The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, May 03, 1895, Image 1

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CIRCULATION T INCREASE Duriny March, Sixty-Three. TT T1 r * / A/ T4—*T r; r ^ fT V I / ll. V EDGER. LEDGER READERS Patronize Ledger Advertisers. A Newspaper in ail that the Word Implies and Devoted to the Best Interests of the People it Subserves. VOL. I!, NO. 12. oaffxkv rrrv, s. c., Friday, may 189 «>. 81.00 A YEAR. IT Tho United States Attitude in the « Nicaragua Affair. SAYS TUI- MW YORK STATE ASSEMBLE KcRulutIcum DcuounvlnB tlio Adinlnlutra tlon »t U'ltshinKtoii for its Noiflert to Iiitcrpost' I.ffpctlvcly AgHust tIn) Invasion by Kn^land. Ai.n.vxy, N. Y., May 2.—In the assem bly yesterday afternoon Mr. Ainsworth introduced the following resolution : Whereas, The British government has re cently t.y foree anti arms invadetl anil seized the territory mi l violated the national sover- ttiirnty of the rei'.tMie of Nitn.ra'an, upon pre text arising o it of the allerreJ arrest anti mo lestation of a stibjeft of the Hritish crown, and Whereas. The sabject matter of said dispute has never been -ul.nrittetl to any council of arbitration for n . t tifation or atljustmenl. In conformity with the spirit and usnee of the most nilvaneetl nations in recent years, but has been arbitrarily and imperiously determined and tleeret d liy I'.ritislt authority alone, and Whereas. That 'aid llriti-.h authorities have by military an i naval occupation of the soil of the said republic, attempted to extort and eompd the payment of a money indemnity from said republic, and Whereas. Sueh forcible interference by a European monarchy in the affairs and author ity of a member of the ereat sisterhood of American republics is an open and flagrant violation of the Monroe doctrine, now there fore. be it ilcsolvcd, My thi . ante and assembly of the state of New York, that we condemn ami de nounce the supinencs.. tiilatorlness and lack of national ami patriotic .-pint which has char acterized the administration at Washington in dciiliti:; with this complication, anil, Resolved, That we regard as a betrayal of fundamental American principle and neglect on the part of I he chief et.crutive and the head of the dec' tment of state to interpose reso lutely and cfTeetivcly against such forcible in vasion of a sis', r republic and against such in fraction of the principle ami precept of tho Monroe doctrine. Resolved. That a copy of these rt solutions, duly attt be fore : i led to the president of the 1'nitcd States, to the secretary of the de partment, of state and to •the representatives lnt'oner—s from the state of New York for presentation to said congress at its next ses sion. Tile resolution was adopted by a vote of 1)1 to !5. AND WHAT ABOUT HAW/ :l. Omit ISrllaln Muy Kttiet H< p ;r it . et for IfltllKliltle* liilllctetl on Her ' iibjccis Wamiinoton, May tl.—The <i'i Gon has been frequently :i<j'itiittnl 'i dit' >• matic circles the last day or two wheth er the action of tho I tiitc.l M u'e . .tt t!.t‘ Nicaraguan matter may not react upon this government in an unfav.u-ai ••• tle- gret; in Hawaiian tijrair- lie. rogation arises in view of tho fact thn f the question lias already been rai- d tn the Hritish parliament as to alii • I in juries inflicted upor: Hritish subjects growing out of the rec.ui’ att. apt at revolution against the i)ol.- ifovo::)- inent. It was .suggest'd that |> reparation might bo demand^! f r the alleged injuries. 'I'iie argtiment is ioiw advanced in some quarter: tint if the United States concedes the r lit of Great Hritain to forcibly ox o-t iv-.'ar.i- tion for indignities inflicted uj: .’ i’.rit- ish subjects in Nicaragua no ohj.vtion could be raised to similar action in the case of Hawaii. THE STATE MAKES ANSWER. Second Step in tin Suit to Tc-.J the South i'lirnlin.* I.itjii’ir lenv. ('MAIM.I- TON, S. ('., M :y In the United States circuit court • t -'''r lay Gibbes Hale, rt prest ntii l p i- sary constables, tiled ft urn t tiie t , r- tler of .1 udge Siniontoii. gr tn; • at the suit of .lames Hon.-M r-I hem to show cause whv tlte.v »e. • not 1 i* perpetually enjoined . a. ‘ seizing liquors imported into ill • for pri vate consumption. The return iletiie:- t at ‘.lie <•• irl has juristlietion. t'e. ii't s ;he vario; tions of lb,nabl a: d ■.!• suit is against the :'e ' \ the nmendmi nt to he e ■ argunimits Were no de. DEATH Ia as WAKE Wreck, Ruin ;uul Loss of Life by a. Cyclone in Kansas. RKSidlliilD A li.ViS Ui ; F! VIM1 SllftKE The Shy O'cruprtvol With Itlacli < lottdn amlustlic Moral Clontl Approiu lied it Wound About I.ike the Sway ing Trunk of uu Klepliaut. SILVER IN THE PLATFORM. Ht rt iiiNsoN, Kan.. May 2.