The weekly ledger. (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1894-1896, November 19, 1896, Image 8

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3 THE l EDGER: GAFFNEY, S. C., NOVEMBER 19, 1893 HUNDREDS^ of people will buy shoes and clothing for the next month. Some of these people will buy from us. Most of them should. Almost everyone knows that we sell more stuff for less money than anyone else in our line. We are always busy. Never any dull times here. Visit our store once and you will not wonder at us being crowded all the time. The great throngs that crowd our store grows larger and larger each day. !~Three weeks ago, when a car load of shoes was being unloaded for us at the depot, some folks said, “Thatman iscrazy, buying so many shoes at once.” Walk in our store and see where we put them. We piled them all over the counters and floor. You can’t see many of them now. They are all over the town We never had in shoes before, more Ties 75c, Men’s Fine and country, such large sales Solid Creed- 98c and $ 1.25. Shoes, Cong, or lace, 98, $1.25, $2, up in French calfs at $3, $4, and $5. Children’s shoes from 15c up to the most durable Kangaroo leathers at 98c and $ 1.25. Here is the latest and most sightly shoe made. It’s Zeigier Bro’s., that’s enough, you know the rest. They can’t be equalled for fit and style. WE CAN’T LET YOU PASS our Clothing when it is so cheap. Boys’ knee pants suits, all prices and colors, from 50c to $2.50. Our $7.50 suits in black clay worsteds and grey Scotch cheviots excel all. Anybody will tell you where the cheap clothing store is. THE BEE HIVE, H. L. Parks & Co. ei n b a WE HAVE, without a doubt, the handsomest:and most select line of Groceries ever shov/n in Gaffney. Don’tfail tosee them whether you buy or not. Below are a few spec ials. Patent Flour at a Bargain. Self Raising Buckwheat, Maple Syrup, Cranberries, Citron, Currants, Raisins, Choice Fresh Nuts, New Crop New Orleans Molasses, Mince Meat, Salmon Steak, Ox Tongue, A full line of Green and Evaporated Fruits and A line of Teas and Coffee That will please the most Fastidious. Come to see Us and don’t fail to see the Electric Washer, it saves clothes and money. Company Store. Phone 37, r THE NEW COUNTY ASSURED. PKOMIN ENTPLANTERSASSURE US OF THAT FACT. It is Only a Question of How Large the Majority Will Be in Favor of Limestone County. L. M. Cobb, of Mfiud, was in to seo ua Friday. Mr. Cobb said: ‘‘I am a strong new county man and I elec tioneer for it every chance I get. I can’t see why anyone should oppose it. I live nine miles from Gaffney and twenty-one miles from Spartan burg. That’s the reason I am in favor of it. I have business at court now but it is so furl don’t want to go to attend to it, whereas if we had a county seat at Gaffney I could attend to my legal business at the same time I do my trading. I believe our taxes will bo reduced instead of Increased. I hope wo will get it, tax or no tax. I would rather pay $2 more just for my use than miss it. C. C. Davis, of Mercer, was in town yesterday. He said toa Leikjek reporter: “In the first place this new county gives us every inch of the water power on Broad River from Smith’s ford to the state line. 1 con sider that the tax we will receive from the O. It. it C. It. It., and the Southern is quite an item. Besides, we have the finest mineral section in the state. I believe if wo get a new county it will hasten the time when all Jour water power and resources will be developed. I have been first against the new*county and then for it several times, but now I am on the new county side to stay. It will in fuse new life and new energy into our people and we will all feel like wo are in a new country as well as a now county. The portion of Union that is to be cut off has done much to build up Gaffney and her property uml Spartanburg county reaps the benefit of the taxes. I believe it will bring about a more brotherly feeling between our Union county people, who are thrown to trade here by the naturul surroundings, and the Spar tanburg people. By all means lets have tiie new county. 1 have not b.en pn mised any olfico and am no a pirant.” S. A. Humphries and A. L. .lones, both new county men and Ledger!tes, were in to sec us Thursday. Mr. .Jones renewed his subscription to Tmi-: Li:ii(ii:n although his time bad not. ipired. Both say they are new county men because it will benefit their Jehildren, and not themselves alone. Newton Kirby, one of the most substantial men and prosperous farmers in White Flams township, was in the city last Saturday on busi ness. Says lie will be out to hear Senator Tillman on new counties and cast his vote for the now county on the 8th of December. D. II. Beheler, of State Line, was in the city Friday, Mr. Beheler is a new county man and in regard to the project said: “I think the new counry is a good thing and will help everybody in the proposed cut-off. We live too far from Spartanburg and we could come to Gaffney, tran sact our business and get home the same day. In my oninion the op position have no argument. My sec tion will give a large majority, but we have somo opposition. We vote at Ezells and I firmly believe we will carry it.” —— Unclaimed Letters. List of letters remaining in office uncalled for to date : Mrs. X. C. Blanton. Miss Esther Bradley. Mrs. A. E. Gaffney. Mr. Isaac S. Green. Anner L. Hallis. i. G. Huskey. Mr. H. T. Hension, B F. Huffman. Mr. Henry Jeffries. L. Y. Lewis. Miss Mary Lakey. E. A. McDaniel. Oil n< a Is. Miss Jannio Senclair. Miss Mary Stevens. Air. .1. W. Show. Mr. G. W. Terry. N. B.