S t* D. OUphant Author of The following new* item from The Bamberg Herald will be read with in* target by the friends, of Mr*. A. D. Oliphant, who is pleasantly remem bered in Barnwell as Miss May Simms, 4i daughter of (the late Mr. W. Gilmore Biawns, fer many year* Cleric of Court for Barnwell County: Designed for use in the grammar school grades to give the children of South Carolina ajfepoader and deeper knowledge of their State, Mrs. Mary C. Simms Oliphant, of Greenville, has written the South Carolina Reader, which, profusely illustrated, is just from the press. •* Mrs. Oliphant, who is editor of Simms’ history of South Carolina, aays in the preface to her new work: M One big object of education is to prepare students for intelligent and useful citizenship. Every young man and young woman have two hard problems that they must face early irt life: the first is the selection of their vocation, and the other i* the choice of the locality in which they will live . .... It is wise to teach pupils, who are changing from child hood to manhood and womanhood, abut basal economical and industrial conditions of their own communities. They should learn of the State’s resources and how to . conserve Staite’s resources a nd how to conserve them; of Its opportunitiae and how to g*Mp thorn; and of its industriin and how thoy operaU.” In compiling The SoutlT Carolina Reader, Mrs. Oliphant has* had this thought in mind, as is apparent fr>m even a superficial examination of her work. The author may haye been de pended upon to give the historic toufch “T - * * to her reader, which she has done in a most pleasing and effective manner. The first chapter deals with South Carolina os, the first visitors saw it, and there Tffe chapters dealing with the South Carolina Indians and with South Carolina’s glorious past. But not too much stress has been laid upon historial values. The State’s mineral resources, trade conditions of the past, present and future, field 'crops, diver- sifiea farming, old and new ways of travel, the State’s rivers, the story of cotton manufacturing in the State, manufacturing industries, the birds and the trees and the literature of the State all form intensely interesting chapters.’ The author gives evidence of having realized that history does not teach all that the children of South Carolinians should know about ttidir State, of its great opportunities for development and of their individual opportunities as workers and as citi zens. No one, young or old, can peruse the pages of the South Carolina Reader and not learn a great dael of value about the State—without, in fact, knowing his or her State, better and A» t soplimentary text book. The South Carolina Reader will prove ita own recommendation and its use in the school room as such will undubted- Jy prove helpful and beneficial in the proper training of South Carolina youth. . • • -J ■ ♦ wi. ■e*-; — f \ 'n rv \ FIX BAY9NETS! homasan, Jr. Syndhefe Aro. \ ■ Mi t • W - V jWFAYBE you saw “What Price Glory” or “The Big Parade,” the most talked about stage play and movie of the war. Here is what Laurence Stallings, the author of both, and himself an officer who saw plenty of fighting, says about the story written by Capt Thomason: .’“Fix Bayonets!* is, in the opinion of many of us who ought to know, the finest account of their sons in hat- tie which the American people have received in thdr sometimes military history.** Wctake pkanm ia annomciiig this Epic si the War as a Serial in V* — TO-DAY GtRtS NCVEft OSBD TO THINK. OF TMK THINGS’ TWCT DO TO- TJAYt-THAT* VJKVTVEY DlDbfT'DO 70 - 5a, . Tin Happlwt Hmm. The bapplmt, swcetMt, homes are not tbom where there has been no aorroW. but thoae which have been overshadowed with grief , and where Christ's comfort was accepted. -J. B. Miller. Rsmd Y<^ur BibU Read your Bible. Mke It the first aornlog business of your life to uo- derstand some portioo of It clearly, and your dally business to obey it in all that, you do understand.