The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, March 31, 1898, Image 6

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to THE LEDGER: GAFFNEY, S. MARCH 31, 1898. V WHEN YOU COULD toss out a twenty dollar bill for a suit of clothes easily, but you can’t do it now. It makes the cold chills run up your back to think of it. For this reason we have laid iu a large supply of handsome SPRING CLOTHING which is in every way up to date and made according to the very latest styles and of the most durable goods. These 8U i ts ^ beauties and we will sell them at from $2.50 to $14.00 each. We are also the sole agents for this city of Fred Kauffman, the American taylor, and when we cannot suit you with what we have ou hand we will have what you want piade to order and guarantee a fit in every instance. We only charge 10 per cent for ordering clothing in this way, so oofno and sec our elegant line of samples and let us take your ineasure. Volumes Could be said about our dress goods depart ment but we only wish to state that it is in every way complete, and want to call your atteution to our line of Wasb dress goods. We have the most beau tiful collection of French Rave Organdies, Zepherine Organdies, Osceola Organdies, Scotch Lawns and Lappets, Batiste Linens, Lawns, white and figured, Chambrays, Ducks in all solid colors and figured. We claim that our line of Percales surpasses any in the city. If you want an elegant percale waist come to us for it/ We have these goods in stripes, figures, plaids and solid colors. Be sure to examine this line. We also have the new goods “Scindia Madras” For making spring dresses. If you don’t see this you miss a treat. Our lining stock is complete and we have the material for lin ing any kind of dress. Gloves, Hosiery, etc. Remember us when you go to buy Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, itc., and we will save you money. Ribbons and Embroideries we have by the bushel at prices a great deal less than you have been paying heretofore. We bought them direct from the manufacturers and will Save You Middlemen’s Profits. Anything you Want in our Line you can Get as cheap From us as you Could possibly Buy it elsewhere, And in many Cases you get It cheaper. Call on us. Ai 9 IProps. of The Cheap Store. LATEST GOTTOH MILL NEWS. ITEMS OF INTEREST TO.TEX- TILE WORKERS North and South Carolina Mills, Their Improvements and Their Ad vancements—Opera tive Personals. (Southern :aid Wcstery Textile Excelsior.l Ed Warner has been visiting at the Salisbury Mill this week. John L. Wnrdlaw is the enterpris ing master mechanic of the Arcade Mills. S. S. Campbell is now in charge of the curding department at the Alpha Cutton Mills, Charlotte. | . c upt. Iloseman. of the Albion Cot-1 fen Mills, Mt. Holly, N. C.. was in 1 Charlotte on business last week. J. W. Holland, of the Proximity i Sli!], Greensboro. N. 0., was in Sulis- , bury, N. 0., Tuesday on business. 1 John K. Colt, of the Henrietta. X. C w Mills, spent several days this \mk with friends in Salisbury, X. C. X. C., are talking strongly of nomi nating him this year to represent Rowan county in the next Assembly, and if he should get the nomination there is no question about hie elec tion. Mrs. A. M. Price, wife of the prom inent superintendent of Laboritory Mills, Liocolnton, N. C., has return ed home from a visit to her children at Marion. S. C., her son, W. A. Price, being superintendent of the Ashby cotton mills, and her daugh- tsr, Miss Mamie Price, is secretary and treasurer of the company of which their father, A. M. Price, is half owner. Angelo Hamilton, section hand in Eno Cotton Mills, Hillsboro, X. C,, writes us that u spinning frame was out of fix there for three or four months, with no one able to fix it, nor could Mr. Adams, of the Whitin Shops, fix it. He adds that the trouble was very simple and the , frame is now doing very good work, ' having been iixed on March 19th by Angelo Hamilton. E. 0. Foy, of Mt. Airy, N. C., has Broad River Baptist S. S. Convention. The following is the programme of the Broad River Baptist Sunday School Convention, which will meet at the Goucher Creek Baptist church Friday at 10 o’clock a. m., before the Hrd Sunday in May : Friday. 10 a. m.—Devotional exer cises, led by Brother C. L. N. Legg. Organization. Reception of reports. Discussion, 10:30 a. m.— ‘’What are the special objects of this conven tion?” (1.) ‘‘To more fully develop and unify our Sunday school work.” By J. 1). Bailey, followed by others. (2.) “To bring out such topics as pertain to our general denomina tional work.” By Bro. R. J. Tate, followed by others. (3.) “To emphasize the impor tance of teaching our distinctive doctrines in our Sunday schools.” By Bro. A. D. Davidson, followed by others. Question box and miscellaneous business. Saturday, 9 :30 a. m.