?r - .,* * > * # > sBfiftsgurr'*' poHaccrsD weekly by j. m tu re a do ill. V- COTTON?-Received tliis week 947 Received provioualy 7928 H?> Total 8375 Price# to-day arraago Irom 10} to 12 Bacon,per lb 11 (2) 14 Bagging, per y'd 25 @ 00 Coffee, per lb 14 @ 15 Corn, per bushel 80 @ 85 leathers, per lb 40 cts. Flour, per bbl 6.50(217.50 Fodder, per cwt 87} 01.00 llides, per lb 8 @10 Iron, per lb ... 6 @ 7 Tiard, per lb 14 @ 17. Beef, per, lb 5 (Tti > Beeswax, per lb 20 @ 22. Butter per lb 20 @25, Candles Tallow per lb 25 do Adamantine 88. do Sperm 50. Molasses?Cuba, per gal 50 @ 55 do New Urleans joun ov Salt, per sack * 1-30 Sugar, por lb 11 @14 j Tallow, per lb 12J River in boating order. . JOHN Cl'l PEPKR, Jm is vow occupying the TOWN HALL TN CHER AW, ^ Where he in prepared to furnish PHOTOGRAPH, AUBItOTVPE and Daguerreotype PICTURES, Which are perfect sp cimens of Art. He has an experienced and skillful artist, and hopes to give general satisfaction. Instructions *-ill be given in the several arts. Dec. 16 26?tf Fine Norfolk Oysters. HP IIF. undersigned has made arrangements *- to receive, every day or two, fresh Norfolk Oysters by express. Families will be supplied by the pint, quart, or gallon- Also, Oyster* served up in every stvi' at GraffVs Oyster Saloon, day and night. SAMUEL ORAFFT. Dec. 1C, 1866. 26?tf. Notice. A MEETING of the Pen Dee Medical As sociation. will b? held in Darlington on Thursday the R!lh inst. A fun attendance of members is reqnested, as business of importance will be transacted. By order of the President. 8. H 1'RESSLY, Secretary Dec 16 26 It Last Call. A LL persons indebted to us bv account are ,/RL requested to Cull on Thos. 11. Toinlinsott, an 1 settle bv Ca?h or note. ^EMBERTON & McLENNA V. Dec. 1?, lfi.'O. 20 *2t Christmas! Christmas! S nnta Clmm. to all the hojs A tid little girl*, Bends greetings; M erry Cbmtmaa I many joys; U nnuinfoered, happy meetings 1 K Terr time lie comet to town L ook out for him at (irafli'a, <) 1 inning and cracking jokes all round, R aiaing such hearty laughs, A few more darn, and lie'l he here, K nil nf liia miriU ititil P irinjr o(Frocket * in tho ?ir, 'f o let tho children see. 8 o many things the ok! ro^p hu 0 rackers, gun* and rocket* too, 0 ranges, apple*, caudies, pears, n hu, torpedoes, ercrrthing new, F tying pigeons and *11 that, K very notion Yankees make, C o*i and calves, dog and cat, T uinbling tnonkies, ginger-cake. 1 nd'ia rubber balls and rings, O rgans, magic lanterns, books, N o*hs Arks and all such things, A labaater dolls and Ashing hooka, R i eking cradles and spy glasses, Y ou'l be pleased both boys and lassies. Dec, 1G, ?if, CAROLINA spP Female College. HE closing oart of the year suggests. the proprietT or reminding our rrieuds and the public, that the early part of January neat, will be a suitable time to send on tbeir dtugb ters or Wards te this lustitution. No fear should be entertained in relation to uciiiva, uihon, iih.wm, a^prvntuiNij rvaprv * in/ certain diseases, may t e indulged Any' whore. The hoaid et $59 p r Session, Cover*. Washing. Ironing, Lights. Pad Attention oi servants, AcTuition at $25 per eeasion, includes the Latin and Greek L an gauges, with all the stu dies of the regular r tirw. In the Elementary Dtp't, the pricrs rang* from $A to $12.50. Each Stndttut charged a coutingeat foe o $1. To all wt ear. coma and see for tonrselves T.31. WAUH, Pro*. N. 11. Oresmental Branches, a reasonable cxtr:. charre. Prof. Wood'* Hair tteatorutiva; the Balm of $ Thousand Flower and Cream of Beauty, at it ?n r w ntri trra rj l Just Received, VJL, White Ued,r1rr.C5.Tome0*??