The ^Urnwcll People-S€ntia«l t Barnwell, 8. C. ThuHday, Peceiber 23, 1987 v THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young the featherheads By Otbora* Cracked I’M 6otn& To *->/ DO BE STOP THAT LEAK \ CAREFUL— BEFORE t HE PLUMBER J HE should COMES y BE HERE AWV MI MUTE— NOU MI6HT SET The water okJ . The floor, is froiem! I WON'T NEED THESE BOOTS—WHERE'S THE OLD SPIKED SHOES OF MIME 2 I'LL Get them- BOT— S’MATTER POP— Oh Well, Pop Can Rearrange It Here's Tie ^ PLUMBER* Pear | By C. M. PAYNE MESCAL IKE ■? s. l. huntlky 4 f<& MATTt'K. ? • Ml When Moments Count ^— SOTR «UNJ aiktt Loc^oeoy FINNEY OF THE FORCE B :™° VEA.WL OUT TM CCkOauMMEO RAOOIT'ULL. BeSOJE TORE: L S»T A CWAMCE, TO LOAD MIT, [ LoU^ DO VOO EMJOV' 30MM«a J»*OgT3 \MUCKl 'OO WE»E , AWAV CH&t flJC, Sw vwCEKtEnjo IUL SAN 1 DO! sot ekisasco to \J=OUft oc TUEM, aatlvr. Trfcrt* Mark R«c. V. A Rat. OS**) IT SHORE BE icy out today, moichael oi'll BE all roi^mt wit these OlCE CREEPERS* om y HEV' WHUT BE ThiS^ ‘ V»HUT BE VE2. SHlAHDirJ there 'Boot? I—ER-I CANT ER COME ON* (fiT GOlNO/ NEX cant ehtawd THERE ALL PAY— WHUT TH’— 1 ust a Slip POP— With Mint Sauce SO IF THE LITTLE LAMB HAD DONE WHAT HE WAS TOLD AND NOT STRAYED t AWAY THE WOLF WOOLDNT HAVE EATEN HIM, WOULD HE ? NO/ •WE WOULD HAVE, wouldn't WE. I • M Bmdlcat*.—Win? Mtric*. Rcsoumom 0*1 X MAKt FDR you i vSJ^- ( (9 Welcome 1938! WELL, SOM- RECKON I’LL 9E OM My VWW-TMIS OLE WORLD'S TIRED O' SEEM' ME—FOLKS ARE WOMOERIM' WW«T VOO RE GONNA BRING •EM— Good Business The children were on their way back from schooL and were dis cussing the jobs which their respec tive parents did. “My father's a butcher.” said the first proudly. “And mine's s leweier,” replied the second haughtily. They turned to the third. “What do your people do?” they asked. “They're in the iron and steel trade.” came the answer. “Mother Irons and father steals."—Answers Magazine. BED TOYS By GLUYAS WILLIAMS Reasonable “Have you anything to say before 1 pass sentence on you?” “Yes. your honor, 1 should like you tc have your lunch first”— Farm & Ranch. Gonrmaad Miss Sweet—But Tom. be says 1 look good enough to eat Tom—You lust ought to seo the things be eats at the lunch counters. —Philadelphia Bulletin. VAXES UP M CHIU 6W dawn, remembers PAREms'ORDERS-fo eEfA'foVAHDPDd'wnh If m BED-fe KEEP WARM y PRTfRS OVER fo -foy CUPBOARD By J. MILLAR WATT ■This HMEDoas Pic- 1URE BOOK BACKIfc BED WltR L0M6 DEU8ERA- DKW5 HE COtAD HMF ‘flON.SElECiB HE HORSE MADE A BEffER CHOICE AND «Ef} BACK Dilb BED DECIDES 10 BE ON 5RFE SIDE AND HAVE ML HIS IN BED. WHICH RE- QUIRES POUR IRlPS (?, HAS 1b SPEND MOM of his smi Picking 1bV5 UP AS 1WCV DROP Off BEP (C spy right. 1117. by The Bel) Byadisats. 1m.) ASSURES PARDHB, AS fHIV O0H| IN, UW HE D® WHArf fHEV IolD MM, AND HE DOCSNT KNOW VAN NTS COU) ¥m Catch Up on v Chic * |" *ri fH TF YOU’RE a bit behind in the A thrilling game of Sew-Your- Own, Milady, why not take ad* vantage of the holiday season and catch up? Today’s trio if especial ly right for “vacation sewing” be cause it consists of simple prac tical pieces that require little time and trouble. Make all three and you’ll have gone a long way toward putting the old punch back in the game. Streamlined Styling. The slip at the left is all you could wish for from the standpoint of styling. It offers superb lines from the moderately low cut V neck, through the dart-fitted waist right down to the very hem. The clever overlapping back is light proof and