* " «, w * TME LEDGEit: OAFFNEV, S. C., DECEMKEK !>, 18!>7. f CONGLOMERATED CHEROKEE Of tiie Knife. Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Marshfield, Mo., writes: “For six years I have been a sufferer from a scrofulous affection of the glands of my neck, and all efforts of physicians in Washington, D. C., Springfield, 111., and St. Louis failed to reduce the enlargement. After six months’ constant ti^atinent here, my physician urged me to submit to a re moval of the gland. At this critical mo ment a friend recoinmenued S.S.S., and laying aside a deep-rooted preju dice against all patent medicines, I be gan its use. before I had used one bot tle the enlargement began to disappear, and now it is entirely gone, though I am not through with my second bottle yet. Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago, I Vtoulu yCc*»s of mLasy and saved over ?i.So.” This experience is like that of all who suffer with deep-seated blood troubles. The doctors cau do no good, and even their resorts to the knife prove either fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only real blood remedy; it gets at the root of the disease and forces it out perma nently. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable') A Real Blood Remedy. is a blood remedy for real blood troubles; it cures the most obstinate cases of Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, etc., which other so-calied blood reme dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the root of the disease and forces it out per manently. Valuable books will be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific Co., At lanta, Ga. ITEMS OF INTEREST TERSELY TOLD. The News from Town and Coantry Boiled Down for the Special Benefit of Busy Led ger Readers. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. You to Kill Hirt Mother. Detroit, Dee 7.—Albert Knapp, u German cigar maker, 39 years of age. chared his mother with a hammer ami tried to kill her. Subsequently he was found dead, having cat his own throat. Kuupp drank lieuW.ly and both he and his mother often quarreled. Pensacola, Fla.. Dec. 7.—A move ment has been started here to erect a mouunieut by public subscription, iu one of the city narks, to the memory of the Ime Coional W D. Chipley. 4* W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE thl'&oMd. For 14 yenr* tbU shoe, by merit alone, has distanced all competitors, W. n IXHiKlas SH.SO, 94.00 and 95.00 shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, front the le st material possible at these prices. Also «0t.5O it nil 9S.OO shoes for men. ttt.HO, 911.00 and 91.IS for boys and youths. W. L. Ooiiplas shoes are Indorsed by .over l.iMi.itXt wearers ns the best In style, fit and durability of any shoe ever offered at the prices. They art* made In all the latest shapes and styles, and of every vari ety of leather. If dealer cuunot supply you, write for cata logue to W. L. Douclus, ftroekton, Mass. Sold by O. E. WILKINS & BRO., GAFFNEY, S. C. GAFFNEY^SEMINARY, A High-Grade School for Hoys and Girls, will open its ses sion on Wednesday, Aug. 25th. Fur tcrum uml particulars address W. F. MCARTHUR, Principal. Gaffney, S. C. T-sn-tf " I want sitmplea of monazltc from one to five pounds. PartltMM‘i«dtDK»auiplcs tuu.vlstute vriteilter pun itr letx tditnplt-, old or new productiou and In what <|uttfillttes lltt-y t-att deliver It Also, v tin- name and postoOlcn "S will I receive each week. address plainly. All samplet prompt anti careful attention. I'iirties who have monazlte tnlnlnir proper ties they wish mined on royalty will please state the lowest possible royalty they will accept. Address, L. U. CAMPBELL, GAFFNEY, S. C. Carry Your Work to HAWKINS He does fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry re pairing. Engraving S a specialty. All work done promptly and your money hack if not satisfactory. Call/ and see him at Craw ley & Co.’s drug share. Last Sunday was an ideal Autumn day. It rained last Kriday, look out for it again next Friday. The farmers of Cherokee did not bold a meeting last Monday. J. II. Huice is building a nice cot tage in the northern part of the city. The rain of last week caused our brick yards to suspend work until better weather. The county commissioners met last Tuesday. Only routine