The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, April 02, 1896, Image 7

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THE WEEKLY LEDGER;: GAFFNEY, S. C., APRIL 2, 1896. 7 FOR SALE. One lot on .lotteries street. Sevenil niee lots on Kut ledRCstreet. MOST « DESIRABLE $ RESIDENCE LOI S « IN ft TOWN. One Ini on (irennru street with 2-story ! liiilhliiifr, stori'roorn on tirst floor uiul i thvellinij above. Several lots In the northwestern partof ! the city. Several beautiful lots on Fairview Avo. I One lar^e tloublo lot on Uuce street. j Terms made on application. R. S. LIPSCOMB, Life Insurance Agt. ; A SPECIFIC —roit La Grippe, for Colds, Coughs AND LUNG TROUBLES, * AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL W. D. ARCHER, TOiXWOIC IAU A.I*X 1ST. Hnir-cuttin", in the latest styles. Shaving and .Sha:i)]iooing at reason able prices. /jA^“Shop next to J. D. Goude- lock’s store. "Two years ago, I bad the grippe, and it left me with a cough which gave mo no rest night or day. My family physician prescribed for me, changing the medicine as often as ho found the things I had taken wero not helping 11* w ■ Election Notice. Nulice i- tion will 1 7th. L Heultli <»f board iiitis pn^sician. less Ilian I prftctkcf.of ! cithensof l! shall be iik freeholders. The mu nag tion fill net polllfi? i'ln'-e I. O.Sairatt, be from •) a. i ten liy given that an clec- 1m id mi Tuesday, April r t! olSccrs of Board of hilTncy City, S. C. The ‘••insist of one reputable .•sident of the city of not o ars standing in the '•'is profession, and four lie !>nvn (none of whom ii'mlicrs of the council). as uf the recent elec ts managers and the wil! heat the office of Ksq. The hours will :i. to I!, p. m. li. A. JONES, Mayor, pro tom. "‘••fc'iH g>v- v * me, hut, in spite of his attendance, I got no better. Finally, my husband,—read ing one day of a gentleman who had had the grippe and was cured by taking Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,—procured, for me, a bottle of this medicine, and before I had taken half of it, I was cured. I have used the Pectoral for my children and in my family, whenever we have needed it, and have found it a specific for colds, coughs, and lung troubles.”— Emily Wood, North St., Elkton, Md. GAFFNEY’S ADVANTAGES Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Highest Honors at World’s Fair. CleiMe the System with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Florida Vegetables! There’s nothing nicer than a dinner table upon which are a large variety ol’vegetables which are well cooked. Some one has very appropriately said, “the way to Man’s Heart is through his stomach.” Housekeepers cannot do hotter than to call on us when they want anything for the table. Vegetables in season and heavv and fanev groceries at all times. lyars & Sparks, Exclusive Grocers. AS A LOCATION FOK HOME SEEKERS. Her Climate, Temperature and Water, Together With Her Business and Her Educational Fa cilities Set Forth. Greeting! Nature Smiles on Easter Styles at the Company Store. NOVELTIES in children’s blouse and reefer suits, high art tailor made men’s suits, Knox’s new spring hats. PRINTED Taffety, China, India and Dresden Novelties in Silks for shirt waists. WE HAVE the latest Parisian styles in Millinary. In fact we have the most stunning con gregation of things for Easter, They bloom for you. Store Gaffney Manufacturing Co uuuuuuauuuuduuuuauuu This is the first of a series of arti cles which we propose to publish on the advantages GalTney offers to home seekers. Wo shall not overdo the thing. We want to build up our sec tion with good people and we are fully aware that to do so by misrep resentation would simply react upon us, so the care will be taken not to magnify anything. Gaffney City, a town of over 3,000 inhabitants, is located in Spartan burg county, S. C., the banner county of the State, and in the midst of the old Magnetic Iron District and on the i main line of the Southern Railway. It was located here in 1S73 and has increased in population within the last three years from 1.031 to 3,202, which will ho increased to 4,000 or over within four mont hs by emigrants to work her largo cotton mills and other industries. The capacity of her lime works, three-quarters of a mile from