'"»V“ mm M*. V ■MM MM MM ■ f 'T Ma W. Holme''Editor and Proprii tor LARORST COUNTY CIRCULATION THUUHDAY, JULY *26 l»-3. It b loo h o to niwiulitclurc cdkoiitb. ® AIUL|4ri> oal places that, huic known them ahall know them no more forever. .. ^ - • — Out imjnvuiaie icpiO'cntuiivu the lion. IkV. Tillumfi, lias announced hia purpoee to vote for Mr. S. J Itanduh f-d Spcakct' of the next House of Kep itvacntalives We are sorry that lie did not postpone this statement until fader weather. The big brained and big hem t- < d old fctatesniimjnay be right but there nrc many doubting Thomases in hia-dUv t one '.vill doubt the honesty of h.is piitnOii^Mi and he.'will liavc a fair hearing and a^ujl judgment. U Iron the thcrtnoincler weakens we will eoolly ex ninine his argument and either become a convert to his views or put in some solid .missionary wink upop' out- goorj and great friend." s i T liursday Lst at noon, the dc- Tnand of llic Telegrapher’s Ilrotlioriiood for an increase of lilioeii per cantriTi the wages ol the opehitives and a reduction oi tlie hotjrs of Work having boeu re* fnsed, 12,000 men “struck” and ceased t%k In'obedience to Uh*I order* of the executive committee, 1‘uWii/sympathy hr on the sid^ of the strikers and they .seem certain of success. The onnniza. thin has Iicen secretly prewiring for tha •strike for u year and has sufficient mo- ney-jn llK‘ir-trcasmr to support; lift tin operators on the couimerc'cf lines fbrsix months if'ttecewwry. ^T’lic d«Hy papers have realized the coniliiion of the coun try before “tjie Uniiug of thff lightning.” Imp u t ini r.uiinrrmf me.lsugcs are be- i >g IfaNsiuiUcd now and nobody is un easy ixccpt the news gatherer and spec* uhitoriu futures.' Now that t|ic discussion of the tar- ifl '|ueMiun bns'hwtivuie'poynilar we sub mit the fdlowing summary of the piisi- Ti6n of^tho Homucrrttic National Co'h- vcutioiis since 1810 r y- ' .. J he ueinocratic national convention, whieh met in Haiti more May IHfij, r’CholVed that no more revenue ought to to be raised than is rerpiired to defray the necessary cxpen.-cs ot the goVcru- meut. '1 he (lenioCatio natioual e invention is PT'fdi And tliiu'g keep it and up. It is better to be a bui’diilpper than a puH'dowuer. Nome men go about, bunting mr h!I the bad tlicy cart find and lo«,k with an eye of suspicion and are dis appointed if they dont find rouirthiug depnrttncnt to be enlarged and cncouFagcJl wci mint an experimental farm that wHI makes fair test of every new product that w offered to the farmers. Why should a thou sand of us waste our time experimenting . Some men arc always on the otrem* thing whan it Can Uj better done t for intjults, something to get mad at one place. Governor Ifrown sent me lookout about. Nome tnen are jealous of their Wiv - an I watch round Kir the very thing they dont want to find. Nome meu wont wtirk in Irtirncsi unless tlicv work in t he lend, and they try to make clmfu tcr by pulling'down whot other pmp’c UmH up. All tliat sort of th’ng is wrong, but tt .H it m^ight to prove thiuga when it It d me hi u guod .■,piiV’.''‘ < A —• ■ r ''-t 1 -. • ~ : 1 toe tliat sonu oi-our law makers ore moving to investigate the agricultural departments. That it all right, I hope they will do it carefully aiid thoughtful ly and see if-they cant do something more for the fanning interests of the state than baa beend me. . If-lhoie evcr was a patient, IftngsuflKrittg ela.ts of pro- |de it is the Turmcrs of Georgia. Kvciv i(4..(in«b!'j man knows that on a pros perous agriculture depends the wca'lh, 'lie. vigor and she virtue of a pcojilc.— The- farmers are in tlu-, iindu the bul- vv.irks of libery and good govcrninont .