottles of his newly discovered remedies to any al- Hicted reader of the Lkjigkk. Already his “new scientific system of medicine” lias permanently cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it not only his professional, but his religious duly—a duty which he owes to suffer ing humanity—to donate ois infallible cure. He lias proved the “dreaded con sumption ' to be a curable disease beyond a doubt, in any climate, mid bason file in his American and Euro pean laboratories thousand of“ln ;;.-t- of gratitude” from in all People You Know and People You Don’t Know. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. N. Folger paid a visit to Mr. Folger’s mother in Easley Saturday. Mrs. Folger will remain some time. Mr. Folger re ports himself u bachelor. A. N. Wood went to Spartanburg Monday on business. Rev. T. J. Campbell and W. N. Turner were in Spartanburg this week oti business. Philip Ray, of State Line, was among his many friends in the city yesterday. Jas. P. Arrowhead, of Star Farm, came to the city on business Friday. Uncle Sylvanus Estes, of Etta Jane, was in the city Thursday. Mr. Estes is a prominent citizen of Cher- kee, and has many friends in her capital. L. B. Stutts, Gib Gallahaugh, Joe Cox, James Darwin. 1. K. Bowers and Joe Hains, of Blacksburg, were in the city Tuesday. Miss Edith Hyatt, of Chester, and Miss Cora Mobley, of Rock Hill, are in the citv on a visit to Rev. and Mrs. S. T. Creech on Frederick street. Mrs. J. E. Webster and Master Roy visited relatives in Spartanburg this week. Dr. J. Roddy Miller went to Ebene- zer, York couity, Monday and re turned Tuesday with Mrs. Miller and the little boy who had been visiting the doctor’s father. M. M. Tate, one or the county board of equalization, spent Thurs day to the city. J. H. Littlejohn, of Jonesville, was in the city Monday, Mr. Littlejohn has large planting interests in Chero kee county which he directs success fully. Joe. S. -Cook, of the Gowdevville section, came to the city Monday on business. D. T. L. Martin, of Brooklyn, Spartanburg county, was in the city yesterday. H. Z Hicks, of Ezells, cams down to the city on business Friday. Landrum Clary, of Macedonia, a member of the board of equalization, was in the city Thursday. E. A. Trescot. Esq., a pro-minent attorney of Blacksburg, spent a few hours in the city Friday on profes sional business. John liames.of Gowdeysville.one of Cherokee's careful and succcessful farmers was in the city Tuesday. Col T. B. Butler went to Ruther- fordton. N. C., Monday, where he he had been employed for the de fense in a murder case. J. B. Brown, of Ravenna, one of the most progressive and successful farmers in Cherokee, was in the city Thursday. Jessie Gardner, of Algood, was in the city Saturday, amonghis friends. Arthur Warren has returned from Dallas, N. C., to Gaffney, and accept ed his old position with Poliakoff Bros. Thomas Sanders, of Star Farm, was in the city Saturday. Rev. B. P. Robertson, Miss L. C. Baud, Miss Bessie Kendrick and Miss Birdy Crawley left Tuesday to attend the convention,at Batesburg, of the B. Y. P. Union. B. A. Westbrook, one of the lead- ! ing citizens across the Broad, was in j the city yesterday. Miss Gussie Pierson, of Shelby, N. C., is in the city spending some j time witii her brother, Mr. W. II. Pierson, on Montgomery street. Miss Bessie Maxwell and Miss Mag gie Amos, of Spartanburg, tire in the I city, the guests of Mrs. R. C. Surratt, j Hon. J. Y. Humbrick, State Labor , Commissioner of North Carolina, was ' in the city iSi.tur.iay, the guest of his brother-in-law, M. A. Ferguson on Logan street. lorn Clarkson left Tuesday to visit : Leesville in Lexington By-Laws Were Submitted and Adopted Tuesday. The Farmers Mutual Fire Insur ance Company met Tuesday in the court house pursuant to a special call made at the lust meeting one week ago. The President and Secre tary and Treasurer were present with about fifteen or twenty members. Bylaws were drafted and submitted to the convention, which were adopted. The election of a Vice- President, Agent and Directors was deferred until the next regular call meeting, which is called for next Monday, April 4th, at which a full attendance of old members and those wishing to become members is ex pected. See the notice for the special call meeting for next Monday in another column. It was decided to give all persons wishing to become members of the association, who will do so within the next 30 days, the privilege of joining at the same cost as the old members will have to pay, which is comparatively nothing, thereby saving the agents’ commis sion of .to.OO per $1,000 insurance written. Every old policy holder in the