The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, June 03, 1897, Image 7

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I I THIS LEDGER: GAFFNEY, S. C., JUNE 3, 1897. Whether in the form of piil powder or liquid, the doctor’s prescription for blood diseases is always the same- mercury or potash. These drugs bottle up the poison and dry it up in the system, but they also dry up the marrow in the bones at the same time. • The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema turely take possession of the body, and it is but a short step to a pair of crutches. Then comes falling of the hair and decay of the bones,—a con dition truly horrible. '•POTASH ^ Contagious Blood luporxov/ Poison—the curse \wtnour(r/ of mankind—is the most horrible of all diseases, and has al- w ays b afded the doctors. Their pot- ; ash and mercury j. bottle up the poison, t! but it always breaks ’.forth again attack- Hing some delicate Cjfi organ, fcjj! the mouth and throat, filling them with eating sores. S.S.S., is the only 4 known cure for this a| disease. It is guar- anteed purely vege table, and one thousand dollars reward is Thickety Locals. (Correspondence of The Ledger.) Thickety May 30—The farmers are getting along with their crops very well in this section. Clus Harris, the hustler of Thickety mountains, hoe ing over his cotton the second time. Davis Harris had the misfortune the other day of loosing his mule. Willie Hoppe is preparing another tobacco crop. I think he has for the lust three or four years supplyed this neighborhood. borne people are studying plans to make money without working for it. it has got so now. and I reckon it has always been the case, the men that ride around and bosses around and lias a good time recieves more pay per day tliun laboring men. I think the scales aught to turn. Some grown men will work for six or seven dollars u month. All such rr.scais aught to be drummed out of this country for all such men causes low wages. Boys and girls, why do you neglect your studies? Tnere is a great deal of knowledge to be obtained by reading good books. J. S. Black is on the sick list. ( Rany A. Westbrooks and Jessie frequently j Wll ,; n „ fnr „ btur I CHEROKEE’S FIRST COURT. Many Cases to be Tried—-Hov/ Some Were Dispposd of. Martin,s son were looking for a Sunbay. John H. Farnandas found a bee tree a few days ago. A man can make himself every thing he wants to be. He can make , himself a nobody, or he can make a i gentleman of himself. I was in the Court commenced promptly at 1" o’clock. Judge James Aldrich presid ing. The Grand Jury was sworn in and was charged by the Judge. The Judge was complimentary to this up- f country and congratulated Cherokee | county. His charge was full and I explicit, warning the jury of the grave i duties of their office and the impera tive manner in which they should i discharge them. Several unimportant hills were handed out by the Solicitor. The first case to come up was the State vs. Jamison, for assault and battery with intent to kiH. Moxda y State vs iid Jener»on, assault with intent to kill. Found guilty of as- | saint of a high and aggravated nu- : lure. Sentenced to pay a fine of-foO ' or 3 months in chaingang. CONGLOMERATED CHEROKEE ITEMS OF INTEREST TERSELY TOLD. I Was Very Nervous The News irom Town and Conntry Boiled Dov/n for the Special Benefit of Busy Led ger Readers. Mountain View Land Company. The Secretary of the State last Frl day issued a commission to the Moun tain View Land Company of Gatlney j City which proposes to put in u wu- ^ at j «m2ti- cr ; ns , gp fc j| g ant j could U-r works plant, olectnc planU an. Sloop - Doctor. Called It so on. The capital stock is *4,.