> Niinp'c iu> habits, iudiistii'ius, lutnible, dependent more upon (Jo 1 thin man ; their sons grow up irnpily and vigorous aiid tficii'daughters modest andviriu- nus and arc not carried away vvi.h the fashions and-teiirptwiions of ,iIf A dol lar made upon the- farm by u fanm r s lioy is n very diffcr.mt sort of a d ilbr fioin one iinvrle in speculation or cl. ik- iug^hrtL luorc or Iruvcliug «4 a ^hummer or fn-m a five do 1 far fee rn a justice -• .• -v- vv . vHpiiiiwiu-.-rsar ■=Y some very fit.e ycli ivv corn from Wash, inyton last year and I planted un acre of bottom laud and it yssent worth a cent and Jack-Henderson told me aTuff I hhd planted it that it would do no good down licic. A few years ago the agricultural department of Kentucky offered a thou- sagr^tlrdhirs us a premium for the be.il t-s.-.iy On practical agriculture suitable fi.r that climate and soil and a practical sue*, ccs-ful fanner g§ convention the following defi nlte charges vvv.>re made : ' 1st.’Negro labor af the South is not airly remnnetated. Tlir Soil*hernue- ro i» not protected by law in the col lection of money due him. 2 id. In moat part a of the country- the negro dm s nut have a fair show in the pobliv schoola. Jt I. The negro la not protected in Ida civil riizhta. notwithstanding the lawa 'pvaaed by Congress. — 4 h. Qia pnilt feal ijghta are ignored; six and a half millions of people are. without represerta'ion in Congresa. 6 h. The negro docs not get hiaabare of Executive protection and vucaux* ageiuent. From the "Addresa” a'loptoi! by the convention we make the following ex tracts : • - v IVhtfe acknowp'dgfn^ the beneiits re ceived, we are compelled to indict the 'Republican party for ita omlvaiona In the past six y»nra, es far as itJeirttea lo its adiiiinistyutioii in connection with our race. We condo inn the action of Ire National Eouublfcau pmty in < o~t- fetiiug every v fliee of honor, cinoiu- gri.v.'cd^ grandest and most vital iutcr- ger a wL-has a more esnu’t. It lasts Ion solid ring. Ouc Sumkiy .suit is cnotnrh fir a farmer’s buy a year or tivo and one hat amt one parasol, aud^one pair ot -loves vviJ keep hi.s sister nr hi* ‘.iniiitry Nvcctlicnrt bar vV ppy just as long, 'i’hcre is a liredom about farming that no othei winch IU«lat I'altinuini May 27>, 18117 was to the same piTTplW 1 he dctnoerutic c.nvem’ouat llnlti- morc Mny 22, 1S-H, resoived that no more revenue.ought to be raised thnn is required to defray flic necessary c\pcti- sesof the govemment, ami for the grad, tial, but certain extinction of ibe debt created by tlie prosecution oi a just and necessary war, nflor peaceful iclations chall have been restored. J he democratic coirvention at I>a!ti more June I, IS,>2, resolved that it is the duty of every branch of the governs rdeut to enforce and practice tliat no more revenue ought to be -VaWd tliati i- required to defray the necessary expen ses of the government, ami for the gmd- tiSl bv.t (Scot a in extinction of the nub lie dfcb:. , 1 '1 ho samf rcpolirriou was adopted at CiucinuaU Jimp 2* rHtk=t=i>feGlwirlwt ►J, aiid at IiiiltTuiurc occupitivm can boast. Jlis time is lus own. He has no ciiipluycr and U-long.- to no mu"n and can come am] go when he pleases. Tnc pure air and water are liis and the sweet foutii wind and- the creeks and branches ami flowers that perfume the meadows and fields. I read the oth er day that Jay (iould’s son said the old man was going to take a little trip around the world to look-ut it nud if he liked it he intended to buy ifT Weil, of course that was u kind of a joke', but Jay Could witli nit Iqs mtHiey cant buy cemtentmcrrt nor cioate one pushing >pring likemine. But still the farmer is a Ion mao. lie gets no eept vvhat imHire gives him, lie gof# less protection amL le^s cotisidcutioi) Hmn any other class. Jfo r. akes a scan ty living by .swpnt ami toll aud gc+s n suffering circourageinent ex- power of, aid vie—, lie flies cotton and vvlicatjiml fruit and truck of all kinds and bow «st ofoirr state, (< II us vv Lit you Want and wc vvll give it lo you. Where i.