4;' " as' ' ' ; . ' V ^ M y ftp ^ -% > i ;itelLJUI.?J!i Jft....l? .Sclrrlrt |)orft'it : ' A JoOL> HONEST FIEAJHT. fit b'.ppj, I'm cheerful, i'?n merry ?nd 01 From y-ir'?? cud to year's tii''.?so time gud? s awnv; . fli Though oo bmnKest of (are. t\iw>otiei 1 viine, j . . r ,a 1 uut?mu."'it an.l arc companion > of ; : J5'! Thr.v is joy in my cup- tlieio it health at ; c* n\ board, , nj Viiw, ?1.ough p -)i. yetui spirit I'm rich as j a( a lord; ' ! j Foi this La Aumx'uu front vhicb I'll tus'c) part, Tlie true spring of peace is a Co wl Honest He artl ' q I frown r it mi those whoi the Wind oaticih great, a i I'"o what Cod hu- tlaoicd tan i/c no wiila) j iu of Fate-. joi 1 si -At. ro i". word of my di nr fellow man, J jJ( But ondcavtv. to do ail the good that I can. ' 'Should tin orphan ;i xl w' look iu at n> j " ilnnr * ' tfa , 1 v ufc then 'm,o6 Speed!"'?pcuitupf d ver soiooi'ihtp worr: , g| .Vov thlo is t. in.'.x.'n. fiotn which I'll ne'er m tart, . r ' Til The true spring of peacaisn toad lfiiiuat ' Heart: ' di fVhnt were this world to me, and the pica-, suit il bring.?, j Jf love ? oij sou' hut net fr. edom and wings? | * And as fuv 'he next?darn I dr?aja of itc ! Ji "bliea, , ot It' my duty t" ...an wete neglc< t<' 1 hi this? ' fheu laumur v.-ho will!?let the selfish i ploW on, Ai d be Into to the teaching oi tJit beatbaafoN the plate* to Separate hi ' their jsintr,?lArge ktrffe is then cawfaMy 5^K |Sda?rta4 hofboBtally bsocftth them, afid l ^ . ^ov; ulton ^ ^ J-o yt 1 v ' ? f1 . * *' ? ?* 'tu ? " ' -i 1 . a, HLJU'-t.-ii y Slgr tcuUtttal. 1 iJoitfi I(V! TUK MONTH. |] ^SrrrVMnicR, now tbu ninth, was an- 11 ently tlii' seventh month, as is indicate'?, i r it,! name, which its derived from tcptcin1 , t poi lying st'rJi. It answers to 7YeA??, |v I'ttmnnUf (i Kings Till 2,) tbo first t onfh of the titvil, nod the ui^nth of the J wW voir o?' the .Tews. Oar Saxon an-1 I isUns* culled it Cinrtt-inonuth, or HarUy , 1 with, he.tfiuao ha'rley ripeucd with them ? this soar on, and also IJaifest-monatli ot J .(/?] > 'r TUK PLANTATION. i1 Set nh hands vigorously at work pickivg ,c )Uvn. as aoon as the lint is svflioiemiy ' ntnred. ' Sot thit the lint is picked eleau 1 ji! fvec .s'l.tiii trie h; aud do not gather it iin- | ' eduitelyiiftwrs vain. It will dry hotter up- * i the flail;, thsuany wheroelse, and noth- ( 1 g is lost hy letting it rent for r? day or i' ro. Sec that your Gin nnd Press am i1 10 Lest patterns, and in complete order; id lot all operations conunoted with tho lining, preying uod getting ready for arket. bo performed ir the most thorough id perfect manner. Arlrr a ahower, and | tile suiting for your Cotton txi Dcc?me :y enough to p??k, set the hands to itiicrii g, drying and putting Peat away, 'y, Cfmer and Winter (Mtk may be >wu during the present month. It is not :>t too lute tor Hut a > /* ? and some bet varieties of Turhips, but not. m mo? 1 icrit mu*t be lost, if you desire to ruako . ,op Should you be short of foddtf, j ake florae bay from Rweet Potato vines. 