1 i 1 Draytonville Dots. [(’(>!VSp(i|)i|rncc of Till l.l'.nGKK.) ItRwioxvii i.k. S. .Ian. 2U.— NN’Iio SIM's I' ltiw rirk.v i' ilnuiV ^ on needn't helievf a worn of it, I 'm just nov. ' ‘^t t t in;; ri^lit.' s ^'(>ll know, I slitoud you a lottor in poetry sonn* liim sinoo from mj best yirl, and told \i:ii how hard tho tomplalion was to nsist W i ll, you can toll ’em all that Flaw Picker is married, tth, sweet hotioy-nioon. Flaw Picker has starlcit in with the New \ car to sec if life is worth living for. Here is a few oi his many roso- lut ions. 1. I shall, hence forth nowand forevermore drink no more intoxica ting liquors. Amen. 2. Fse no tobacco in none of its various forms and tix ups. W ilie says 1 must stop, and if I must I must. liny nothing on credit that 1 will afterwards have to pay for. or borrow anything that I will have to pay back. t. To keep my nose out of my neighbor’s business and have nothing more to do with fools whatever. .">. To join the church Of they will fellowship me.) and learn t>> love the Lord (if I can). (». That if wilie (Mrs. Flaw Picker) gets on her ear and gets to quarrel ing with me to put it in in* bunto.i: at once. You see—you men who have quarreling wives—you don t know the value of Tiik liKKCKK until you try my plan. 7. To choke the eagle to death be fore I turn the quarter loose, and only then for the actual necessities of wide and self. Laying all jokes aside, there is a man (correspondence of Tin: Lkoukk) which I point out to you with pride; a man of culture, a mam of sense, a | gentleman in every sens*- of the word. | one who has never inessrd up with | Flaw Picker in none Cowpens Chronicles. [('orrospondem c WT uki.y I i:i»ui:k.| ('o\vima'.'. S. .Ian. —The —The night work of the weaving de part inent. which has Ihcii running i, I ( 1 I i 1111 ■ w i dis ill .n.U' ovt rscc lie l rain for s :;i, iwtr». S. <:. Thomas t he wca\.og room, n .i,. i for .-•parlanhurg, lie .ill sp • ial n important The pi-ople of i Id- place ar« learn, t hat 1 he t ’ow im ns .M Is of the 1 ( VC srvt*- jsim ss. glad to Co., is going to ln:iid an neli! ion So t he cot- • i will (Mploy sevi ral la i aclfinelicy - as usual ul hearted ton mnl hands, win a comp; Not wit i.-I ale ■ :'. of t he Weat ii r cn OH a hoom \\ i 111 drummers. Mr. Thos. !i »y with his par* nt.- in Walter ihilliiigton. -pent last Sun day in Clifton, ned we fancy there is something more attractive for him than at home. Moor, who was -hot in the i.ait last Sunday t rough Shoals. -am a few tin vs sg ho win i is iq jam. Brof. T 1 'nr-' vn w ho lias taught i'or mac.t i i X. E t tl k ned i;is • . tic.-l M-im *)i in St•. .i ii ( ar »! in,* all i>W- pens iiii• iii* - 1 1 ’• 1 1 < > !• uM 1 hat he : is wi li pi •H .'V i W i : ii iii ; I *: ) ^ ■ t ion as 1 principal ar.fi wi i n M ‘ r • h*il he will ! never rt t ill iii' »* to ti Sunn v * 1 South, hut it sect ;is to i‘ \' ic fate of man to S' •ok all 1: is cons on in fli turity. S he lii.ii prise; it is very sd- | dom :i!(i pounds of same for acid. Resolved. That we request the cot ton growers of this county to endorse and help to carry out the plan pro posed at the cotton grower;'.' conven tion held recently at Jackson. Miss.- looking to the reduction of the cot ton acreage in the South. • • the latter. H \ 1‘i'Y John. Trough Tinklets. TuorcH, S of his foolishness i tor: \\c arc V and has, appearantly, payed no at ten tion to him whatever. He signs his name “T” and writes from Aland, S. C. I have never had the pleasure of meeting him but 1 know he’s worthy of praise. Jty the way, why don't we hear from those little darling *‘t.oucher- ites” again? And “Oh* Koon” must show up again too. Ft. AW I'lCKKR. . -w#* - Algood News Notes. [Correspoiiilcnee of l hk i.KixiKit., Al.ooOl*. f'. t'.. Jan. 2'J.