r ' . m ' , > > ? .ffr jpf Qocirti. ? ; *'iriXt xK'iXiXX': .TSSiLx=x^~ -^xr.-rs^.-rau^at V TKK TWKWTY TH J RD PS ALH. I [^rfi 17 j \f :J ? * MWtitot w mj shepherd!' what earthly I' - ft fc*' Clsn h?ntt.|s? >< jQ *f hi#,w*u**tliMi Cfcte ? *'I shall ii(,i fu?vE.?l?|*?J uoiL ?up?'?? J ^Y' f *; , W.7 eru*j need, vheu on ttfao I wit. < I '' ' ' \ He gttklnh ray step* trbet* are "(nuAu** ' i' T %-Vj > ?';. .v fctHbtkp* y *" ?* v , A^.d tr-: e h f*ir b?Aollf.bu ftf>cks mrc seen j Ol/vdly enjojitp tb?. hottf Of Hit lore, ] < .u \. y ^ .TUl tfie voiM ahali tell tliero to rMt shore. j . ' H < "Redioideth ua' where the " til! K-*t?ri" bow, > Th #!' cweet aatli* so softly low ; And Veside bright streamlets which he bath dseto't). > , -Bids d>o h?wmb*? 'V l*ft?T of the ! i ; , ; "H* nwtoretb wy soul". changing wtch thought '- That before dwelt there with sinfulness fveoehi: "Jle loads evo in paths*'which His hand notl ['nakc-, "The path>i of t'gbteoncnesi, fbr Hie Dome's soke." , \ tl?o'through tiio vale of death" b4 my way, i And shadow- of darkness o'ertlo-id ny day, "I fear not evil" for Thou art 'still near, "Thy rod and Thy staff"?they'll comfort me there* Wbile duelling midit (bee, my God'dot!* impart Of Hii love, tweet Cordials to cheer the feint j * heart, On my lu ad the oil of gladness He pour* , | My ottp*ftil of rich nalvition o'erflowi May "goodness, and uiercy" ?ti'l guide mi , way*, + The Good Shepherd ttill blose my future days; j Until to the Pilgrim a ro.it be giren. ?'In the house of the Lord"?a homo i n Hcavem. j J^gricaliuraL " EXPOSURE OF MANORS IN! BARX*YARDS?MAKING OF COMPOSTS. AH the liquid manures are lost at an accelerated rate by beinp: kept iti continuous motion, not only by the feet of cattle, but by capillary attraction from straw, corn stalks. &c- Notwithstsnd- j iugthat it has been clearly established that 75 ner c nt. of thrt value of man. ' - area is lot't by sack treatment, still the 8 treatment is adhered to without change T Instead of such exposure and lesa of 8 manures, why uot- build sheds facing the barn*yard to hold manures, and <] throw tho quantity produced under . those sheds saoh morning before the G sun has had full power upon it, and by c there mixing it with muck, hoadiande, | . or any other diviafcr, increase the quan-; c tity of man ures, in addition to the eav- j t ing of 75 per oent. by preventing evap*. a oration- Vlrery one who has tried it, i f knows that one load of fresh manure , mixed with eeveral loads of muck, or i ? even headlands, undpr sovers, will cause j t eaeh "load of the '.nana to booome equal i r to iti bulk of cknr roan are for purposes * of fertilisation, and that this arises from j tho escaping gases gh en off from the manure aunng ferMtmWion, being &b- v sorbed by the divisor , sod still wo see f farmers continuing this bam yard de- \ poeit, notwithstanding the laot that in , many eases they are compelled to boy 'v mannree in tho spring. Let them, if r they will continue the barn-yard eye- t tern, at least throw muck, charcoal dust. t gypsum, or all three of thcra, on the c surface of tho ground each day after a cleaning up the yard, and thus save ? ' larger promotion of the liquid manures ' \ by retaining the ammonia We have ; j found that by placing proper absorbents | fi in our ox, cow and horso stables, so as 1 c to receive the fluid manures before they , lose the animal heat, that eighteen ; loads of much niav readily be usee with every load of frean manure, thus giving i us Qinetscn time* tho bulk of manures r that we should have on the: old system. 