The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, May 06, 1897, Image 4

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i TIIK LEDGER: GAFFNEY, S. C... MAY «, 1897. -ICI >0 ICI*. ! in mind tlmt wo wimt rotliln $1.00 per Year. riTIU.ISIIKI* KVKKV TIH'KSIiAY BY ED. H.DeCAMP. - Editor. i’iik Ledger ih not ronpotmible for •lio vifws of corrospondonta. OorroM ‘ s who do not contri- buto r**j:nl»r news letters must fur- ' , ish their nnn.e, not for publication, nut fo:* identilication. Write slujrt letters and to the point bo insure publication; also endeavor to «_*»'t them to the office by Tuesday. Ml correspondence should be ad- iressed to Ed. H. DeCamp. Manager. Obituaries will be published ut five cents a line. Cards of thanks will be published at one cent a word. hut news. References to each other in a humorous sense iniut hereafter be excluded. Our busim ss has «rown to tl>e point where we cannot print all the important news we wish and while we appreciate all the aid our correspondents desire to give still we find it absolutely necessary to con iine them to news and to news alone. Kindly govern yourselves according ly, boys. Wild Cat News. From Campobello. (Correspondence of The Ledger.) (Correspondence of The Ledger.) Wii.dCai IIAi.Muv.May 4—since I 0amI’oiiki.lo, May 1.—We never have found out that iVrsonin* is a i know when death is going to lay its high-toned ( liristasu gentleman, i | j ( . v ||„ n( j 9 ij r , 0 n us and claim us. feel that I owe him an apology for , * ...... .. , . i .. • i.., Timrsday, the 22nd u t. Will Lindsay I sending in such an abusive reply to I his article which appeared in Tin: ate his dinner, took his usual rest, ; Li.iioi.k on the loth, of April. I am then went to his plowing, and ere the also under many long and lasting oh- SUI| | lU ,i fi„j 8 hed us course for that Tins is no boom town, nor boom county, but is a town and county built upon a solid business basis. Its people are tbe most thrifty peo ple in the State and with their thrift- Reading notices will be published j tineas is combined gentleness and at ten cents a line each Insertion. j purity. 1 hese qualities insure suc- binglo copies of the paper are fi\e i pcss and happiness to all within our ents each. borders, and all who may choose to join us, provided they too, can itn- THE BUSINESS MEN’S CLUB. bibe the.e qualities. The organization of the Business — — Men’s Club of GufTney is a step in the ] Xotwitiistaxiuxu Garris' assertion right direction. That Gaffney and t j ia , whoever says he did anything Cherokee county possess superior W rong concerning the Beckroge advantages for new investtmnts no t run k is a liar and a scroundrel we ligations to you, Mr. Editor, for not publishing t lie same. The only reply that I wish to make to IVrsomie. is this:—Paul may plant and Apollus may water; but it is (tod alone, that givelb the in crease. day, he hail received u blow which ended his life. Mr. Lindsay was planting cotton seeds, and in passing around a stump one end of the hoard used as coverer, struck the stump. The handles which were thus given a venture the prediction that the State press will not hesitate to pronounce it a dirty piece of business. To say the least it is a questionable manner of obtaining wines, liquors, cigars, one who has the remotest conception of the resources of the town and county will deny. That the people of this wide-awalfe little town are cognizant of these advantages is evi denced by the fact tlmt more than e ^ c one hundred of her busiius< men ; - have seen fit to join this organization. •The loss of the Beckroge trunk It is a broad move. The plan of or- which was confiscated by u member ginization is such that every man in of the State legislature by the name Gaffney may become a member of the of Garris, of Coleton county, is a -organization if lie so desires. No one shame and a disgrace. We believe is excluded fn m its membership. GovernorEllerbeewillprobethemat- The object of the dub is to present ter to the bottom and that the guilty these advantages to those who are will be punished, looking for a place to make invest- —.