provides an action pleat so necessary for complete satis faction. Important, too, is the fact that you may choose the ma terial you wish in your own color. Better make it in duplicate for many meticulous months ahead. Pretty in Sheer Wool. The two-piece in the center is, like the slip, heavy on style. The defined waist is effectively young as is the flowing skirt and little round collar. It ia just the frock to give one lots of git-up-and-git for the second semester, or “to break the ice” whenever one is anxious about one’s appearance. It can be the height of chic in sheer wool—very pretty in flat crepe. Modern Home Dress. When it’s home you’re thinking of you naturally turn to a frock like the third member of the trio at the right. This button-aU-the- way model ia different enough to delight you and simple enough to set you sewing at sight. It is cut for comfort but with an ever watchful eye on that elusive little thing called chic. Crisp contrast may be had in the collar and cuffs and in that trim row of buttons that march down the line—and then back again. Look fresh in your version in pretty percale. The Patterns. Pattern 1946 is designed for sizes 14 to 20 (32 to 44 bust). Size 16 requires S% yards of 81 inch fabric. One yard of ribbon in required for shoulder straps. Pattern 1404 is designed for sizes 12 to 80 (30 to 88 bust). Six* 14 requires 4^ yards of SB inch material. Pattern 1390 is designed for sizes 34 to 48. Sim 86 requirss 4% • yards of 39 inch material. Tte. collar and cuffs in contrast in quire l Vi yards materiaL Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pattern Dept., Room 1080, 211 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, HL Price of patterns, 18 cents (la coins) each. * • mu i ILtcle Phil SojjAi Respect Due Precedent Respect for precedent has i solid basis. Don’t be contemptu ous of precedent, but study its claims to authority. Gossip thrives less among men particularly because it means black eye if not worse. It is nonsense to say that no one is interested in the troubles e' others. We’re not an i«»inm»i«, Men have had but one burst o' extravagance in clothing in the last 30 years. It was when they paid $8 for a silk shirt. But Is H«? By his reason a man endeavors to prove that he ia rid of some of his primitive instincts. There is always a welcome place in the world for the young woman who Is determined to be a lady. Women often say it is hard to please men by the way they dress; but let a man pick out a woman’s sartorial outfit and she’d be fright. Or Lacks So in Curiosity? A phone won’t bother you if you calmly go on writing and let i ring; but who has a seraphic tem per like that? • If yon want to enjoy retrospec tion, recall your happiness, not your sorrows. It is hard to conceal contempt. Something besides words gives you away. Human conscience began to function thousands of years ago There is a lot of it in the Bible. "Quotations' Men sra act free la lave fallow man when they an by lava af sain.—Dr. Elmtr worth Brown. Men aeldam, ar rath length af time aUl rebel against deserve rebelling There is aa grm to be eoasdaas af Premiss is least is Light heavy.—Bar kart Happiness cannot bn I soaking it—Dr. PkiUipo Osgood. fora SMALL Sm 60c a* 1*77 GET RID OF BIG UGLY J PORES \ PlfNTY Of DATS NOW...BMVQIIT FACIAL MAGNESIA MADE Rtt SKIN FKESN, YOUNG, BEAUIME ioa hasn't! rthcMl] aienwashsaaly. Wandlasnd 1 fcatfaCs ‘ - ealr Sll Doa'tniaioatanl DENTON’S Facial Magnesia