business was transacted. The original packagd stores in Gaffney should secure their doors better. Two of them have been bur glarized lately. The executive board of the Broad River Association meets, at Cowpens tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Rev. J. D. Bailey is the chairman. Master Roy Webster, son of J. E. ; Webster, Esq., is now convalescent, though still (juite weak, after a spell ! of live or six weeks of fever. { We learn that the citizens of Texas I will erect a monument to the Harris brothers who were killed in a street duel in Waco some weeks ago. A number of letters have been re ceived by our citizens from northern and western parties relative to open ing a hotel here, But we didn’t have the hotel. A prominent merchant told us a few days ago that, notwithstanding five cent cotton, he had made fair collections, and added, “the people are trying to pay.” Our friends in the city and county with items of interest, will confer a favor on The Ledger by reporting them to it. Report the urrivala and departure of your friends. Jesse Mabry was in the city last Tuesday selling cotton. Mr. Mabry is one of the oldest men in the county and knows enough about it to make a valuable volumn. Rev. R. N. Little, col., is in the city in the interest of the C. M. E. Church, colored. He is from Greenville, S. C., and proposes to establish a mis sion church here during the coming year. Notwithstanding the fact that midwinter is approaching, our build ers are receiving immense shipments of building material and are putting new buildings in every quarter of the city. The regular midweek prayer service will he held at the Presbyterian church tonight. The usual service* next Subbath by the pastor, Rev. C. E. Robertson. A cordial welcome extended to all. On last Tuesday about 12 o’clock, the four or five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of this place, accidently caught its dress on fire and was so badly burned that it died in a few hours. Our old friend Aus Humphries, one of Cherokee county’s sure euough bog and hominy raisers, was in the city Monday. Aus says he lias two big 400 pounds hogs to kill and plenty of shoals iu the pasture. Our efficient police arrested four tramps trying to board the Vestibule here last Friday. They were young men and we regret to learn that one of them belongs to a respectable family of an Old North State city. The hot supper to be given by the ladies of the First- Baptist Church will take place Saturday evening in the Masonic Hail instead of Friday evening, a* announced last week. A good time ia promised all who attend. C&pt. J. B. Beit has at last been able to secure a suitable house to live in and has moved his family to the city The Capt. is now occupy ing the Doggei-t building or Logan street, much to the deligt i of his many friends here. Harp Floyd, of Union county, dep uty United States Marsha!!, is spend ing a good deal of time iu this section these days. Marshal! Floyd has been here before, he don’t talk hut if he hangs about a neighborhood much something is likely to drop. special B. & L. is now There is plenty of whiskey in the dispensary and original package stores here, but it is seldom that we see a drunken man on our streets. Tiie people are realizing the ignomy of driinkemiess and are gradually giv ing the drunkard the go by. G. I*. Harrill, of Lattimore, N. C., showed us a 10 cents “shin plaster” last week which is a curiosity in this day and time. We will add for tiie benefit of the uninitiated that a “shin plaster” is U. 8 Currency and was much iu evidence during and Immedh.tely after the war. TL. • •«*(?•»•» I sess »» r» r! sx W + *9 • Vy **»»»•* A 4 > • *w auspices of the Flr»t Baptist church, will lake place next W edut-adsy night at the Opera House, i’rof. Johnson has given a good deal of his time to the getting up of tills enter tainment sod it promises to be one of the best ever given by local talent. People You Know and People Don’t Know. Harnld Gibson, of Kings Crecs, has moved to the city and is now oc cupying one of the Tolleson cottages. Welcome to Mr. Gibson. Mr. Belew, the popular life insur ance agent of Blacksburg, was in the city last Friday. James Rains, who spends much of liistime in the country with relutivts now, is often iu the