« my.ohl fV : ctid Giecn Fosf r'from Floyd, a live funner aud a praetica 1 successful progres-i ’e man. Cmit he ri-,e forvvaid and | ut Jus. demands upon ihe initiates tnent or trust upon wliit^mcn to the ex iosion and ilctiiment of our nice. We witth the Ameticati people to un- derstaud and be informed that we are ciHsod wit h the rnoet damnatils foim of State tJ'.vcrntiient to witfcii a free people bavc ever been Buf jected. By leg illation tlio right to ei'j'.yinent of. an honcat Vo,® and u fair count has been tak'-n from us. The light of a fsli tihii by an impar tial jury Is dctii’.'d us. The lights of pur people in The cfril Tind criuiliml aide of the courts sr** not protected. - 1'iie verdicta of the jurua and the Bgn- feucea of the c mils ate del' rrniued by tb© eondition and color.iif the -putties accused of crime. "The Ij nchingof our peome for Husp-cted (ifciices inis iic- couftl prevalent in thia Slate, and its tendency 'bclncr to disorguuiz nud dis- nipt cotnmunitirtt, prpmpte cLtate nml If. ?TATE XSWS. Chrdcra-is playing bavee with the hogs in Hampton county. ^ ~ The State debt til* been relyc d $4l,idl in the laev six ufoblhs. Oeei tlie famous sea islanrla of tblg 12 now owned/by negroea/ “ It U proposed to ereef a One mnib’e monument to ttieConfid rate dead in thje public square of Fc'g Uetl Efshop Wilson wdll preal le at the HDimal Conforence of the M. Chinch to l.B held in Sumpur In Deceutber nexf, * i J lie town marslrth f f IToronce are waging war upon the dogs vAL'AM a collar, na J are bhooting them in the Ktt'*ets. TCEW high: arm a-fEEIi SEWING .VAtlliNE The BCBsfon of the Legislnfur© will begin two weeks earlier this fall than usual, aiid eveiytlung else wi.Tbt u lit tle aiicad of lime. 'Sixty five thousand doUnfa have iieen Buhscnhed to ilu Uniuii cotton fuetory, an I nu auhtciiptl^u below •51.C0U is on the list. Last fall tfept. \V. W. Riser, of^Nnir beriy County, sowed e'ght imshcls nf wheat which jielded this year 2&L: bupliels, an average el more than 33 bushels to one. It is die moot perfect working *i»l »t>A KjjJiht-^ huuniug Sawing Mitekhi* ever p»Wl)Sm,d7 So simple «liihl cna use H-»* WchIso beljilte Tsew 'ypMKSIH; nnd Iin« . prove 1 Wit irk Sewiitk Macbtncs,. 'y ' A i'atti Hand .\ou!r J. »V. UL.V S I (»N j- ..u>- A B eni i,f Iti.ruuel! ti»r t!»«'-ide of toe s NEW HIGH AllM'rnVW MACHINES. julyK) I’m . MCCMIlCFlimiTlK MlIKIS. £ fti-© famllicB of Mrs. Boyden anil Mi; Von Tsesel of Ornngelmtg weie piiisoiicit last week ficm the eating of cntmetHn-ef. A cat, to which a piece of (ho meat was givv u, died fiom tfe effects. (j.reen iui.ga4 Souse, Common reilSt i ' r 4 l oTii4 :11 A^rder.in.Ih.iLiifln: t -g.c fevi called t'pon to denounce In uuuHmo- of it and ubuudunt energy, and the bcs>» oi all lie docs not think fie ku iw« every thing but is always willing to learn. 1 never have much hope of a man who tliinks he. knows it all. Now about that new school they wai t to get tip, 1 hope they wid give it a ( in stall and locate it up lu re among the nioiinhiins. J believe in these xch >ols where boys can learn trades. Fi ler the Great quit Ids throne and wcnGoff to learn bow to build a sldp ami he learned I’rom s r cm to stern, from Imll to most ami tliat was tire beginning of hitj-grCat. ness.