>g* Yellow* 4c. AUo of Lieeusd, ftpenw, Wlwt? Spuria, end Treid . -i OILS &$*> .YtS'ii^rc.'x*^ ro^ljr 01 m - * r ^ - v*' 4 $ "V ^ iMi' * ? * HE i To be Hired. IJ The Ne;rroos belonging to the estate of W. j J. Haana, will be hired at Chesterfield Cwrt (| House, on the first Monday of January neat. , j -f! Dec. 9, 1856- 25-4t i { Sale of Valuable Real Estate r rPhe subscriber will sell to the AjVyT's/S highest bidder at Hocoesbva' i fiMR" 1 ) ? ou lho hrst dajr of January next, | * valuable tract of land contain- j iug about eight hundn-d and thirty acres, on ; which there ia situated a good COM70ft TAOLE D WELLING, j with the necessary out houses ; also, agood set n of Mills. Cotton-gin, Thrasher, 4c. The above tract of land is situated on the j i road loading from Chesterfield Court-house to i , Lancaster, About twelve miles from the Court- ! j house. j _ ! Terms liberal and will be made known on : the day of sale. W*. M. BLAKE N*Y. Deccnpber 9, 1856. 25-tds. THE LARGEST STOCK YET!'1 I . 1 T1IE subscribers have just received direct from New York and Charleston, the largest stock of choice Groceries, Liquors, Wines, ?c., to bo found in this market* Thin stock consists in part of the following articles : 117)108. I Champaign, Port, Madcrla, Ginger, Malaga, Tenerlfc, and Kcidseick, pints sua quarts. Brand if i. Chnstn's Old Cognac at$? per gallon. Superior Old Cognac, common do for cooking.? : | Cu??rry Apple, Peach aud Ginger. I IJ'Ai'sXrey, Rum and Gin. Old Uurbourn. Miller's Old Rye, Superior Old Nectar-?iH-trt, Scotch, North Carolina.??| > One hundred '-arrets common for the country trade. Superior Old Holland Gin, Jatnncia ard Now K iglaml Hum. Kcheidam Schnapps in ho:Iti* ; 4 casks Hibhot'a Pcrtor, quarts and piuts. Four casks Alo ; StronghUm # JBittera. Sutfur, Coffer, Mackerel, Stc. 1 Stewart's Sugars, Rio Coffee, Mackerel, No 1 in bbls and 1 bbls : No 2 in bbls. A bbls. and 1-4 bbls ; No, 3 in bbls, $ do snd 1-4 do. I A large lot of fine Cheese ; 100 roams wrap- , j pinif paper; nil size and qualities, wrapping Twine. Segnrt, 1\tJjocc?t Ac. 10 M segars, some cxtm fine, of tbe follow j insr brands; Rio Hondo, Mai Ringo'.d, Henry, Glny and Plantation ; linn chewing Tobacco 1 ' and common do. ( Fresh and spiced Oysters, Walnut ood To- ] ; niato catsups Pickles. 8oap and Candles ? ! 8|i?-rm ?nd adamantine, Curacoa, Maraschino, j 1 SlIOKtv?Men's Black thick Rrog&ns, Ulack ' thick do ; (loss* superior Pegged Shoes, Men's i fine Pegged Kip, Pegged do ; common Peg- , gf-d Boots. fine calf lined. Bnsketa and Brooms, 40 gross Mutches at 1 cent per box. These goods will be sold low for cash, or on 1 '.iinn u>'rei]M>nsible and punctual customers. WELLS A BRQ. 11 ; Pa 9 1R3H. 25-t.f Potatoes! Barrels of fresh Irish Potatoes, and 10 **** banvls Onions- For sale Cheap at DRAKE'S CAsh Store' No* 22-tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, \ MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. In the Common Flea*. Robert K. Town send, who is in the custody of the Sheriff of Marlliorough District, h? virtue of a writ cf capias ad satisfaciendum, at the snit of trseur Cheesman. having filed in this office together with n schedule on csth, of his whole estate and effects, his petition to the Court of Common Plena, praying that he may be admitted to the benefit of the Acts of the General Assemb'y, made for tbe relief of insolvent dehto- s. It is ordered that the suid Oscar CheetiDun ard all others, the creditors to whom the said Robert K. Townsend, is in any wise indebted, be, aud they are hereby summoned and have notice to appear before . tbe said Court, at Marloorough Court House, on the second Monday is March next, to show cause, if any they can, why tho prayer of the , petition aforesaid, should not be granted. Clerk's Office, Marlborough 1 P. McCOLL, Court House. J* Clerk. | Pec. 1, 1856. ' . 