The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, December 09, 1897, Image 8

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' THE LETJGEJt: GAFFNEY, 8. C.. DECEMBEH 9, 1897. GALA WEEK.” The V/hite House now occupied by Presi dent McKinley is headquarters for this nation. All important offices are filled by his appoint ment. Armies, too, have their headquarters. Orders are issued daily by the general in com mand for the government troops. Headquar ters are to be found in the mercantile world as well. Take in a survey of the city and you will come to the conclusion that the BEE HIVE '"'Y . . is headquarters for all trading humanity. The rattle of the yard stick and the rustle of paper is heard in our store from early morn till late at night. Our store is crowded all the time. There is evidently something attractive in our store. We know it can’t be our good looks so it must be the matchless prices. Bear with us through this colnmn and it will be money in your pocket. CLOTHING AT COST. Now this is something we don’t like to do, for there is no fun in selling anything at cost, but sometimes we are forced to do so. Owing to large purchases in this line, and the low price of cotton together with the warm weather, very little has been sold. Every suit, overcoat and pants to go at exact cost. Come to this great sale whether you want to buy or not. It will post you on prices. 100 pair Men’s Jeans Pants, formerly sold for 75c to $1.00, now going at 49c and 75c. 50 pairs black and brown Cheviot Pants, formerly sold for $ 1.25, now 95c. Never before was good clothing sold so cheap. Hats an<l Caps. New style Twoshades and b lac k. ( hats all col- and prices, from Received, a new for Boys and Girls Pistol. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, Cloves and the latest creation in Men’s Neckwear. IVotions. A fine display in this lino for tho holiday trade. Men’s fine Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c and .‘h r )e, and a large 24x24in Silk Mu liter, usually sold for $1.00, we have marked 49e. Ladies’ w hite handkerchiefs in plain hemstitched and fancy edge, at 5_ 10 and 15 cents, worth double the money. Children’s hamlker, chiefs only 1c. Children’s, Misses’ and Ladies’ hose. The best Men s black Hermsdotf dye, double heel, seamless hose for 15c, you ever saw. Only a limited quantity at this price. Men’s , '0<'ks, 2 pair for 5c. Large assortment of Celluloid Picture Frames very cheap, 10c and 15c. We might put notions in your head if you visit us. s Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. H. L. PARKS & CO. in stiff hats of brown ^ ^%T o u r i s t s ors, shapes 25c to $1.95. Just assortment of Caps at 1 5c and 25c. Shirts at the Point of a Cheap Rates Offered by The Ohio River and Char'cston Railroad. The Ohio River and Charleston Railroad Co. offers very low rates to Charleston and return. Tickets will be on sale Dec. 13th, 14th, 15th. and Kith, ^.ood returning Dec. 18th. Tickets will also be on sale the 17th and 18th good returning Dec. 20tb. Firemtn, Brass Bands and Military Co’s, in uniform, twenty or more on one ticket, at the rate of One Cent per i mile is announced. A large number of people from all over the state are j expected to attend. Th^ro will be many attractions for their entertain ment. The schedule now operated enables passengers from po nts on the Ohio River and Charleston Rail road, to reach Charleston at 8 p. in., giving visitors an all daylight run. For iUrtlitr informal.on appiy to the agents of this company, or to S. B. Lumpkin, G. P. A. Mr. Turner and Miss Davis Wed. On Wednesday Dec., 1 Mr. Sam Turner, of Karls. N. C., and Miss Lola Davis, of State Line, 8. C., were united in tne holy bonds of matri mony by Rev. L. Smith, of Shurou, N. 0. Miss Talula Davis, of this city and Miss Annie Bell Henry, of Snelby, l\. C., w*‘re the bridesmaids, and Mr. Spencer Wall, of this city and Mr. Jim Austell, of Slices Sboale, N. C., were tho groomsmen. The ceremony whs performed at eleven o'clock at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. M. B. Davis, in tho presence of a large crowd of fnends and relatives. At twelve o'clock dinner was announced. The table almost groaned beneath its load of luxuries. At two o’clock they left lor Mr. Turner’s home where a large crowd was waiting to welcome them. Then came supper which was enough to tempt the ap petite of a king. Mrs. William Tur ner and Mrs. Amos Austell gave orders and everything was to perfec tion. May their lives be one sweet dream of bliss and no cloud ever appear to darken their pathway. — —— Sunday