* I knoty a yohng rgaikWlio was popr and smart and a fiicnd sent him to one of’jliesidfcchhuls up north and lip stayed two ytars and came hack as a min ing engineer and a biklgc builder and lasT tiled terms such Qdgiant pud so fur uiipunisnc.i violstiuns of law. Our public scbooF system ts-J y no means (flieicat;—The schools aie ih operation, hut a f-w months during enclr year. Im i'figient teachers are largely employ'd for the fake of cheaj mss, and they say-on account of pov erty, not being aide to await payment, ate fit qucntly omh-r the uecessiiy of selling t neir claim r at a discount: Ttie 7 Capt. J. M. Humbert, of Colleton County made on T'ooguodon.ibjs year 068 i'airtls of mmketaids”Fiish pnta- toiB on eight nctr-e, which,- with T50 bairds small fi y f would ihukea yield of OVcC 100 ttHirels lo the at*re.r A S'Uth Citudna IKipMst cimrch contaiiiB in i*s old rccoid tiie tnection of a woman. I'eirrg excluded frun ihe c iuicli for *Mcdug too much rnlkli'g in the licfRfshhi.loovt." S;:'!> n rule uni- versally applied would /.bin out our Clinches vc y un'.ih. The smviv' rs of, Co. At 22 id S C. Infantly.ihaving for the second time met f keep curpiiuy or ror- imental oigaiiizttluus, have adopted J /resolution asking all survivors of ttie Coufederatd Annv now livintr in E Ige- U-ld county, ii r-speclive qF ttie. com mands to which they beioilged, to ur- g.tniz ’ a survivors’ assochttioti. 1 In Sumter county has lived for many •years a family. consUtitutdfet-ium au>h wif *. naim-d Cal iw<-ll. The'ooophniad lived f'-gether until each was beginning t() totter on the verge of the grave.— Recently, fi om some cause not known. t>'st qualified teachers,. indirstrv. of the % ■■■.rV'SI people, jmd wiiieh shall provide' Ahi rich and lie keeps peggiu actly how to do it and I wislTsome o ’em v ould come out and show us. Farm mg beats a saw mill on paper, hut some how it dont pun out in the pocket.— Every year the state gets up a boom for high schools niul colleges which is a right 1 reckon am!:the town boys go there arid get an gducnlion amT then g back to the tflwtf acuiu and settle d iwu at something, s mielhing that keejes^ticir pretty h.||idg white and clean and wears oat the scat of their britches. It uint om ctdkge boy in iwetily Ttial settles down on :t f.ti-m and goes to wrk. If a farm e* > boy is sent lo town m sebovrl lie soon learns town ways ami town habits am goes to the shows and joins a brass bat ami the lirst,-filing anybody , knows he Watil.ri<>ii shah he only for revenue. -The platform of 1880 at (inciunati declared “iur revenue only,” The Plow Kit vv a Sim k.-If there is rtnytfdt.g in the woihl that lias moie . power than u binile, when It U bUoi off trom the light kind of a pun, we have m-rer seen It. The smile y f a girl will «Iraw»jrouDg tuau from Ids mother i.ud bao compafly. It will teach him 1® k** ® naan aud he wfll, tf he loves the girl, do uotiiiug "tliat would chase tiie stulie gway. Theamflej^f the mother will conquer the wayward child and Compel It to ,come into camp to be opunked or «wrv»acd. The smile of th© teocher cao do more with a pupil tlM a bundl* of buxol brush. A poor) c 04laahiotmt, tuttutal smile, unaffect- t 4»rallo costa nothing, wears out no coetly raacliiuery, but rather oils it nud makes It ran smooth, and is a medicine that he wifi like lo take, and ft leaves no bad taste In th© mouth. The slate encourages everything else.’It builds up railroads ami colleges, but lets the farmers struggle along. The agii cultural depaifuiont lias done us a power of* good cramped up as it is, but that dont cost the slate anything. The fees from the.in-peetkin of fe thru runs the machine and the farmers pay that, for of course ths ine» who male it. put that mucli more onto tlw price But s*1H we atv grateful for the depart ment is well organized and has protected us from tunnyai fraud. I never knew a more con?cicntiour and laborious set of men than have for years been ranniag that