—Wreck tintl ruin and loss of life were crowded mto a brief space of time by a cyclone in t}i<‘ faring district, twenty miles cast of thi- city, yesterday afternoon. Ten lives were crushed out. About 1:20 o'clock the cloud was seen to approach Patterson, a small station on the ‘Frisco road about six miles from Uurton. Those who saw it say t resembled a great mass of flying smoke and dust from a prairie fire. 'I be air was hot ns if it came from a furnace, and filled wirh eleetricity. The storm struek about a mile sooth of I’atter.'-on and for sixteen miles in a nor t It wester ly direction let. death and ruin in a patch one hundred yards to a quarter of a mile in width.. Ten persoi - were killed. Twenty others were injured, two of whom will 1 V Tho sky was over: pri atl with black clouds and the •one. cloud as it ap proached tin town wound about like the swayin r irn. 1; t,f • - hint elephant. ’i l.tu ' . a. if the Doinocmtic 1'iirty la tiiao.t ('"iiiinttlL'd on Uit! Subject. W ■ nuyox. May 1.—So many of the o'tl th: ; if • :tic leaders art declar ing r i ■ coinage, the <q nion is • v. ••;• • : t the j arty is er-.trciilfcly Fkt ly to t :d r another national cam- : :d:. tt iu , pitstform favorable to silver. At n rate, silver seems to bo bolding it . o\v:. in Uu ranks of tlie democracy. The i'inietallie party is making no headway. The Sibley movement has faked to score. .Mr. Sibley himself is caret -! enough, his supporters tire active enough, but the country so far hits shown no disposition to respond to the bimetallic appeal. .Mr. Crisp, in Geo. gia : Mr. iflackburn, iu Kentucky; 1 h.' hurmaus. fitther an<l son. in <>hio; Governor M ittlums, in Indiana, and tile Stevens ,n following in Illinois, have all since <-vpressed tbemselves, and ail Iw v • counseletl contitmiug the tight for siher with the agencies and within th,- line , of the old organiza- t;o!i. Tilt deliverances, indeed, of this nature have been so numerous anti so u ■' tl that the democracy, as a part.- perilously close to being alre. lv' n.iitteil on the subject for tie.-.' year’s context. THE UNITED STATES POLICY. t i!t't S'.!i: 'A il, x„f Jiiin in Any Aliiatn-o IViih Other I'lnvers. V': iH.\t,;os. May 1.—The attitude of toe ni’.ed Si ale-on the eastern war troubl • ba • been mu clear to the va- rs ia er'-sfe i. In brief, it is tit • trying policy of this coun- PROL A:3LY . : FATE! ARRESTED THE WRONG MAN. Ihnrlot <■, N. < r.tii"is‘ls .Unko a Serious 'tUiake Searriiiittf for ti Murderer. Ciiaui.ottk. N. * May 2.—The man arrested here Tuesday answering to the description of Sluiuer, the murder er of .lames 'i'. Wallace, at ilanville, Va., tunietl out to be Gus 1 .ay, of Gas tonia, N. C., and was yestenlay releas ed. A photograj/h of Shaner was sent to Chief of Police Orr j’esterday and it. was very muelt like Lay. An engineer on the Southern railway last night re ports having seen Shaner walking along the track just beyond Lynchburg and that Shaner waved his hand at him. He says he knew Shaner well and that he was confident it was he. NorfoTlt & Vie tern’s Annual Kleetlon. Koanokk, Vu., May 2.—The annual meetings of the stockholders of the Norfolk it Western railroad and fifteen allietl corporations with headquarters here were held in this city yesterday. F. .1. Kimball was re-elected president of all of the most important of them and he was also re-elected president of the Norfolk A Western. The Norfolk & Western board of directors for the next year was elected. a mi ( oiton Mill IJ<‘Hlncn. Nkw Yokk, M:iy :J.—Cotton (leclinc*cl M to is points and then rallied and closed steady at a net decline of !i to It) points, with sales of 272. i n bales. Liv erpool declined i to l 1 . points for fu ture delivery and 1-ltJd on the spot, closing quiet for futures, which the sales on the spot were 12,o<io bales. New Orleans dropped l-t to 1.I points and then recovered <>to 7 points of this. The Weaver* Will All Strike. I’ltoviiiKNCK, U. I., May 2.—The weav ers in the Weybosset mills. <llneyville, went out at noon yesterday. Manton mill weavers refusi work yesterday mornii'g and it is expected that the Riverside weavers will come out at any minute. A general strike in till the mills att'eeting fully 7,000 operatives is likely to be on before the day is over. A IT.ft* nl the Strike. Noici-'oi.k, Va., May 2. —The strike now on in the mines of the Flat Top region has put a stop to the loading of vessels at Lamb,rt's Puint with coal, thus causing ab. >ut two hundroti men to be thrown out of work :it the ph-rs anti a tleiay in the bciiling of the thir teen sehooners til anchor near to that point. Jleatli of i< I'rtiiiilnnif 'I elrttf onlat. Lvxriiiiri:.., Va.. May :P Mr. J. R. Clark, aged l'« years, a prominent to- •bacconist of this city, dropped dead yesterday afternoon at about .'1:30 o’clock. Mr. Clark was on the street yesterday morning apparently in good health. Heart trouble was the cause of death. KiimorM of the i i! o' Superior fro ?i>e A mu. ;< in Wasiiixoton. 