The Barnwell people-sentinel. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1925-current, September 02, 1937, Image 3

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% TIm Ban well Pcople-Saatiaal. Bar ■ well. 8. C- Thanday Sept—her 2. 1187 k 7 ADVENTURERS* CLUB HEADLINES FROM THE LIVES OF PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF! M 99 If/ N \ lte£ . %S |*%# ffrt to Ml M w MMMW lMk4 • i > Hpp wMto Ito Mtotfto HPw 'to#® Ito^ti Wrto Mr ® torf *• »• iMfc I® la MMMr ' 0* f®® toM ®to®4 • Hi Wbm wtKht0 #®w ®9 to® "* |to® toBPi • <i ®to itoto I®m ®toaHto*"*' tototoi ®Mto®to wr toMNP o® 9® to® Vtototo® ttftol (to Itoa® toMtoto®!. ' toto ®®lto to®to ®®L® I®>| toto® to#l I®® tWA T * f * %%omI4® t I a»l«® I® J®to Scenes and Persons in the Current News -* Jr 1 ' •j-r—- . *> hkH . » ~ What’s in a Name? By FLOTD GIBBONS Famous Headline Hunter you know, boys and girls, when old Bill Shakespeare 1 asked, “What’s in a name?” he didn’t seem to think that names made very much difference. But I guess Bill could find plenty of people to give him an argument on that sub ject. One of them is John T. Smith of Ozone Park, N. Y. f John Smith isn’t such an unusual name, when you come to think of it. Nor was John such an unusual sort of fellow. At the time this story opens around April 1, 1935—he was working as a plumber’s helper for a large concern. One day, while threading a piece of pipe, John cat his finger. That isn’t an unusual occurrence, either. But add those things aU up together, and they’ll give you the strangest doggone predic ament that ever a man got into. John paid no attention to his cut finger, but two or three days later it had begun to swell up a bit. His foreman took a look at it and told him he’d better report it to the company doctor. The doctor was pretty busy. He looked at John’s finger, asked him his name, and told him to get the necessary papers from his boss and report at the hospital. “I’ll notify the hospital you’re coming,” he told John. “Be there at eleven o’clock.” Sent to Hospital for Small Operation. John got the necessary papers from his boss and showed up at the hospital on the dot of eleven. He had had an infected finger before, and knew pretty well what was done about it. They froze the finger, slit it open with a lance, bandaged it and sent you on home. But it seemed to John that this hospital took a lot more trouble over a sore finger. A nurse took John's name and said. “Oh yes, we're expecting you.’ She told him to take a seat in the waiting room, and there John waited for an hour. Tben the nurse came back and took him upstairs, opened a door and led him into a room. A few minutes later another nurse mk Wv W ill m wM mm : >X K •!-? 'Wm mm 7 M m % Robert Ballard Is Soapbox Derby Champ power plus wn The Rose Red City Z/eric Port i n Suez <LCaruU' [Suez. jorutwuems k^TUDAZA^ CnmAH)^ Beers} 101 ** 0 ' \ E PetrafSe], JebelHaru JtmetTaiyi, nn \ ! UOi P E rb O WculLel V N iGulfof \Aqdbco A R A -r ■ ■ so STATUTE MILES »eo Bl Petra Is Off the Beaten Path. 1—Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia of New York shaking hands with Thomas E. Dewey, the young racket- smashing special prosecutor who is running-mate as candidate for district attorney on the Republican ticket with the mayor. 2—Panoramic view of Shanghai's famous Bund which was rocked by explosions of bombs during the attack on the city by Japanese troops. S—James Mattern (left), famed airman who flew fr®m California to Alaska to join in the search for lost Russian polar flyers, shown conferring with his navigator. Old Petra Now Accessible to Travelers Alter Many Centuries of Oblivion Pr«p«r*<1 br National Oooeraphlc SocUty. Washington, D. C—WNU Sortie*. P ETRA, silent city of the forgotten past, halfway between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, exerts a magic spell upon the minds of those fortunate enough to know it. Its single and weird approach, through a deep rock cleft more than a mile > long; its templet, numbering 1 nearly a thousand, cut into 1 the living rock of atupendous cliffs and showing Babyloni an, Egyptian, Greek and Roman influence; Its high placet, courts, libation bn- to Bins and altars where the ancients worshiped; its amaz ing color, the work of Nature lavish with ocher and all of red—all these are 1 awMe enthralling. j I sstf. Betf m «M m 1 •I i ment supervision for the last of the journey. How to Beach the Batas. Thus the Bedouins have modem transportation from ally infringing on the silenc long ago and preserved far P* measure of its isolation. However you travel to P whether by railroad front cus. a method almost by car from Jerusalem, the practical way; or by air. to oat tanovation. all roi on Ma’aa. a thriving girdled with walled part toot many of too i ® a* k-a lirri f' fto® Poore Wo® o roao res rasp ■ hao o toaaory i Setose Mstortos were enwi B hove boon toad washed Stoto to too Loto CWSoeo poftodL ■wnoeoo tons hotooe fesesdad A# too Ira Brel wstotoa hwawp to tond I to too totoie. too too tosto ohoan ■ I woo MwaM lost to sAt Stow Bah j toeeo* hsoao to too towtosa tooo dwwdofe oeooo pregsaitos woo towv Ww grootoMn to ksar ^hsao Hsstoso I Tiwentok a 1 osw Bros awatosnad at too totoo to I watosakawto* Storeawna is oonaaaSMa wtto too I m* saSd^atoas to ®a toad tw Chi toosnoo Fas ooaswtos totora was s •oro*oo • tr s oerstohl • a me > wzp ■■b at lN\t»\ In 1 KIN llrrr't a Hrand New Kfialinh (!u»tofn s a m§ w » • a . ■ a ••♦g ’to SIS 1 r® a® ®®® a® And D»d the Dwrtar Langk The a’ thf r« Ti it front tads my last deoporalo effort I was t to the drugs I had boon given, but 1 managed to raiso one arm and motian one to the doctors over TWi dortor woo the only owe who wowld Itotra to ww. aad Ihook God ho did. for soother aorse woo romtog over with the ether and la soother mi note I wooid hove hee* onrowriooa. I sold. 