0 not out them until juat before the drat oats in (kctober. at wluoh time the tubers ill probably havo eciaed growing?cure io vines well, put thorn awuy anier cover, id you wd1 find that your cows, mules id evon horses, will oat the* with a ood lolisb Good fodder may also be lade fVom tho tops of the Pindar or ronnd Pea, if eut or pulled before they ither. Pack away a pile of cut Potato incu, as an experiment, for next years (anting, as recommended Continue, alio, > clear up and drain swampy laud, prepare oodland fcr pasturage. THE GARDEN. " < Tuntijij, jf all kinds, if not already ivn, should bi put ia without delay, i full crop of Otrivnt, to plant in October, .? < ** iuj nvn vv DVKII. wi.wyoiMiiie /wri^yan | icdfl Of Carrpto and Be*t* any tinie thin J, iontli 'tow also, Kurimunu CaHur October nuiator. A >ol, moist soil, rich in ragctabk matter, jits 'ho Strnwborry best, in our l3outbern | lioiate. Subsoil the ground, or spado it loroughly two spndei deep, turning under 0 abundant supply of swamp nuek, Jejropoie-llea.es, wood ashes, pulverized ( liurcoal'&nd a littiu well rotted atabla laouw. Harrow dr rake the turfaoo, 5 taking it Hue !>od evau, and set yout I lanta ia' rows A' fact apart, and 1 foot to ft inohita in the row, if you with to ewUiite largely, and by botae power. If on mi contrary,..your "Strawberry patch" merely intended for family use, and ' 1 bf cultivated by Uaad, vet* 2 foot apart, ith plauta same diftta4?tt as nborc, will . 9. U ypu can locate yo*r "hod" upon t(*pT4?igL branch" at at Ibi uieuth of t"| ivyw., so an td dnm the stream and j rigato it fwaly in dry wwither, it wtU! Send the season of bearing t*)d scrsathr \ i+reMfithoiiie #ndqa?Ut| of the/fruit. t] 6'wo wttt tarUutoW dtik& aklm p?rujning iu tbfr niopi dMusiods and ^1 di?pt r.gnblt fruit, at Itofclh. TUB FLOWKft OAHDJCN A/to ;? j i I ^'.^liKUBp&V.^S /j? **& Rtmcvt laytrtof th? C*r??lu>o. Jpknt >*U^*4 rooti forvkAj blympog, !**t of f (W ??U,. Flirt .?f? d??4 Joave?) ^ -m mk:\ ~ w . * e < 5 n. rt$t if;;' V;' i?0 W? . <,: .* >> -"--.n \ V> & 1 V "?- "MM1 ? 'J1 1 .. * L. I1 -LJUI I X ' 1 HfOW TO SECURE DRY FE' T^AND j J SAVE YQUli 8HOE LEATiiKR A wrreapoodent ot tho M/tWnirt j Mit^r.tine says :?l?I have bad three l?Mr<* i i- j-4s for cbo lhat six years, {"*?* ihoea^) j itid I think Ishnll trot require nuy more or the next six years teoooie. The reason f j s that 1 treat them in the following may. r? )?rj?1 put a pound of tallow and half n at x)und of rosin in a pot on tbe Are ; when nelted and mixed, I norm the boots and ^ ipplv the hot stuff with a painter's, brush di intil neither the r,r>lo nor the upper leithar fill puck in any more. If it is ilqfired hat the boots should immediately tuke a J >ol;sb, dissolve an ounce of wax iu a teasK*>oful of lampblack A day ^i'ter tho >oots hrvo lean trcat'od with the tdliow ( iod rosin, rub over them this wax iu tur>cntino, but not before. Thus the oiteru w will ha e a coat of wax alone, pod shines ike o iniirov Tallow or any praise bo- . wuKMiiiicid, and rote the the stitching sa rail as tec leather; but the roeiu gives it in antisejitio quality which preserve* the rhole. Jdouwund shoos should be so large is to admit tin paring eotk soles. Cork 190 bad a conductor of he&t'hat T.ith it { ai n tho hootsnnd feet are alw urs tcnrin nn I ? Vo coldeft tone floor." (.t J Zy T (J _ ; roww council of the town of " CliKRAW:- J *W. L. T Print*, Intending. R. J. WnddiU, - ' ?i ji s' w- - ? W. KSB0B'0,V N- Cn | W R Preaidetii. Q O W Littlu, B"W ? Vm ftJl ' Director* & * ' . r Richardson, Jot White, , P 0 Smith. H b Hammond. CovUier. N Beverly, Clerb. Discount day, lYaadey r . o ? ./ -1 JHRRAW AND DARLINGTON RAIL ? ROAD COMPANY: A M Ian Preaideot fi S Soiomous, Chief Engineer. ,1 J HT McLrer, Sectary and Treasurer. J A Solictor. . E i WaiddiU, Freight and Ticket Agcut. ; , ' '' -*?<>,? ' ' THE COURTS OT LAW, S. C, vStT t IOU pifKSTrUPL* '.d? ;'i lat Monday in Marc', nod October. ron Marlboro' : 2nd Mondi-y in March aikf October,1* *c?* i? ctbuiNarow : f 3rd Monday in Mar^h and October. FOR MARION : ',*/ '* Ath Monday in March and October, . ? Return day 15 day* before each CoorL 0 - 1 * THF COURTS Olf EQUITY, S. '? ,5 . Tueaday after 1st Monday in iVbftviry. ' , ' * fCfltlidtARMU)[u>r:< -; -* ;XV> Friday ?ft"t'M, W B IJnacortk, BfcerifT , r . ','AfiPUSfe/-jfovtAr 1 XVj \' tfJS JB !!?!?? : - %'SEtffc '" W?P&oigi A > 4 75 L 4ft PI p *"? ^ S |^S|^ t r. w *" '/'''ill. i AjgL ' ' ' .;' J/ 8 r^? v ' . . <\ <**' f ! : * | S * i "ill" 1 .. . -!? ? J !" ' ? ^rom Georgetown to [ CHBItAW. KfejK^Mmw. Hj)J. WM. 1?\RM ' T. ? Cftpt. C. (ilLBKRTi will connAC;1 Kor ' | gnlnr trip* (ortbe sea*t ni jhrve, tombing J r.ll the intermediate landing, on or nb jui |1 TUfi: ?TO fcl.PTKMBEU. 1 >e is tho li .'ho.'it draught Boat on thjutieer, ?i Oo'vtlA hhi|'(>0'\ bv'b.;r will tnvet with "pnte'K 1>. POZlKft, I * Agentni t?eorfflQ* nf 8. CMORGAN St TOME Iff SON, Agents at Chofaw, R. 0. SipU.2, !$. <}. ? - *y - A,.- -i --gf/ ~r~" ? ?' * ( It Kit V\V !o a c ]\ M ail u factory. The undersigned arc carrying on the t'oaeh nd Carriage making boeitteuft in oil its hrflui K i, near the Son Hem tar minus of; Kershaw reet, au All all order.) snnHhem U> the eutire a&ti/-ction tjf tbeir fu' vi". Thei, also, keep ou band OAilRJA(Jl?, .OCR kWAYB, BUOOLt? and 8171RIES oft 0 laAest styles, which they wiP joU at vnoeon-; Weprio ?.i. *' ? I "I v,i? 4H?\* pl,UlUyMYtl?U l?