Gamblers. Just as we began to think end say that our police were getting out of business they pounced down on a flock of negro gamblers Sunday in Theodore Petty's house and captured Henry Littlejohn. Henry Humes, Albert Lockhart, Charley Fernandis, and Glenn West. Henry Cancler and Theodore Petty mado their escape. Charley Reynolds was present but of course was not playing. Fernandis put up a forfeit, but the others were put in the old cala boose. the jail being already full. During the night those in the cala boose were released by some one on the outside. Lockhart and West did not leave but reported the ab sence of tbe others. Such as were present were fined by tbe Mayor at his court on Monday morning. These negroes are hard cases, as are a great many others of tho gang with which they run. We trust that our city authorities will be able to take such action as will completely run such worthless reprobates out of the city. , Daring Scoundrels. Last Monday night, a little after dark, two young men of rather good appearance entered H. L. Parks <£ Co.’s store on tiie corner of Lime stone and Frederick streets, and after looking at a few goods one of them picked up a shirt and started out with it, when Willie Peden, one of the young clerks in the store, caught hold of him and told him to lay the Hlirt down. Tho other man put a pistol in Mr. Peden's face and 'told him to let that man go. Tkey Both loft with the shirt and have not been heard of since. ' . * Mr. Peden says ho thinks he has seen the men before but lie does not know them. Minerals In Cherokee. Cherokee county contains more valuable minerals than any county in Sout h Carolina, consisting of al most all ot natures valuables for which miners seek. Mr. W. 11. Mercer, of Blacksburg, a practical miner, paid u visit recently to tbe Georgia gold fields, of which wo hav» heard so much. Mr. Mercer says that he saw nothing in Georgia as good as what lie sees in Cherokee any day. Still our mines are not worked nor do we hear much of them. Like Unto The Fooliah Virgins. We learn that some of the people in Cherokee county contemplate making an effort to have part of it cut off and returned to one of the oid counties. Now of course, these good people have a right, to make an effort. But Cherokee county is an establish ed county, containing four hundred and twenty-eight and a fraction s«<uare miles and the Constitution does not allow any territory cut off from so small a county. Public Sales. Only the Hamlet Jefferies land and the Galloway lot and storehouse, on Limestone street, were sold on Mon- (I »>. The Galloway property brought 83,400 and wai bought by T. G. Me- Craw. Tbe Jefferies land, 270 acres, was sold for partition and was bought by Mrs. M. H. Jefferies for $82.'). #aaFi lUwtRitifh Syrtip.—’f wills lit in tlni«. run, *idl •u. Sunday at the Churches. Rev. A<j. Lauaslou, ot A'acolei, preached in the first Baptist church last Sucday morning, and the Revs. MiSSta. liieanoj, Beil and the pallor made interesting addresses on mis sions at night. The regular services were conduct ed at the Presbyterian and Methodist churches by the pastors. It was Rev. Mr. Crout’s last service before Conference, and we hear it intimated that he will not be returned to us next >ear. Mr. Crout is industrious, intelligent and devoted to his work, and The Ledger yet hopes to have him with us again. Unclaimed Letters. List of letters remaining in office uncalled for to date : Mrs. Nora Douglass. Miss Ella Goudelock. W. J. Hawkins, Avoiine Hardin. Mrs. Clarise Jackson. Mrs. Ellen Lowry, col, W. L. McLenrore. Mies Mary A. Thompson. N. B.—Persons calling for these letters will please say advertised in The Ledger. T. H. Littlejohn, P. M. December 12, 1897. -- ■■ - — —w One of Two Ways. The bladder wa» m-aleii for one purpose, uaruely, a r>‘f«-ptiici»- for the urine. anU as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of t*o way>>. The first way is from imperfect actioii of the kidneys. Tin second vr.xy is from careless local treatment of other diseaeet < fiir.r CAnsc CnhcHlthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is tho chief cause of bladder troubles, ro the womb, like the bladder, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is rot fittbie to weakness or disease, except In rare cases It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or Inconvenience manifestea In the kidneys, hack, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attriiiuu-d to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine aside for twenty-four hours; a s< di- mem or settling indicates kidney or hi add r trouble. Tin- mild and the extraordinary effect of Ur. Klliner’sdwamp-Uoo’.the meat kidney, and bladder remedy is soon realized, if you need a medicine you should have the best. At drujiirists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle ami pamphlet, l»oth sent free by mail. Mention The f.EiHiMt and send your address to Dr Kilmer & Co.. iiir.Khauilon. N. Y The proprietors of this paper guarantee the yen- uinenessof this offer. For Sale. Advertisements under this head tvM. he inserted for one cent a word cacty inser tion. No ad inserted for less than ton cents. F OB SALE.