CONGRESS HEARS RRbOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT TRANSPORTATION, PROHIBITION AND FARM CREDITS PLACED TO THE FOREFRONT. DELIVERS ADDRESS IN PERSON VI tesuts of Arms Conference and ties tc Critics-List of Recom nlenc4ations for Short Session. Waslington. - The transportation situation, prohibition enforcemont and farm credits were placed to the forefront among the national prob lems pressing for solution in the an. nual address of President Harding, made in person, to the Congress of the United States. President Harding also took occa slion to r~ply directly to those whon he said itail assumed that the Unit--d States had taken itself "aloof and apart, unmindful of world obligations." He declared these gave "scant credit" for the "helpful part" America had assumed in international relatin3, re ferring particularly to the arms con ference. Of the prohibition situation, the exe cutive asserted there were conditions of enforcement "which savor of na tion-wide scandal." He made no rec ommendations on this score, but an nounced his purpose to call an eart/ conference of the governnors of the states and territories with the fecr,-l authorities to formulate definite poli cies of national and state co-operaticu in the administering of the laws. Transportation. Declaring there was no problem ex. ceeding the importance of the one of transportation, Mr. Harding told Con gress there was need to begin on plans to co-ordinate all the transportation facilities-rail, water and motor. As to the relief of the railrod problem, he suggested merger of lines. Turning to the recent railroad strike, the President proposed that the federal tribunal dealing with dis putes between the carriers and their workers to be given ample authority to enforce its decisions. He voiced a preference for abolition of the rail road labor board and tho placing of its functions under an enlarged inter state commerce commission. Should the decision be to continue this board in existence, however, he suggested that the partisan member ship be abolished to the end that the tribunal be impartial and the head quarters moved from Chicago to Wash ington, so there might be direct 'con tact with the commission. The only specific recommendation of the executive for enactment of leg islation at this, the short session of Congress, related to the permanent establishment of widened farm cred its. Other Recommendations. Registration artheJvumendslh .... Other recommendations included!: Registration of aliens,. More rigid examinations of emi gpants at embark~ation ports. Federal assistance in the education of aliens. A constitutional amendments giving Congress authority over child labor. A constitutional amendlment re stricting the issue of tax-exempt se curities by the federal government. the states, municipalities and coun tries. A study by Congress of the wide spread between production costs and prices to consumers. The survey of a plan to dIraft all the resources of the nation, human and material, for national defense. A fostering interest by the national governament in constructive measures calculated to promote the unification of steam, water and electric powers in the eastern industrial region. Favorable consideration of reclama tion and irrigation projects where the waste land may be made available for settlement and productivity. Co-operation betweenu the federal government, the various states and the owners or forest lands to the end that protection from fire should be made more effective and rep~lanting encouraged. With this session limited to less than three months, there was a gen eral realization that Congress could deal between now and March 4 with only one or two of -en the most im portant of the problems presented by the President. To what extent this situation would bear on the ultimate decision of Mr. Hlarding as to an extra session of the new Congress was a matetr of some conjecture at the cap itol. Lead' )r of the agricultural groups in tihe kouse and senata are determin ed that one recommendation of the executive-the dealing with farm Credits-shall' be translated into law~ at this session. They also are lpar. ticula-rly anxious that there shmould be some solution of the railroad prob loin that..would bring about rates, hui1 Chairman Cumnmins, of the senate in terstatq commerce committee, said comprdhensive legislation along the ' lines recommended by Mr. Hardinj could not be had at this session. The Call to a Life of Faith ' By REV. J. R. SCHAFFER Director of lEvoning Classes, Moody Bible institute. Chicago. TEXT-Dy faith Abraham, when he was called-obeyed.