The Barnwell People-Sentinel, Barnwell, S. C- Thursday, April 30, 1936 SUCH IS LIFE—A Good Bargain By Charles Sughroe VWA. W Heuo.soh* pop // vm r. Kurt Weitz- mann, leader of the expedition, have been, compiling a preliminary classifi cation of the photographs in prepar ation for,publication of all the illus trations found In the Greek manu scripts of both the Old and New 'Pest- aments. Doctor Weitzmann was as sisted in the expedition by Frejbers, Anotal von Meibohm, of the Univer sity of Prague ^ Unknown to Scholars. The earliest of the manuscripts pho tographed. many of which had not b«“en catalogued and were therefore unknown to scholars, were painted in the Ninth century. Other pictures now in the Princeton SURGEON GENERAL Dr. Thomas Parian, Jr., has been appointed surgeon general of the Unit ed States public health service to suc ceed Dr. Hugh S. Gumming, retired. Dr. Parran is forty-three years old and Is a close friend of President Boose- velt. collection date to the Sixth century, and, with the Mount Athos photo graphs, make possible accurate deter mination of the general structure of Bible illustrations as far back as the Second century, Professor Friend said. In the collection which Professor Friend began to compile about 1920, are 10,000 photographs of Old and New Testament manuscript illustra tions, of which 2,000 are of minia tures in the Vatican library. There are about 1,000 similar illustrations from manuscripts in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. With the addition of the Mount Athos pictures seven- eighths of the known material has been assembled. See Ancient Volume. The expedition was the first per mitted to see the contents of the ‘‘Gospels of Nicephoros Phocis,” an imperial gift to the Monastery of Great Laura, th6 first on Mount Athos. The volume is bound in golden covers and embossed with gems and enamels. Miniature pictures in the volume of the three great feast days, are among the finest examples of early Eleventh- century Byzantine art. The work at Princeton has been un dertaken as a part of the prepara tion of an exhaustive index of Chris tian art, a catalogue of Christian art which has been in ,the process of classification for .more than 20 years. Two volumes on the Old Testament corpus arc planned for publication this year, with complete publication of the enormous collection expected to re quire about ten years. Ten volumes of Old Testament illustrations and four volumes of text about them are planned. The New - Testament is ex pected to require four volumes of illus trations and two volumes of text. Professor DeWald is in charge of prep aration of the text of the Hist two volumes. Teach Soil Conservation Through Motion Pictures Washington.—Motion pictures will be used as part of the administra tion’s program for educating the farm ers of America to the need of soil con servation, keystone of the substitute for the invalidated AAA. An appro priation bill carries $79,000 for the preparation and distribution of mo tion pictures dealing with the Depart ment of Agriculture's scientific work. This sum will enable the department to operate its movie laboratories, draft its scenarios, and edit and prepare its pictures on soil conservation. The soil conservation service, out of its own appropriation, may be asked to earmark additional funds for edu cational pictures on soil conservation, showing approved methods for protect ing and conserving the nation's soil fertility. In its ment of effective Its Washington though small. extension work the Depart- Agricultnre has long made use of the motion picture, studio is up to date AMAZE A MINUTE 8C1EWTIFACTS ~ BY ARNOI.D ( v hsa m m m SSSI Oil producers - Of 750.000 OIL WELLS DRILLED IN SEVENTY YEARS IN THE U.S., 320.000 ARE SHU. PRODUCING. dK > Kr: ill Monkey laugh - Chimpanzees laugh WHEN PLEASED. Iodine in food Oysters too TIMES as muCM BEEFSTEAK. WNU Sarrto*. J \m VA &MME A QuARitFtt- WORTH CF'tER time. Amp f f * '« -meM BUY IT BX£K Me: Of 4ft l( m ^ . LEONARD A. BARRETT Whenever we hear the name of Col onel Charles A. Lindbergh, we im mediately think of the flight of the St. Louis to France _ and of the heroic qualities displayed 4* by America’s fore most aviator. That Colonel Lindbergh made a contribu tion to aeronautics, second to none, no one would deny. Seldom is it given | to any person to I be accredited with Bpllj fame in more than one field of specu lation. Colonel Lindbergh, however, is destined to have his name Indelibly engraved upon the records of two de partments of science, the latter being the field of medical research. The