The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, May 06, 1897, Image 8

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THE LEDGER: S. C.. GAFFXEY, MAY 0, 1897. A Constant Giving of Values AT THE HYMENIAL ALTAR. REST BEYOND THE RIVER.’ THREE COUPLE PLIGHT THEIR TROTH. instead <»i' cheapness, we think, is appreciated hy most people. We would r; thei* give an article worth $1.10 for $1 than to ! give one worth 00 cents for $1. All through our stock we try to give good values. ■CLOTHING.—If you need a nice spring suit in black or colors 1 we have them. Our cheap suits at vh.’Jd, .i! l.fiO and $.) sirt 1 all | right tor the price but $7.50 and on up to $10.50 buys suits | that can t be excelled for values. Think of an all wool clay ! worsted at $7.50, cheaper than ever before or probably will be again after the “ Hinglcy” tariif goes into elleet. Hoys’ long pants suits, 1 1 to 10 years, $:!.*J5 to $0 per suit. Boys’ knee pants suits $‘2 to $7.50. The newest things is the Boys’ Linen Crash Suits at $1.75. ITA'DlRfcr-BB Wool, Fur and Straw. Men’*, Boys’ and Children’»» from the 10c mnlager to the line $5 hat. Nothing better for -umiie r than our straw goods. Men’s silk band “5 ats’ — think of i:—as low as 50c, better ones from 00c to $1.50, and evorv one of them well worth what we ask for them. Cur>J Aims His Love-Tipped Arrow With Good Effect, Pinning Together “Souls of But a Single Thonght. l .'i! HMElIj*—This department of ours is always complete, both in white and colors. Colored unlaundried shirts 20 to 50 cents, (’ laundried shirts 15c to $1. Our 05 and 75 cts and $1 good* are the most up-to-date on the market. White shirts any size and price wanted from 50c to $1. COL4MJ* AND CTTFS. standing and folding. Collars 15c, 2 for 25c. and our 25c cuffs are the best things we can find i >;* :i;e money. GHiari WAISTS and Shirt Waist SETS.—Along with the popu- lar shirt waists goes the shirt waist sets—pearl and silver col lar button, cuif buttons, and three stud buttons—till for the low price of 25 and 50 cents a set. A \ yyiLlVG bought from us nol satisfactory, money paid back if you want it. O. E. Wilkins & Bro. U. 5-0-07 Last Tell Them That You Saw Us »nd hjkat wo wore selling goods as cheap as ever,—they will know whatwat means—but you can bettei; appreciate the way we do Business if you will call on us personally. Pother us, we like it; liml fault if you can. We will sell 7 lbs Arbuckle coffee this week tor $1 ; granulated sugar, rice, green coffee, tomatoes, canned «-onr, Willed and barrel pickles, slices, dry goods, and everything olso in pawyioption. Yours for trade, Walter Baker & Co. •‘In spring-time young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love”— and young woman’s too, for that matter, and Cupid, the little God of iov \ is bent on mischief making. Last week was made quite interest ing for t lie citizens of GatTney by t hr* e weddings which were of more or less interest to the citizens of this place. All the young perple are well ai.d favorably known in the city and sur rounding country. On Wednesday afternoon, April 28th, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. W. M. Webster and Miss | Annie II. Sams were united in the ! holy bonds of matrimony hy the Rev. II. I*. Robertson, of the First I»,tp- tist Church. Only a few relatives and intimate friends of the contract ing parties were present. It was a beautiful ceremony which united the haopy couple as man and wife. Promptly at 5 o’clock the iiridul party entered the him isomely decora ted parlor keeping time to Mendels sohn’s wedding march, which was ! rendered by Vliss Eva Sams in her usual skillful manner. The attendants were Misses Emmie Sams, IJeriie Webster, Amy Botnar, and Annie Miller. Miss Emmie Sams, the bride's sister, being maid of honor The party immediately after the ceremony, retired to the dining room where a delightful repast was served, after which the happy couple took the vestibule for New York and Niagara amid the many good wishes of n host of friends. Miss Annie is the daughterof Prof. R. <>. Sams and a most estimable and popular young lady. Mr. Webster is a bookkeeper for the Gaffney M’f’g. Co. and a young man who has a host of friends in this city and surrrounding county and a bright prospect for the future awaits him. The happy couple have our best wishes for a long life of liupj ne» and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Webster arr v 1 hon c Tuesday on the vestibule. Death of Mrs. G. O. Doggctt, of Forest City, N. C. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Doggett Were pained to leant last Sunday of the deat h of Mrs. Dog- i <'ett, which occurred at the home of the mother of Mrs. Doggott at Hen rietta last Saturday. Mrs. Doggett ( had been sick for about four months and hud gone from her home at Forest (’it v to visit her mother with the ho; e of improving her health. The change vas of no avail. The grim reaper came like a thief in the night and stole from loving husband and dear little children one of the fairest and most gentle of earth's inhabitants and bore her spirit to that land from whence no mortal ere returns. Mrs. Doggett leaves a husband and two little children of tender age to mourn her loss. The funeral was conducted from the First Methodist chimb in this city Sunday afternoon by the Rev. J. j I). Croufc. assisted by Revs. ii. P. and C. E. Robertson. The ceremony was most impressive. The rendition of that beautiful nymn “Jesus Lover of my ekml,” by Miss Carroll and Mr. DuPre. was grand. They sung it with such feeding that there was not i an eye in the vast audience that was * not dimmed with a tear at its con- | elusion. I v Tne enterment took place at Lime stone. YVltoixti on V May thezth. Tie- Itnst >n Store will plnr ur. shoes hikI Hiits. Uetnern'.Mr the ptuel' >or to J. N. Lipscomb's. Call and see, :nT Poliakoff Bros. For the next tlftecn days only, eummeiiclnv the "rratest harqrulns In Pry (ioods. Clothlnx. where you can net woith for It, next door trouble to show goods. The Sweetest Song On Mortal Tongue 9? is the son" of satisfaction welling from the happy •hearted cus tomers all over •Cherokee county who have Been doing their trad- in" with us, jYncl \\" Iiv Because they have always Been nBlc to Buy their "oods chcapm-Irom us than they could elsewltere. Because they have always Been treated kindly • courteouslv when in our store, and and Ckerokee County Matters. The lift of Jurors for the lirst term of Cherokee court which commences the lust Monday in this month will br* publirtieU in Thk Lkpukk next ween. Tut lirst judgement in Cherokee county was entered Monday with Clerk of Court J. Eh. Jelf.-ries upon which execution will be issued this week. The execution came from Cherokee township—across the river. The books for the county oilicers have not arrived yet but are beii g expected daily. The new couit house is receiving its finishing touch es and in a brief space of time every thing will be in ship shape. Treasurer J. B. Jones has opened a temporary ollice in the olliee of Squire I. G. Surratt for the transac tion of county business. l/dst weak Clerk of Court Jeff Ties spent a day each with Messrs T. R Trimtnier and J. H. McKissick, e'erks of court of Spartanburg and Union counties, respectively, obtain ing data in regard to that office. Mr. Jetleries is very grateful to these gen tlemen for the kindness shown him in his starch for information. Because they know forward people. thev are dealing with straight- Are You Worried Over 'Wftct You Shall Get for Dinner If so, call on us at once and we will relieve your mind. Youi&l BYARS & SPARKS, Exclusive Grocers. Tiikue are two kinds of Bicycles—Columbia* and others, and Chief the ‘'other*’’ is among £ *• The Famous Hartford Bicycle. * ’/C^TT'aH and see samples of both at Olarksoii & > C’onf’ec't lonerv r . -i—ns JSSf. When Adam first went to dress “Crash ’ Suits were not invented, ¥▼ 1 ¥ i • /\ .1 n ti fji And