H THE LEUGER: GAFFNEY, S C., FEBRUARY 10, 1898 *-‘—_*.*_^ *.--*.*** ^ — -yj '^j^r *,J «M» " mmmmmmm » ^pr- vhv ■■■» PHP MNA ^ Feb. 15th,/am kHMUM LAST DAY 1 :: S to buy men's and ladies' fine slices, dry goods, .notions, hats and clothing at and below cost. Mens fine shoes from 7oc to $’2.‘io. Ladies fine shoes, pat. tip, from50c to $*2.2o. Men’s suits $1.50, to $7.50 suits at $5.00. Everything is a bargain. Come one come all to the BEE Hl\E where you can save 2o^> to •)() f /c ami your pm chase. 1 hanking all of my friends and customers for their liberal patronage for the pa*>t three years and hoping to look them all in the face once more by the loth, I am Very respectfully, II. I .. T | I 1 * Clothing I> r< >ni CARROLL & CARPENTER, and you can buy it cheaper than you ever bought it before. Don't forget this but come at once. Here We 4- Come Again-= f this time it’s to udl you that we have just received a big line of ladies’newest style walking hats. They are beauties, call and see them. 20 Dozen (ients’ line, fancy bosom, laun- 7. Pkterseukg, Va., July 31, 1 8G4.— List of casualties in the 18th S. C. V., in the engagement around I’etersburg, July 30, 18G4: Field and Staff—Wounded: Adj. C. L. Sims, shoulder, severe. Company—Killed: Capt. Jbhn Mc- Cprmick, Privates Wm. Sanders, Mc- D. Quinn. B. F. Jolly. Wounded: Lt. C. S. Grier, contusion, slight. Missing: Sergt. C. V Willard, Corp. S. S. Marony, Privates John Brown, Isaac Edwards, W. B. Edwards. John Gregory, W. E. Harris A. K. Harris, G. W. Humphries, Harrison Ivy, R. S. Lamaster, J. M. Mitchell, W. S. B. Robeson, Henry Sipple, John Zedekor, Lt. A. S. H. Wolf. Company B—Killed; James H. Fowler, John McDaniel. Wounded: Sergt. G. S. Noland, hip. severe; Pri vates T. B. Pressly, scalp, slight; C. A. Pressly, shoulder, severe; Jeff Bratton, contusion; J. F, Harry, an kle, fracture. Missing: Jesse Nix, Starks Gregory, James Crawford, Foster Malry. \V. J. White, Ebenezer Fowler. Leonard Campbell, Joseph Burgess. Company C—Killed: Lt?. S. J. Ray. W. M. Lawson, Privates Elmore G. Bishop, Jefferson Prince, W. C. Bridwell, Robert Jackson, Foster Mc Kenzie, Henry Whitten, John Bally, Morris, W. M. Burnet, Sergt. E. G. Bail}*. Wounded: Lt. W. H. Hill, contusion: Corp. L. D. Dodd, slight; Privates Green Purser, arm broken; Tiiomas Waldrop, contusion, severe; H. Tinsley, slight; York Huff, con tusion; John Ivy, contusion, severe. Company D—Killed: Lt. Bryant, Privates A. M.•Ellison, E. R. Satter field. Wounded : Sergt, B. R. Bry ant, leg, contusion: Privates. J. R. Farmer, mortal; Benjamin Elrod, shoulder, flesh; J. H. Browning, hand, slight. Missing: Lt. J. F. Stone, Sergts. Win. Bryant, J. F. Clardy, Corp. A. B. Holland, Pri vates W. Y. Craft, W. M. Dickerson, W. B. Garret, Everet Elrod, Ransom Foster, G. W. Howard, Moses Kenne- more, Jacob Kennemore. Company E—Lt. I. M. Andersjn. Private Pinkney Kelly, Wounded; Capt. M. H. Fergerson, contusion; Sergt. J. M. Stone, mortal; Privates Green Rook, jaw broken; E. C. Lit tlefields, hand, slight ; Simpson Rog ers, mouth, severe; V. M. Rogers, shoulder, severe. Missing: R. M, Thomas, J. A. Couch, T. R. Couch, J.C. Shackelford. A. M. Shurburt. Company F.—Killed: Lt. J. W. Foster, Private A. J. Mullinax. Wounded: Captain Goodman Jef fries, contusion ; Lieut. W. L. Goudo- lock. jaw and neck, severe; Sergt- W. S. Woods, contusion, severe; J. \V. Mullinax, contusion; Columbus Jones, leg amputated; J. Milwood? arm biuised; A. G. Bryant, contu sion ; A. Coon, contusion; Heny. Wright, contusion; W. Mullinax, contusion; John Moore, contusion. Missing: Lt. D. B. Free, Sergt. T. Patrick, Corp. S. P. Porter; Privates C. F. Brown, D. H. Smith, A. T. Bry ant, Wm. Smith, N. D. Fowler, Vaughan, Julius Hamet, J. G, Pa trick, R. C. Patrick. Company G—Killed : Wm. Jamison, W. W. McCarter, J. E. McCarter- John Rodgers, J. Dowdle, Smith Ar cher, W. A. Meacham. Wounded; Lt. S. \V r . Good, contusion, severe, Sergt. J. H. Thomas, scalp; Private W\ F. Milling, side, severe; J. J. Pursly, contusion,slight; J. C. W’liito, knee, severe, J. M. McCullough, con tusion, shoulder. Missing: J. C. Jackson, Robert *Brown, R. C. Jen- kins, F. Pursley, P. L. Privisly, W. F. Armstrong, F. Kobison, J.T. Howe. Sergts. J. F. Jamison, son, W. F. McCullough, Corp. W'm. Hardwick. Company H.