—A lot Of four foot laths, in anj quantity desired. Prices as low as the lowest. Carroll A Co. F OIt SALE Two jfood family horses and one sur-y and set double harness, for cash of (rood papers A. IT Stephens. 12-2-21 F MU SALK acres pood farmnijr land on tic* Incorporate line of Gaffney. Excel lent water. Titles (effect. Apply to A. .1. Perry, Gaffney, S. C. 12-2-tt GOME rare bargains In sewin'? machines w jtmxl as new. Also any parts ordered for old machines, it. K. Lipscomb. F OK SALE House and lot. one half mile from town, lot contains 2 acres. Some tfuod wood on It. Apply to Pa hi, V. Gakf-nky, at Lcdokh Offick. w ILL trade or sell a fine Jer-y bull or heifer, stock farm. Apply at W. O. Lipscomb's F OIi SALE Pure bred Hrown Lckoii cock erels. J. D Goudelock 10-21-tf F OB SALE Heal Estate Mortgages, Titles to Heal Estate. Chattel Mort/axes. Liens, Notes. Etc., for sale at Tine Lkix;k offte.- Found. F OUND An old time watch chain. Owner can have warn* |>y proving property and pa/inif for this ad. Apply at J.ynoxu ofliue. Wanted W ANTED—lOflil cords of yood wood either pine or oak,.de4Jvered at the kilns. Apply to Carroll A Co.. Lessees . 4 ■■ —■■■I. ■ i...... ... . Trespass Notice. N OTICE Is hereby trives without discrimination jrivea to all persons, jat they must not hunt Ah lands owned of controlled bj eiOier of us In Union or Cherokee county, either with or witliput tfons, in the day time or nltfbl. Any p« r.v>n detected thus Ues- payslujr will be prosecuted according to lay anjl to the lutf extent thereof. We mean what we say. John I). Jfffkiiif.h, Sit., .1. K. JkFFFIti r.s, J. D. .1 FFFF.HIKS. JH. Ashury, S. 0., Dee. !)-#t-pd. rr-r- 'J 1 ; H Notice. AVING decided to rjult farming, I will sell ut piibiie. auction on Wednesday, Dee. 15th, lit my residence tin followliiKde scribed property: Corn, t odder, Cottonseed, KurmingTools, Wajron. liuiorii-s and Mules. Terms of sale cash on delivery of property. < ' J. It. Jtl.ANTON. Doc. IHt. Taxes! Taxes! It is a burdfjnsome tax to ut a new roof on your ouse every few years. , Use best heart pine shin gles and avoid this fre quent expense. Two Car No 1 Hwt Pin* bhingJes Just Revived, also a lar/o lot of Novelty Siding, Flooring, Hush, Doors and Hllnds, by 1^. MAKER. Coin* and get tbs*. He don't want to keep them, but want* to distribute them . I among his friends. FIRST CLASS HEARSE — F*OIt — Funeral Occasions. .—o—- Ocntlt’’H, Curfful Driver. Town or Country Served. Prices Koasounhlt*. Call on M. O. MONTGOMERY, Cornor Montgomery and Petty HU. Granulated Sagar, 2911)5 for $1A -i. M nr>lyT/tc, flrxWtxn A Vv. ff'yl 00 UuniOi) liJilou, i/iUD 101 4)1.— . Best Green Coffee, 1211)3 for $1A Good Laundry Soap, 3 cakes for 19c. 10, lib Packages of Seda for 25c. Spool Cotton, guaranteed 290 yards to ibe spool, not glazed, 2 Spools for 5c. m- These prices are for one week only, begin ning today. Remember, your opportunity is lost if you don’t come by Thursday, Dec., 1 6. Goods at the above prices are sold strictly for Cash and will not be charged to anybody. Come io J. R. TOLLESOR 4 C9.S' CHEAP STORE. Watch this space next v/eek for the Christmas Announcement of FF-AGLE & PRICE, the leading Furniture Dealers of Gaffney. You will find a full line of Christmas Goods -AT- 'r. 1>^ Cheap Store, also a large stock ot Groceries, Hay, Corn and Oats at prices to suit you. Respectfully, 'T. lOaveiiport. N. B.—Buy your fruits, &c., for Xmas cakes from me and save money. In order to make room for spring goods wo will close out our stock of Clothing, Shoes and Hats • # • /,’r y . ; ’ . * at prices that will make them go. We are not advertising goods “at cost,” but will sell them as cheap as anybody. Granulated Sugar, 18 and 20Ibs for $1.00. W. 0. LIPSCOMB & BRO. ♦ ,r Y ,r * v w^ w w ^ v » v w w -r v gr.v * • a * *-*• obi*, a * ^ » mZ*?£+^*2+* m? + +?*$*'* mTmTa ^ 1 You Have Only Three More Weeks In Which to Take Advantage of the GREAT * COST * SALE 4- CARROLL & CARPENTER'