—Ruslan. INSURANCE WINDSTORM' PUBLIC LIABILITY ACCIDENT - HEALTH SURETY BONDS AUTOMOBILE' THEFT Calhoun and Co. P. A. PRICK, Manager. NOTICE OF SEIZURE AND SALE. * B usinesc fildero Startling Price Reductions at Lemon Bros., Inc., For The Next Two Weeks AH Men’s Walk-Over Shoes Setting at $6 to $8 reduced to only $5 25 Men’s Lumber Jackets „ ( __»6.00 values now T * 4 - 65 v v $5.00 values now f J Children’s Lumber Jackets, $2.75 quality 4210 Children’s Lumber Jackets $1.50 quality BRADLEY SWEATERS $6.50 grade $4.00 $5.00 grade t*- 90 $4.00 grade $3.25 7 ^ W Men’s Overcoats, wonderful values from Oregon City Woolen Mills —— $25.00 grade now $10.7 S $18.50 grade now $14.75 $17.50 grade now $13.75 Men’s Suits some with two pants $32.50 suits now — $26.75 $29.50 .'iuits now ___i $23.75 i $27.50 suits now $21.75 $25.00 suits now $19.75 $22.50 suits now $17.75 COME TO SEE US. LEMON BROS, INC BARNWELL, - - - - - S.C. State of South Carolina, Barnwell County. The undersigned Chief of Police of the Town of Barnwell has this day levied upon and seized the real and personal property hereinafter describ ed of the parties hereinafter named, and will self the same on the 7th day of February, at 12 o’clock noon on the said day, or as soon thereafter as convenient, in front of the Court House at Barnwell, S. C., to the high est bidder for cash, subject to the restrictions of law. The proceeds of said sales to be applied to the pay ments due the Town of Barnwell for taxes sad oosts: PROPERTY OF I. E. AND J. O. BLACK as follows: All that certain lot of land, with improvements there on, in the Town of Barnwell, S. C., bounded on the North by Academy Street; East by lot of T. A. Holland: South by lot of James H. Lancaster, and on the West by lot of John Hogg. ALSO: PROPERTY OF ESTATE OF S. F. HAIR AS FOLLOWS: All those six ceitain lots of land in the Town of Barnwell, S. C., bounded on the North by property now or formerly of Susie Creech and known as jail lot; Mrs. Fairy Belle Attaway, Mrs. S. R. Good- son and G. W. Halford; East by property of S. W. Blanton; South by Academy Street, and on the. West by property of Mrs. Rosa Buist. GEORGE W. PEEPLES, Chief of Police. Barnwell, S. C., 18th day of Jan. 1927. WANTED. — White and Yallow Shelled Corn and Choice Sweet Poto toes. Quote, price cn large lota.— Sterling Flour and Grain Co., Whole sale Grocers, Greenwood, S. C. l-27-2tp. . FOR RENT.—Seven-room house, in desirable residential section of town of Barnwell, ell modern conveniences, garden, etc. Apply to Mrs. U S. Hair, 1944 Walton Way, Augusta, Ga. l-2712tc. LOST OR STRAYED.—One dark iron gray mule, with white mouth; blind in right eye: Finder please notify Henry Houston, in care of Mr. Leon Moore, at SneJling/ FOR SALE— 2000 Bundles Sound Fodder at 2 cents per pound.—T. B. Ellis, Jr., Lyndhurst, S. C. 3t.c FOR RENT.—Six room apertment, with bath; conveniently located to business section of Barnwell. Apply to Miss Lena Cave, Barnwell, 8. C. FOR SALE. — Several hundred thousand feet of pine timber, located about a mile and a half from Kline. For further information addiess Mrs. L. A. Beat, Barnwell, S. C. 1-20-tfc SHERIFFS SALE. I State of South Carolina, County.of Barnwell. THE STATE ear*'——■— ESTATE OF P. J. HIERS Under and by virtue of a Tax Exe cution to me directed by J. B. Arm strong, Treasurer of Barnwell County, I have this day levied upon and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, be tween the legal hours of sale in front of the Court House at Barnwell, S. C., on Monday, the 7th day of February, this being Salesday in said month, the following described real estate: Six hundred and Twenty (620) acres of land and