0 THE LEDGEK: GAFFNEY, S. C., DECEMBER 9, 1897. h sffi&t 1 1PI- wV&>\k, Th i" 1^i:i>cvici< . $i.oo per Year. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ED. H. DcCAMP. Editor. The Ledger is not responsible for the views of correspondents. Correspondents who do not contri bute regular news letters must fur bish their name, not for publication, but for identification. Write short letters and to the point to insure publication ; also endeavor to eet them to the office by Tuesday. All correspondence should be ad dressed to Ed. H. DeCamp, Manager. Obituaries will bo published at five cents a line. Cards of thans will be published rt one cent a word. Heading notices will be published At ten cents a line each insertion. We call t he attention of our read ers to the article of Mr. E. 1>. Thomp son, of Point, S. C., in another col umn. For progressive, intelligent and scientific farming this eclipses anything within our knowledge. Yet what Mr. Thompson did can. as he says, be dmie by others. There is do use to simply put the seed in the soil and expect nature to do the rest. Use a little head work along with a sufficient quantity of muscle work and nine cases out of ten you will make a success of whatever you un dertake. Xo one who is not related could feel more keenly the blow caused by the death of our friend, Mr. W. J. Hopper. He was a man of tenderest nature, whose warm heart sent a glow of heat into the hearts of others. Generous to a fault, full of honor, charity and love, with a sunshiny disposition which d'spersed kiad words and guided a liberal band, who could fail to love tuch a man. We will all miss him. went to Spartanburg on business today. Geo. Blackwell went to GalTney on business today. II. E. Williams, of this place, has been wearing a broad ^milo ever since »he arrival of a new boarder at his house. It’s a boy. Geo. I). Scruggs has placed a new bridge across the branch near his homo known as the Floyd branch. Not a moment too soon. It has been badly needed for some time. The school at New Pleasant is progressing finely at this writing. Mr. Cash is a good instructor. Blue Hawk. —— —» -*•» - — THE BAPTIST AT ROCK HILL. Judge J. S. Cothran, of this State, died in New York last Sunday, where he rind gone for treatment. Judge Cothran was a good citizen, a brave and faithful soldier, a learned and brilliant attorney and an able and just Judge. Peace to his ashes and may his well spent life comfort his bereaved family. On account of an unusual rush of contributions this week wo have been compelled to omit several arti cles of more o^lees interest. These, however, ^jjj receive pur attention la our next isSitl. Elgin Dots. ICorrespondence o* Thfe Ledger.) Elgin, Dec. 6.—The bad weather has set in before the people of this section got through sowing their small grain. There is more of it be ing sown in this neighborhood this fall than usual. Your correspondent has sown 38 bushels of oats and used 480 bushels of cotton seed. Our people say they cannot raise cotton at 5 cents, but I fear they will forget that before next spring. Last spring as the farmers were run ning to town buying fine mules on time and hauling oil loads of guano and rations, you could hear them singing. “Come thy fount of every blessing,’’ bub this fall as they were hauling in their little crops of 5 cent cotton and driving in tbeir poor mules and cows to pay up their liens, you could hear them singing, “Show pity Loid, Oh Lord forgive.” Now bovs don’t let us repeat these hymns again next year, but let us work our old scrub mules and raise our own hog and hominy. Mr. A. T. Furgerson, of Waxhaw, has bought the Win. Ganson farm and is moving to Eigin. Mr. Fur gerson is a rattling good farmer and we an. proud to welcome him as our own t'oor neighbor; he is one of your hog and hoimny farmers. He run a 5-horse farm ibed for the last six wee>k#< but we are pro id bo say that she Is' im proving. 8he has been sitting up a little for the last few days. The . Rov. George 0. Leonard preached hii farewell sermon at 8t, Luke church last p. tn., text 10th chapter and 1st verse of Romans, from which ho preached An eloquent sermon. I. \V. Moore is tearing down his cotton platform and diverting it into a smoke house. He says there is more good living in u smoked houee than there is on a 5 cent cotton plat form; he has seven nice hogs to kill. He ssys lull Flaw to bring his little pickers over Christmas and help him pick backbones and spare ribs and “sausages.” Elgin Movement. •ftell Etchings. (Correapondenc* of Tha Lodger.) Ezell, Lt^., 0.