—Killed: Sergt. R. H Martin, Privates Thomas Boyd, J. F. Thorn, K. C. Youngblood. James Huddleson, A. Hamel, Jasper Ad kins. Wounded: Corp. S. D. Sirnril, thigh, flesh; H. E. McCully, side, se vere; S. R. Caps, hand, slight; B. J. Hutchison, thigh, flesh. Missing: Sergts. Jr B. Yate, J. C. McCarter, Privates, J. M. Jackson, J. A. Mat thews, M. Brandon. S. T. Davidson, J. M. Wright, W. Clark, J. T. Gar- vison. Company I.—Killed : Privates Wm. A. Hill, Jas- B. Wadsworth. Wound ed: Capt. John Floyd, contusion; Sergt. J. D. Brown, arm, slight; Pri vates, T. \V. Perry, head, severe; J. J. Timmons, leg amputated; W. A. Langston, contusion, severe; Caleb Odom, leg amputated ; J. 1). Brown, elbow. sMght; C. T. Young, arm bro ken, N. Buinmerford, contusion; S. C. Jackson, contusion; R. Parnell, contusion ; John W. Windham, foot amputated; W. Halliman, contusion; J. E. Calvin, toes, contusion; N. Olom, contusion; J. F. Miller, con tusion; 8. Gilbert, contusion, severe; Joseph Yars, jaw resected. Missing: Privates, B. F. James, A. A. Chap- mar), John Gilbert, John Timmons, C. Smoot, C. R-jiliriH. Company K.—Killed: Capt. W. P. Bridges. Corp’ls J. P. Young, T. W. Turner, Private W. F. Green. Miss ing: Lt. J. K. Clary, Privates Dave Bailey. W'rn. Matthews. M. McCoines, John Price, W. R. Stacy. R. M. Sta cy. W A. Stroup, C. White, A. J. Young. Yours, A. A. Jamks, Chaplain. 18th S. C. V. Our Southern Heights. Tl. beautiful heights lying just soutli and south-east of tins city have not attracted settlers as their beauty uni prominence would seem to indicate they would. They form a large area and, from them, we have a splendid view of our entire city and every suburb, including classic old Limestone Springs. The home of Cooper Limestone Institute is itself rich in the literary history of South Carolina, and by association and ac tual acquaintance, is endeared to every one of the Southern States. It and its beautiful grounds have been properly called the ‘‘pink* of the Piedmont." In addition to these beautiful home scenes, from these beautiful heights can be seen Gilkey Mountain rearing up her craggy head four miles in the east. Thickety Mountain lies seven miles off in the west, and his toric old King’s Mountain, with the glorious memories that hover around her, a little further off in the north east. While we are beholding and admiring these near-by beauties, the Blue Ridge stands in full view off to the north and west in all itsgranduer. These heights stand fully a hun dred and fifty feet above tne city, and, strange as it may seem, they are practically still unoccupied. A few of our appreciative citizens hav^ built on them, and if there was a particle of envy in us, it would assert itself when we think of the fortune their good sense and taste have se cured them. if there is a cause for these heights being unoccupied, so few beauti ful homes adorning their crests, we do not know it, but we feel sure the appreciation will some time come, and on these heights will be homes and comforts that will be the pride of our city. Have Adplied For A Charter. E. R. Sapoch, G. W. McKown, B. F. Bonner, P. B. Webber and J. Eb. Jefferies and others, who belong to < the Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Asso ciation, of Union, Spartanburg and York counties, met in the court house here last Saturday and applied to the Secretary of State for a charter for u similar organization in Cherokee Co. This is a commendable move in these worthy citizens and we trust that it will encourage our farmers generally in Cherokee to join them in this en terprise and secure for their property a safe insurance in an organization of their own and’managed by themselves. I Corporal Alexander Wins The Medal. The Gaffney Light Infantry turned out last Saturday afternoon, Capt. J. B. Bell commanding. The rank.