— l here was a masked tacky party at J. A. Harris’ last Saturday night which | was greatly enjoyed by all present, and best of all there was a pound supper in connection with it there is where the enjoynunt came in. Misses Hoy Sauce, Laura Tindall. J. A. Harris and family visited A. W. Smith and family last Tuesday night. Mrs. \Y. 1). Ryars and daughter. Miss Sarah, visited Mrs. Mary Linder last Tuesday. Misses Roy Nance. Ophelia and Hattie Young, J. W. R.vars and family, A. \Y. Smith and family, visited R. 11. Ryars lust Sunday. Well, the silent was there too. Miss Antoinette Clary, of Maud, ct a) visited Miss l.eiiora Ryars last Sunday, A. \V. and R. L. Smith were in your city last Saturday on business. \V. J.. Young went to Spartanburg last Thursday on business. The Silent rode eleven miles through the rain last Friday night and not being satisfied with the wet ting he rode thirty miles Saturday and went to the tacky party Satur day night and then went out larking late Sunday evening hut didn’t stay till bed time. We noticed in the hist issue of Tin: Lkookk. especially in the corres ponding arena. quite an improvment. We would now suggest that all the correspondents try to make all the improvment possible and encourage utjicrs to try a hand in tin* good work. We would like for Mrs. Ann Waters to write often. We think she would make an entertaining correspondent. Subscriber seems to he about played out as far as writing is conccrnod ami requests us to take his place. We will do the best we can and that won’t be much. Edward Gardner bruised his hand while chopping, which caused it to rise. He is sullcring intensely from t he effect. The health of tins section is very good if there is any body sick we don’t know it. SwiAA Sis IK. ICr of Till I.K dceil ] .1 an. 2'J.— Mr. Edi- iving more wi >at her tit [on t keep L iie hoys ■r cut Trim ('ham- 1 ii >y w ho is e m ployed ’is. Jan. 23. Morris vn to the mill on present, but it 1 from fighting. Arthur Hopp berlain a negro by.Jno. H. Mor sent the boy do business, when the mill bo;.- raised a fuss with him and began cursing and abusing hi;n. The negroe got on a wagon c t arted home when SOUK* < m \rj; y V Ar thin* 11 ipper a kni fr. li< ‘PP 4 r o\ t rt ook tin wagon and jumpt (1 i)*i it :: ::* i cut |h c negro boy s i yr 1 >m i H!! Hop per has i been \c ry fllSs y al his ii to irom ! what Iii s i’« it iicr j ml hrothe rs stiys. | He has rai Sell > \i •rti f Us.-cS while at j Baeolet with m ,.. > boys. He was 1 th.iowii S' •oek ■ *i * a civ tha works j for us, l ink M it! is', v.hi e going j along t is r . 1 11. r's f: i her hits sent him away . i»o: h 1 hope ami br<.\ j!n ; Mr. i>. W. Smith : I’oole were man u d J residence of I lie brim Smith is a very and is \ cry poj this place, li weave room at liked by o\ cry 1 Roth mil:- ai on full lime ; prosp’ runs >v wilt ins’ in. \!; 17. caught - Mary at tin* Centerview Notes. Gkxtkkvikw. S. Jan. 27.— There was a regular old time dance at Mr. W'. A. Roundtree's Saturday night and the young folks that wore present had a most delightful time of it. I heard that some of our boys hud gone to a quilting. They quilted a quilt while one of the girls cooked supper, although the lines were so near together that a wagon could have turned around between them. Monazite is being washed out by the wholesale in this settlement there being four companies at work. Mr. Acuna Stacy visited his best girl Sunday night. 