'I:: v :. It i that the next a<liiiti. > : o C . I'nion '.vili prokaL. .. 1 perior. wit b a c p ' ‘ .* • qilctte. The terri.<.v t. , new conimt>mv • t.. t-< will consist of the . Michigitn ami Ilia' o, : • • sin lying norih of ; ami west aero tli point on Green :• mout li of t lie Me no; : tv*", bo about the same ■ in o - somewhat similar t • .' a : • rior could appL winter with abtn.t . '.e Stale I)< j» • ri me » j. • $ <• .’ ;, Ari/... .May !• r o Valores. a citizen of t' I n' 1 • •-, anti a native of" New Me : • <•••.'- victed of sinuggiing into "••\1 o. in ')e- sober, is'.i:!. a ml sentenced 'o 1 k 'he state of Sonora for one y-nr. '!' ■ :i- tence expired Oete.bcr last. it.* i> still incarcerate I. r.nd l.a- to tin.' United States : ithori or relict The matter has !. ".i r , I ;o tic state department at '. ■ >ga- vast a tion a nd ' ■ 1 ! i 11 it s AV . Till* tr. - • i:• *t to form ;i Ili-net *S V vhit h may t the edizens aa* nt •; a- rk earini - f« /!* Hi '. : \ i i?\ comp d atio ns Avith the ms of v • v injnretl -in'! r-.-mov 1 '• • til*' iic; L1< ] } o-lies f f linioJK • ami A si; a. It is a i. >o of t Ie* Ifllb.-d ff n . *n ath th > • of :v:« (i lilt* j> 'licy of i: - i!ation. tiebri l!:ii:, 1 . ' ,- falling thr Oli * r fi - tXi* • . k so ttir as t :;i . emu:* vy may be out S ... i! t-ast -rn Kai at in!* IVitls .,ii k t c 1 • :i or Ivi'-e-y in- sillf .T ■ •<! .;. •• : ami ’ »* W..F P : • e.tljn aent of a ( :kiv<l a severe hail .-to! ai it: this sc ft!.) it kist r • i,\ •! rkiuf t n era I'i! t i >1 'i be niglit. • »! • ; . li /\v • 'pteii i o!i.‘!: a ts :. :ut*< 1 From here th" •arm liftetl 1 nr iii no i, . - i.. ; '] icy vv ili"!l A! •ill g-ii! tiie •rictn fur'lier tin: n • far as lie: ir*! fr< nn ihv\ in the peiidi inv' !i-opean • S;i- was done. A v » bemd t . 1 ;;'/ ’ v tL . j :. i >. ioiiri overt be J..: >;m -< hiset- > i .,., ti..i - train on the ■ r aa : !;*•: (i ;; t !!;:!- 1:i ‘ •;i. till' -lead unti! tl •- 1 ; • 5 • . p; ! O • LOOKING UPWARD. Where it e: ‘ - c Ira. k. * (‘if’ ra^.h r of lilll**. ]> lies,; s :n i nil \v-‘ • Wt* j»’ ."i *}'*’• ! ’ Vi .Ip «• S(*Ul 1; .( i l i i*ro Iu; :s on- away. The ‘ r:-' ••••!: .• r* : inh h; i r* ‘ . • '. • (li (I >::r. < i nn Trail • fit st . be/n wn c!;'.- '.. l Mi I. ii\ ( ; • . 'I'* •an.. Mr :v 1. —Re . 1 >llif a idition ‘o th • ; ;. * * i* t > Vf<I wurt' ]''*■’ i,. • it f 'i(!*••.i■ i;in. fi in!'! parts tllf barncs. i- ; • 1' :: o *. k. t* t < 1 ., iii ■ * •* • ; i;#r ’ i?c V* i 1 ; i i . April I Inlitlug ‘ :>i: i) itl. o i. Chicaoo, May 2. VV. V. < rd t he Sunday observance I tlie crusade on S-: o year, will make another season. .Judge Horton, v mi the temporary ii.j.inciio: will be appealetl to for : mi ment to be -erved on t . ' while tk": with the • •»•••• h":'s an i oil be g’-oi' •' j settled by v li ' 'HE SO.'- . F ‘s' 1 ’. ;)•!: . partfriK .1 .1 ’ , Kvox'•!!.! : . h • | eiith ann.t .■ : | of Veter::- F. .Urban; i :n ' : eit v v ■-•' or Gilb of bir, . minder. •• : taut gener.i! i. min .:!: m. s!c j 31' in the -5x ■ for 32 eh : * • act'.d on o i: . •rnml. :: j ro- oil'iino 'ri.v ^ \ ■ *f the Sons d." irtiueni of : ;i im t in tliis , d a -.'alentine S. i.. ( ibm ■!-(Vnn- • >rt of i : ''- ! Vied mm. of Lir- ■ d n. ' 'r-h’p of 5 .'.' pliefttiov:.-; •' - will be $ir?5,c >c • «; f : i.-: smoke. • •>? *. !><••! r-irf !vt» ' A in * 1 o: '1 l or». •at* i‘, newsp.i purs. Admini! ‘ Wasiiim. rtiN. May A : in >r of import unci* is ‘I .:• io \ d-d i,’. \\. Mead**, co'nmai: ':n • ' ii Nor: At lantic Mpiadi'oli. cot,’em: :; . .arlv retirement, under tie* : ar . vice clau-.a IL woiibl m t r. for age until IH'.k*, but !-re . r i i for retirement timler th •,•!< having si-rved for late David M. St .m f the "Jtmrnal of < n, . for probate with 1 i. ■ county yestenlay. ’! . is valued at -r. ,e , ami Sdoti.imu in per distributi*'! tunong ' n . y Not t I f »• i it'. I! » WASIIINOToN. Mr son unexpected! v . : . ; ! • i Chicago, M: • 1’ -■. -‘art. d titi tb** ! t« i s< : third il'.-ir of : ■ ’ •!-•.- furniture I faetory o ' Wi : : ;, . i aiin A 'lotlis- t! -1. : L’hihl, at :: '. x.! Wit iiasJi nviim; last • L 1 niglit. : nd i . f 4 1 . 