walked of quite contented. Well^the li" leaf suit was all right in his day hut it won’t do in (Id• jHfpghMsd age, 1 mt A l A lie ^uit Is want, young men, for *Ju» hot summer d*jH, and we rlmm nt per suit. We also have the Wliite l>uek u $1.31 p>' pair. Beautiful White Yosts, Mon> Taa and Ox- Idood $Lm« m v»»ry low figures. We are still leading in Ladies’ 4>\ford tLh atari have all the colors and kinds at lower prices ( ban awyhiiiy. When in need of elothing of any kind give us a •call. Yours truly, S' ' W. O. Lipscomb & Bro., A I A ho IIuHtlcrn. On Tuesday ^vetiing at 8 o’clock at the residence of tne bride’s,mother in Johnston, S. C., Mr. John P. Spake,of this city,was wedded to Miss Carrie, daughter of Mrs. Fannie Boat wright. The ceremony was perform ed by the Rev. H. S. Hartzog. of the Johnstone Female College in the presence of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Spuko arrived in the city Wednesday afternoon on the vestibule and were driven to the home of the groom’s parents, several miles below tin city, where a reception was rendered them. Mr. and Mrs. Spuke will keep house in the pretty little cottage in front of Mrs. A. Y. Montgomery, on the corner of Montgomery and Petty streets. No doubt Mrs. Spake will add much to the social life of GalTney and wo wish for the happy young couple smooth sailing over the sea o' matrimony. Mr. M. (i. Montgomery accompan-' ied Mr. Spake on liis happy mission and acted as best man. Mike is rather gifted along that line and it would I avc been dfHcult for Mr. Spake to have selected a more capable man. The following account of the Spak< - Boatwright marriage, upp a red in the Columbia Register of April 2’Jtli: Timmerman, S. 0.. April 2Sth.— The homo of .Airs. Fannie B jatwright of Edgefield County was the centre of attraction Monday evening, the occa sion being the marriage of L r accom plished and attractive daughter, Miss Cu rie, to Mr. John P. Spake, a mer chant of Gaffney City. Rev. II. S. Hartzog, of Johnston, performed tin marriage ceremony. Mrs. I). W. Price Timmerman played the wedding march, whilst the happy couple ap proached the altar. The beautiful bride was becomingly attired in white organdie, and iooiud lovely as she stood amid the bewildering decora tions of the parlor. The wedding presents were many and valuable. A large assemblage of relatives and friends bad the pleasure of witness ing the happy scene and of partaking soon thereafter of a bountiful and appetizing repast. The happy couple left for 1 heir fu ture home in Gaffney City, whilst a crowd of admiring friends were at the depot to bid them good-bye and ex press wishes for their future happi ness and prosperity. On Thursday evening, April the home of Mr. W. J). Thomas, Mr. Goo. W. Brown, the popular dispen ser of eatables and drinks at Clarkson A* Smith’s grocery, and Miss Lucy Mercer were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev. Ii. 1*. Robertson. It was a very quiet af fair, only a few intimate friends be ing present to witness the ceremony. They arc both popular young peo ple and have our best wishes fora long and happy life. I lajKi WML... Ibiat < uutfh Syrup. fAlla rantes IjihkI Use Bring your nickels and your pennies, your quarters, halves and dollars this week to our store and secure some ol‘the many Bar gains we have to odSl9?«V hi our line. Yours trul/, J. R. Tolleson & Co., Prop’s. J. U. Tolleson tfc Co’s, cheap store. W Are Your Eyes Good ? Or would rrm like to sec Better? If so, call and see my lint of SPECTACLES. I have them of all kinds and prices. I also have an elegant line of goods fnt Wedding Presents. Call on I>£iiilel» Oo., The ^cweleria. ■A For Sale. :yrA«lv*Hist*nu‘iits under this head will l)e*iii!