1 saw in Tm: Lkiujkk some time ago where some one wanted to know what had become of Mr. Thomas Campbell. He is at work in the monazite mines near Jonas Rlanton’s. Charles Morgan visted the Beaver- dam section Sunday. Cakomk. . Speciman Cases. S. II. Clifford, New Cassell, Win., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rhe umatism. his Stomach was disorder!, From Furman University. [Correspondence of Thu Lkikikr.] Grkksviu.k, S. (’., Jan., 30.—The election of officers in both societies for the spring session took place last Saturday evening. South Carolina boys, like their fathers, have a good deal of political spirit in them. And so our elections are sometimes close and hot contests. In our last elec tion however, everything passed off quietly. There were two contesting candidates in the race in each society and in one the race was close, but In the other not so close. \V. It. Mc Millan was elected President of the Philosophian Society and Hugh Hainsworth of the Adelphian. Today finished up the intermediate examinations. These examinations certainly are a test of a students work. A student may skin over his work and manage to barely get along with ins daily work, but he may be sure these examinations will tall on him. We were glad to see the familiar faces of J. Landrum Brown, of Charlotte, Robert J. Alderman, of Sumter County, and S. B. Atkinson, of Chester, all former students of Eurman. in our city last Sunday. The protracted meeting at the First Presbyterian Church closed lust Sunday. Hr. Guirunt, of Ken tucky. assisted the pastor, Dr, Me- Connel in this meeting. Dr. Guirant is a great preacher. IJuite u number of confessions were made. A. Clary. - <••*- • Mothers In Trouble. This is the condition of chose ex pecting to become mothers. To such we point to a true friend in Moyiikr’s Rki.ikk, which not only makes child birth easy and painless, but leaves mother and child in healthy and vig orous condition ; restores the mother to her original beautiful form. Price $1 per bottle; 3 bottles for .$2.50. For sale by druggist, or sent by express on receipt of price by MOTHERS’ RELIEF CO., 38 Feters St., Atlanta, Ga. For sale by W. B. DuPre. . -*•*- • —The best lOe. plug in town is “Sweet Mash” at Wilkins Bros. Sticey Shoals Statements. [Correspondence of Tm; Lkdgkr.J Sticky Shoals, N. 0., Jan. 31.— David Champion of this place spent a few days last week with friends and relatives at Gaffneys S. C. Sidney Elliott near Gaffney passed through here last week on his way to his farm near this place. J. W. Champion, who lias he, n railroading for some time, has returned home where he will spend awhile width his father and friends near Boiling Springs. J.<). Little and Lem Ross, of Gaffney, passed through here hist week. George Lavender of Karls N. ('.. passed throng here last week. Miss Minnie Ellis and Minnie Wylie and W. C. Ellis, visited Dock Putnam and family last Saturday night and Sunday near Boiling Springs. Dick Champion of Boiling Springs visited J. W. Champion at this place one day last week. A. !.. Borders and Dock Jenkins of Earls N, C.. spent last Saturday night with Jim Blanton and family near Boiling SpringsN. C. Alvin. THE PAST guarantees the future. " It is not what we say, but what dood’s Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. Remember HOOD’S CURES his Liwr was affected I iiif •uis. j >a ft 111**»s|icistiis \ Him man in: al and 11 Yef >• 't‘i* t Mill around in Use and is litTC n't- running , !Iiing looks ■ ;> ( (itin. to an alarm ing degree, appetite fell away, and he i was terribly