—Devotional exercises, conducted by Bro. A. J. . , .. ,, ,, ... Bonner. Reading of minutes. Re purchased the Green Hill Cotton Mill ^ ^ f, . « .. ... norts of committees, there from the bank of 1 ayetteville. I - E. J. Steed, overseer of in^' department in the the weav- Cornelius C '.tion Mills. Davidson, X. C., was in Charlotte last week. An unusual sight was seen at the S-.rlisbury depot Tuesday morning, The early morning train from Ashe ville brought in u female cotton mill operative “hoboing the rods.” /. M. Harris, who has been fixing looms at the Lockhart. S. C., cotton ii.,;Is. for the past two years, has ru- vigued to take a similar place with the Abbeville, S. C., cotton mills. The Naomi Falis Mfg. Go., llamMe- X. O., have received their Dela- hurty raw stock dyeing machine and cyclone dyer. The above machines *>re bought through tiie Charlotte Machine Co. W. J. McDonald, formerly overseer of the card room at the Atherton C !ton Mill. Charlotte, has been en- gaged by Supt. Shipp to take charge of the cording at the Tuscaloosa Cotton Mills, Cottondale, Ala. Dr. Geo. A. Mebane, treasurer of ti.e Asheville, X. G , cotton mills, accompanied by his wife, returned home Monday from visiting the lut- Gr's father. L. Banks Holt,, proprie- tf;r :>f Oneida Mills, Graham, X. C. O L. Oates resigned his position as overseer of weaving in the Charlotte, X O., Cotton Mills, after four year’s s-rvice, the first few years having sieved as loom fixer. Mr. Oates is a einisin of secretary and treasurer, \V. D. Oates. John Riley, who now has charge of Hie twisting department at the Ath- erion Cotton Mills, Charlotte, has been engaged by Superintendent Shipp to take charge of the spinning at the Tuscaloosa Cotton Milla, Cot- tondule. Ala. Jqo. P. Dillard, overseer of weav ing at Trion Factory, Ga., visited Piedmont, 8. C., his old home, last week. His friends there came to the conclusion that North Georgia fare must be pretty tine, us he had fat tened up so well. The production at the Salisbury Mill, Salisbury. X. C., last week was over 35,000 pounds, something for the Kupfrintendent and overseers to feel proud of. Overseer Odell, of the weaving departmtnt, says things will move from this on. P. 8. Baker, Treasurer of Crowders Mountain Mill, King’s Mountain, N. C . has placed in his well pneumatic water works by which water is forced all through his house, and furnishes a line piessure to throw streams of water in case of fire. The many friends of D. R. Julian, managerof the Kealer Mill, Salisbury, ayetteville The property has been idle for sev eral years, hut is still said to he valuable. The mill is fitted up with comparatively new machinery, hav ing replaced much that was used at the time the mill was operated. Be sides the mill with 1,500 spindles and 35 looms Mr. Foy gets 0 dwellings, I store house and 2S acres of land. He will start up the factory this spring. T. A. Shipp, Jr., who resigned the superintendency of the Atherton Cotton Mills, Charlotte, to take charge of the Tuscaloosa mills, Cot- tondale. Ala., was Monday evening presented by the overseers and help of Atherton with a sparkling diamond pin and a beautiful set of diamond , shirt studs. With these mementoes ' and the knowledge that he leaves a host of friends in this section, ho j cannot forget North Carolina, how ever happy in fair Alabama, lie left Thursday for his new scene of labor. -• -*•*« *- —— The man who shovels snow never encroaches on his neighbor’s prem ises. —ra—v—qffwwrrrjwwTTW i a f—<—u—i.t——rwrmai—— Capt. Jas, A. Duffey, OF TOLEDO, OHIO. The Great Railway Detectivs Telle What Dr. Milee* Remedies Have Done For Himself and Wife. Discussion, 10 a. m.—“What are the duties of a church to its Sun day?” By Bros. 8. M. Bagwell, 0. M. Teal and others. Discussion, 11 a. m.—“The great est needs of the Sunday schools of today.” (1.) “Better teaching.” By Bros. B. F. Bates, T. M. Littlejohn and others. (2.) “More prominence given to the bible.” By Bros. R. D. Edwards, Allen Jefferies and others. (3.) “Better study of the lessons by pupils.” By Bros. R. O. Sams, W. C. Hamrick and others. Question box. Miscellaneous busi ness. Sunday, 10 a. m.