^— inents. The idea is not a new one. I Real estate owners will do much Every live to,wn lias its Business to advance the interest of Gaffney by Men’s Club, its Chamber of Com-i keeping tin* price of their property inerce or some such organization to | within the bounds of reason. (live promote the legitimate interests of those who desire to invest in Gaffney the town. It is not proposed to real estate as much encouragement boom the town or county. That is as possible, not the object. What we want is u steady pull together to make this So ••IVrsonno” may dictate and i — 0 •'Personne’’ may criticise: but it downward jerk struck Mr. Lindsay a takes Mr. Tate to sel forth the gold.n j severe blow in the bowels. Medical aid was immediately called in, and it was feared from the beginning that Mr. Landrum Clary has gone to Spartanburg 10 day, looking utter the j >, “ D ,< ' u ‘' ru i "' "'n 1 interest of our new county. ; be hud suffered internal injuries These cool mornings are making ! Tlie patient lingered until last Tues- the little cotton look rather measly Jny, getting no better, so it was hul. », I rust Unit evary tiling will ,; , ><ltlMb | e p ,. rform j work off in good style, then we will 0 11 have one of the most prolific years ; r “ tioH . "hereupon Drs. Black and | in the annals of history. Poole, of Spartanburg, were called in. . Thk Lkduek is one of the most t 'fliis did not save the patient—he died welcome visitors of the day. Mar ian Gardner says that he had rather fast two days and nights than to miss one issue of it. ; Tuesday night. The bereaved wife , and children have the sympathy of | town and county a factor in the com- j merciul and industrial world. This club can accomplish this end. Let every man in the town who has the i interest of the promotion of the wel fare of the town a id county ut heart and who is not already a member be come one. There are no axes lo grind, no political factions to pro mote or anything of that kind. Put aside your personal fte ing. place your shoulder to tiie wind and help push Gaffney and Cherokee county’s new chariot of progress to the front. ■ " ■ IT IS NOT SO. It is with a great deal of pleasure we are enabled to say upon the au thority of Col. Tripp, of the Ohio River and Charleston It lilway Com pany that the rumor to which we referred last week is entirely ground less. Col. Tripp personally assured a representative of The Lkduek last week that the O. It. A' C. road would come to Gaffney at all cost. Again we say we are pleased to make the correction. The building of this road means much for the 0. R. A C.^o. and it means much more for Gaffney and Cherokee county. It is impossi- Tms county needs no loalers or anarchists. Whet we want is a luw- ahiding populace and no quarters will be given those who disregard the law or who vampire-like suck the life blood from our industrious com munity. Cherokee cor.vrv offers induce ments to thrifty people superior to those of any other county in the State. 1 e >ple ho ting for homes could not do better than to obtain all the information possible on this sub ject. Let the pass word he “Gaffney and her interest before personal agrand- izement always.” Sunnyside Saying*. (Correspondence cf The Ledger) SrxxvsiDE, S. C.. May 5».—I re turn thanks to Sambo for his ap preciation of my music last week. By the way there was an army of five pretty girls came in to see I’ncle Joe last week and of course the old our people. I. W. Wingo has a patch of the original headless riband cane planted j this year. He experimented with a ! row in the garden lust year. It made j We ate some of the .-v- SPANISH GRANDEES. They Count:lute the !:*rI Arifttoemey oi the Haughty Nation. The nstl aristi crncy of Spain is limited to the 24.'5 grandee;;, many of them un titled, who enjoy innumerable privi leges, including those of remaining scared and coven cl in the presence of royalty and ot access to the sove re ign at all times. Admission to the gramlcta is exceedingly difficult to obtain, for it is necessary to prove a long line of blno- biooded ancestry, unsullied cither on the paternal or on the maternal side hy any plebeian strain. The ancient cere mony of conferring the grundezu—this and the ceremony of inducting a peer to ids scat in the house of lords constitute' the only forms of investiture r,f nobles that survive in the old world—is termed an almohada and is exceedingly rare. Queen Christina has held but two since her husband’s death; there were three during the reign of King Alfonso XII. One of the latter was witnessed by a writer in the New York Tribune, who thus describe a it: “It took place in the small throne- room of the royal palace at Madrid. The men cf grandee rank wore* at the right of the dan and the women at the left. On the king exclaiming, ‘Be seated!’ they all tool: their places upon tabourets, or stools of carved wood, tnppod with large purple velvet cushions. Evoryix dy else, such as the members > f the diplo matic corps and of the royal h.< nst.hold, remained standing. Then the d< ers ;.t the farther end cf the ree m opt at d, ami, preceded by a herald and two chamberlains and accompanied by the two grandees acting as sponsors, the postulant for admission to the ; raudena app ami and apprcnclu d the throne with three low oh- isaacea. A tabouret, with purple cushion, having bun brought and place d on the lowest of the steps leading up to the throne, the king commaneled the candidate to be seated and thereupon addre. eel a few compli mentary words to him, r< calling the services of his family to the dynasty in again fair ladi:s. I F. B. Cullers, of Virginia gave an 1 cxibition with the Graphophone. ut the house of J. II. Sprouse Thursday, ble to estimate the value of this James Sprouse, of Kelton, spent branch to this town. Already its Thursday night in our town, influence is being felt and within a Lester Gant, of Pe*;i Lidge, passed week the Southern Railway Company j „ Sprouse> accompanied by has done in ,re work in Gaffney than i,j s daughter, Miss Josie, went to ever before in its history in the same Gaffney last week on business. length of time. We are glad to see , ^ • Kendrick of Gaffney was in it. It indicates that the Southern i. Adolphus \\. Clary, of Bowlings- does not desire competition and Giut , yji]^ was down to see us last week, they will give Gaffney more cousideru-j Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Goforth and fellow gave them the very best that j bygone ages. Alfi nso concluded his lit he hud in the dish. I tide Joe cer-| tie speech by extending his hand to be tainly enjoyed their stay. Come ‘ t n q, at the same time dim ting him We are glad to report the recovery of James Huskey who has been ex ceedingly low with fever. Jim is one of our best boys. Your bumble scribe has the finest . u fdr yield, pigs in this community, they are the , rup—it had the genuine New Orleans “Improved Nancy Lewis Burkslme ! flavor. Mr. Wingo is the only one Limber Jim. i in fids upper part of the county, so I fur us we know, and one of two in the { whole county who plants the riband j cane. He thinks it can be success- 1 fully produced this high up the coun try. AH it requires is well fertilized and well prepared land. This is no more than any other crop requires. Why nut then more farmers try it — some of Cherokee’s up-to-date far- j mors? The time has come when ere- I ry successful farmer must raise his ! own supplies, why not raise the best? ! Speaking of farming. C. M. Earle, ! one of our progressive farmers, has it j aliout right, when he says that a man does not need the whole creation as a farm. He thinks the hope of the farmers lies in small farms, well work- 1 ed. We can say “verily” to tliis.J The time has come, our p» pulution | so increased, that we must no longer follow the extensive system—‘the creation theory” of farming, but the intensive "garden theory” system, la Greece cultivation reached such a hiuh state of perfection that a man could support himself and family on an acre, or even less. He was forced to it; there was no more land for him. Some of us us tanners need to be forced to work less land and work what we ! do work better. \Yc think “Jairus” j is right, when he says that wo had ! better work our roads well than to un- j dertake to work owr all our wagon j and buggy tires. What we reed is better roads, and then w e will he bet ter able to keep better wagons and buggies. The movements and actions of our ! people may be conglomerated in about i this order. Quite a party of Campo- ! hellions attended the District Sunday School Convention at New Prospect church last Saturday. Some of the party stayed over ’till Sunday. R -v. C. P. Ervin, of Wellford. and Mr. II. P. Wheeler, of Friendship, were in our town last Sunday evening. Mr. Ervin preached at the Baptist church, Sunday night. Depot Agent, Fair, is having his dwelling painted. Miss Edwards, of the High school, is spending this Saturday and Sun- pay at her home in Greenville. A. S. Willis, of Canton. N. C., is visiting E. C. Farr, of our town. Rev. I. W. Wingo went to Green ville to-day. J. M. Jackson has a new boarder at bis house—a little Jackson. In our last letter a typographical error made us say “arguments” in stead of “arrangements” were being made whereby our town was to enjoy some rich and rare lectures. The ar rangements have been completed and Dr. (4. B. Ware, of Furman Universi ty, will lecture here the 21st instant, j a. e Draytonvi'.Ie Dots. (Correspondence of The Ledger ) Draytoxvii.i.k. May 3.