reduced in flesh and 1 strength Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepard, Harrisburg, III., had a running sore on his leg of eight years standing, t sed three bottles of Electric Bit tics and seven boxes of Bticklen’s Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John j Speaker. Catawba. <•., had five largo Fever sort s on his leg. doctors said he j was ineiiiable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Ruekleii’s Arnica D. J. HAMRICK, Boiling Springs, N. c. Dealer in American and Italian Marble. American and foreign granite I pur chase directly from the quarries in Vermont and Carara in Italy, andean give the lowest terms possible. Hav ing served an apprenticeship under one of the best sculptors in America. 1 am prepared to do tlip finest work on short notice, Orders from a dis tance solicited and satisfaction guar anteed. Monumental work a specialty A Word for the Boys. If we are to have drunkards in the future, “ome of them are to come from the hoys who read this. Well, here is a plan t hat is just as sure to save you from auctia fate as the sun is to rise to-morrow, it never fails, it never will and is worth knowing. Never touch liquor in any form. This is Hie plan, and it is worth pul- ting into practice. You may not drink now, and it seems as if you never would. Bot your temptation will come and it will probably come in this way. You will find yourself some time with a number of companions and they will have a bottle of wine on the table. They will drink, and offer it to you. They will think it a manly practice, and nory likely they will look upon you as a milksop if you dont indulge with them. Then what will you do? Will you say, “No, no; none of that st uff for me,” or will you take the glass with your com mon sense protesting and your coti- sdicnee making the whole draught hitter, and then go off with a hot head and skulking >oul that at once begins to make apologies for itself and will keep doing so al! its life? Touch not, taste not, the vile stuff, and grow up to he sober, honest, and Christianized men and women. J>. Heart Disease SOYrs! Short Breath, Palpitation. Mr. G. Y7. MoKinsey, postmaster of Kokomo, Inch, and a brave ex-soldier, says: “I had been severely troubled with heart disease over since leaving the army at the close of the late war. I was troubled with palpitation and shortness of breath. 1 could not sleep on my left side, and hud pain around my heart. I became so ill that I was much alarmed, and for tunately my attention was called to Dr„ Miles’ Heart Cure I decided to t ry it The first bot tle made a decided improvement in my condition, and five bottles have com pletely cured me.” C. W. McKINSEY, 1». M., Kokomo. Ir.d Pr. Miles Heart Pure Is sold on a txisIMvo guarantee that the Iir s. bottle will benefit. Allen ,:dsts sell Hat il, li tiottl. tor 15, or It will li.iseet. prepaid, on receipt of price by thu Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elk' rt, lei. TASTELESS CHILL TONIC IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 ots, Galatia, Ills., Nov. M, 1898. Pari* Medicine Co., St. l/nn*, Mo. Gentlemen:—Wo Hold l:i»t year. WO bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHIU. TONIC and have bought three Krons already this year. In all osr ex perience of 14 years. In tho Unix business, have never Bold an article that gave such universal Balls- la«Uou as your Tunic. Yours truly, Auney.Cakr &C0» For sale by \V. B. DuPre. MONAZITE. All persons who have Monazite sand on hand, or who are mining, or in- i;eml to mine, can secure a contract from me by calling