'm — THE LEDGER: GAFFNEY, S. C., OCTORER 22, 1896. v HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' heart Cure Does It. LaPoint, a we ll-known resident of Dcnviv, pniisrH this wonderful remedy. ''I ' 1/ Mas La Point, 2137 Ilumboldt Bt. "Typhoid fever h ft mo with heart trouble of the most serious nature. Nothing the doctors gave had any effect. I had severe pains in tho heart, and was unable to lie on my left side for more than three minutes at a time. My heart seemed to miss beats, and I had smothering spells, in which it seemed every breath would homy last. Wc acci dently saw ua advertisement of Dr. Wiles' New Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine, and purchased a bottle of each. After t aking the remedies a week, I could be lifted in a chair and sit up an hour, and in a short time I was able to do light house work. I shall be evergratefuj to you for your wonderful medicines. Truly they saved my life. MRS. CHAS. LA POINT. Dr. Miles ITeart Cure is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will nenefit, Alldruggi. t.;soll it if?! C bottles forts or It will lie sent, prepaid on receipt of price by tho Dr. ill its Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Restores ' ...tieeltb. by tho Dr. ill'.s Medical Co., D ’. Miles* Eisnrt Cm Farms to Rent. 'AUMSTfi RKXT. Severn! splendid farms to rent. Apply to !•'.O. Stacy. For Sale. The Walter L. Main Circus. There is u surprising unanimity in I lie profuse praise accorded by the great newspapers to The Walter L. Main big Shows, which arc billed to appear here on Tuesday, Nov. 51, and which we are assured will far out strip aryLhing in the nature of an arenic enterprise ever given our peo ple. The big shows, fer there are a number of them under one manage ment, comjdeu: a surprisingly com prehensive whole, will be seen here under greater advantage than any where else t his season, as it was re cently much added to, .Mr. Main hav ing purchased in Colorado one of the shows which was billed to appear in this neighborhood, ami added to his already mammi.th attractions which always consist••<1 of a three ring cir cus, a real Roman hippodrome, a monster menagerie and marine ex hibit. Contrary to his usual mode of procedure. Cupt. Pierre Perier. to meet a public demand, will do hjs world’s highest dive free for all and to be seen by all on the show grounds outside the tent, immediately after the parade gets to the show grounds after traversing the lino of march. This free exhibition is entirely dis tinct from the inagniiieent afternoon and night porformanoos, wh.c’.i^is headed by the famous oil clown John Lowlow, whoso name is known in every southern home. — - -• -<»► * — Blacksburg'r Chief. Too much credit cannot be given to Chief Duncan, of blackburg, for the judicious manner in which he worked up the case which resulted in the arrest cf Speese, ' the burglar who looted half a dozen towns. — • • Local Cotton Market. Cotton was quoted yesterday as follows: Middling G. 15-10 Good middling 7^ "Pads of those buttons were sent here, but the demand is so great they are now now worth ijkl.OO each. Fink is a good fellow as well as a good Repub lican. Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Thompson and Mrs. II. L. Barks left Tuesday for Lockhart, where they go to spend a week or so on the farm. Rev. C. F. Hickson, of Yorkville, was in the city Friday. Mr. Hickson contemplates making Gaffney his home. He will be warmly welcomed by his many friends. J. I. Sarratt, Jr., was among the hearty suuporters of the new county in the city last Friday. S. G. Fridtnore, was in the city Tuesday on business. “Tillman,” as the boys call him, is one of I’n- ion county’s most industrous plant ers. Lee Allen, of Bowlinsville, was among The Ledger’s callers Satur day. Let is one of our best friends at Bowlinsville. Sunshine and Shadows. Tomorrow night at 8 o’clock, Rev* F. G. Elsom, of Danville, Ya., will deliver a lecture cot it,led “Sunshine and Shadows” at Gaffney Male and Female Seminary. Mr. Eiaotn needs no introduction ton Gaffney audi ence. His earnest work in the Mas ter’s cause in this city last summer is still being felt, and many will avail themselves of this opportunity to greet him again. The lecture is un der the auspices of the Elsom work ers and the proceeds are for'the ben efit of the First Baptist church' building fund. Why will V’l! hay hitter nanseatlnjr tonics when Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is as pleas ant as Lemon syrup. Your diuygisl Is au thorized lo refund the money in every ease Where it fails to cure. Price, at) cents. Ttje V/'iS? Aerc-^n- Who has had long cx^rience jn con Un ting hW criminating