—We have been having some refreshing showers the last two or three days which were very much needed. Land that had been ploughed early in the spring had gotten so hard that it could hardly be plowei in some places. Yesterday morning was very cool and some of our weather prophets predicted frost f >r his morning but to the delight of the farmers it did not show itself. Some of our farmers are still be hind with their work. Runs Spencer is ahead of anybody we know of in the cotton line. He says he has got cotton large enough to work. • Runs is a hustler anyhow. B. .*>. Spencer and two of iiis child ren have been on the sick list for u few days, but we are glad to know that they are improving. Thomas Raines, one of Cherokee’s oldest citizens, died very suddenly <f heart disease yesterday about 12 o’clock near the home of his son, W. N. Raines. He was as well, appar ently, yesterday morning as he had been fur some time, having eaten a hearty breakfast. He was supposed to be about 80 years old. He had been a consistent member of the Baptist church for about three years and expressed himself to his friends just a sliort time before be died, as being ready to die. He was buried today in the presence of a large con- | course of friends and relatives in the j Draytonville graveyard. He was ! loved by all who knew him. G. S. C. Q. A Paying Carolina Mill. A citizen of Yorkville, 8. C., says the Yoemun of that place, showed a few days ago a check for $700 which was his proportion of a 10 per cent, dividend of a North Carolina cotton mill in which he is interested. This mill, he told us, has in the past six months declared u similar dividend, or 2o per cent, per annum. The capital stock of the mill shown by a statement accompanying the remit tance first spoken of above was placed at $01,000, and the cash on hand at Hie time the dividend was declared at $20,000; so that had it been nee- t0» toil POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated fur Us jrreat leavenin./ sin 112:11 and hcitlOifulucKK. Assuics tire food against alum and an lortn , ol uuinteration <-<111111,,n to the cue 1 p brands. UOYAI. llAKINvi I'OWDt: Cn.. N j:w VoilK A Good Idea. (Correspondence of The Ledger.) Fowler’s City, May —I think it would be a good idea for some young man or woman in each community to start a prayer meeting and Sunday school in their locality. Let every body do some work in the vineyard of the Lord. Jim McKinley, colored, who lives across Broad river, had the misfor tune to have his house destroyed bj fire last week. Mrs. W. C. Kirby visited Mrs. J. C, Fowler one day last week. Miss Ida Bullock, of Gaffney it visiting relatives and friends in oui town. Miss Laura Foster, of this place visited her brother at Skull Shoah not many days since. Your correspondent spent anight at the home of Mrs..Martha Smarr, it York county, last week. I enjoyeii a pleasant stay but was somewhat April fooled while there. Ramrekk. T he only ti •uc Blood Purifier prominently in the public eye to day is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Therefore get Hood’s and ONLY HOOD’S. e.