at my home with samples of sand. No contracts given out or entered into with irresponsible inrties, or parties who do not own or control leases. Must have full out put of mine. All Monazite sand con tracted for will be paid for in cash when delivered at Gaffney, S. ('., or at any railroad point in South or North Carolina, as agreed upon. Call on or address L. F. CAMPBELL, Gaffney, S. C. P. (). Box 171 New Buildings. )o( SSA. VIC Money and Keep it in Your Community By buying your Building Material, Sash, Doors, Blinds, etc. from L. BAKER. We also agrees to do any carpenters work for 10 L, less than can he done by non-resident contractors for the pure as any same class of work, either first-class i can furnish A Message from Midway. [Corrc pondcnce of T”k Ledger! Midi, ay, Jan. 30.—One of the best habits a young girl can form is that of keeping an an account of her personal expenses, and the smaller the item the more important to keep account of the n. Few peo ple realize how large a proportion of their money runs away in little ex penditures of half-dimes, dimes and quarters. Even the insignificant penny has a way of counting up that surprises one. Car fare, soda w*'ter. ice cream, candy and the money is gone. It is only when puts down the small items in plain black and white that one realizes the importance of looking after the little outlays. If girls were taught to keep an account of every penny they spend they would he better prepared to expend their money judiciously when they become wives, housekeepers and pro viders for families. (Jive the girls a regular allowance and then require a strict account to ho kept of Hie way it is spent and in a few years we will litar less about thriftless and extrav- gant women. As I am so deeply interested in all that concerns the dear girls of this country I copy the above for the far mers' daughters. I do think every girl should have a little income that should truly and rightfully be hers to spend for her clothing and her comfort and in other laudable ways. It would be well to require this sort of bookkeeping as a necessary school ing until they ydopt the habit as a permanent rule in life. 1 am sure there is nothing that would be of greater advantage to a girl than this method of learning business. It will help her from girlhood to old ago, make her careful, thoughtful and economical. G. l. s. —• - <). W. O. iff rdmun, Sheriff of Tyler Co.. W. Yu., appeeciaies a good thing and does not hesitate to say so. He was almost prostrated with u cold when he p ocured a bottle of Cham berlain’s Con di Remedy. He says: “It gave me prompt releif. I find it to he an invaluable remedy for coughs and colds.” For sale bv \Y. B. EuPre. Old Style Hand-Made Corn* Whiskey. , v ’T-U. Mrs. S. .i. Lcj'ebcr Robsmoyin*, Ohio. Terrible Misery Helpless With Rheumatism and Without Appetite Tired FeeliniR: and Pains Dispelled by Hood’s S^rsapariffa. “ I was in terrihlu misery with rheumatism in my hips and luwer limbs, i read s > much about Hood's Sars'.jurilln that I thought I would try it ai.d ... li it relieve me. When I commenced I < mid nut sit up nor even turn over in bed without help. One bottle oi Hood’ s Relieved Me BO much that i was s-out of bed and could walk. 1 had also felt weak and tired all the time; could nut sleep, and cMeuied so little rest at night that I fi it all v. >rn < a. in the morning. I had no appetite to e.n : nyihing, but flood s ^ Cures vlXs ;ppetitc so that I and I have gained rapidly in suenj- th. 1 Lave taken live bottles of flood's Sarsaparilla and i am as well as ever.” Mrs. S. A. l.i: i-.ukr, Kossinoync, O. Sarsaparilla restored my could eat without any dis! Hood’s Pills euro liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. My Whiskey is made on the old-time process, from t he best of materials. Distilled in small copper stills over a wood lire. I guarantee it to he as ?ood Whiskey made, it to vou tis follows: or cheap. Respectfully, ISiiUor P The Henneman Monumental Jewelry Store. The largest stock of Solid Silver Ware, Silver Novel ties, J>IiV- and ITIIVK J<3WC£1^- in Pied mont Caro lina. Out of town orders solic ited. 45 Morgan Square, ~ 11 'Of 1 ._ r uJ 0. II. ARK PENNYROYAL PILLS tin* rtdi’briit<‘d Female Regula tor are perfectly safe and always reliable. Fur all Irregularities, painful Menstruations, Suppres sion, t ie., they never fail to afford a speedy and certain relief. No Exei:- RIMKXT. hut a scientific and positive relief, adopted only after years of ex perience. All orders supplied direct from our office. Price p package, $1.(N), or six packages for $.'>.00. by mail postpaid. Every Pack auk Guaranteed. Particulars (scaled) 4c. si// cones/'on (/due s!,i\ tly confn/.ntinl. PARK REMEDY CO., Boston, Mass. By the barrel at $1.40 per gal. By th~ keg, 4 3-4 gallons or less, at $1.40 per gallon. Kegs 60c. each. Jugs 10c. gal. Boxes for jugs 5 cents each. Cash must;accompany al! orders. No goods sent C. O. D. Always put your name on empties. Address A. C. JENKINS, Earl, II. C. Refer to Ex. a:,cut or any merchant. J. E. WEBSTER, i\. 11 orno;y-A. t- I W. Gaffney City, S. C. Practices in ail the courts. Collec tions a specialty. Livery and Feed Stables. Headquarters for drivers and Farm ers, who want to buy,sell or exchange. I make a Specialty of Feeding Stock. First-class turnouts at reasonable rates. Cattle and Hogs bought and sold. J. G. Spencer, Proprietor. w & Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-j ent business conducted for moderate: Fees, i Our Office is Opposite U . S. Patent Ofpice and wc can set uro patent in le.i tunc than those remote from Washington. . , Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. Va advise, if patentable or not, free of; charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , A PAfAPHLET. “ How to Obtain Patents, with cost of same in the U. fi. nsd lurtija countries sent free. Ad iress, C.A.SNOW&eO. Op?. PATENT OFFJCE. WASHINGTON. D. C. LVWW%^V-S. ^ WV’Vfc/VW’VO/V* W. L Douglas §3_SHOEn < u&;5£ k *-•<«* 3. CORDOVAN, ^ FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. 4. 5 3.M F!« CALF&K/WOMOfl $3.59 POLICE,3 SOLES. j s2 59 «2. WORKINGMEN’. I fine- ^5. The Cheapest Place on Earth SOrniEKX I* AIL WAY CO. (HAS I KK.S SYSIH.U.) PIEDMONT AIR LINE. C0NI>F.::SKI> SCHEDULE OI’ l'A5>XNC.EIt TRAIN* A. IS:. Wood Northbound Nov imh, 1HJI. Vt. i sun’l No.:;s n,» ao Daily , D. i ', Lv A’lint a (time I’-’/Mn !>.; 'To ii i v To The Ledger. Ravenxa. S. c. Jan. 2S.—! nm a little girl eleven year.- (>ld. I am go- I ing to school and !• .train ' very fa.s 1 . [ Won i j - .ss m\ ;-*t i.-r unnoticed. Wc in* ' having n Ix np of cold w atht r. : 2.$l. 7 - 5 BOVS'SCIiOOLSHOEi -x.yYi>iES- N(«?S8!®Sf3Ei. BKGCKTOM.MASS.