25-tf ! irMfflKlft Mi. DftPTCD wiMi VI^II v w W ? W II i l?lly Wholesale and Retail Dealers in and Manufacturers of Doors, hashes, Blinds, Wood Mouldings, Sec. Price of Blinds I 1-t inch thick 35 eta per foot. Srsbss gltuod aad unfUsed at very foe 1 prices for cash. No. 173 CENTRE STREET, (Four doors above Canal Street,) NEW YORK. ? Dec. 1, 184S. 24-tim. Richmond County ' Land For Sale. * TSo undersigned offer* for sale a tract of ? land tying ia Richmond, on the Rig Juniper Crook, and containing twelve or fifteen h nd> r?d acres, pii" .mpally wo.nl land. It is located within a f?- mitas of Floral College, and of f Laarinburg in Richmond couotv, the site of a flourishing High School for hoys, and a point . oa the route of the Wilmington, Charlotte, and Rutherford Rail Road. It is w#i! adapted to i the cattsre of Corn Cotton, aed Rite, ai d is' "the most beautifully timbered land it this tfc-rt 1 of 4b* Stale. situated in tfcn icinity of ? to naany valuable institutions of Unrein?, %a t conveniently # *! UM ftailroal root*, sud in n community netod for iff sociability, morality ?n i intoilljrsftce, k it bnli*#?d that thin land prnsnnU inducement* to far mors and persons engaged in tbe linW nod turpentine busimm rml; found in any country. J Pomes *rieh:ng to purchase will d#wett to 1 cai> on me within tie next two week* ?i If re* : * i vrOiii^f wimm 'iiv WUUJ. A ?v?f tin tngkntioa of uro woeiu my tddrtw will It* Mr. P. A. Mt?n*^io or Milton Mcfe***, ? Kn4? will t<>> V# pWnaur* in showing the lend to any pnrcoa clentru^ to sftomlw toy nbseuem, ^ W ^T^JTb- uj,U?. S Mor. Jto,lM4. ? ? a.w?a<,iie i , to ?< n'*> > 1 i nn ^ in* ?1 n? ? i.' '" ^ - V-'-. ~ U*" ' io > "A *? IM ' *# * # PSB ? '? -- -"I ... tfi^oluliou of*?opartiier?liip [ rHG Copartnership in the Coach Making i Hasii'C*f liereiotore carried on nnder the 1 mine ?td style of Race, Depenr Jc Co., is tLis lay dissolved by mutual couseut. iibe buaitiessof the conoero will be settled p ny Ara Race, who for that purpose it nuhorixed to use the name of the linn iu giving eccipu and discharges. AltA RACE, H. A. DEi'EW, J. L. CLICKENER. Doc. 2, 19o6. 24>tf CO-PARTNERSHIP. rHF undersigned will continue to curry on ' the Coach and Carriage Making Business it the old ftiuud, uuder the natne and style of i- Rue* \ Co. ARA RACE, J. L. CLICK EN ER. Dec. 1,165?. 24-tf ? s i * ?? I:Ienltorajr Darlington Flag copy as above, and i Kind hill to this otlice. Land Sale AT Chesterfield Court House, on the first Mouday it* January uext, I will offer or ?ale, to the highest bidder, a valuable truct )f woodland, suitable for the turpentine bosi !