9 THE fgDGEK; GAFFNEY. S, Cm }tAKCH 31. I8i>8. iN WKIIILWIND itiiiiies cows Perplexing Problem ComesUp Despite the Wishes of the President. lEN’R MASON MAKES HEATED WAR SPEECH Declares In Favor of Driving Spain From This HemUphere Without De lay—Ke&olut Ions Introduced Recog- nlr.lng the Independence of the Island Republic. Washington, March 29. — Senator Rawlins of Utah today introduced a resolution recognizing the independence of Cuba and declaring war against Spain. Senator Fora her followed with a reso lution fbr Cuban independence. He MUST SOON BE CLOSED Tho President to Give Spain Short Time In Which to End Trouble. SIGSBEE HAS HIS SAY The Captain Arrives at the Capital and Talks. ANXIOUS FOR ASSIGNMENT i i SENATOR MASON. spoke of the delays caused by the de Lome incident and the Maine incident, but declared that the Cuban question would come up whatever was done with the Maine. Senator Frye introduced a resolution reciting the conditions in Cuba and di recting the president, at his discretion, to take steps to drive the naval and mil itary forces from the island. The Forakor and Frye resolutions went to the senate committee on foreign relations. The Rawlins resolution also went to the foreign relations committee. Mr. Mason followed the introduction of the resolutions in the senate with a vigorous war speech. He described viv idly the disaster to the Maine. He said that if 90 of the victims had been sen ators or sons of senators we would not have been 40 days declaring war. Yet the lives of all American citizens were sacred alike under onr law and equally entitled to consideration. Mr. Mason said the catastrophe should be replied to vigorously. He could not speak for others, but for himself he was for war. This declaration brought out a vigor ous outburst of applause from the gal- leMes. pfr. Mason declared there could bo no peace so long as an European nation owns and butchers its slaves on this hemisphere. He said it was not neces sary for the Maine court to fix the re sponsibility. The law did that. If it was a torpedo or a mine, it was a Span ish torpedo or a Spanish mine. Hence Spain must answer. He would oppose any projxvsit ion look ing to indemnity as lie would oppose making a diplomatic incident of the ca tastrophe. He would oppose any kind of autonomy or any plan to assist Spain, but his plan was that the Spanish dag should be driven from the western hem isphere. Neither did he believe Cuba should be required to pay an indemnity to Spain. “We are told, he said, “we must wait on the Spanish elections, but it Spanish elections are as rotten as Spanish dip lomacy we had better net wait.” “Let us awake.” said Mr. Mason in conclusion, “to glorious war, as did our fathers—war that shall insure the honor and respect of our flag all over the world.” The Populists and silver Republicans of both houses held a conference today and it resulted in resolutions presented by Senator Allen in the senate and Rep resentative Bell in the house declaring for Cuban independence. The members of the house who are in favor of immediate and aggressive ac tion are discussing all sorts of methods by which the house can be brought to an expression of opinion. This morn ing there was even some talk of over ruling the chair during the considera tion of the naval appropriation bill and attaching a resolution recognizing the independence of Cuba as a rider. But all this talk seems to be in the air. It has no coherence. The main thing the conservatives have to contend with is the overwhelming protest which is go ing up against delay. The foreign affairs committee of the house is in a peculiar condition. Chair man Hitt is ill and the regular meeting of the oommittoc will not occur until Thursday. If a way can be found to se cure a meeting of the committee before Thursday it will lx done. If not, the Republican members of the committee will probably caucus on the question. There is a strong sentiment in the house and in the committee against the proposition to vote money for supplies to give the starving Cubans unless it is accompanied by action which will stop the war. The committee have declared that they would oppose such a proposi tion with their votes and their voices on th£ floor. IF SHE FAILS TO DO SO WE WILL INTERVENE Aflfnln on the Island Intolerable to the People of America—Note Demand ing Sjieedy Termination of Hoetlll- tie* May Be on the Way to Madrid Now. Washington, March 28.