1 and even with such divisor the heat of i our manure heaps ia fully sufficient for 1 the purposes of decomposition; but our < cattle do not run at large in a barnyard, nor do we believe it is neoeaaary i for their health that tbey should do so. < For working oattle, certainly, exercise I Is unnecessary, and as to air, a wellregulated et&ble, having no escape gas- i m from manures, will furnish bettor ] air than a putrid aud offensive barn * yard. If the object be to fatten cattle, j 1 < ' tt has long been decided that they fatten more readily without a continuous 1 motion than with it; and for milch cow# i the stall system cannot be doubted as j being the meet economical, both as re- j lltal tft AHAntitu Vvf milt .nil ("aa11 ru well m in*tbe saving of j&antir*. A moderate qaaatit* of nil should i t J be oseA in thotnmmreor oompoe t heap- | It id well known that although a large 1 <|ttaoiit7 of talt prevent# active fcrmentatiaa, stul a moderate qroantity will i Mr"' jV ? fcwelerate decotnp'-*AU?, and at the i m.? time destroy tU seed# of mariy - hiad. ** *, grubs, kc. * barley, clover, tarnipa, and pota* i few ^ vmrkmtil .their soil, or i w < ? KSi ' ??.> , v . , LiiL. J-l?. - ,a 1L.1.?uiauu be crops before named, by onl;. ad ling bo much manure wili supply the mrbomtceaus substances required, or f the soil be well tilled, this carbon rill be supplied from the carbonio acid >f the atmosphere. But should any of hose ingredients be missing from the loil, and not be contained in the ma vurc used, the crop for vrhiv.Lt it is repured cannot posaibiy succeed, however rich tbe soil limy be in' other ingrelienta. After ascertaining in what tbe soil is leficieut, the farmer carvreadily supply t in the compost, and generally from ishos, soap suds, &c.; soda chlorine ( Voui dirty salt or the salt loy (soapers, ivaste,) of the soap boilers ; sulphuric icid and lime from plaster of Paris; >hosphoric acid from bones and a small jortion is oontainod in shell lime, night toil, And indeed most animal matters *i)l supply both phosphoric aoid and tzotized matter- ? Soapors' waste is rich u the sohible silicates, or if the compost lontata excess of alkali of any kind, he silcx of tlio earth will ho combined j frith it, and thus bo rendered available or tho use of plants."?&' C Ayricufr uralut, fVINTKH CAREOFuRUIT TREES. Jivory healthy, vigorous tree or plant, a supplied with an almost endless number of fibrous roots, which penetrate >very part of the sod, and gather sap, md along with it a supply of organic ind inorganic food. The expansion ind contraction of the soil during tho winter, tear and break numbers of these ninutc roots, a number of which arc so unall as to be almost imperceptible to j :ho uuaideu eye. Where there is a! jp-eat number of alternations of heat | tfid cold, so many of these roots are >roken as to leave the tree in a sickly rondiiion in the spring, and it should >e a careful study to protect them from I uch action of frost. Should there be j iut a slight degree of frost, not more j ban enough to freero water half an nch to an inch in depth, a body of waer around the root* would doubtless mt as a preserver, and from this fact >rnh?hlv ikn ri/linnlntia K*ki^ ?rrtart * wwwvvf v i^?vujv??a *s??s*w c?