'Dortor. ore yoo sore yoo know whet’s the matter with me? Are yoo owrr yoe’ve got the right moo? Whet's oil UUo foas shoot Aoyway? AH I’ve got Is oa Infected Sneer.' ** Well sir. the doctor lifted the sheet that they’d thrown over John and took o good look at him. Then h« started to laugh. But it wasn't any laughing matter to John. He had almost gone through an operation he didn't need! John never did find out what they were going to do to him. Maybe they were only going to take an arm or a leg off. Then, on the other hand, they might have been going to do something really serious. But what he does know is that his name got him into that jam. There are just too doggone many John Smiths in the world, and our John Smith had almost got himself cut open on account of another John Smith's ailment. When the doctors got through laughing they told one of the nurses to dress John’s finger. Then they put him back to bed. They told him He’d have to stay there all night because of the drug they’d shot into his arm. But as soon as the nurse was out of the room, John put on his clothes and beat it out of the hospital. There were too many John Smiths in the world to take any chances. Any minute they might bring another one in, and then they were liable to have John down in the operating room again, sharpening up the knives and breaking out the ether. t 0—WNU Service. Eagle Favored Salt Beef While washing her clothes at the side of a river in Amassia, South Antolia, a woman was horrified to see her month-old baby snatched from the river bank by an eagle, which carried the child to a neigh boring hill. Hearing the mother'* •cream* villagers climbed the hill and found the tot unharmed. Ap parently the huge bird had spared the child’s life because it preferred • favorite Turkish delicacy, salt beef with a generous dash to gsriic. which the met the Uuie eae’s Danish Lottery The Danish Legation says that Det Klongelige Klasselotteri (the Royal Class Lottery) was founded in 1753. It is a Government institu tion and the profit of if enters the exchequer like the other govern ment revenues. Controlled by the state aj* Landbrugslotteriet. found ed by royal concession In 1907, sod Aimindeligt Dansk Vare-og Indus- trllotteri. founded by royal conces sion to last Tbs profit to the latter y (Jt 'v- TV* ( / John Cudahy, newly appointed minister to the Irish Free State, is shown as he sailed aboard the liner Manhattan to take up his ministerial duties. Until recently he was the minister to Poland. A sign of the timet in Old England Is this photograph, made during Chatham Navy week, which fives you an idea of the extent to which Europe is suflering from war Jitters. The oilskinned gents at left are membpee of a “decontamination squad,” who are rehearsing the duty they hope they’ll never have to do—mopping up after a gas attack. $40,000 Hambletonian Stakes to ‘Shirley Hanover’ . ... . ve-S a X ? I {+ ' ^ * >\ > . y . .v.'.v.vV.v.y.v .v.wXy ‘ * v, m - I ll wmm | ■■77. ."-.I i m mm? . s-4 mMmm to toe ktty at ■ T, to above utob bp Lawvenae I a* ee to toem ea® Be*. Fvera pooeod tooan natoae to toe I ousotde wortfi. renaotosafi to sbtoeton tor noee too* a toouoonfi yooro. In ISXJ toe tviae treeetor. Jeba Lewis BntrblhorfiL disguised as a Befiwuto abeSL reached II aad re turned to Refi to Ms myetertaa It had then become sacred ground la toe Arabs, and danger menaced aay Infidel who approached tt. In the century after Burckhardt lew explorers attempted to visit It Not Indeed, until after the World war was It accessible to any save the moot intrepid; and even now vis itors cannot enter it save under protection of armed guards. With a comfortable camp for accommoda tion of guests during the summer months. Petra at last is open to se rious travelers. The trip from Jerusalem to Petra and back once required about a month of arduous caravan travel through country infested with law less Bedouins. Construction of the Mecca railway from Damascus to the sacred city of Medina was a first step toward opening the country, and later a highway from Jerusa lem to Ma’an and a smooth dirt road from Ma’an to Elji brought motor vehicles within two miles of the ancient city. Airplanes, too, now carry passengers to Ma’an. bound for Petra. When the British cleared the way for automobiles between Ma’an and Elji, the Bedouins rose in open re volt complaining that the roed would deprive them of their income from renting saddle anlmaif to Petra visitors. Warfare ensued, several tregtofijte o. It M to EM* clpllous SM water into wide In Its panda to not more tbai times this dimension, stupendous, making man m by comparison. In no place may yen ahead, crooks and corners ing. A streak to blue toy I twisted ribbon is all that to ’ to the heavens. Your horses slip over the boulders that choke this enue, your Bedouins weary and melancholy After 20 minutes to fills ing seclusion, you strain your for a first glimpse to the i you know awaits you. you watch, it bursts upon yon as a surprise. The Siq ends abruptly in a e gorge. From the face to the opposite the Siq mouth B has been cameoed out, a tempi* an unknown deity. It peeps at; at first, you aaa a little mere, i then it bursts upon you la ail beauty. This the “Outer ®q." lbs Stq” may fit II bsH are ■ ®®M