-Heb. 11:8. The art gallery of God's Word is hung with the most wonderful master pieces of history and biography, of poetry and proph ecy. One of the most interesting rooms contain a S.the portraits of faith's heroes. It is quite difficult in a study of these to determine which I s t h e greatest. The fact is each one seems to illustrate a dif ferent virtue of godly living. The pen pictures of Abraham furnish most interesting and profitable study for us today. Many chapters are nec essary to set forth the life of faith eXeiipiled in the one who earned the divine designation, "The Father of the faithful." We shall endeavor to em phasize several phases of the life of faith in succeeding sermons. We begin with "The Call to a Life of Faith." There are only two positions for the soul in its relationship to God-faith or sight. "We walk by faith not by sight" is an inescapable differentiation of God's Word. One or the other-a "by faith" or a "by sight" life. The sight position is the sense posi tion. It is the pursuit of the material -satisfied with things that perish ; a life gulded by natural reason. Faith is the opposite. It is "the evidence of things not seen, the substance of things hoped for"-a life which can only find its pleasure in God, taught by His Word, and guided by His Spirit. It was to a life of faith that Abra ham, a Chaldean prince, was called. The glory of Go appeared td' him, living in the blaze of material splendor. He obeyed and went out into an unknown land, simply trusting in the God who had promised. Many times since Abraham's far away day has the vision appeared and the call sounded. To Moses, keephig sheep in Midlan; to Elisha, plowing in the field ; to Isaiah, ministering in the temple ; to Amos, gathering fruit at Tekoa ; to Peter, washing fishing nets; to Matthew, col lecting taxes; to Saul of Tarsus, bent on persecution. To Cromwell, from his farm; to Luther, from his monas tery cell; to Carey, from the cobbler's bench ; to Moody, from the shoe store. And, to every man and woman who has heard the Gospel, the vision of God and the voice of God have come, cll ing away from sight to faith. This call involves three things: Separation. We have the very words of the call in Genesis 12:1-3. "Get thee out of thy country, and from the kindred, and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee." He was to sever connections with every phase of' the 01(d life, its habits, its associa tions, its environments. This was to he the tuagie word opening the (loot of failth',; treasure house. God could not iperfect H1Is plant or perform llis pr~omises uintil1 Abra hamt was 1oose from every vestige of the Sense life. This is the key to the Christin life. it ione oipens the* t'ensutre house, The measur of(' ourt sepairationi determines the nebilevementts of' our faith. Sacrifice. Abrahtamu was deeply attached to his kitndred, his home, his native land1(. It wats a tremendous01i teatritng loose from all thle htumn hteart holds (dear. Hie did( not herometi( detached by one act of cuttinig off. Ils kindred wvent with hitm and1( kept htimi in Hat-an, the htalf way place, until Torah, his father, diedi. Still Lot clung to hinm and( causedl him sorr'ow anmd loss until he moved out. One by one the things of tln old1 life mtust go if faith is to be triumphant. It cost his all. lBut this ia the very thing that makes faith precious. Values are al ways dhetermninedc by3 cost. The thin'gs we get for nothing are worth little miore. Dia mond~a are miore precious than dirt, thidrefore cost more. Mant is greater than a sheep-hence he could (only be redeemed at Infinite cost. Sal vatlon is God's free gIft but the ac ceptance of it crucifles us unmto theo world and( the world1 unto us. Sner'l fice is the touchist one of' a living faith. Every 'real adlvance in the lIfe (If faith Involves on altar ont which somte deer fragment of the s(elf-life must (lie, or Isome hit of world possesslin must he offerui up. Oh, how few are willing to pay the price, SubmissIon. Obedience ia not 0only ain act, it is