town reached by ^ steam dummy railway, is about 300 barrels daily. Within the last four years she has erected two large cotton mills under one corporation and manage ment. The mills run ol. I iy spindles, 1,040 latest improved Draper looms and 300 Whiting looms and manu factures 12,000 hales of cotton annu ally into print cloth which finds ready sale in the markets. This is beyond a doubt one of the tincst cot ton mill plants In the South, and is in the hands of energetic, pushing men. The merchantile business will compare favorably with any town in the State, amounting to from one- quarter to one-half a million of dol lars per year. She has four churches for white and four for colored people, one Mule and Female Seminary, and the Foter Cooper-Limestone Female Institute, the Baptist High School and two schools for colored people. All are well attended and share alike in proportion the free school fund. The town is on a high, fairly level plateau, 800 to S00 feet above the sea level, well watered with limestone and freestone us a basis. The mean temperature is about 72 d.egroes and very seldom in winter falls to zero, and in summer scarcely ever over 100 degrees. No such thing as sunstroke known hero. The night sure cool and a good mountain breeze almost con tinually. We are out of the track of cyclones and destructive storms, and free from musquitoes, sand Hies, fleas and other annoying insects, as the Alleghany range of mountains are in full view, only thirty to forty miles away. We lay under her pro tecting wings. Almost any kind of labor can be carried on comfortably throughout the entire winter. Its municipal officers are elected by the people every two years and good order is her maxim. No intoxi cating liquors are allowed to be sold except by the State dispensary. Her people are sober, industrious, hospi table and law abiding and will extend a welcome band to any and all good people who desire to make this their future home. Adjoining the corporation on the north and east lies a body of about G,0(I0 acres of land owned by the Gall- ney City Land and Improvement Co. This land extends across Broad River and into York county, 8. C. About 20% to 25% of which is cleared and in cultivation. It is of a sandy loam, well watered and is drained by many creeks and branches and has many fine, cool springs. The topograyhy of the country, as the word “Pied mont” indicates, is varied—hills and valleys. This land is traversed by the Southern Railway which crosses Broad river about one-half a mile above the noted old Cherokee Ford that was famous “before the war.” Another railray has recently been surveyed from Blacksburg in York county nine miles north-east of this place and through this town to the county seat, Spartanburg, twenty miles south-west from GalTney City, which will be built in the near future, giving GalTney City an outlet over a competing line. This road runs through the Company’s land about four miles. The lands of this company has been recently laid out into farms of from twenty-five to one hundred acres, on each of which plenty of pure water abounds. There has been erected about twenty-five to thirty plain tenemant houses on the land, the farthcrcst of which is not more than three and one-half or four miles from the railroad depot in GalTney City. Almost the whole tract men tioned is underlaid with line mag netic iron ore and other minerals. The lands will produce under ordi nary cultivation from 750 to 800 lbs. of cotton to the ucio and from 15 to 25 bushels of corn on upland and from 110 to 10 bushels on bottom lands. Oats, wheat and rye grow abundant. Potatoes and ground peas are a sure and profitable crop, also all kinds of garden truck. Sugar cane for syrup yields largely and is very profitable. These lands pro duce'fine tobacco, broom corn and almost any cereal, and with the ’.ise of fertilizers cun be made to exceed these estimates almost, in many in stances, one half as much more. Melons, apples, peaches and pears are raised in abundance with but lit tle care, and as for grapes this is almost nature’s vineyard, as also strawberries which grow wild in pro fusion. The timber on these lands is of second growth generally as most of the virgin forest was cut down years ago to supply fuel to run