>00 divided into shares at $-">0 each. The corporators are Charles M. j Smith, \Y S. L State vs Wilson Jeter assault with J. R. Jones, of Asbury. has some young watermelons. J. C. Jefferies’ house will be com pleted in a few days. W. H. Mercer of Blacksburg was in the city this week. Win. McGill of Kings Creek spent some days in the city this week. T. R. Wilkins has had u house built recently, and a family now occupies H. Smith. \V. C. Hamrick, R. S. Lipscomb. Cutting and offered for proof to the contrary. It i - _ „ . never fails to cure Contagious Blood* pretence of two men a ) • - Poison, Scrofula, Kcztma, Rheumatism, cussing the liquor question. Cancer, or any other disease of the blood. If you have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you. Beware of mercury; don’t do violence to your system. Don’t get bottled up! Our books sent free to any address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ca. One of them dont drink and the other does. The one that drinks, says his oppon ent, “dont you think if you were feel ing had and could not eat nothing . hardly and take a dram that if would j give you an appetite to cat? And the opposer’fi reply was that if he would take something to make what CHAS. A. JEFFERIES, Physician and 5urgeon. SIM i I.M.T'i - TlflfOA 1. o ti'v. < snu.Kia mm:, kai: am> Ai- ■ Mi usr < 'oA Store Telephone No. tU. he did eat, ter. dijest he would feel bet- Plol'gii Boy. A great number of tlie disorders 1 o \vbleb leankiiie are liable :irl'<- from a disorder! d eondit Ion of 1 be liver. Keep tbe liver sound and ii'-tive and you ean defy disease. I’riek- ! v Ash Hitters Is noi only a sm-eessful kid- ni y remedy bill thorough liver rejruli.tor an’d bowel purifier. By eU-ansing and st reiijMhenliiy these orirans it enables the body to redst the illlltieliees that produee ni- .ise. As a prev* iitatIve of rnah-rhi It is i; iitaiiiny. Sold hy Cherokee Hrtlk.’ Co. The National Bank of Gaffney. OAIM'IWI* 'I’li Jj*; is fj. \ npt : L ,>• Imsi rr’ss ■. iid lit* initronr. kT«'of t i:t* |M*opi<* of fify :111ri >iui<> mlinir < <Hiir»i V. h .>1 • \i« ml to it .•ustonit*is » vt ry Ji<*conifiio<l;i!ioii titii tf« ;y. Mom*y lo *t;i on upproYtH] s> •uiity. • intent to kill. Found guilty of as sault of a high and aggravated na ture with reeomcndntion to the mer cy of the court. .Sentenced to pay a fine of or serve a sentence of 3 months on changang. Tiksday State vs H. S. Smith obtaining goods under false pretence. Found guilt) sentenced to pay a line of •i'oft an 1 serve a sentence of 3 months in churgung. An appeal taken from the judgement of the eonrt. State vs \\ illiam Saddier, murder found not guilty. Henry Littlejohn violating Dispen sary Law. 1'lead guilty sentenced suspended. The Cole case was continued till next term of court on account of ab sence of material witnesses. Wednesday Several negroes plead guilty to •violation of Dispensay Law and were lined sflOo or 3 months on the county chang gang. Ld Kdwards was tried for murder was convicted of manslaughter and recommended to the mercy of the Court. Sentenced to three years and 3 months in the .State Penitentiary. Kmunuel Gilliam was tried for assault and battery, with an attempt to kill, was convicted of assault and battery of an agrnvated nature and sentenced to T months on the county chain gang. Jake Shuford’s house is now com pleted mid he moved into it last Sat urday. Landrum Husky c prominent plan ter of Grassy Fond called on us Wed nesday. Geo. Blanton, of Shelby, X. C.,spent Sunday in the city, Geo. is coining pretty often. An earthquake was felt very dis tinctly at Gaffney last Monday about 2 o’clock W. W. Phillips has had u new house built recently, and a family now occupies it. Improvement of a substantial character is still being made on our streets and side walks. Fine ball was played last Monday on the city ball ground by the stu dents and the city team. Vetrans Notice. On Saturday June 12 at lot-lock p. in. the members of the F. C. Vet eran camps in Cherokee County are respecfully requested to meet at thir respective rendezvous and cast their their votes for Colonel to Command the Cherokee Regiment and forward the return of said election to Col. James G. Holmes, AjutantGen. Chief of staff C. C. Veterans. Charleston, Yetkkans. May 80 1807. yHE I uroin ONLY True Blood Purifier prominently in the public eye to- dav is Hood’s Sar-apariila. Ther-fore get Hood’s and ONLY FOOD’S. Sleep - Doctors Neuralgia and Indigestion. “I had pains in my head, neck and shoulicra and all through my b:dy bet. they were meat severe In my left side. The docto-* tailed it neuralgia and in digestion. I v .. confined to my bed fur eight mouths. I was very nervous, had emothering Bpclie and could not cle p. I read of cures by Hood's Sar.