—Price attention of all mer chants dolnjr business In Cherokee county to the follow'.ok requirements of the luwsoithc state: Hectiox 229 (t77). Any person who shall, at any place In the state. Ire entrcirod In the business of buy in# and sell.ri^ personal property, or scIMiik personal property con signed to him from any place out of the -state, or property not the product of this state, comdtrned to him from any place out of the state, or property' not the pro duct of this state. consiKned to him from any place within the state, shall be held to be a merchant. Hectics 287 (218). Any person, company or corporation commencing any business In any county of this slate after the Hrst day ~ j* * “ ‘ A Blottera Solomon. Renders of tho "Arnbinn Nights” are familiar with the manner in which the cadis dispensed justice with more regaid to equity than to law, aud it seems that instances of tho same kind are of modern occurrence. An example is given in Golden Days: Not long ago u Turk, while repairing a roof, fell into the street upon a wealthy old man, who was killed, •without any serious damage to the workman. Tho sou of tho deceased caused the workman to bo arrested aud taken before the cadi, with whom he nsed nil his iufiuenco to have the poor man condemned, and, though tho inno cence of tho laborer was clearly estab lished, nothing could pacify the sen but the law of retaliation. Tho cadi stroked his beard and then gravely decreed that tho workman should be placed exactly upon the spot where the old man had stood. “Now,” said he to tho son, “you will go on tho roof of tho house, fall down upon this man aud kill him if you can. ” Of course tho sou declined to do any thing of the uirt, and the caso was dis missed. Fog and Gaeli-ht. According to the statement of Pro fessor Lewes, n London fog deprives coal gas of 11.1 per cent of its illuminating power, but this is not so astonishing as is tho fact that, under similar circum stances, the searching light of an in candescent burner loses as moch as 20.8 of its efficacy. The reason given by Pro fessor Lewes for this phenomenon h that the spectrum of both the incandes cent and. the electric light approaches very nearly that of tho solar spectrum, being very rich in the violet and ultra violet rays. It is precisely these rays which cannot make tbeir way through a London fcg. To this is attributed the fact that the sun locks red on a foggy day. Tho violet rays are absorbed by the solid particles floating in the aque ous vapor of the atmosphere, and only the red portions of the spectrum get through. The interesting additional statement is made in this connection that the old nrgand burner is much more saecessfnl in resisting a London fog than any of its later rivals. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago, and get a fret sample box of Dr. Kings New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their mer its. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Head ache. For alaria vi l Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be pflroly vegetable. They do not waaon by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Reg ular size 25u per box. Sold by DuPre Drug Co. Tax Returns FOR THE YEAR 1898. According to the law, the tax books for th i returns of the real and personal property for the Hscal year 1898. will open on January 1st and close February 20th, 1898. after which time the fifty per cent penalty will att ach to all property both real and personal whose owners have failed to list for taxa tion. For the accommodation of the tax payers of Cherokee county for said year 1898. I will attend at the following places at the follow ing dates below named, to receive tax re turns: At Gaffney, Auditor’s office. Saturday 1st January to Saturday Hth January. At A. H. Moore. (Moore's Cross Roads) Monday the 10th January. UlackshurK. Tuesday and Wednesday, January 11th and 12th. Grover (or Whitaker) Station. Thursday January Uth. Cherokee Falls Factory, Friday January 14tb. Draytonvlllo. Monday, January 17th. Wllkinsvlllc, Tuesday, January 18th. Sarratt's store. Wednesday. January 19th. T. D. Littlejohn's store. (Duwkin’s Cross Roads) Thursday. January 20th. Timber Kldae. Friday. January 21st. Ailen's (or Bolinsvllle) Saturday January 22nd. White Plains, Monday. January 24th Thlckcty Station, Tuesday. January 25th. Macedonia, Wednesday, January 28th Ezell's, (Uattlexroaud) Thursday, January 27th. Maud. Friday. January 28th. Grassy Pond. Saturday, January 29th. The Auditor's office. In Galfncy. from Monday January iltst. to February 20th, at which time tho books will close and the fifty per cent penalty will attach. The poll tax attaches up to 80 years of axe. except Confederate Soldiers where said taxes at taches up to 50 years of axe. Ail land owners are requested to ascertain the num ber of acres they own on the 1st day of Janu ary 1 .