J r* ■ ■ .... .... V THE LEDOEIt: GAFFNEY, S. C., MAY 0. 18?)7. Rev.W. M. Siawghter, CONGLOMERATED CHEROKEE Writei of I M PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. THE BUSINESS MEN’S CLUB. NATIONAL BANK OF GAFFNEV WEST VIRGINIA. Benefits Received From Dr, Restorative Nervine. f 11 r * r ' fm 1 ITEMS OF INTEREST TERSELY TOLD. The News trom Town and Conntry Boiled Down for the Special Benefit of Busy Led ger Readers. X. i.Y M wm'-y WW’ 7 r D ll. MILFfi’ Restorative Nci particularly adapted to the 1 >\> /• Nervine Is rcsi-o ra tion of health broken down by hard mental work. Itev. W. *1. Shuipl.ter of New Havee, \V. Va., v. rites: “I s a (Tend with c:.- trc:.ie nervousne: s, dlzzlne.ts, dull and ner vous headaches and slcepltssne-s. My heart eaino to troubling me, i was short of breath fre-sa the lea:.; c\. rtlov, and sulTered ir.u:h pain In my left ride. U' 1 mizrJ' 6 Medicine and jib.ysi- . eians ::avo me no re- • 'd? Hef. I procured Dr. KervSnO ^ Milea ’ Rostorativc Nervine, New Heart r , ,,, vijiture and Nerve and Liver lulls, and I am ‘L./-A.1^. sure no words of com mendation as to the results can be too.strong. 1 siix p well, the dizzlne-i and confused feel- ins hare disappeared, zny heart troubles me no more and I feel perfectly well.” Pv. Miles’ Remedies are sold by all drus- •rists under a positive .guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Hook on Heart and Nerves sent free to nil applicants. DU. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. The County Pension Board. The Cherokee county pension board met and organized Saturday, May 1st. by electing I. (i. Surratt, chairman. Dr. .l.(r. Muck, M. M. Tate and I*. S. Webber as members of board. Dr. C. M. Littlejohn was elected county physician and .1. Kb. .leflcrics, secretary. There being no business of importance on band tbe Ixwird adjourned to meet Mo day, May Urd. On Monday May Uni the Cherokee county pension board met. Tie board was called to order at 11a. m. by chairman I. , 18D7. MfONDERFUL are the cures by wW Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood’s Sarsa parilla makes PURE BLOOD. Bonds, uub'e. For Sale For Officers .luili- ••bils.Executor*. Ad ministrators' uud I out raelors.at short I Family Horse. 1) . s hares Lockhart Cotton Mill Stock. 3 Shares Rich land Cot ton Mill Stock. i Shares Victor Cotton Mill St.s-k. .1) Shares Limestone Springs Lime Co. stock ''hr Dr. Hornes N room house with tine irar- tleii.stables and out hutldinirsattached. » rm eottatte on Lltnestoni* street. ( There is more talk of a new hotel for (btlfney. The young ladies of Cooper-Lime stone Distilut > invite the young men and young ladies of Gaffney, to join with them In a pio-nic at Broad river. Rev. J. L. Harley wilt lecture here to-night in the inter; st of the Junior Order I nited American Mechanics. T he lecture will be free, and the pub lic has an invitation to attend. The Presbyterian church yard lias been greatly improved. In a short while it will present a most attract ive appearance and will be in keeping with the handsome new church build ing. The Limestone Baptist, Sunday School, colored, will give an enter tainment Friday and Friday night. All colored people are invited to take part. A. A. GalTney i^ superintend- ant of this school. Tbe Rev. R. C. Campbell preached the nimual Thanksgiving sermon be- foie the colored Odd Fellows last Sunday night at the Metlio list church to a large and appreciative audience. •* There will he church conference at the Methodist fphurch next Sunday morning at thoeonclusion of the ser vices; all the members of the cuitrch are requested to he present. The services at night will begin promptly at 8 :lo o’clock. In a letter to the editor Rev. Wm. Giudinhagin says it was his pleasure to meet Captain Richardson’s daugh ter. Mrs. Ethridge, and her husband, in Atlanta a few days ago. Both are well and gladdened the heart of Mr. Giadinhagin by their warm