o Tennessee and Kentucky Min- •ers May Qait Wor.:. I7T0 THOUSAND ALREADY OUT ©t'n* ral l:ei!ticlion -»f !"•? Ccat lu t!i« of liim^o (In* *,i lti«* Trouble—Oporolor* 'ajr liic f.'ct Ih \rce»«»ry on Account of I.otv i'riees T o. 1 I or Coal. ClUTTAXOCMJA, Mar 5. — Aiivicr* rc- rcivfni from uptv'r Kist l.>niieasee and •wtavu’rn K*Mitu~!;y sliow that a pon- f:ai itnka in all »>al mine-; in that xjc- tj.'U w;il probably <<-ur during tha on* Ihv.’ days. Aim ty the miners at Jeilkxj, Mary G.im Mary, Itobbins and Helbuwood, uunil>erinjf b’.oJJ in all, ara ►ct, anm9r- *“t, Sv, vi.l soon bo abaudonod. Iris v sob .* tlrif t!ie miners at C »al Cr‘elf, the wene of open war a f *\v years a^o, tc:.l a.so ao oat. The r-ause of the trocV.e is a s neral TT*ljiro»i:i of I's p-r e#nf in the wayes of voftniini in all E ist Tennessee mines, warm went into eiTect last SsJuroar. Tlie operat irs say the reduction is abso- Jctelv necessary on acna :f of th<‘ 1 »\,‘ jn'i'w*' paid for coal, and tlr* miners de* riare sn-y will not return to Work until are restored to ih<* f - A i a i fee,hi': exists amoii" the niiti- •TiKUid outbieaksof violence are fejred. TIGHT CN THE DISPENSARY. Kotioti *1 :*»!«' t • ffmitli ( aruliriii l ; r<»cti Confl^Tittlug L f|fior. CHMfl-i.- roN, May 5.—The ourload of Ca.fr ruia liquors *d here two week* ajro by (iispeiisary constaLies came up in die Uniteo Sta’e.s circuit court. Van- o*Jf Co filed a Lid for injunction *nd relief atamst i> juor ComniUKioucr Vance and ca iy iiiembfr of tlie con stabulary in any way connectod with the Mueure In tlie till daniaires to tho extent cf {.*,Ot?y are asked for and the court is ayed to {jrant a t ••ruuanent injunction irs'aoiiii'if; me state from coiiiiscatim; *uuvy*4 tjie mob and »a/s she wiU jnustc**; ttiem. Gfitn Po4t Tur.ii*«l Grren. Wai.iia i.i.a. 3. C., Mayo.—A mon ster rJIPicsnake struck at a Id year-old f.rl a few milos south of here It w-Ji-d tlie child and sunk its fangs into a gate post A,most instantly the gate post b-gan taking on a greenish bw\ and an examination of the disc- - sH-.itio/i led o the finding of a Most ff rattlers uimerneath the post, one o£ which catU^d :i rattles. Nrblrtt’* Will I'raibalsd. fiRBKNvii.i.e, S. C , May 5.—The will cf Airs Viola NeUett, who died here rwturduf, has teen probated. The Neb- irit fr***; library of this city, to which Mr*. Neblott shortly prior to her death give Iter handsome residence, is residu ary legatee and Avill rece’ivo perhaps f?(.UOO Ten thotwaod dollars is willed »** Providence hospital of Washington, b U. *****+ Vlccii.l* l>riaocrst« at Wmr. Rtc»niOM>, May 5.—The Democrats in this slate are having a Utter fight over the/prop isition to indorse the tlhi- ngo platfcnn at the state convention, winch has been called to nominate a cuaauiate for governor. CuIm’s frMlilent Tukes «t Itrlde. Havaxa, May 6 —It ie reported bars Miai th'“Ma»(uis of Sasita Luota, Pres* surut of tlis Cuban republic, wan re- sumly uAried to Miss Aguero. __ HAY AT WINDSOR CASTLE. I’nlteit 8iot«s Aunta—ador Ca'.ls on Tie- toria ami II m <*r London, May 5.—Co’.otiel J'dta Hsy, tlie iicvly appointed Unitetl states am bassador to the Court of St. Janies, re ceived unuiutl distinction wliile pre senting bis credentials fci Us^o Victo ria at Windsor casdc. During the in rinos a royal can Lags ***•<* •» » > Colonel May’s resilience with a coach man and two footmen in the royal scarlet livery to convey Colouo. and Mrs. Hay to Paddington station. At the «Tatio.i t.ioy were met by tbs Marquis of Salisbury and the master i f ceremonies. Colonel lion. Vsr \\ iJiam James CoiviAe. who a'>so‘Mpinlod then to Windsor. At t.ue Winssisr nsilroad station. Cotonel au’i