The weekly ledger. (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1894-1896, November 26, 1896, Image 8

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. wmfi- WWW' .•'TPS' r >:“r'- * 8 THE LEDGER : I GAFFNEY, S. C., NOVEMBER 20, 1896. ^TTTOTRTX ft S c ^ C ] .<m?8 i ,n2 rr^TRirriTO/. sy w rr&m'tm DO Wit AT DAWKlffS BRIDCE fit r; ; p i.i ?V f.' H E f . j|||u{mM: .<■'' 1. ' • ‘ p} ri |J !:] •%■ r , • ; U .SNd0>R6My«ERE Tp MABRY‘S '‘.'MILL. •VP- W V ^1 Advodates Meet Oppon ents to the Movement and Dis cussed the Issue—The — •■vr -. Story of a Map, I F •JI: J Oi •> jn<| Oc V'Jtl or yiuu.t a: Sell the BEST WAGONS on Earth at the LOWEST PRICES. OLD H1CR0RY ADD TENNESSEE WAGONS ws ic* advocites and opponents rf 1 new county met in debate at Daw- kin’s bridge last Saturday morning i about li o'clock. There was a good tiz<‘d crowd present and although the opponents to new county had called the meeting the advocates of new county were in the majority by two to one, and if you take away the op position which went down from Ravenna the new county folks had the meeting by about ten to one. The opposition had twenty-two pres ent by actual count and two men counted, among that twenty-two, six teen from Spartanburg, and Tim: Lkdgkk was informeK that of the re- nev^r presented to Mr. Lipscomb and several other gentlemen in his neigh borhood who had signed the first one, and as consequence they never knew of it. Hence it can easily be seen where Mr. Lipscomb and Prof. Sams were both mistaken and yet I both were iinnlyof the opinion that j 'ihey were correct. The Ledger I ! hastens to make amends, because it I would not intentionally do Mr. Lip- ! scomb or his friends an injury. We never met Mr. Lipscomb until last Saturday and we found him to bo a very agreeable gentleman and al though wo may differ with him in this new county business we will not knowingly misrepresent him. AT MAUKV’E M1I.L. After the adjournment at Duwkin’s bridge a portion of the crowd pro ceeded to Mabry’s mill. There Mcssre. Win. Jeffries, X. W. Hardin, T. 15. Butler, Robt. Gantt and Ed. DeCamp made short new county speeches, while Messrs. Greer, Walker and another gentleman, whose name we failed to get, took the op posite. The crowd here was more evenly divided, about sixty per cent., being for the new county as far as we could judge. The speakers were given a careful attention. Mr. If. A. I Tate made a good presiding officer. The seed sown for new county fell »re 1 [you CAN PROVE lowest prices. Farms to Rent. F ARMS to KENT —Several »pl< to rent. Apply to F. G. Stacy* For Sale. j . p>l: ^ \ i.r. I (mu si-ii you llii 1 'PuHdijSir lo' V? 1 , t * -n :ill inrts of tlie city from fifty,»«liif i Inuxircri nollui v Jamc?. .1. GutTney. ^ WE CAN FRCVE t-'-. ' i! '- ” ,. , rod acts »■> supply''’* r <t wcllim;. n • A i.l i flit .:. -J it HlTi S H m : 'I >m ( ill 'y vitli to «1 orcliartf ^;n| U. S. i.ipsi'onii). Gi>.. , for you. H yo“ t,{ “** W ' 1- , you un un.luuUfied grantee ^• t the foods will 1^ satisfactory^ _ l hey are n ade to wear well and took b lel, NN.'tc for I rice 1 ist-^^^ frtt- I AGGI STA lumber co • , AUQ09TA. QA. I j Wanted. W 'iNTilli. Ji.i m imiulli s foMi r ami l.iyj liushels corn. .1, G. Sptsncer. Notice. "Huy of 1*' df‘*^ rr and ,, 'Huy Si. rh"i Hraud. H MOThT All persons tcivlmr claims ta'.iln si tl.c est ale of Giles Tlionipson, (JO/); '' doc I.siai. will pltMsr pn seilt tl'.eni III ulicif-l ^ 1 u» U. S. LII’SCOMIt. i, 1)1-!l-I»-!