greeting. W. II. Pennington was in tbe c'ty Tuesday and renewed his allegiance to The Lkixikk. In doing so Mr. Pennington took occasion to say be would not do without The Lkpukk for $2a year. All of which is duly appreciated by the promoters of this enterprise. Don’t expect the editor to know everything going on in town, but be kind enough to send him any item you may know of. He does not know everything nor everybody, and will highly appreciate little courtesies shown by those who desire to make the paper brighter and better by send ing him items of interest for the pa per. Mrs. \V. O. Lipscomb is not only one of the most energetic ladies in this community but is the best lady farmer in this section that we know of. The cotton on her place north of tbe city is the linest we have ever seen for tbe season. She also makes excellent butter, as a sample pre sented to The Ledger attests. Henry Ross, while looking over some old papers at his home, last week, found an old bill of tbe date of 1788. It was written in the pound, shilling and pence manner of compu tation and was for £12 2.4 for goods purchased by Mrs. John Ross of John J. Raines. Tbe paper and ink evi denced the fact that the manufactu rers of tliose articles made a better piece of goods in that day and time than we have to-day. All tlie ladies and children of the city are requested to be at Mc Arthur’s Halt Monday afternoon and bring all the flowers they cun get for the purpose of decorating the graves of our Confederate dead. An invita tion is also extended to ail school children to join in the exercises of the day. It is desired that the young ladies of Cooper-Limestone take a special interest in the occasion. Let everybody in Gaffney take a band and let us show our love and esteem for those who tought so bravely for a cause they believed to be right. I room cottaav on (iulncs sjtlninlid Ksirdcn. ! vacant lots on Gaines street. splendid farm containing tot acres miles from Gattney. •Hi A-acre farm one mile from Gaffney. thouse and a acres located at Limestone Springs. ■ nice lots opposite Chesterfield Scruggs. I new O-rnom Cottage Fast Logan street. Iisurance! represent none hut the lif*t of Fire ,lfo and Accident Insurance Companies. \m prepared lo furnish cyclone and tor- jado Insurance ut nnslerate cost, f'our patronage will heduly appreciated. *i\ O. »Uiev. The Presbyterian’s New Organ. The new pipe »rgtin just erected in llie new Presbyterian church of this city is worthy of special mention. The munufacturer, .Mr. M. 1*. Moller, of Hagerston, Md., bus built many organs in tbe South, including the i large three manual in Converse Col- street. with lege, Spartanburg, and seems to hare given general satisfaction. 1’erson- L ally he is genial and with his charm ing wife has made friends without number among the Southern peeple. The instrument we have is two man ual. with Bourdon Pedal Bass of twenty-seven notes, sixteen stops, fourteen feet high, eleven feet wile, and with front pipes handsomely or namented in gold and colors, con tains about .'00 pipes, with an abun dant. variety as to tune and power. Prof. W. L. Johnson.who lias erected a number of organs in our state, pro nounces it excellent in tune and fin ish, and we hare confidence in his judgement. The new organ will be heard in public for the first time ut the dedication of the church next Sunday week. People You Know and People You Don’t Know. E. R. Sapoeh. one of the supervi sors of registration, paid us a pleas ant visit Monday. J. O. Little spent Monday in the Spartan City. F. B. GalTney, the hustling mana ger of Henrietta Mills grocery depart ment, was in the city Sunday. He was accompanied by his son and daughter—Leon and Amie. Schuford Humphries, a prominent planter of Maud, was in to see us Monday. Miss Minnie Carroll's spending a few days with friends in Spartanburg this week. \Y. \V. Ruppennd A. C. Painter, of Maud, were in the city Tuesday. Col. T. B. But