Mrs. Hay t-wuud a royal carmge hi waiting to convey them to :he car le, whero loachcou was served. Colonel Hay first hutl an a»tiiemre with the Mu;qu> of .Su:' ary and tiivn presented his credent :ais to h-r maj- cstr. Tim audiimce was brief and for mal. but tlm queen was sjiecia'dy gra cious and oti -lianged wit a t-«» ambass ador mutuil expressions of gA>d will and amity i>>twcmii b itli i - u<.i»:ih. Mrs. Hay was then received in nudi- enco by the quo-wi, being prosiaited bv tlie Countess of Rrroil. the lady m wait ing. As the wife of an ambasan lor, Alr». Hay Mok precedence over t-u« Por- tugue e ati'l Chinese Miinisters, wito also presented their crddeuaa.s upoa tins occasi m. Colonel and >Irs Hay remained three hours at Windsor casta 1 . They re- turned to tho Windsor raiiroad station in a royal carriage and were i»*t at Paddington r;tiiro:id stati >n by n royal carnage, which conveyed them to tnuir resilience. THE DOCTORS IN SESSION. hsscrt'.k lriefiiai;il l’oi%^rP44 «»f Am( American physicians and surgeons, which convened at tho Col uni ba theater and coutiuoes until Thursday evening. The congress opened with a business meeting of the executive contmittoe. following which the chairman of the committee. Dr. Luudou Carter Gray, called the general body to order. At ingnt Dr William H Welch of R.ilti- inore, tire retiring president, delivered the triennial a ldres-, and later a recep tion Ava.« given the delegatwt by tlie members of tin local physicians a: the Arlington hotel. Tne congress is divided into 14 l discussion on them will follow. A statue of tin late Prnfes«or Gross, tlie eminent physician of Philadelphia, will bo unveiled Wednesday afternoon. The statue u erected in tue grounds of the Smithsonian msoitulu. TO SAVE DURBAN "’S LIFE. Ceansal Vur Ills CunrieHsatid Mnr isrsr FHm it nil) »l Wx(ii-|#t ions. San FltANtlsco, May 6 — Attorney Doupsey, counsel for Theodore Dur« ant, who is uow at San Quentin, under tho sentence of death, has filed an import ant document in Ju ige Behr’s court, it being a copy of Ins proposed bill of ex- eeptious oti appeal to the sajiremnoeurt. The exceptinns are So the prwcre will tell the time of day is being planned by Instructor H. A. Oustebant of the botanical division of tlie university. He proposes to cul tivate such a garden Knr ram lie Si ftArsr*. CniOAOO. May o.—Saffering India was brougnt close to the heart of Chicago through a massuioetmg held at the Au ditorium. The horrors of famine and the death struggles of a p ague stricken people were depicted to an audience of 4,000 people that testified its williuguoes to help by reaching dee^i ink* their packets. Ks-Sattalor I>ub-li Om»« it Boise Citt, May 5.—Ex ienator F. T. I mbois has been selected presidviit of the Pavette < Idx) Cusietraction cens- puny, arganised to ooustniot KW miles <>f railroad from Payette to the Seven Devils oopjwr nuiiiug rqgiou. • Inlhtae Jautpaajr FaHs. * Ksnsas Circ. May I.—The Joseph Kalin Clothing cocipauf has failed, li abilities. fki.ooo. THE LEDGER S. c GAFFNEY. MAY t *>r*ya Ifni a I-tr^o Nuill*>«r of I>o«n ^luil ;ht» or**t trained crew under hi* commnnd, with instruc tion* to Rabi to lad upon the city forth with. Itiliamt Tak« < Itr of I lay. I no. Rain hod ktt'.o difiicn.ty in taking the city. The volunteers offered slight resistance, not holding out long enough to warrant the bringing of the dyna mite gun into play. The insurgents sacked the government commissary, liberated Cubans in the pris'ms and supplied themseive* with all the arm* and ammunition that tne garrisoa con tained. They nailed th« Cuban coloai to tlie flagstaff on tne city hull an i were about to evacuate the citv