city, where he is greeted by his many friends. Mrs. N. Lipscomb, visited her daughter, Mrs. Doggett in Charlotte, a few days ago. Mrs. Doggett came home with her mother and is now here, much to the delight of her many friends. Col. T. B. Butler went to Colum bia last Thursday on professional business. Mrs. Walter Mitchell, of Spartan burg, was with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Webster, of this city, week before last, while her nephew Roy was so ill. H. B. McDaniel, of Hickory Grove, was in the city last Saturday. He paid The Ledger a pleasant, call. A. P. Austell, of Sticy, N. C., spent several days in the city lest week with relatives. James Wilkins, a worthy farmer of Ravenna, was in the city last Satur day. R. B. Spears, of Lockhart, was in the city Monday. Mr. Spears re newed his allegiance to The Lkegkr while here. Prof. G. Walter Chambers, agent of the National R. R. Association, of Atiunta, Ga., in the city visiting his parents and looking after the interests of his bus iness. T.B.Hughey, of Mercer, was among the substantial Cherokee planters in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Carrie Moorehead and her two sons, of Anderson, are the guest of Mrs. Moorehead’s brother, Mr. J. T. Brown. Mrs. S. O. Walker is attending the Methodist conference at Florence. Ed Duff was in the city last Mon day. Miss Mary Stacy returned from Blacksburg Friday where she has been spending several weeks with friends and relatives. Mrs. Boatwright, of Johnson, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Spake, of this city, returned home Thursday. Mrs. Logan Gaffney is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Drakes, of Hickory, N. C. P. B. Darwin, of Mercer, was in the city yesterday. J. D. Jefferies, Jr., of Asbury, one of Cherokee’s successful young far mers, was in the city last Saturday and graced The Ledger office with his presence. Mrs. Franky Ann Spencer, of Bow- linsviile, was in the city on Tuesday and paid The Ledger a visit. Miss Kate Folger, who has been visiting her sister at Lawrenceville. Ga.. returned to the city last Friday. W. Sam Lipscomb, ot Asbury, was among the hustling Cherokee plant ers in the c'ty Saturday. We heard nothing of hard times from our friend Sam. Ho is too pushing for anything like that. J. J. Kendrick, of Sunny Side, was among the up-to-date Cherokee planters in the city Friday. Mr. Kendrick joined The Ledger host while here. A. C. Robbs, one of the progressive citizens of the Grassy Pond neighbor hood. was in the city Uft Thursday. Mr. Robbs added his name to The Ledger’s list while in the city. J. A. Gardner, ope of our old Mac edonia friends, was in the city last Saturday after an absence of several months. We have, however, had good accounts of him. Miss Julia Littlejohn has been in attendance upon her nephew, Roy Webster, during the whole of his sickness. Our old friend Aquilla Jones re newed hie subacriptioo. to The Ledger yesterday before his time had expired. Uncle t^uilla likes The Lkdgkk and Thr Ledger likes uncle (jailla. P. O. Webber, of Wilkinsville, culled on The Ledger yesterday. Claude McArthur, who has been taking a special course in a Peunayl- vania college, has returned to the city, an j we !curr. will accept u posi ti-in us one of the teachers in the Gaffney Seminary. C. f. Price was among the Gaffney uttenihnts at the Baptist convention »it Rock Hill 'ast Sunday. He re ports having had a fine time. Kd Linder, the hustling merchant and farmer, of Maud’s, was in the city last Thursday. W\ L. Goudelock. of Gowdeysville, was in the city on business a few days ago. Mrs. Dr. I). C. Atkinson, of Elgin, Texas, is in the city on a visit to rel atives. E. 0. and J. M. Darwin, two of York's bright young planters, were in the city yesterday. They are so near the new county, however, that they almost feel like they were in it. \f. R. Sluard, of J-awn, was in the city yesterday. • • - — Bucklen’s Anica Salve. The Best S.rlve in the world for Cuu. Rruljta, Soros, Ulcer, Halt Rheum, Fever 8c is. Tetter. Chapped llai-ds, Chilblains, Corns, ami all Ski i Eruption, uni poelivoly cures Piles or no pay required. It is gura- uuteed to give perfect satisiaciiou or money refunded. Price 2. r > cents DEATH OF A GOOD MAN. J. W. Hopper Passes Away After a