The weekly ledger. (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1894-1896, October 08, 1896, Image 7

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x / THE LEDGER: GAFFNEY, S. C., ORTORER 8, 1896. ? ; II Is that J. R. Mason's Cheap Store ? Alright, I have just sent A Boy on a Fast Horse to your place to buy me one of those $2.95 Suits. They say every body is buying them. If You Want Good Goods Cheap Come to J. R. lolleson’s Cheap Store. OUR MOTTO—“Live and Let Live.” DuPRE DRUG COMPANY nr O ■ ■ Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Fine Stationery, &c. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Telephone No. 21. 1 Wsvsi t your 'Pi and if Low I’riocs. (Jood (ioods and l-'aii-ncnlins-'s will rajlrti you. I'll "ct you. I Imvc just liou»!lit a line of '1'invviii't* iiml Clriiiiilc I i‘om \v n i‘o to soli at at tout fonnor iirioo to mo. lam daily receiving NliW CJOOltS for the Fall Trado and You <LTiui Oot loft in tho sunimor stook at jrroatly roducod prioi s. Como atid ask for wliat y >u want. TVI>- iiOth Ccutiuw Oorsot Isa lioauty. and a loador at .Vt ots. Stamlard fudi^o and otlior brands of oalloo ."mMs. (iin^liams and Outings, a boautiful lino, ."i ots. Hand j'owolIs a, 10. :.'i) and i‘> oonts. JI >rot!S^ Ooods*! SOME IlEAFTI ES. CIIE.M'. OAT FLAKES by tin- Itbl. I oan soil you 1 lb. for ft ots.. or li lbs. for “ft ots. frosb aud nioo. Suvrar. ColToy. Flour. Moat. Lard. Molasses. Tohaooo and auytbiuu: as low as«tb«‘ lowest. 1 Will Xot lie l'nclci soltl. Oiill sustl CJot l»rices. ,1. I>. GrOlliloloolt, S^tOcim iij»'ss -a) We now have on hand a complete assort ment of Steam Pipe, Ells, Tees, Bushings, Nipples, Unions, etc., etc. Also all kinds of Fittings for Saw Mills and Cotton Gins, together with the tools for doing all work in this line, and will be glad to serve you at any time. Prices always reasonable. J. G. Galloway & Son. Are You For Gold or Silver « I am a eandidiili! for neither, but for trade, and I want your support. Help me and yourself also by coming in and satisfying your appetite with “A Mess o Fresh Oysters” which will he kept on hand every day in the week, at GENERAL CONGLOMERATION PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Chas. G. Ervin’s, Next door to the Bee Hive. OK NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL IN TEREST. Some Short, Some Shorter and all Too Short for a Heading, Yet None to Short to Mention. You May" Not Know What the Fol lowing Figures Mean^ 15c per yard, 20 lbs for $1, 7 lbs for $1, $1.50 for 100 lbs=== 01 I if you will call at my store you will find that you can buy 1. yard of Schoolboy Jeans for 1 fie, 20 lbs of good Sugar for *1.00, 7 lbs of real good Coffee for *1.00 iv IhO lbs of Flour for $1.50, every sack of which is gua 1 ’ •■•nt'M’d to give satisfaction or your money refunded, and yon can buy almost anything else you want at prices in proport ion to the above. Respectfully, J. N. Lipscomb. Bryan goes inarching on. Tom Watson don’t know where he is at. Mr. Sewall sent u check to demo cratic headquarters for *20,000. Thu New York Journal is getting in big licks for the democracy. A number of our North Carolina friends visits the city these days. We are glad to inform the Lederites that (i. W. Bonner is rapidly im proving. We learn that Mr. Moses Wood will build a handsome nouj>e out on Eastern Heights. The services at the Methodist church Sunday night will begin promptly at 7 >50 o’clock. W. L. Morgan, who had the misfor tune to lose his right hand in ids cot ton gin, is getting on line. North Carolina politics are all in a muddle. Hardly any North Caro linian can tell who he is fused with. W. 0. Lipscomb’s house on Hetty Hill is about completed and Mr. Lip scomb will move into it in a few days. If you hear any objections to the new county report it at once to the* ladies of that section they are always right. Mr. Frank Kendrick will soon build him a house out on the Union road where lie lias bought a beautiful piece of property. The weather is delightful these days and makes one feel grateful for the blessings which He lias seen lit to bestow upon us. Hon. W. T. Crawford, an over-tlie- mountain man, and one of Old North State’s greatest democrats, is doing big work for his party in his state. Tom Lockhart has a cow that gives six gallons of milk a day. Tom is a good fellow and a hard working farmer, as is evidenced by his good stock. There will be a church conference held at the Methodist church ri <* x t Sunday after the conclusion of the morning service. Every member is earnestly requested to be present. A number of the old wooden build ings on Limestone Street, have been recovered with shingles lately. Up- to-date buildings like Galloway A Son and li. A. Jones & Co’s, would look well in their places, Immense crowds were in the city Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The people brought in lots of cotton and our merchants were over run with business. Everyone seemed happy and all were for the new county. The building now occupied by Moss. Jeter A Jenkins, Hayes and IMiillips caught on lire last Tuesday but was soon extinguished. It created a lit tle