1. artmen* eoaid N X \ ■ |-eS|iond t!,, ■ 1’ ' ' * 't • f ! ilf bnildilig t m • i 4 !. I was in tLim"-. ’j’ ■ ovpb.shins d tar nish occur *d a , me it looked | ns if tlie tin* .vor.ld . t deyoi ■ e mtrol. | Tho loss appr''"i'nate •: ini i, a tilth jf which : .oe. t; o' ’• nil. ing. !: ? f Olit|. l.o r is v 11 d.' ,.V.. M a v pn. np Ii rjio m r. ’ilf \*>:: 1 of tli,. • Sin i ,* v. ; ' of • nyt r o 1 I'i't irr* " «V« . -• i • 1 1 bail. Jud . / 1 . Kings ! it g:*,.e:!:i plicatio • ■ ' i’s a ■ . ■ t, I'.ilioe Judge e. '• hi i ; l - - A:. ; Hr i'.vii im ie.i v.its iii was I released. Iliseti-. in.; :i V. a<i. Seheiltile. KnoxVli.1.1:. 'i'enn.. May 2. Miners and operators o,' JeUico district have been in so -ion -iiH"* .Monday dismiss ing wage seiie lule for the next year. Thcv have practically reached an agreement ami the old scale will l>c adopted, with only a few slight changes Virginia it uk ( Io.ih its iiiurs. Knox vu,i.::. Tenn., May 2. The Ap palachian bank at Rig Stone Gap, Va., has elo-oil ts doors. It was organized five years eg * with .M .iiOd capital. As- setts and lie.bilitie-. aro not given, but it is stated that all claims will be paid in full. last night ami :: m come to ineo? ilopr son, of Iowa. o:i The senator did m. , • ' itics, but -.aid that ; i date for tin* pro ia 1 :i A f»»r M:: •);: ’ HiTTsm iai, Ha,, y, , ,• >. for a natioua 1 c. d i, f r Masons will be i.pplh . weeks, and Hitlshui". w ; cure tin* in -tit u’ 'em. Ti,. is -i,im:i.(.nn. Tie ei- , , Wusliinglou, New York. : Hittsburg. Hr Sjl:* nil tl I. ,"!! OT i'll * ! IA v A'; a , y. ■ .'uitt , at Valen- t::, ■ < .a! It oo < . •■ *, o', 'no govern • a..-nt : '. :uy. "t to lio .th t.-r- lay in a ’■ '.••!!:» the fintiing if: -onrt mn:'f’at. I * <■' his h: 1 . vkig sapitula ■ ' • i amon it* ia Vagua:-.. d" ‘ n.t.:t.i ::diio tiis- trit'. A: Siwiri .*• t. Mo-!!I Via iay’i • >i Snnd.av-seito-.l up in t!i • ro.i d wllieb W.’i'o V volition • i;: the ba v t , a f! t iinveii! Ion. v The ■ • nd : ’sy of t!. ■ state tdi'ion was taken >rne d •rt sting. '1'lie .*i '. xt'-ir i'u: down .• -it 3 t'lei.’. lit ’ iir i Brt.tlit . Frank . " .’itleust'ii, t Lent and John Ma ginnis, ;it ). struvl: ; ,-cstiTtlay Sherilf 1 ten deputies are nr-.^urv iu^ W*; u, . m' 1 •«»:1 In NoruaXk* ,i Conn. . Mav !. I'iie Nor- OUTCOME OF A FEED Pour Men Fight a Duel in tho Streets of Newborn, Tenn. FATAL TRAGEDY IN HIGH LIFE. DEATH FOLLOWS THEIR ANGRY WORDS Within leu Stcomls After tJio Tlrst Shot the l’iirtl('i|iuntA l.ay O.u.l In the Streets—Old Taniliy Dispute Caused the Trouble. • cnvi . ' .: iiuii . apt at, at 13:3 a . City, . . . tr. >» •.■itl : i a- . Ah! "vii . t a co.- . r ' svil’.' . Git, ttltii a •t.r a; t io I'.-liitin.; OUtee. • :s. May 1. I here is pros 'd: • hour- t" work ::t :lie gov- dudig ' will !>. sliort- ■ Inn:* hiring the s.ii'imcr rtlaj t committee of era- ■' ■ ! ! ; Iflib: ie 1 ’i . nt or Hea- ' i s:gn* d by :m udy all t lie ■ i 'do of i •!•. a si. ing ti: : t. t.lie • -d""' tin* *iay sh ill be !:00 : ■ I, :e at pr'.'S'-nt. iviuii May ■••a 1. Mr Hem Het took ■' urn! r ciaisideration. • •! ’* 5 f!• • t t ** , May 1.— It is probable Id Id -ley t f New Volk will d. et! Lidtetl Mates et n-st! . t*n- e. il.'tv-':'..: to : leet '-i Mr. V»il- * Im •• a granteti :ve of ■ i . dl : is m.t ex- j.!■!, 1 tr. ' urn to Havana Mr. Ris- ! a, ; nt minister of the I nitetl . .io a' < nluygi u. •tic t'lltloek fet* t h' Met..11 ( ri;>. S' \ '.AU Ga.. May 1.- Mr. F. H. ■ n freight agi nt of tin* . is i rccivcd rev.orts from : t . • a • >s*g tin* lines of the I' ' .a in Georgia with reference to L, i i'i .i acreage. The reports .sh ' i. i i ’ally large crop thisyt ar. . li - -in: lord \V ill ( uiitc-t Iti'giin, N't . R. J., May 1.—The trial of ' t over the wiil of the late • ;.. Sanford, widow of Milton M. s is bngtmyt -ter*lay. The t . : it allege untllte ilifluenee oil tie part o. Alla Newton, the at tend'. t of ' i'-.. <a nford. I.ithor, rs strike at t.::«.' <i. .r.' :<>:>, N. ^d. May 1. 'Ihclubor- c. ' " i .riiers in tlie brick yards of Nkwiikiin, Tenn., May 1.