county should be here next Mon- day, as well as all of those wishing to become members, as the important matter of the election of a Vice-Presi dent, Agent and Directors will come up and the election held. There are to be three Directors for each town ship elected. At the meeting Tues day about $2’>,000 worth of polities were represented, all of which have been withdrawn from the old counties and entered in the Cherokee County Company. Buildings and Material. Many new houses are now being built in Gaffney. They embrace all classes from the most simple cottage to the finest Piedmont residences and business houses. All the heavy lumber for these buildings is being furnished by mills in the county, and all the dressed lumber comes from abroad, u natural occurrence as we have no planning mills or other wood working machinery in the city. But we were a little surprised a few days ago to see bricks coming in by the car loads for one of tire buildings going up, and this in the face of the presence of many brick makers and machines in the city. We could not account for these imported bricks only on the hypothsis that the sup ply in Gaffney had been exhausted,for we know that good bricks can be made in Gaffney, and believe that our enterprising brick makers would not force our people to get bricks abroad in order to get a good quality. Cure a Cold in One Day. Tiikt-LuxtttivcHroinoyulnlncTiilileis. All (Inu.'josts refund money |f it fulls to cure T.” 1 IV iius L. H.tj. on , u.-h tablet. Dul’re Drujf Uo. —* —• — I f Illce Goose Grease don’t cure your aches «iiiu {Mins, liuriis, ui uisvs uikI suruins, wo pay you mousy back. DcI’kk Dncu Co. m&m ■ Educate Your Itowela With Caacareta. L i **; har j* f ; v ur<> constipation forever. NX. we. If C. C. C. fail, druggists ref ur*! money. Summer Homes’ Folder, i>s8. Mr. VV. A. Turk, General Passen ger Agent of the Southern Railway, is collating information for Summer Homes’ Folder for the ensuing Sum mer, giving the names of proprietors, post office addresses, at or near what station, conveyance used, number of guests, terms per day, week and month. This informal ion will be printed in an attractive form and a large edition published and distribu ted by the various agents of this im mense system throughout all section of the country. Persons contem plating taking boarders for the ensu ing summer are requested to apply to the nearest railroad agent lor blanks to be filled out giving the above information, and forward at once to \V. A. Turk, General Passen ger Agent, Washington, I). 0., m> that it may reach him not later than April 1st. Democrats Reorganize in Blacksburg. At a meeting of the members of the Blacksburg Democratic Club, on Saturday March 20th, Edward A. Trescot was elected president, and Felix H. Dover, secretary. This election was caused by the death of Junius W. Thompson, who was president of the club us well as chairman of the county executive committee. Strong, steady nerves Are needed for success Everywhere. Nerves Depend simply, solely. Upon the blood Pure, rich, nourishing Blood feeds the nerves And makes them strong. The great nerve tonic is Hood’s Sarsaparilla* Because it makes The blood rich and Pure, giving it power To feed the nerves. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cures nervousness, Dyspepsia, rheumatism, Catarrh, scrofula, And all forms of Impure blood. NOTICE TO POLICY HOLDERS, All iicrsoii-, InildInf policlos in t ,i • F.irrmv Mutual Insurance Do. aiid all ihov* wisldn; to become members contract ami will he,-in work 1 soon. A rcries of met ! if gs will Ij com- • uionoiai in the Firni ll-.p:i«t G.,urch j on thu third Sunday Jn April. The pastor will bo asttisted by Dr. J,. R. Gwultnoy, of ICdegofidil. All inter- cstwl iu the spiritual w elf Are of tl. felt testimonials tho: 0 henetiited ami purls of the world. t.'alairhiil and pulmonary tn I'-ud lo cnijs-.nnjd'on, ami rommnqi- tion, uninterninted. imetun soq-dv and certaiird ath. Don't delay unlil l f is too late Limply write ’I'. A. Slocum, M. t...‘.)s i’ino i.{reel, New ■ ’ e .V Ilf Ul -tu-df.til- id his son, re in tiio cily was in i’i.i pro 111 .id nip •' ■d, ll: t uo pay IU. I Mi l. (.'O. OiiC ' ' 1 No-To-I)4« f "r fifty t>nts. 0.i: , .':u.;«, u tot u-ci boblt euro, ma • n •••'.. WoeJ j r* Mq,|i .... ex weiilt Ul Us’MUla. To Cure tonsil pat ion Forever. T. he c m-.-aretu Cowiy Catburtlc. lo,' orv.Te. Il C- L. C" lull to t uiv, C4ru U( jit>vo UiuLvy. \ A NEW LINE . ' 'y join Ipy just I*© iv€*(l, ilH’hld -' / ' • ' diamond i i igs, v. ttchos. chniut, 1 \ j ’ €? yl m\ T'\ i . V, _ R\ a • v>r-Jv P's I l. 1 ^ " (A i " ’** clKinii', v. uu-t sets. “ IcOVt- ’ Hlltou-, Itfoichcs, A’, ■..