* v/oi | ilove alluded to But iD this climato re have no guard against foot deep intead of inch deep frosts. A simple experiment will show the lifferencc between a dry and wot soil iround tho base of tho tree Tako three lups, eaoh nine inches deep, fill each ?uo of them within one inch of tho top - the first with water, tho second with arth saturated with water, and the bird with moist, but nearly dry earth, tnd submit all three to eold enough to ireoso them solid. In the first, the rater changing to ice will so expand a to fill up the entire measure- The uoist earth in the second will have oxtanded nearly aa much, while the com-! >aratively dry enrth will scarcely ex-1 >and an eighth of an inoh. The experiment, or tho priociplo rhich this illustrates, viz., that Water r cozing expands but one eighth of its >ulk, while dry solids do not thus ex" >and, has a direct bearing upou the rinter treatment of trees- Instead of ctaining water arounu them it is beter to dig a ditch, (at a sufficient disanco to avoid cotting the roots,) to onvey tho water away and leave the oil dry. It is sometimes oven advisable to >ank up the earth eight or ten inches iigli around the body of the tree, and lope it off a few feet. This will both tarry off tho water and afford additiond warmth to tho roots~? We9t*m erpriH. A FISH STORY. The following jam, whioU was related )j an old Wood, -ib ut the prucUvitiee of moient marrioem in the city of New Bedford to dtmw oa their imagination*, in food : A doieu of old oaptaiua were see ted iroand old Uaele Johnny CoggshiH'* grorery etore, one winter'* d*y. 8aj? old Cepain Ben Nsah: A SMde 1 got more in the Wosi indie* "oi herrin' theo nop other una about this piece " *' How much did yo? got- Uncle Bear' f'Well, you tee, I wee bound to the Windward letaud and a market, nod juat in 1 had got ell my cargo aboard, 1 wae oj. pherin' oa my long ebUe how long I should poceibly be from home, when 1 found I ihoald with luek, reeoh KiUe about Loot. Uriah* 1, I'll take barrel of barrio' oa ipaeoUtiou. 1 bad good paW*KOf and there jtui in the aiek of iloio,4MI neWl am off weii." ?Hor wuoh did yea got, UneJa f laid aooa of the ?alu, who, wilfa pencil y> baud, trora waking fioUa, to try to catefc UdoU Baa foaljyto* ajueta did yo-i gat?" "Wail, I can't aay cxaody boa xnoeh; bat 1 put tho money book into the barttl after tbo betrra' wm pat., and I eon Id wereely evoad tho bepd in." v?*Wha* did yon gat a pi** for the he-, [fa#!# 4$ rpj?Pj%'>& Ti&gN* a* {&<] "floftd'etfi for dollar a pioea ' # ' Ah, y?. .Well, ndtr, tfcele Ben, ai a dollar a piece far /a?* h*rrfr'( ar?i?fhM*wsha 5? *r IW* A * ? \ "v f.ki. vV? [H .v. * J 4^' > |J# kWfrk? & JPSiS J&3 j very true ; but Isold the pickle :.t five 1 dollars a spoonful 1" A hard boy?that same tocieot mariner." PROFESSION A LT wm. l. t.prince, Atfmiysa&v *v? AS? SOLICITOR iN CHANCERy. Practice* in the Cofrto for ClteeierfieUl , MarlWotoogb, J>rling,on.nud Marion Dittriete. Office at CHKRA W, S. . | June 10 1 ?It C. P. TOWN SEND, , SMtornfg at fcau>. Will practice in Marlborough and the ad joining Districts. Ail Duaineaa entrusted to hia care will be most carefully attended to Office?Bennettiville, 3. 0. 24?ly | J. A- db W. C. -ING LIS. attorneys at law AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, UliKRAW, 8 0., Pparli^a in C r.t*?4tJkrft*M m wi iVtn n/ltRininff Districts. Office on Market street. between Front and Second streets. '4?WJOS. T. WALSH, , ATTORNEY AT LAW A.ND SOLICITOR IN KQUITY, WILL practice in Honor and the adjoining District*. II? Office at CONWAYBOB 0', 8. C. INEQUITY. THE STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA, GBESTiiRI IELI) DISTRICT. *> In Equity. Martha Torelir son, Thomas To rnllnaon, Jr., vs. Bill for marshalling Thomas Toral inarm, Sr., > assets, injunction, Adu Rlira Tomlinoon, partition, Ac. Sackett, Lynea A Co , and others. % ' It appearing to my satisfaction that. Thomas Tomiinsou, Sr., Isaac II. Prothingbam, Willaro M. Newel). Chariot M. Newell, James Newell, William IL Sackett, Edward Lynea, Nathan B. Sackett, Gwrge R. Brewster, Peter Mallet, and Jesse Paulmier, defendants in tbia case, are abaentftom and resident out of tbo limits of this State. On motton of