month of March, 1986, will ever be remembered in the history of medi cine for the announcement made through the Rockefeller foundation, of the completion of an artificial body by Btj L-ydia Le Baron Walker Oldest Temple-Fort Found by Explorers in the Orient A prehistoric architect's concep tion of a combined citadel and ma ple of worship, antedating by nearly three centuries the earliest biblical reference to temple fortresses, has been uncovered by archeologists at Tepe Gawra, In northern Mesopo tamia, it was announced at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. The discov ery and excavation of the masa've walled "round house,” a circular building of sun brick unique among all prehistoric finds, climaxed the seventh season of work at the “Great Mound” lo miles northeast of Mosul by a joint expedition of the unlver- sTty museum and the American Schools of Oriental Research. Tlir Dimensiont of ■ Floor Plan S«-rm Morr Spaciou* Than in Reality Johnny Behr, athletic director of the Illinois Athletic club of Chicago, has been named head coach of the Ameri can Olympic boxing team for 1996. Mr. Behr served on the coaching staff of the 1928 American Olympic track team, and has been coaching track, boxing and other sports at the I. A. C. since 1919. * Colonel Lindbergh. It is called the robot heart. The mechanism consists of glass tubes of various dimensions, glass receptacles, and so on. into which can he placed a wounded part of the body, and the healing process watched and studied with scientific precision. In other words, the parts of the human body surb as a diseased thyroid gland, or kidney, can be made to function un der normal conditions, because the re ceptacle into which these organs are placed functions exactly as does the human body. Organs separated from the human body can.thus be kept nor mally alive, and the process of healing under the influence of the curative methods employed, studied as it never lias been possible before. The physician or surgeon studies the effect caused by certain bodily con ditions as they are manifested in fever, pains, and symptoms. From these ef fects lie seeks to discover the cause of the malady. This effort to discover the cause may be attended by the element of a “guess.” .Many times the cause is difficult to discover, it is claimed that the robot heart will reveal not only the efi'eet of disease but the cause as well. It took Colonel Lindbergh five years of most painstaking toil to perfect his contribution to medical science. Ac cording to a representative of the Rockefeller foundation, it is impossible to predict the ultimate value of the application of Colonel Lindbergh’s new creation to the healing of disease. All hail to America’s foremost avia tor. In the future we qhall doubtless think of him also, as a scientist of the highest order. C Western Newspaper Union. T UK limits ot a room are essential to remember in a homemaker’s con sideration of decorative schemes. This was impressed upon me recently when going over some pictorial plans for in teriors. It was not that the rooms were badly arranged. They were good Rut where would there lie sufficient space in the average living room, for instance, for two large davenports, a large knee hole writing desk, great over stuffed chairs, capacious tables, a piano and seven lamps, three of them floor lamps, to say nothing of the vari ous footstools, small tables, side chairs, etc.? It certainly would require a man sion. In my work of interior decoration, I have become accustomed to calculat ing floor spaces and gauging room areas. The measurements of this room would have to be at least 20 feet wide by 80 feet long, and 29 hy 85 or 40 feet would be more accurate to give the spaciousness pictured. However at tractive the arrangement, it could not he practical for ordinary size living rooms. Visualising Arras. The home decorator must learn to visualize rooms. To some persons this is an easy matter, while others have difficulty In doing It. If you belong to the latter group, begin by seeing in your mind’s eye, how some article yon want would fit first Into one space and then In another In the room. Know the measurements of your rooms so that when you see pictures of rooms, and would like to have something sim ilar in arrangement, you can. yourself, gauge whether it would .he feasible, or not. It is important to give an impression of space in rooms of small dimensions. For tills furniture and furnishings must either be chosen carefully to conform to sizes of rooms, or furniture must be quelled when pieces are over- large or there are too many