—It can be stated on positive information that this government will, if indeed it has not already done so, inform Spain that THE CONDITIONS NOW EXISTING IN CUBA HAVE BECOME INTOLr ERABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY, AND THAT HOSTILI TIES ON THE ISLAND MUST CLOSE. This policy is directly in line with the views of the iiresidcnt as ex pressed in his last message to congress on Dec. 0. In this message he said: “The instructions given to oqr new minister to Spain, before his departure for his post, directed him to impress upon that government the sincere wish of the United States to lend its aid to ward the ending of the war in Cuba by reaching a peaceful and lasting result, ■just and honorable alike to Spain and the Cuban people. These instructions recited the character and duration of the contest, the widespread losses it en tails, its burdens and restraints it im poses upon us, with constant distur bance of national interests, and the in jury resulting from an indefinite con tinuance of this state of things. No so lution was proposed to which the slight idea of humiliation to S]>ain could at tach, and indeed, precise proposals were withheld to avoid emburu'ssmont to that governmert.” After reciting the substance of Spain's reply, received on Oct. 23, last, the pres ident says: “The immediate amelioration of ex isting conditions under the new admin istration of Cuban affairs is predicted, and therewithal the disturbance and all occasion lor any change of attitude on the part of the United States.” Since the delivery of this message evidence has accumulated showing be yond question that the premise in be half of the new administration, to re lieve the conditions in Cuba, have not been fulfilled or accomplished. On the contrary, the evidence which has reached the president showed conclusively that the situation is daily becoming more serious. In view of these facts this govern ment has decided to take, if it has not already taken, definite action by inlonu- ing Spain, that while disavowing any interest other than that dictated by a sense of honor and justice to a stricken and starving people, it must insist that hostilities be brought to a speedy termi nation. So far us known no specific date has been lixed within which the war must be terminated, but it is be lieved it is the purpose of the adminis tration not to permit of any unnecessary or extended delay. It is known in high official circles that many of the people highest in authority in Spain, including members of the ministry, are extremely weary of the conflict in Cuba and would willingly ac cede to any reasonable terms for a set tlement of the whole o;uestioii by grunt ing to Cuba her independence on an in- demnity basis. The opposition to this He It Ready to Perform Any Duty That May Be Given Him—Contirms the Report That the Keeling Among Spaniard* In Havana If Very Bitter Agalnat This Country. Washington, March 29. — Captain Sig8bee\>f tbe.wrecked steamer Maine arrived in Washington this morning from Havana at 7:41 o’clock. He was accompanied by Paymaster Ray, Chief Asbury News. (Correspondence of The Ledger.) Asiiury, March 28.—Rev. E. S. Jones preached at Asbury Chapel Sunday. His text was 13th verse of the I40th Psalm. Mr. Jones will de liver the annual address to the As bury High School on the evening of April the 8th, after which the school will give an entertainment. Wheat crops are looking well, and large areas of it and oats both have been planted. Hustler. ——— —• •— — Planting. Corn is now being planted, and we hope that enough will be planted in Cherokee to supply our people next year. Cotton is the only product of the farm in this county that a farmer can buy cheaper than he can raise it on his own farm, hence raise the food crops in abundance. A torpid iiver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers cleanses the liver, cures constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. Cherokee Drug Company, Gaffney, and Macon Thornton’s Pharmacy, Blacksburg. When a man tears a leaf off his calendar he realizes that his days are numbered • •- Engineer Howell, Naval Cadet Holden and Dr. Heneberger. The latter Tfeft immediately for his homo in Virginia. The captain was immediately driven to home, 1632 Riggs Place. The captain’s neighbors on both sides of the square on which he lives had profusely decorated their residences with flags and bunting and many of his friends and follow offi cers had sent large bouquets of Ameri can beauty roses and flower designs of ships, anchors, etc., as an expression of their friendship ipid esteem. At 10:30 o’clock the captain went to the navy department to report his ar rival, and in the course of a conversa tion he said that he had not yet received any assignment to duty, nor did he know what command would be given him. He would be ready, however, as soon as he could get his wardrobe re plenished, to go anywhere or perform any duty that might be given him. He hail not yet made any formal written report to the department, on the loss of the Maine, but would do so as soon as he had a little time at his disposal. As to the. cause of the wreck Captain Bigsbee said that he could add nothing to his testimony before the court of in quiry, which had already been pub lished- The Spanish officials were mak ing an inquiry into the cause of the disaster, but what their conclusions were, if any had been arrived at, be did not know. A few divers under the di rection of some noncomniissicned officer were working leisuro'y about the wreck, but he had understood that the court was paying special attention to outside matters. They had found, he had beard, that there were no dead lish found in the harbor after the explosion and also that the explosion did not create a disturb ance in the water as might have been expected bad the force come from the outside, However, this was only hear say, he having no knowledge of the ! findings. 