—Shortly before dark last evening the sound of a fusilade of pistol shots were heard on the main street of this town, but men who ran in the direction of the shoot ing was too late, as within ten seconds of the Jirst shot the four participants lay deatl in Hie street. The four are R. W. Townsend and his son Reaure- gard. and Abb and John Fulghan. The quadruple tragedy was the out come of ti fued that, started two years ago and grew out of a trivial dispute between the Townsend and Fulghan families. Tin* troubles smoldered along without breaking out in open violence until last Friday evening when Murray Fulghan meeting young Avery Town send, began to abuse him. He finished by administering a beating to the young man with an axe handle. Young Townsend swore out a warrant charg ing Fnlgham with assault and battery with intent to kill. Fulgham at once left tin* 1:iv. ii to avoid arrest and went up into Madison county, but his father sent for him anti brought him back. Voting Fuigliam was arrested upon his return home and gave bond. Last t veiling lie was taken before a magis trate for it bearing and as the evidence shoved the a -suuit to have been unpro voked a fine of i. wit)*, eo.-ts attached, was inlliett I. At the conclusion of the cont bin' ;• * . tin, ('r # . i moved out ami near f m door the Townsend and I'uigliam porLes cumo together. There wore a few angry words. Then were weapons drawn and the shooting be gan. In almost an instant the* whole sale killing was done and the four men lay stretel.e i on the pavement. AN ATTEMPT 7.T SETTLEMENT. Scrr irtrv Me:>f tiie Cr.itfMl Mine Work r j , I'l'idivi vor v to Sind the Strike. Rm-'u ia;, Ha.. May 1.—Secretary Ratrick MrRryde of the United Mine '.Yorkers In Id conference yesterday with the leading operator-; of the Ritts- barg district ; n an emieavov to end the ••trike hero ;■*• ully. He was not i:i t Iianging the determina- lioii of L <• oj*. ii.!..* •' assoei ition to light for-: ixtv'.•■.•!;( i linin;.' rate a.ntl • li ’ *v '.Ii.i 'iiia! an-wer before the i'"';>' "i:i .i of :ihit! minor-, at Colum bus today. AliilMss.ol'.r !.'|S!!.I for Kvitlenee, Hakis. May I.—United States Am- l as ad,or Lustis ye.-terday requested M. lianotaux. minister o' foreign affairs, to f"!nmuni(*ate to him a copy of the. evidence up *n which Lx-Consul Waller was eoavieted and santencetl to twen ty yea rs" Lnor - inv ent. Honotau im- nit* wir- ti Mr. Kustis that he wouid supply liim with r-cords of the court martial tin Uiouctit they arrived. r-lY'mp* VH’lef :elur rs from Taxation. T u.i. mi \ Ft v.. May 1.—In the senate y, st.*rilay Senator Chipley in- troducetl an a!nt*:i*i!i:ent to the consti- tution tic- purpose of which is to ex empt manufacturers from taxation for periods ranging from two to ten years. Senator ('liip:, ,- thinks this would en- conrag** m -nufacturers to locate in Floritla. Governor lirown's Son. of Kentucky, Shot anti Killed by a Prominent Citizen. Louisvxllk, Ky., May 1.—A bloody Bhooting affair took place yesterday af ternoon when Arch Brown, the son and private secretary of Governor Brown was shot and killed by Fulton | Gordon. Brown and Gordon’s wife j were intimate anti Gordon suspected the wrong doing of the pair. Brown and Mrs. Gordon entered a house and Gordon, who followed, found them in bed. Gordon began the shooting and Brown fired in return. Mrs. Gordon was shot during the melee and killed. Thc-guilty couple were completelytaken by surprise but Brown had prepared himself for such a visit. Gordon was not injured although he was covered with blood and thought to have been shot. He is, however, in convulsions. Mrs. Gordon was a Miss Nellie Bush of this city and belongs to one of the most prominent families in the state. She elopetl with Gordon about ten years ago. Young Brown was recently di vorced form his wife. When the di vorce was published, although no wo man’s name was mentioned, it is understood that the reason for the divorce lay in Brown's intimacy with Mrs. Gordon. On account of the high connections the murder has caused a great sensation. The coroner held an inquest over the bodies yesterday afternoon anti the jury rendered a verdict of justifiable homicide. It is understood, however, that Gordon will be held for a formal preliminary examination. I)\\ A i P\ UNDER CIVIL SERVICE GULES. Thi' Ty|»n|;ni|>lil<-;il (’nion at Washlnjtlon Votes for the I’roposi; ion. Washington, May 1.—The civil ser vice leaven is working in the govern ment printing otlice, and yesterday nearly five hundred members of Colum bia Typographical Union assembled in the Typographical Temple on G street and discussed the subject from the practical standpoint of personal self- interest. A spirited debate followed the introduction of a resolution by Charles Spencer of the government j printing oflice declaring in favor of pla cing the oflice under civil service rules, and providing that through tlie proper I ollieials the matter be brought to the attention of the civil service commis sion. The resolution was adopted, however by nearly two votes to one, anti certi fied copies of it will be sent to the civil service commission and by that body will be called to the attention of the president. The president is under stood to lit* in favor of fhe affirmation of the resolution. The act on taken by the union is regarded as a great per sona! triumph for Mr. Benedict, who lias long desired to have the oflice placed beyond the importunities of politicians, but in deference to the union lias not himself taken active steps toward tho end desired. Great Excitement Over tho Trial of Price, at Denton, Md. AN ATTEMPT AT UNflUNG EXPECTED. Tlie TeHtlmonv F; Y; ij Da:ir«giii£ to the I*ri*on< r, ;uifl Vf*v *:ii I-ink-t In t!ift tii:2in Conxnffr'n ? Him \ v ith t i# c Memiir Wf’deti. Denton, Md.. May 2.