A * . '•' THE BARNWELL PEOPLE-SENTINEL, BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1920. ASK ENGLAND. GOOD PAY; WORKERS. // The latest and most Intimate picture of our White House family taken New Year's Day when son John was home from school. Rob Roy and Miss Prim, white collies, are now very much a part of the family circle. In Memoriam. Many friend* throughout Barnwell and adjoining counties were sadden ed by the news of the death of Mr. George William Hoyieston a t his home in Blackville on December 17, 1^25, ngwd 83 years. His body was laid to rest the foUowiirg^TTay - in the Blackville cemetery, the funeral ser vices beinj* conducted by the Rev. L. H. Miller in the presence of H large concourse of sorrowing relatives and sympathetic friends. Mr. Boylston was born at Black ville February 27th. 184.1, his parents l>eing Austin and Mary (Reed) Boyls ton. He acquired his early educa- , . • i ^ leaves to his family the priceless hor- tion in what is now Barnwell < ounty 1 and at the age of 18 years enlisted Mr. Boylston was married three times, his first wife being Miss Fan nie Crum, daughter of the Rev. ‘Lewis Crum. After her death he married Miss Carrie Riley. His third wife, who survives him, was Mrs. Kmma Reed. He is also sur vived by one daughter, Mrs. G. F.. Hair, of Bamberg, and one son, Mr. E. F. Boylston, of Blackville, four grandchildren and two great-grand children, who have the sympathy of hosts of friends in their bereavement. Thus passes to his reward another gallant soul from the fast-thinning ranks of gray-dad heroes who fought so nobly for the Lost Cause. He in the Confederate Array- In fact, h,. had a double enlistment to his credit, as the first company he joined did not attain its full ouota, and, therefore, in Sentember. iMil, he en listed in Com pan'' B, Second K» gi- miiit, Heavy Artillery, under Col. Tom Lamar, who annointed him ord nance sergeant He received his baptism of fire on lime Hi. 1SC>2, in an engagement in whi. b 11 of his comrade weie ki'led or wounded. He seemed to h;>\> I’eM a charmed life, as the story of his evploits ilurin*; the war lead more life t'utio’i than grim reality. H< \vi - the last sii' viving member of the migimil Battery. At the (lose nf tl*.. war. Mr. Boyls ton. who w:i' in North. ( polin i at the time of the sii'irndei. f turned to Blackville iind-e,j voted him-e!f to fatmiro ||e v u;. - the ti'st school trustee unpointed no the Hdido I’iyer after the War IV tween the State', tmbbnr -that Otf : e foi^ nianv^ v.*****- finally re-iynim’' io favor of a neph- ■ew. He was a i'ke allowed enough space in vour coli -nn to go over a little ground still uncovered in this article, coheerninj tUis popular game bird. He states that hawks, among other | enemies to quail, should be killed. I I would like to add that this killing of hawks should be done with judg ment, as some of them are much more beneficial than harmful. Hie laige old field haw ks destroying more •lodcnts than birds, so it-is possible for :• good many useful birds to be I The railroad trainmen, hundreds 0 of thousand* of faithful workers, ask for better pay, and ought to get it « Railroads, protected by govern ment, enjoy prosperity. Steadily increasing, they - should divide prosperity with the men that do the work through the nights in cold andlrain, when those that col lect dividends are asleep. All Americans, especially busi ness men and money makers, should demand that good workmen get their fair share of national prosperity. The rich man can get only his . rhare of what the average man has to spend. - l* -■ U it* if 4 A F.O.B. Detroit Yf Runabout $260 Yt Touring- . 290 Coupe - . 520 Fordor Sedan 660 Alt prleta f. •. k. DttroU Clo—d taw la color. Demountable rim* and •tartar i Here is a cosy, five-passenger dosed car berilt to the highest Sedan standards. The whole family will enjoy the Ford Tudor Sedan in all weather. Examine such features as the strong all-steel body, durable finish, large, weH-bcnlt seats and attractive upholstery. Ask the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer to show you the Tudor Sedan and «plaln the easy terms on which it may be purchased. ,* - Williston Man’s Father Dead. Government figures show that from lf*20 to 1D2I, “automobile* killed fi0,ts7<> men, wgmen and chil dren.” And in 1924 the “death roll” numbered 15, 528. Calculated to give the false and MadtU. con- vrmrnr purcKai* Itrmi and new