-. were full and presented quite a mar tial appearance. The Light Infantry marched through the principle streets and performed a number of evolu tions very creditably. 'After which the company marched out to their practicing grounds for target prac tice for a gold medal. The shooting was good and resulted in Corporal Thomas Alexander as the best shot, winning the medal. If a man has the rocks lie can make a good foundation even in a sandy place. One of Two Ways. Tlie bladder was created for one purpose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as such It Is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way is from Imperfect action of the kidneys. Tbe second way Is from careless local treatment of other diseases CHIEF CAUSE Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys Is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the bladder, was created for one purpose, and If not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases It is situated back of and very dose to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience manifested In the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage Is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some tori Tbe error Is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set, your urine aside for twenty-four hours; a sedi ment or settling Indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. KIlmer'sKwamp-Knot, the ureat kidney, and bladder remedy Is soon renilitr-d. If you need a medtclneyou should have the best. At druKKists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and nainphlet. both sent free by mall. Mention Thk I.Kixjitu and send your address to Dr Kilmer A Co.. ItluKharnUin. N. Y The proprietors of this paper (fuurautee the xen- uluenessof this offer. Everybody Raya So. r.nearcfcfl ('Andy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of tbe upe, p.eua- ant and refresbinit to tbe taste, act vently and (Misitively on kidneys, liver and bowels, ck-ausing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation am) biliousness. Please buy and try a box of e opin at the Council Chamber on and after I he tub day of Decem ber. ISP7, to and Including the >tli day of February, Da*, for the purixc.c of Register ing the uuallfied electors residing within the iucnrporuta limits of the Town of Gaffney City. The liooks will Is- opened principally on Mondays and Saturdays, lietween the hours of ten In the forenoon and four in tin afternoon. Kvery applicant must ui>|M-ur In person and the production of a registration certificate from the County board of Regis tration entitling fivant to vote at Gaffney City precinct In State and County elections. Is a condition prerequisite to the applicant'!, obtaining a Certificate of Regis tration. And In addition to the production of such certificate, the Hiinllcaut must show, also, that he has resided In the Ineorisirate limits of Gaffney City for FOl’IC MONTIlit, and that he has paid all taxes assessed against him due aud collectible for the pre vious fiscal year. Kach and every applicant for registration must lake the oath nrescrllsMl In H-nalon HO of an Act of the GenerUI Assem bly of South Carolina entitled, "an Act to provide for the