ler spent several days in Concord last week on professional business. Miss Stella Newberry, of P'ckcns, is visiting the family of Mr. Folger. F. T. Ray, of State Line, was in the city 1'riday on business. J. B. Bell spent Monday in Spar tanburg on business. P. S. Webber, of Wilkinsville, was in the city Monday. M. M. Tate, of Webster, was among the prosperous planters of the coun ty in town Monday. Dick Hughes’ smiling countenance was to be seen in town Monday. Dick is a brave-hearted chap, and while he no doubt regrets the lo-s of his stock by the burning of his mother’s sta bles recently, still he does not wear a sad and forlorn expression on account of it. Success awaits a man like that. Hugh Long, made « trip to Colum bia last week on professional busi ness. Mrs.R A.Robinson, of Spartanburg, visited Mrs. A. V. Montgomery, on Montgomery street last week. T. 1). Harris, merchant and farmer, of Byarsville, N. C.. was in the city last Thursday, and gave The Ledger a, call. L. I’. Campbell and family have re turned to the city and will make GalTney their future home. John W. Eison, of Asbury, was in the city Friday. Mr. Eison has a Spanisn coin bearing date of 177U, which he found fifteen years ago, on the hank of Paeolet river. The coin is remarkably well preserved. J. A. Scruggs, of Maud, was in the city Tuesday on business. He paid The Ledger a short visit while here. Commissioner of Election Davis, of Mercer, was among the progressive planters in the city Tuesday. Logan Ross, of Blacksburg, was in the city Monday. M. M. Freeman, one of Blacks burg’s foremost citizens, was over to see us Tuesday. M. L. Ross, of Shelby, is in the city for a few days. J. Frank McClunny of Wilkins- ville was into to see us Wednesday. Messrs II. S. Hall. P. Humphr?y, Paul Webb, L. Eskridge and Robt. Wells of Shelby, and Jim Lucas of Blacksburg, passed through the city yesterday en route for Spartanburg where they go to play on the Shelby Ball team against Spartanburg. Allgood News. tCorrespondenc* of The Ledger.) Ai.gooi), May 4.—An indiscreet man is an open letter, which every one can read with ease. Prosperity unmasks our vices while adversity reveals our virtues. Jealously is the homage that infe riority pays to merit. God created the coquette as soon as he had made the fool. Ja-s. Duckett and family, of Brook lyn, visited E. P. Richards and fam ily lust Saturday and Sunday. R. A. Ford and family, of Hicks- ville, N. C., visited relatives here recently. Mrs. Margaret Fowler is visiting friends and relatives at Greenville. She will stay several weeks. J. R. Moore and family visited Wm. Gardner's Sunday. D. C. Price and W. L. Gardner vis ited G. C. Price, of Kegtown Mills, N. C.. Saturday and Sunday. J. I). Clary has been quite sick for several days but is improving now. J. R. Phillips, of Mill Springs, N. C., was in this section yesterday on busines. ft. P. Richards went, to Gaffney last Saturday on business. E. Gardner went over to Cowpens Saturday on business. Wm. Gardner, our up-to-date bee- keeptr. is now-a-duys making beehives and looking after his bees, also as sisting Ids beekeeping friends. Last year he began with about twenty colonies of bees and increased to forty, and sold over a thousand pounds of honey at I2.j cents per. pound, r'iiliz ng over one hundred dollars dear profit. Who says bee keeping don't pay? A I glit earthquake shock was felt here yesterday about Hu. m. (’okwk.mwkk. IT HAS BEEN ORGANIZED AND WORK BEGUN. H. D. V/heat is President, R. A. Jones, W. H. Smith and T. B. Butler Are Vice Presidents, and L. Baker Sec-Treas. The Business Men’s Club of Guff- j ney met and was formally organized last Thursday night by the selection j of H. D. Wheat us president. R. A. ! Jones us lirst vice president, W. 11. i Smith, as second vice president, and i Col. T. B. Butler, as third vice presi- i dent. L. Baker was made secretary and treasurer Constitution and by- 1 laws were