tow prices. S I 90 up plus a slight iharge for freight and in- Kaftation. Frigidaire Means SAFE Refrigeration Frigidaire electric refrigeration - automatically maintains a low temperature that keeps all foods fresh until you’re ready to use them. It makes you inde pendent of outside ice supply and protects the health of your family. See Frigidaire demonstrated. Ask for details of our con- * venient purchase plan. • Williston Hardware Co Williston, S. C. ELEcrmc REFRIGERATION killed uhU *s rnrei^ Tliken, _Tlj^ KtmlF :r" ‘WBer. tt^rniVh on“ the railroad Of the sixty-odd thousand idlieil in five years some were the vic tims of stupid, reckless or drunken drivers, some ' of incom petents. The greater number killed were victims of tReir < n carelessness, commonly described as “jay-walk ing.” ■W hffivKs doing the most harm are the Cooper's haw!;, commonly known as blue darter, and the shaip shinned. ! or pigeon hawk. The scarcity'of quail this season is; attributed to the long drought of the j past summer. This is no doubt in part true, but unscrupulous hunting with automatic shotguns since that I -dest:uctive arm iame into being, has* i no (kiubt done mol e harm than ill- i most any other factor in the case, j The automatic shotgun is the weapon of the game hog, not the sportsman, j and w hen i he hunter boasts trf—hxTWT many he kills on one rise, he is mere- 1 ly advertisiiA;' the fact that he is' very sir rt-s giitcd in regiird to his | next hunt The automatic is a mur-j deious we; non. ami should he ostra-j cised from tin' sporting world. Ifj .nn n wou'd only dodheir part towards ; cor.sei vation, and be content with ji I mnderato bag, it would do more good ] than ninny other protective measures. We have a longer season on. quail than on most other game birds, and ] they are among the most scarce. I will greatly appreciate the publi cation of this article, in the interest of oui |>eerless game bird, the Bob- white quail. ' ’ Samuel II. Gantt. Lyndlmrst, S. C. . . track is killed, nobody blames th locomotive or suggests suppress ing railroads. The signs reed, “Stop, look and li.-den,” amh^irec'p olf the tracks.” w' " The Colorado River, put t( work and used, will ’add hundreds of millions yearly to the wealth of the I'nited States. It will supply several Western Stales with more than a million horsepower, and 1 irrigation sulli-. cient to provide food for. tens of millions of human beings. The real wealth and future hap- pingjo- of Hrts cou111ry wTTT^gain from this'single jiroject of science and constructive statesmanship more benefit than it would from finding gold mines unlimited. t - John Hulbert killed MO human beings, his total profit on the kill ings being $18,200. His line is not that of the ojMmary lu'hlu'p- man for he is Sing Sing’s publiu executioner,. aryJL each ' time he straps a man into the chair the State pays $110. It seems easy, $110 for work that lasts half an hour.* But ' killing causes strain ■prj the nerves, so Mr. Hulbert re tires. Some one else cm have the $110 job. 4-—v- XotocaCtc Above ia “Eddie” Cudahy, who when a youngster was kidnapped by the notorious “Pat” Crowe and held until a $25,000 ransom was paid by Cudahy Sr. Edward, Jr., now 40, j* president of the $75.- 000.000 Cudahy Packing C-.- •Uivuig as bUU-i* Monrr bark without qtiMtion Ilf HUNTS GUARANTEED SKIN niSEAaE REMEDIES I (Hunt'* Salv« ■nd'Sbop), fall In the treatment of Itch, Bcsaana. (Uncworm.Tatter or other Itch ing akin diaaaiica. Try Usm UMuaaat at ocr risk. Wm. McNAB Representing •/. , FIRE. HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. a Personal attention given all business Office in Harrison Block, Main St a * . BARNWELL, B. C. n ten years of value leadership, Hudson Super-Six perform ance, quality and price advan tage have never*been so out standing as today. • *•' 4 The Goach +ias iong tieen ac knowledged the“ W orld’ sGreat- " est Buy*’, because of its utility, performance and value. Now among luxurious cars, the beau tiful Brougham and the Sedan give Hudson the same un- x rivalled position among lux urious cars. They have all the distinction of finest custom built cars, with a price advantage based on the world’s largest production of 6-cylinder cars. W. D. HARLEY, The Coach ^ <■ ✓ Thfe Brougham • $ 1450 . •*' * ' a 7-Pass. Sedan - - 1650 Freight and Tax Extra These cars may be purchased for a low first payment and convenient terms on balance. s. c. a:. .. r