ana bear off the plunder when Key’s forces hove in sight. Kubi's forces were ftiil in Buyamo when Rev’s advances were discovered. Fleeing volunteers !md taken tlie news of the attack on Bayamoto Key at Man- z uiill • and the Spanish general, on tne point of embarking with lus command for Havana, and thence to Spain, d«- ciue i to hurry back to Bayuiuo to tho relief of tne garrison. Rabi took up a position beyond tho city and awaited the coming of tho Spanish host*. I>yiiMi2iite Gau*« DeiftJly Work. Before Ray’* men could fire a shot, the dynamite gun was opened on them and a rattling fire of musketry followed. Tlie Spaniards, though taken by our- pn-e, pushed on bravely. The terrific work of tho dynamite gun, which was used with frightful effect, however, at length dismayed them an i a panic was soon the result. The terrorized men retreated in dis order ami were far beyond the control of t innr officers. The slaughter of the Spanish troops by the dynamite gun was terrible. Tue insurgents were practically unscathed, the enemy having had scarcely achauc* to fire on them. Garcia decided not t> hold Bayatr. ), having Meed of the men for a more important wuc NORTH STATE ELECTIONS. Dwmacratic Tic -ts Win In Kv.ry ( ass ca Var n* Vlnyur. Are Concerned, Rai.i:ic!H. May o. — The municipal elections thvouzhout the state passed off in an orderly fashion. Democratic ti- ket* were electe 1 in every case a* far as the mayor* were concerned. Throe out of nine couneilmeu in Goldsboro are negroes and three oat of five commis sioners in Sanford are Republicans. The rest of it is a Democratic etory. The towns embraced in the nbovs summing up are: Charlotte, Raleigh, Salisbury, Rockingham, Eikm, Win- Stoti, Fayetteville, Greeusbaro. San ford, Durham, Oxford and Ciiapel Hill. K. B. Springs, independent Democrat,’ wa* elected mayor of Charlotte over J. H. Weddington. straight Democrat, by a majority of VH The election was the most hotly contested in the history of the city. The negro vote decided the e.ection. It i* said that votes were bought openly and publicly. The larg est vote ever known here was polled. NEW INDUSTRIES IN DIXIE. Mill-, Wofxtworlciag and Illactria lagti Via it* K.tabllihsJ Darlux tti« Week. Ciiattanoo'ia, May o.—Among the uiost important new industries for the week just ended, The Tradesman re- p >rts Hie following: ^ Tho Peninsula Brick company, capi tal $.70,000, Wheeling, W. Va ; the Co lumbia Compre** and Warehouse com pany. capital $100,000, Shreve}*>rt. La ; e;c trie light plants at O mgsville. Ky.. and Palestine, Tex ; a large roller flouring mill at Coddle, N. C.; a $Ai.* 000 cotton seed oil mill and ferti.izer factory at Griffin, Go., and the Wor- tlism Cottou Uil Mill company, capital $■'0,000, at Worthain, Tex. A sugar yiill will lie built near Pla- queiuine, LA ; a $’. > <)0.000 cotton mill at Port Arthur, Tex ; the Acme Box com pany, capital $50,000. has been char tered at Wheeling. W. Va., and other woodworking plants will be established at W^irm Springs. Ala., and L izabeth and Sanford, N. 0. Fonr rarsuti* Ara DraW.ieJ. Gau.atix, Toun.. iluy b.—John No- lin, his two little daughters, and an other man whose name could not be learned, drowned in the river above here. The skiff was overturned trud tlie father tried to taice his children to shore, hut tue swift currents swept all four of them under and they per ished in a few muiLUes at ter the boat capsized. ItiMMtroa* Fire at Graaiivilla. GrzesfjUjE. H. C.. May 5. —At 3 a. m. thu store of M. B. Lauco caught lira and burned. The insurance amounts to 1 $1 ,Jbh Lo«4 uitkoown. Half an heur Uler she liouse of Mrs. M. E. Harrison, m another ]»a. t of the e»ty. bw ned. the iuuiates bireiy ox’aiiiuz with their liyox Loss tbJJ. Y/1LD BEASTS IN A CELLAR. M tk« Tlieir In 01 i$ |f«ifu«t > 4 Hoti<«e Anti Oua I* liillfti. San FttANCtero. May 6.