Ledger Readers Should Patronize .edger Advertisers. The Ledger To Reach Consumers in this Section Adver tise in The Ledger. \ A Newspaper in all that the Word Implies and Devoted to the Best Interests of the People it Subserves. VOL. ill. NO. 37. GAFFNEY CITY, S. C.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1896. $1.00 A YEAR. EXTRAORDINARY. DISPLAYED BY A SLAVE TO HIS MASTER. Good Teachers for Our Children of More Importance Than Frje Silver or Goldbugs—Et ta Jane News. (Co:nTpofidfnee of The Ledger.) Etta .1 \':K.!vpie, the acme 4 of tlieir temporal glory is reached. To this you may add the deceit they practice on each other, and you have the situation in full. When they break up each one thinks she was Hie centre of the day’s at traction and the confidant of the whole party. But after all, Flaw, they are bettor than men are who congregate about the street corners ‘and i ther loafing places to kill time by growling about the misdoings of other people—tell smutty tales and shirk the duty of providing for their families as .liov ought. If wo would bring our prayers nearer together we would put our sins farther apart no doubt. W. H. Webber made a business trip to Lockhart Mills last week. He speaks highly of the people and pro gress of that town. Rev. Arthur Kennedy preached at Abingdon creek yesterday. Q-uito a large congregation assembled to hear him. He is the son of our respected neighbor, Ben Kennedy, of Jones- ville, and a young man of high moral and intellectual attainments, and will make his mark in the world as well as take a high stand in his chosen profession—the ministry. 1 hope the Abingdon Creek people and also the Arara congregation will see their way clear to call him to the pas torate of their cliur^li v.ho are now without a minister since the resigna tion of Rev. T. J. Brock. Let us give the young men of our county a chance to make something of themselves, friends and brothers. Rev. W. R. Owing will preach his farewell sermon at Salem Nov. 1 at 11 a. m. The Salem Sunday school has ap pointed Thursday Nov. 2(> as a day for their annual Thanksgiving, and invito all Sunday school workers to join them on that day. j. L. s. Died. Mrs. Sophroniu B. Gault died at Glendalo on the JGth inst. in 8!th year of her ago and was buried at Glendale on the Kith. The services were conducted by her pastor Rev. Mr.|Harley. Mrs. Gault was a native of Union county and hud been a member of the Methodist Church since her childhood. She had the respect and confidence of all who know her, hod lived up to her pro fession and died rejoicing in her faith. • — - ■* — • —— In many cases, the first work of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is to expel the effects of the other medicines that have been tried In vain. It would be a saving of time and money if ox- •perimenters took Ayer’s Sorsaparilla at first instead of at last. —- «t» i —.— —Physicians recommend Graham bread for indigestion, fitar Bakery. FLAW PICKER vs. BANJO LU. FLAW PICKER AND BANJO LU. AT THE SHOW. Flaw Interprets a Remarkable Dream for Banjo Lu. and Imparts to Him Some Valuable Information. (Correspondence cf The Lodger). Draytonviu.e, Oct. 19.—Gentle folkses and feller citizens: This is a time that ole Flaw will haf to break over his general rule of writin’ an personate a little. Hit’s somewhat painful, I’ll admit, but what’s the use to be a flaw-picker unless you pick flaws, or, what’s the use to pre tend to be anything else unless you be it in deed and in truth? Ef my bosom friend has a flaw, aint it my duty to find it in him as well as any body else? Since I have taken upon myself the disagreeable tusk of Haw picking I’m a goin’ to treat all alike, both friend and foe, an do my duty, even of the gineral class of people gits to hatin’ mo as bud as—as they do a Tillman spy. Ole Flaw has one groat flaw in his self, an that is, associatin’ with a certain individual—Banjer Lu., also known as Luther Sherrill, but it is necessary for Flaw to he in the world and with the world to be successful in findin’ flaws of the world, an as I have bin associatin’ with this Banjer Lu. for the last twenty-four years 1 have