commotion for the time being but scarcely any damage is noticeable. Ilev. B. P. Robertson announced Sunday morning that the young peo ple’s meeting would he held Thurs day night instead of Friday. It lias been decided to let the meeting night remain Friday, so don’t get this mat ter confused. On next Sabbath evening at 7 >10 there will be an “Evening with Hymns” or song service at the First Baptist church. This service will be conducted by Prof. Chambers and Miss Minnie Carroll. It will take the place of the regular preaching service. We have been informed that some who are opposed to the new county are circulating u story to the effect that in case it is carried the town of Gaffney will oe exempt from taxation for a period of ninety-nine years. There is not a word of truth in it. Gaffney City is the only portion of county that will have an additional tax to pay. Gaffney tuxes herself instead of exempting herself. Beginning next week Mr. J. L. ►Strain’s letters will contain each week, for a while at least, an histori cal sketch or army anecdote. Mr. Strain will do this in order that part, at least, of the work he is engaged in may get before the readers before it gets finally into history. Now is tho time to subscribe. With each suc ceeding issue tho paper becomes bet ter and better and it will continue to grow in interest in proportion to the manner in which it is patronized. Local Cotton Market. Cotton was quoted yesterday us follows: Midling 7.25 to 7.30 Good midling 7. i — If your children are subject to croup watch for the first sympton of tho disease—hoarseness. If Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse it will prevent tho attack. Even after tiiecroupy cough has appeared the attack can always he presented by giving this remedy. It is also in valuable for colds and whooping cough. For sale by Tho Du Pro Drug Co. People You Know and People You Don’t Know. J T. V, iIlium*, of Ezells, was in the city yesterday on hu-iness. lie paid TilK Lkihjkk u pleasant visit while lu re. Our young townsman, Mr. Will Brown, who left the city for New York a short time since, returned a few days ago. J. C. .1 elleiies Esq., of Greenville spent several days in the city this week. L. 15. Davis, of Cowpens, was here Friday. Mr. Davis is a new county man and joined The Lkoukk brigade while here. J. G. Spencer, the hustler, left Sunday for Tennessee, where he goes to buy stock for this market. "Doc” is a mover and there is no mistake about it. James lluppc, of Maud, was on our streets one day the latter part of last week. Mr. Ruppe is a valuable man in his neighborhood. We should have more like him. Rev. E. C. Robertson left yester day for Spartanburg where ho goes to conduct a weeks service. From there he will go to Alabama to join Mrs. Robertson. They will return to Gaffney in about six weeks. J. C. Clary, of Cowpens, was in the city {Saturday on husimss. Mr. Clary is one of TllK s friends in that section. Jesse {Sanders, of Wilkinsville, was here Shit urduy and renewed his sub scription. M. M. Tate, of Webster, was among tiie teaming muss in the city Satur day. W. J. Hamrick, of State Line, was in tiie city Thursday on business. Prof. F. J. 1 iiurston, tiie optician, was in lhe city several days tins week. J. It. F. Jolly, of Detlingeis, was in the city Saturday. Joe renewed his allegiance to Tmk Lkimikk while here. We would like to have about 5.000 such us Joe on our list. Ed 1.. Eison, who lias been clerking at Gastonia, for some time, has ac cepted a position with Manager Roundtree at tiie store of the Gaffney Manufacturing Company. W. C. S. Wood, of Grassy Pond, was among the crowd here Saturday. Mr. Wood is a genial citizen and the world will he better for his having been in it. Hon. J. J. Hemphill and Judge J. J. McLure, of Cheslgr, were in the City Tuesday looking after their large interests in this section, P. L. Ellis, of Slices, N. C,, was in the city yesterday, Col. John L- Black was in the city Tuesday on business, The Colonel is a new county man, Frank Hammond, of Greenville, was in tiie city Tuesday. He is one of Greenville’s most prominent busi ness men and lias a large interest In this section. Mrs. Margaret Huskey, has been spending some months with her children in Texas and other relations in the west, returned to tho city last Monday and received a hearty greet ing from her many friends. Mrs. Logan Gaffney, of Spartan burg, lias moveii io this city and is occupying the Kelly cottage on Vic toria Avenue. J. J. Magness, of Spartanburg, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Gofortn, of Greenville, was in the city Sunday, tin* guest of his relatives Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown. Landrum Spake of Wrights was in the city Saturday. James Brown of Gowdysville was in the city W ednesday, and brings glad tidings from his >ection. Messrs. Eliot <>. Clement and Hugh L. Peden, of this city, visited their parents in Spartanburg lust Sunday and were at their post hero on Mon day morning. Mrs. .1. 