J. A. A Wy 0. Ingiis, ordered that the said absent defendants do plead, answer or demur to the Complainant! biff, within three months frotu the date of the first pub lira-ton of ibis order, or on their failure to do o, the bill will^e ordered to be taken yro conftuio against them. It U further ordered thai publication of thie order be made twice a month, for the space of three mouths, in the Pee Dee Herald. J.O. CRAIG, Com. Eq. 0. VCoramiiaioner'dofice, Obesterfi' Id, Nor. 26, 186 - 23-2tn-3ai. | THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. MA BLBORuUQH DISTRICT. bi Chancery. \ Emily R. Gaure, by her ] Committee, I Bill for sale It conCi. V- fifAfttinrt aT ualo r\C | JiuiM E Lane A wife, i negroes k relief, aud other*. J JT appearing to my satisfaction that Jan* V. Evans. Samuel J. (HUM, George W. Oaum, alios L Cause, Thomas Btackwelt Eiisa { BloekvroU, William WHsoa, Emalirio WiUon, ' Julia Turner Wilson, Cornelia Grant Wilson, John J. Wiuoo, William W. Wilson, John Pater Cause, Thompson Gauss, Charlotte Anna Gease, and Gam*, youngest child of Petor P. Geute, dee'd , defeodanUt to this bill, are ahsent from and reside without the limits of' Vis Stats* on motion of W. D Johnson, oompk Asata solicitc.-, it is ordered that the said defendants do plead, answer or demur, to ths said bill within three months from ths publication of this order, and that in deJau}t thereof, tf.e said bin erill be ordered j?reeon/hue agninsi these. It is also ordered that a copy of this order be published in the Pse Dee Hern id, Cm the space of three months. , Commissioners ofice. Marlboro' 3. C. n. M ATllFHllV r. ft- or Ti. No* 4, IMl " i 1 V W V / |. I'M? -\-*i "?-' * - w9u? #juljp< o/? south camolthjl MART,BOROUGH DISTRICT. < Chanjtrp. vt<*.g, steotoo ft or. I Bill for account and Marine Serftb, edmrx., f partition and relief. and other*. J IT appearing tomj setiefacMo*. that Cberie* Smith, one of the defendant* to thin bill, i* eb*?ot from a?4 r*>*nic? without theiiunta r<: kO?ia Blate; oa motion of W; X>. .Tohneoo, uemt olioRor. it U ordered th-t the aaid Chut*** Smith do plead; omvot or demar to the eaid bill within three ttontia from the pah liortyoA H thn^owier, ?nu Ui?? in uwnuii ititajeof; the eaid'hiU he ordered y eg alajg I Stu. lti?aleoecu?>?d there ?*?j eft&e <*> der be pabluAed la th* Pee Dae Herald ht qomm R. M. *>. Ndt. 4,lK5fi. wW Jii-je^ i1 tjffflMi.m.-. r'y'.r'-Bfe fimSmL^. A am t?**anv n#r Ga issttsrffiKsaS ; fi??i . J ! 1 U I- 3 i'JL-J J>i!l CHE C 0 A C H M A N TTIF. undersigned are carrying on the Coach i ea, uoar the Southern terminus of Kcrshm Foundry, and nru prepared, with GOOD WORKMEN to fill all order* sent them to the entire eatuuai They, also, keep on baud CARRIAGES, F j ho latosl style*, which they will sell at rcaaonab1 REPA1 one neatly and promptly, and all their work freight upon any Job of theirs, the value of i at any station on the Cheraw and Darliqgtoi ? Chr raw, 9. C., June 9th, 1855. - N If 8 I AN I IFStESH . i ? JCST RECEIVED at tho House rscantly a full aiuorlmtnt of j GROCERIES ANE | by the Steamer Marion, cou^sting. in part, of ! Adamantine ai d Tallow Caudles, Java, Rio ai j Cologne*, Eatracts for Flavoring, Salad OH, Saw i ardtnen, Mackerel by 1-4, J or whola Barrel an M. At I W? a ni I j of?li description* fnade to order,) Sroobcd and Pepper, Spicea, Ging*r, Nutmegs, Mace, Clove i Indigo j Shot and Powder. CHOICE BRAND; EaUa-Fine Che wire Tobacco and Snu;T. Li Fruit Ornament* , Raisin*. CnrranU, Nuta of i Apple Cheese, English Dairy Cheese, Goshen < Oyster*. ? In New York, which com p.- > en unaewel fine stock of LADIES DRESS SOODS, Confining of triiki, Unrig**, DnLno**,, Top line Bombasines, Alpeces, Ac. . 