>3ss and for fanning purposes when cleared. Thistract is known as the "Quick l,and,"is Lua ,ed in a tit;c, he.tithy location, on both des of Beaver Creak, and contains, 8 9 O ACRE*. The growth is pine, hickory, lilack-jack ar.d ' dogwood, Are. the pines have been used for one rear in gettiug turpentine, and yielded t plentifully. There are quite a number of fine 1 springs ou the tract, and several excellent | nuiiaing summons i lie bottom lnu da arc: verT ric h. IVrms made known at sale- , J. c. TARRH. September 2Mh,'856- 16?td. J. L. CLi Ck? K Ei\, DARLINGTON C. IL, 3. C. . PLANS, specifications and estimates furir islieTuR OIL} also, LINSEED and _ TRAIN OIL. and :? fiue lotof aiFEKM OIL for Machinery, for sale by 17tf] J. W. GULICK* , ... *. * R. Window OlnttM. LARGE supply, for sale by 17?tf. 1 J. W. OULICR, , C II JJ 11 A W as L BOOR STORE. _> Ij " Bell C JUST received, a large assortment of Writ ing Papor and Staple and Fuucy Station*, ury, consisting cf I^j letter, Cao, Commercial, Po:it, Bill, , , r. , , * ?ni< am: h lnr^'rt variety of j Hi no Fi>tey ?>to Papor, Envelopes, and almost ?very article in the Stationary line. 0 Account Books of every description, ? together with a full assortrneut of School Books, Standard works, and Cheap Pithlicotiona, * r including u large 8t?>ck ol yct Late and Cheap Literatura, ? by the most popular authors. ANo, a great variety of Annuals, Albums, nnd Rich Gift Books, A suitubie for Holiday Presents. Alt of which ^ will b? sold at New York trade prices. Front Street. FRANKLIN TURNER. Nov, 25, 1856. 23-3n?os. Notice. f, can We the undersigned agents of the Steamers ? Marion, Ohesterbeld. Pee Deo and Gov. Gra CTq ham, beg respectfullj to give notice that all J ^ Freight and Expenses on goods for this place M" is considered Cash on delivery, a"d payment ML. r?uuired wheu called for. auc Signed D A' HORN, ull w I.J Kfcl I), j ge* '? DOUGLAS KISBKT. j . Dec. lf 1856. 24-41 Watches, Jewelry, . ou AND ' Oy FANCY GQODS. o. JUST received, a splendid assortment of ^ the above, consisting of * Fine Gold and Silver Wutchee of overy 4 kind and quality. vet 1 A full assortment of Hioli and Costly Jewelrj, including almost every nrticle in the Hue, with nil the latest and moat fashionable patterns, together w th a large Stock of ? Plated end .Gilt Goods p of every description* SILVER WARE | consisting of Cups, Sputum, Forks, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, Card Caaes, Roquet Hold* era, Chains, Keys, Ao. era Jet Goods of nil kinds. Guns, Pistol* and Ta Sporting articles, Rodger's and WSet- ?a enholiue's Kino Cutlery, Cot I Glass Ware. Rich Gill Chi na and Fstoy Goods in the greatest variety, with a large assort- _ ment of W Fine Toys and other artioles, *v suitable Ibr Holiday Prassnla. . Tr Front Street. FRANKLIN TURNER. Nov. 25, 1856. 26 3?uoa. ojWBas m ~ TfceCONWAYBORO'and FAIR BLUFF f STAGE learfe* Fair Bluff o?i Mondays, Wed neadays and Fridays it 6 o'clock, A. 1L, and. ralums lbs alternate days. V J, W. STKA^ALL. Juna Ifflh, 1856. 1?tf. r* Rnrains Vivid. I AFKE8H supply just recoivod and for aala at ?17?tf-1 ' Da. J. W. OULIGK'A. STATE 01" SOUTH CAROLINA, MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. t 1a Ids Comiwy* Pleat. Horatio loriusnd, who ia in tbe custody of the Sheriff pi" Marlborough District, by ?vws i of 4 writ of capias ad tatitbcianduni. at Lha I i tail of Okif Ohtwtnmii, haviu;? tiled in tbm office toother with a aehedul* on oath of hit ... wboW muu awl etfccte, bis peliiiou u> in# Ooart of Common PW, pra/ing thai be may bn admitted to the Uo^fti ol the Acts of tKe f] General Aemohly, made for the relief of In- J soiree* It i? ordered that the sent tv Oec?r cVaeuwn ar.'i ell otbvrs, the creditors T to whom the *eid iJUat.o Toons* ,d iiineay in wise indebted, be, end thri ere hereby earn* ec .nosed, end he## oorie* to*appear bo?inrt He rf, on el the