attitudel. Abrahuam wvent out, Hie ma triculated in the school of faith. Many lessons tmulst he learned., Step by step heo must walk, advynncing ?'I'om one plane of experience to another. Test ed,. reproved, encou ra ged, lessed0 un til lie becomews the Friend of God, taken into thte divine contidlence. It is wvorth the cost, the separation and sac rifice to hauve G(od1 aik, "Shalil I hide from Abraham, my friend, this thing that I will (10?" "Ye are my friends if ye (10 wha~tsoever I command you." Are you longintg for real trite friend ship? There is One wito stands at the dloor of your heart anid knocks for ad mission. Will you lot Him in? Draw back the bolt ; fling open wide the doer, anid let Him come in. Then will the life of faith begin and become as a shining light that shineth brighter and brighter unto the perfet ay. MPROVE UNOR RUMATIONM. SiuidaySchool ' LessonV (By REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D.. Teacher of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) Copyright, 1922. Western Newspaper Union. LESSON FOR DECEMBER 17 JESUS AMONG FRIENDS AND FOES LESSON TEXT-Luke 10:38-42: 11:14-54. GOLDEN TEXT-Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.-John 16:14. REFERENCE MATERIAL-Luke 2:34, 36. PP'MARY TOPIC-Jesus in the Home of Fr ands. JUNIOR TOPIC-Jesus Among Friends and Foes. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC -Friends and Enemies,, of Jesus. YOUNG PICOPLE AND A1)ULT TOPIC -Christ's Methods of Dealing With Peo ple. 1. Jesus In the Home of Friends (Luke 10:38-42). There is no place where true charac ter is so clearly revealed as at home. 1. his Reception (v. 38). Martha was the lead of the home, therefore she received him. It would be a fine thing if all homes were open to re ceive Jesus. 2. Mary Sitting at Jesus' Feet (v. 39). She, of fine spiritual discern ment, knew that sitting at the Lord's feet and hearing His Word was that which would please hint most. 3. Martha Cumbered About Much Serving (v. 40). Bloth sisters loved the Lord. It would be impossible to say which loved the more; but Martha was bent on providing a fine meal for Him. She was trying to do so many things that she was on the verge of distraction. This had so completely got on her nerves that she found fault with Jesus for permiting Mary to leave the kitchen to listen to ills teaching. Not only did she criticize her sister and Jesus, but she assumed the authority to comnmand Him to send Mary back to the kitchen to help. 4. Jesus' Answer (vv. 41, 42. (1) Rebuked Martha (v. 41). He did this tenderly, for He knew that she loved lnim sincerely. (2) Defends Mary (v. 42). lie declared that but one thing was needful, and that Mary had chosen that good part whlch could not be taken away from her. II. Jesus Among Foes (11:14-23; 29 82; 37-5-1). 1. Charged With Being in League With the Devil (vv. 1.1-23). Being un willing to receive Himt as the Son of God, and yet unable to account for Ills mighty works, they declared H was casting out demons through Heel. zebub, the chief of demons. Jesum exposed the fallacy of their reasoning by showing that in that case Satat would be arrayed against )himself, ont therefore would destroy his own king dom. 2. Refused to Believe Iis Miracles (vv. 29-32). They asked for a sign to which He replied that they would have a sign from heavers in Iis death and resurrmectin. He reminded them, however, that their request showed unbelief surpassing that of the heath en queeni of the South, and the wicked people of Nineveh. 3. Wickedness D~enounced (vv. 37 54). lie pronomieed six woes up)on those who were opposing IHiln andl( seeking Ills dest ructan. (1) The Ilharisees (vy. :37--4i). These lie deniotunced for (a) pun(-til iriusly obIservingh somet moinute rit er- und ait the same thne brea king thle Ten Comnmandmnents. Th'Iey carefully tit heel the small herbs of the gar-den while pr-acticing injustlee to their fellow meon and wit hholding love fr-om (God, Hie poinited out to thrumi the folly of attending to these e'xternal racts whiile the heart was fitled with i lckedness, (b) Desirinig pub~lic recognition (V, 48). Th is is a common sin todayv, (c) For feigning humility (v. 44-). lie (-olnpiares their- hy-pocrisy to gr-aves which are on a lev-el with the gr-ound and maiy b~e steppedts upon0 unconscious ly by3 soimeonte, and1( thius defiled. We can avoid those w-ho make their van ity known by boasting, butt somle are filled with tils same wickedrness wuho (10 not thus1 make it knowvn. (2) Th'le Lawyv3ers (vv-. 