Brief Illness. Mr. Junius W. Hopper died at his residence in this city yesterday morning at 2 o’clock of typhoid fever. Mr Hopper was a native of Cleveland j county, North Carolina, hut moved ! to this city about sixteen years ago : and lias been in business here over | since, but continued his fanning op- ! »rations. At the time of his death 1: | was the soliciting agent for the Ohio I River and Charh ston Railway. Mr. Hopper was forty-nine years j old, was a member of the Baptist church, and one of our most highly respected citizens. He leavtsa wife, two sous and a daughter to mourn their loss, and the whole city sincerely mourns with them. The funeral will be preached today at 11 o’clock at the First Baptist church by the pastor, and the remains will be intered at Limestone Ceine tory. <9» — Managas Galore. Julius Jolly and Miss Lillie Bur gess, of Maud, were married on the 5th inst., by W. T. Thompson, N. P., in the presence of a few select friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jolly are young people of which any county would be proud, and they have the best wishes of The Ledger. Mi. J. G. Haines, of Rutherford* ton, N. 0., and Miss Lousia McCraw, of Cleveland county, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Thanksgiving day at the home of Lev. Joun Ruppe, that gentleman officiating. Long life and much hap piness is the wish of their many iriends. Dellie Paris and Miss Minnie Adams were married on the 5th inst. by Rev. J. \V. Walker. They are worthy young people and have our best wishes. A. Bank Perry and Miss Irene Gaffney were married on the5th inst. by R-v. B. P. Robertson. Mr. and .Mrs. Perry are of our best neople and we wish them a prosperous fu’ure. Mr. Hugh Belk and Miss Ella Set- zer were married on board the O. R. & C. train by Rev. Mr. Justice one day recently. — • — Committed to the State Ho&pital. Probate Judge, J. E. Webster, last week, coin milieu Preston Green to the State Hospital for the insane, for treatment and cure in that institu tion. The lunatic asylum is now known as tiie State Hospital. Mr. Green is a worthy citizen of Cherokee township. No. 1, of this county. He was taken to Columbia on Mon day last by Sheriff J. B. Ross. It is to be hoped that under the treatment he shall receive, he may be fully re stored. a ATLANTA, GtORGLA. uuiMi g gum OF We have inaugurated a Special Holiday Sale of Whiskies and Brandies, and offer inducements that appeal to all who are economically inclined. WINES, WHISKIES AND BRANDIES. MAIL ORDERS. Goods pack ed free of charge. Whiskies can be shipped anywhere without molestation. Remittances should be made by Post- Office or Express Money Orders, or Draffs on Atlanta. We do not accept local cheeks; neither do we accept stamp, in uiuo.iiite larger than iwenty- flvo (25) cents from places where P. O. or Express money orders are issued. Our Special Holiday Sale ^ of Wines Whiskies and Brandies are a boon to all who appreciate good, pure Whiskies at reasonable prices. Send in your orders early. iV it. Old Oscar Pepper Whisky, qts $ 75 Old Crow Rye Whisky, qts 75 Overholt Rye Whisky, qts 1 00 Gum Springs Whisky, qts 1 00 Old Hermitage Rye Whisky, qts 1 00 Gum Springs Rye Whiskey, qts 1 00 Finch’s Golden Wedding Rye Whisky,. 1 00 Silver Wedding Rye Whisky,qts. 1 25 Mount Vernon Rye Whisky, qts 1 50 XXXX Monongahela Rye Whisky 50 Moss Rose Rye Whisky, qts 1 50 Rabbit Foot Corn Whisky, qts 50 Uncle Remus Corn Whisky, qts 75 Murphy's Pure Malt Whisky, qts 6k John Power’s Irish Whisky, qts 1 33 WOMAN’S WORK. An apt old adage de clares \hat woman's work is never done. This is true of the housewife’s manifold du ties and ap proximately true of the thousands who work all day in factor ies and stores and half the night in making and m eudin g their own clothes or sewing for others to natch oat s means income. Women w£» see too much on their feet, or who are unable to stand the strain of over-work and worry, ■ < are peculiarly susceptible to the wea»' ) nesses and irregularities tbs* am the bane ‘ of womankind. The symptoms of such derangements are insufficient or excessive menstruation, headache, backache, neu ralgia, leucorrhoea, displacements sod ex treme nervousness amounting in many cases to hysteria. The use of morphine ia dangerous and examinations by