• * ^ >' / A ’. - ' . -r. ‘ . • * • •. , THR8D4T, JULY 28TH, 1«*7. V\_ . ^ TBS BARNWELL PEOPLE-SENTINEL, BARNWELL. SOUTH CAROLINA INSURANCE f—• • r-^ , fc* w Windstorm PUBLIC LIABILITY' CCIDENT - HEALTH SURETY BONDS AUTOMOBILE THEFT Cjklhoun and Co. P. A. PRICE, Manager. MONEY TO LOAN Loam made Mine day application received. No Red Tape HARLEY & BLAtT. . i t Attomeys-at-Law BarnwelL S. C. Seattle’s Woman Major .Hits at Circus Parades Seattle, ' Waeh. — Seeniin* reports from onmerooa western cities Major Bertha Landeg la Inrestlgatlng her theory that 1 circus parades with un fettered elephants should be barred from the streets of large dtlee. Dur ing the past jeer, she cites, there were numerous Instances where elephants broke and threatened serious damage. Traffic* conditions here also compel the reduction of all parades to the mini mum. Treble Joy New York.—After much sorrow In «the family of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Or- chowsky of the East -side there Is treble Joy. Two years ago their twins died, then a boy was drowned In the East river. Now they have triplets KODAKERS! Send your films to us for develop* ing and printing. One day service. Write for prices. Lollar’s Studio 1423 Main Street _ COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA We sell Eastman Filau •r ■. : r ^ Itllimilllllllllllil 4. -^ J’ UiU iUJS use v ClauSSeriS Bread , kilS more feed lahiC ' o Just because the Ford car is a glutton for punishment is no reason why it should not have proper lubrication hr -Hsr I our Ford will give you better sen iee, cost you less for rcjxiirs and last longer if you lubricate it with "Standard" Motor Oil for Fords, Ask for it by name. Then you’re sure of the best Ford oil money can buy. “STANDARD" MOTOR OIL • ’ IftittfeasunOil Value STANDARD = MOTHER:- Flet- Cher’s Castoria is es pecially prepared to re lieve Infants in arms and Children all ages _ of Constipation, Flatu lency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians cvcrywhare recommend it MUMMY FAKING IS ART OF EGYPT Dadnd Out and Sold os Kings. \ • ’ * *. Cairo, Egypt—The American gold brtrfc and Brooklyn bridge safoameo have a match Yu the Egyptian souve nir vendors, the local police report According to complaints received by the police the mummlee of humble Egyptian mvte have been decked out In regal trappings and sold to gul lible tourists as authentic mummies of pharaohs and Tutankhamens. The sums paid for faked mummies, it Is reported, have In some cases run Into thousands of dollars. To the natives the "jest Is a merry one, for mnramles in Egypt are as plentiful as potatoes In Ireland. In many districts the natives dig them np and use them for firewood. * It Is therefore s simple anW—f M S i S ■ SS W §M SI t»ranv, «. rivew arica, o.u.. paean Moodr BtMa 1 aatitate oTChwaaC) cssssssssssssssSsssssss^a Lesson for July 31 DAVID AND JONATHAN LESSON TEXT—I Samuel 11:1-4! 11:1-7. GOLDEN TEXT—Thera la a friend that atlckath elosar thaa a brother. PRIMARY TOPIC—Two Good Friands. JUNIORS TOPIC—David and Jona than. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC—Choosing the Right Kind nf Friends. YOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP-' IC—The Obllsatlons of Friendship. The friendship of David and Jona than has beeffine immortalised In the world’s thought It was unique in that It occurred between two men of rival worldly interests. Jonathan was tbe crown prince, tbe heir to the throne. David was heir according to the divine choice and ^arrangement. Jonathan knew this and magnanimous-. ly waived his natural personal rights to the one he knew Qod had chosen. I. Friendship Established Between David and Jonathan (I Sam. 18:1-4). 1. Love at Sight (vv. 2). Following the interview of Saul and David after the victory over Goliath, Jonathan’s soul was knit with that of David. ?le loved him as hia own aouL While there was mutual love, this pleasing trait stands out more prom inently In Jonathan than In David because It meant great loss to him— tbe loss of the throne; while it meant immense gain to David, the acquisition of the throne to which he had oo nat ural right 2. Covenant established (vv. 3, 4). Following the love covenant be tween them, Jonathan stripped himself of his court robe and his equipment and gave them to David. This act was a virtual abdication of th« throne to David. II. Jonathan Defended David Against Saul's Frenxy (I Sam. 19:1-7). David went Into the battle with Goliath out of seal for God and true religion—not for personal glory, but It turned ont as always that because be made God first, God honored him. Upon David’s return from victory over the Philistines, according to Ori ental custom he was met by e tri umphal chorus of women from all tbe cities of Israel chanting praises to him for his victory over their enemy. They ascribed more praise and honor to David than to Saul. These women seemed to sing as answering chanta The-one aang, “Saul haa slain his thousands,” the other answered, “and David hia ten thousands.” To hear ■ung the praises of a shepherd boy surpassing his own was too mucb for Saul. It arouaed murderous envy which had been slumbering In his heart and moved him twice to attempt to kill David. This wickedness was In bis heart as a bitter feeling, bnt this occasion fanned It Into a flame, making it a burning passion of evil. In Saul’s third attempt to kill David, Jonathao defended him before bla fa ther and evoked from him the oath that David should not be slain. He thus exposed himself to the anger of his infuriated father for David’s sake. III. Jonathan Revealed to Dsvid Saul's Murderous Intent (I Sam. 20:30-40). ’ The beginning of the new moon was celebrated by sacrifices and feasting at which all the members of the fam ily were expected to be present (v. 5). David’s excuse for being abseot was that be might go borne to' attend the yearly sacrifice of the entire, family. The annual feast was more important than the monthly feast Matters were now so serious that Jonathan and David renewed tbe covenant between themselves. "In this renewal the terms were broadened beyond tbe life of Jonathan (w. 14, 15). Saul’s anger was now ao fierce that for Jonathan to be found in David’s company was moat dangerona, so he cleverly planned a sign by which he could make known to David Saul’s attitude and purpose. We prove our friendship by warning those who are exposed to danger. David’s heart responded by pledging fidelity to ’Jonathan's seed forever. This pledge was faithfully carried out by David (II Sam. 9:7, 8). Concern ing re ROUND T^IP EXCURSION FARES —I ATLANTIC CITY ■ -l : —AND— . ■ v NIAGARA FALLS ’ The following round-tnp fares will apply from Stations shown below: From to Atlantic City _ to Niagara Falla. BARNWELL* $26.40 I $36.25 CAMDEN — 22.95 82JO COLUMBIA __ 24.15 ... 84.00 DENMARK 26.35. ... 1 38.20 ORANGEBURG ... . 25.96.— 35.80 -—- Proportionate fares from intermediate points. TICKETS GOOD FOR 18 DAYS INCLUDING DATE OF SALE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Selling dates : via. P. R. R. June 21, July 5, 19, August 2, 16, 3,; via B. and O. June 29, July 13, 27, August 10, 24, Sept 7. * - Excursion; fares as above apply via. Norfolk, Va. Reduced round*