—The cellar of a house inhabited by human beings is a strange place for wild beasts to make their home, but it has happened far back in the hills near Sunol. Alr.- meda county, where Antonio Nunez, a farmer, iive.< witn lus family. Antonio is a lime y and industnots man and 1ms pr< spered. Two week* ago lie moved from hi* old home info another house that h id not vet been oc cupied. For several day- after Antonio and hi* family moved into their now home, they heard strange sounds com ing apparently from the ceilar. A* An tonio was busy with hi* farm work, and those at tho Ik,use were engaged 1:1 s t ing things to ngnts, no effort was made ti ascertain the cau*e «,f the s and*. But when day after day pas* d and the noise fr mi tlie ceil r did net cease Nunez determined to make an in- vestiga’i on. Tnongti conragcous. Antonio i* dis creet. and he caiie i in a few ir ends t o Ins assistnnos. Armed with shotguns tacy mi td»;- their way mt > the cellaE 'iliey lied barely reached the side cf the stone wc.il when from the place be neath t.ie stairw iv bonnacd a sp.endid pnec.nieu of a Caitforuia liouest. Be fore a shot could be filed the animal es caped through tlie open door. A second later and tho lion, a big, ugly beast, mad* a jump for tlie stair way. But this time Antoni > w.ks ready and kibe t tne animal at tlie first fire. While liis friends stood guard at the doorway Antonio made a search under neath the stairway and found four cubs. Tney were as comfortable as kittens, having an old coat and a qunt for a bed. NutifTi took the biting and scratching cubs uji stairs and for the rc*t of the day and far into the night waited for the lioness to return, but tho brute did not come back. Nunez is goi ng to try and raise tlie cub* The dead lion meas ured (I feet from tip t > tip. BUSY MONTH FOR BOXERS. I'oiir n stiti l«» He Hu Ie.I <>ar at ?4aii Fra:t« ciico Haring *1*^. San Fuancisco, Hay 5 —This will ba a busy month for the boxers, as n ) lesi than throe local clan* have arranged entertainment in the fistic line. The Olympic c ub is fir*t in the field with uu entertainment on May I f. Joe Guns and Mike Leonard wid furnish one of the boats end on post performance* should pnk r.p an interesting conte>t. Hany Baaer. the Chicagoan, and big Jim Jeffrie*, held by some as the com ing champion, will a.s» tigura on tlie O ympic chub’s program. It is probable that tnis mill will be the star contest of all tlie May sene*. McKeewr, the Philadelphia welter weight, who is ti b x George Green be- fere the National ciub towards the lat ter end of the month, i* on his way here from Cnicago. The date of this match has not been fix -d, but it is un tie:-'ood that McKeever has requested the dub to set it for May 31. Frank P. Slaviu is to fight under the California Athletic dab’s auspice* on May 24. The man he is to ba pitted aguiust is known us “ThmiderboiP’ SSmith. He is a negro heavy weight, and as far as can Lm usunrtauied hii best perfonuaiice of recent uate was a G-rouud go with Pst or Maher, in Paha- delphia. LIVELY DEBATE IN SENATE. Tillman trf Csralina and Miirgtn of Ala- bains Ha. Washington, May 5.—The senate coiwdered the arbicratiou treaty in ex- ecutiva se.