the iron works. The timber on the lands consist of pine and oak mostly and is plentiful for fire wood. Soft coal can be delivered here from $3 to if 1 per ton or less. Cotton mills are being built all along broad river at its many falls. One, the Cherokee Falls Manufact uring Con)puny’s mill, joins the lands of the Company. It has been in suc cessful operation for many years. This is no wilderness but a good, civilized, healthy country, free from malaria and settled by good, intelli gent, thrfty people, many of whom came from the north and west and do not regret their choice of a home. Our people welcome all good people from any and all sections to locate with us and will extend a helping hand. This is no land boom, but it is exactly as it is represented. Correspondence from persons wish ing a good home in a good commun ity will be promptly answered by addressing A. N. Wood. Mayor, GalTney City, S. C. —• -*•*- • Index to New Advertisements. These are changes and now ads that appear in this week’s issue. Do us a favor by telling them you saw their advertisements in Tiik Lkuckr. Byars A Sparks—Florida vegetables. Perry—Go to. Carroll A Carpenter—Easter olToring. Store GalTney Mfg, Co.—Easter Greet ing, J. R, Tolleson—Flaw Picker. H. L. Parks A* Co.—Sample Oxfords. Wilkins Bros.—Shoes and Slippers. See the petrified man. Dul’re Drug Co.—For sale. —. •— — Missionaries Will Not Ho Molested. Constantinople, March 31.—In con sequence of the energetic representa tions of the British ambassador, Sir Phillip Onrrio, and the United States charge d’affaires. Mr. John W. Riddle, the pprtc bus furnished written as- surances that the missionaries in Ana- , tolln will not bo molested in the work j of distributing relief on condition that an Ottoman olTWtd is permitted to as sist in the distribution of the funds etc. X Hays Do Not Cisanato From the Cntliodo San Francisco, March 81.—Dr. Phil lip Mills Johns, a local scientist, who made the first successful experiments on the Pacific coast with the x rays, de clares that the rays do not emanate from the cathode as ha? been supposed, but from the anode. Dr. Johns is supported in this position by Professor Sanford, experiment Scientist for Stanford uni versity. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salvo in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer, Salt i Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures j Pile; - , or no pay required. It is guar- I anteed to give perfect satisfaction or j money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by The DuPre Drug j Co. — — — Remember the “Red Tag Sale” at I J. R. Tolleson’s beginning Saturday, j April 4, for one week. NOT LIKE OTHERS There is a difference between medi cines and medicines. Those of to-day, as a rule, differ from those of the past in many respects. Fully as great is the difference be tween Dr. King’s ROYAL GERMETUER and the ordinary medicines of to-day. It is unlike them in THESE FIVE THINGS: 1. It docs not taste like a medi cine. It is as pleasant to take as lemonade and makes a most refreshing drink. 2. It never nauseates tho most delicate stomach. 3. It docs not swap off one dis ease for another. It does not set up one form of disease in order to relieve another as is so often the case. 4. It contains no alcohol or opium in any form and is always harmless even when given to a babe one day old. 5. lit does not patch simply, it cures. It reaches as nothing else does to the hidden sources of disease in the blood and removes the cause. It does this with an ease and power that have never been equaled. For all troubles of the Blood, Stomach. Rowels, Kidneys and Nerves, and for all forms of MALARIAL I’OISON it stands pre-eminent— without a rival or a peer. W Sold by drugrifists, new packnrrc, largo bot tle, 108 Doses, Ono Dollar. Manufactured only by THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., ATLANTA, GA. WRITE FOR 48-PAGE BOOK. MAILED FREE. For Sale. •OR SALE Im“ .