male phy sicians are painfhl and unpleasant. Brad field’s Female Regulator, the standard remedy xor 9 quarter of a cen tury, will speedily and permanently cor rect the worst disorders of women. Brad- ficld’s Regulator is sold by druggists at one dollar a bottle. Interesting and valu able books for women mailed free on application. THE BRADFIELD RE6UUITMI CO.. Atlanta, to. ~gp= O’Donnell’s Irish Whisky, in jugs...qt. 150 John Ramsey Scotch Whisky, qts 1 50 Lome Highland Scotch Whisky, qts $1 33 Glenlivit Scotch Whisky, qts 1 10 J. Hennessy’s 3 Star Cognac Brandy, qts 1 25 J. & F. Martal 3 Star Cognac Brandy, qts 2 00 Otard Dupuy 3 Star Cognac Brandy, qts 3 00 California Brandy, qts 75 Apple Brandy, qts 75 Peach Brandy, qts 75 Old Tom Gin, qts 75 Old Hollond Gin, qts 60 London Palm Gin, qts 1 00 Old Medford Rum, qts 60 Jamaica Rum, qts 75 California Sherry Wine, qts 40 California Sherry Wine, gallon 1 00 California Port Wine, qts 40 California Port Wine, gallon $1 00 California Claret Wine, qts 40 California Claret Wine, gallon 1 00 Catawba Wine, qts 50 Catawba Wine, gallon 1 50 Scuppernong Wine, qts 50 Scuppernoug Wine, gallon 1 50 L)vihTo]M Blackberry Wine, qts 76 Manhattan Cocktail, qts 1 00 Whisky Cocktail, qts 1 00 G. H. Mumm’s Champagne, pts 1 75 G. H. Mun^m’s Champagne, qts 3 25 IQCNAt SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST AND CATALOGUE OF LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. A FEW SAMPLE PRICES from DRIG DEPARTMENT. EVERYTHING RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Registration Notice. Omen nr Kitpeuviboh or Kkuistjiation or JTHK Tot 2141>, 18117. „ ■ □ thk Town or ItArrNKr City, Djcckmiiek M For sale DuPre Notice Ih licrcby trivcu tbat Uie books of the Hupcrvlsor of IG-Klatrallon for the Town of CJuniioy City w 111 be opi'ii at tiie <'ounctl ('hiiiiilx*r on itixl lifter IlieMh day of Dpt-em- tier. IMO, to ami Incluillnir the "Mb Hay of February, IMM, for the purptMteof Itcfrlvtcr- Inif the qual'Med electors re.sidinK within the incorporate limits of the Town of Gaffney I lly. The IxMikN will be opened principally on Mondays and Saturday*. Udween the hours of ten In the forenoon and four In the afternoon. Every nmilieunf must appear In pe.-vm and the production of a reirLtrulion cerllllrntc from the County Hoard of lte>fi>- tration entiflimr the nnplleunt to vote at Gull'uey City proelnct in .stale ami County election*, I* a condition prcrc<|uKitc to the applicant'* obtaining a Certificate of Kctri*- trat'on. > nd in ad llt'oii to th4 production of *ueh certificate, the applicant must show, also. that, he has n hided in tie' Incorporate IlinUit of Gaffney City lor l'.)l ft MONTHS. II id that he ha* paid all lave* axsetuted u^ulnal him due ami colh clibte for Hie pre vious llscal ,,eai\ F.ach and every applicant for rcjrlst riittoo must take tin oath proacrtlird In Section JfU of an Act of the General Assem bly of South Cnrollnu entitled, “an Act to provide lor the Uerrlstration of all Electors In lids Stale qualifled lo vote In State. County. Municipal, CoiiKroMslouul and I’res- Idciitial elect Ion*. Approved the Mh day of March lito. Wll. PHIM.irH. Supervisor of Kcf-Utration for the ■ Town 0/ Gaffney City, H. C. Wampole’a Cod Liver Oil • 68 Scott’s Emulsion Slocum’s Psychine 2 60 Slocum's Ozomulsion 75 Slocum’s Colt's Foot Expec torant 75 Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root, 38 ami 75 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla 09 B. B. B 68 S. S. S., large 1 16 S. S. S., small 68 Bradfleld’s Female Regulator . 68 Mother's Friend 76 Wells &, Richardson Butter Color 18 Cuticura Soap 15 Cuticura Salve 35 and 75 Cuticura Resolvent 40 and 75 Cuticura Plaster 17 Fellow’s Syrup Hypophosphites 99 Paine’s Cele^ Compound $ 75 Dis Hood’s Sarsaparilla Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion Pierce’s Golden Medical covery Pinkham’t Vegetable Com pound ' Warner’s Safe Kidney Liver Cure 68 69 69 68 85 Syrup Figs 34 Peruna 68 Williams Pink Pills 35 13 18 10 and Carter’s Little Liver Pills Tutt’s Pills Alleock’s Porous Plasters Piso’s Consumption Cure 16 Dr. King’s New Discovery. 85 and 75 Juniper Tar 18 Cheney’s Expectorant 15 and 35 Laxative Bromo Quinine 15 Black Draught 15 Jacobs’ Pharmacy, THE BIRTHPLACE OF CUT PRICES. ATLANTA, GA.