8 THE LEDGER: GAFFNEY, S. C., DECEMBER 24, 1896. Bee GENERAL CONGLOKERATION OF NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL IN TEREST. Some Short, Some Shorter and All Too Short for a Heading, Yet None ,Too Short to Mentiun. D O YOU realize that the weight of eleven months is underneath the calendar wheel, pulling her over to the Christmas notch and that every day brings us nearer the great gift season ! ? Now at the close of another year, and on the verge of the new, we greet each and every one of our many customers with A Merry Christmas ! AND A Happy New Year. Many older people as well as all the chil dren look forward from one Christmas co an other with longing and anxiety for the celebra tion of that birth. v Just about two years ago we were born into the mercantile history of Gaffney. Many of you remember that we had a very limited or small stock of goods. Every day since we first opened, our trade has increased week by week, and our stock has been turned over many, many times, until now our trade reaches for miles around Gaffney, and our house is piled from top to bottom with choice selec tions and crowded all day long with eager buyers. This we contribute to We believe in the cash business. If you paycash as you go you know how far you get. When you see anything cheap you can get it, for it always takes cash to get a bargain. Iflany matchless bargains have passed over our counters in the past two years and we as sure you we shall strain every nerve and ex ert every effort to increase our business with you another year and make your friends a customer also. Till-; srx RISKS IX TUI-: EAST «ii<1 thatV th« place to look lor it early in the inoruin^, and the west is the place to lind it in the afternoon. KOR T11K NKXT THIRTY DAYS THK RKK IIIVK IS THK RLACK where you can ^et a nice Overcoat at exact cost, if you are not too late. 2o all wool Mackintoshes which we formerly sold at M.ot) to he closed tit $:t.2o. Some lines of Clothing to he sold at greatly reduced prices, WgJiUve the best line of ifT.ott and $4.98 Suits on the market. Many sample Kur Hats are thrown on our counters daily at To and 9no Kind of lr*r*ioe» and they are LOW PRICKS, everyone knows that, and what we want is you to buy them, for they are To Sell. Come and get Gibs of best coffee in town for #1.00, A good pair of Ladies’ Shoes for 72 cents, a good Suit of Clothes for $2.95, a good pair of Men’s Shoes for 98 cents, a Dandy Hat for 98 cents, some of the Prettiest Pictures you ever saw for 45 and 75 cents each (something new) and anything else that you want just a little cheaper than you can get it any where else. soliciting a THANKING YOU for past patronage and continuance of same, Your Friend, J. R. TOLLESON, . t Proprietor Tolleson’s Cheap Store. »« pT‘ .♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦j Chesterfield county and Jim Sims i of Greenville county have been Uli- ed by State Constables. These constables will probably bo tried and acquitted. But if convict ed, precedent indicates that they will be pardoned and turned loose red- handed to seek fresh victims. Mis. Anna Gage, wile of Ex- Dspufy U. S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan., says: “I was delivered of TWINS less than ‘20 min utes and with scarcely any pain after using only two bottles of “MOTHERS’ FRIEND” DID NOT SUFFER AFTERWARD. ffy Sent by Express or Mull, on receipt of price. *1.00 per bottle. Rook "TO MOTHERS” mailed free. MUDHLLD BEGIXATOU CO., ATLANTA, Ui. HOLD 15V ALL DKCUGISTS. Farms to Rent. F ARMS TO RENT. Scvi-rnl splendid farms to rent. Apply to F.O. Stney. Wanted. t Ready! Santa Claus is Coming. PLKASK THK CIIILDRKX and buv vour CANDY, APPLES, COCOANTTS, TOYS, ETC. r i hen remember vourself and wife and get your SUGAR, COFFEE, RICE, LARD, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, PRESERVES And some more ot that World Beater Tobaeco going at 25c. a lb. Then to make Xmas complete*os~~* take the bovs some FIRE CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, CANNON CRACKERS, TORCHES, ETC., ETC. A l*ic; IvIIMC OI' Kl10 NVOKIvS. Next door to the Dispensary. J. L. Alexander. W i'.iihtds ', or',." 00 l’ U (" <, S n n, M er ' r ! "" 1 For Sale. W OO 11 FOR SALK. Oood oak wood at UV per two-horse load; pine wood at tier eord. Leave orders at A. C. l , ridinore A Co's. W. A, Turner. F OR SALE I eari sellyou liucliiifldiiiK loll* in all parts of the city from liftylotive J. UatTiiey- Inindrcd dollars, .lames F OR SALK. OimmI farm, £1:! neres, :i miles from Uaffitey. will, x<>'>d orchard and dwcllliix. R. S. Lipseomh. Notice. N OTICK I hereby forbid any bird liiint- im; and tresspass of stock on my lands. I :ti It-tMM II. e. Rhim.im. N otice. I will have a car load of mules. ! horses and bojts today and they must I*- j sold. .1. (i. Siteneer. N OTICE. The public arc strictly forbid den the prlvlfeire of shootliof or nettliiK birds on my place known as I be Mowry lands In Cnloii county, S. C. .1. K. .lelTerles. H-A-Jt S EALED RIDS for leasinir the Limestone Sprlnus I,Inn* Co.'s Linn* W orks at Lime* stone Hprinifs. IneltidhiK the street railroad. Will Is* received by the undersigned at Spee- tanhtlrtt until December la. JHIIII: the lease hr run for one year or more. We reset'•• the rljihllo reject any or all bids. For .tiMhct part leu tars apply to com mil tec. John K. clkvklaxd. t A. X. W,h*li. Con mlttcc. .1 II. Cl.KVKI.AXO. I