- Armed guards patroled fhe streets of this town all Tuesday night to pn-vent any attempt to lynch Marshall K Rrice, the young blacksmith whose trial for the murder of Sallie E. Bean, on March 20, near the village of Harmony, begun Tues day morning. The prisoner bad been confined in the Baltimore city jail for safety.and was brought here under a strong police guard from that city. The excitement over the trial is in tense and every available tree, awning, post and liitching-post in town lias two or three teams tied to it. The visitors com.* from all sections of Carolina and the adjoining eounties in swarms. Yesterday's testii lony was very dam aging to Rrice. Several links in tlie chain connecting him with the mur der were welded and Detective George i Seibold. who arrested Rrice, testified that the latter confessed the murder but denied that he had assaulted the girl before killing her. Dr. Joseph C. Clark corroborated Dr. Duhadaway’s testimony to the t fleet that the girl had been criminally assaulted by the murderer. The feeling- against Rrice is very bitter and much unea -iiu-ss is • exhibited by the t., vuspeople. I boy dread mob violent- -. if SheritT Berry ivi;t\ ! nppreeiable extent made to 1 vneh l’ri‘. . !* certain t. at i!s vigil to any eH'iii-t will be SOCIALIST DAY 11 CHICAGO. The (>!rl> *1 teruutli-nsl • Chicago. M. * i ratio under istie fede-rat it* tie S :u s .jet r of 11;-* III. . , '• . i . V tl it,' • 2. i'iie .'lay day pa- aus'i -es of the social- d ( ii :i/o anti tlie t 'en- tral labor union took ‘Iii •r* lie rt* yt Si **• day afterneoa. A in Jilt ^ ill ni* ii \y r-e in line. After IT)l !V‘ii r • ' J j »• t in* down-town sir* t*t- they •,< ii to Turner lull! aa ivre s;»**( M*ii4*S v(*r e (U- livered by T. i. i a i \::\n\ Brr.tinsehAveig. aft*-;* wi irii !.• wus prize turning- i.s id singln X an 1 (i.'il : Ul^ contests. Both tin* t i-.tdt ;»n<i i i’h ■ vs- sembly and tie- Ca'itiiiiT a-.... 5 • t (* *: fivil declined to )):;! li - : ate t* (it ;n^n- 8’ ration on tli.* in nd t: . -. 1 ' i *y i VK'.-- nized Septcm’" •r M. i i r: ‘ ' , * holiday, y- ,- •day's • . * » •' . t ;• Is in support of tli iiite: ;. ,t : i . » f 1 » l str • j yr t; for eight h r r- ot! tl. - ; 1’[ < ) i {i i r . 1 ti'k- lug p • )pie Germany. .n ' and Y!i«* ATm At'ill f;«* ! ockod Out. Riioviukm i:. R. I . May 1.—Notices were post#*'! hi the mills affiliated with the n.anut‘::i-Hiivrs' dnb last night an- nottneing tliat tin-n* ulll be a general shut-dowa of all of 'lit-*!' mills on May 13. i: the •frideat N'ation il mills is not scfiic initd tli - people in all of these mills ere "o' to beat work - on tin* prt-flit rate of wa'fe- i.v that time. lin;>r«>v-tn-nt in tli*. Iturlior, G.M.VM' )N, '!’■ Mi ! V An in- creas - of nearly a i;i the ilepth of water on Galvesto.: liar has tala n : in the Mist s'- wot-'.:,. Knr'neors i : eh. rge iF tin* j.-:! , uoik assert that ti'i' t*'il*r . ! . . ..f til • pres- nt svst* lit - a it ut twenty-five fret dll in Md::. |i:;t Itrtllwny A, ri- ■ c in thut : .date i: a I * .. • 1 Men ito, !. : • ••• Ait- ' .,f U,e . , *j i rk on t! .- i, i (*r< >• * s >e r: ::- r. poi 1 ■ 1 i* report -1 i- t .»■ r»!; i y :-.1 'i’e :i- (’rrv n; CUiatla. the se.-nt: of which nearly one hei lost their lives. A fr track, and it i*. said f ed. 1' I:: 1 •ii.any. mnnufacturer <>f :qi ",-ing 20(1 hands, yester- n! i force the oltl -cale of n whioit a retluction was ■ the bu i ness depression. wit iiiti t vm . yeai.... (■< li'cin- r Mums A whom i sn: (’liAtit.i s. Va.. May 1. \ two nt::'teil selto ner liet ry Rarkt-r. in Ital ia-'. New York to Norfolk. Va., went rslj-.rc ye*i*-r.!'!\ afternoon four miles !.■ *tl t li West io S:nil b >'il It;, no pro x-ct of t.-'-tt':i'. r her nV. • f»*»v of six iiicn savetl l.*y life snving erew. Hlxty-l'tv** Uc'-'is !)••*: rttyetl Ity I Irr. r.Kiii.tN. Mav I. \ dispateh from Hr-slau s :ys in the small Rolish town of Br/.i-sink-; n.