1). Jeter and children left last week for an extended visit to rel atives 'li Union county K-q. llu ggins of Lawn was tho city last dulurduj. Win. Self, of Maud, was in the eily Monday. R. P. Scruggs, of the Battle Ground, was in the eily Saturday. M. M. Tate, of Webster, was among the throng in the city Saturday. Capt. J. W. Ross is well enough now to vi.-it the city every few days. Pink Webber was in the city Sat urday. Mr. Turner Phillips was in the city la.-t Saturday on business. Bruz .Moorhead was on our streets a few days ago. He is a strong new county man. Givun Black, of Maud, was with us Saturday. He is one of the best farmers in this section. How's This! Wo oiTor One 1! meireti Dollars Reward for .■ irrii Ilia) eunnot be sernred by Hull's l'atami i'ure. F. .1. < 'll K.\ V A I 'D . Props.. Toledo. < >. We. tin* undersigned. Iiu.e known F. .1. Cheney for 1 he Iasi Ift years, unit hclieve him perfectly honorahle in all liiisincss t runs.ii'tions and linuneiully able to carry out any obligations made by t heir linn. Wkst .V Tut!AX. Wholesale Druggists. To ledo. (). Wai.iiino. Kinnan .A M.viivix. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. I). Hull's Citliirrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the Mood and mucous surfaces of thesystem. Price 7fte. per bottle. Sold by all druggists Testimonials free. CURED AT 73 YEARS. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure Victorious. No other mcdiclnecan showsurh a record. Hero Is a veritable patriarch, 7.J years of age, with strong prejudice toovcrcome, who had Heart /Ksease 15 yam. lie took the New Heart Cure and Is now sound and well. -g 1 my ^ j vm Jr I cm /' ’I' /li Samcei. O. Stone. Grass Lake, Mich., Dec. 28,1894. I have been troubled with heart disease 15 years or more. Most of the time 1 was so bad It was not safe for me to go out alone, ae dizzy spells would cause falling. I bad severe palpltatton, shortness of breath and sudden pains that rendered me helpless. All physicians did for me was to advise keeping quiet. In August last I commenced taking Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, and before I had finished the first bottle I found the medicine was a God-send. I have now used four bottles in all and ant feeling entirely well I am 73yiars of age and have held a grudge against patent medicines all my life, but I will not allow this to prevent giving my testimony to the great cure your valuable remedy has wrought in me. 1 do this to show my appreciation of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. SAMUEL O. STONE. Dr. Mites Heart Cure la sold on a positive guarantee that tho first bottle will neneflt. All druggists sett itatil, 6 bottles for85, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, ind. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure l '. e .*Health. J. E. WEBSTER, /V t lornojy- At- Gaffney City, S. C. Practices in all the couits. Collec tions a specialt v. [you can prove ror yourself whether «ur r;imllllll of anything m m, b you may to send you an estimate our lowest prices. WE CAN PROVE . 1 T he cxceptionuttylngh grade of our products by bandying orde I f„r you. H you purchase of us, w K ive you an unqualified guarantee They are wade to wear well and toot. I „eU Write for Trice Lkrt-»m*'/r | frt* AUGUSTA LUMBER CO.. auousta. ©A* •< j\ U y of the Af.iAer" I n " ,t j" In Sterling Hr and. (»/)l Notice! Seek! Ask! Knock and Find! SEEK Ye The Hustlers’ Big Store. ASK and the Way will be Shown unto you. KNOCK and the Bottom of High Prices will Fall at Your Mercy on Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods, Groceries, <k IT will Pay you to Seek and Find The Hustlers’ Big Store. Yours for Business and Low Prices, W. 0. LIPSCOMB & BR0., The Hustlers. This is no emporium, no grand aggregation, no symposium or other grand collection of high sounding circus humbuggery. HI T THE I’LAt’E to get your Doors. Sash. Itlinils and nil kinds of Knihlhig Mu- b'Hnl. Sawed unit llnnd Made Shingles for the least ixMsIhle cash. ADVICE given free in regards to proper sizes for making frames, eft*. HI I.I,S for materials and estimates matte promptly. OFFICE in warehouse. Kespeet fully. I* A ICICI*. IMclceliS Oood iYppoliters-*. Whether they he sweet or Sour, so if you want a good appe tite there is no better way to create it than to eul Iloinvfis Oolel>r£iCotl IMeklets. We carry a full line of the lirst-class goods ami keep them fresh and new all the time. IToinxV* lioiston lliikoct Sfesuits With Tomato Sauce make excellent eating. Call and secure a sample hex free. CTiiiniocl Ooodtg of iYH I^indn Constantly on hand, and always .as low as the lowest. In fact everything to be had in the Grocery line can he had of BYARS & SPARKS, Exclusive Grocers. Ac liiinkerH T'riuiMO.ct a Ocncral ltaitkiii(£ lltiHincHH. -O- l>cp£trtmciit. Having operiod up a Savings Department In onr bank, beginning .Inly tst. IS'.kI. we will receive deposits of 91.110 and upwards and allow interest thereon at t percent. |H*r nniitim. payable quarterly when left In hunk 3 months nr longer. Safely De posit Boxes for rent. Your patronage solicited. CARROLL & STACY. —Take your & Carpenter. cotton seed to Carroll R. A. JONES & CO. Furniture, Wagons, Buggies and Collins of till kiiiclss smcl 1 >i'■ ic'ot-t low Como to hoo tin.