-old rln Four <• •ap. Ap le-ant sh. ply. Inil'i >W e ases; Will ■e Uniji fo. •OR SALE discount. -ISO pr. > II L. 1*. ,a tuple < > \ . il k- .v Co. fords at a hi>- •OR S \LE llui' tmrih The Of ■n. stah . Holmes S h- and o rooni house; in huildinu*- ’» room <*i>hd“ * on I iiiH’Mnnr strool: i room rott.iirr on (t;ihie', m ro<‘t. wii ii i::ir- (It’ii: ~ vmumt )oi>, on (inim-s snort ;t l#ar- LTuin: -t vamiut lots on tartory Hill: 4 room eottJijrt* on r.H'tory 11.11. i < '* u t n,s. ;ionly to 1\ (o SHiry. For Rene. H OI SES FOR RENT. Apply to Mrs. E A. Brown. F . i!i RENT "1 lit■ moms ovi , tlit bank of <'arroll \ Siacy also (•oitairr on Euiues street. Appl y to F. G st aey O I'oKE ROOMS I'OR RENT 11 fins and pa ft in i l:n •s eall on John W. I triilves. at llurnel 1 "s Rlook. oppiisilt* <•()! ton mill. Notice. ft 0 TO 1 * F1 im: , > s sbi»i' to yet your t ire LJ shrun k and your horsrs and mule- -bod by a lir> it-C lass lilaeksmitli . All kinds of wood wor k d< •no wit li neat ni- s ;th< 1 dispatch. I’riees as Hie aj) as t he I'heape st. 1 >y usonee and you wi II be sure to con te ;tyj iiiu. lialT- ney, S. ('. Moth i i luvehy notify all’'pi *. is u i rl ies that 1 N one \v m. Met'afi eS. whin mlf'f ivVit - ten fonlf art to work for me (Itiriji tr the year Ismi. and that In'has brokcT tjieVontrart by I Iciuvimr tj.y prcniist,:- without permission. | and ! hen-ny i'or'i;'!'aiiy t>i'i ,ott in Soul h <'ar- | olina from i mpli:,dji' him. D.'C. I 1 ..inter, (bitl’iicy. >. M . -vh ls:n;. H .\ VINE math n fh: :n'_ r i’ hi my business t host 1 who at .■ Imtcbti'il to tut* are re- I otli-sted to ry|! and tl h- ! hi ir .•iceottnYs at ' once. Km pert full/. \V. ft. Ut'I’RE. N OTICE Having t/.ciH'd up i Stapln tiinl i ahey < irot "i v and <'outta*: ionary Store . f.n t hf sto.f room u im it a ; he Tt lttphoiic Ex- | I'hanut . \Vt“ invitf you to r'd! and inspect I our stock and we sollcll a i:n of your pai - ! rona Er-.jii'.-i ft. v. If. *.. ilolmt's .v t'o. Wanted. AX/ANTEi! To buy or tvnt seoi.d-haiid VV .-otl;r m >i;;;!;: i11; rinu- - . bt* in coiMli- \viiiu ;i) «»v.‘Vs A. S'jiirks. non. Npply «in*,Vn v. S. “Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Money Refunded.” ? -’A .V. /7w •'.s CLOTHING for men,;;boys and children at as tonishingly low prices. Just look ! Children's Suits $1.(10, 81.50. $2,00 to $5.00. Boys’ All Wool $ 5.00 Suits for HeJ.oO. “ “ “ 7.00 “ “ 5.00. “ “ “ 10.00 “ “ 7.00. Men's “ “ Suits from $5.00 to $25.00. REMKMBhK Ol ii MOl'iO, “Satisfaction (iu;iriinu'cil or Money BeKuidecl. No trouble for us to show yood-. LADIES, we have just received a fine lot of Frank D. Weylman Go’s, Slippers and Low Cut Shoes, Every pair guaranteed as representedt, Dress Goods, Dress Shields, Linings, Buttons, &c. Give us a call. Yours to please, A rh t 2 i;t Iei\ DEAL MERIT i* tho character- IV iatio of llood'M Sarnaparilla. It cures even after other preparations fail. Gotliood’t) uiui ONLY HOOD’S* It’s our children who will control the world after we are gone— probably you have a nervous, weak or puny child that needs building up ; if so, give it Brown’s Iron Bitters, which is also good for you or any member of the family who feels unwell. Two car loads of the best Flour in town for the money R. A. JONES & CO. Choice Texas Red Rust Proof Oats that we are offering very low. R. A. JONES Si CO. see The Petrified Man I f: l r;Vrit“iX lt«‘d in (in IT my on Honday and Tuesday, Apr. 6th and 7th. Lmlh's ran Him It at unv timi\ hut thr hours from 2 to 4 p. m. each day will !>«• ylvvu cut I roly to ludlt-s’ a lady wlU be In chiirce. ADMISSION TKV CENTS For a man or woman yvho is run down in the heel, H. L. Parks & Go’s, sample Oxfords are the cheapest. J. E. WEBSTER, Attorney- Gaffney City, S. C. Practices in all the courts. Colloo ions a soocialtv. Everything in Heavy Groceries at reck bot tom prices, at R. A. JONES & CO. Our line of Furniture is complete and at bottom prices. R. A. JONES & CO. If you want the best Buggy on earth, buy the “Carolina” from R. A. JONES & CO. The best Wagon on wheels is the “Old Hickory,” for sale by R. A. JONES & CO. IJL, I> I* I -i. Children!! Children.!! DO YOU want to have an Easter Kj'g; limit? More fun for 5c than you ever had in your life, (let together, bring 5i- each and call at the DuPre Drutf Co’s, store where you can jjrt the nicest and prettiest c^ dye in tho world—PAAS' CALICO PA PEP 1^ E. Easy to use, till colors, dilleront ii^mvs. YOl’NG LADIES, keep up with the fad and liav< yourjars Idled with Lavandcr Smelling Salte. Prepare any odors wliile wait ing- I>ixI*ro Dnio e: 0 .