0IX)iV&8 AND MANT1XLA *9on?eU, Ribbon*, Bmbroidefies Men end Boys Clothing, ^ ' J . . j' Uju end Cepe. ;. * ** * CARPBTINOS, ; Hearth Rues, DruggwU end Mete. ^,v *2 ^ GftOOSBI*8. ,;.V j AU of which knew been kid ie with cere, *>'d e* email nrodte. GKOKtJg W, MclVRil. I U 3?p???be* *****Hh~lf aTe. Clark"^ CJo., WOtLD re?*rtfoltj inform fVtr fmade V vr* nnt! tkf public shot tjjg ere now r#c4t mklch tlefhre deeoe tnised to teli a* l?* ne ^sas53iwj?fe . it. & cuuto.. U 9?twr !?*. > l%~j* i ^ | -? m ^ &2?. RAW f*[? . Jai HH HH p* U FAG T 0 R Y. J tnd Carriage making bu?in?*s in aU ita branch* street, and adjacent to Mr. W. T. Moore's AND MATERIALS, uJ ttion of their patrons. ''. tOCKAWAYS, BUOOIBS and HULKIES of le price-. ?? RING I Oi war ran tod for one year. They will pay the ^>thich is over fifty dollars, if to be delivered n Railroad. A. RACE A CO. J?! . .. 24...If. c*< TORE " ID 600BS.; th? tfa i . hl| occupied by W. H. TOMLIXSON, ; 2 \ FANCY GOODS ? an Bacon. Lard. Sutrar*. r>f all Irinda. Rum 3U nd Laguira Coffee, Bar and Fancy Soaps, 1 ^ .pes, Cat*ops, Preserves, Jellies, Gelatine d Kits, No- 1, 2 and 3. * DIES S Pickled Tonjpes, Pickles assorted, Hairing a, and Tumeric ; Soda, Yeaat Powders and ! OF CIGARS, irge asaort'seni of CAKE ORNAMENTS; all kinds: Goebeu Butter. Crackers, Pine Theeee; Hermetically Sealra Fruits, Lobeterf, in a Family Grooery Store, sold for CASH DRAKE'8 CASH STORE 20?if. vhSTtCSivB SSu w vr??ivwit TO CHER AW. STEAMER PEE DEE- ( THE Steamer Pes Dee, Captain Geoaot | Mtxintis, ia now ready 'to receive FREIGHT AT CHARLESTON, and will leave with despatch for Cheraw via Georgetown and all the landings on the Pae . Dee River?continuing her tripe regularly throughout the season. p Tha Pee Dee i# well known as a very light draught boat aud has invariably made her tripe with punctuality and despatch at all sea- ^ son* aud Mages of the liver. OapC Mauefleki bege to return hie thanks to u '> hie frten la and the public for the liberal pat- jA ronage heretofore extended to biro, end hopes ^ by perseeerenc t and industry to merit * eon- ' f tinuanee of the seme. Merchandise end CoUcn consigned to the Agents at Charleston and Georgetown will he forwarded free of Commission. - 8. * L. HOWHY * CO., | m V Awuu at Charl*ton. i *4 S. M. L. HEATH, A|?at at Gwrcttowa. iv " 'W. A. CAHKIGA*' Afem at Socictv Hill. ? W. H. "M-SHAM, " ?* ' . Amt *4 Gardner's Bluff. hduglas MPHETL, v Agem *t Chor&w. October 1, 1866. 11?tf. ,* . ... ... .w ...... ... READY MAD* CLOTHING. | lugut MWilmipt ?r?T ?j(bioitvd in 1 M< ? thia part of Ibo country, o? tbo iuMtr grade* N< and from MUoofotAnrem of tbe but reputation be ioKow.York. (Oct 30 ?1/> p. B Mr A JIN ~ ' ' ? ' 1' " ii" ' ? - * ?mm , , M ^ Sale of Yaluable ' Laud. fm OFFER for .?!? * WTRACT of LAND OdeteiaAog between 1400 and 1500 arret, HMUfi 69 THOMSON'S CAK1K, about tbrer mllw from Cfreterfidd Court Houae, ?. knotrg m tfto M Burcb Lm4.m Abort 700 ??tM of tHia trent is well timberad nod ieifobte for making Turpentine, nod ran 300 efece cleared, treQ adapted foe pleatPUde wh Jteniiy afnM^W*tiro tale WM U CAMFBBLU Be G**?. SA, 1W4. gO-Jetertf. d *#*Cbrtur Octette copy m nboreeadread, ^ ' - - ?' - - * '' 4 I - ILL. . -i- !