got him down to a fine pint, an he’s jist excellent material to work on, too, to bring out some important points in human nature an show up the inner man an outer man that inhabits ouch body, as Paul has heretofore tried to explain in his feeble way. This Banjer Lu. heard about John Robinson’s show a goin’ to show over to Blaxburg last Thursday an ho said to me: “Flaw, I’m goin’ over to the show Thursday, how about you?” “Ef I was you I wouldn’t go narry step, for you know your failin’, Lu., you’ll jist about go over There an git drunk an the cops will haf to find a suitable place for you to tako out an turn in at; an another tiling, you know I bolievo in doin’ what’s right, an timt’s no fitted place for me to be at, nohow.” I said. “I thought about gittin’ drunk but ef you’ll go with mo I’ll not letch a drap. You know we’ve bln raised an reared up together all our lives un we can’t handy separate now, so you git ready by mornin’ an I’ll guar’ntee you that I’ll not git drunk an that everything will be lovely,” he said. Me thinkin' as he, that we had bin together so long, etc., consented to go with him. Bright and early Thursday mornin’ wo was gathered together with the crowd at the depot preparatory to goin’ to the show at Blaxburg. Me an Banjer Lu., with his banjer, boarded the train at the same time, set in the same seat p.n road on half fart—the same ticket answerin’ for both. We got separated after awhile —ole Flaw, as the inner man, to dis tributing papers an spoakin’ kind words an doin’ business in ginncrul, while Banjer Lu., the outer man, went to pickin’ his banjer an knock in’ ’round 'inongst bad company. I got in some good work till ’way after 12 o’clock, when my work seemed to lag an was soon no more. There was something about it all that I couldn’t understand, till after a while I learn ed that Banjer Lu. had got to drink- in’ an was purty topsy. Then I un derstood the whole situation'an giv up the job as a bad ono. I tried to git him home, but no sir, ho wouldn’t budge a peg, an finally at last I jist let ’im go his route, you understand. Next mornin’ ’bout 4 o’clock I met 'im in the “coop” an said: “Hello! Olo feller, how como you in here?” “Flaw, I jist don’t know, to tell the down wright truth about this bis- ness. I was—er I—” “You was drunk, was tho long and short of the whole fix. You broke your promise an wouldn’t listen to mo. I have told you about these things a thousand times,” said I. “Yes, but it seems tho more you talk to me tho less I listen to it. I can’t git my mind made up to mind you some how or other, although I know you always give me good coun cil. It must be a disease of weakness in me.” said Lu. “We can never git along In har mony, an you will always be In trouble of some nature until we como closer together an git better organized an you listen to mo better than you do now,” I said. “Yisterdy I slipped a drink on you nn that jist literally set me on fire. Later on I was a playin' of the banjer for some people to dance, later 1 was a slickin’ up on the side of an apple wagon a pickin’ of the banjer while tho appleman filled my pockets with apples; later still, after the perform ances had como to u close an tho show was on wheels an tho women folks all In their respective places in the coach a showman como to mo an took me up to the coach un introduced me to the showladies nn entreated me to take a drink of wine first an then to lemonade on my banjer, that the gals wanted to dance a little. Flaw. I tell you what’s a fack, my fingers got loose nn through the excitement strains of music rolled up which set the gals—big, little, old and young— to spinning away as only artists at dancing could do. After ten minutes of fun, two drinks of wine an a nice bow I repaired up town, an Flaw, right up thar’s where the devil sot in. The balance is a dream, Flaw. I dreamed that I was in a fine city at a ball an lyin’ on a lounge made of white pine an wire nails in-the south western corner of the hull room, un it came to pass that a hungry man, dressed in purple (blue) an fine linen, whose breast-plate was studs of pol ished brass and his crown was made of shinin’ silver