-sary to do so a dividend of 3J 1 per cent, could have been easily declared. This is one cotton mill that pays and the knowledge of it is refreshing in these days when we hear so much of hard times. As u mutter of fact the South only spins 4 or per cent, of the cotton she raises and there is room for thousands of cotton mills that will pay handsome where well managed. :v. W. IIAXtDITV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ItUxclcalmrs; iiml Oiiffncy, ». C. \KJ I l.L practice in all the Courts, [can W hi. rouciitHl over tii<- ’phone from Car- roll .S: Stii<-y's Hank, at my office in llineks- liurg. at any moment. to take hi: - , among the pc; rs. ‘‘Retiring backward from the royal pru'cnce, the newly fledged grandee was conducted by his, sponsors to the side of the hall occupied by the ladies of the grandee rank, to whom he made a low bow, and then to that cf the nun, whom he sainted iu the name niamur. lit: thereupon put his hat upon his head, his 1 xamplt 11 lug instantly followed i y ev ery grandee present, who all remained covered until, ids steol and cushion hav ing bt tu removed from the stops of the throne and placed beside these (if his' peers, he hud seated himself thereon. This brought bo a close the acutal ecre- tioii in the future than in the past. ! Miss Dussie Goforth went to Gaffney ; mony ot almohada, which was rendered It can be relied upon that the ueo- I la-St week - i estracrdiiu.rily picturesque by the su- Miss Bessie Mual. of Gowdyville, i perb mhts oi tlie wen en, fcy the gor- ple of Gaffney wid give the Ouio S p ( , nt a f ow days last week with i gcous tabards of the royal heralds and River and Charleston Railway Com- James 1’aliner and family. < by the brilliant nuiferwsef the gt urrals, pany a royal reception. They will We have had a very good rain and | the court officials, the ministers of state, not do so simply because it w ill be a ' ^ ,e farmers are feeling very merry ' over it. Thin, Pale Child? One satisfaction in giving Scott’s Emulsion to children is they never object to it. The fact iz f they soon become fond of it. Another satisfaction is because it v/i!l make them plump, and give them growth and prosperity. It should be given to all children who arc too thin, or too pale. It does not make them cver-fat, hut plump. It strengthens the digestive organs and the nerves, and fur nishes material for rich blood. Vc have z booh telling; you mere on 5 j the subject. Sent free for the asking. SCOTT & DOWNC, Xew York. U. L. Schcmckut. Thus. 11. Uuti.kk. Wm. McGowan. >SHT, < BOILER«& • HcG< ATTOW?* tf VM-4\T-t,A.W. Union and Gaffney, S. C. \ ery c.-ttvful .-uid prompt Attention given to aII liusim-ss cut 1 u>Uil lo ns. |»i,i,.ti.-c in ;i 11 the i-oiirts. BYDRiCK, WILSON & GANTT, Attorneys-at-Law, ^ Gaffney, - - - S. C. y5,:~OfHc<- over K. A. .Iom*s’store. H^eh Long. The*on L. Caudle. LONG & CAUDLE, Attorneys-at-Law. GAFFNEY. - - S. C. j I’rompt .-iml <■ m-ful rtL ntloii given to nil kin- of l-usimss. Offir,- next to J. i G. G.dlowny & s, n. — .. — — ‘ ’' J. E. WEBSTER. -TVtt:orne < y-A.t- Gaffney City, S. C. Practices in all the courts. Collec- 1 tions a soecialtv. coirpctitor of the Southern but be cau.'C It is a new business industry , for the town and they will encourage it the same as they would any other < industry. That is the way we look at it and we believe that is the way all our people will regard it. All hail the advent of the O. It. A C. U. R. and may her officers never regret having determined to bri road on to Gaffney. It. J. Kirby of Fowler city was in town Saturday, Will P. Goforth of Campobello. visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gofirtb, of this place, Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. E. J. Clary and It. S. Por ter, of Bowlingsvillc, were in town Sunday. Miles Wood, of Spartanburg, lias and, last, but not least, by these ot the diplomats. ” The Clerk Paid It. During Andrew Jackson’s presidency a certain clerk in the treasury depart ment showed a marked disinclination to paying his board bill. He had sign: d notes, but his landlady 1 ould collect no money. In despair she went to the White House to see Jackson, She tedd he r story, and ho requested her to get $:oo Reward $;oo. Tin- readers of tills paper will Ih- pleased to learn Dial lucre is at least one* dreaitcii tils- j ease t hat science has I .ecu aide to cure in all its stages, amt that is Gatarrh. Hall’s t’n- tarrht’im- is the only positive euro known to the medical fraternity. Gatarrh helm: a constitutional disease. rci|iiircs a constitu tional treatment. Hall’s Gatarrh ( lire is taken Internally, act in!