—Be r so ns calling for these letters will please say advertised in The Lkdukk. T. II. Littlejohn, M. Oct. 21), 18%. A Sensational Trial. A murder trial is not a rare occur rence in t he Piedmont section of this state. But the Reese-Luekie-An- derson-Williams trial at this term of the York court has boon the most sensational of two or more decodes. Mr. liobt.'Anderson’s appearance as a witness for the prosecution. Mrs. Anderson’s confession, the startling and appalling nature of Mrs. Ander son’s and Williams’ letters, the wonderful efforts of Mnj. Hart and and Col. Yeomans for the defense, followed by Solicitor Henry in his able presentation of the case, and his matchless appeal for the enforcement of the law, the conviction of Reese and Luckio, the acquittal of Mrs. Anderson, the attempt of Rocse to escape and the prompt shooting of him by Deputy Sheriff Scoggins, his recapture and wish that he had been killed, bis serious wounds and dis consolate condition while languish ing in jail, all conspire to make the whole thing sensational indeed We sincerely trust that only justice has been done, and being done, we trust it will have a salutary effect and deter the wayward from the ways of the wicked and ever remind them that the way of the Jtrangresser is hard. Think of the untold suffering and anguish of the innocent who these unfortunate people are near and dear to. — -«•«- — A New Presbyterian Church. The hustling building committee of iiie Presbyterian Church at this place have broken dirt and com menced placing material on the ground for their new church. Wo have not seen the plans but it will ho modern in all respects and we learn will cost five or six thousand dollars. Capt. A. II. Propst, of Concord, X. lias the contract which assures fine work. — . *•-. Sec it Now. Men who have been serving their country this term of court, thirty miles from home on a salary of fifty cents per day and a daily expense of a dollar have pretty good object los 1 - sons and some material evidence of th ncecsfoty of a now county. SO’SvCDRE FOR lt MJBIS WntHfALL tLS£ FAILS. mchI ( oujfO Hyrtip. TumIum G<mh1. Ubc Li iliuiL Ht»M by (iniKtflfttM, ON SUM PTION Thanksgiving. Today week has been set apart by the president of the United States as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer. It is proper that one day should be set aside for that purpose. Wc have many things which wo should be thankful for, so let us all without regard to sect or creed, race or nationality, observe the day. Let the merchant forsake his counter, the planter his plough, the mechanic his tools and give thanks. There will bo no business done in Gaffney that day. The hanks and stores and all other places of business will he closed. The day will be generally observed, so if you have trading to do come in Wednesday and do it so you will not be incon venienced. Deaths. Miss Sullie Tillotson died last Monday after an illness of about three weeks. She was the daughter of Widow Tillotson and a most popu lar young lady. She was a lovt ly Christian young woman and no cause in the church of her choice—the Methodist—was ever advocated that did not receive her hearty support. The funeral services were conduc ted from the Methodist church Tues day afternoon by the RevJ. I). Grout and the remains interred in Lime stone cemetery. The five months old child of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Self died on Sunday and the remains were interred ai Limestone cemetery Monday. ->9BE PROGRESSIVE!^ Vote “New County, Yes!” Help Your Neighbors ! - Help Yourselves! This is the way we feel in our business. If we help our neighbors we, in the end, help ourselves. To do this in our bus iness means to give the very best goods to be had for the money. We want to call your special attention this week to some lines we are anxious to move. 1st. IT^usmi tiux.-. 1 lie coming in and going out in this department shows that our close prices arc having Mieir effect. Good, strong, painted, oak split chairs at •!<) cents each ; better ones 50, CO, 75 cents and up to $2. Rockers any price from .