buyer am! we arej pleased t > dire t the atten- c f curb a merchant to our| non ,oa<’.e to ,h,: l j.jnv of the most carc- $0075, whi'h ar closest sne tut pur< ha*cr-. Write K>r Fra C 1ft. — Fresh Oysters Bakery. every day at Star 'Bvy <•/ ^ e , * a 11'I I •* Puy S'rrt‘“!' of all kinds constantly on hand and delivered at short notice. Wo solicit your patronage, guaranteeing our Boef. Fork, Mutton and Saus age lo ho equal lo any. We also handle live hog-*. Oliirv ^ SConcti'iolc. jPI >1^! < >i*C XT J. Johnson’s Music Parlor, Rear Carroll & Stacy’s Bank. InKirumc11t.il Music just received iwi.l will bo t any time." For tortus call at my I jonr^soiv- A fresh assortment of Vocal and added to moat lily. Pupils on Pianos, Violin or Vocalization received parlor. W- LIMESTONE * SPRINGS * LIME * WORKS, CARROLL & CO., Lessees. I Manufacturers of BUILDING, * PLASTERING * AND * AGRICULTURAL * LIME, And Dealers In Coal, Shingles, Laths and Plaster Hair. Dynamite, Blasting Powder. Fuse and Dynamite Caps. The Gaffney City Land and Improvement Company, Offer for Sale Building Lots in this Flourishing Town, 0 jv 1^ ^ id y o i nr y. Also Farms near by and in reach of the schools of Limestone Springs and of Uiis place in lots of from :>0 to iOU acres on liberal time rates. Also Agricultural Lands to rent for farm purposes. For f .:11 particulars af :!y ti MOSES WOOD, Agent. N. B.—All trespassing on lands of this Company cutting and removing timber, fishing or hunting are forbidden under penalty of law. A Fair Visitor Gone. Miss Helen Brohawn, the handsome and stylislrBullimorian w ho has been on an extended visit to her sister, I Mrs. Dr. J. F. Garrett on Litnestope | street, and whose manners have mqde her prominent in society here, left for her home in Baltimore last Monday evening on the vestibule. Wc know whereof we affirm when we state that Ayer’s Fills, taken promptly, at the first symptoms of colds and fevers, arrest fuvther pro gress of these disorders, and speedily restore tl;e stomach, liver, and bowls, to tbpir normal and regular action. iVre Good Whether they he sweet or Sour, so if you want a good appe tite there is no better way to create it than to cat Golel>riitecl X^ieUles. We carry a full line of the first-class goods and keep them fresh and new all the time. Heine’s Jioston fiXiilvod XXesuit?* With Tomato Sauce make excellent eating. Call and secure a sample box free. G.niiiocl Goods* of YV11 ICinds* Constantly on hand, and always as low as the lowest. In fact everything to be had in the Grocery line can bo had of BYARS & SPARKS, Exclusive Grocers. mmmmmmmt 11 ■■ —1 ’■* w m »1 11 — Don’t Forget! 1 am still a Candidate For Trade, subject to filling hungry people, ami he convinced. Call next door to IJec Hive aid JiiHt Reoerved, 1 . 1 DRESSED LUMBER ! Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, and All Kinds of Building Materials, For Sale at Lowest Cash Prices. No charge will be made‘for infor mation us to amount required for building. Call on L. BAKER. A Fresli Lot of Loivncy’s Chocolate Candies, also a nice assortment of Cakes and this year’s Nuts just in. < Vv^terirv Every day in the week at TT and S-l cents per quart. Telephone orders re ceive prompt and careful attention. Kin}' up Telephone No. ii. Chas. G. Ervin. I "WYint _yout' 'S'l’iido. and if Low I’riees. Good Goods and Fair Dealings will catiii you. I’ll get you. I have just homtlii a line of 'I'inwiirc timi Orruiite 1 rollvvui-e to sell at altoui former price to me. 1 am daily receiving NEW GOODS for the Fall Trade and You G*tii Get JViiytiling left In the summer stock at (treat!y reduced prices. Come and ask for what y hi want. 20th Oontury Corset isn beauty, and a leader at .V) cts. Standard Indigo and other brands of calico .j cts. Ginghams and Outings, a beautiful Hue, r> cts. Hand Towells.), It), 20 and 2a cents. l>reHH Goochs! SOME LEAF TIES, CHEAP. OAT FLAKES hy the Hid. I you I Hi. for Sets., or li lbs. for 2T> els.—fresh and nice. Sugar. Co (fee. Flour. Meat, Lard. Molasses. Tobacco and anything as low as the lowest. tc IJntlei'Kolil. Cmil tnul Oct ^I.v J’ricc*. can sell our. 1 1 Will :s<>t lie J. 13. Ooxicielock. R. A. JONES & CO. Furniture, Wagons, Buggies and Mis WE HAVE the largest stock of Furniture ever shown in Gaffney, and wc buy by thejear load and save considerable in prices and freight is why we can soil so cheap. We have just received a car load of the ^^Old Reliable, “Old Hickory” and Tennessee Wagons, ALL SIZES, that we bought cheap save you money on a wagon, get our prices. Come to see and shipped at When you go us. the cut rate to buy don’t of freight, fail to see So wo can our line and Oct. 14, ’96. Ii. TV. J 0110s & Oo.