*ii A(imiulstr:Uor. N oTIt'K. I will have a car load of mule! horses ami hotrs KKlay and they mu, sold. J. G. Spencer. maining six but three lived had a vote, upon good soil and we predict that as the other three beyond the line of i •> 1(l l ' nii \ n wil1 r :‘ ,1 . u P a «°" d r,) “ nd turn.4hir.ia majority on December , : V- tho proposed new county. Now this thirus is not campaign thunder. These; There will be a meeting tomorrow, are facts, and if the figures given are November 27th, at Wilkinsville, and not strictly true they are so very j every man opposed to new county, as near it that we invite correction. jcd-Ui are known the world over. Buy your Wagons, Bug- ‘ gies &nd Furniture from 111 ; R. A. JONES & CO. and ' ,:t ; ’ VOTE FOR the NEW COUNTY and be happy >M.oI / id Id -‘M.l ;( UOf.'.V I , y:. v i: -ut .g and prosperous. —-■ 1 - ——- S’ “ CENT WISDOM KSsAND DOLLAR FOLLY." i: ; ;l The thoughtless buyer of cheap, trashy and shoddy garments will certainly suil'er bodily and financially. - v Honest, All-Wool Clothing, tailored by honest Phila- i delrphia tailors and sold at one small profit, necessary to the employment of the 4,000 working people of our city at -• • honest wages, awaits “ Thoughtful Judges at the , ■ ‘‘jsiG- u£oiv snroxim” FALL SUITS, OVERCOATS $5 to $ 15. $2.50 to $ 15. bn/s /jo?'. t‘i hl-j Un'i JtoTiy .'c/Mi: X<r h-TcMi-: . J.'cY l/Lv. fi v. lu : of i t-«. /.•jj.idjric.'! ; . S.'.O-VMI I'.V yili woilo'i : n IliTf j;uy, i ill. lUi VJjTavif.i • i W. 0, LIPSCOMB & BRO., The Hustlers. Murder! Murder! Messrs. Butler. Hardin, Gantt and DeCamp spoke in behalf of new county, while Messrs. Chalk L’p- scomh, Littlejohn and Greer took the opposite side. M. M. Tate was made chairman of t ic meeting and ho presided in an importial manner. Mr. Hardin spoke as chairman of the beard of trustees. The burden of ids speed/is contained in a colu mn ideation from him in another column. Mr. Butler’s remarks w/ro based upon the constitution and the law, Mr. Gantt talked as a Reformer to Reformers and his argument in behalf of law taxes was excellent. He c'ted the different tax rates of the small counties of North Carolina and Georgia as against the high taxes of the largo counties of South Carolina, basing everything upon reports of the Comptroller General of the three states. Mr. Chalk had a map of the new county present which he had better left at home. On this map i/e had Gaffney almost in North Carolina. In fact when asked the scale of miles he dist said it was two miles to the inch. On measuring it was found half well as those in favor, is invited tobe present. TDoiisands oi Women; SUPPER UNTOLD MISERIES. BRADFIELD ? S FEA\ALE REGULATOR, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC Bj Arousing to Healthy Action all her Organs. It causes health to bloom, and' joy to reign throughout the frame. It Never Palls to Regulate... ‘‘.My wife linn Iipoti under treatment of lend-; , Init |>b,Hl(diinn three yearn, without henetlt.' After iislint three bottler of UltADK'.EI.D'S' /•’EM AI.K KK/IULATOK hIio can do her own < 1 cookiiiK. milkiiijt and wunhlns,” N.S. HU VAN. Henderson. Ala. BIUDFIELI) liEGLI.ATOU (0., Atlanta, (id., Sold by drui/Klntaat Jl.00 per bottle. FOR — B. A. HOLMES & CO.^ Up-to-Date Job Print- tulf.andfavwgrocrkies.u,n- I'KCTloNKUl KS. ('Hi A US. TO- ing, call at the LEDGER Office. Gaffney, S. C. HA (VO, IUIITS. ETC AllGtm'Is Prosit and Now. I’rlcvs as Low its the Lowest. N < )T1< Tv The imi (ieu tli*' nrivih'irt public are strictly forbM. privifeec of shootlt/y or’let J 1 li'> place h ic i .vti a. t In .Mowry !. f i i ITiioti caunty, S. C. J. E. .ItTferles. 