-aparilla and of a cr.?c rimilar to mine. My hustnnd procured a bottle, end I began taking it. After taking one bottle I felt better, was able to rest and my appetite improved. I continued until my nervousness was cured and I was much better in every way. My husband has also been bene fited by Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” MAET S. Stosk, Spainville, Virginia. Sarsa parilla Is the Best—in fact the One True Blood Pur.Iier. Sold by all druggists. $1. six for Sm. 7. .. r-k-ii net harmoniously with I food S Pl'ls Hood’s Sarsair rilK Hood’s of young peo- cream supper i On Your Way to the Court House 'St, 335 (Juite a good crowd pie enjoyed an ice given by Miss Lola Helton last Wed nesday evening. Dr. Hamrick is having a fine dwell- ! ing built just opposite the Presbyte rian ehurch. A corps of carpenters began work Tuesday morning. STOPT^, J— i >. J .\ \V <Jr. J-sTAd'N' i *ri*>-i<.K*iit. ni icc'rf)i<fs. < \i;U'.>i,k. . «'<>. Win \T. T V 1 Mlv I N- n! ' In 'I. ike. 1 r. :i - ii m r H i It ii' ball i.f Wilkin- CiilUt-.- W. « . > MII’MNI I < 'airi Mercluiiit .1 WAKDh.WV. MT iy. (la (in It'ney. v Mfr.« ... i In i. Mer- < at '.j.-nler. i Manf. < o. I ,!. 1. -.MI!! ATT. n«l rari'< r. I linn. 'AM. .1 Ml I I.K11->. l arni. r. Home. S. >\ I loin <W. \\ II I.- N A N T. Mercliaiit ami I aim er. Wilkllisville. s. { HlfNI'Y M M' AWMN. f'ajiitalist. MeAder^- \ i. i < *. N. * . i (». i:. WILKIN’S, of O. K. Wilkins A Uro.. Galf- ney. * i . . F. 0. STAi'Y. < -iiT<;!! M Stacy, (laffin y. S. > Sure Pop Bed Bug Killer destroys bed bugs, roachsand all in sects. REV. THOS. DIXON, Jr., Cherokee Drug Co. SPB m The Famous New York Preacher, Orator and Lecturer, Will doliver his favorite lecture on Presbyterian Church Notice. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 8:30 o’clock. Preaching next .Sabbath evening at S :30 o'clock. .Subject Christian Aiount. After tins service there will be an Flection of two Flders and four Deacons. Preaching next Tuesday evening at S:30 o’clock. After this service there will be a congregational meet ing for the purpose of calling a pus- tor for all ids time. This is impor tant and we trust that there will be a full attendance Rev. J. S. Wadkins of Spartanburg will be with us on this oceasisn. Public earnestly invited these services. An exciting game of baseball was played last Thursday by the McAr thur Seminary team and the town team. The town boys won big. The Limestone colord Sunday Sdiool will have their annual sum mer preaching on the first Sunday in June, W. A. Gaffney superintendant of the school. A Gaffney crew had a fine time over al Love Springs near Cowpens last Saturday. Some of the Clifton boys joined tl .*tn in their sport, which a i ded to their pleasures. Mr. Harold Gibson, of Blacksburg, is in attendance upon the court of session. lie paid The Lkikiei: a pleas ant call last Wednesday. He is an ardunt admirer of The Lkjh.ek. On Saturday evening a shooting scrape occurred between Fu Kirby, and Geo. Wood, of Pacolet, in which Kirby got shot twice but not fatally, it is thought*. Kirby was underthe influence of intoxicants. Mr. A. S. (Jorry was somewhat taken by surprise Tuesday morning when he was called from his place of busi ness to his resident to recieve the news of a new comer at his house—it was a line bouncing boy, 10. at DuPre Drug Co.’s Fount and cool yourself with one of our refreshing mixed by the old reliable Fitzhugh Hopper. He is always on hand with a smile on his face as long as your arm, ready to serve you. ••■■■ tf If you take tin* livadaclte or feel l>;ul call on us and we will relieve you promptly. making No. Your DnPRE DRUG CO, Harris Litliia Water reduced from 2.3c to 10c per bottle Solicitor Henry arrived here last Saturday and when court commenced on Monday seemed to have his busi ness in hand. Air. Henry is well known here where he has many friends who congratulate Cherokee for being placed in his circuit. Foul poisons that a.'.’uaiulitU* in tin !> 1 oo.I *u«l vital or^an-. ;iti'l <*loa th< n.a •liluvry of 11n*-yhi.-in tnusi In-irot I on rid of. <>r ili * , '.MU rod alnly follow, stimulate tin* blood clean-ior , uho kldnoys). and st roii|{i li u. uurlfy and tone up the liver, slonnirli ;,n<! fxiwois wiili an uppr< priato leine.iy. I* I ly \-di Bittoi-'Is pro-etid>i.