Registration of all Fleetors In this Statu qualified to vote In State, County. .Municipal, Congressional and I’res- Idcntluf elections. Approved tin Mh day of March IMMJ. Wm. 1'iiii.mfs. Supervisor of Ucglstrntlon for the Towu of Gaffney City, s. C. I’, j Geo. Ambler, Esq. "amp. Unclaimed Letters. LiLf letters remaining In office uncial for to date: Hderson Allen. .U c. jc A. iCatnpbell C. jnlap, (2.) Mmolly Hawkins. Misleliel McCalhel. Will Morris. Revttenry Parham. Joe 'tterson. Mrsla Roberson. W. j’,. Roberts. Mrs). J. Ramsey. AlfeL Runsals. M. tenzig. N. Il-Persons calling for these lettersl/1 please say advertised in Thk Ljikk. I T. H. Littlejohn, P. M. Febriy 7, 1S!>8. poroner McCraw. 1 If anhne needing Coroner Mc- Craw’s fvices will leave word at Carroll l.’arpenter's store he will get it bj|?lephorie. t Sptffeefic Ribands. Pains of Rheumatisr Have Completely Dis appeared Since Taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Ricmnatism is duo to acid in tho blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla ncutral- iz.crtthis acid and permanently cures the aches and pains of rheumatism. Real the following: “l was troubled with rheumatism when I was a small boy, and I have been a suf fers with it more or less all my life. Slot Ion; ago I took a bottle of Hood’s Sarsa parilla, and it did me so much good I cortinued its use, and since taking three bottles I have felt no symptoms of rheu- mdism.” R. B. Blaloce, Durham, N. C. ‘I was troubled with rheumatism and coild hardly walk. I have taken three batles of Hood’s barsaparilla and today an a well man.’’ Robert Jones, 302 Micke St., W ilmington, North Carolina. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Isthe bestr-in fact the One True Blood Purifier. A1 druggists. St; six for R5. Get Hoop’s. HnnH’c £>illc are the favorite catli;ir- UUi/U twill's Uc A11 druggist,. 2ic. The Best Is always the cheapest, and you can always pvt the best Sash, Blinds, Doors and all kinds of Building Mat*!’’* 1 , including N* i Shingles from L. Baker cheaper for cash than on time. 1 buy for cash and consequently ■ret, bargains, and will give my customers t he same advantages. I Will Hake your Estimates for .Materials Free of Charge. Very Respct., JU- IJiVKEJ*. The sykthetic tenderness of a lov ing husbairs everything to an expec tant mothi especially during her first ordeal. Gjge Layton, Esq., a promi- drug| cf Dayton, O., gives the nent following A custoi four bottlM finement, sa, remedy, tha> f mine, whose wife has used Mother's Friend ” before con- fter seeing the effects of the j-*had to go through the ordeal again, and til were but four bottles on the market, and I cost was (100 per bottle, she would have tr “ Mothetriend ” is a scientifically compoundeiiiment which affords cer tain relief ihe various ailments pre ceding chilkth, and assures proper slasticity tote cords and muscles in volved in thkal ordeal. “ MotherYriend ” is sold by drug- S ists, or cstivicd on receipt of one ollar. Valuabh^ ipfc, “Before Baby Is Born,” mailefee on application. THE BRADFIEldeUUTOR CO.. Atlanta, Ga. A. N. WOOD, BANKER, does a general Banking and Exchange business. Well secured with Burglar- Troof safe and Automatic Time Lock. Safety Deposit Boxes at moderate rent. Buys and sells Stocks andBonds. Buys County and School Claims. Your business solicited. Notice. The Itooks of M Artl it- & Sums and of Mc Arthur. Tiiuki rsloy & : ran ur«- In the IiiiikIh of .1. ('. .h'flVrio. F>«q.. ■ io is empowered to collect acct.UDts due. Parties owing would do well to call and »»-tt e and save suit. W. K. McArthur, 1-30-tf R. O. Sams. Si Roasted Coffee 0 for (GiYSII 0>7GY) Otherbceries at Prices that Will Astonish Yon. We ha> the handsomest line of Glassware, Tinware.Pocket and Table Cutlery ever seen in t