brimeh t f The - ptrbtkr serfky arid they have taught the intelligc^farmer -> Senator Wade Hampton, who Is traut fishing lo the mountains of Virginia,Mys in a letter that he expects to b© thought a fLh liar, If not called • Ue j each* s home. n great deal. Of' course they c;tuuot reach all the farmers for the means are Ii8 limited, but if ihcy'icnch my uabor Lowry 1 can watch him and talk to him and do as lie Moca, Homebody has gof logo in the front nod some*of us mult, follow. No intelligent farmer can talk to Jack Henderson or'Xeritnan or Redding or Tom Howard one_ Jailf.jui Jiaur and not learn something that will save him time and money and be of value to him. that Newman has loft ns.— got n good man wi h a good uui icuiii ih time and m — wind out of tiie water. How inanv know sand stone from limestone or iron from manganese. How^inaiiy know how 'o cut a nif.er or u brace wit bout a pat tern,. How nwny know which turns the fastest the tnp of a wheel oV the bottom as the wagon moves irlong The ground. How many know how steel is made and how a snake can climb a tree. How many know that a horse gets t v p before and u coax gelo-up-i-bahimL-ami—the—Cotf erttk jrass from her and the horse e^ts to litm. and working convicts uffrui any (.tliei than public works we coirdi mu. While we caunut deny the power of the Leg-' islatuie to enact laws to \Jm (lt^yftucu< id even convicts.’yet we f!wiiy™*jinfa-„ on tin m Min h7hI of condeuiumloo itiuK ask the Legislature to wii^Out tnWi- -hfuitous system ut its earliest session. As representatives of tliat“T7tce ut ijT' victuinzal by tlie_a varico atul gio -d-OT lieurtless cotpomtiuua and iu TvI fuals wo ilia,UK the press of tlici^nfe for ttie ir iit.imity with which they imve con • K iiined and stigmatized this inhuman and huibarous syst< in. A Scriiruii tliat l.ilietl Him. A distinguished cbigyuutU_.iu ihe leading chuich huri-che inoridtig llu- irtlied his seiKKiu, wticn onu of bio church imptf-iised .bearers came fui- wuTd to thank tdin for it, and tbi* dia logue followed : ‘ It is flftceti years tdnee I heard you Iasi. In t Ms very place, fPtee.u years ago, I heard }>m preach a set man tliat JLbave m-ver forgot tern ItBtueK ly me, and 1 have always wanted lo SUftsf VO powers of lief fldeAds were of 1:0 avail. Nlie t lit'CMl 1 ned’to appeal to Hie law. Wticn lids fad was eomiiiu- uicalcd to tier lnuiiaiid, who lias im ceonojiiie nun of niiiid, tie suggested that the costs of u lawsub wiigbt be obviattd by 11 mutual agieement. The smrgesffoii met tiiwaip{ir( hati iti of the wife, and the woik of dividing things was at'(dice begun. The. husband, aT lowed !,er 10 Choose the farm, of her choice, which she did, taking ‘tho best one. Then b Unwed nn 1 qual division of the lio l sea, life co-ws, the cm I ves, the mules, tiie furtilruiexilic bedding ai o the entire household and farmholdCf feem, inclndiug two yHiow dogs and a Ih "mas add a pds.-y cat. aiT'OI* *» I’ M IFm:--- WAVERLY HOUSE^ CHA IvTiKfrTOX, N. ('. you thank ycujpr U.” “Ah, indeed replied the pleased preacher. “Bucii evidence of my poor labor is-vety grateful. .1 should like to know v?liat sermon it was. D rcmeuibi r the texi ? ’ _ “Well, no, I can’t tell what ihe text Wfrt m*W, but ft was tiie gr-eatest I'ron I ever beard. It just Jifted ure. I never forgot that sermon “ “I khdiildReally like lo khpw what set moil it was,” r ©pried the clergy nm'u. Hd\v many ktiow t^at a MirveyorV nptik upon afiee never gets any liigrarfrom the grooad or tvliat tree bears fruit with out bloom. There is a power of comfort in knowl- umi^h kitVIestcd in so decldi d a case 1 of the power of th* .pulpit. “If you cannot iccail. the text, wliat was The sur ject of the sermon ?