adopted. The club select- 1 ed the chairman of the various com mittees. These chairmen are to act i as a board of directors of the club, j The clut) then adjourned until Tues- | day night at 8:3D. In the meantime | the hoard of directors met and select ed the following working committees who are to retain their positions un til the lirst Tuesday night in April, 185)8: Committee on Manufactories—II. I). Wheat. Chairman; H. J. Barnett, W. G. Gregory, R. A. Junes, I. M. Peeler. Committee on Transportation—A. X. Wood, Chairman; II. Fay GalTney, L. Baker, J. D.Goudelock, W. O. Lip scomb. Committee of Immigration—J. II. Miller. Chairman; 8. L. Hopper, W. H. Richardson, R. S. Lipscomb, X. C. Snead. Committee on Public Improvement- X. Lipscomb, Chairman ; Moses Wood, J. I. Sarratt, W. H. Smith, R. <). Bal linger. Committee on Real Estate—J. A. Carroll, Chairman; (). S. Kendrick, J. C. Jefferies, T. G. McCraw, J. F. Garrett, Win. Phillips, J. D. Jones. Committee on Conventions—E. H. DeCamp, Chairman; T. B. Butler, Wm. Webster, !S. B. Crawley, W. T. Thompson. Committee on Entertainment—W. B. DuPre, Chairman ; J. X. Lipscemb, Harry Gooding, Boyd Flumes. :S. L. Cutting, E. L. Eison, M. G. Montgo mery, Tom. Brown, W. H. Ross, A. B. Gaines, C. T. Lipscomb, T. Daven port, Will Doggett, W. J. Wilkins, A. C. Pridmore. Committee on Advertising—W. C. Hamrick, Chairman; H. L. Parks, J. W. Tollcson, P. V. Gaffney, O. E. Wilkins. Committee on Statistics and Infor mation—R. O. Sams, Chairman; It. M. Gaffney, I). A. Thomas, S. S. Ross, B. P. Robertson. Membership.-R. M. Wilkins, Chair man ; B. F. Camp, B. A. Holmes, C. T. Bridges, J. V. L. McCraw. T. H. Littlejohn. Committee on Legis'ation—R. J. Gantt, Chairman; J. B. Bell, I. G. Surratt, W. G. Austell, Clias. A. Jef feries. Committees on Rules—J. G. Ward- law, Chairman; J. E. Webster, Hugh Long, Sumter Littlejohn, J. 10b. Jef feries. Committee on Education—W. F. McArther, Chairman; li. P. Griffith, J. R. Muck, J. D. Cruut, C. E. Rob ertson. Committee on Commerce—X. H. Littlejohn. Chairman; J. G. Spencer, W. W. Gaffney, E. It. Cash. W. C. Carpenter, Robert Rjundtree, T. B. Clarkson. The club met in regular monthly session Tuesday night and heard re ports of tic various committees. Much interest was manifested and while there was some spirited debat ing on different subjects the meeting was entirely harmonious. The object of the club is to pro mote the best interests of Gaffney and Cherokee county. It is not to boom Gaffney and Cherokee county hut is to use its best endeavors to It Was Formally Opened for Business Last Saturday. On Saturday, May 1st, ThoXation- al Bank of Gaffney, was formally opened for the transaction of busi ness. Fora month the officials of J the bank have been busily engaged i in completingthe arrangements. Last i week the Treasury Department noti- j lied President F. G. 8tacy that all the j conditions had been complied with. 1 and that he might commence busi ness, so it was determined to allow the business of the new institution to date from uy 1st, 1S ( .)7. Cashier Miller, of the Farmers’and Traders’ Xationnl Bank of Charlotte, spent Saturday with President Start and Cashier Ross, giving them in de tail the best methods of conducting a national hanking business. Mr. Mil- Memorial Day. Memorial day will be observed hero next Monday, the loth instant, under tlie direction of the Ladies’ Memorial Association and JakeCurpenter Camp, I . C. V. Major P R. Duncan and Col. T. B. Bi;iler will deliver address- nod the Rev. A. A. James, late Chaplain of the 18th H. C. V.. will conduct the services at I he Cemetery. I lie Cherokee Band will he present and assist in the memorial services. All the schools of the city are in vited to take part in the cer< monies, and are expected to turn out in full. Let every iiody arrange their affairs so iis to he able to join in the sacred duties of the occasion, and assist in showing to the world this communi