—Sunday school. Mass meeting, led by Bro. T. G. Chalk. Others are expected to make short talks at this meeting. Missionary sermon at 11 a. m. by Bro. Stephen Tucker. Each church or Sunday school in the Broad River Association is en titled to two delegates. Whoever reads this programme will please see that these delegates are appointed at once. The members of the Goucher Creek church will provide free entertainment for ail the dele gates. so let us have a full delega tion. Each church or Sunday school will be expected to furnish a written re port stating name of school, name of officers, time of meeting, whether Or not it meets all the year, literature used, whether or not it has bibles in it, number of classes, number of scholars, number of teachers, contri butions to missions, contributions to other purposes, and any other in formation that would be of interest. Committee. Clogged Bowels. A Runaway. Saturday as Pinckoey Blanton, a grown son of X. Blanton, Esq., was returning home with his wagon from the city his mules became frightened when near his home in the Grassy Pond section and ran away, throwing Mr. Blanton from the wagon and ! breaking one of his jaws and other- ! wise severely injuring him. Dr. J. j Roddy Miller was summoned by tele phone and was soon with the unfor- i tunate young man and treated bis ! case in the doctor’s usual skillful manner. The Lf.ogku is glad to , . , ’ . i learn, that, while Mr. Blanton's inju- lou niviuiK not only unhcnltliyiu*- . . ^ . s in iii»- howeis. but a condition are serious, they are not thought Constipation cumulations ii poisonous to t lits ent ire laxly It generates I to he dangerous. foul gases which poison the stoinaeh. liver. ; ® . _ '. , . , heart, kidneys and hioori. thus deranging the j "If. Blanton is one of Cherokee S whole system. Mereover. it causes a parnly- hardworking farmers and has the sis in the muscular structure of the Imiwois. I . i_• , . , hence ehronic constipation ensues with all | sympathy of his many friends. its accompanying evils. A simple cathartic ; is only a temporary lityteHt. What is needed ! to permanently euro-Ms a tonic that will i Notary Public, strengthen the bowel structure and restore j -t, ■ , _ ,, , , natural peristaltic movements. I’bicki.y j H. Z. Hicks, of Ezells, has been •.T 1 ?** 1 ?. n0 ‘ 0 7 .powi* •*«<"• and laxative. It does not purge or grip the | Elberbe. Mr. Hicks good choracter bowels, leaving them weak and helpless, as arif i pood sense will make him «n do the drastic cathartics. Its action U gen- , „ . g ° 0a S 1 en8 l ® nim an tie yet effectual. It stimulates and strength- f eulcient and reiiaole officer, ens the bowels, regulates the liver, tones up j the stomach and when there is any kidney ! ~ '***" "~ derangement It properly extends its curative We sell and guarantee IMco’sUoose Grease influence to those organs. Sold by Cherokee ’ Linament—no cure no nay. Drug Co. i L HKiiOKKR Drug Co. w-'w -*r-x SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT A .M - n A m. * * A A- -A. A . rn. A -A- -A- A. m. B * m A M M ^ ^ ■+■*■**■■* * a - A - * - A • . M. A- A -»S.- ^ X M. m MA - A A • <9- | oir W ,\ s CARPENTER \OV.lO k ETECTIVE work requires constant vigilance, steady nerves, a clear bead and active brain. A year ago." writes Capt. Duffey, of (Wl Orchard St.. Tole do, Ohio, 'I overworked myself was In such a condition sleep was Impossible. I was so nervous I could not lie In bed; my arms and limbs twitched and my system seemed completely exhausted. I began using Dr. Miles’ Nervine and the fourth bottle restored roe to health, Mrs. Duffey bad suffered for eighteen years with heart disease, had tried every remedy with out avail until she took Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure two years ago. For the past year she has been free from the trouble." Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or mopey refunded. Book on Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. DR. MILES MEDICAL OO.. Bkhart, Ind. AS THE BEAUTllT'L SEASON OF SPRING !S HERE niul Dame Fas 1 .iion has already decreed what the ladies must wear this season we desire to impress upon you the fact that we have followed this deereo to the letter and have laid in a large stock of the must hvauui'ul and most fashionable millinery ever before shown to the ladies of Gaifncy and Cherokee county. This depart ment i* in charge of Miss Noble, of Baltimore, who will take pleasure in showing you through. LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS—All tin’newest and most up-to- date creations in this line can he found at our store at very low prices. TO SEE OUR ELEGANT LINE OF FRENCH ORGAN- dies, Lawns, Dimities, Linen Goods, Kmlroideries, Laces, Ribbons, etc., is a treat and to buy them is easy for we have made the price low. CARPETS, MATTINGS, ETC.—While we have a complete Hue of these goods, we may not have exactly what you want, consiujiieutly we have made arrangements with the largest carpet dealers in America to sell their goods by sample and can certainly please you. Be sure to see (tur line before buying elsewhere. CLOTHING.—Out’ stock of elothing is a model one, and all of ft is made after the latest styles. We have some big bargains m this line which you should see. Wo also take orders for clothing made to order. OUR stock of dry goods is always complete. FULL line of groceries always on hand. CALL on us when you want eotton seed meal and hulls. CARROLL CARPENTER. THE LEADERS.