“ ^-Well. uuw f -doctor. Rh) emts- from me * I forget what the teitt was, and I rilge, but » boy is not going to get it un lesi he waids it and wants it bad amt that is tliawtrouble Vith most college boys, they dont want it. They are tdo busy ami huveut got time.- There is more hope of a dull b >y who wants knowledge than of ugenius, for a genius generally knows it all wi.hout study. - These close observers arc the world’s benefactors. Men who think aud rea son upon’ everything they see. 1 was talking the other day with David Nich ols of Alatoona about drainage and how to rccoveis these galded spots that are on 1 DtriivVC* lu his plan for the reasons and no reasons well. Our hill tops arc washing away. The top soil is going off to the low grounds ami into the creek? year by year and thousands of acres are already gmic aud if Mr. Nichols’ plan of redemption dont save us I dont know what Will. I believe it ©ill amd if his plan proves n Tfacficaf success his name and htsTarnT will go down as one of the benefactors of the age. Then let us enlarge and expand 6ur agricultural bureau and give it more means to work with. It b better to build it up thnu pull it down. B11.L Aur. Cholera U spreading rapidly In izypu Between 8 a. no. and 6 p.m. Ujudty.ther© were 481 deaths in Cai ro, An outbreak Is expected at Bom bay as there were 37 sporadic cases there Ust week. Six deaths have oc curred from the disease la London.— The British and European wheat crop will b© from 10 toT5 Rer eeut. below thisriof last year. (sntiukeup tiie-subject now, hull tell you it was a great sermon. It old me more good—It was Ihe most pow erful discourse I evei heatd. I shan’t forget it if I live to be 80 ” “But can’t you tecall nnytfflne fn It ? Ybu excite my cuilosity. Can’t you give me a clew that will identify it ?” “No, I enn’t tell what was in it ex actly ; theeui j^t has slipped out of my mind. I don’t know exactly what you said, but it, was h mtiguiflceut ser mon.'It, did me more good tlmn all the preaching I ever heard. It has just stayed by me for fifteen years.” “Aud you canmjOecHfl a word that will help me to identify ft ? ’ “Well,! can’t now bring up what it was about, but I remember how it wound up. You said : Theology ain’^ religion—r.ot by h-—sight J” men of K'lmrleMou [ am in a |(Oxiiion to gci n*. low figutas-Tor aaytliiug I mny ivnnt as.is I'wxsitgB ro pet . * ' Semi for circulars’ givTug lernis and city' references. ' N. ]!. Mereliant* wbiiinp my services cnnmnke jpeTnl nnnnpement^Jor ihe ]'ur- cknse of general iiier'ciiniuli.<& 1 I " ri.' T. ANDHKAVS, 18 Iloytie Ntreet, Cliarlctton. July20 2m ' ’ - A RKMIX1SCKNCK OF THE WiK —Durinj? „ * ' ' , TV© a fight between some of Longstreel’s men and a detachment of Federal cav alry at DandrM/re, Tcnn., In 18C4, Pro fessor Seaford, of North Carolina, was killed. He was a private in the Wash ington Light Infantry from Charleston 8. C. and would not accept a commis sion, though It was tendered him sev- eml tfmesr g»ww»'bwfg where be was killed, and his comrades returned to tbefr quarters, several miles ’away; About two weeks after the flght-a letter came to Lis address. The captain of the company opened tr, and It proved to be from a young lady to whom Seaford was engaged to be married. It was written 00 tho very day the fight occurred at Dandtidge, related a dream the writer had just had, in which she saw Seaford lying dead on tho battlefield shot through the left breast—describing the death wound exactly as it was, and even the topography of the field, though she had never seen ir, and in all probability knew no (Ling about the battle. Bite begged bin to send her a Jock of his hair as a sacred memento, should any* thing happen to liha. . Siln.ilcd «u KIN 1 1 STHKhT. Ill* |’ri«/-ipid I’f.imefui'lx^jpul nt-vly (jjuiusiie tiie AcaUc- my of-Music. The ‘'WAt'KRI.Y’' is 11 favorite Family fvcimrt, w.ih puci A’vpeiiutrtentfl. Kxeelletit Tiit)!c, ItoMiny uiFT C-mOWrOitjlc .VpartmenlK. KAXfiN, 82.00 AJtD S2.’)0 Phil DA V. O T. A.LFORI> . - joty2*> Om - PUKCHAnING AGEiMY. A cliance i* now tiie people of Ihirn- well (imrjmri'ouii'liiig C'liifie) lo repleiii.