^^ Over One Mlillor. People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the bt3t value f,o.x'r i'a11 v 'ro Oic A r oi:i< X MTV mTAATDO /ii'ii; Duuuirto Having just received a 1! KRRING-H ALL-M ARYIN latest improved RFRGI.AR I’ROOF SAFE with Automatic Bolt Work anti Time Lock and Safety Deposit Boxes, lam better prepare l than ever to take care of your funds. Safety Deposit Boxes at moderate rent. County Claims Bought. Exchange Bought and Sold. Thanking you for past favors I solicit you future business. HANG ON TO YOOR DOLLAR j until you see our new stock of DREGS BOOKS. NEW S STATIONERY, and ; HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS, Latein Sivlc, Sound in nudity and sold strictly [ on their merits. Everyone is SF RE >f a STB A H HIT, S()l ARE and <’KR- j TAIN BARGAIN at the Low Brice we put on all our goods this season. You have never seen them so good, so plemy or so cheap as now. WE HAVE SOMETHING : FOR EVERY BERSK, Some)Iiing for every , •rson, something for the pen- j ny, the dime, the quarter, t he half and the dollar. Something for the moth- | er, the Father, the Lover, the Girl, the Boy and the Baby. Something /itlanla i; tune •* N''..rCl>'aJ *• it'g'Tl “ (Uiiticsvffle.. I..la “ (’nrai iia. ... ** Mt Airy *• To ’foa ... •• WtMniiastcr “ Scnci’ii “ ft u!i ll 4 4' •• Grcctitille .... ■ • I V . ,.,r E » n •• GalTncys “ ftlavksbunt... 7,u:> “ K inj-CsMiiutit'a *• Gastonia . Ar. Ciiarlotte. v . Ar. Danville . . l.tU i» I'.i.O'l j. '. !a..: p “■ * i 1 p 11.’.‘> .. ng: p 1-41 u: LMi- ;• :: id a 4 Ml M i.i-: a a .'JO a a 8.30 p 0.30 a •J.iJO a 11.35 a 8 Ar. Washlneton . ('■.t.’ :ij 8.:io p “ U.iltim’e e.K.U. s.' S aill.3.> p “ I'iiilutlelphla..I10.35 a 3.(0 a. " n- w York 1I3.KJ nl 6.33 ai ; Vcs. f'xtin’l Southbound. No.37 No.35 Daily Daily Lv New vork IMUt 4 NO [ U.13 r. “ Philadeljihia. I'>.r5 p i.jo a “ HaltimorL' 0.20 i) 0.42 a " Washitwton. 10.43 p 11.01 a FOR YOU, “ Danville., •• Charlotte.. ••Goal . 1 . . " KIn-' -..M'e.nt e “ D .. knb.n-. . 10.47 •* U fTriey;: “ SparUin >urII •* < ireenvUle L-.'. “ (''’ntr.-.l 1 15 ** SeiR-ea ,| “ Westminster.. I “ Toevoa “ Mount Airy “ Cornelia.. . “ Lula “ (iaine-viilo 3.31 p “ Iluford x< rcross Ar Atlanta K tin e 4.",.', j Ar A:I ntaCtitn 3.r,3 i a .’(.12 a l.t*> a p !2 n ;:.4'J No.i*; No. 34 Daily Daily a .ii a In.17 a • •. ••••• , 1 *i* :i ii.i i .> r .t.t - n.:;; ; i j*. • • 1. 42 p 12'.' T> !-'• !■ 2..o i "S’ : .... 4.21 p l.i'2 p .%.(s p a.31 p * 6 .'20 p U 00 o 11.25 a 12.50 a 0.15 a 7 12 a 1* 02 a 1 11.33 a | 2.(3 p No. 11 No. 33 '.Daily Dally 3.30 D J SgiS p 8.37 p 10.05 p igno n :.fx> n 5.09 a 12.20 ii 8.37 a 1.4 p 1.21 p 1..4 ]i ••••••*• -MO p -•''I p . • • • 4.'i.’> p # >. > J ) (.III (1.20 ]> T.Dt) T 7.:c, i, ' Me . ; |> j ‘ja; i> .... ...a 10.50 p» •J.30 p Something to suit evwyone’s stocking and strain nobody’s purse, store is full of BIG-HEAR’l'Ki^BARGAINS at big-h' iirfed prices. S. B. CRAWLEY & CO. Our LIMESTONE * SPRINGS Id WORKS, UIS A AMO mmmo RICHARDSON BUILDING. * PLASTERING are made for use as well as ornamentation. Carroll Carpenter & Humphries. Coal, Shingles, Latns^ Oyinatnite, Blasting Powder! ’’A*’ a. m. **iV’ p. in. ‘ 51. noon ‘ X." night Pullman Car Sorvlc®: No-- .'; T >r.n l 3ii Unf- teil States Fast Mail. Pu’.lmaa Si.-c. ing Cars be tween A Hart a M' n’goaicry, and .Vow York. Nos.37 and 38 -Washingtoa and SouthweBtern Vestlhuled LlmiUsd.Tbr<' .!Th Pullman Siecpcra between Now York and New Orleans, via Atlan ta and Montgomery and also between Ne,v York and Memphis, via Atlanta usd Birmlti„Uam- Ditdng Car? N •. li and I?. P.Ur*. : ..g Car between likiutiou 1. I) ll.vill ' . U • :r Tri • . rid* Short Lti. il. e t' . ., n ( ;r? also Fit st Class day coaehes t om CUarlott* t» V a-hio .ton v.liho .7 o{ xv. . .. ,J tl..O' -.0.1 l.i 1! ■,;J4 1J » til NosIX W. A. TL'iJik, S. H. i.'gaiPWICK, Gen ! Pass. A^ t. A t O'.neralPasj A* 1 * WASIHSOTt .(, D r* ATb-(KTA, OA. IV. C. :>BL.C.iA vd.-'Ot, Chcriott*, North CaroUtia. it.h.ofei.n, j.r crrn’, GenTMgr., Trade Ma'fr, Wasulal . eg, 1). 0. V«'aaa.i.fcWab. ft "H