ty’s love and respect for tlie fallen of the •’lost cause.” ler is an expert, having been Xation- \!r\Y*M ai Bank examiner for a number of ; WaS VUs V WOi VUUO years before he accepted his present ^ position. The new institution starts off under most flattering auspices. Its officers are well and favorahle known to the commercial world. The building has been re-papered and new furniture will he added and it will he made oth erwise attractive. GalTney is to be congratulated upon her superior banking facilities. With the Xutionul bank and the private banking house of A. X Wood Gaff ney has banking facilities unequalled for any town of its size in the State. That both institutions will flout ish and be a factor in the upbuilding of Gaffney, no one will deny. Success awaits both institutions. ^ The Meeting Closed. Rev. John M. DesChamps closed j his meeting at the Second Methodist : church last Thursday night timid a blaze of Christain glory. The meet- was one of the most successful ever held in tlie city. There were fifty- one acquisitions to the various churches and a number of professions of religion besides as a result of the work of Air. DesChamps and his co- laborers. Had Gmel^orlng 0: :c*!s r.rd Could Kct Sloop —Doctors Called 8t neuralgia and Indlscstion. “I had pains in ny head, neck ar.d shoulders and p.U through my body but they wero most ecverc in xr.y left side. The doctor called it neuralgia and in digestion. 1 vras confined to my fced for eight months. I was very nervous, had smothering spells and could not sleep. I read of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla and of a enso similar to mine. My husband procured a bottle, end I began taking it. After taking ono bottle I felt better, was able to rest and my appetite improved. I continued until my nervousness was cured and I was much better in every way. My has; end has also been bene fited by Hood a Sarsaparilla.” Mary 3. Stohe, Spainvi 11c, Virginia. Sarsa° 3 3 parilSa Is the Best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all drncsGts. $1. six for S5. 7. v-v., | net harmoniously with Hood 8 Fills Hood’s Sarsaparilla. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a IxUtlr or common class with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours: a sedi ment or set Miiur indicates an unhealthy con dition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is posit i; cfvidcucf of kidney t rnnlilr ' Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the 1 hack, is also convincing proof that the kid neys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in tlie knowledge sooften expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, tlie great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving every pain in the hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It eorreets inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing ii. or had effects following use of Ihjuor, wine or heer. and overcomes that unpleasant neeessity of be ing compelled to get tin many times during tlie night to urinate. The mild and extraor- dinary effeet of Swamp-Boot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful eures i f I he-most distressing eases. If you need a medieine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, prlee fifty rents and one dollar. You may have a sample hott le and pamphlet ls)t Ii sent free by mail. Mem ion Thk Lkixik.u and ‘wad your address to Dr. Kilmer .V Co.. Binghamton. N. Y The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Straw Hats. Straw Hats. Straw Hats. Straw Hats. Straw Hats. Straw Hats. Straw Hats. Straw Hats. NOTICE. N OTICE.- The different township pension hoards for Cherokee county, are hereby called to meet next Friday. May 7th. at 1 o’elock p. m.. at the usual meeting places, to pass upon upp! teat ions uud make up the pen sion roll, etc. By order the county lionrd. 