1 The captain said that, as every one knew, the general feeling among Span _ 1 iards in Havana was bitter against this plan comes from the factious opposed to • country, hut he did not^ know whether the present administration, who demand 1 the proposed sending Thirty-live years make a genera tion. That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, O.. suffer*d from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of DeVVitt’a Witch Hazel Saive. Cherokee Drug Company, Gaffney, and Macon Thornton’s Pharmacy, Blacksburg. Most men aro^-generous to a fault when the fault happens to be their 'own. It is a great leap from the old fashioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous physics to the pleasant little pills known as DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers. They cure constipa tion, sick headache and biliousness. Cherokee Drug Company. Gaffney, and Macon Thornton’s Pharmacy, Blacksburg. Men and women have more faith in each other than they have in their own sex. extreme measure s if necessary to retain ; control of the island. In view of these conditions what would be the answer to our demands cannot be tor*-fold. PLOT MIPPED IN THE BUD. Young Man Tries to Elope With Mere i Girl ami Is Shot. R alf.igh, March 28.—George Teel of Hartford county has been a constant ] visitor at the house of Mr. Vann, a well- to-do farmer, the object of Teel’s affec tion being the 14-year-old Pauline Vann, , a beautiful woman q%ite well grown for her age. She was under Teel’s influence and j could not refuse his request to elope, j Her young brother told of the planned ) elopement and last night Mr. Vann hid behind a bush in his yard with a shotgun. Teel had every detail arranged and as ho leaped over a fence Vann pulled the trigger, and a yell told the shot had hit Teel. His back was completely lilied from the shoulders to the knees with squirrel shot. Pauline broke down in tears. Teel was taken home badly hurt. One of the reasons for objections to Teel is said to be be is an infidel. Panline has been taken from school and is at home being watched. # , Steam Tug For Uncle Sam. Philadelphia, March 29.—The steaih tug Windtbrop, built by the Charles Hillman company of this city for the Staples Coal company, has keen sold to lie United States government. The Wi cult hr op is one of the finest steel tugs the coast. She is iSJ) feet long, 20 feet lieam, 1.1 foot draught and 240 ton» regbtec. She baa triple expansion engines. Stars and Stripe* Hoisted. Berlin, March 29.—Lieutenant John J. Knapp, U. S. N., detached from the United .States cruiser San Francisco, to day holLted the stars and stripes over the to^t-edo boat purchased for the Uniteufete.tett at the Schicauishipyaida. Carolina Crooks Captured. Richmond, March 28.—A special from Roanoke says that three postoffice iu- specto-s have arrived there and think that Howard and Moore, two men ar rested on suspicion of attempting to blow open the Salem poetoftioe safe, are the leaders of a gang postoffiee burg- kirs in North Carolina that for two years have Iniffled the secret service. Ktisaeli Hefiine* Requisition. Raleigh, March 28.—Governor Rus sell lias denied the requisition of the governor of Georgia for J. J. Mehagan and G. J. Latham, ex-president and cashier, respectively, of the Abbeville, Ga., bank. . Irregularities of the war rant are given as a reason for the denial. A Constable Is KlDed. # Knoxville, Macrh 29.—James Boze- man, aged (10, shot imd kfllrd James Fennell, aged 30, near lx** Springs, Granger county, hist night. Fennell was a constable seeking to arrest Boze man for illicit liquor stdliug. The mur derer esca]**! and a posse is after him. of governmental nid would meet with any serious oppo sition. The captain said he knew very little of the general situation and there fore had formed no opinion as to whether this country was likely to become in volved in a war with Spain. Residents in Havana, he said, knew little or noth ing of what was occurring in Madrid beyond what is reported in American newspapers.- The captain seemed in good health, and considering the intense strain that had been upon him during the last six weeks, felt himself physically fit to per form any duty which should be assigned to him. EXPLOSION AS AN EXCUSE. Havana l*aper Thinks We Will Now Stop Cuban Hosttlitlea. Havana, March 29.