*l I j *ir work rnrre.nied for one cokp. TWy *nH . my the freight ajvor any J'TO >f theirs, the ( am* of winch ta orei lUty dollars, if to be j1 elivMvd at ?? . station on tHt^Cbernw aud ' Arlington RaifroM. , . RACK, OEPSW A CO. t (jheraw. fc. C.f June 9tb','l856. I?tf. frofi&v . .. ihl CO TRAVKl,ER^|j iWFAYETTE VlLLfiaa^AlR Btt^F TA^F. iifttea FayetievHle8tt?thvrf, TVsAajA i nd Thnrsdats at) o'clock. V. M.*, Fair Bluff I tonday?. W? dm adujs And Kridaja a*, 2 E. M, i ttfr-.Fary *4.00- /?. . Tm. f'ON'WAYBOnO' and FAIR BLUFF TAGF, Ifaves Fair Bluff Monday*. W< d?e?ays and Friday* *t 6 o'clock, A.'*.. &o?l m ira? the alU raatc days. J. W. 8TEAGALL. done lOtb, 1S5C. I^f ' Notice! * rllE subscriber jrnapectfuHy infonns tbo Farmeraof Marlborough and the Hr.rronudig Districts. iVui^e .ntcd lo rivu.^," 1 n*'ialW*ion. - \ ,v L JOHN H. HUSBA^D^ / fcoaa r o t>.~. I "1 " ' ' V i I Cabinet Shoo. V f ' ) ' % * / .t J * f rHE Svbscri bcr having located bi inaelf in Cheraw, and having made srrftiitfeiuent ritb Mr. Win. T. Jloore. for tho^tippof pfcrt of is Shop at U?? Foundry, will carry on Uie Whioot Biurttoest. " and Fnmntirn and \\ other kind of work that is in his lino of tusinMs. ftid hopes by strict ratOnilim and ood work, to merit a ?bffe of the -pa(roni? fUe citW?i Mncr. , : Also, Funerals ttorvod ?t short nation, y< ? . - ' W. T. BCICHMOftK. Clieraw, Jolj lotf 1KM. J. KllarSaljg I MAVT^Jtr to orohurk in thc i [1 ?H0VI?ION-iTV6AUE ?oteW, riM, tnl xdelo d*9{?8. ci' tWs primal ?H ooji; far cut [ttftJkorWoii?wS pfrt, of lw Ootris faU.SWs. Clothing, HoWow **?$! , *C., *uU| t??qeo*t<*l to ' fcorv*tion ef ti ot"nay aUaqoeat t+Havun, ?n<$titrfy *111 Itepoikd . roHptlj bp pOj iufi -Ariog Mac A*. cy*K4. c,.ian.JiS;' up?'*}'i?V , l>j' 'J. 'I?4ty !' ; ?-?W. - W-k avniinur mi t fc. ii r.,ft a-*1-.* ww TjPfSifo * ^ agfeeaciiaj #' "I'm'uij'i-'/.? ->.' .New SaUedule. OfMC*^, AD It It. OCMf-ANY. (,7- ,,? , A'^XU. J*"M> ON' *ml nfter th? Sr*t day of Anpvat #ni> \ug, tV XA1L and PAS&tfaE? Trail on vhi* road, vrill ru: nccwidin^ to tliw folio I3|T J^hfdnl,- I Le.ftVt; COor&w at f> lA-VjflV P. M: " Cash.# at i 2'i \?? . 44 V S?:i<*v Hill at 6 ,M * * Gove* at ; r 20 4< u Darlington at 1 50 "' '* Ajfrive i?t Klofonep at 3 20- " " KftTUUNlMG: Leave ri .rortet.ftt 0 15 o'clock . P. M. Darljnyf'it^ 9.45 '; " , S.. Dow * at 10 15 W fioei-ty tint 10 V> ' ;H< ' ' CUfth'a lit II 1(1 " Arrive at <;b?raw 11 55' " ' \ FitP.TOH Y hu,l PASSKNVtV.lt Ttfoa * ul?tf leave GSorov on ftve.y Monday Thtw and Su/.nflay, at 7 o'clock A. M? . HEXOUM^O: I/Oftvo rUfetrce on thf ennie lay tit 1 oVl6 P. 51.. k'1 fcir flift arrival of Train froco W isingtwi. 1 E. J. WAGD1GL. General l'runup't Agent. July n, 185a. : ? i, . 7 -s.f N OT11E . THE STATE OP SOUTH CAJLOLIK, CHEKTKBFIEUl) district. . THIS is to certify that tl?e Offdctrrigni . have forriiod a limited phrtn'-raliip und thg wi'iie or Hrru f "\F;H*tii/\H T. mlem; Thai the general netun; of thf o iiOf iu a.) ' * -1. ' J. (J. PErtVISL ft* i.) ' J. M. TIUOSAPGHX, ? ) ; E A. KBNlUid.. U a.) DA3%, A. HQra.'ft. a.) ' j. 7 "' N. J). STRICKlim, (u a.) "VI , ' A- MALfiOT, H,.b.) I). MALLOY*(UR.) p. PiOKAnb, (L ?.) *?? WNO. V. ttr Aa9)iu ?.j " I . a*6..T. coit, {!.? ) HIAKbKS a.) Cbcraw, $. C.