*8, and its value, the uumoer of build- in :s and tbeir value, all new structures and their value, also all real estate Isjupht or solu. who from or to. anJ price paid or re ceived for same, all tuerchaulsund hankers are renuirod to mak** their returns on blanks ftjr»ds!ied fron this office and are requested to cub uttheollice for them. W. D. Camp, Auditor Cherok-»o Co. TAX NOTICE! Wanted to Do Bis Dwty. The lawyers bad badgered the juror Dearly to death with questions when tho judge finally took him in hand. “You say you never heard of this case,” said tuo judge. • “Nary n word of it, judge, till I came Into the courtroom, ” was the reply, “And you don’t know either tho plaintiff or the defendant?” “Never see either of ’em aforo today. *’ “Do you know either of tho attor neys?” “Thank heaven, no.’’ “Then I should think you ought to bo able to give a fair aud impartial hearing to tho evidence and render a verdict in ac cordance with it without fear or favor. ’ ’ “Judge, as things stand now I kin do that very same thing, hut I'm afeard of what may happen.” “What can happen that will affect your judgment:” “Well, judge,” explained the juror, turning to tho court somewhat confiden tially, “if the lawyers behave them selves, I’ll bo a craokerjack juror, but it’s my experience in these here oases that one or tho other of ’em usually works in some smart tricks that makes me so hoppin mad all the way through that it warps my jedgmuut, an then it jest comes natural for mo to watch out for a good chance to give him the worst of it, an I ain’t no kind of a juror to sit in that case. If you’ll jest see that tho lawyers don’t work in any blamed foolishness to rile me, I reckon you’ll find I’m about as good a juror as you’ll find anywheres in this county; other wise I ain’t fit to pass jedgmeut on who owns a slice of apple pie.”—Exchange. After hearing Home friends contin ually praising Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Cur tis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle of it for his own use and is now as enthusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can be. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by the Du Pre Drug Co. purpoko of collectlux taxes: Treasurer'# office f " y employed in which shall not previously listed for taxation In bald county for such year, shall, within 90 days after commcnclnir such business re port to the Auditor of (lie county, under oatb, the uvcrajre amount of th» capital in tended to lie employed in su-h business from tho time of its conimenct uient to the first day of January next ensuing. Sectior 288 (217). It shall be the duty of each County Auditor to ascertain the namosof all persons coiiimcncliijr any Lusine-.a In his county after the first day of January, an nually, whose capital or pm|>ci-ly employed In such business was not Usual tor taxation for the then current fl TORE, WHITE 01: kkoko; SO. 2 PLAINS AND i purposi For constitutional school tax 3 mills. For ordinary county tax 3 mills. For Interest on K. It Isolds IH mills. For sinking fundi mill. For new lull H mill. Fur cmoty road % mill. Total 14W mills. . „ At the same time and places I wtll collect the commutation tax In tboss townships In which said tax Is due. „ _ J. B Jones, Go. Trass Gaffney, II. 0.'Bspt..aPth. U*7. DR. GHAS. A. JEFFERIES, Physician and Surgeon. SPECIALTIES:—SURGERY, EYE, EAR and THROAT. t&~ Office. Cherokee Drug Co’s Store Telephone No. 40. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB, Dentist, Office over R. A. Jones & Cc.'s Stere Cun be found at office six days In the week. J. E. WEBSTER, Office In Court House. (Probate Judge’s offlec( Gaffney City, S. C. Practices in all the courts. Collec tions a snecialtv. 3*. W . HARDIIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HlnclcfriMirg: and Gaffney, S. C, W ILL practice In all the Courts. I can be reached over the 'phone from Car- roll & Stacy’s Bank, at my office In Blacks burg. at any moment. O. L. SCHUMPEKT, Tnos. B. BCTLEK. Wm. McGowan. SCHUMPERT, i BUTLER * 4 i McGOWAE, X'TTOR.JS «V*-AT-rvA.