entered the ball room having a stick of go-fer-(’lm) wood in one hand and endowed with great power, and behold, ho said with a voice as one with great authority, ‘Thou art Banjer Lu., by .loner, an 1 will make you a mighty tester of hard woods by the layin’ of it ou your head, and you shall dwell within the walls of the great and powerful where tho rest of your nation have dwelled,’ un I tested the wood an it was mar velously hard, an ho guided me with in the walls of the great an powerlul an I dwelled within them where the rest of my nation have dwelled, an it came to pass that he feasted on my substance two un one times an was filled. Now Fla, I pray, interpret my dream an I’ll have the show down in full,” Banjer Lu. said in un en treatin’ tone. “Banjer Lu said I, “I can see into it all. You jist naturally got to monkeyin’ with them thar show peo ple un tlieir win©—mixin’ wine an 80 proof together—until you got drunk an sleepy, consequently you got into a frolick somewhere an piled up on a goodsbox an went to sleep an the cops pulled you an you resisted un he tapped you on the head with his “hillie” an then locked you up here in the calaboose where he had those other fellers from your town last night an it will he three dollars that you wiB haf to pay to git out of here that he will feast on.” "Flaw, they didn’t treat me right I don’t think.” Lu. said to me. “Yes they did. You look at it from a selfish standpoint as many others would. You had no husineitf drinkin’ anything but what God gave you to drink. You know I always stick to you an when you git in trouble I always haf to share it alike with you, nn I never caused you a bit of trouble in my life, hut happi ness Instead. Oh, Lu! but for you wo could be so happy. Flaw never gives you bad council.” I think I have sorter got Banjer Lu. under controle for a while at least, but Cant trust him as far as you cun throw a cow by the tail, he is so weak an uncertain. Vor about live years of our lives I succeeded in keeping him under my cor.trole un we were happy but he finally got holt of somo unknown power an choked mo down, but I’ll ever stick up for right as long as I am Flaw Ticker. —* -««► Algood Items. (Correspondence o* The Ledger.) Algood, Oct. 20.—Many ol our farmers are done picking cotton and have turned their attention to sow ing their small grain crop. Corn shuckings are becoming quite fashionable these nights. Township Commissioner J. L. Clary is kept quite busy looking after pe titions for the opening of new roads. J. L. Clary, accompanied by his son George, wont to Spartanburg last Tuesday on business. J. and E. Gardner were in Gaffney last Friday on business. Calvin and Bev Turner visited friends and relatives here Sunday. James Byars has been on the sick list for a few days, but is able to he out again now. We hear it reported that somo vil lains broke into Joe Medley’s house last Friday night and, he being ab sent, they frightened off his wife and helped themselves to what they wanted. I think the women us well as the men up here ought to use double-barrel shot guns with deadly effect, as there seems to be an or ganized band of thieves up here who mako it their especial businonB to plunder houses after night. By the way, wo learn that Ole Flaw went over to Blacksburg last Thursday evening and got drunk and was “caboossed” for tho night, and came back minus $11.00 hard cash besides losing a tremendous big pile of reputation. Wonder did he lose Rat and his banjo? I imagine 1 can hear him humming to himself; Lord, if you will forgive mo this time, I’ll drink no more of that dog- goned stuff they call 80 proof while 1 live. Cokxcbackku. GAFFNEY TnT Coming On its Own Cnat Traits, Drawn by its Own Poi- r al Lo(o notives. Walter L. Main’s Three drome, euhir. Dailey liiiitf (’Irens, Five Continent Mil Hirer it*, tteal Uoni m Ilippo- iin of nose to end of tail. WALLACE, THE WONDER. The only hot se-ridlnn Lion. A Circus Champion. Surely the only one of Its kind. A be: u- tIfuI. Intelligent, artistic animal. Herds of Wild Beasts. Bairs of Serpents. Flocks of Hint*. Droves of lame Dcusts. Dens of Vicious Reptiles. It All-Star Acts. 100 L