} Augaat 1>, 185C. 11 ?fit, -* e*" Utf: 1 ! ? ? .1.1 Charleston and Weor^etow Tft OHEEAW. j u njplK' : UKR-^k Bceamfl^fiJ^. Cnptaia G*oi JL *> *<" me'.re , , vmtBicnT AT mjiUhmm,- K on or *Wi the lith^iufat ?M>tt sel b?i mvembly a?eoe. h Urfpe with t>euetujlity e?i m all ? ion* end *U#N of the HtW- ^T". V 71 ('aut. fcUruU&elA Hoglttf f.^orn hi* thank* hit* fVieerU awl th pnMie for ibe liteta*! p r Mift^iler?Wfore ?Kv *KW*"i 'r"?//"iHio%VA cftg! ^Mzfc'^ZS ?*??&?? * e*r i" . 'AJiix:'xi? ? . .n /j. jut m . F R08PKCTU8 ov THIS fl>]TliTIi:R i.%L, WILMINGTON, N C. ? . WtMy 82 i Tri.We&ty 83 a ' y * > IN' ALL CASKS Ig APV R. M W"N issuing a ProipectuH to ask cripliotM w' JB_ to the Commercial, the eab* .or teels It a dhty to define bis position, So iw to leave vj doubt upon the minds of Me patrons as to the priuci^dvs Ms pept* will autftin. In the tfutfttiOnVdf pAs'- J.ttn tbe Sdit >r I bM had one paroihoAPjt principle before him SOTJTHKRN RIGHTS, under the Gonstiui tion hove bpcntho Aim ftttd wbjectnf all hi* n!TorU Several '-efthsAffo WA) thsert-d in c-ar Prospectus the folio* word#. "Th? Comxksciat u v mode) tfpUilioil indfixiiJenct] : H^forthelos*, SevrNtMt Rights will nlwayt ' j *u/rr>-Jr the rMr i? of Oery party of entry ' tylMt.'" - ( ' ' ' I From this avowal it iym not ditfirall to A j ifcd'tfd what would bo our course when the ^ ' arrived that ehou'd piece thosc'rigbts j withlo * tangible fame. The htessn^i. cf our great and g> averted the ri^hM h. of tfw Son!.?* andtr thu Couj.ittjtiou, Contait cd H the precise doeiritio that The Ctfynmei tial lift I advocated for rrtAAy yearn, and the Cihcin' 11oti Convention be* tag sustained thatdovrtrine; we found in the GREAT NATIONAL DEMOt CRATJC PARTY, those With wbnui we could -r coiiHcientiyunlj not undettVn influence of our judgment aril the impulfto of our heart 'Hid pt inclines avywe.l iuth j Cincinnati Platform) L:n i .. ?.I.M i .... ... w .uuv rwr-n\ u u\jvw nuu ;m? iwi j; ?ir? wtj n main Id public We botiove Hv 'EANax and Brkcv r*mnois will be the honest and fhithf&l exponent^ of the principles to which wc atJbero, and ort which the sitetv and happiness of the fiooth J depend. Pure Jo private character, houoirt J in jmbl'c lite and of unimpeachable pairiotienl, tbeir clociion can alcne preserve toia Unkm fttim ruin and disaster. c* These who havo heretofore real our paper, know tliut we have long desired to meet the j presout hour, when the South will demand ber rigfita without Ktlht or oompfomiio, and seo how rua ir ol tho National Democrats of th? ?n Free .States will sustain her just pretensions. ,n Knough will be found, wo ho;>e and believe, 4 . to bear our Ranner through tho <:battlc