The Barnwell people-sentinel. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1925-current, October 14, 1926, Image 5

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>AY, 14m itai. •w. *1 - * \ as near as TurlHephom Next time your battery needs recharging, call us, Our number is 130. We are equipped to give you ONE DAY SERVICE ON BATTERY CHARGING Saving you money on rental batteries and giving your own battery, a better, longer-lived charge than possible with old 2 or 3 day charging. Try our one-day service. PERFECTION BATTERIES GUARANTEED for 1 YEAR $13.50 * ALSO OLD BATTERIES REPAIRED P. H. OWENS' GARAGE Horses & Mules I take pleasure ip advising my friends throughout the county that I have a number of good, sound, all-purpose MULES on hand and will sell them at prices in keeping with the timps. 1 also have a few BROODMARES. When in need of good work animals, look at what I have to offer. , J. B. Morris BIG Rexall One-Cent Sale -AT- De a son’s Drug Store Barnwell, i • • s. c. 0 Thurs., Fri. and Saturday October 14th, 15th and 16th - * a ■ ' j . ■ , - ST Here’s the Idea: Purchase any Rexall article in the store for the regular price and we will sell you another for One Cent. For example, if the article selected retails for 25 cents, we will sell you two for 26 cents' A large stock to choose from. DONT RISK FIRE BY HOLDING YOUR COTTON AT HOME ’ .... : •» • Let US Hold It For You Fuliy Insured t V ’C _ * W1ENGES 6 COMPANY ,V < - ■ - - - i Cotton Factors AUGUSTA GEORGIA iii ■ — ZZ?£F7.J£". Th. i.'i ^ >jiere and ^/iereaoouts Tboiw Us the Names of Your Vlsiton, or Other Items of Local ‘ ■ - - . . ■ * V 5 t.. *. > ' Interest for Thie Column The days lose 13 minutes in sur.- shke this week. Mrs. Lewis King, of Beaufort, ; s visiting relatives and friends here this week. “The Cinderella Man” at the ■Vamp N Theatre Friday evening at 8:00 .o’clock, Oct. 15th. T ' • ' Mrs. R. A. Easterling and daugh ter, of Denmark, were the guests of Barnwell relatives last week. Mh A. W. Knight, of Bamberg, was a business visitor here Tuesday. He is gathering data for a booklet adver tising this section, which will be published in the near future by the Edisto Public Service Co. of Den mark, for distribution in the North and West. Mr. and Mrs. G. Norman Snelling, of Miami, Fla., are visiting relative in Williston and Barnwell this week. Soldier Branner a nd Tom O’Rourke .boxed eight rounds to a draw at the ,Lyric Theatre in Blackville Thursday ,night. v Dr. Hugh R. Murchison, of Colum bia, will conduct' services at the Barn- •vell Presbyterian Church Sunday af ternoon at four o’clock. Mrs. Marion Gaines and little daughter returned to Columbia Mon. day afternoon after a visit to the formei’s father, Mr. Frank Cave. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Holland, Mrs. Meyer, Miss Katherine and Master Lawson Holland will leave tomorrow (Friday) for Augusta to attend the marriage of Miss Sadie Reece ar.d Mr. Paul Dunbar Otis, the ceremony to be performed at the Green Street Presbyterian Church on Saturday. NOTICE OF DISCHARGE. T . . Notice* is hereby given that I will file my final return with the Hon. Jno. K. Snelling, Judge of Probate, for Barnwell County, upon the 6th day of November, 1926, and petition the said Court for an Order of Discharge and Letters Dismissory, as Executrix of the Will of July Sanders. Febby Sanders, , Executrix of the Will of July Sanders. Barnwell, S. C., Oct. ll, 1926. 10-14-4t CITATION NOTICE. Mrs. R. S. Dicks and children an.i Miss Hutto were among those fr« m Barnwell who went up to Columbia Friday to attend the performance of “Rjee-Marie.” ' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Holland, of Spartanburg, are expected to arrive in Barnwell next Monday for a visit to Mr. and Mjs. T. A. Holland and other relative*. The many friends of Mrs. Sallio Nab will N be sincerely glad to know that k}* i* rapidly recovering from her lecent severe illness and it is hoped that she will soon lie out aga'hv Mr. Aarm Sapiro, the forem >st marketing expert of the world, will speak at Aiken thi* I Thursday) morn ing at ten o’clock on the cotton situa tion. The public is invited and urged to hear him. Ice cream M ; d cake will lie sold at the Long Branch school house tomor row (Friday) evening at seven o’clock, the proceed* being for the .wnefit of the school. The public is cordially invited to attrod. State of South Carolina, County of Barnwell. By John K. Snelling, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS. Necie Mae Creech, hath made suit to me to grant unto her Letters of Administration of the E: tcte of end effects of Bill Creech. _ THESE ARE, THEREFORE, to cite and odmonkh all and singular the kindred and creditors of the savl Bill Cicvch. deceased, that they bo and appear before me. in* the Court of Probate, to be held at Barnwell on Saturday. October 16th next, after publication thereof, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administra tion sho tld not be granted. Given