-.s.wn. Later on in open sea- siou SeuatoM Tillman of Soutli Caro lina and Morgua of Alabama had a spirited debate. Mr. Tiliwaa declared rkut a proposi tion by Mr. Morgan to give public lands to tiic states wa* a plan to “gob- Lis” tha pub ic domain. Mr. Morgan 1 warmly leseuted the statement, saying h** was not amenable to the rules apply ing to gobblers. Mr. Tillman also referred to “steal ing” thelauda of on« state for the ute of another. Mr. Morgan protested against the tae of “gobbling” and “stea ing” and raid it wa* the first time in ids service in the senate that he had hewn taken off the floor by interrup ions personally rrifeusive. Mr Tillman disclaimed any purpose to be diit*' urteous and ths iucideul closed ]:»int)}B Will Not H« irUmlsicd. Atlanta. May i>.—The courtmnrtial nt Fort McPherson ha* ended and the 13 distinguished army officers wiio made up tlie court have reached a dc- cislon in tlie matter. While the finding of the body will not be divn.ged until th“ proper channel; are gone tnrough, it can be stnerd with a tiegree of car- tainty tliat the verdict will not be a di>- uiiisal <1f Captain Korneyn irom tlie service. The verdict will either be an acquittal or u finding of guilty to be I uiii*hed with a hght sentence—either a reprimsnd or withhold ing of p.ijr for a certain period. Twenty Thsasaml 4lay Strike. Nr.w Vr tlie strike. It is alleged that certain firms in the Employers association have bauti employing nonunion men. Krsolulians mi Sella’ Death. Washington, May H —At Uie annual meeting of tlie Ohio Kcpabhcan asso ciation of the District of Columbia, res- 1 oluMons of regret were adopted upon the tieath of Michael Sells, president of thu organization. He was a native of Georgetown. O , had an enviable war record and was president of the Ohio association from 1!G3 to tiifc time of his death. Karthqnwk* In Tlralula. LvNr'HHTKG. Va., May 5—A eery perceptible earthquake shock was felt hewyit 12:1* p. m. t Specials frem Bed ford City, Wytheville and Pulaski show that it was also felt throsghont Mid southwest. Tariff Measure Reaches Upper Branch of Congress. IT IS REPORTED BY MR. ALDRIC1 Tin* N.t Ia«»ii"<*r *;:i tli«t I 4 1 I.i^t — 11 Coal I>utiaL!« a nt Sevtiii* y-!• 4ve 4'eiit* l‘ur Tf»»»—I; x I.rvifti o:i Tea—limy om Iucrea«otl. Tii He Cal!**«l T»> Uay U Washington, May 5.—Senator Aid- rich presented th« tariff bil. to iho sen ate and gave notice that it would Le called up on Tu rsday, hau aighteeutn Ti:o time for the bill le *sdc» effe-t ;. s made t a.v 1, lb!)', msteoA wt May 1. a- pron km in the louse, a>*4 stea woinic in the flr-t paragraim "or withdrawn from consumption” are stricken out. Tne sugar *ei:e m.e i* feUews: hugara not r.b >v* No. 1C Mitral ard in color, tank bnttoiax syrups cf cane juice and < f boot »«■*..r h;, concentrated me'.ada, c :«-*•«#• ami con centrated m ia**e* testing by tne po- lartscope above •' au-i n«S ateav-e Sfide grees, seventy-lime one teaai hnndnedthsof 1 omM per pound, r.ud fractions "f a degree la proportion, fcugar ab ve No. 10 Dut >h Matnlard ik co.or and sugar that lia* »«•* rtirougn a process of refining one and one six teen hundredts of 1 ceu* as* pwtid; and in addition He reto, on ;iil Um fuiegolug So perceutu.o ad valorem. sugars not above No. 14 Bale a stand ard in colcr, t mk bottvaa^ syrup* cf cane ju: e and of lieet juice, mot ad a, coccputrated meiada, c-*9te«Baa and coif- eeutrated molasses t’sti ig by the polar- iscope not more than b? dagiues. T ne:- cent cm ad vaiorntn. Molasses testing above 40 and not more ihan 44 deginer, 4 cents per ga.lin. Machinery purchased abroad, im- porteii and erected m *uj »wl sugar factery and actually used m the pro duction of sugar in the United States irom b‘*et3 produced thersia m ithin two yours from t!ie first day of July. 181)7, shall be admitto i free of auty, under such regulation* the ssewsiy of the treasury may prescribe. Mnpla Siifur K'lit Mapio sugar and maple syrup, 4 c-’nls per pound; glucose, or gratia sagar, JG cents per pound; sugar cssm m its nat ural state or unmanufavtnrwd, tO per cent ad valorem; saccharins, $1 per pound an i 10 per cent ad vnlnrenu Sugar candy and a l coat feetioncry valued at 15 cent* per pound or less, -1 j cents per pound and 15 psr cent ad valoiem. A duty is levied on tea at tho rate of 10 cents tier pound until Jan. 1, 15)00; after 1!J.)