8 THE WEEKLY LEDGER: GAFFNEY, 8. 0., JANUARY 16, 1806 Jl 1 CT |jf' B 'w- i / ed, BU >m V Hr .3 RED RUST-PROOF Gal r. r r- assortment of steel p!r 'A/r v at s ; > d shapes in town, now m stock. Dix^e Boy turn plows at $1.25. Gottoi seed hulls, per 1 GO lbs., 25c. CoH : o cl meai, per 1 )0 lbs., $1.10. c* i ; ’ n r{ T1 ie :■ ,• i—< v J i ip on Earth as C e . m. i ' :G Ti lls are offering it today. > 3 you buy. Guarantee j i a satisfaction or your .j c ed, \ ours truly, ■’S'! YT -^r * p 1 >1 v - C i >^oomt>. give <'i)■ ' no fli'!-;! Arc;: UJ - - '.i of u mcr .. f: •' v ; LGcC V 1 s r r ? ■ > Oiviuf, |., :tion in )tn* ( K IKXTEI) AND SOLIDIFIED -3^ in 1 lie minds of till classes the pow- d ci fui |)Pactico of onr low prica sys- 1 mi ;irid onr unfailing efforts to in he pa-it is a subject that needs - i' hi is over we are determined, nr.dhs to the winds and give every- I > >r, high and low, the benefit GENERAL CONGLOMERATION OF NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL IN TEREST. Some Short, Some Shorter and all Too Short for a Heading, Yet None Too Short to Mention. PERSONAL PARAORAPHS. Clct and Shoes, Fine »1 Ce!; : : i •. We have a few of these goods that • i<> make room for our spring goods, Dress Goods, : this season. We will pay special Wr will have on sale in a few days the ■ h i de Shoes for ladi guarani goods v ... ’ •. call. We want your trade and we a. will be a pleasure to show you our ucr you buy or nut. ./■> eoiiii. Voui - for business, ^ f~ G »V-. a J ... Jk ^ '<~~S )MB & BR0. t The Hustlers. 0 t m h *; e*. k. .. c— % li* * ■ J 4/" l f,-; Y THE CAR LOAD. AXES! cor Vi WITH or.\s. v \ (iOOD SF.LKCTIOX OF !) !'. (,'t WTITV. \VK EX- OM) TO NONE IN THE o CorN I’T ANf) TABLE CUTLERY OF PISTOLS, CAKTUIDGES, 1:: 01:1; vor itrv. r_s dware Co. ^•STrSP-T.- —.r; ■ I >: j : I ::C>w Tliat ’i'. . i constantly a large stock of the best qua k . < f ( Y )t 'K it i Ks. OUR A SPECIALTY. • d d meats on hand all the time and 1 of tli(> best quality. You are in- ,u • .act ion. Rr: • 13,.. *. It is not wise to put into your ad any statement which you would not believe yourself if you saw it else where.—Printer’s Ink. There will be preaching by Rev. .1. D. Trout next Sunday evening at 8:30 o’clock at the factory school house. s ay. do you know. I f t rude Is slow (The dull times may have killed It). You will be wise To advertise? For that will soon rebuild It.—Printer’s Ink. While reading Thu Ledger keep one eye on the date on the label and if you are behind call and settle. We eat like other people and ! t take cash to buy “grub.” A. X. Wood is going to make a fifty foot addition to his already mammoth store-house occupied by Wilkins Bros. L. Baker has the con tract which insures its early comple tion and a good job. Prof. W. L. Johnson has been en gaged for about a week in overhaul ing the pianos at Ceoper-Limestone Institute. It can be relied upon that they will be in A1 coudition when Prof. Johnson finishes his work. A colored brother from Blacksburg writes as follows: “Dear Ledger: Excuse me for not sending monev before as I have been busy.” And thus Ledger readers, far and near, send in their remittances, all of which are appreciated. “If a man has not the moral cour age to say, ‘Yes, I was wrong, and don’t now believe what I said at some former time’—If he has not the cour age to say that, he had better retire from business and never try to make another newspaper.”—C. A. Dana. W. A. Peeler is having an up-to- date bakery built in rear of one of his Limestone street store-houses. Mr. Peeler in doing this is supplying Gaffney with what we have needed a long time and we predict success for the young men who will run it. If the date on your label don’t cor respond with your receipt we will make it do so if you bring in your re ceipt. So if we make a mistake don’t get huffy about it but come in and see us. We like to see you, espe cially if you owe us and want to pay us. Sometimes when we get weary of well doing we think the only resource left is to “Gadfly” and “Go South.” Then again it don’t “cut no ice” with us and we tell the other fellow to “come across,” or we will have to “go yonder,” one or the other.