- TUeir home* with •ec:1nd-ban<] fur/iiiurc. ln soa.c iu-.laugL'’ iu gmt\ ai» new’, from Auction -Abo- any tiling in the"regular-course of Irailcfrom n ueedle to 11 steam enpiiie. 8 utl me your orders f r any tiling yon mny want nud I will gunnintcc good value for the money sent. I am regulariy estnWislied in Hie puftfins ing npcncy husincssaiud-aL -ail time* pre- pared 10 execute orders pBOinpilr. having nn extensive acuunintiuce ninotig tne bmoiiess Fire Insurance Agency , Allendale,.S- C. II X FARMER, AGENT FOIt LIVER’’COL A.\D MMX A.\D CLOOE fUSTSURAIsTGK CO ROOlESTFil GEHHU DiSlRISCS CO. -OUMitXJ.CA nvi\c lllMltllS, SlSlICE liF.APfRS. CIIBWCD OEirtllS A\D JIOWOIS. JV.SEXl) FOE OKSCEIITiVK PBtCB 1.1ST-M may 10 Bones, Dougherty & Co. A Up USTAa a a. ;ff t * v-;.- - ■ J®-- -V-'* Vv. Ashley. Phosphate Company. CIIARLKSTOlSr, 8 C v Offer tlicir ASH ELK.M KNT n.ade.of FLOATS and other inatorijl.t of bc.-t qmiiity. Npoci d V adapted to ’A-n* uad growing crops of Cotton anti Coin. 1-or Ti riii-, liun'l Books, Agricultural Ftimcia and excellent article? on Fcas, Ash Eleiuciiti Flea's, Kuiiiit, Ac., address tl^c 1 ^ . * —~ Ashley Phosphate Go. CU AKLKSTOX. 16. C J. W. Strickland, ’ , . * V'h <"hvri“;lil sn! BLAC K VILLI/, S. €. rifiiUi Uartiliiui KnU*«>. Gonuncticing June 2l'lt £8S3, iraiu^ ty.l! 1 un » t'diows t - T i runtraia) nf nil times prepared wd.h • fiiatdass^workii),-n aii'l IliMt eliib- ni tc-i ruil to do all wurtriu Ids me' in Hi st •• as* j sty"-? titlil rtt I c F-nliidd-Flglii ' - lie sollc-— its t uhiii* iMiti'i•naaoandcohlidcntly tcf'-i- 1 i>tv _ T it*-' to aji pc.rs'ijis v. ito have f ivni- Tt’td'n will; -Un-ir erff-ts, Ko is a!Wav o ah'.-ivs at work. v. at honn* and ^K'V i i-3ui Fariiici -.-lud nthi fsilc-ii ia;: a ••cmcvl. lu l.nxc Dswrlc^j-m ci’Elivc :i:;cncv l iiiiucs-, t'T wliij K 1 to $*2t> I A -rive ai i>i:iiitj:'ai.e a d'ya_uijrtnn*iinu'd. rend address nt aWe.an i-ewye twjHH-hvnie jmnil. ta II. L. Wii.ms-v.N S: Co., 1 and ' j-*WT* Ivli.-lo li'T Fulton Sr re cl, New >ork f dccSw.r’a.r AldUS f A 1)1 VISION.' ' ' t!fcri}»v. 1 Unt- •w-’px* - — . Caaday,-.) 8 3'i n m W H. KKLTfcV, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, H. < A I* I, \ < K V IL.1^ I i'iouipU.vvo asiaciaity drc2I.tr W \iyu KI» TO HUY. Knwi'’, Hide*. V.pg.i an’tl Dcrrw.-ix, for wiiieh the highest m ikcl pricea will be paid. ■VV ATVTK1>’•’<) A.Hexcellent, stock of Roots. Shoes. (1 roec.-. -r-ies nnd (Jcneral Merchandise at the very lowest rock bottom pries. >. DfaT 1 M F.A N D l T S IN ESS. 1 Ignats Keeler, jone7-Hm A RARE BARGAIN - ' --IN ■ ly-.. - Blackville Property. TB7H0ES liflU'E Fill! •'ALL . STATE OF SOUTH CAItOUNA, ) Okfick or The Comptrou.i r Oeskrai, C.'ol.lfMr 1 a, Apr;) 1st. J88M. j I certify'thru II. T.Furmer of Ailemhile, Agwrt lor Lircrpool’Xwd Iwindon and Glol'C Insurance Co.-md RocDeatcr Germau Insur ance Co. has complied with the requisitions ♦ '— ■*- '■ * - 0 - This residence, one of the Inreest, be-t bui t and most convenient in the floiirisidtij Town 6t lilackville is now offered for sale". it contains seven large rooms all well finr ishe j, In-oarTpiazzas and halls, nail its loca- -stion is rbVioo-t ilcsirable i«the place.