as is often the case in these days, when moving Into sumller homes is practiced for economy's sake. By careful arrange ments of furniture certain articles can seem to diminish, when they are too large, or the number of pieces seem less than they really are. On the other hand the limits of large rooms can be made to seem less by good arrangements of furniture when there is scarcity of pieces. Lure of Hatnei. Furniture and furnishings have an amazing number of names apart from those of classification, such as beds, chairs, tables, etc. Seme of these oth er names are due to the fact that a person originated the deki’gn, and was also, perhaps, the craftsman who ac tually made the pieces, as instanced in Chip|K*ndale, Sheraton, Hlckok. Morris, etc. The fame of Chippendale has come down through the centuries largely through his chairs, but by no means for them alone for his list of kinds is a long one. Some of Ids pieces bear the further descriptive name of Chi nese, expressive of the inflnence of the art of that great country from which returning merchant vessels were bring ing to England treasures In many arts. C Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. POTPOURRI Star Magnitude* Stars are divided by astronomers Into “magnitudes” according to the different degrees of brightness. Stars of the first magnitude shine jierhaps a million times more brightly than those of the fifteenth. The human eye cannot see those beyond the sixth, while huge tele scopes reveal none of l^er magni tude than the fifteenth. © Western Ncwr*r)at*er Union. Kansas’ First Baseball Charter Kansas records reveal the first base ball charter in the state was tiled frees Leavenworth In January, 1867. Proof the West Is Still Wild KEEP YOUR . EYES w J i« a \ J ini\r / J L> / m i uo i , i v r s ASK YOUR DRUGGIST mm ROLL DEVELOPED 8 Never-lade Velox Prints ONE ENLARGEMENT jack a a—nr co. 25c (COIN) CLEANS J ICAVfS NO. MNSi NO ODOR. }0< 40 c 6S«^ sontss r— Civilized Jails In a thoroughly civilized land the jail meals are appetizing. & KILLS INSECTS ON FLOWERS • FRUITS VEGETABLES l SHRUBS Demand original sealed bottles, from | tCVf How Louisiana V as K*med Louisiana was named after King Louis XIV of France. FAMOUS TONIC CREAM QUICKLY TRANSFORMS 3 minutes * day remove* freckles* blackheads, too! Famous NADENOLA Cream actually unootha away the dull, dead cuticle that hides your natural beauty. All you do m this: (1) At bedtime spread a thinfiba of Nadinola Cream over your face—ne no rubbing. (2) Leave on ifWa massaging, whila you sleep. (8) provement—usually in 6 to 10 days a marveli steb daily to 10 ' will see a marvelous transform! Freckles, blackheads disappear; coarsenad akin baoomes creamr-v satin-smooth, lovely! Fine molts, tively guaranteed with NADINOl tested and trusted for nearly two seanra- tions. At all toilet counters only 60c. Or write NADINOLA, Box 44, Paris.TVnn. AND 101 JARS THE I0« SIZE CONTAINS 3'/, TIMES AS MUCH AS THE 5< SIZE MOROLINE ■YI SNOW WHITE PETROLEUM JEtlf Alloy in Gold Coins Gold coins contain alloy because pure gold is too soft Mother Advised Daughter To Take CARDUI Many, many women have taken Cardui on the advice of their moth ers who had been helped by it "I would have severe cramping spells," writes Mrs. F. C. Allen, of Smithdale, Miss. “I would get nauseated, and feel faint and would have to go to bed. I would be very nervous for two or three days. I was afraid to g* away from homL for fear I would faint and fall. My mother, having used Cardui with good results, advised me to try it. I am so glad I took Cardui and got relief, for it has done wonders for me.” Of course, if Cardui does not benebt YOU, consult a physician. A FARMER BOY The horseless carriage may be here to stay, but the West Is still wild, as witness this unique covered wagon, housing two families, as it arrived In Phoenix. Arts., from, Sweetwater; TexaA Note the stovepipe—it provided the comfort of home—while the two-hurro-power conveyance also carried livestock Ul the form of the family goat. The human occii|>ants were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Howard and their six children and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Malnard and one child. O NE of the best known c 'medical men in the U. S. was Dr. JL V. Pierce of Buffalo, N. V- who waa bom on a tarn in Pa. Dr. Pierce s (Mi en Medical Diacoveey b an herbal extract which . eliminates poisons from the intestines and tones up the difeative system. Pimples and blotches caused by faulty elimi nation disappear and you fuel the strengthen ing effect of this well tried medicine Buy now!