—La Lnekn, in commenting on the Maine report, says: “America has long sought an excuse to interfere in Cuba, alleging that Amer ican interests suffer on account of the insurrection. For a time the Maine in cident was kept uppermost, but now that the court of inquiry has served the purpose for which it was convened and saved Captain Sigsboe’s reputation and President McKinley’s popularity, a re turn is made to the original demand that the Cuban war must cease. “The bull is in the ring. We may know whiU to expect. If the Americans want Cuba let them win it by means of their guns, bnt the old saying goes that ‘he who wants celestial blue must pay for it.’ There is always an advantage in going into a quarrel with the wealthy. ; We have litik* to lose, and as our nails I are long we might not.come out of the ring empty handed.” Children like it, it saves their lives. We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, and all throat and lung troubles. Cherokee Drug Company, Gaffney, and Macon Thornton’s Pharmacy, Blacksburg. We know hundreds of bachelors who never spoke a single cross word to their wives. The farmer, the mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is the best tbihg to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure forpilos. Cherokee Drug Company, Gaffney. Macon Thornton’s Pharmacy, Blacksburg. The wise young man always laughs at the ancient jokes of his tailor. M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says: T was a sufferer for ten years, try ing most all kinds of pile remedies, but without success. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel thrive was recommended j to me. 1 used one box. It has ef fected a permanent cure.” As a permanent cure for piles DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve lias no equal. Cherokee Drug Company, Gaflney, and Macon Thornton's Pharmacy Blacksburg. Proceedings of N. P. S. S. Convention. The North Pacolet Interdenomina- ( tronal Sunday School convention met j at Eihethel Baptist church March 27th, at 10:30 a. m., and was called to order by president J. L. Strain. ( After a song service by the choir, led by A. G. Davis, devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. Simpson Blanton. Prayer by M. M. Tate. The roll of schools was called and seven schools, representing 335 mem bers, reported with delegates, as fol lows : Abington Creek—C. W. Whisonant and Frank McCluney. Mt. Ararat—Isaac Patrick, John T. Upchnrch and J. Albert McKown. Elbethel—Teachers and scholars, Geth.-emane—H. James, Mrs. James, Miss E. Kirby and C. 8. Phillips Mesaoootamia—Gibbs Wilkins, W\ C. Kirby, Miss Moiiie Kirby and Miss Dussio Goforth. Salem—W. C. Blackwell, H. T. Estes and Sam Strain. Sardis—J. G. Wright, John Wright, J. R. Davis and W. F. Kennedy. Some schools that had just re-or ganized for work made verbal reports that are not included in this sum mary. Reports of township superinten dents, J. C. Thompson and Rev. Simpson Blanton were made. Singing by the choir. 1st subject—’’ The teacher—his se lection discussed by R. C. Patrick and Win. Jefferies. 2nd subject—“My needs as a teach er ;”discussed by C.W. Whisonant anu M. M. Tate. Singing by the choir. Intermission one hour. afternoon SESiSLOK. Singing by choir and prayer by Win. Jefferies. Prof. R. (>. Sams being absent, a ! normal drill was omitted. 3rd subject—“Practical prohibi tion.” 1st.—Should church members support it? 2nd.—Its blessings; dis cussed by W. C. Kirby, T. J. Estes, Pres. J. L. Strain. T. M. Littlejohn, M. M. Tute, C. W. Whisonant and Win. Jefferies. T. M. Littlejohn offered the follow ing resolution which was unanimously adopted by a rising vote : Resolved. • That it is the duty of all church members to support prohibition.” In the resurrection we shall rise,” and prayer by the chaplain, the convention ad journed to meet at Sardis, Union church. 4th Sabbath in June. The president then thanked the congregation for its kind attention and good behavior during the exer cises; also the choir and speakers for the valuable service rendered by each convention a success. J. C. J eateries, Sec. Elbethel, March 27th, ISO*. MOTHER! 1 here is no- word so full of meaning and about which such tender and holy’ recollections cluster as that of ** Mother ”—she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and ail ef fort should be made to avoid it. so assists nature in the change tak ing place that the Expectant Mother is ena bled to look for- ward without dlreacL. suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement—in- short, it “makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Don’t be persuaded to use anything but MOTHEirSJRIEND “ My wife suffered more in teh min utes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with her last, hwring previously used four bot tles of ‘ Mother’s Friend.’ It is a blessing to any one expecting to be come a MOTHER/* says a customer. LL&NDX&bOX DauCr Carmi, Illinois. Of Dragpists-at tl.OO.orient brexpreis on receipt of price. Write for book containing teiUmonial* end valuable Information for ell Mothers, free. The rredfleld- Regulator Co., ideate, 6s. After singing in making the The divorce judge, like the poor marksman, makes a good many misses. Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by One Minute Gough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung diseases. Cherokee Drug Company, Gaffney, and Macon Thornton’s Bnarraacy. Blacksburg. -• •- Blacksburg Election. At an election held in Blacksburg Monday T. L. Black was elected In- tondent and A. M. Bridges, Dr. J. L. Darwin, Wm. Jenkins and Moor were elected Wardens. W. Unclaimed Letters. List of letters remaining in office uncalled for to date: Mrs. A. E. Allison. Mr D. Baker. B. M. Edwards. Mr. James Ellion. Mr. Geo. Gleen. Mr. D. N. Gosnell. Mr. Jno. McQueen. Mr. R. C. Ross. N. B.—I'ersons calling for these letters will please say advertised in The Lbdchcji. T. H. Littlejohn, P. M. February 28, 1898. Buying Machinery. J. B. and I. W. Richardson have bought the machinery for their steam laundry and have given J. J. Bigger- slaff, representing the Park Manu facturing Co., of Charlotte, N. C., an order for a Moffat combined boiler feed pump and heater, for quick de livery. Gaffney needs the laundry and the Messrs. Richardsons deserve credit for their enterprise, and success should attend them. —— -• *- • —— A little boy asked for a bottle of “get up in the morning as fast as you can.” the druggist recognized a household name for “DeWitt’s Little Early Risers,” and gave him a bottle of those famous little pills for con stipation, sick headache, liver and stomach troubles. Cherokee Drug Company. Gaffney, and Macon Thornton’s Pharmacy, Blacksburg. Fowler* City News. j (Correspondence of The Ledger.) Fowlers City, March 28.—As it has been a long time since you have- heard from* us, we will try and give you a few dots from this vicinity. Farmers have taken advantage of the tine weather and farm work is much advanced to what it was at this time last year. Wheat and oats are looking fine. W. C. Kirby and F. A. Goforth have some of the finest wheat I have seen anywhere this spring. Mr. John ?E. Fowler is on the sick list. Mrs. Sallie Foster has been on the sick list, but is better now. R. A. Foster and W. C. Kirby- attended the quarterly conference at Foster’s Chapel last Saturday. Mrs. R. As. Foster spent the day- wit h Mrs. Bettie Kirby Saturday. The Mesopotamia Sunday school was well'represented at Elbethel yes terday, Mr. Dave Fowler, of Sunnyside, was over to see us one day last week. Miss Alice Howell, one of York county’s fair ones, visited her brother, Will, at HPo-weii’s Ferry Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Wade Howe, of York’s side of the river, was in Cherokee yesterday looking after his own interests. “Cow Boy,” of Hickory Grove, wrs seen on our streets last Saturday, and I do believe he was the happiest man I ever saw. It was not politics or religion that made him so—it is a big boy. Some of our planters have planted a part of their corn crop, and our women folks have done a great deal of gardening. Success to The Ledger and all of its friends. * Rambler. The Latest War News. W.v.siuxgton, March 30.—Mr. Mc Kinley’s message on the report of the Maine board of inquiry was a little too tame to suit congress, which seemed disposed to adopt drastic means at once. The coolest heads now seem to be exerting a restraining influence, but the tention is great and if it be comes too strained, congress may pre cipitate action by this government over what has been termed McKin ley’s “dilatory methods ” f^URE V Hood’ rheumatism by taking- Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which by neu tralizing the acid in the blood perma nently relieves aches and PAINS. RED HOT SALE At Chance For Spain to Escape. London, March 29.—The Pull Mail Gazette this afternoon voices the gen eral tone of the afternoon newspapers of this city in saying that President McKinley’s message to congress “gives I pain a broad way to escape,” adding: ‘It does not contain a word which need ruffle a feather of Castilian punctilio. Events are evidently moving toward a peaceful settlement.*” Brown son Is In Italy. Rome, March 29.—Commander Wil lard H. Brownson, U. 8. N., has con ferred with the minister of marine, Ad miral Brin, relative to the purchase of ships building in Italy. Tht^-ommander hasjfceen authorized to visirche private yams and see what vessels are available. The Boston Store A New, Fresh Stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Notions, &c. long "THE BOSTON STOKE lias cheapest in the stall'. We will stvlish troods. Conic and see on money on anything in our line. he en the cheapest in this county and it will he the the best bargains of all, in the finest and most stock before you buy elsewhere. We will saye vou We don't make prices in this ad because they are too give little but will sell you goods cheaper than you think, for goods are cheap this spring on account of the war. Remember, the cheapest place to trade is TUI BOSTON STORE, M. POLIAKOFF, PROPRIETOR. m.