\ty~f,'-t- liottsi.:, were de stroyed by Id-e and bilt'd'-eds of pcopb* made bomt 1 liri*i* pcr.-ttiis were killed by filling walls and several others art missing. TO BE COURT IViARTiALED. Mctllrul Inspector Kersliu *r of the Navy, to he Tried for Perjury. Washington, May 1.—The court martial of navy officer for perjury is a novelty in naval experience in tin* Uni ted States so far as best memories go. This, however, is the leading specifica tion under which Medical Inspector Edward Kershner, fleet surgeon of Admiral Meade’s squadron, has been ordered by Secretary Herbert to appear before it court martial tit t ie New ] York navy yard on Montlay. May. •'». The first charge relates to a \ iolation - of tin! naval regulations by Dr. Kersh- ner in forwarding privately to Surgeon i General Tryon, medical director Dele- van Bloodgood, retired, substitute ; copies of Captain Evans' report with i Admiral Meade’s endors m ent regard ing the failure of the doctor to go as ordered on board a Nova Seot«:*.n ves- j sel at Bridgetown, Barbadoes. in re- • spouse to an emergency call. These . documents wore subsequently publish- j ed in newspapers in the United States. Second charge is a denial of the viola tion. Wants thi) Tinpirc Keniovt'il. St. Loris, Mo., May 1.—Chris Vort ■ler Ahc has written to Rresident Young, of flit! National league, request ing the removal of Umpire Betts from St Louis after the present series, tnd has alsvsasked that Betts be not ])i*nnltted to umpire any game played by the St. Louis club in other cities. Impartial spectators of games umpired by Betts here tleclarc that Von der A he's retjuest uncalk tl for, and that Betts is above the average umpire in ability. <Juts i* Ai.hanv. X. Y., M; anan. who was to htn ted in Sing' Sing pr > poisoning his wife. AV er respite of one \vi Morton yesterday. Thi tbe rccommendati in of lie*,' Fellow; in’ lit r Wet !c. : v 2. — i)r. Biieh- >■ is '.*:t electrocn- >:t vt t *r-i:r.'. for is granted anoth- •ek by Governor * was done on District Attor- of New i .va > r ‘gtirtl- ed it as the easiest, shortest and best way out of the complications which have arisen in the case. Victory for the I'nion Men. MAluirETTi:. Mich.. May .’.-—The ore trimmers’trouble here was practically settled yesterday afternoon in favor of tin* union men. They secured a iron- tract to trim the vessels at present in port on terms independent of the passi ble contractors. While this arrange ment is not binding on other .-. .;m*1 owners its moral influence am/tint* to a victory for th*- union men. Ifol'iliiT tin" Troops In Ii; ailtites*. RicHMoxn, Va.. May 2. Arrange ments have been made by which the military here can be gotten under arms immediately should their s. rvic; be needed in tin* Fiat Top region. An un derstanding' is said to exist by which Virginia and West \ irginia troops can co-operate if necessary. General I it/liua'a ■ e.- Instiilletl. Ltwiiiii'Kg. i.. May 2. <General Fitz.btv/h \a!io ha*. b-.*'-n app<;'!i1t*d its eolU-ek.'r of it* w»*stern <i. trie* caused by the tie pereii arri\ ed in : wastin'" i;.-ta i ••■ii:-! revenue of tlie to nil the a::e.:iit-y ’ll of I 'apt :i':n . -p- !ie eitv v*-st<'rdii mul Treasury Keeeipts for April. Wakaington, May 1.—The treasury receipts for April ended yesterd iy were only S24,247,000 ^s,704.»00 less t'aiin tho expenditures. The defleit for tihe year to tlate is officially stated at 247,000. During’the mouth the gold re terve in creased ^O.VI.OOO stamling at .'Oi,2 s ‘.>,o0O. The ainoiint of United States notes and treasury notes exchanged for gold dur ing April amounted to SOSO,000. tm- ate The* Hoyul Ari-anuin ■ i (. nf;‘- Rome, Ga., May .’. 'i'h, anmnl convention oJ Gran i ( . aiieil t,f the Royal Arcanum met hen* !t , will be in session twoti..-, . Arcuinim of ("-t r; mJi ' . • tv.'*/ he ( i)!.ia-- r< it , Stock mo: *. a y ber of tin i to give n 'ti' • <»: commere: . 1 t anil Swed .. riiiii'iie, • -r.-ham- ■ i• r-: a i.-eitled . n . a m <*f the • ’ eel X tv at it - lb councils with a mint or; U p Annthcr lit f *' -ititin of C!lty ! unils. Moi'nt Ci - x-. Mich.. May 2.—The bondsmen of ex-("dy Trt;asurer Czizek have been notified that there is a de falcation of funds amounting to about 010,00'i, . nd '!. are requested to make the short:' ft- >1- i iitiu • it I" ulr<* t(| Nt.w Yokk May (»eneral John i'ut"ii. pro ideiit of the I’unaiua rail- Mitl, died j v ivi'iay. A Itedui-tlon I . Oil. Rittsiu'kg, Ra., May 'l’l u , .St ; ,n- dartl OH company has started oil du -. n- wurtl by making a rcduetioii of ten cents in the price of Renn- Ivaida crude oil. Governur Carr Will Nut Mt*-’i«l. Rai.eigii, x. ( ., May 2. Governor Uarr has declined to attend m- li iUl,.