— From Bert Ramsey’s dictionary. That it’s easier to make enemies than friends is demonstrated by the fact that The Ledger started about two years ago without an enemy in the world and that it has been its constant aim to make friends ever since and we will bet a four dollar bill we’ve got more enemies now than any other enterprise in the city, all because we cannot or will not do as the other fellow wants us. Other Local Mews on Page 7. Movements Of People You Know And People You Don’t Know. Miss Mamie Robinson, of Spartan burg, who has been spending several days in the city with the family of Prof W. L. Johnson, returned to her home Monday afternoon. J. J. Brown, a substantial farmer of Gowdeyville, paid us a pleasant visit Monday. Charley Littlejohn, who has been ch king for R. A. Jones for the past yej r, has given up his position and ret irned to his former home. Asbury. Charley has a large circle of friends in Gaffney who will regret his depart ure, but all look forward to the day when he may return to make this his permanent home. Mr. Jeter, our hustling market man, killed a beef a few days ago from which he got 144 pounds of tallow. Mrs. VV. S. Hay, of McAdcnville, X. ( '.. was the guest of the family of Prof. R. O. Sams last week. Mrs. Hay is quite popular here, having spent a large portion of her college days in this city and her numerous friends will always he glad to see her. M. Kenneth, of Jonesville, was in the city last Thursday and Friday. He was visiting relatives near the city and paid us a pleasant call. Be ing a Ledgerite, naturally the call paid us was mutually pleasant. We always like to see our out-of-town friends. Vic Gaffney took in Al. Field,s Ministrels at Spartanburg Wednesday night of lust week. Miss Fannie Hopper returned from a week’s stay at the county seat last Thursday. Mrs. M. L. Kirby, of Webster, was in the city Tuesday and paid The Ledger a pleasant visit. Mrs. Kirby and her family are all members of The Ledger household. A. P. Austell, of Sticey Shoals, X. C.. was in the city Tuesday on busi ness. Miss Lillie Robbs after spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. T. Robbs, has returned to her home in Spartanburg. P. L. Ellis and son. of Sticy Shoals, X., C.. were in the city yesterday. Misses Effie Hopper and Edna Sar- ratt left yesterday for, Shelby and other points in Xorth Carolina. R. L. Watkins, of Hicksville, X. C., was in the citj Tuesday and paid The Ledger a pleasant visit. S. G. Pridmore, of Asbury, was in the city yesterday. Unclaimed Letters. List of letters remaining in the office uncalled for to date : Miss Angoline Bell, Mrs. Frances Fowler, Mr. D. D. Humphries, Mr. D. L. Humphries, Mr. William Kennel, Mr. E. C. Mathis, Mr. John Stone, Mr. W. B. Stone, Mr. C. J. Wood. X. B.—Persons calling for these letters will please say advertised in The Ledger. T. H. Littlejohn, P. M. Jan. 13, -• -*•*- •- The best regulator to regulate a people, is Simmons Liver Regulator It regulates the liver and the liver If the liver is then health is good, but if sluggish or diseased then there is constant Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache and all the disorders of the stomach that one hears of. Try Simmons Liver Regulator and prove this. regulates the person, regular . DAVENPORT. FROM THE LONE STAR STATE. A Ledgerite Convey* Hie Compliments in Pleasing Termr. In a purely business letter to The Ledger Mr. Smith Lipscomb, of Bon ham, Tex., well and favorably known to hundreds of Ledger readers, pays the paper the following compliment: “I can truthfully say we welcome your paper to our home. My wife enjoys The Ledger more titan all tin- papers we take. We often see the names of many of our old time friends and relatives mingled with joy and sadness. All the South Carolina boys in our immediate vicinity are well Then are several from near Limestone, te- wit: Cupt. J. B. Lyle, W. G. Clark Smith and John McArthur, Black McArthur is also with us at th'n time, W. A. Lipscomb and family. I! F. Petty. John Scruggs. .Mrs. Lyle. Miss Eliza Lockhart and Miss Fannie Xott, so you »ee there are several Limestone boys and girls in our sec tion. They all say they would have liked to have been at Gaffney durinv Christmas to have enjoyed the com pany of their many friends and es pecially to have been present whet the supper bell rang out that tin host was ready for the guest. I wi close hoping that The Ledger may have a prosperous year for 18%. and that Gaffney may spread and in the near future may become quite a pros perous and thriving city. • • Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver,sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay- required. It is guaranteed to gi”e perfect satisfaction or money refun ded. Price 25 cents per biyc. For sale by W. B. DuPre. M. G. MontRomcry. B. A. Holmes II. L. Spears. ENTERPRISE * STABLE * CO., n. G. nONTGOflERY, ngr, GAF'F'ISICY, - - - G. Livery, * Feed» and > Sale > Stables. First-class"Turiiouts at Itc-Hsonalile Kates. I’oiuinercial Men Arrynimodated at Short Notice. Gaffney Baptist High School, J. E. EDWARDS, Principal. PROF. W. H. ROSS' niSS FANNIE JONES, tor Intermediate. . tor Primary. o. L. Hchi’mi’f.ht. Tiios. B. Buti.eu. Sol. ?tli Judicial Circuit. U. S. Com, Wm. McGowan. SCHUMPERT, * BUTLER * & * McGOVAN, A.TT01*!* iYH-AT-irAW. umior*, s. e. Very careful and prompt attention idven i to all husiness entrusted to us. F* r T'ractlee in all the Courts. The ohjesl of the school is to srive hoys and jrlrls a thorough preparation foreollcjie. Give us a trial in order that you may i>o convinced of our ability t:> do u hat \w claim. W. D. ARCHER, TO:x«oriai^ aw x ist. Hair-cutting, in the latest styles. Shaving and Shampooing at reason able prices. ^F*Shop next to J. I). Goude- lock’s store. FOR Up-to-Date Job Print ing, call at the LEDGER Office. 4PM—/ n: m * Do you ?c. aw Tint • st <'! "• • ; :. city.- V , II, and Fa , h-te ill It’s a f S. J A nd i < at lit l iv.i <.;, i Gn i Youis .iu!y, he assertion. < orn, Etc., . u v. am Fresh BYARS & SPARKS, Exclusive Grocers. JST'Veg Is in sou too. '-j.** \ \ vl... 7V Out sale a. HIVF HAS BOUGHT OUT THE BOSTON BARGAIN STORE AT a HEAVY DISCOUNT A'-3 Y'U i SELL * *YOU stuff less than actual cost. Come early and take advantage of this opportunity. The enu. e stock is tJEE hive. Clotliina M !'(•;! vy •. $53 ’ Ih ■ v.e ha -v/ C.i- Y f» V')' v HlH'.v ; up! S $ O . i \ t * .i ) ' ,(* i . - * -‘lit I>i < Y ' Oi D iv- ail :.. o: i • • 12. fonnorly sold for $4.50 and luln figures $2.98. <1, Cheviots suits at $3.98, $4.98, ;> .< ibisi double the price we ask. iii' :i, ;;ll line goods, sizes 35 to 42, s. : -v than ilie cost of the material. > ::! 98c. 15c to 35c. from 50o to $2.25. ’ is, cost wholesale $0.00 and *• • • 49c. • i' » ■ it ion . i ■ V A : V 4 v.-i I III.. . our price 121c. 10c. -i niiide, cost 4ile, our price 4c. The Garrett sttick of shoes must go like everything else. Ladies’ fine shoes such as tne John Kelly and other reliable makes at less than cost. Can Fit Anybody in Shoes. Ladies’ button shoes, 50c, 75, 83c, 98c, $1.25 and on up to $2.25.. • Twenty-five pairs all solid leather shoes sold at $1.15, our price s 75c. Boys’ heavy shoes 40c, 93c, 98c, $1.25 and $1.38. Men’s $2.50 shoes at $1.98. Men’s $1.50 fine shoes at $1.15 and $1.25. Men’s $1.25 fine shoes at 80c and 98c. Fifty pairs of plough shoes, sold at $1.25, our price 98c. Voirr.-; 'IVtilv, ¥-T ' IVotioiij-s. 10 doz. Suspenders, full length, sol 1 : k-. our price 5c, 120 doz. Clark’s (). N. T. and T o ’ Y ; ool cotton# best made, 3 s h>1s for 10c. Other threads sold at 2o, our price, .... j i- spool 1c. White unlaundried shirts, double on Ye.uP 25c. Better ones *. 48 c . Black socks, 2 pairs for 5c. We are determined to sell oi this stock ; f @ * ' ’ ’ * **** in a few weeks. We moan every word we say and have the gpods to subst;nl.iate our fuss. ,4 .#1 COM' (HI i