second Monday in March a*sf? to m$m i ea#et, U any they can. why Urn Wj*t of the te petillc. i afor#**:Y, . ~ "* -.i?. -... bl\& M ALLOY & COIT. rug store. g JUST roceived, a new supply of Drugs, f Medicines and Chemieuls, Dye Stunt, h Oils, Paints, Painters articles, Varnishes, ndow Olasc, French and English Perfumery e Toilet and shaving- Soap flair and Tooth ishes, Trusses and Supporters of nil kinds, ft a large supply of choice Toilet audi'uncj cles. ttof* Orders promptly attended to. iheraw, S. C^Juue 10, 105b. ~withdrawalt" [ have this day withdrawn from the Scm ol il. Clark it Co., by mutual consent J. If. KNKiHT. Sov. 1st 1856. ,'he business of the firm vrill be carried on lerctol'ore uuder the name and stvla of R. H. CLARK. k Co. Tot. 1, 1856. 23 tf Ilk and porthr. |F EXTRA brands, in Pint and Quart r bottles, which will be sold for <-a?A by R. H. CLARK k Co. October 21, 1856. 19?tf French tiubroitltT'ief. IOLLARS, Sleeves, I.iucn Cambric Hand 'kerchief^Flouooiugs, Edgiug&.aud Insert>, Hosier/ aud Gloves, U? ?t Rid Gloves, la, Ac. D. B. McARN. heraw, S. C. ?'? ??uniu>jnv ui FINK BRANDIES, I Rye Whiskey, Gin.Fresh Core, end Spicei bters, t:c., tor sale by WELLS k BROTHER, lieraw, 3. C., June 24th, 183d. 3?it. obacco and Segars \ lsu*? lot of TcbaebS of ell kind*, eotn 7 SUPERIOR. ALSO, ?ar* of rarious bauds, aorne a Uiilt bdU oi any body el* hat, for tale by B. H. GLARE, k Co. ? hiladelphia Boots & Shoes fCST ree sired, a largo Stock of J. Milea t > Son's end Christopher McMallen'e Faicr Proof 4 Dress Boot* Alao, French, Calf, Kid Top Coagress Gait i and Laced Shoes- AUo, Ladiea and Mint rnpico and Ki<> Boots end half Boot* iters unu jjuptxjrs, lor a*iv or D. JlALLOT. September 23, lflfid. 16?if. Fancy Silk Dr< **< *. MIME very rich and beautiful, French Mi |r?no, Fench L>eLaue, (all wool) solid colo sad printed of the latest and prettiest style iminings Ac. D B. McARN. Che raw, 8. C. October 21, 1858, 19?tf. C HOIGE Drugs and Medidines. |TOW receiving s vary large lot of PRJKSi ^ and GENUINE Medicine; and Cbsmiea ides au elegant assortment of French an aerican Perfumeries and Extracts { Comb usher, 8o?p?, and rarions preparations f< Hair and Teeth, to which the attention i Ladies, Planters aud Physicians, Ac, ipectfully invited, at na. J. Vf. OULICKH Dreg and Chemical Store, Cast side Front st., opposite the post office. Cheraw, 8. O, October 2, IBM. 17?tf. COMMISSION* A?I> FORWARDING MERCHANTS. - ' WILMING'tON, N. 0. 5>. CUMUUNk 0. w. STmo iu/uH It, \(*L I??If. - ' "t 1 " ?1 ' r*' 1 11 " The Very tad Cull. rHOfiK nid?bt*iapalU4 to bar* a?o?ojr aotf If bo coat dkfc ?thorn*. br M iodiwrimof'aijr a 1 iotlabt. <1 to him. tJopWftOAl Mtfcis IB ? it hi his oaly raNhrctt, otri ho sitfH aula Apom&i Mq. .vwd. OUr^h 0,1*9*. ? im ft ^.'v^ i .v * v'5 . V ir> 'f&>; 1 " Jir'* i>t" iPf# ' 4 J* ^ jllj? , i . * " ij? ? . *vim SCHOOL ? ' Omcs C. kQx B. R. 1. ' i ' I Cl rttro, (M.t & mC J. ON ami after Monday the 27th, Jnat. tha MAIL Sc PASSENGER Traina on this r road, v.ill run according to the 1'ollowinjr schedule : Lowe Cheraw duilr at 5 o'clock P*M. " Cash's nt & 25 14 " " Society Hill 0 50 " 44 " Dove'* 0 iO " * " Darlington 6 50 44 44 I Arrive at Florcnco 7 20 44. 44 RETURNS 0. ? Leave Florence at 9 15 o'clock P. M. * " Purlington 9 45 14 44 44 Dove'a 10 15 ? 44 i ! M Society Hill 10 45 44 44 44 Cash's 11 14 ? 