> ;t .* admitted free of duty. The following i* tlie provision in re- ga:d to hides, which are transferred from the freu list: H;de* of eat tie. raw or uticured, whether erv, salted or ptckUd, 1 G cents per pound, provided that upon all leather exported made freim imported hides there shall be allowed a drawback equal to the amount of isHjr paid on such hides. Coal and shale—Coal: 'Hhe word bi- tum nous is stricken on* *»4 ah re.-.l made dutiable at 75 cents ass tog, with a proviso added th*«t the flaty on caal and share shall be 40 rents par tou; and on coal flack or cum 15 cvnfc per ton, when imported from any country, col ony or dependency that don mg impose upigi coai or coal slack or t uisii higlier rates of duty than those named in this pruvi a Duiy ob W«sr lHcr««*m* Auty on Hawaii m sngar as imposed mi sugars from other eountrivs. lUtganliNg Diatlllcd WSbbb, The provision in the livuna hill on distilled wines * slri' ken mss aud tne f<4 owing subtt.tuiej: Stiii wines, including giis^sM- wine or ginger cordial and vermuth, in casks or packages, other tliau botticM»y jngs, if containing 14 per cent or less ^abso lute alWdroi, J5U ctnts per gatVvsfV von- taming mer ceu* i^ahvo- lute alcohol, 50 cents per gnliou. I In bottles or jugs, per ease of one doz’ii bottles, or jug*, coniuuuiir each not more than 1 quart, and uiorw ihisn 1 ).int, or 34 bwtfira. or jugi, wjutetenvug each not more than 1 pint, $1 p9qMV: and any exAMii beyoud tlisse qptegMiliiw fonud d> such bottles or jugs shall be subjected to a duty of 5 cents ptr pint or fractional part thereof, bn* no sepa rate or additioualfdmy shall boaMa-^'il on tlie bottle* or Jugs; pfvvsMw' t4iat any wines, ginger cordial er vaMnnih. imported conlsiniiig more thnu >4 per cent of alcohoi shall be rlutevd m vpis- its and pay duty aceordiugly. And provided, furlhwr, $ha$ Steele shnll l>e no cnnstructive or oAtatedlw*’* anev for breakage, leakage vr jjvwinge on wines, liquors or lordiala m AdtetW spirits. Load ore is increased ^ro«i 1 .oeal. which is tiie liousc paovishm, Ite cents p^r pound. F«r tliB t’Bor ml LmnAmm. I Meusol'Kiph, Tietona. Map-$ —'Iteeve is a movemen* on foet hrae wend 200,000 sheep and fl.OO# hntevHM to England in connection wta^ tte^|^>uier winch «*>« Friticea# of Waies ■Jjfrnsnt- rng for rhe poor ttee sIimm aM»4n* I upon tha the occasion of fen netnaea- niou to consider tue matter of in- creasiug the tax levy after tlie adverse do- i-ion of the suproniu court. Marshal Motte came here to urge the governor to take the steo Secretary of State Thmiyison s d i the matter had not been brought be: im tiie oonii'ii of »tate. Goriiruor Ra-sjll *p >k« to .t geutlmuau here ah mt the matter, saving: “It might be a good tiling to tarn tho state over to Pierpout Morgan and we might find somebouy willing to take tho receivership, p-ovidod Morgan would appoint him. Receivership* are vaiu.ih.c; for instance, tho Cane Fear and.Yadkin Valley railroad, a baakruut coucern, pays a man $12,0i)0 anna idy for riding here two or three tiiue.* a year in a palace car. A rcceiversiup for file state Wuu.d be more valuable than this." CONSTABLES USED CIGARS. Anothae I>..p-im*r/ *e%n«ti»l An mt to Ite t neattlieU I<■ , Carolina. Coi.Yin.iA. S. C., Ajirii’.'9.