415--1). Jesus strIctutres on tihe hyplvi-lttieaI harri sees aroused tihe la-.yers, one of whonm indignantly dechutred : "You are- insult hng us also." Ini replying to) tils CIhrist paroniolmleud thIiree woes upioni qui rieent upon01 the people to which they, thiemiselve~s would not slumhit (v. 4(1). (b) lfor the0111 mrder of G od't pro~phets (vv. 47-41) . lie showed that their attituttde towarid Him w as the same uhat was shown to the prlopheIts by hI leu- father-s. (i') For) keeping buek the knowledge of Ghod b~y false lnter-preiation of the Scr-ip tures (vy-. 52-54). There is nc wickednmess pierhiaps sQo gr-eat as thart of supp~iosed teachers of God's Word who keep its preclous truths frori time people by iper-verting its nmaning, Seek Ye. lBut soek ye first his kingdom, andl his righeousness ; and all t hese things shall be added unto you. Matthew 0:33. Reaping Iniquity. Ye have plowed wicekedness, ye hawl ,reaped iniquily ; ye have eaten the fruit of lies.--Hosea 10:18. Final Permannce. Character attains final permanence, and final permanence can come but Onea.-Onnh Cooate KEEPING I A CONE AG MaIny diseasse may be described as a e eataib, stomach sand bowel a eatarrh. ht It! Fight catarrh with a reme Meputtion for usefulness extending oer hl DR. I PE Tahets or aLquld The Effect on Him. "Uh-well, sah," related old Brother 3uekaloo, "'twuz enidurli' of de re tival at Ebaenezer chapel. Do house vats rockl' will dehlallelooyers of dle wrands snatched fums de huritll', adll ahson Bagster was eallin' on ils one and d(it one to testif'y 'bout de bless n's dat baid 'scetnded upon him. lie proached po' Blrudder Bobshy, (lilt -andt been 'lillted wid do rleumatiz :wvell he was bent up like ai question mark. "'Te'llus, muhl brudder,' howle~d de ?Ithson, 'what de lawd In his indell :lte mussy halts d1n11 0 did to yU' I' "'(oifount It ! aiin't yo' se? Kroane~d de mtizzible mn, twistin' round twtell he 1o1uild look up Into (de preacheur's face. 'lie's (-) near ruint me !' "'.-Kansais City Star. DYED HER BABY'S COAT, A SKIRT AND CURTAINS WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con .ains directions so simple any woman can :ye or tint her old, worn, faded things new. Even if she has never dyed before, she can 1ut a new, rich color into shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings, everytIhing. Buv Diamond Dyes-no other kind-then perfect home dyeing is guar mnteed. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dye:- never streak, spot, fade or run.-Advertisemeunt. Retribution Impractical. "Wouldn't it he turn about and fai play If you farmers were to organize and ilx prices to stilt yoursl'sve's'' "The proplosit inn so'unds allurin'," re plied Farmiuer ('orntossel. "l's farmi 1rS might as well go alhlai' i1e'In' butisi ness with reausonuable gtl:uranut'es fur' honesty all arotuind. TIe1'r'- no way of Isiuarlin' fa raiers fur all Ile difI'erenI ways wV've ht'n stung uni'ss we can111 Sectlr' a1 jrote'cted m1n111pjdy oni aill gold bricks, bunko and' greesn goods ganes."-Vshington Star. 'ri.}Durini I::. at.i !r.....l plenty :vi. 1ii :" l ithe fa whthe meote phorie is nt - phospi - ~ Recexn Causes Germs nesia, Si Ask for ELL MEANS TANT FIGHT UNST CATARRH itarrhel condition. Couighai, coids, ns e justa few of the very coneaon l due to l of aeerit, a remedy which base a antury' ARTMAN' WU-NA SeWt1 Everyawbeu" All She Could Think Of. One evening, at an eIntertainnent, the mother of a boy In- an algebra elass I taught turned to me and said, "Well, how is the boy getting along?" It was miy honte comnmunity and it happened that I was proud of a baby nephew then three weeks old, and I thought, of course, that she referred to hun. I answered, ".Just ilne; le gnined it potind last week" It didn't take mne long to see that she referred to the progress of her soll in algebra. IF SICK TO TAKE NI "Dodson's Liver, Tone" Strai Salivating, Dangerous Ca You-Don't Lose a Day' I discovered a vegetable compound that does the work of dangerous, slek ening (aloiel and I want every reader of this paper to buy a bottle for a few cents and if it doesn't straighten you up better and