11 a-Zt Effect Follows Cause * * ©\-Just as Sure as Night Follows Day.] Tiio continual going out and coming of goods at our store is caused by our bright, crisp stock and low prices. We will con-j tiuue the latter tune (that is, low pri< • ) for the next five weeks] Pleasing you means a more lively move oi this we shall endeavor to do. that Gaffney was hut two and a mil os man. ORDER FOR ELECTION. STATE OF SOPTII CAROLINA, i Kxecctivk CiiaMbeu. t W/ir.i:;-:as. a petition si'jrncd by the <|U.'ui- from Nortll Carolina by the ' fled eiee/i.ii o! cerlaln seetions of Spi/rtan- Mr Dhnlk corrected his slntr*. ' btud, ITdon and Vork Counties have heeit ' , ■ CT/aiK COlTttlCU IJIS biaie j w {(j, iu „j from si/id petition iind menL and said it was four Junes to 1 nceoni|>;myln:r pauerh It aj/pt'ars, th.'ft rme- 111,ole f:' i /r,.nv bur tblnl of the tltli/llned electors reuldlji^ wlth- mudo uaiiecj nut : , n t|u . . ir( .. ( „!■ s ,.,. t | (in of said old the inch. That made Gaffeey but six milos from tlto North Carolina j c(ipiitji'S ffroposed to iii tV11TI£I>I5R ! _ prices for the next 30 Tpdays on Shoes, Hats, Caps, Jeans, Ladies’ "Dress Goods and Groceries. The Cheapest 3MI01C Place on earth. oei£*. i 'ihio Spake & Blanton. BJJ ot vnoinil^ a'lnv / In;;. iii‘n[l a >>l t Oil I lei < . >b -u/oJe io'i Oill’l r.ih ., -OR/W/'IAll .ht>l«li:i‘( :. line, while it placed Pinckney ferry forty-eight miles from Gaffney. Mr. Chalk finally admitted that his map was incorrect and was so disgusted with it that he drove off without it. lie also displayed a rubber hall filled with water and some reports which were from twelve to twenty years old which he wished to put in evidence. .V lot of sport was furnished the new counly boys by all these, for they were perfect boomerangs. Mr. Greer simply made assertions which he could not back up with figures. Mr. | Lipscomb talked of the line, while i Mr. Littlejohn told an amusing turkey story which had no bearing on the new county. The meeting adjourned by passing : a set of resolution to the effect that a new county would be beneficial to* the largest lumber of people within tlie proposed territory and that they did not believe it would increase taxes. Afterwards the opposition held an ut <>IV for it new I'um/iy have sinned said petit ton and. \V lie it its, the boundaries of the proposed new county, the proposed name, the number of inhabitants, tbe area, the taxable prop erty as shown by the last tax returns, and that tlie proposed lines for the new ronnty do not run wit hiii einbt miles of any court house Imildlnjt now established, a re set forth in said petil ion. Now. therefore, I. .John Gary Evans. Gov ernor of the St ate of Soul h Carolina, in com pliance with the requirements of the Act of the Generally Assembly entitled. "An Act ;o provide fort he format ion of New Counties, etc.." approved March tlth. IftKi. do hereby order an election In tbe territory to be cut olT for the new county, on Tuesday, the ci"htli day of 1 lecemlrtT. A. 1>.. IttKi. tone held in accordance with the requirements of said Act. at which election t be electors shall vote •'Yes” or "No” upon the question of crcatiiu; the new county and upon the name and county seat of the proposed new county. lx Testimony WnnitKoe. I have hereunto set my hand and cause the Great Seal of the state to be nflixed at Columbia this twelfth day of of <>, tuber, A. I).. IS'.MS. and in the one hundred and twenty-first year of the Inde pendence Of the I nitkd Status of Amkiui'a. Ry the Governor: , Jno. Gauy Evans. I). It. Tompkins. Seely, of State. goods from our store- INfow tho 'I line best suited for applying paint as it does not dry too fast, therefore not likely to scale or peel, and again, there are no gnats, Hies or other insects to stick to the paint and present a had appearance. We have on hand all kinds of painting matcri- IIlutl ,. rui lucli< als for house, wagon or buggy and brg to say fo those who intend | During his speech i’robato Judj painting, that we will give them a written guarantee on all of our paints, namely: That after being put on three (3) years, if our paint is not as good as any manufactured, we