- fild celebration at Knoxvii! I nn . iu fcepteniber, by sous of veteran j. I fll; Site. i li.n in .!*-;• h i ii l ie i; iii|;i't|, London. '! aic do: itics of tin* f ireign <•: ; • '. . i - iy. in | reply to qu. si .m Lie that the sir.uiti ia . i • . .a . . sb-,* itely uneiiauged. WasiuN! •*:.. ’ .r* C !• : For j Geoigfia. ir, . •!•;,. \ intis. For 1 Alaliauia, i : •*••. • ,, .sliovv- jura in we tern purti u-. cooler sou th- j erly winds. W$l. C *411 1 L .1 t « , «* T> Wll. Ijosm* s. ' . • ' lyn Miilcolru W\nee, the ;* ns ii : :■! of the bankrupt linn V*;. A >m. solici- j loi'ti, ba.) been ■ ri e '1 al Cape Town. ..i f 'unit.ti s the t.r in t'-. Mg' Ala.. May t. -Messrs i : ■ i. Br.,' tif Atlanta. ar<* the low- ’ i : . it . for 10,000 square yards of • pavin '-for North < ourt street, ,'. Tin- t'Giitr,.et will be let, anti . proceeded without tleiay. / ft*' ;i f i p!t:«! at Vale. H 1 Uonii., May D—'I’iie o. : has btteii sul/scribed for . . ’ Vale for contagious dis- A'i'l be tlie only hospit il ■ is tlisejises in any Ameri- ve: ity. l* Xo ( retlit iu tlie Itcport*. a, , lu-t.rox, -May 1.—'Hie Indian oil; it.-, no en-lit iii reports from Vii. eg that the Turtle mountain Chippe-Ava Indians in North Dakota have gone on the warpath. I.UWIT I’rlceo for Itecf. a Vguk. May 1. The Avestern sup- P-y ' 1 bn d is now reported as large as tii '.’ • . ear, and ligures indicate a tailing oil iu re tail prices soon. The W';m;.|i <;«•! ;i Nrw Site. Ati.anta, May 1. The Avoman’s board of the exptisifmn ri tiuested ves- tenkiy a I'etter site for their buihling. They ofl't i'i d to bear Intif the expense of changing t lit* site and the proposition will be m-e. pted. iCoiiiiul-sioiif-rs l«> Set the Day of Sale. M acon. G:i.. May 1. The Macon Con struction company property is ordered s tld before the Jirst Tuesday in Novem ber ne. t . 'J he date wiil be'fined by the comnii-siom rs of court appointed yes- j ter day. X h<» Uruitriitloxi l*o:4tpuiit*d> New YoiiK, May L—On account of ' a heavy, stvaily dowujtour <if rain yes- , terday aft rnoon, all the ceremonies of the dedication of the Washing-ton mon ument arch were |>ostponcd tintil Sat urday. Imli Titluns urn Talr. WAsiiiM. 1-ox. May I. Forecast: For Georgia, fair, southeasterly winds. For Alabama, fair, southeasterly wiuda. The MiiincaiiullH tho Most Ktltolont Washington. May !.—The ollicial re port to the Jinitl trial of the cruiser Minneapolis has reached the navy dc- , partment anti shows that the vessel is | practically faultless even under ex treme conditions of service. Httr run | in tin* topics for forty-eight hours, part i of it with natural drift, proved her tho ; most efficient ship yet built fo; * the j navy. Miners' Wiiaes at Schuylkill. PoTTsviu.K. Ra., May 1.—The com- « mittee of the Schuylkill Coal exchenge | announces that the result of drav - ing of live collieries to lix the rate of wa ges for the last ’naif of April and the i first half of May for the mine work ers I of the Schuylkill region will he 10 per cent below the 02.50 basis, < «-ntr:,l Attn-rU-a \\ mils Gietrtliu.i. TEort'HiAj.i’A. I b.ii'lnvaMay 2.— It is reported on good authority that negotiations are t»n foot fora < e.itrnl American union to be uiider tin* tiro- Section of the I Tiitcd States. Dun nt A<-i-ii»«mI i>f tin- MurUer. :4 4 \n l-'liASrisco, May 2. Vfter-wrang- ilinp ziver tlie testimony for *avo lours the .ivry yesterday afternoon !,n>ught in ti v»a*ilict eliarging Dutuut with the murder of L-- Bk'iii*lic* mt. ( for the Worse. Boudeo'I'own, N. J., May 2. Mrs. 'RarueH’s coii'lition has ciiunged ft/t-tlie worse. At noon she was mentally dul ler and more drotisy. The strikers Will Itesmm- Work. Rai:i. May 2. The strike of thv ■matcb-Avorkcrs in the g-overnuient fac tories It.s co'iap'.-tl tm i tin: men will return to aa >rk forthwith. HCW THE SCORE STOOD. The I.ust Train Ia*av<*». Jackhonv tT.i.E, Fla., May 1.—Tlie h st hotel help ’trains of the season via t.'ie Florida Central and Peninsular ami Si i- vannah. Florida and Western railways from this city to Ncav York, left tin union stutiou yesternay morniug at 10:20 li’clock. Ye A*. 1 .U- CJncinDut: I I Iflu.-i .re - I *.» At Bn . n • llnltil!:".*- f* '•* ' Brooklyn 7 10 •At Wash:::gon: 'Washlnston. Boston .. South: It II At Ctiatta nooi a: Atlanta <i It Chutianooi. r ii.. 1 • At N: hvllt*- Nashvllk 7 17 KvansvlUc 0 o NX--a '/''.rk ’j u q.aia 4 h At S: Louis: ' [0 Louisv flic League. It II At N*-w Or!' -:: Ni aa- Orleans :j « MontKomcry.. I At M-cipUis: Memphis * Lilt le JlfH li- 2 •Kami uo gatiMi. :<