buildings-thereon in Dunbarton school district, and bounded as follows: on the North by lands of Mrs. F. H. Cater ;East by lands of Mis. L. X. Owens; South by lands of Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., and on the West by Dunbarton-Meyer’s Mill road and lands of Mrs. L. X. Owens. T~~'' ' ' Levied upon and sold to satisfy the above Execution and Costs. BONCIL H. DYCHES, . Sheriff, B. C. Barnwell, S. C., 19th day of Jan. 1927. NOTICE OF DISCHARGE. • * ■ Notice is hereby given that I will file my final account with the Hon. John K. Sneiling, Judge of Probate for Barnwell County, as administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Sallie Ross, on Saturday, the 12th day of Feb ruary, 1827, and petition the said Court for an Order of Discharge and Letter* Dismisaory. , Dr. O. D. Hammond, Admr. of the Estate of Mrs. Sallie A. Roes. Barn wall, S. C., Jaw 14, 1W7. l-2Q-4tc. FOR SALE.—One half-horse power electric motor in fine condition; for A. C. cunent, 110 void. Also one Fairbanks Morse two-horse power gasoline engine and one H. P Internationel gasoline engine. Will sell cheap. Apply at The People-Sen- tinel office. C. O. D. CABBAGE PLANTS— Millions ready; extra early and frost proof; 600 fdV 60 cents; $1 per thou sand. — Stokes Plant Co., Fitz gerald, Ga. l-6-8tp . . FOR SALE>—Frost Proof -Cabbage Plants, grown in the open air, all early varieties. By parcel post: 200, 75c; by express collect: 500, $1.25; 1,000, $2.00. Lettuce plants, 30c per hundred. These are fancy plants. Will ship day order is received. Cash with order. Send check, money or der, cash or ore and two cents stamps. —Dr. C .N. Burckhalter, Barnwell,' S. C. t4-l-27. NOTICE OF DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that I will file my final account as. JBxeqvitor of the Will of G. W. Boylston. on Febru ary, 29th, 1927, with the Hon. John K. Sneiling, Judge of the Probate Court, for Barnwell County, and pet. : i5n f->.id Court for a n Order of DUcha r ge and Letters Dismissory. ’ E. F. BOYLSTON, Executor of the Will of G. W. Boylston. Barnwell, S. C., Dec. 31st, 1926. l-6-27-4t. For Sale CUCUMBER SEED We otter for sale the genuine “THE HENDERSON”* Cucumber Seed i original 1 pound printed bags: 1 to 5 pounds ft $1.25 per pound. 5 to 25 pounds at $1.15 per pound. 25 to 1M pounds at $1.M per pound. IH pounds at $5 cents per pound. SIMON BROWN’S SONS BLACK YILLE, - - - 8. C Speciah $1.25 Short for 59c These 24 Kent Gold Plated Jewel Boh Shears will cut as Long as you lire Nothing i* so aggrevat- ing—so destructive of valuable material — so wasteful of time and patience, aa a pair of dull shears — these ■hears do away forever wRb worry—the secret lies in the patent turn jewel bolt and automat ically replaces the edge every time you close them. • s' These shears are built for aerv^e as well aa rjunability — made of the very highest grade steel—they are highly tempered, with carbon ized cutting edge. Three sizes—six and eight ln?h, also ladies’ hair bobbing shears heavily nickled. Get one of each. V COUPON This coupon and 59c en titles the bearer to one regular standard high- class jewel bolt shears. Three size* to choose from —get one of each size. Name i_ll P. O. State R. F. D. Mail orders add 5c for postage- Farmers Union Mercantile Co. Barnwell, S. C. Expert Auto Greasing The next time your automobile needs greas ing, drive around tp our garage and have it greas ed the expert way by experts. We have just in stalled a high-pressure greasing system, with rack, and are now prepared to give your car the attention along this line that it needs and 1 de serves. We know EVERY bearing about an auto mobile that should be greased—and when—and with this new equipment we can . put the right grease to the right spot. And don’t forget that we sell Standard gaso line and Polarine motor oils. _