—Another dispenstry scandal i* abou; to be brougnt to light in tin.' state. It has always been the custom to ship eeizetl goo as to the commissioner of tho state dispensary, located at Colombia, but from a recent demand upon tue au thorities for thetetnruof personal prop erty. it appears tha: ail *U' , s go mi* have never beau forwaid“d. ami the iu-iiiuv tioti i* that they have never bc-u appro priated to private use by tuosj who made tho capture. A Mr. Beckroge, wiio wa* on ms way to Augusta to be married recently, had a very valu ;ble trunk seizni by the con stable* in Charleston. In the trumc there wore novArai gallons u. line wines, bram.ie.-, cigars and wearing apparel, to be used tlie wedding, all of which w*ero cAiilisc kted. Mr. Beckroge brought suit and gained ti-'T) damage*, and then deaiamie i the return of his trunk. Tho trusrx could not be found and tne etgars were, it is said, puff a 1 by tue oustables. Governor Etlerbo In* ordered an in- vestigation of the matt )r. and it i* < x- pcctod tho misapptopnattoh wi 1 be lo cated. GENERAL HARLLEE IS DEAD. Futnosi* *»ntli • nr*>(IiiIbii I'astnil Avray at Hi* Uoibx In Floranse. Coi.i?mb:a. S. C., May 1—Wilitam W. Ilarllee died in Florence. The lergtn of kis pablic record u romaik- able. Born in 18)2, he was admitted to the bnr m Iti.ht ami practiced up to his last illness. He levam* a •tive m mili tary affair* when quite young, aad was colonel in command of Smtii Carolina troop* in the war aoramst the de in iuol.es in FloriTia. Under hi< preiideney.the Wilmington Columbia and Auxpsta mad was bum. General Harliee was lieutenant gover nor wiivM tke civil war broke «nr. He organized and ^qnippeii Dm F.-enoe le- pioH ami wa* cn, in missioned brigadwr general. Later be was put uu control of the financial department of uie state. He led in the sfruigkrout figiit here in iSitt which resulted in Hampton’s e;ec- tion. liv owned a princely estate on the Peede9 river, where he sometimes during Rie v/ar euteiTaineIr. Chaffo be longed to a prominent South Carolina family and was we.l known in tins sec tion of the country. He was a gallant confederate R.ddier aud tin"# tho war held many • fflby of public trust. Whan overtaken ffiTpasalysis’he was :rs- Bistant in tin i!**i' , « of.the United States marshal for tliM district Fat«t WTrel* >t*ar OlV *«rt. A- UEVHJJI, N. C.. April 3G.-A special from Old Fort, N. C , says: Train No. T4 was wrecked 3 luisa* east of Old Fort, caused by the pulling out of a draw- L^ad. Five tiun were wrecked. Tlie train crew ivas uninjured. A negro ■uu named trhlinore, from Biltmore, w^-klked aud two other negro men hurt, but u set'kiusly. Robert Lamb, white, of RDeigh. N. C., was Pauiy bruised, but will recover. Railroad Wav lu Carolina. Coi.VMBU, S. C., April 21).—Tliere is a liktle railroad war at Gaffney, York couuty. The Ohio river and Gnarles- tonjs budding a.spur to thut Hiwn from Blacksburg. G.nfiiiey i* on the Atlanta and Cffia/lolfe Air Line. The town has been invaded by a htrge force of hands who have lieeti laying side tracks to prevent the Olrio River and Chaweston entering tho town,on thetr right of way. Haary Kltlafl Away. CoirUMMA, S. C.. May 1 —Henry L. Elliott, Sr., died at Wiuusboro at tho age of SO years fn antifheliutn days ho was president of tlie Planters’ bank of Fawfield, niel •nice the war ha* been an exten*i with II side, dreu. merchaiu). His second wife rowu ohiHireu were at kis bed- kad 50 ciki liviug |*aud clui- Kanatur HhrI« I* Vary 111. Greextili.e, a. C., May 3 —Senator Joeeph A. Earle’s physician pronounces him ■erisusiy ill. He is suffering from kitlney tt«mld*«. which produce violent heaiuohe*. Rausea aud restlessness Hu caaaet sleep without the aid of opiate t