- O.i the pr.niises ihere are a choice selec tion of fruit irees, n g.uiJcu of select flowers, productive vegetable garden and a pump of excellent water’. , _ On the lot theMare’ att heecszary out. buildings. ,; ' 1'riee tpl.'iOO. Payments lo suit purcha sers. > - —X--■■■■•■'— This is the chance of a life thxe. Boa t let it pass. Apply to J. I’. O’NEItt, BUckTille, 8. C. July 12 tf of the Act of Ihe General Ae-emblv, nnd I aforesaid, to take risks and transact allbust- ness of Insurance iu thh*State, iu the county of Rarnwell for and inbelmlf of said Compa nies. V, Expires March Slat, 1K8-I. [Signed] W. E. STONKV. Comptroller GeueraL ’ july’IQ-lin brave Mid war -Leave Hi lube eg Leave Grahams Leave J.e< s I'.enYp Hl.ickvd’le Leave Elko Laave \\ lili-t >n-. Arrive at Augusta Leave Augo-ta Leave 'Villiston Leave Elko 10.45 a in iO.'Otl r. in 11 I'O a m 11.10 a m - - 1 i.LT s m —LLaOa m 11.40 n m ) i.47 a n»- 12.14) m )2..t5pm 1.10 p m EAST-— {Ha fly] 7.0-") a m 4.2tf p ul «. 8.50 a rn 5.57 p m 0.(15am t’..oy> i» .j.u i a m ti.OC'a at 0.18 a m Ii 27 a in <’(.‘12 a rn ti.LS a Ji 7.01 a m 7.15*11 in 1. 11 m 0..)5 *T»i It] [P.iilArA 61. nfla.-. ve Le*w- l.eiivc Ciijthiihii 1) ;tft s m J.cjvc I’.amberg f eave Midway Leave Ldislo Ar. ai Branchvifle Leave Brutichvillc Ar at Charleston t'.47 a m 0.50 a m HfvOia m 10,17 a ra 10120 a in 12 42 p m 6.25 p m 6.37 p hr COLL’M-BtA WVlSlON—WEST. «3.5q p b« 6 68 p w 7.10 p 1*1 7.20p ov 9.05 p ot lb.50p in 11.00am 7.30 p m 25 pm , 4 40 p m 10.15 p in 5.50 a m 0.25 p ut C ">0 a m 4.20pi* 9.10 a m 8.50p iw •J-v-fr AUGUSTA HOTEL- 'c ticnenti As-embly, aud t liXLO^V U Si’r.^ULS I7siU’^.^OUX. eauT FT T. rnrmer, Agent ~—— ' NKAB XiAttKOAl) CHOSBINO, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT AND A FINAL LISCHAKGE. By penniselon of ri. T. Riot. Esq., Pro* bate Judge, twill sente die estate ot Wilihim Hosa. deceased, at his office at par 11 well 0. 11. on the 20th day of August, 1883, at 10 o'clock a. in., nud fttflie same lime will ap ply for a ffnal dischargs. f ” GKORGB IIARTZOG, juljriO-ld Executor, Bar nnd Billiard Roomr. in the Renr. Choice Wines and 1 iquors alwas on hind. " Tabte Supplied in Best Style on Europen© rian. Attentive Servants*. Larjfe and well Ventilated Rooms. Leave I’raiichville Arrive at Cauiden Ari iV* at Coliwiibia Leave Colu nN* l.eave Camden ,W. at Bva'uolivillc. EXl’RESS (D-A1LV) WEST.) Leave Ciutrlerton b’J.oOa wi , Leave liranchvillc 3.07 » ra Leave Blackville 4.15 am Ar.jff Augusta t>.2l a w EXl’UESS (DAILY) EAM ) Leave Augustir , - ..V^O.COjv q. Ar. st Blackville ll.l/pm Ar. atBranehville 12.30a ra Arrive at Charleston 3.07 a in “CONNECTIONS.” -• Couneetions made at Auguetft with GcorgVv R. U. to ami from all’p dtits West ntidSonih* west, with through Sleeper between Chat les ion und Atlanta on Express .train. Connection* made st Charleelon witli North Eastern ll. It. for points Nonhand with New York fitenmerson Satirslay-. Connections made nt Columbia with Co lumbia and Greenville It. It. nnd Charlotte, Columbia and Angu«l-rTwJl. to and from ©H points on both Roth**; '" Coraiectkwis mad* atBlackvlIe with Barn well R. it. -DC. ALLEN, G. P.iT. Agt. JOHN B. RECK. General Mswagev. Millions In ft. KfrELEfTTMG BELLS"©* LEWIS & DOOLI ^LE, ruopRiETuiia. G. W. EV^NS Oterk. Central- Hotel, UROAT> HTHerKT. AUGUSTA. G A MRS. W. M. THOMAS, Contrally l^dKeti, con/caient to btni- ncas. ' fl»y20’tf STANLEY’S NKW PATENT PRO- ©ess for flic manu f Ht:tu r e of Spjrits.of Turpentine and Fiae Wood Oil from Liglitvood. If yoit s wieTi to make money corre.'pnnd with the undersigned, wh< AiH lioriscd Feuuty. wood, it yon wten to make money pond with- the undersigned, who^ rized t» sell (hr riijht for Bar/ y. 1 R. MILLER, -V juu2,> Williston, S. C. Hegistration Notice* The Registration Bookv will be open at t-hv county seat on the First Monday i* enth mo utl until further notice i» given. JNO.^W. HOLMES, Sspervisov. dcc21-lf .