* directly upon the hlood ami mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving tlie patiem strenuth hy hulldin-a up the constitution amt assisting nature to»{o Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Hollars tor any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testi- j mon ia Is. Address. F. J. CIIENEV & L’O.. Toledo.o. j ;£" Sold hy Druggists. Joe. lingies! - Shingles! ri" their b«en in this community for the past j the clerk’s note for the account. She There Is Nothing So Good. week. Mrs. Luke Bullock of Gaffney has —- 5 < been visiting friends and relatives in What about celebrating I ndepond- 1 this vicinity. Uxcle Joe. ance Day? There seems to be u lux- ativeness on the part of our citizens to celebrate the occasion this year True it necessitates some worry and 8Uraptioni Coughs und Colds, so de trouble on the part of the men who do mtmd it und do not permit the dealer the work, but the great amount of ml- to sell you some substitute. He will \ertising the town receives from the n °t tdaim there is anything better, but iu order to make more profit he eUy:d rnd cc.rir.d the note to Andrew Jr/*!: ion, who, after glancing over it, affixed his signature to the back. “Now,,” said he, “put that in the bank, and we shall see which of us shall have to pay you the money. ” The note There is nothing just as good ns was duly deposited and was paid by the Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con-j clerk, who afterward tuxilogizcd to Jack-on and promise d to mend his ways. —Exchange. celebration more than compensates may claim something else to be just DR. CHAS. A. JEFFERIES, DRESSED LUMBER ! Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, and All Kinds of Building Materials, For Sale at Lowest . Cash Prices. No charge will be made*for infor mation as to umonnt required for building. Call on L. BAKER. A. N. WOOD, . BANKER, does a general Banking ami Exchange business. Well secured with Burglar- Proof safe and Automatic Time Loci j Safety Deposit Boxes ut modera l rent. Buys and sells Stocks and Bom j Buys County and School Claims. Your business solicited. If You Wish to hold .vxiur cotton, store ft In warehouse. No duniter from UmJ Physician and Surgeon. Good Health a-o and reaily for market at arly t inie._ Ch n-j-es are reasonable. When ye-q L.n-c cotton for slile call ut my office. renrofW. O. l/ip- scomhit Pros’. Highest prlc«Mpald. R. S. LIPSCOMB. Fire Insurance Agent. depends largely on for that, to say nothingof the pleas- | KS go0( j. You want Dr. King’s New ure afforded to the thousands who , Discovery because you know it to be -njoy th > sports and who spend a day safe and reliable, and guaranteed to | “H one had no friends, how could one ooioeou.ot freofroo, <10 good or money refunded. For! dtu’uss their private affairs? Wash- A Pertinent Kejoimlwr. “I always try to make its many friends as possible,” said the woman who gossips. “Of coum*,” replied Miss Cayenne. SPECIALTIES: THROAT. sritUF.UY. EYE. EAR AM> Ilf"Office. Cherokee Drug Go’s Store Telephone No. (0. in unrestrained enjoyment free from .. « / 1 , . J ^ , Coughs. Colds, Consumption and for iugton btar. toil and labor. Its a good movement. u u affectioua. of Throat, Chestand Do not let it diedown. Lungs, there is nothing so good ms is - Dr. King’s New Discovery. Trial uot- mrrespondents will please ; tie free at Dul’re Drug Co’s. Why will you buy hitter, nnuseatlni;tonic: when drove’s T«»Uless Chill Tonic In iim pleas- ant ns Lemon syrup) Your ilruicslNt Is uu- thorl/eil to refund the money In every east where it fulls to cure. If you are in need Of a tcood Mule. Horse.Urand new or si coud- handed Rujrcy and Harness. I will sell you the cheapest Huftay and Hnrni-ss you ever houitht. It will j»ay you to confer with mi before huying. papers.) mean to sell (cash oi J. G. H'ENt ‘ ikmI Good Water. Surface water is dangerous because it Is impregnated with all kinds of impurities. You cannot curb your well so cheaply nor so permanently with other material than Terra Gotta. Gall'on me and I will show yon certiffl- cates of parties who have used It. It Ischcap. N. H. LITTLEJOHN. [Cavrats, and Trad--Marks obtained and all Pat-; tent business conducted for Me PCnSTC FCO. IourOrncc ic Opposite U. 8. land we cun secure patent in tes* tunc tuaa tnuse (remote from Washington. . . . 1 Send m del, draw ^ or pi-''to., with desenp- Itlon. W; advise, if patciuabla or not, free ot (charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. I ♦* How to (?i turn Rs tents, with A Pamphut. , ,, 'cost ol »aa--; III the jtent free. Address, foreign countries J tO.A.SNOWAQO.i i OPP PATtNT orncc. yLtSHihSToy 0-p-A ■WfcVWWW^ V * •