under my hand this 4th day <if October, A. D. t 1926. JOHN K. SNELLING, Judge of Probate. Published on tKe 7th day of Octo ber, 1926, in The Barnwell People- Sentinel. ( Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt McNah have returned to Orlando, Fla., and Mr. pnd Mm. Robert McNab to Orange- ,buig, after spendkg some time in Barnwell at the bedside of their mother, Mrs. Sallie McNab. Missc* Amelia McNab, of Barr* w:il, uud Fannie Mims, of St. Georve, memb. ,• a of the Abbeville schcol faculty, arrived in Barnwell last week for a visit to relatives and friends, their school being closed on account of an. Epidemic of diphtheria. Mrs. Harry D. Calhoun and son, Mr. Duncan Calhoun, went up to (Columbia Sunday to the bedside of Mrs. L. M. Calhoun, who was carried a" hospital there last week for treatment. Her husliard. Col. Hariy D. Calhoun, and Messrs. Brown Cal houn, of Barnwell, and W. B. Cal houn, of Allendale, were called to Columbia Monday by the distressirg news that the attending physicians had adnndoned hope of her recovery. Save Your Eyes Relieving eye-«train headaches and Wurred vision with optical glasses ig my specialty. v/ ’ »■ - v . ** • All W or! 'truaraateed. P. W. Stevens Optometri* a^ Optician Oriea ta Jewelry Store . I2i Barnwell, 8. C. LOST.—One suit case between Blackville and Denmark. Finder please retain, to Rev. J. H. Strong, Ulmers, S. C. * He. FOR SALE.—Native grown Ful- ghum seed oats, bright and sound; also Abruzzi seen! rye grown on my farm from pedigreed seed direct from Coker.—B. F. Anderson, Dunbarton, S. C. 10-14-tf. SEEDS FOR SAL E:—Crimson clover, over 98 per cent pure, $10 per bushel. Red Clover $18 per bushel. Alaike, $15 per bushel. Grim Alfalfa, $22 per bushel. Our grim is very hai-dy^ ai.d worth much more. In clude $1 per acre for Inoculation. Fall sowing is best. Order now and you will not regret it. If in need of other seeds, WTite your wants. Calla way ar.d Gpines Farms, Atlanta, Ga. 10-7-10tc. FOR SALE:—A good three-burner New Perfection kerosene oil stove in first class condition.—Apply to Mrs. Julia B. Easterling.* FOR SALE:—Sallie Dicks’ Place, 102 acres in Aiken County on Bush’s Station public road 1-8 mile North from Bush’s Station and 30 miles fiom Aiken, adjoining lands of Brink- f^y, Alexander, Bonar, Bush and Lowman. For terms write Mortgage Department, State - Planters Bank and Trust Company, Richmond, Va. JUST RECEIVED.—A suuply of Real Estate Titles and Mortgages.— The People-Sentinel office, Barnwell. KOD AKERS'. * *' • 'Jt Send yon* films to oa for dqiclop' log and printing. Ode day toHko. Write for prieos. LoUar’f Studio 1423 Maio Street COLUMBIA SOUTH CAROLINA We seA Eastmao Films J. t>rn> la. a prescripts#* Kt MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER, DENGUE OR B1LLIOU8 FEVER. It Kills the Germa. ‘>. MONEY TO LOAN Loan* made tame day application received* No Red Tape HARLEY & BLATT. Attomeys-at-L&w Barnwell S. C. BABY CHKX8 FOR Purebred White Baby Chicka, English 98.75 per hundred, poet paid. Anconas, the Sheppard strata, best layers, fill par hundred. - Rhode Island Radar -boat Tot meat. 111 per hundred. Plymouth Rocka, |18 per hundred. - ' All good heefthy strong pore- tared chicks guaranteed, We pay postage charges and guar antee live delivery. If . any dead, taka a statement from your Poat Master. J THE DIXIE HATCHERY liberty, S. C. T r-. . , _____ J* rairbanks-Morse Engines y We have recently taken over the distribution of this well known line and your orders will be appreciated. X Owners of Y Engines can now be assured of good X service if they will send us at once size of their engine and X serial number. I ♦Is J. W. Smoak Hardware Co. - - e , * **■ . Orangeburg S. C. : t ❖ Important Announcement Vickery Bros. While Adam and Eve fell for an apple, it might be a source of satis faction to them to know that their dependants have fallen for APPLE SAUCE ever since. Most of us still like it if “spread” in a reasonable manner.. We have an IMPORTANT AN NOUNCEMENT to make and that ia that a new record has bee reestablished by the PHILACO BATTERY. This is atributed to its supreemely sturdy construction, doable strength pistes and non corrosive interior. A Philico battery in yaur car means better ser vice. all-round. Barnwell, S. C. PHU *° He Got What He DeservecT “Dwnpesey’s lost his punch,” said a spectator in a ringside (?) seat i beybnd the three-mile limit. “Yes, and I’ve lost my shirt,” said the fel- ;. low sitting next to him. What a difference a few minutes makes! Before the fight G;-ue Tun- fiey wasn’t even “comfortably fixed.” Thirty minuteg later he could have mortgaged his financial furtune for a couple, of million without leaving the ring. T^e surest a*d safest way to be come “comfortably fixed” is to start *• a savings account and we don’t know of a better place to make the start than THE HOME BANK of BARN WELL. The start once made—well, you’d be surprised at the proportions it will assume iA a few years. ■ 1 < HOME BANK OF BARNWELL