and ! '.he breoxfc," and assist us to transfix it ou the ram part a of the Constitution. VqJ- Strict attention paid to reports of Mario kctf, doAhRtic at d foreign. al Besycutrullr,' c. ' t. LORiNaB. August dth, 135$. I"*? Anson Institute. ' fSSHIS Institution W boon in operation T * about two years and o half. It is oleav} santlj situated c*i an eminence about one-half * of a mile Southwest of the town of Wadeaboro'j comma nling an extensive view of the Sitrrftundiag country. There ia a dwelling house a lj connected with tbo institute and occupied b^^ ^ Rev. Elijah J. Morrison, one of the TeaelSwpT j'? who i t prepared to take eight or leu hoarders, 'j, to whoso comfort, instruction and moral train- , j mg every uecoimry ttioation will ha jBostowrd, I The institution is t\ow nudcr charge of Prof; ' ' Sil*? C. Lindsley and llov. E. J- Marti ton. , gentlemen who huve <*?>n lidwrable experience* " 7 (,<1 in toachiug. Mr. Morrison, who has charge of u the English department, is a graduate of our ,a University, ana bau taught a classical school ur for many years. Mr. bindrley. who bar charge y* Of the Latin and Greek depuitment, ia n grad ante of Prioeetou ; vriw, for several years, Pro^ feasor of Languages in the Caldwell Institute, while situated iu Greensboro1, in this State, nndka* devoted over twentj-nve years of his life to the instruction and training of youth.? 1 Both of these gentlemen arc eminently qualifi- -. % I e<3. in every respact to till their respective pvfW tlona, and to discharge the responsible trusts *' eonfided t? tbero. '< It is the only high Male School in the county) it has been built by the liberality and public snivit ot the citizens df Anson covnty. Why then shook! it not be pairunUod? VOMr.g "JC" of and the. adjoining counties may hero obtain a first rate English education, or may be prepared for admission into tha Freshman ^ or Sopnomore classes of our University or any other institution. 'Hie 1 all Sasaior. of this Institution wilt eoauntnee on Monday, (be 14th i nstout, and ;v cootione five months. TKRMS A3 FOLLOWS: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Ac., $10 00 0 rammer. Geography, Ao., 14 60 Lutir. ami (j" ek, .? 20 00 Philosophy, Mathematics, Ac., 20 00 ' ' Tax for contingent expense*, 7* Tuition in advance. Student* entering the higher branches hard B the privilege of .-tedying either or all the brancboa taught by paying the.price of the ?>f| highest alone. > U : K?th room 1. lights, fuel, washing, Ac., ruiwh< J by privet- families of the village or fi), ft] UH5 tiiljuceai oouoty, at 6(f per month- A rnris. S. A8BK, ^ * >>? THOa ROBINSON, # ^ ... TITRDIE RIC1IAKD80X, . ? ^ W- H. LEAK, , | I . ft BKPFERN, ? .v | J+.- :i ? #,** , Architect & Builder, * DAttUNGTON a ^ 3. C. i . AN'8, Mp<(cilcMi?i?| *n4 mtimet** fcra* at the *We?t notice. atedeknt* tn Hardware. OlAi ?vf *r Jmo r