44 Arrive at Chora v 11 35 * " ' A FREIGHT and PASSENGER Train will also have Cheraw on every Monday, TLura duy and Saturday, at 7 o'clock A- ? . RETURNTNrt. . Leave Florence on the thf same day* , after tho arrival of the 10 o'clock A. M< Train lroro Kiogavilla* E. J- WADDILL, General Transp't A/*nt" No FREIGHT received after4 o'clock P. M. Oct. 28, 1R56. 20?If M HS7 JORDAN Respectfully inform? herccstomer* and tlie public generally 4hat the has j received a large Stock of LADJLS FALL AND WINTER ^A>CY Jk DRIES* dOOdi, carefully selected by'liatself in No* York, and of the fatcst styles. Her Stocks conif*t? ia part of iLa?!tesa !S!E$aa ???a?? Silks, Merino*, DeLat.es, Alpacas, Poplins, Ac. BONNEt8. A complete assortment of Bonnots, Ribbons and Trimmincs. CLOAKS AND TALMA8. Also, a large Assortment of Materials and Trimmings for cloaks, Talmas and Mantilla* I Collars, Chemisettes, Sleeves, \ Bauds, Cuffs, Vcjls^ Quillings, . Flouncing, Ilusche*. Fringes. 1 Flowers, Glovea, Mitts. Gauntlets, t Honoton, Muslin, Thrqgd Laces, i Inserting* and Ed rings. TftiHMHiGS. A complete assortment Ljj nil kinds ef Trimmings ana Dress Materials, and ail other things in her lino ; all of which will b? sold on at favorable terms at hy any hvuse in this place. Cheruw, Sept. 2Mb, lKiS. ? 16?tf Notice7 i " HAVE three dwellings in the To*a of ... * M. Wedesbaiough, situated In front of the Court House square, and to each or which is ? attached one half acra of Laud ; all of which I wish to sell. With one of the dweWujts, which i? a well finished, large and floe build* iug, suitable fur a large fomily, I will nil 1 another Lot, with a Stable on it, aad suitable for other out buildings. There U a well of water ou each let. Persona wishing a pleasant situation, convenient to good Schools. Ac., are requested to viow the property aud then ace me at White's ' Store, Anson county, K. C., or drop me a li^e. ' A tai- price will purchase. J W. FilLKSTBR. October 15th, 185$. A 8?9 A " 0 rT Ji 7 w. G U L1C K, EAST side Front St., nearly opposite the Post Office, keens always in S U*eal?ge and very select Stock of . I DR(IO?, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, nir. nt.ARR pftsrtfpu* ? all of which ho is determined to sell u cheap m will juatiiy. **" W&t* Phyeicinna prescriptions and Family recipe# carefully and accurately compounded. 17?if. " BLAXXET8 AT fC&T! The subscriber taring on hand ao o?a* 1 atoc'x of Blanket#, will dispose of thptu for r- Cash?at Colt, or on time ?t a email advance a to punctual easterner#. This opportunity to get bargain# will remain open uotil 1st J ana- . ary. D. MALLOY. * Dec.?, 1856. M3t JDan'l A. Horn WW AS inst rac#ived a well delected Stack B ? ?f a ' is Full And Winter CMn, 4 in which will be found all articles cecal for > family and plantation new. f * wry Goods ar.d Clothing, D HaU and Cape, . * *' Hardware and Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, 'i Leather, Crockery, Groceries, all toads, Prdfiislona, , Severs and Tobncco, - Kails aod Hollow Wars, ft*. yl,. ' ' which will be sold at small profits for casfi Call and mo. SepUmber Mtb, IBM. 1&-4L KM .. -gi y i: II A.fcdf.i" Hfii |ij|ligfo r:?. ?.jL*? jl? jr nit? ji/ u/e?t(w9 vfjc. Tm HBE Satocribor IV jtst raofiral ft M? ftapftW of (IKE UQttORS. BRANDT PORTER, kc., ??b < f 8BGA1?, A i/ntl., MOLASftEfe, ftnd otbar article* of ,AyBr " t-rrftiMlMft ftftiirbl* S f tk?? .ojarkot, ftil of : ti&T' 7* *hith be offer* to aeQ tor W <>?*? Coll >:id left A t BTMCKU*./ jj tv.?, B. c* w;^Tr m, i*** it * "r ? ? . ' ' * '/* ? -? *srr* jj Groceries. I PftroiiftfttllftUnrffttpr.i'o- riftt'isb. ^ jj,*.: I ^v