*nt ly t he t’l^ht laeo- Irine. It n iII eleanse t ho system and nipurt a foelbij* of stronvth and vi^or throughout the bo.iy. Sold l.y Chorokee Drinz Co. Dr. C. T. LIPSCOMB, Dentist, Office over R. A. Jones & Cc's Store. Can bo found at offln six days In i ho wook. Our young friend Dr. Sid (L Surratt to attend i after graduating in medicine from the | the University of Maryland has stood his examination before The State Board with credit.* And is now prac ticing his profession in our city. We prediet for Dr. Surratt a bright future. He deserves it. Male Oar Store Your Headfluarters (jp.- A Study of Character ! in the IIOI T at Gaffney, July 8th. It is not claiming too much to say he is the greatest living orator. Born in Shelby, N. C., in 1864, graduated with highest honors at the age of 19, and was elected to the Legislature of North Carolina at the age of 20. Studied law, but afterwards felt it his duty to preach. His fame soon spread and at the age of 23 was called to the pastorate of one of the oldest churches in Boston. In i 8b9 he was called to New York, which is still his field of operations. Rev Sam Jones says of him: “He is the best lecturer I ever heard and I have heard them N. \Y. 11A K 1)1 N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 tRii'ICKlmrfj;;tml <.>;» ffm-.v, W. <■'. W ILL prn<*ti.*«* in ml 1 hi* loti M'. lean Li* r.-aelir.l ov.*r Hi.* ■|>ii.iiM' front Car- roll & Mu *y *> Dinik. at my oltlec In lilaek*.- bui'e. lit any mouit'ut. o. L. HoirMFKiir. Tims. It. Uctlkk. Wm. MiHkwax. SCKUMFERT, - BUTLER • & ■ McGOWAN ATTOM X »-;v S-A'C-I. AW. Union and Gaffney, 5. C. Yeryeunful uni protupl allculloii ttlvcn to a 11 tMl:,‘l»*.,s to Ur>. . < * r ' , | , l .i.*l ■*<* In III I 1 III* e.i.ll I s. HYDR1CK, WILSON & GANTT, Attorneys-at-Lnw, Gaffney, - - - S. C. » I >lti, , e o \ i i H. A. .11 i|i‘ s' store. The lightning struck and killed :i mule for Alexander Adams, of Maud, and a man* for Joseph (Bury last .Sat urday, while attending u Union ni ;et- ing at Bethel church, near this place. 1'iiis makes two, a mule and a mare, Alexander has lost this spring—the mure 28th day of April, and mule 29th day of May. We sympathize with Ahxanderus he is a bright, in- ‘telligent, hard-working colored man. • *••► - HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a Itoltb oi eomnion kIhss wit Ii urine ami lei it .tun'l IV. enty-four liouc.: a si-ill- im ut or net I line indleiiti s an lit) lieu It by eon- illtlon of the kidneys. Winn urine Hiatus linen It K |)o*,it! . ■ v| leneeof kidney 1 roul.le I oo fre.|iji ul desire to urinate or pain In tin* * e*k. Is !*.l-o eonvltielng proof that tin* kid neys and Muibler an* out «.f order. WHAT TO DO. There Is eonifnr t in the knowle.lire so often expi. sseit. that In. Kilmer’s Siv:iuip-I{.H>1. t In* "rent kidney retm-dy fultlls ev< ry wi.>li in n I It* vlua every pain in Hie hnek. kidneys, liver, bladder and every iiurt of the urinary pas*..ijtes. It eorreels Ina'illlty to hold uHiie and seahlin^ tail ii in pa>siux li. or had • Heel s toilowlmr use of lii|iior. wiin* or Ixer. and overeoines *.Iial uupleasaul neeesslty of t,e- lii^* e.iiiii •lied to ai t up iiiany Hines’during the ulirlit to nilnal. . Tin* mil.I and extruor- .Miia-y.tb : of St. .inp-Eoot i> soon it all/.ed. II 'lands i |,e hiirbext for its wonderful eures of Hie*must dlstn sslntf citses. If you need a liusll.dne you sliould have Hie best. Sold by ilri jralsls. |.rh*e fifty eenls and one I'.ilbit*. ) "ii in it y have it MHtiiiile ImiH It* and pamphlet tmthseiil !'n liyrin I. Mention Thi- In.iHitlt ami send your atldress to Dr. Klimt r A Co.. KiutHiainioii. N. Y The proprlet'irs of this pa|»'*r KUUiailtee the Ifi'IIUllienesH of tills oifer. During Court Ml Wo will bo clad to have vou, ;>;id you will be whore you can hoar t ie Court Crier when they want yea Yours Truly, WALTER BAKER & CO. it Hu^h Long. Theton L. Caudle LONG & CAUDLE, Attorneya-at-lgiw. GAFFNEY, - - S. C. Prompt ami careful atteiiHoii Klveu to all kinds of lejful Inisiin ss. Ottti e next to J. ii. (jiallotvay A Sou. J. E. WEBSTER, Asttornejv-A*t> Gaffney City, S. C. Practices in all the courts. Collec tions u specialty. You’ve Got to Eat During Court Week and of course you want good fare and as cheap as possible. The place to get it is at Warren & Morgan's New Restaurant B- in J. E. Webster’s liii old office. mmim