1. O. Sauratt. Chairman. J. F.n. Jr.rreuies. t*or’ry. We fine that we cannot get to ffney with our Jack before the l.Hh of McCluney A George. N otice. Ua May. N OTICE I have three large wire pastures and a line Jersey hull: will pasture fifty head of eattle on reasonable terras. Address i W. C. Lipscomb. \\ rights. S. C. 4 23 2t ! H. L. Parks & Co. Spring is Here with all its attendant ills •and there are few people who will not require some medicine with which to cleanse their system. Our line of Drugs and Medicines present Gaffney and Cherokee county , cannot he surpassed in the state lor quality. We keep the most to the world in her true light. There complete line of to Prr Cent, at Craniteville. The annual meeting of the Granite- ville (S. G.) Mfg. Go., was iteld on April 22 at Augusta, Ga. The presi dent’s annual report showed that in spite of tlie bad year tlie mill hud earned its 10 per cent dividend, luck ing only loOO, hut as $11,000 in prof-* 1 not ours, oh Lord, be done.” are now over one hundred members of the club and before the next meet ing it is hoped to have every busi ness man in GalTney join the club. — -• -«•*- * The Last Days of the Confederacy. On Wednesday evening May 2<»th, Gen. J. B. (Jordon will delight a Gaff ney audience with his great lecture. We clip the following from the I’liilu- delphia (Fa.) Press in regard to it: "Beneath the stars anti stripes General J. B. Gordon stood last night, in the Academy of Music and told the story of ‘‘The Last Days of tlie Confederacy.” The large audience he addressed was a notable one. Prominent men from every profession laughed at the humor of the speak er, wept ut his pathos and applaud ed ins sentiments as he dwelt upon the scenes and character of the great struggle.” Death of An Infant. Air. and Mrs. J. D. Goudelock have the sympathies of the entire com munity in the loss of their little one. The bud of life that gave promise of much happiness to the household has been plucked and a grief stricken father and mother are left disconso late.* In their bereavement may tiioir grace be sufficient to say to tlie giver of all good gifts ‘‘Thy will and Pretty Stationery in Cherokee county. Do your corresponding on paper bought at our store. It will not only please you hut will also please the person with whom you correspond. Remember, our consists ol all shades and grades from the celebrated Harrison Bros, mixed to the lowest, which we sell as cheap as anyone on earth. he price on Harris’ Lithia Water has been changed, from 25c to 10c a bottle. DuPRE DRUG CO. Telephone messages to Spartanburg 10c. BEST IIHART-PINE SINGLES very lowest prices. A pply [oflicc of the Lime Co. “I t :s the Best on Earth. That is what Edwards 4: Barker, merchants of Faina. Gu., say of Chamberlain’s Fain Balm, for rheu matism, lamo buck, deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by DuPre Drug Company. —White Oxfords-are the stuff for the dunce and are quite reasonable at H. L. Parks A Co. its wore made the previous year lo addition to tlie 10 per cent, dividend, the two years taken together make a line showing for stringent times. President H. II. llickmuvi and tlie old hoard of directors were re-elected. Wi-sell and ffuariititce Blre's Uohh* Ureas LIhudumiI no cure no |»ay. ( IIKHOKRM DaCU (JO. Bice's (loose Urease Ltnamcnt. enr«M all aches and |>ulu*. Sold and Kuarnnteed by CmilOKKK I IRC(i Co. The interment took place Tuesday forenoon ut 11 o’clock at Limestone cemetery, tlie Rev. G. E. Robertson conducting a burial service at tbe grave. I f Klee Goose Urease don't euro your aches and pains, burnt, bruises uud sprains, wc pay you inoaey buck. Dcl'ar. Dam Co. Croup. Coldik LuGrippc and Sore Throat, cured by (loose Grease no euro no pay. Dcl’at: Dacu Co. 2135 Pretty Fast Trabelin’ But I am Hot And want to get to ^aCHAS. G. ERYIN’S Hew Soda Fountains*- And get a drink of his Fine Soda Water. : o : All the Fancy Summer Drinks served in the best of stvle. Come and sec me. CHAS. G. ERVIN. »fl v