>ei iod for one rent a word eaeii Inser tion. No ad Inserted for less t han ten cents. C hoice hilk c ay tor sale. V. I*. llrtitiiN. Lawn I*. (). A beautiful s room residence l.imeatone street, now ocruuied l y Dr. W.C. tiaairh-k, on easy terms. Apply to A. It. (Jaixk.h. on Frederick House contains ciirht \V. O I.IPKCOMU. pvit SALK * on I. F OU SALE tloutie and Lo street. Lot U0x2U rtMtins. A pply t(» A FIKST CLASS Steam Laundry outfit iu splendid condition. rnr.At*. Apply to 1’AUL V. (JAI FNEV, _ At the Ledtrer olliee. F DK *AI,K Any out 1 wjslilN^ to buy town lots w|!l lind It to their interest to eall ot. M. ti. Montgomery. COK SALK Beal Estate Mort^aifes, Titles * to Ueal Estate, t'hattel Mortjtaves. Liens. Notes. Etc., for sale at Tin: Lkimii: olliee. F oil SALE— A treni le family horse in good condition. Apply at Lkinik Ofkice. SA LE. (Jood farm. 222 acres. U mUes • from (Lilfney. wltli vumkI orchard and .veiling, li. S. I.fyscatiili. Wanted. W ANTED. Everyone to know ihitt we are prepar'd to Insure property azaiust loss by lire. Delays arc danaeroiMi. Insurenow. W e repres'Mit t wo of the si ronvest tire Itisitr- ance eompauies lu the world and respect fully solicit your ptiiroiiuiP. WOOD k SMITH. For Rent. jJtoO.ilS ro LET putt UEN r A pply to Mrs. J. V. S.otitatt. A nice otllce. Apply to W. o. Lumcomii lino. I Y * :) fytK' */ m s *.\Y l “ 7 V '\ 0 i LOW PRICES jvrvii > HONEST VALDES A D st/‘ oo HAND * IN x HAND AT OUR STORE, ; and ririri id Dress Goods andHats dazzling in their Beauty and ’A'eliitcsB art* sdiii “WriPiFv ftanded over our counters*to fair and tger customers. If you want Beautiful goods, correct styles and •asonaBlc prices call on Carroll & Carpenter, 'JPlie LiBESTOHE * SPRINGS * LIME * WORKS, Free. piu-:::. i ''tna I will mym you idee W ai.i. I'apkh imxh utr lire scrMeiu. if you will call at my shop. (-*t) A. U. UAlXgS. CARROLL & CO,., Lessees. Manufacturers of & AND tVc J *» % Notice of Charter. TUXASrilY IIKPAItTUEX.', | Otrt.'noy , <'o’:?rnoi.i.En oy thk ('i ituKxcv. Wasiusoion. !>. O.. April 2s, jw.,;. ikas. t)y satisfactory evhh'iice pre sented lo the uiicerslaie'd. i! has be<>n made t i appear th it "Tlie National Hank of tlafT- uey.’’1:1 the Town of tiiiffney. in the County of ('lierok-e. and State of South < 'urollitu. has c implied ,vlt h all I In* |:rovisions of I he Stat- ll! 'S «>f the I 'lilted Mates, repaired tol.ecom piled with Itefore an association shall bu au thorized toe mrneui'c the husliiesuof Htittk- Inir; Now TIIK'IKKoaK I. James II. Eckels. Comp troller of the Ctirie sey. do hereby eertlty that '•The National Hank of (Jaffney." in the To* n of tillffncy. In i ne I '•i.tnty of ('her )kee. and in I he m ale of South ('aroilna. is nut Ink'- D.ed to eomnienee the Puslncs*of Itankluv its provided in Si-etiou Eifty one hundred and sixty nine of the Uevlsed Statutes of the Flillcd States. In TKXTiuufcY WMKitKor witness my hand ;mi* ** al of otllce »n!» I'weuty-lLtiilith duy «f April, !<*;. Jamxs H. Eckki.ii. ('omptroller of the Currency. Utteri of Administration, orrtt r. or IMoiiiatk .Ipimik. ) State of South Carolina. • Cherokee County.) lly lion. J. E. Weiwter. Ewiaire, , , Frobntu Judne of Cherokee County. • ~ War.UBAh. Lwvender. petitioner hae tiled a petition In my oBJec prayluathnl Let ters of AdmliiWt ration on all and Mlnmilar. the Kooita and ehatteU. rights und credits of Ueor^" Lavender, dweeaned. Ixte of hitld County. Hhouhl he granted to him. These lire therefore, to,cite and admonish all and sinyulitr the kludred ami credltornof the said deceased, to lie and appear before mu Mt nty oftSde. ul l.utTiiey city, (iherokee Court House.) on May 21st. ISfC. at llo'chM'k. a. tu.. In show cause. If any they have, why the said iidniiiilsiratlon shonlit not be tfrant- cd. J, E. WKiisrnt W. S. Thomitson. I'robate J mitre. Attorney for I'etltioner. (iti HJl/lHUj o- i uriUIDJ —And Dealers In Coal, Shingles, Lathes and Plater Hair. D vmamite. niartiaf #owder. Fuse and Dynamite Caps. Wliy will vou walk when you can Buy a so tfhciijtf’ iu<*i tlurni running, *1 on the markt'V. the |lrettie*t and 1-' nil Ivino of Bells, lz*mps and Sundries of all kinds « * n4oek. ilk #s«J i’hc “Dixie” before vou Ix j or you will rogwt it. . LIPSCOMB