will paint your house free of charge for paint or cost of applying, you se lecting the paint of your choice. All of our colors are lirst-class, its wo buy only the best. @ee<l« ! Who is it on this beautiful earth of ours who, sometime dur ing the year docs not need seed of some kind? We have on band, in season, garden, Held and lawn seed, clovers, wheat, oats, barley, rye, and in fact you can obtain any kind of seeds you may need. Our seed business this yeip’ lias more than doubled itself. Those in need of seeds, fruit trees, strawberry plants or anything in that line call on us. We will take pleasure in showing you our stock. Wo have just received a lot of cab bage seed to he planted now and set out in open garden in about six weeks, coming in very early next spring—long before our common spring planting. Those needing window glass and putty will find any size glass here from KxlOxJOx II. Odd sizes cut to suit without extra charge. We extend an invitation to all to examine our goods and prices, and ' ‘■penally do we wish those sull'ering from head- This petition for «omo reason wna ache or tool-linehe !o come in and get cured free of charge. Out prescription department is furnished with the purest drugs and oheiuicnls and i in charge of a pharmacest of ten years practical experience. S. B. CRAWLEY & CO. £1 B cuaw WHIM All ELSE f AILS. < migli Syrup. TukMw (.o..l. Use | t'l limn. Haiti hr <1nii.'t;liaii. Tbe prop'im'(I tprrltory tobi’Likrn nff from Spiirtmibur)/ county uml to he incorporated in the proposed new county is as follows: Ue^liinlnK at the month of Hrown's branch • i.,,.,,,],,-.*. ... ...1 ; .1, ) null running up brunch ifi.MOchtiliis to where imiipeiuicnt tliotlltlg at mIucIi ItSO- (;. W. Webster now lives, idaelnjr him in 1 he lution of tho White Plains meeting proposed m w county, thence >. 7;. w. iu.m to «»*". N. i'K W. I'i.'.U with line of said Com pany'?, lot fd rock, tlieiiee S. la W. .,.7:1 (O maple, t lienee ssiiqe course S7 | lliil.s to ibu'olet river, thenco with said i river up stream 7 ; lii to stake on 1‘aeolet. thence N. |ti leuvhpt II. L- ('. Murph In old county. -Hammett In neweouniy. Hamne tt school house, ue:,r cross roads. In old county. Mrs. Mary ttrown in proposed new county. \\ . .Y' chains to stake one mile east of tin town of Cowpens. thence N.-I W. W dialns to line of Linieslone I’ownship. thence W est With said Township’ll ehains to southwest (•Oilier of said rownship. t lienee north ttllt.SI) eliutns Wi'll Hmi of Linieslone Township In marked line running N- -< " leaving .loel ■. t . » |t( 1 .1 i 1 I 1‘eily and Cleveland Gossett In old eounty. cuiullllutc for Office and that he never Massing tluouifh house of .1. G. Cowell, b av ev ! in ' \n lv Martin In Spartanbma; county, also house of Mrs. I’rice. plsiclujr Cooks house and I’iter Marlins In new eounty. passing 1 hrouKii stole In.Use of Tlneh Marlin, but leaving bis dwelHii); liouse Iq Snarlanbura county, leavln;: John Walker and Mrs. Cndd In Spurt anbury county, 7Sf>.tV> chains to slake on North Carolina Hue. thence with said line to middle of Itroad river, them e down tlie center of said river to center of said rivet opposite I'acolet river, thence up I’acolet river to mouth of Hrown's branch. ticcluuliiK point. Including the voting pre cincts of Aland. Ezells. Macedonia. Thickety. While I’llitns. James Allens, Grassy I’oud aid Gaffney, now establlslusl by law. wore presented bu f were hiially laid , oti the table. -.The meeting was entirely good natured and although the debaters indulged in some pretty sharp cuts at times everybody went away in a good humor, the new county advocates es pecially so, while the opposition teemed to accept their defeat as a mat ter of fact. ,'d Giver told the people