-W . Union and Oaffney, 5. C. Very careful and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to us. ISrPractice la all the courts. DR. A. M. STAFFORD. Specialist on the diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat exclusively. ••Will be at Hoiel Lipscomb on Nov. 8th and 9th. Spartanburg, 5. C. 10-lt-2mo Over Correll’s Jewelry store. Obio River and Charleston Railroad. The time table of the Ohio River and Charleston Railway company, to take effect Monday October 18th, atli-.'IOa. ni. STANDARD EASTERN TIME-! Cherokee County. I will bo at the following places for the rom Nov. 19 to Dec. 31. ooim; bocth. Lv. Murion Lv. Rutherford ton.... Lv. Forest City Lv. Henrietta Lv. Mooresboro, Lv. Shelby —......... Lv. Patterson •Springs Lv. Earls Arrive at Blacksburg._ Leave* Gaffney Arrive Blacksburg— Lv. Blacksburg Lv. Smyrna Lv. Hickory Grove.... Lv. Sharon Lv. Voikvlllc !• v. Tlrzuh Lv. Newport Lv. Rook Hill Lv. Leslie# Lv. Catawba Junction Lv. Lancaster Lv. Kershaw Arrive at Camden. ... Daily Except Sunday. No. 32. Dally Except Sunday No. 34. 7 00 a m 8 05 “ 8 20 ’* 8 35 “ 8 50 •’ 9 80 “ • 30 •' 9 35 *• 9 50 “ UOINO NOKT1I. 6 50 a ru 7 23 “ 10' 10 a ra 10 30 ’• 10 45 - 11 00 “ 11 15 " 11 27 “ 11 33 “ 11 45 - 12 05 p m 12 15 •' 1 00 •• . 1 45 •* . 2 50 “ N'o.;i3~~*^ Dally Except Sunday. 1 30 p ra 3 05 ’• 3 35 “ 3 55 “ 4 10 '• 5 00 *’ 5 45 " 5 50 ** _B 10 “ 7 15 p m 7 50 *' 8 00 a m 8 25 ’• 8 45 “ 9 10 •• 9 40 “ 10 05 '• 10 15 ’• 10 40 •* 1 00 p m 1 15 - 3 50 ” 5 30 “ 8 40 ” LEVY VOR CHEROKEE TOWNSHIP NO. 1. For State purposes 5 mills. For constitutional school tax J mills. For ordinary county and past indebted ness 3V, mills. Total 1IV4 rollls. Interest on 3C. R. It bonds 1 mill. For Blacksburg graded school district No. 1, 4 mills. LETT FOR OOWDEVVILLI AND DRAYTONVILLE TOWNSHIPS. Fur State purposes 5 mills. For constitutional school tax 3 mills. For ordinary county tax 4 mills. For Interest on U. K. bonds 2'4 mills. Foi sinking fund to retire bonds 2 mills. For road tax 1 mill. Total 174. Lv. Camden 12 05 p in Lv. Kershaw 1 06 “ Lv. Lancaster 1 45 “ Lv. Catawba Junction 2 30 “ Lv. Leslies 2 40 •• Lv Rock IIIII 8(56 •' Lv. Newport 3 10 “ Lv. Tlrzah 3 15 •* Lv. Yorkvllle 3 30 “ Lv. Kharon 3 45 “ No. 35. Dally' Except -Sunday^ 9 001 11 10 1 00 2 40 i 2 55J 4: 6 < 5: 0! 8> Royal makes the food pure, / - wholesome and delicious. 4 POWBES? Absolutely Pure ROYAL OAKING POV/DfR CO., KCW YORK. Nothlnfi: :n«w. “No,” said the long haired poet, “I cannot write at all times. The divine afllatns only urges my pou at certain in spired moments.” “I sec,” said the busy editor; “same old plea—temporary insanity.”—New York Journal. , Taken dose o? Thickly Ash Bittfhs at night when you goto Led and you will feel briMit and vigorous next morning, it will Insure you a copious and 1 ealthy passage of taebowels, improve appetite and digestion and increased energy ol Ixxly and brain. It beats stimulating drinks because its re viving inilucncc- is natural, hence permanent. Sold by Cherokee Drug Co. A. N. WOOD, BANKER, does a general Banking and Exchange business. Well secured with Burglar- Proof safe aud Automatic Time Lock. Safety Deposit Boxes at moderate rent. Buys and sells Stocks andBonds. Buys County and School Claims. Your business solicited. J. G. Spencer, Headquarters for Buggies, Carriages, Harness, Collars, Saddles, Bridles, Hal ters, Lap Rohes, Horse Blankets. Brushes, Currycombs, Defend ers, Harness Polish, and every thing usually sold in a first class horse millinery establishment.! Terms to suit. Prices ri Call on me. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ffteoMO-n aim u«f& Cwbfl mmoB RcfewtaV* mi l*»wwgw» TralMb X* Bflteat May % IMt. itfrM.nl MW. St Dally, Morthbouwt, fc-fiRSttSlISlj'fCT • NnreraM.... * - Buford. .... • Haines vt Da.. • Lei* • OnrnaHa. fc . Mv Airy . Tuoco*,...... Wastminttor • fotlftlW ■ Central ■ ereaartll*... ■ SpartiMtmrM 16 90 •II Wtl'* it* 3,, 11 54 »J i 12 301 M 49 tAafTaar. nix-Xtbury.. King’s Mi. .. Oasranln Ch Arietta.... Dan villa .. . Ar. Xlstioftewd. Ar.WaAhlnfton.. . " Baltm'n FKB. . • Phi ilaital, Ywrk.. phis. .. M*. MW S DmUy. |l I*. Bio f V«* .»* !(•. SI ‘•rr - I IR.I si bti rMml :* u H 4 ii i jo r t 't BiSjiS ‘Mim 1.13 H isa-in-i II is yin 00 O ««/*| flflo Wa.ll O'flftp 4 Up 11 M 6 3» II 36 i m 847 J) * • • • MW V • 90 a 1 M_P • 40 f 9 40 p 11* > IM ■ iSJ »a.»t U U .1 ISM P . a i z .... - vB vTilVaw. . itrol..... . Ft-nnuo ...... WteAlfclllMfflP TNuMKHA w . • • a . Mt. Airy..... • Cum ado • Lula. “ UainMvfilo... “ Buford.... .. " Nororoaa.. .j. Ar. At)a