$1 up to £5. Beds any price fropi $1.50 to $5. Some beauties in bedroom suits Irom $lo to $<)0. Bureaus, Safes, Mattresses, Springs, ifcc. 2d. Olotlilng;. \\ e are using the best lender to be had to move our large stock ,and that leader is the price. Wc can give you as good value as you ever had in your life from legitimate trade. Wo can give you a Men’s Wool Cassimer suit for $4.50, then for $0 wo can give you an All Wool Mack and blue worsted an all wool black cheviot, a brown all wool kersey that will wear as well as anything you can buy for from 20 to 25%. more. We have named our boys’ and children’s the “git there” stock. Get there in quantity, quality, lit and price, Boys suits from $3.25 to $10. Children’s suits from 75c to $7. 3d. SliitH. Men s wool hats Irom Me to$l. Men’s furhats-from 75c to $3. Boys’, hats from 2oc to 75c. Good line men’s stiff hats, and men’s and boys’ caps. W3 Skinss Gaffney, S. C., Nov. 10, ’90. Murder! Murder! mut jo xi±xrc! WE ARE MURDERING nrlces for the next 30 days on Shoes, Hats, Caps, Jeans, Ladies’ Dress Goods and Groceries. The Cheapest Place on earth. Spake & Blanton. : - 3 *- TirarnK,c-_ We Offer You n FEMbUY Which INSL'KES Safety of Life to Mother and Child. EXPECTANT MOTHERS, “ MOTHERS' FRIEND” Robs Confinament of ils Pain, Horror and Risk. My Wife used “MOTIIKHS’ FRIEXJ)*’ be fore birth of le-r llrst child, she did not suffer from CIMJJI’S or PAINS—w:is quickly i relieved at the critical hour suflcriny hut i little—she had no pains afterward and her recovery was rapid. E. E. Johnston, Eufaula, Ala. Sent by Mail or F.xpress. on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle. IJool; “To Moth- , ers ” mailed Free. UUADFIELD UKtiULATOB TO., Atlanta, On. SOLS BY ALL DBTTGGISTB. Farms to Rent. F ARMS T< > KENT. Several splendid farm* to rent. A pply to F. U. Stacy. y® for your trude is quite lively and we are ahead and riding casv along the in. ide track. place" the handicap on all competition and put on your field glasses and fellow the riders. Come to the Big Iron Store for bargains in Shoes, Hats, ( lothingand Groceries of any description. .>()() lbs. Mamie Gaskil tobacco going at 25c per pound. Spool cotton, oOOdoz, to sell at 2c a spool. Warranted 200 yards each. I. 0. Contract to Let. Suturdiiy 2Stli day of Xovernbor a 'oni raci will hi' IH to tlic lowest liidd r to Imild st school house at (irassy I’ond. I’ari ics hiddltiK at the same wilI he miuln-d to ui v bond. Suhinlt Mds to K. M. .lot.t.v. Of O. W. ItONNKIt. o vy <•:] & BRO., The Hustlers, -v--i -- For Sale. F oi: i't t- ■ , hundred dollar-.. A l.F. I can sell you lint- huildimr lots parts of the city from fifty to live t.James J. Oaffney. F OliS.M.E. (jioob farm. 2Si ueres. if miles from Ua dwelling. alTney. with j?ood l{. S. Lipscomb. orchard ami Wanted. W ANTF.11. JMlUO bundles fodder and 1.0U0 bushels corn. J. U. Spencer. Notice. N OTICE. All persons liiivlim claims atralust the estate of (files Thompson, dooenseil, will please present tlietn at onee to l£. S. LII'SCO.MH. ill-I l-li-M A dm! u 1st rat or. N OTICE. I will have a cur load of mules. horses and hojfs today and they must It- sold. J. U. Soeneei. B. A. HOLMES & CO., — DEALERS IN — STAPLE AND PANCV (IKOCF.KIES, eoN- I'KCTIoNEUirS. CIGARS. TO BACCO. I KE ITS. ETC. All Goods I'resli and New. Prlees as Low as the Lowest. Notice Against Trespass. N OTH 'E Is hereby ttlven that persons must not. tresspass on our lands for any pur lin-,.• whatever. No litintlng, ftshlnx, or uny other kind of sport allowed. I., (i. ItY A US, T. G. Met 'it \ w. .1. T. lit Mi-mtOH. rS- o xx-' is t lio Tin if best suited for applying paint as it does not dry too fast, therefore not likely to scale or peel, and again, there are no gnats, Hies or other insects to slick to the paint and present a had appearance. We have on hand all kinds of painting materi als for house, wagon or buggy find beg to say to those who intend painting, that we will give them a written guarantee on all of oui’ paints, namely: 4 hat after being put on three (3) years, it our paint is not as good as any manufactured, wc will naint your house free of charge for paint or cost of applying, ye. se lecting the paint of your choice. All of our colors are lirst-elass, as wc buy only the best. Seo<ls-4! Who is it on this boauliful earth of ours who, sometime dur ing the year, does not need seed of some kind? We have on hand, in season, garden, field and lawn seed, clovers, wheat, oats, barlev, rve, and in fact von can obtain anv kind of seeds von may need. Our seed business this vear has more than doubled itself. Those in need of seeds, fruit trees, strawberry plants or anything in that line call on us. We will take pleasure in showing you our stock. We have just received a lot of cab bage seed to be planted now and set out in open garden in about six weeks, coming in very early next spring—long before our common spring planting. Those needing window glass and putty will find any size glass here from 8\10x3(*x4 l. Odd sizes cut to suit without extra charge. Wo extend an invitation to all to examine our goods and prices, and especially do we wish those suffering from head ache or toothache to come in and get cured free of charge. Our prescription department is furnished with the purest drugs and ohcmicals and is in charge of a pharmacest of ton years practical experience. S. B. CRAWLEY & CO, XL,