he was not a expected to De again and that they could vote as they pleased—just as if they were oblged to vote to suit him. A little cross questioning developed the fact t hat Mr. Lipscomb and bis friends were correct in stating that they had signed a petition for the new county and that a second line hud been run since then. About a year ago, or perhaps sooner, a petition was circulated asking the governor to order an election for a new county. Mr. Lipscomb and a number of other gt ullcmcn did sign it. That was during the tho summer of 1 Sfl j. Tho petition was never circu lated thoroughly, there being some hitch in the proceedings, so the ques- tion was dropped. Professor R. (>. LIVERY STABLES. .Sains was not aware that that petition had ever been circulated, so he was perfectly honest, in his affidavit.. hast June the nggitution of tlie question was renewed uml since then a second petition was circulated. HEW ARRIVALS lit DRESS GOODS. same beautiful stylos in hit hat are having such a sa Black and Blue, ite., at 50 t The freights brought Dross Goods, those rulf Black and Green, Black and 00 cents per vard. BLACK DRESS GOODS. WE ALL KNOW that thev is nothing handsomer than Stylish Black Dross. Young ladies just arriving at womanhood! full-grown ladies, middle-agud and old ladies, all look well nicelj fitted in Black. Our line of Black Henriett 1 . Cashmeres, Worsted and Bril- liantines cannot he excelled in ibis town, prices ranging to suit all; 10 cents to $1.35 per yard. GOOD LINE OF SILKS AND VELVETS FOR TRlMMfGS. vx-r.rts 3<'i<ojwi asd ui*. - Full Line Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. MILLINERY. This department of our stoiv is “ up-to-date.” Well selected line of Hats, Ribbons, Feather.*, Birds and Velvets. Miss Luttrell is well up in her bu.-dness, and you can res] assured that you get the latest things in trimmings, styles and at the lowest prices. '• n ■ ’.I V.N Don’t Forget! I am still a Candidate For Tr;iib\ subject to lillb, ami tic coilviuceil. hut;, people, t all next door to Bee Uivi 1 Jussi I^oeeivocl, A IT' sli Lot of I uvuey’s I b •• and ibis year’s Nuts just i;. ^ torts elli also a nice assortment of C;tkt» Every day in the w.-ck ai cents per quart. Telephone orders re ceive prompt and careful .(lenlion. liint; up Telephone No. r>. lias. G. Erviiifl ) My Livery • .Stables are equipped with the latest and best in carriages, buggies, harness and horses. They are stylish at.d well appearing. Horses fed and groomed by the ' day, week or month. I liavo a first-class hoarse, which i can be had at reasonable price for either city or country. Give mo a call when in need o unythihg in my line. i M. G. MONTGOMERY. We will eat our crow in submission and hope for better times. Now Whoop for the New County! And if you will buy your goods from me you will get down weight and full measure and we will all get happy and climb up the hill of prosperity together. I will give you 21 yard* of moo, smoothe, heavy brown sheeting, full yard wide for $1.00. The best pair of punts ever made for $1.00. 4 yards of best all wool jeans for $ 1.00. Tho best pairof men’soveror under shirts for $1.00. 21 yards of nice, smooth, heav cheek for $1.00, and man;. o:her things 1 can mention. 0a! and see my line of nice wool underwear, from tlie little we baby sizes up to the largest girls’ ami hoys’ in both shirt and drawers. Our hidies' union suits are superb, v SHOES.—A big doek and :dl solid, at prices that nobody caiy heat. 1 have just picked up a little job in MundeH’sfChil dren Shoes, heel and pring heel, worth $ 1.50, Ym* eff 1 get them at $1.10 while they last. OilOCEBI ES.—More for the money than anywhere. Comft All I have are bargains and the money gets them. f. i J. 1>. oticlel u Hi,