_ .. IF STATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA, MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT In the Common Fleet. neu R. McLaurin, I MffArtgow, | in L. Fairly. J HERE AS, the p1r.iatiflF did, on the fifth* T day of September. A. D., 1836, fil* hi* Uration against the defendant, wbu (as it laid) is absent fr< no and without the limit* LbU State, and has neither wife nor Attorney jwti within the same, upon whom a copy of said declaration aright be served : ft is ered, that the said defendant do appearand ad to the said declaration, on or before th* th day of Sepien-ber, which will be In the it of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred ) fifty-seven, otherwise fionl and absolute gtnent mil then be yinm and awarded* liust bim. P. McOOLL, Clerk. Klerk's Office, Marlboro' district, ) 14?ly, September fib, lPW, J leJra. STATE CF SOUTH CAROLINA, MARLBOROUGH DISTRICTIn the Common Fleets. Horatio Townaend, who i? in the custody of \ Sheriff of Marlborough District, by virtue a writ of capias ad satisfaciendum, at the it of Oscar Ghecsman, having filed in this ice together with a schedule on oath of his ole estate and effects, his petition to the art of Common Pleas, praying that be may admitted to the benefit of thn Acts of the . -1- t - !_ 1 .< -/ uvmi jorTUiuir. nuiuy 1UV HIIWl OT 1H ant debtor*. It in ordered that the said cur Chcesuaan and all others, the creditors wbnm the said Horatio Townaeud is in any a ie indebted, be, and they aro hereby sum>ned, and have notice to appear before the d Court. at Marlborough Court House, on > eecoud Monday in March next, to show ase, if any they can. why the prayer of the ^ tition aforesaid, should not be granted. crk's Office, Marlborough ^ P. McCOLL, Court House f Clork. men. 9, lflSS. 19* ~STATE OF SOVTU CAROLINA, MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. hi the Common Pleat. Robert E. Townsend, who is in the custody the Sheriff of Marlborough District, by virl of a writ cf capias ad satisfac endotn. at ? suit of Of car Chessman. having fileo ina offics together with a schedule on cath, of i whole estate and effects, bis petition to the urt of Common PSeas, praying that he may admitted to the beneSt of tho Ada of the sncral Assembly, trade for the relief of inIvent debtors. It iff ordered that the said ear Cheesman nod all others, the creditors whom the said Robert E. Townsjnd, is in y wise Indebted, be, and they are hereby mmoned and hare notice to appear before i said Court, at Marlborough Court House, the aecond Monday in March next, to show nse, if any they can, why the prayer of tho (ition aforesaid, should not be granted, erk'a Office, Marlborough 1 P. MeCOLL, Court Honse. J Clerk. Dec. 1, 155* 25 tf Union Line. harleston to Che raw Via. Georgetown. STEAMERS MARION AND OOV. ORA ' HAM. Thew*il known ?nd Popular steamer Mari Capt. Jno. Fergoaon is now rego'arlvenfragin the Trade between Charleston, Georgian. and Cheraw and is kno*o aa the moat >mpt and efficient Boat in the trade. Tbe Got. Graham ia of rerT liprbt d re tight d weil calcuts' .-d for the Hirer trade, and ing how in tbe h *nde of an old and expertred oommnnder, C. J. Helrei can be relied on, to deliver her freight without detention ie Gor Graham will onlv run to Georgetown twill connect with the Marion in loweiegea the Rirar, therebr aroidiug any detontioo m low water both Boau bein104, Powder Bulls. Gloves assorted, Port Vstart do, Pocket fiooko'oow style, >edle cases, Thimbles Ac., all of which will1 sold low for CASH. R. H. CLARK A CO. October 31, 1886. 19?tf ; NMLS. NA2L& 10,800 lbs. nails, of all eisos, euowrt 40 s few aula by R. H CLARK A Co Get, 87, lm 38?tf) PRlNTrrG^ or SVEAY DESCRIPTION, -> IK TH* BiBT IfTW, imim AT THIS OFPHX SUCB AS " / to, PioaphlfU, Ckuloffoo*, law Blanks, CtrenUun, Blank Raooipta, Blank ?Wa, Band Bitb, How BUla, Inflation Tick*., ran try Card*, Papist Card*, Poatart, Ac. - jTfcaHuf 0?gag?l tka WTkw *? *?? acttoa! Pnv#?, ? fel.eaafidaot A*t t? ft !^-? rrttirt ***i*i?ctt?a to thooo wko mar pWodvu w ?*?> Mr patron***. v ?ntinw? to *t wQi ba woiwul WRk stow* and .' > ^ r? ~ *